Pass the games journey to the center of the earth. Journey to the Center of the Earth. Journey to the center of Soil

Pick up the blade of the helicopter and open the door to the salon with it. Take the bag (you need to unpack it in your inventory), rope, knife and laptop. Use a screwdriver to remove the first aid kit and unpack it in your inventory. Use a knife to cut the wires that protrude from the shield. Go left to the seashore. Open your laptop, find outgoing messages and send SOS. Return to the helicopter and head right. Use the helicopter blade to move the stone blocking the passage to the cave. In the inventory, light the lighter and use it on the passage.

Meet Adam Coverlier, who needs a polished crystal for his staff. Attention! Be sure to pour water into the flask, otherwise the trigger will not go off later and you will not be able to continue playing. You need to stand here.

Pick up the bone under Ariana's feet and head down the screen. Near the passage into the mine, pick up a sharp shell, in the hall from the nearest box, take a chisel. Return to the street and go across the bridge. Pick up a petrified piece of wood in the lower left corner of the screen, and a rag in the lower right corner of the screen. Examine the tombstones. Examine the headstone by clicking on it with the laptop icon. The second headstone needs to be cleaned by combining a cleaner and a rag. Click on the rock at the back of the screen. Ariana will find a cave with crystals.

Climb the stairs. Use gloves and combine a chisel and a petrified piece of wood. Hit the crystal. Get off and go to the right wall, on which the polishing mechanism hangs. Place the crystal on the stand and click on the bellows. Ariana wonders: how to polish it? Go outside and take a handful of sand (you need to look for an active point in the sand). Pour sand into a jar and press the bellows several times. Take the crystal and mechs.

Return to the mine. Go on so that Ariana says she can't go on - it's too dark. Approach the wheel on the left. Put on gloves and apply the wires and tape you found to the wiring. The wheel should work. Go to the next cave and click on the door.

Head left along the path. At the next location, cut off the mushrooms with a knife. Then move to the right until you see a mushroom with a ladder. Climb the watchtower and meet the lieutenant. He will explain that his partner needs pain medication and a splint. Go down. If you follow the road to the right, in the end, you will get to the suspension bridge. Cut two plates off the thick hemp with a knife. Return to the lieutenant and talk about the bus. If you have poured water into a flask, a line will appear about a pill and a broken furnace.

The forge stands in the depths of the tower. Combine a lighted lighter and a piece of bone. Combine a hardened piece of bone and a sharp shell. Insert the sink with holes into the forge. Attach the bellows to the sink and report to the lieutenant about the forge. When he takes away his partner, bring the table closer and take the map, machete, gunpowder and thin vines. Go to the suspension bridge.

Adam lives behind the bridge. Follow the road with the skulls and return the crystal. Get permission to view your home. Go to the study and take a book from the table. There are also microscopic pieces of wood that you need to take with you. Throw the mushrooms into the bowl and find out that the helicopter pilot escaped and ran away somewhere. There is a locked chest in another corner, and useful paint cans on the table next to the test tubes. Now you need to stand between the rooms so that you can see the bookcase, window and gramophone. From this position, on the left pillar, you will see an amulet. Combine pieces of wood and an amulet. Collect a simple tangram, for example, like this.

You will make the key to the chest. Take the documents rolled up from it, click on the bust of the scientist. Read the information in the laptop. There is nothing more to profit from here, so leave the house and return to the beginning of the road with the skulls. Go left and further - along the second suspension bridge. Go down the rope ladder. Walk down the screen twice and use the machete on the thickets. Pick up cut leaves.

At the next location, a huge tyrannosaurus is sitting, in the back of the screen you can see a railcar. It is clear that the lizard will not let you through voluntarily. Go right. Put a sheet, paint and gunpowder in the hollow of a fallen tree. Tie a leaf with thin vines and set it on fire.

After removing the obstacle, go to the trolley. You will find a small Tyrannosaurus rex, who really wants to jump to the orange fruit hanging on the bush. Pick the fruit and go to the trolley. Open it, put the fruit inside and go to the city.

2. City of Askiam

At the gate, talk to the watchman, who will ask you to fix his camera. In the inventory will be the key to the tower. Without entering the city, go left. Open the tower with the key you received. Inside is a darkroom. Examine the table, turn on the red light. Take photo paper from the stack and place it on the table. Pull the enlarger ring twice. Take the paper and dip it in three trays in turn. Look at the resulting photo (you won't see the big photo, but Ariana will understand that someone is following her).

Go to town and meet Chief Engineer Wallace. The Academy pass and monorail tickets will now appear in your inventory. Go to the bottom of the screen to explore the city. The first branch to the left is the road to the house with a bell tower (this is a communication center). Then you will come to an intersection. The road under the arch leads to the market. A dark stone building on the right is a monorail station, a green house at the back of the screen is a pet shop, the road to the left leads to a pharmacy.

Talk to the owner of the pet store and find out that he needs animal eggs to work. Go to the store and zoom in on the table. Take a recipe book and three punched cards. Press the button under the cash register, exit the zoom and change the angle of view. On the wall, you will find a secret door.

Inside you are waiting for Adam, who came for a potion called Anagra Sil. Take the note about ordering biocardamom from the table. Go to the corner, zoom in on an unfinished stuffed animal of some rhino and pick up a needle. Go outside and go to the pharmacy.

Meet the pharmacist Armanda, but she won't sell anything without a prescription. Open the recipe book and find the Anagra Sil punch card. Combine punched cards and a needle and make a recipe by clicking on the diamonds of the punched cards in the correct order. Give the prescription to the pharmacist, but she will still refuse to sell the medicine. Tell her about biocardamom - now it will finally disappear. Move Ariana to the right, as she is blocking the pharmacy apparatus. Insert the prescription punch card into the slot of the machine and pull the lever. Press the medicine wheel and take the vial. Return to the office of the pet store and in exchange for the medicine you will receive a navigation map from Adam for the flight to the village of giants.

Go to the communications center. Go through the hall, then along the corridor and open the left door. Meet the telegraph operator and get the projector key. Go out into the corridor: the nearest right semicircular door to you is the projector door. Open the door and apply the film you received from Enrique on the projector. Look at the recording (the wars of the 20th century and the agitation to work in the mine), then in the inventory, click on the tape and select "analyze". Ariana will think that the war that everyone is telling her about looks extremely suspicious.

Exit into the corridor and go to the front door. Here you need to figure out to inspect the non-working clock on the wall and report it to the microphone. You will receive an invitation from the Chief Engineer to enter his office. To go up to the Chief Mechanic, you must return to the telegraph operator. In the center of the hall there is an elevator car, the door of which will now become active.

The chief mechanic will tell you that he has lost the calculated coordinates for the monorail control panel. A sheet with coordinates lies below, on the nearest table to the door (where the arched chair is). Return to the Chief Mechanic and enter the coordinates into the console. He will ask to send a telegram. Go down to the telegraph operator and complete the assignment after reading the telegram. Ariana will think that the sudden change in coordinates looks like sabotage. In the center of the table is another telegram, in which the Chief Engineer announces the arrival of Ariana and makes an appointment for someone in the archive.

Go to the market. There is an aircraft to the left of the arch. Meet Gustav, who needs a helium tank and something to patch a hole in a pipe. Find a stall with a large clock here. You need to bring the stall table closer and take the dinosaur skin and grease.

Go to the monorail station. A map will appear, select "Academy" and confirm your choice. In the round hall, go left until you see the view "from the balcony". Below is the door to the laboratory. Chat with Armanda, who will immediately ask you to vacate the room. Exit to the hall, go to the right and find the door to the archive (if you did not communicate with the pharmacist, it will remain locked). Meet the President of the Academy and speak with Wallace. Take a reel of film from the table, zoom in on the electronic form and, pressing the lever, tear off a strip with a list of books that Wallace reads.

Return to the laboratory. Take a file and an iron plate from the table. Combine plate and file. Go to the bottom of the screen and pick up the helium bottle.

Before leaving the city, you need to complete three tasks: look at the found film, fix the camera and get eggs. Watching the tape in the projector room, you will see the edited recording: Ariana smashes the control panel of the monorail.

Go outside the city gates to the darkroom. Apply an iron plate and grease to the camera. You will have a talk with the guard, who will allow to use the railcar. Click on the trolley and return to Adam's house. Go to the office and take the dinosaur eggs. (You will have to go back over the bridge, go down into the jungle and run to the railcar. To go to the city, you need to open the wheel door for the tyrannosaurus.)

Talk to the owner of the pet store about eggs and go to the market.

Click on the basket of the aircraft. Apply a piece of dinosaur skin to the tube, place the helium bottle on the small tube next to the pressure gauge. Apply the navigation map to the center of the square panel.

3. Village of giants

After talking with Gustav, head down the screen. Meet and pick up mastodon wool from the ground. Go to the lower left corner of the screen. You will see an arch protected by a force field. Return to the shepherd and ask him about the arch. He will advise you to leave all sharp objects outside and give you tobacco. Do this by placing a machete or knife to the right of the arch.

In the village, you need to meet the elder, then click at the bottom of the screen and talk to the gardener. He will vaguely explain that he needs a weather forecast for tomorrow. There is a fence next to the gardener, but you cannot get inside yet. Go to the left of the elder's hut and meet the fisherman by giving him tobacco. He will tell you about the bait necessary for fishing (firefly beetle). Talk to him again and find out the weather forecast. Return to the gardener. He will ask to visit the healer to prepare crops. Walk past the meditating peasants through the village and find the healer's hut. After talking with her on all topics, you will receive a protective branch. Zoom into the rack with various bubbles and take the empty sink from the top shelf. The quest of the healer (to bring bitter berries) in the Golden Edition does not need to be completed, since with all the desire you will not be able to pick them. Return to the gardener and report on the sowing spell. Receive a firefly beetle and take it to the fisherman. You will now have a living shell.

It's time to visit the Valley of the Spirits. Follow the road past the healer's hut into the passage between the rocks, and then walk a few screens across the field. You will come to a clearing with pillars. Continue along the path until you see a gray stone head. Click on the tongue of the head and you will find yourself in the Floating Garden. Talk to Adam Coverlier about all topics. To go down, select the "go down" line.

Return to the gardener and press the guardian branch on the fence. Go inside and meet the magician Bares Mogul. When he disappears, click on the bowl of blue water on the left of the screen. Place mastodon hair, a living shell, and an empty shell in the bowl. Click on the living shell and take the lens. Return to the Valley of Spirits to Adam. Here you need to select a path by clicking to the right of the two harps. You will see a hole in the ground from which light bursts out.

Goodbye Adam will advise you to use a submarine to get into the mine.

Return to the field where Gustav is waiting. There is a door in the rock in the background of the screen that leads to the sea. There is a submarine here. If you get into the boat and try to talk to the captain, he won't want to talk. Ariana wonders how she can leave without anyone noticing? Return to the village, on the way paying attention to a certain mechanism at the door (it now has the number 17). The authors of the game came up with (from their point of view) an ingenious move: you need to call the fisherman's daughter to look at the submarine. Then, on the pier, the girl must be sent back immediately (if you look at the mechanism at the door, the counter will show 16).

Go down to the boat. The captain is gone, you must open the left door. In the next room there is a combination lock on one of the doors. Open your inventory and look at the code that Adam gave. Dial the code on the door and go inside.

4. Diamond mine

The captain will ask you to take the seeds to his relative, for which he will promise a pass to the mine. Click on the minecart in the center of the screen. Move the trolley lever and Ariana will go to the mine. Walk down the screen and talk to the giant about the seeds. After the conversation, your inventory will contain a note for the captain of the submarine. Return to him and talk about the note - now you will receive a pass. Walk into the mine. Chat with the Chief Miner and receive an order for a part for the machine. There is an elevator in the back of the screen, go up to the roof.

Here, first go to the lower right corner of the screen and meet the giant that guards the hatch door. Then return to the elevator and, without going down, go to the adjacent building. Find the open door and talk to the storekeeper. Read the message on the leaflet under the counter. Go to the passage by the door. In the next row of shelves near the stairs, take a crumpled piece of paper. Now you need to turn around so that you can see the left rack and the storekeeper in the back of the screen. There is a filter and a pencil on the shelf. Combine paper and pencil and get some kind of diagram. Go further past the shelving, look at the notice board. Talk to the diamond sorter. Go outside, go left and open the door of a small house. This is where the platform inspector works. The already familiar magician Bares Mogul will appear outside the window, the inspector will go to talk to him.

Turn to the door. To her left there is a large mechanism that disables the alarm. The task is to swap the white and black sets of numbers.

Solution: 8h, 8b, 1b, 8h, 1h, 4h, 8b, 1b, 4b, 6b, 8h, 1h, 4h, 6h, 2h, 8b, 1b, 4b, 6b, 2b, 8h, 1h, 4h, 6h, 2h, 1b, 4b, 6b, 2b, 4h, 6h, 2h, 6b, 2b, 2h.

The green light will come on. Pick up the square iron sheet near the mechanism and go outside. Go down to the Chief Miner. He will receive a filter and give the next task - to set three timers. A sheet with calculations will appear in the notebook, and the answer will appear on the "Encyclopedia" tab. Step to the elevator. On the right you will see a lever, under which there are three dials. Zoom in on the dials and set the first to 15, the second to 37, and the third to 8. To do this, first press the button on the dial, then click on the scale with divisions. If everything is correct, all buttons should light up green.

Report to the Chief Miner about the car and get a map of the mine with an exit to the surface. As you may have guessed, the exit is behind a sunroof door. Go there.

To distract the guard, go to the stairs and place an iron sheet on the groove with water. Go down the stairs and use the machete to cut the leather belt that connects the gears. Go to the guard, then click on the hatch door. You will find yourself in the elevator. The lever on the wall is the exit. There is a lock on the wall, the diagram of which you have already found.

Click on the right buttons and go up even higher. Go to the bottom of the screen and open the door to the laboratory. Ariana will sneak unnoticed by Armanda, who will immediately leave. Go to the table near which the pharmacist was standing. You need to find in three weighings a ball that differs in weight from the others.

Place any six balls on one bowl and the other six on the other bowl. Press the tab on the scale. Remove the lighter balls and place in front of the scales. Divide the six heavier balls in half and place on both bowls. Press the tab on the scale. Remove the lighter balls and one more among the heavier ones, remembering its number. Weigh the two remaining balls on separate bowls. If the scales are balanced, it means that the ball you need lies in front of the scales (the number of which you memorized), if the scales are not balanced, take the heavier one.

Go to the door - it is locked. Return to the corner where Ariana was hiding and go to the bottom of the screen. Take a vial of acid from the sink and pour it on the door. Go outside and go to the elevator. There is a tube under the lock, into which you need to put the ball. You will arrive at some secret place.

Go to the table. Look at the photos, take the disc. Return to the doors. The large double door is the end of the game, the narrow door is the continuation of the game.

Part two, optional

Exit the elevator and talk to the guard. Go to the Platform Inspector's House. Talk to Adam, who will tell you how to open the safe in the laboratory (the tubes must contain the same amount of liquid). On the floor is a sheet of paper with the code for the safe. Pick up another iron sheet.

Return to the laboratory and go to the sink. Take the litmus papers and analyze them in your laptop. The safe is next to the table with the scales. Apply litmus papers to the safe test tubes and find out that the middle test tube contains acid, the right test tube contains the basic solution, and the left test tube contains a neutral solution. According to the hint, you just have to find black and white diamond powder. Go to the warehouse at the workplace of the diamond sorter. Take white and black diamond powders from the conveyor. Return to the laboratory. You need to neutralize all tubes. Apply white diamond powder to the red test tube, black diamond powder to the blue test tube. Turn the safe wheel and read the documents.

Go down the elevator to the guard and after talking with him go down to the captain of the submarine. He will say that he needs an order to take Ariana back to the village of giants. Return to the roof, pick up the stepladder near the elevator. Go down the elevator and go to the car on which the timers were set. Put the ladder down and climb up. Use a knife to cut off a bunch of dynamite. Return to the pier and place the iron sheet on the rails.

Return to the mine. From the elevator, go left and look at the mine cart with dynamite. Move the arrow and click on the minecart. After the explosion, go to the captain of the submarine and persuade him to sail to the village of giants.

Return to Gustav and tell him that you will first go to the village of giants. There is no one in the village except the healer. She will explain that you need to feed the butterfly, get into the arena and use the trap flower to get the memory ball. Go to the arena and use the flask of water on the flowers. Plant a butterfly there and after the cutscene go to the arena. Put on a square stone slab flower trap and take the memory ball. Take it to the healer and receive the flute. Go to the Valley of Spirits using a flute on the force field. Try to lower the Floating Garden - the stone head has no tongue, but there is a note from the rector. Return to Gustav and travel to town.

Go through the arch to the intersection and talk to the telegraph operator. He will say that Chief Engineer Wallace is now at the Academy. Ariana will answer that the entrances to the monorail are guarded. Go to the communication center (Bores Mogul stands here) and return to the telegraph operator. Ask him for a list of phone numbers of all city booths.

The booths are located at the intersection, behind the pet store, in the market, near the gate and near the communication center. Each booth has a number; by elimination you will find out that the booth near the communication center has the number 123-09. Return to the market and again inspect the stall with the clock. Take the blue rag and phone tag from the table. Go to any booth (intersection, gate, or pet store). Throw a rag over the dial and press the token into the slot. Ariana will impersonate Armanda and tell Bares Mogul to leave his post. Go to the communication center, near the door, go left to the monorail station.

In the Academy, go to the archive. In the electronic form, review the list of the rector's books. Check the laboratory: on the table you need to find a report, and in a brown box - a note about the change in the coordinates of the collector. Go to the bottom of the screen to the table in the corner under the huge thermometer. You are invited to play "Hanoi Tower" by moving seven reels of film from the left column to the right.

The principle is this: you cannot put a large reel on a small one. Any "Hanoi tower", regardless of the number of columns and rings, is solved as follows: count the number of rings (in this case there are seven of them). Mentally transfer the largest ring to the right column, the second from the bottom ring to the middle column, the third ring from the bottom to the right column, etc. You need to determine the first step: on which of the columns to shift the topmost ring. In this puzzle, the upper ring must be shifted to the right column, the second ring from the top - to the middle column, the upper ring - to the middle column, the third ring from the top - to the right column, the upper ring - to the left column, the second from the top ring - to the right column, the top ring - on the right column, etc.

Get a bottle of poison for giants and an explanatory memorandum from the cache. When you leave the hall, Ariana will meet the rector and Bares Mogul and end up in jail.

Walk right to the fireplace and read the note on the dresser. Walk to the brick wall and zoom into the potted flower. The door will open, go to the next room. Find the note on the periscope on the table and pick up the fuse. Go left and meet the rector's brother. Click on the periscope and go to another room. Combine fuse and dynamite and place in a hanging basket. Light the dynamite. After the explosion, pick up the iron bar and combine with the rope. Step to the fireplace and throw the rope through the hatch in the ceiling. You will return to the mine at the first camp.

Go to the mushroom forest. Talk to Adam for further instructions. On the way, Ariana will automatically pick a fern leaf. Climb the tower, pick up the blanket and the remnants of food from the table. Return to the mine in the hall with the wheel. Pick up an empty box and a piece of coal opposite the wheel. Talk to Adam, after which you will automatically find yourself next to his house. Pick up the crushed bones here.

Walk across the bridge to the jungle. In the clearing where the trolley was, you will find Gustav. He will transport Ariana to the village of giants.

The inhabitants returned to the village again. Go to the fisherman and ask about the firefly beetle. He will give it to you in exchange for help: you need to untangle the lines of crayfish and plant crayfish in three cages. The bait will appear in your inventory.

Rakolovki stand to the left of the fisherman's hut. Zoom into them and place the bait on the middle stone. See which crayfish comes for the bait - red or green. If a green crayfish comes, click on the green crayfish, and then on the other two; if a red crayfish comes, click on the red crayfish and on the other two. Return to the fisherman - you will receive a firefly beetle.

Go to the healer and find out that she needs a potion made of coconut milk, berries and bone. Coconuts lie in the field in front of the village of giants, at the same time pick up the manure. Return to the alley to the Valley of the Spirits. To find the correct berries, click on the pillar with two wavy lines (it's the last one on the left). Put on your glove and pick the blue five senses berries.

Return to the healer. There is a large gray stone on the ground to her right. Put manure on it and set it on fire. Then apply coconut, berries and bone to the fire. Talk to the healer. With a glove, touch the coconut over the fire - you will receive a sponge. Go to the elder's hut and talk to the giant. Then go to the right of him and use the sponge on any hole in the floor. Travel to the Valley of the Spirits. You will automatically talk to the elder and return to the field to Gustav.

Arriving in the city, run to the phone booth and click on the dial. The telegraph operator invites you to go to the communication center. First, go to Gustav and take out a helium tank from his airship. You can use the monorail and return to the node. After talking to the telegraph operator, you will receive the master key. Climb onto the monorail control panel and zoom in on the control panel. Click on the button under the "Academy" station to prevent the monorail from getting there. Pick up the pliers from the floor and go outside.

Find Chief Engineer Wallace near the pharmacy and agree on cooperation. Go to the pet store, open the door with the master key and go into the office. Zoom in on the stuffed rhino and use pliers to remove the lens from the magnifying glass. Go outside the city gates to the darkroom. Ask permission from the watchman to take the mirror from the camera. Take the mirror and click on the trolley.

You will automatically find yourself in a room with a periscope. Rotate the periscope if you haven't done so before. Place a Firefly Beetle in the Periscope. Insert the mirror into the lower mount and the lens into the upper mount. Take the firefly and talk to the rector's brother. Go to the table over which the slate board is hanging and find the coordinates. Click on the periscope and watch the final cutscene.


The game begins with a helicopter crashing, Ariana filming everything on camera. Helicopter: Ariana is interested in her pilot, go to the helicopter door, the door is closed. Next to the helicopter on the left, pick up the part from the propeller of the helicopter and use it to open the door. Inside the helicopter, find a rope, knife, computer and bag. Unpack the bag and you will have a screwdriver, gloves, a lighter and an empty flask. Inside the helicopter, take a first aid kit using a screwdriver, unpack the first aid kit and you have: cleaning fluid, plaster, bandage and pain pills. Use a knife to cut off the electrical wires to the left of the first aid kit. Exit the helicopter. Shore: Go left and you are on the shore. Click on the computer with the mouse to send an email. Dark passage: From the helicopter, go back and to the right, you will see a passage heaped up with a stone, open the passage with a part of the propeller, Ariana says that it is dark and old - a little fire from a lighter and forward, Aha! Failed! Welcome to the fairy tale.


Beach: Meet Adam, he really needs some kind of crystal for his staff, which is in the cave next to the First Camp. Find out that you can go to the city through the old mine, but before that you must polish the crystal. Right there under Ariana's feet you will find a sharp bone. Take an empty flask and fill it with water where the hand appears at the bridge - you now have a full flask. Old mine: go to the mine (bottom of the screen), on the left at the entrance you will find a large shell, inside the mine you will find an old chisel on a box on the right and it is unclear which one is from an unknown material. Climb out of the mine onto Fresh air... The other side of the beach: Cross the bridge to the other side. Find a rag and rotten wood near some pile of something on the left. Go to the graves and look at them: Ariana talks about the encyclopedia on the computer, point the computer at the grave of Ivan Platonov, read about him: mmm, yes, the dates do not agree. The inscription on the other grave is difficult to read: then it must be cleaned! Mix the cleaning liquid and a rag: get a wet rag, which can be used to rub the grave of Armand Latifer to a shine: again, let's look at the encyclopedia and - of course, the dates do not agree. Cave: the left back of the screen will lead you to the cave, go to the stairs, climb on it. Put on gloves (one remains), connect the old chisel and rotten wood and cut out the crystal with them. Go to the device on the right, look and put the crystal on the dressing on the right, click on the bellows, Ariana guesses that she needs to polish the crystal with something. Exit the cave, take the sand near the green bushes. Pour sand into the flask and press the bellows several times. Receive a polished crystal. Old mine: go to the old mine. Go to the end to go further, but Ariana is very scared - you know, she is afraid of the dark. You see a large wheel, go to it, you will find torn wires, armed with gloves, you can attach electrical wires here and insulate them with plaster. Let there be light! Hello those who started reading from here. We go where it is now light. Ariana says that the seals need to be arranged in a specific order. Look at the round door, look at the inscription above the door, read the key to the door: The Occident is the opposite of the Orient. Our story begins as the sun rises. Nature and technology go their separate ways. First the ones whence we come. Then the one that feeds us. Followed by the one we mine. Comes the time of transformation And of famed energy. Finally those who guide us. In general, technology is opposite to nature, our story begins with sunrise, and so on ... I don't want to go into details and immediately give a solution: rearrange the seals in the places around the door: Nature (left) Technology (right) Mother and child Mill Ear Mill Bird in flight Mountain Chemistry - Fabric and ... Shafts Lightning Wheat and sickle Masks Sea Welcome to the fairy tale!

Observation post: Go to the next picture. Point your computer at a huge mushroom - unknown variety? No wonder - I have not seen such. Dig into the ground with a knife and you will find small mushrooms with a strange smell. Now forward to the mushroom with the house on the roof. Go upstairs. Lieutenant Lenkov is bored for a long time. His friend broke his leg and needs to be satisfied; get down from the mushroom and go further along the road until you come to the suspension bridge. In front of the bridge there is a stump from a mushroom, cut straight pieces of mushroom from the stump with a knife. Go back to the lieutenant and teach him some medicine. Now that the leg is bandaged, the lieutenant will stand and watch you fix the Horn. Hello, those who started reading from here. The horn for the call of the pterodactyl is spoiled, so there is no one to take the broken leg. Use a lighter to make a hard edge out of sharp bone. A solid faucet will make a finished shell out of a large shell. Now we will walk to the cave in the first camp to take the mechs (2 clicks). They cannot be taken until the lieutenant asks you to repair the Horn. We go to the Horn and receive a mail. Look at the horn and place the finished shell and bellows. Let's chat with the lieutenant. Ay! I saw a pterodactyl! The lieutenant flies away and you can now profit from what is on his table: a map (read it), gunpowder, machetes and some wires on the chair. Well, let's go to the bridge? Adam's hut: after crossing the bridge and reading the mail, check the animal skulls by the computer, stop being surprised. Talk to Adam about everything; we were invited home. Where the books are, an amulet hangs in the doorway; Further inside, notice the eggs under the lamp, from the table we take pieces of wood and a book, which we read with great interest. There is a vase on the table, it would be interesting to throw something into it, we will throw small mushrooms with a strange smell there. Oh! Magic lamp! There is a closed chest on the floor, which, of course, must be climbed into. We connect pieces of wood and an amulet. We have the key to the chest in our hands. Click on the key and in front of you is a riddle that you will guess without me. Open the chest: computer to the bust, take two letters, read with pleasure. When leaving, do not forget to grab paint from another table. Savannah: we go further to the left, again the bridge. We receive a message. At the end of the bridge we climb down the rope ladder. We go until the ferns block the road. The case for the machete, we cut through and immediately take a large sheet. What do we see? Big dinosaur. We will fight him not with brute force, but with our head. We go to the right, we see a broken tree empty inside. Let's make fireworks to scare the stupid dinosaur. Put a large sheet on a stump, then paint, gunpowder and wrap everything with wire. Light it with a lighter. The stupid dinosaur scared you. Go ahead. There is a wheelbarrow to the squirrel wheel. Poor little dinosaur trying to get a fruit from a tree. We use a dinosaur as a squirrel, pick a fruit from a tree, the dinosaur will run after you like a dog (you can run back and forth). On the left of the wheel, press and open the wheel (how glad I am that the pilot escaped), put the fruit there, go to unknown lands.


Gate: we read the news, speak with Aspen. He gives you a pass to the city and does not forget to ask you to fix his camera in the tower next to the door to which the key is attached, for the repair you need grease and some piece of iron. War? We go to the tower to the left, open it with a key. We look at the table, read the instructions on the wall. Take the photo paper, the switch will give you a red light, put the photo paper under the developer, switch the developer, the photos start to develop. Switch the developer again, take and place the photos in the liquid on the left, then up and to the right. Look at the photos that are being dried: you are being followed. We'll figure out. We leave and go to the city. We chat with Wallace for a long time, tickets for altimonoreil and a pass to the archives appear in the inventory. Read the posters on the computer. Go to the city, do not scold your mouse (while I was playing, Adriana went 5-6 times to such places from which she could not get out despite all my efforts). Communication Center: Go left towards the Communication Center. Come in and notice that the clock is standing. Now you can talk to Figaro on the microphone, he will invite you to his place. We go into the doors, then the doors to the left, which are open. Examine the posters, go left and talk to Enrico, he will give you the Projection Key and Ribbon # 218. Let's go watch a movie. Go back to the corridor, directly opposite to the room that is locked and opened with Enrico's key. Read the note on the shelves, the poster on the wall. Take tape # 218 and click on the spotlight. Watch the scenes of the 2nd World War. We go back to the room where Enrique is. In the middle of it there is an elevator that will take you to Figaro. He also lacks something - the energy, the coordinates are changed, so the energy is not supplied. We go down back down. On the left by the window are the formulas that the computer will solve. Now you have the correct coordinates: 6283, 1667, 5483, 2092. Let's go upstairs and enter the coordinates on the panel, if you entered them correctly, you automatically exit the panel. Notice the pliers on the floor to the right. Tell Figaro that the work is done, not only did he do the calculations, he also wants to send a telegram. For this, he allows you to recharge the computer. Go to Enrico and tell him about the telegram. We've worked here, let's move on. We leave the building and go to the right along the road, again to the right to the crossroads. Crossroads: you are at the fountain, go to the triceratop, stroke it. There is a man on the street, his name is Hercules, meet him. Of course he lacks something: eggs. The next caravan to the mine is in three months. He lets you climb in his store. We go in and immediately climb to the checkout, take recipe codes and blank recipe cards. We read the recipe book, press the button under the cash register, and go to the aquarium. The wall near the aquarium has a secret door that we opened with a button under the cash register. We go inside. Bah! Lo and behold, who's here! Adam! There is a note on the table in front of Adam, read it - it says about biocardamom. Let's talk with an old acquaintance, he needs Hanagra Sil. Play with the Triceratop hologram. You will find a needle on the table next to it. Let's talk with Adam about the hologram and tetelogram. Let's go from here to where the cash register is, the clock on the wall is 0.75 seconds faster. We leave from the store. The road to the left leads to the pharmacy. Talk to Armanda Grunfield, yeah, the taciturn rat. In inventory, click on the needle on the cards, look in the recipe book and make a recipe for Adam (Hanagra Sil). Try to stick the recipe to Armanda, you can't fool an old sparrow on chaff. Talk about biocardamom, she will go to the university for it. While she is not there, let's turn it a little. Actually, the recipe card that you have is poking around where Ariana is now, so move her a little to the left and you will see a slot. Slip the card, pull the lever to the left of the wheel, and voila, take the Hanagra Sil. Let's take this to Adam, for this he will give you an aerodynamic map. Read it and go down the screen to the bazaar to look for details to fix the Aspen camera. Bazaar: as you enter, go straight to the clock shop, there you will find grease and old dinosaur skin. Go left and meet the local Chkalov. He also needs a fix - he has to go to the Academy. To do this, go left to the part of the bazaar that is not visible at the entrance. Go to the tower, we go to the Academy. Academy: go to the stairs, go up, come in. I must say right away that there are only 3 doors: an exit, an entrance to the laboratory and an entrance to the archive. Go left to the laboratory, talk to Armanda, while she is not stealing anything here. We go to the archive to the right - you have a pass there. Let's chat with Wallace and handsome Alexander, the rector of the university. They leave and we go to the table and read two books about the Giants! And some kind of light. Take tape # 254 and go to the typewriter on the right, pull the lever, dig a hole under Wallace. Armanda has already left, so you can go to the laboratory. Here on the table we find a sheet of iron and a file with which you can immediately grind this sheet of iron. To the left on the screen we go to some generator, where we will find a bottle of helium on the floor. Well, here we have nothing else to do, let's go to the Communication Center to watch a movie. Let's wrap up: we'll watch a movie in the already familiar projection room: someone doesn't like us, we are so cute. Let's go now to fix Aspen's camera. We go into the tower, we put in a carved sheet of iron, then we lubricate the camera and it is ready. Of course, we need to tell Osin about our exploits in order for him to let us go outside the city. And outside the city we will go for eggs for Hercules, and we will take these eggs - yes, from Adam in the hut. The way there is familiar - along the seas and along the waves, along bumps and paths. Take the eggs and go to Hercules. He will tell you about the pilot Gustav and the giants. Let's go fix the balloon. Let's talk with Gustav again, he needs an aerodynamic map. Click on Gustav's car, see the hole in the pipe? It needs to be covered with old dinosaur skin, put a bottle of helium on the small tube on top, insert the aerodynamics map on the panel that is higher than the levers. Go?


Gate: Talk to Gustav. Check out the news summary. Walk left to Canole Pyle, Keeper of the Mastodons. You will learn from him that you will have to go to the mine by submarine. Here you will find Mastodon's wool on the ground. Walk left to the gate to the village. Here you understand that you cannot enter, so let's go back to Canole Pile, who will give you straw, and tell you that you should leave sharp objects in front of the entrance. Leave all sharp objects near the gate and enter the village. Village: Talk to the Matriarch - Aira Mund in the gazebo at the entrance, she gives you permission to enter the Valley of Spirits. Now go to the right to the flowers, talk to Tohu Malla - the gardener, he guards the entrance to the Arena. He needs a weather forecast for flowers. We went back to the gazebo, then to the left and again to the left of the main path. You see the fisherman - Payan Ouva, talk to him; You give him tobacco, and he also needs a firefly to catch a good fish. Say goodbye and immediately talk to him again about the weather for the gardener. Let's go to the gardener, say that there will be fog, he will ask the healer for protection for his flowers. To do this, follow the main path further to Jahin Dubra - the healer. She needs the bitter berries that are on the Alley of Origins under the arches and which must be taken with clean and well protected hands. The healer gives you a magic wand and magically protects the gardener's flowers. Take an empty sink next to her on the shelves. Go back to the gardener and tell about protection for flowers, he will give you a firefly as a gift that was needed ... yes to the fisherman. The fisherman will give you a living shell. Finally we go to the arena, the gates are closed, but they can be opened with a magic wand. Inside, listen to Bares Mohul - the master of recomposition - the Orb of Memory can only be read by the Matriarch, the master disappears. Approach the vase on the left, place there an empty shell, then a living shell, and finally the mammoth wool. Click on the living shell and take the clean lens. Valley of Spirits: let's go to the fisherman and ask him about the Alley of Beginnings. Now it's time for the healer: we go to the alley of beginnings, further away from the healer, you will see an island hanging in the air. Click on the 2nd arch from the left, put on gloves and take the bitter agodes. Again to the healer, he will tell you how to get to the island - you must make 6 sounds in the correct order. Now the time has come for a riddle that will be difficult to guess even for the most inveterate players. On the pillars of the arches in the Alley of Beginnings, notice the lines indicating the sounds you need to reproduce. Go further to the pit, go around it, notice a face with a tongue for which you can pull and 6 pillars with sheets. The sound is made like this: cover the holes on any two pillars with a sheet and pull the face by the tongue. You have to accurately produce the correct sounds in the correct order, be patient. To explain how to solve this riddle, first let's agree on how we count the pillars: we count clockwise from the main path, i.e. The 1st pillar will be on the left and the 6th on the right. Do e in the exact sequence: 1.sound - 1st pillar, then 4th, then pull the tongue 2.sound - 3.5, pull the tongue 3.sound - 4.6, 4. - 1.5 5 - 2.3 6. - 1.6 and the island descended. Bah! Who is here! Again Adam! Let's chat, you have to get to the submarine, the code is attached to the boat. If you have left the island, pull your mug by the tongue and you are on the island again. Go around the island and find a black hole in the ground, insert a clean lens into it. Let's talk to Adam again and you can get away. Let's go to the keeper of Mastodons and further to the submarine, go into the ball-door, get inside the boat - the captain kicks you out. We go to the door-ball and at the entrance we notice a counter, it counts the incoming steps, we are 17th, we need to somehow deceive the captain. Let's go to the village, remember the kid next to the fisherman, we'll show him the submarine. Since you walked through the door together, the counter counted only one person, we will send the boy home. We go to the eyeliner, we type the code that Adam gave to the panel: 5731X.

Mine: Talk to Captain Angus, he will give you a pass to the mine if you take the grain to Maoro Phi. Go left, see a car, look at it and a simple move combination. We arrived at the mine, go to the giant and talk to him, he will give you a note to Angus, do not forget to read it, and a pass. Let's go back to Angus, give the note. Let's go into the mine, talk to Firmin, the motor needs a filter and the water pressure is low, gives you a note for a spare part. Go ahead and go to the elevator, it will take you upstairs if you do not forget to press the button. Platform: go right, talk to Huta Meo - he won't let you into the geyser elevator. If you go back from it, you will see the entire platform, go to the entrance to the long building. Amalia sits here, she will allow you to take the filter, on the floor here you will find a note. Go further, here you will find a filter, and a little further paper and a pencil, which should be combined in the inventory to get a diagram. Go to the back of the building, where you will have a talk with Kia Tran - in charge of sorting. Let's go back to the mine. Mine: talk to Firmin, he will ask you to recalibrate the pump and gives you the formulas that the computer calculates: 1. - 15, 2 - 37, 3 - 8. go to the cars and look at the callibrators, press the left button and move the slider to 15 , then on the button in the middle and at 37, and the right button and 8; if everything is done correctly all buttons will be green. We must tell Firmin about our achievements, he will give you a map of the mine. We go to the elevator and to the platform. Platform: go to the right to the long building and when there is a picture of the entire platform, go to the lower right corner; here is the platform chief's room. Talk to Taal Nadi, the platform chief and a friend of Adam. Geyser elevator - access to the laboratory, but there is a protection system and a blocking mechanism. Bares Mohul appears, Taal leaves, pick up the sheet of iron near Ariana, and now it's the turn of the riddle. Look at the control panel, the numbers should swap: Move one black number to the right, two white to the left, three black to the right, 4 white to the left, 5 black to the right, 5 white to the left, 5 black to the right, 4 white to the left, 3 black to the right, 2 white to the left, 1 black to the right, the green light came on. Now we need to distract the elevator guard. Remember the water valve near the entrance to the platform, block the water with a sheet of iron and go down to the pool. Here, cut the motor belt with the machete. Let's go to the guard and tell him that someone has done something, he will leave and we dive into the elevator. Here on the panel we enter the diagram that we found in the warehouse. Laboratory: enter the door, you are hiding from Armanda, she leaves. Go down the screen and take the red acid from the sink. There is a table near the entrance. Under the table top lies a clue to the riddle with balls: 12 balls, you can weigh only 3 times, you need to find a ball that is either lighter or heavier than the rest. A ball unlike any other will go into the elevator pipe. If you start the game from the beginning, the ball changes. Solve the riddle yourself, it's easy. Check the safe - Ariana needs more information. Go to the bookcase - read the book. Go to the exit - we are locked, open the door with red acid. Go to the elevator. There is a tube in the elevator to the right of Ariana, put the ball there. Secret office: go around the office, on the table you will find tape, photographs, disk and a note. It's time to save: going outside and going back, look at the world and then we'll go to expose the guilty.

Despite what I have called the end, it is not short at all. Go through the small door to the elevator, pull the lever and we are on the platform. Talk to Taal, you need proof. Go to the boss's room, there you will meet Adam, he has already begun to bore him, there is evidence of conspiracy in the safe. The flasks on the safe contain the same amount of liquid. The note on the floor is the key to the safe, take another sheet of iron here. Let's go now to the warehouse, to the sorting room. Where the sorter used to stand, we will find white and black diamond powder. Let's go back to the laboratory to the safe. Here we head straight to the sink and find strips for chemical analysis. Use them on the flasks of the safe and find out the compositions. The note said how to open the safe, do the opposite: in a blue flask - black powder, in a red - white. Read everything in the safe. Get down to the platform and talk to Taal Nadi. Take the ladder near the elevator to the shaft. Get down to the mine. Go to the cars, look like a tethered dynamite, put a ladder here, climb in and cut off the dynamite with a knife. Now to the very left, where you will see a car, go up and see dynamite in it, which Adriana wants to throw into the sea. Leave the mine to the submarine, talk to the captain. He doesn't believe you. Go to the rails where the wheelbarrow used to be; here, closer to the sea, put a sheet of iron, so that you get a ramp. Let's go back to the mine to the wheelbarrow with dynamite and move the arrows so that the wheelbarrow goes in the right direction and click on the wheelbarrow, it will fly out into the sea and explode. Let's talk with the captain, he will take you to the village. Talk to the pilot, select the giants. Find Jahina - a healer, since there is no one else in the area, she will ask you to get a Memory Ball to confirm your words. She will give you a butterfly, and on the shelves you will find a large flower. We go to the garden with flowers at the entrance to the Arena. Water the flowers with water from a flask and let the butterfly go, the flowers will wake up and the doors to the Arena will open. In the Arena, place a flower on the square area in the middle, it will grab the flower. Go back to the healer, let him read the memory ball - the Matriarch is in the Valley of Spirits, she will give you a pipe to neutralize the protective field. Go to the Valley of Spirits, pave your way there with a pipe, and straight to the face with the tongue for which you need to pull. What do we see? There is no language, but there is a note from Alexander to Bares Mohul. Well, there is nothing to do, let's go to the pilot, he will take you to the city. You land at the bazaar. In the same shop where you used to steal the skin of the dinosaur, take a blue rag and a telephone tag. Let's go to the crossroads, talk to Enrike, Adam asked him to find you. Wolles at the university. You need to go to the university, but you saw Armanda in the bazaar near the atomorail - you can't go there. Let's go to the communication center, there you will see Bares Mohula. How can we distract him from there? Arianna has an idea - to call him. What's the phone number next to Bares? Let's go ask Enrike. He will give you all the numbers in the city, now you need to find out what number you need - you need to check the numbers of all other phones in the city. The first is located near Yenrike, where the dinosaur used to be, the second is near the entrance to the bazaar on the left side, the third is in the bazaar on the right hand of the entrance, the fourth is near the main gate of the city. The only number that you have not seen is 123-09, then we dial it in any phone, do not forget to put a blue rag on the receiver so that you are not recognized and throw a token and deceive Bares. Now you can sit on the altimorail and go to the Academy. Let's look at the laboratory first, find there a note and recordings for the conference. Go further to the generator and look at the car on the right, read the note on the table. You need to rebuild the turret to the right pivot, good luck. Take the note and the plimantar flask from the desk drawer. Let's go to the Archives. Let's see what the rector is reading - check the pin at the end of the room, you have already done this - the rector catches you and Bares - you are in jail. In the room you will find a note to Peter on the chest of drawers, you will see a basket hanging in the middle of the room and an arch laid by Kerpichs - more precisely, the door that you can open if you click near a young tree. We will go into Peter's room, right there on the table at the entrance we will find a cord, and a periscope map, after reading which you will learn that the overscope lacks a lens and a mirror. Go ahead and talk to Peter, then you can play with the periscope. Go to the previous room, in the inventory, combine the shmur with dynamite, put them in the hanging basket and set fire to the lighter. Everything explodes and you pick up an iron stick on the floor, step back into the picture next to it so that you see a hole in the ceiling, connect the iron stick with a rope and throw them into the gap. So we got out and ended up in an old mine. Let's go to the forest, meet Adam - he needs food, fern, wood, coal, and another mattress. Go back to the mine and opposite the spinning wheel you will find coal and an empty wooden box. In the forest, in the screen after Adam, pick up the fern; on the observation tower you will find food and a mattress on the bed. Give Adam all these items and go to his hut, on the next screen after the hut you will find small bones. Go further along the bridge and see Gustav flying, click on him, he will take you to the giants. At the mammoth site, pick up dry mammoth dung and coconuts. Go to the village, talk to Taal Nadi in the gazebo. Then let's go talk to the fisherman - he will ask you a riddle, it is easy - solve it and you will get a very bright firefly. Let's go to the healer, she needs coconuts, bones and berries. We take the berries in the same place where they were taken before, only not under the middle arch, but under the last one on the left. There is a stone near the healer, put manure on it, set it on fire with a lighter, put coconuts on the fire, then put bones on top. Tell the healer that everything is ready, she will give you a sponge. Let's go talk to Taal Nadi again, he will tell you where to squeeze the sponge - three holes behind him - squeeze. He is waiting for you in the Valley of Spirits. There you will find the Matriarch, talk to her. Time will return to the city. At the bazaar you will hear the phone ringing - Enrico wants to talk to you, he is in the communication center, Arianna wants to ruin the balloon - come and take a bottle of helium. Let's go to Enrico, he will give you the main key with which you block the way to the Academy in the control center - go up there on the elevator and look at the control panel. Remember to lift the pliers off the floor before leaving. You will find Wallace near the pharmacy, talk to him and convince him. Now that all invitations have been issued, you can go to repair the periscope. In the store at Hercules, near a stuffed small dinosaur, you will find a magnifying glass - use pliers to pull out the lens. We need a mirror, you can take it from Osin's camera - talk to him, he will allow you. Click on the camera and exit the tower - you are at Peter's, it's worth talking to him. Click on the periscope, place the firefly inside, place the mirror down and the lens up, take the firefly back. Talk to Peter, he will tell you that the coordinates are on the table, but you take them on the table near the door to the next room, after learning the coordinates, click on the periscope. See ... Goodbye.


The game begins with a helicopter crashing, Ariana filming everything on camera. Helicopter: Ariana is interested in her pilot, go to the helicopter door, the door is closed. Next to the helicopter on the left, pick up the part from the propeller of the helicopter and use it to open the door. Inside the helicopter, find a rope, knife, computer and bag. Unpack the bag and you will have a screwdriver, gloves, a lighter and an empty flask. Inside the helicopter, take a first aid kit using a screwdriver, unpack the first aid kit and you have: cleaning fluid, plaster, bandage and pain pills. Use a knife to cut off the electrical wires to the left of the first aid kit. Exit the helicopter. Shore: Go left and you are on the shore. Click on the computer with the mouse to send an email. Dark passage: From the helicopter, go back and to the right, you will see a passage heaped up with a stone, open the passage with a part of the propeller, Ariana says that it is dark and old - a little fire from a lighter and forward, Aha! Failed! Welcome to the fairy tale.


Beach: Meet Adam, he really needs some kind of crystal for his staff, which is in the cave next to the First Camp. Find out that you can go to the city through the old mine, but before that you must polish the crystal. Right there under Ariana's feet you will find a sharp bone. Take an empty flask and fill it with water where the hand appears at the bridge - you now have a full flask. Old mine: go to the mine (bottom of the screen), on the left at the entrance you will find a large shell, inside the mine you will find an old chisel on a box on the right and it is unclear which one is from an unknown material. Get out of the mine into fresh air. The other side of the beach: Cross the bridge to the other side. Find a rag and rotten wood near some pile of something on the left. Go to the graves and look at them: Ariana talks about the encyclopedia on the computer, point the computer at the grave of Ivan Platonov, read about him: mmm, yes, the dates do not agree. The inscription on the other grave is difficult to read: then it must be cleaned! Mix the cleaning liquid and a rag: get a wet rag, which can be used to rub the grave of Armand Latifer to a shine: again, let's look at the encyclopedia and - of course, the dates do not agree. Cave: the left back of the screen will lead you to the cave, go to the stairs, climb on it. Put on gloves (one remains), connect the old chisel and rotten wood and cut out the crystal with them. Go to the device on the right, look and put the crystal on the dressing on the right, click on the bellows, Ariana guesses that she needs to polish the crystal with something. Exit the cave, take the sand near the green bushes. Pour sand into the flask and press the bellows several times. Receive a polished crystal. Old mine: go to the old mine. Go to the end to go further, but Ariana is very scared - you know, she is afraid of the dark. You see a large wheel, go to it, you will find torn wires, armed with gloves, you can attach electrical wires here and insulate them with plaster. Let there be light! Hello those who started reading from here. We go where it is now light. Ariana says that the seals need to be arranged in a specific order. Look at the round door, look at the inscription above the door, read the key to the door: The Occident is the opposite of the Orient. Our story begins as the sun rises. Nature and technology go their separate ways. First the ones whence we come. Then the one that feeds us. Followed by the one we mine. Comes the time of transformation And of famed energy. Finally those who guide us. In general, technology is opposite nature, our story begins with sunrise, and so on. .. I don’t want to go into details and immediately give a solution: rearrange the seals to the places around the door: Nature (left) Technology (right) Mother and child Mill Ear Mill Bird in flight Mountain Chemistry - factory Cloth and ... Shafts Lightning Wheat and sickle Masks Sea Welcome to the fairy tale!

Observation post: Go to the next picture. Point your computer at a huge mushroom - unknown variety? No wonder - I have not seen such. Dig into the ground with a knife and you will find small mushrooms with a strange smell. Now forward to the mushroom with the house on the roof. Go upstairs. Lieutenant Lenkov is bored for a long time. His friend broke his leg and needs to be satisfied; get down from the mushroom and go further along the road until you come to the suspension bridge. In front of the bridge there is a stump from a mushroom, cut straight pieces of mushroom from the stump with a knife. Go back to the lieutenant and teach him some medicine. Now that the leg is bandaged, the lieutenant will stand and watch you fix the Horn. Hello, those who started reading from here. The horn for the call of the pterodactyl is spoiled, so there is no one to take the broken leg. Use a lighter to make a hard edge out of sharp bone. A solid faucet will make a finished shell out of a large shell. Now we will walk to the cave in the first camp to take the mechs (2 clicks). They cannot be taken until the lieutenant asks you to repair the Horn. We go to the Horn and receive a mail. Look at the horn and place the finished shell and bellows. Let's chat with the lieutenant. Ay! I saw a pterodactyl! The lieutenant flies away and you can now profit from what is on his table: a map (read it), gunpowder, machetes and some wires on the chair. Well, let's go to the bridge? Adam's hut: after crossing the bridge and reading the mail, check the animal skulls by the computer, stop being surprised. Talk to Adam about everything; we were invited home. Where the books are, an amulet hangs in the doorway; Further inside, notice the eggs under the lamp, from the table we take pieces of wood and a book, which we read with great interest. There is a vase on the table, it would be interesting to throw something into it, we will throw small mushrooms with a strange smell there. Oh! Magic lamp! There is a closed chest on the floor, which, of course, must be climbed into. We connect pieces of wood and an amulet. We have the key to the chest in our hands. Click on the key and in front of you is a riddle that you will guess without me. Open the chest: computer to the bust, take two letters, read with pleasure. When leaving, do not forget to grab paint from another table. Savannah: we go further to the left, again the bridge. We receive a message. At the end of the bridge we climb down the rope ladder. We go until the ferns block the road. The case for the machete, we cut through and immediately take a large sheet. What do we see? Big dinosaur. We will fight him not with brute force, but with our head. We go to the right, we see a broken tree empty inside. Let's make fireworks to scare the stupid dinosaur. Put a large sheet on a stump, then paint, gunpowder and wrap everything with wire. Light it with a lighter. The stupid dinosaur scared you. Go ahead. There is a wheelbarrow to the squirrel wheel. Poor little dinosaur trying to get a fruit from a tree. We use a dinosaur as a squirrel, pick a fruit from a tree, the dinosaur will run after you like a dog (you can run back and forth). On the left of the wheel, press and open the wheel (how glad I am that the pilot escaped), put the fruit there, go to unknown lands.


Gate: we read the news, speak with Aspen. He gives you a pass to the city and does not forget to ask you to fix his camera in the tower next to the door to which the key is attached, for the repair you need grease and some piece of iron. War? We go to the tower to the left, open it with a key. We look at the table, read the instructions on the wall. Take the photo paper, the switch will give you a red light, put the photo paper under the developer, switch the developer, the photos start to develop. Switch the developer again, take and place the photos in the liquid on the left, then up and to the right. Look at the photos that are being dried: you are being followed. We'll figure out. We leave and go to the city. We chat with Wallace for a long time, tickets for altimonoreil and a pass to the archives appear in the inventory. Read the posters on the computer. Go to the city, do not scold your mouse (while I was playing, Adriana went 5-6 times to such places from which she could not get out despite all my efforts). Communication Center: Go left towards the Communication Center. Come in and notice that the clock is standing. Now you can talk to Figaro on the microphone, he will invite you to his place. We go into the doors, then the doors to the left, which are open. Examine the posters, go left and talk to Enrico, he will give you the Projection Key and Ribbon # 218. Let's go watch a movie. Go back to the corridor, directly opposite to the room that is locked and opened with Enrico's key. Read the note on the shelves, the poster on the wall. Take tape # 218 and click on the spotlight. Watch the scenes of the 2nd World War. We go back to the room where Enrique is. In the middle of it there is an elevator that will take you to Figaro. He also lacks something - the energy, the coordinates are changed, so the energy is not supplied. We go down back down. On the left by the window are the formulas that the computer will solve. Now you have the correct coordinates: 6283, 1667, 5483, 2092. Let's go upstairs and enter the coordinates on the panel, if you entered them correctly, you automatically exit the panel. Notice the pliers on the floor to the right. Tell Figaro that the work is done, not only did he do the calculations, he also wants to send a telegram. For this, he allows you to recharge the computer. Go to Enrico and tell him about the telegram. We've worked here, let's move on. We leave the building and go to the right along the road, again to the right to the crossroads. Crossroads: you are at the fountain, go to the triceratop, stroke it. There is a man on the street, his name is Hercules, meet him. Of course he lacks something: eggs. The next caravan to the mine is in three months. He lets you climb in his store. We go in and immediately climb to the checkout, take recipe codes and blank recipe cards. We read the recipe book, press the button under the cash register, and go to the aquarium. The wall near the aquarium has a secret door that we opened with a button under the cash register. We go inside. Bah! Lo and behold, who's here! Adam! There is a note on the table in front of Adam, read it - it says about biocardamom. Let's talk with an old acquaintance, he needs Hanagra Sil. Play with the Triceratop hologram. You will find a needle on the table next to it. Let's talk with Adam about the hologram and tetelogram. Let's go from here to where the cash register is, the clock on the wall is 0.75 seconds faster. We leave from the store. The road to the left leads to the pharmacy. Talk to Armanda Grunfield, yeah, the taciturn rat. In inventory, click on the needle on the cards, look in the recipe book and make a recipe for Adam (Hanagra Sil). Try to stick the recipe to Armanda, you can't fool an old sparrow on chaff. Talk about biocardamom, she will go to the university for it. While she is not there, let's turn it a little. Actually, the recipe card that you have is poking around where Ariana is now, so move her a little to the left and you will see a slot. Slip the card, pull the lever to the left of the wheel, and voila, take the Hanagra Sil. Let's take this to Adam, for this he will give you an aerodynamic map. Read it and go down the screen to the bazaar to look for details to fix the Aspen camera. Bazaar: as you enter, go straight to the clock shop, there you will find grease and old dinosaur skin. Go left and meet the local Chkalov. He also needs a fix - he has to go to the Academy. To do this, go left to the part of the bazaar that is not visible at the entrance. Go to the tower, we go to the Academy. Academy: go to the stairs, go up, come in. I must say right away that there are only 3 doors: an exit, an entrance to the laboratory and an entrance to the archive. Go left to the laboratory, talk to Armanda, while she is not stealing anything here. We go to the archive to the right - you have a pass there. Let's chat with Wallace and handsome Alexander, the rector of the university. They leave and we go to the table and read two books about the Giants! And some kind of light. Take tape # 254 and go to the typewriter on the right, pull the lever, dig a hole under Wallace. Armanda has already left, so you can go to the laboratory. Here on the table we find a sheet of iron and a file with which you can immediately grind this sheet of iron. To the left on the screen we go to some generator, where we will find a bottle of helium on the floor. Well, here we have nothing else to do, let's go to the Communication Center to watch a movie. Let's wrap up: we'll watch a movie in the already familiar projection room: someone doesn't like us, we are so cute. Let's go now to fix Aspen's camera. We go into the tower, we put in a carved sheet of iron, then we lubricate the camera and it is ready. Of course, we need to tell Osin about our exploits in order for him to let us go outside the city. And outside the city we will go for eggs for Hercules, and we will take these eggs - yes, from Adam in the hut. The way there is familiar - along the seas and along the waves, along bumps and paths. Take the eggs and go to Hercules. He will tell you about the pilot Gustav and the giants. Let's go fix the balloon. Let's talk with Gustav again, he needs an aerodynamic map. Click on Gustav's car, see the hole in the pipe? It needs to be covered with old dinosaur skin, put a bottle of helium on the small tube on top, insert the aerodynamics map on the panel that is higher than the levers. GIANT VILLAGE

Gate: Talk to Gustav. Check out the news summary. Walk left to Canole Pyle, Keeper of the Mastodons. You will learn from him that you will have to go to the mine by submarine. Here you will find Mastodon's wool on the ground. Walk left to the gate to the village. Here you understand that you cannot enter, so let's go back to Canole Pile, who will give you straw, and tell you that you should leave sharp objects in front of the entrance. Leave all sharp objects near the gate and enter the village. Village: Talk to the Matriarch - Aira Mund in the gazebo at the entrance, she gives you permission to enter the Valley of Spirits. Now go to the right to the flowers, talk to Tohu Malla - the gardener, he guards the entrance to the Arena. He needs a weather forecast for flowers. We went back to the gazebo, then to the left and again to the left of the main path. You see the fisherman - Payan Ouva, talk to him; You give him tobacco, and he also needs a firefly to catch a good fish. Say goodbye and immediately talk to him again about the weather for the gardener. Let's go to the gardener, say that there will be fog, he will ask the healer for protection for his flowers. To do this, follow the main path further to Jahin Dubra - the healer. She needs the bitter berries that are on the Alley of Origins under the arches and which must be taken with clean and well protected hands. The healer gives you a magic wand and magically protects the gardener's flowers. Take an empty sink next to her on the shelves. Go back to the gardener and tell about protection for flowers, he will give you a firefly as a gift that was needed ... yes to the fisherman. The fisherman will give you a living shell. Finally we go to the arena, the gates are closed, but they can be opened with a magic wand. Inside, listen to Bares Mohul - the master of recomposition - the Orb of Memory can only be read by the Matriarch, the master disappears. Approach the vase on the left, place there an empty shell, then a living shell, and finally the mammoth wool. Click on the living shell and take the clean lens. Valley of Spirits: let's go to the fisherman and ask him about the Alley of Beginnings. Now it's time for the healer: we go to the alley of beginnings, further away from the healer, you will see an island hanging in the air. Click on the 2nd arch from the left, put on gloves and take the bitter agodes. Again to the healer, he will tell you how to get to the island - you must make 6 sounds in the correct order. Now the time has come for a riddle that will be difficult to guess even for the most inveterate players. On the pillars of the arches in the Alley of Beginnings, notice the lines indicating the sounds you need to reproduce. Go further to the pit, go around it, notice a face with a tongue for which you can pull and 6 pillars with sheets. The sound is made like this: cover the holes on any two pillars with a sheet and pull the face by the tongue. You have to accurately produce the correct sounds in the correct order, be patient. To explain how to solve this riddle, first let's agree on how we count the pillars: we count clockwise from the main path, i.e. The 1st pillar will be on the left and the 6th on the right. Do e in the exact sequence: 1.sound - 1st pillar, then 4th, then pull the tongue 2.sound - 3.5, pull the tongue 3.sound - 4.6, 4. - 1.5 5 - 2.3 6. - 1.6 and the island descended. Bah! Who is here! Again Adam! Let's chat, you have to get to the submarine, the code is attached to the boat. If you have left the island, pull your mug by the tongue and you are on the island again. Go around the island and find a black hole in the ground, insert a clean lens into it. Let's talk to Adam again and you can get away. Let's go to the keeper of Mastodons and further to the submarine, go into the ball-door, get inside the boat - the captain kicks you out. We go to the door-ball and at the entrance we notice a counter, it counts the incoming steps, we are 17th, we need to somehow deceive the captain. Let's go to the village, remember the kid next to the fisherman, we'll show him the submarine. Since you walked through the door together, the counter counted only one person, we will send the boy home. We go to the eyeliner, we type the code that Adam gave to the panel: 5731X.

Mine: Talk to Captain Angus, he will give you a pass to the mine if you take the grain to Maoro Phi. Go left, see a car, look at it and a simple move combination. We arrived at the mine, go to the giant and talk to him, he will give you a note to Angus, do not forget to read it, and a pass. Let's go back to Angus, give the note. Let's go into the mine, talk to Firmin, the motor needs a filter and the water pressure is low, gives you a note for a spare part. Go ahead and go to the elevator, it will take you upstairs if you do not forget to press the button. Platform: go right, talk to Huta Meo - he won't let you into the geyser elevator. If you go back from it, you will see the entire platform, go to the entrance to the long building. Amalia sits here, she will allow you to take the filter, on the floor here you will find a note. Go further, here you will find a filter, and a little further paper and a pencil, which should be combined in the inventory to get a diagram. Go to the back of the building, where you will have a talk with Kia Tran - in charge of sorting. Let's go back to the mine. Mine: talk to Firmin, he will ask you to recalibrate the pump and gives you the formulas that the computer calculates: 1. - 15, 2 - 37, 3 - 8. go to the cars and look at the callibrators, press the left button and move the slider to 15 , then on the button in the middle and at 37, and the right button and 8; if everything is done correctly all buttons will be green. We must tell Firmin about our achievements, he will give you a map of the mine. We go to the elevator and to the platform. Platform: go to the right to the long building and when there is a picture of the entire platform, go to the lower right corner; here is the platform chief's room. Talk to Taal Nadi, the platform chief and a friend of Adam. Geyser elevator - access to the laboratory, but there is a protection system and a blocking mechanism. Bares Mohul appears, Taal leaves, pick up the sheet of iron near Ariana, and now it's the turn of the riddle. Look at the control panel, the numbers should swap: Move one black number to the right, two white to the left, three black to the right, 4 white to the left, 5 black to the right, 5 white to the left, 5 black to the right, 4 white to the left, 3 black to the right, 2 white to the left, 1 black to the right, the green light came on. Now we need to distract the elevator guard. Remember the water valve near the entrance to the platform, block the water with a sheet of iron and go down to the pool. Here, cut the motor belt with the machete. Let's go to the guard and tell him that someone has done something, he will leave and we dive into the elevator. Here on the panel we enter the diagram that we found in the warehouse. Laboratory: enter the door, you are hiding from Armanda, she leaves. Go down the screen and take the red acid from the sink. There is a table near the entrance. Under the table top lies a clue to the riddle with balls: 12 balls, you can weigh only 3 times, you need to find a ball that is either lighter or heavier than the rest. A ball unlike any other will go into the elevator pipe. If you start the game from the beginning, the ball changes. Solve the riddle yourself, it's easy. Check the safe - Ariana needs more information. Go to the bookcase - read the book. Go to the exit - we are locked, open the door with red acid. Go to the elevator. There is a tube in the elevator to the right of Ariana, put the ball there. Secret office: go around the office, on the table you will find tape, photographs, disk and a note. It's time to save: going outside and going back, look at the world and then we'll go to expose the guilty.

Despite what I have called the end, it is not short at all. Go through the small door to the elevator, pull the lever and we are on the platform. Talk to Taal, you need proof. Go to the boss's room, there you will meet Adam, he has already begun to bore him, there is evidence of conspiracy in the safe. The flasks on the safe contain the same amount of liquid. The note on the floor is the key to the safe, take another sheet of iron here. Let's go now to the warehouse, to the sorting room. Where the sorter used to stand, we will find white and black diamond powder. Let's go back to the laboratory to the safe. Here we head straight to the sink and find strips for chemical analysis. Use them on the flasks of the safe and find out the compositions. The note said how to open the safe, do the opposite: in a blue flask - black powder, in a red - white. Read everything in the safe. Get down to the platform and talk to Taal Nadi. Take the ladder near the elevator to the shaft. Get down to the mine. Go to the cars, look like a tethered dynamite, put a ladder here, climb in and cut off the dynamite with a knife. Now to the very left, where you will see a car, go up and see dynamite in it, which Adriana wants to throw into the sea. Leave the mine to the submarine, talk to the captain. He doesn't believe you. Go to the rails where the wheelbarrow used to be; here, closer to the sea, put a sheet of iron, so that you get a ramp. Let's go back to the mine to the wheelbarrow with dynamite and move the arrows so that the wheelbarrow goes in the right direction and click on the wheelbarrow, it will fly out into the sea and explode. Let's talk with the captain, he will take you to the village. Talk to the pilot, select the giants. Find Jahina - a healer, since there is no one else in the area, she will ask you to get a Memory Ball to confirm your words. She will give you a butterfly, and on the shelves you will find a large flower. We go to the garden with flowers at the entrance to the Arena. Water the flowers with water from a flask and let the butterfly go, the flowers will wake up and the doors to the Arena will open. In the Arena, place a flower on the square area in the middle, it will grab the flower. Go back to the healer, let him read the memory ball - the Matriarch is in the Valley of Spirits, she will give you a pipe to neutralize the protective field. Go to the Valley of Spirits, pave your way there with a pipe, and straight to the face with the tongue for which you need to pull. What do we see? There is no language, but there is a note from Alexander to Bares Mohul. Well, there is nothing to do, let's go to the pilot, he will take you to the city. You land at the bazaar. In the same shop where you used to steal the skin of the dinosaur, take a blue rag and a telephone tag. Let's go to the crossroads, talk to Enrike, Adam asked him to find you. Wolles at the university. You need to go to the university, but you saw Armanda in the bazaar near the atomorail - you can't go there. Let's go to the communication center, there you will see Bares Mohula. How can we distract him from there? Arianna has an idea - to call him. What's the phone number next to Bares? Let's go ask Enrike. He will give you all the numbers in the city, now you need to find out what number you need - you need to check the numbers of all other phones in the city. The first is located near Yenrike, where the dinosaur used to be, the second is near the entrance to the bazaar on the left side, the third is in the bazaar on the right hand of the entrance, the fourth is near the main gate of the city. The only number that you have not seen is 123-09, then we dial it in any phone, do not forget to put a blue rag on the receiver so that you are not recognized and throw a token and deceive Bares. Now you can sit on the altimorail and go to the Academy. Let's look at the laboratory first, find there a note and recordings for the conference. Go further to the generator and look at the car on the right, read the note on the table. You need to rebuild the turret to the right pivot, good luck. Take the note and the plimantar flask from the desk drawer. Let's go to the Archives. Let's see what the rector is reading - check the pin at the end of the room, you have already done this - the rector catches you and Bares - you are in jail. In the room you will find a note to Peter on the chest of drawers, you will see a basket hanging in the middle of the room and an arch laid by Kerpichs - more precisely, the door that you can open if you click near a young tree. We will go into Peter's room, right there on the table at the entrance we will find a cord, and a periscope map, after reading which you will learn that the overscope lacks a lens and a mirror. Go ahead and talk to Peter, then you can play with the periscope. Go to the previous room, in the inventory, combine the shmur with dynamite, put them in the hanging basket and set fire to the lighter. Everything explodes and you pick up an iron stick on the floor, step back into the picture next to it so that you see a hole in the ceiling, connect the iron stick with a rope and throw them into the gap. So we got out and ended up in an old mine. Let's go to the forest, meet Adam - he needs food, fern, wood, coal, and another mattress. Go back to the mine and opposite the spinning wheel you will find coal and an empty wooden box. In the forest, in the screen after Adam, pick up the fern; on the observation tower you will find food and a mattress on the bed. Give Adam all these items and go to his hut, on the next screen after the hut you will find small bones. Go further along the bridge and see Gustav flying, click on him, he will take you to the giants. At the mammoth site, pick up dry mammoth dung and coconuts. Go to the village, talk to Taal Nadi in the gazebo. Then let's go talk to the fisherman - he will ask you a riddle, it is easy - solve it and you will get a very bright firefly. Let's go to the healer, she needs coconuts, bones and berries. We take the berries in the same place where they were taken before, only not under the middle arch, but under the last one on the left. There is a stone near the healer, put manure on it, set it on fire with a lighter, put coconuts on the fire, then put bones on top. Tell the healer that everything is ready, she will give you a sponge. Let's go talk to Taal Nadi again, he will tell you where to squeeze the sponge - three holes behind him - squeeze. He is waiting for you in the Valley of Spirits. There you will find the Matriarch, talk to her. Time will return to the city. At the bazaar you will hear the phone ringing - Enrico wants to talk to you, he is in the communication center, Arianna wants to ruin the balloon - come and take a bottle of helium. Let's go to Enrico, he will give you the main key with which you block the way to the Academy in the control center - go up there on the elevator and look at the control panel. Remember to lift the pliers off the floor before leaving. You will find Wallace near the pharmacy, talk to him and convince him. Now that all invitations have been issued, you can go to repair the periscope. In the store at Hercules, near a stuffed small dinosaur, you will find a magnifying glass - use pliers to pull out the lens. We need a mirror, you can take it from Osin's camera - talk to him, he will allow you. Click on the camera and exit the tower - you are at Peter's, it's worth talking to him. Click on the periscope, place the firefly inside, place the mirror down and the lens up, take the firefly back. Talk to Peter, he will tell you that the coordinates are on the table, but you take them on the table near the door to the next room, after learning the coordinates, click on the periscope. See ... Goodbye.


English - lingual name of the game: Journey to the Center OT Earth

Volcano slope

Photojournalist Ariana, performing the task of the editorial board, finds herself on the slope of the volcano's crater. An unexpected collapse hits the helicopter.

The pilot may have remained in the cockpit, which means Ariana needs to find out if he is alive. The door of the helicopter was jammed from the blows of stones, we need to find something to open it. Near the helicopter, pick up a piece of the helicopter blade that was knocked off by a stone and, using it, open the jammed door. And the pilot is not in the cockpit! This is a trick! Mysteriously, in an unknown direction, the pilot disappeared from the cockpit of the helicopter. Looking around, suddenly the pilot managed to roll under the seat? Laughter laughter, but you have to decide what to do and how to get out of here. What do you have with you? As they say in such cases: "turn out everyone's pockets."

So, like any self-respecting civilized person, you should have a laptop. Pick it up from the floor and turn it on by clicking on the word "Use" in your inventory. There is a connection with the rest of humanity! Pick up the bag from the floor. In Ariana's bag you also find a pair of warm gloves, a lighter, an empty flask, and a screwdriver. Well, what a self-respecting woman leaves the house without a screwdriver. It is with her help that you open the first aid kit, which is hanging on the wall. From there you borrow an adhesive plaster, a bandage, a tube of aspirins, and a flask of clearing solution - things are definitely needed. Inside the helicopter, pick up a rope and a knife. With a knife found here, cut off the wires (electric wires) in the slightly opened instrument compartment on the wall. Unfortunately, there is nothing more to profit from in a helicopter. The "catch" is small, but at least something is much better than nothing.

Now you need to leave here, explore the surroundings. Around some kind of "winter" silence. To the right of the helicopter, you notice in the rock a crevice heaped up with a stone. You will not be able to roll it off with your hands - neither with gloves, nor without them. For this purpose, you will have to use a piece of the helicopter blade with which you have already opened the door. But you can’t do this if you don’t turn on your laptop first and send an email from it with a brief version of the events that happened, in general, “SOS! Save!”. "Soap" is sent only from the seashore located to the left of the helicopter. Now you can go to failure. You need, of course, light, but you have a lighter with you. Forward!

Pioneer camp

When you come to your senses from a fall, you find yourself in a strange place, and next to you you will see a comrade in a hat.

Let me introduce you, Adam Coverlier, a local shaman, welcomes you in person to the underworld where you fell so well. From the conversation that ensued, you will learn that the locals never come to the surface of the earth, that they also have a large city here, which is called Askiam. That you can get there only by going through the old mine. And, of course, wouldn't the lady be so kind as to agree to help the old shaman. Will, will - where will the lady go? Such a nuisance. The respected shaman had a magic crystal that fell out of his staff and was lost. Due to his poor health, he himself can no longer get the crystal, so he has to ask ... In general, be glad that you are lucky enough to be around. We must go to the old camp, next to which there is a cave with magic crystals. Your first priority is to pick out the crystal for Adam's staff.

We went to the beach where the first camp was set up. Look, maybe some of the things found here will be useful to you in the future. Pick up a rag (cloth) near the skeleton of the decayed boat, and on the sand - a stick (fossilized wood).

Two burial stones have been preserved here. One has an inscription: Ivan Platonov, 1830-1872. We find out with the help of the laptop encyclopedia who he is. Ivan Platonov is a Russian physicist, author of the theory of energy transfer. And here are ours! Committed suicide in 1964. Interesting information.

To find out who is resting under the second stone, you need to wash its surface. Take the selected rag, pour a wet cloth onto it and wash the stone. Armant Matifer, 1840-1970. See the encyclopedia. Armant Manifer - French researcher and biologist, developed the classification of marine animals, the author of the universal communication project, disappeared without a trace in 1964. It gets even more interesting: disappeared there to appear here. From this information you still will not "squeeze out" anything, and Adam is waiting for you. So go to the crystal cave near the waterfall.

Crystal cave

Here on the right near the entrance on the wall is attached a certain unit with bellows and a clip-holder. It looks like a crystal processing device. It will come in handy, only at first it would be nice to get hold of the crystal itself.

You go deeper into the cave, here someone prudently, right for you, has a ladder installed under a bunch of crystals. Climb in, trying to tear it off. Whatever it is! Something sharper and firmer is needed. We must go and look around. Return to the beach. Here you find a piece of bone (tip of bone), in the future, it may come in handy, but the crystal cannot be broken off with it. Will seek. Pour water into an empty bottle that was kept in your pocket - it will come in handy. Go further along the beach to the right.

Old mine

Exit to the entrance to the abandoned mine. At the entrance you find a giant shell and add to the rest of your finds. Come inside.

In front of you is a huge cave, equipped with various mechanisms and littered with all kinds of junk. Conduct a cursory examination, in the box at the entrance you find some seals - everything in your pocket, and next to it on the box is an old chisel - what the doctor ordered. You can now return to the crystal cave.

Wear gloves - rule number one in local safety regulations - keep your manicure longer. You put the found chisel on a stick. We got a useful tool: a cross between a pickaxe and an ice ax. To recapture the crystal is fine! Further - a matter of technology. Everything worked out, and it didn't hurt at all. Now we need to bring the crystal to the canonical form, that is, to polish it.

For sanding in the field, otherwise the situation in which you are, and you cannot determine, sand (sand) is quite suitable. Moreover, you don't have to go far for him. Exit the cave and collect sand. We put it into the flask of the crystal processing device hanging on the wall. You fix the split crystal in the holder-holder and start pumping air with bellows. The sand, caught by the air jet, does its job conscientiously, as a result of which you get a piece of polished crystal, quite a decent cabochon. The deed is done, it remains to meet Adam and give him the stone. And in anticipation of a new meeting, it's good to do your own business.

Return to the old mine. It's a bit dark here. It is necessary to give light, without this, nothing is visible around. You go to the dynamo machine on the left and examine the ancient switchboard for problems. All clear. The electrical circuit must be restored. So the wires taken from the helicopter came in handy. Twist the scraps of wires, having previously remembered the number one rule of safety technique - you only need to work with gloves, and insulate the wiring. For this purpose, an adhesive plaster from a first aid kit is suitable. The car started working, the wheel spun. Let there be light! You go further into the passage in the depths of the cave. You find yourself in a hall with images of people and giants on the walls and a closed door between them.

To open the door, you need to solve the charade and place the seals on the door in a specific order. A spell is inscribed above the door, in which the order of placing the seals is encrypted.

Your task is to carefully read the text and put the symbols in the order mentioned in the text. If you have any difficulties with this case (of course), use the hint. I call the location of the symbols from top to bottom, counting from the doors. First the left flap, then the right.

Left: motherhood, ear, mountain, spinning wheel, lightning, theater.
Right: lighthouse, bird in flight, chemistry, gears, sickle and ear, sea.

If everything is set correctly, the door will open. Come in.

Mushroom forest

Take pictures. If you get out of here, Ariana's Pulitzer Prize is guaranteed! You find yourself in a forest with giant mushrooms. The climate is like this.

Physical evidence is the most convincing. Cut the little mushrooms with a knife and move on. It turns out that mushrooms are inhabited. On the mushroom head you see a checkpoint - a checkpoint. You go there, climb the stairs to the landing.

Border outpost

There you are greeted by the local karatsupa - the head of the border zone, Lieutenant Lenkoff. You have an interesting conversation with your comrade lieutenant - you want to know so much, the main thing, of course, is how to get out of here. The lieutenant knows the answers to your questions, but shares this knowledge very sparingly. Right away, I sit high - I look far away, so I don't see anything. In short, the most terrible bourgeois military secret. All that you manage to find out is that they have no connection with the city now, as the signal pipe has broken, with the help of which they summon pterodactyls - flying dinosaurs, performing the role of two-seater helicopters at the outposts. And now they themselves simply need the lizard: his subordinate with a broken leg was left without help, and all because the signal horn split. How not to help your neighbor, even if not very close? Therefore, you give the aspirin to the patient. So far you can’t help anything else, but it’s not over yet ...

So that a woman does not come up with a way out of a hopeless situation - but never! You go down and start looking for the means at hand. You go further and near the bridge, from the hemp of the cut down mushroom you chop off two flat pieces of mushroom with a knife. Suitable to put splints on the wounded. You return to the post and give the planks and bandage. How to apply a splint - the military should know for themselves.

Now, as you understand, you have to repair the horn. If this was not done before you, then there is simply no one. Sad but true. You take everything into your own hands. You start to act.

You go back to the cave with crystals and without a shadow of a doubt, nothing is a pity for a holy cause, you expropriate inflatable bellows. Return with them again to the checkpoint. Using a lighter, burn a bone (hard cranium) and insert it into a prepared shell, picked up at the entrance to the mine. You put this structure on the end of the broken off signal horn. Now all that remains is to connect the air bellows to it and the howling structure is ready for action. You go to the authorities to report on the form. The handle is turning, the trumpet is calling.

Evacuator arrived - pterodactyl
Since there are only two places, the injured Nils and Lieutenant Lenkov flew away. Ariana was left alone again. Taking a moment, you examine everything at the post.

Take a map of the country forgotten in a hurry by the border guards from the table
(map), machete (machete), a bag of gunpowder (black powder pear) and some plant fibers (slender vines) lying on the chair. It's time to make your way into the city, otherwise you have been late for something.

Adam's hut

Cross the bridge, and you find yourself in a deserted, eerily strange place. Wherever you look - white sand, and in the middle - a tent, all approaches to it are "decorated" with tusks and skulls of various sizes. But there is good news. "Earth" responded to your cry for help. They are already two days away from you. You only need to stand for the night, but hold out for the day.

You poke a computer into the skulls on the pillars and find out that they date back to 1600-1650 years from the birth of Christ. At the entrance to this wigwam you are met by Adam, all familiar faces.

You give him a gift - a polished crystal. As he thanks you, come into the tent, make yourself at home, take whatever you want. Straight Georgian hospitality. Use it to its fullest. Take what lies badly, guided by the slogan "What lies badly, then the owners needlessly." Remove the amulet from the pillar.

From the table take wooden pieces of the puzzle "Tangram" (pieces of wood) and the book (book) "The history of the discovery of the underworld" - useful information. There is a strange bowl on the table. Try putting something in it, like little mushrooms. You will be "shown" a vision of a helicopter crash and pilot rescue. The pilot is alive - one less problem.

Go to the other half of the house and take a jar of colored pigment from the table. There is a closed chest on the floor. Such nonsense shouldn't stop you. Open it with wooden puzzle pieces. Fill the amulet with them, it becomes the key to the chest. In the chest is someone's bust, books, tongs and some rolled letters. Let's try to determine whose bust this is. Refer to your portable encyclopedia. This is a bust of the hero of the novel "Journey to the Center of the Earth" by Professor Hardwig by Jules Verne. And the scrolls turned out to be letters, we take them with us - we will familiarize ourselves at our leisure.


Thanks to the hospitable hosts, but it's time for us to go. You go further, across another bridge. Get information that on " big earth"Above, a crisis situation is brewing. The States are again muddying the waters in the Asian region, and China and North Korea are objecting. Russia is also almost ready to object. The situation is interesting THERE, but here it is not at all clear what it is."

Go ahead. The bridge is destroyed, we go down the rope ladder. Cut through the thickets of green spaces with the help of a machete. It seems like there is no one around, but you have the feeling that someone is burning your back with a piercing gaze. Mystic. Take the severed leaves (large leaf) with you, you still have to return for them. The cut-through clearing takes you to the place where the predatory Tirex can eat.

He does not see you yet - he is very busy, but this eater prevents you from passing. You can wait for him to finish his meal for a very long time - the iguanodon is big, it will last for a long time. We must somehow force the predator to leave here. You look around. On the right is a hollow piece of a tree trunk. What is not a cannon. And it is oriented very conveniently, directly to the Tirex. It remains to charge.

On the stump we put the selected leaf (large leaf), on it we successively lay out the colored pigment, a bag of gunpowder (black powder pear). Tie everything up with plant fibers (slender vines), and set this firecracker on fire with a lighter. You get a spectacular volley and ruined appetite. Tirex runs away, and you move on.

You see the beginning of a railway track on which a railcar is set in motion by means of a "squirrel wheel". Find a squirrel and you can go. Well, there are obvious difficulties with proteins, but you can find a replacement. A small dinosaur "grazes" nearby, trying in vain to pick fruits from the tree. Doesn't jump. Pick fruits and put them in your pocket. The fool is following you. You put fruits in the wheel, and the baby jumps there himself. You just have to close the wheel door behind him. And now - let's go to the city. And on the way you get a letter stating that the helicopter pilot was safely rescued.

Capital city Askam

You drive up to the city gates. Check your mail. The situation upstairs is becoming more and more tense. US satellites equipped with nuclear missiles target China and North Korea. Old Europe is still asleep. Get off the trolley and go to the city gates.

Here, under the watchful eye of surveillance cameras, you will be greeted by the doorkeeper Ocine. He has been expecting you for a long time, because everyone has already heard about you and has been warned by Lieutenant Lenkov. From the guard you will learn that the inhabitants of the city do not have telephone communication with the surface of the earth, but above the inhabitants of the dungeon everywhere "poked" hidden video cameras, from which they receive all the information about what is happening on the surface of the earth. Upon learning that Ariana is a photojournalist, the gatekeeper immediately has a request "on business." Apparently, I've heard enough about her being a jack of all trades. Now you are being asked to look at a non-working old camera belonging to Aspen's grandfather. The gatekeeper gives you a key to his laboratory located in the tower.


You go to the laboratory by opening the door to the tower with the key. Here is your "ward", as the notebook "reports", born in 1854. It is impossible to revive these antiques to life due to the lack of spare parts. But it is worth looking around carefully. On the walls of the laboratory there are instructions for printing photographs and photographs of Ariana cutting a passage through the thicket. There is a photo enlarger on the table and next to it is a stack of photographic paper. Using the instructions, print a photo from the negative that is inserted into the enlarger.

Turn on the red light (switches on the left). Put photographic paper under the enlarger. Turn on the enlarger by pulling the ring on it. Then you develop, fix and rinse. To do this, first place the photo paper in the first cuvette, then - in the farthest from you and, finally, in the cuvette on the right. Here's a photo of Ariana with a machete. This means that someone else's gaze behind the back was not imagined, but was in reality. Eyes everywhere, spies everywhere.

You go to Osin, report that the trick with the repair has failed. You are admitted to a secret city.

In the town

Enter the city and immediately run into the most important local boss. This gray-bearded old man is the chief engineer of the city of Wallace.

Without whom "a crocodile cannot be caught and a coconut does not grow." Without his permission, you will neither be allowed into the city, nor released from it. It turned out that if you have already managed to get into the underworld, then you simply have no other way out, how to live here forever, since they have no connections with the outside world. On the one hand, it’s nice that there are people like you around, on the other hand, it’s not part of your plans. In addition, Wallace let slip that the locals are mining diamonds in a secret cave and, through their intermediaries, are selling them to the surface of the earth. Well, if diamonds somehow get to the top, why shouldn't a person get there by the same way? So, you need to get into this secret cave and trace the path of the diamonds to the surface of the earth.

You get from Wallace documents for living in the city: a pass and tickets to the local "metro" - the cable car. Received another letter from the "surface". All sorts of "everyday" conversations, but not a word about the attitude to the outbreak of war, is very strange.

You begin your acquaintance with the city. There is an information stand next to the place of your conversation with the chief engineer. Check out the history of the city set out on it. Go further (lower right corner of the screen).

Mail, telephone, telegraph

The Communication Center is located in a large one-story building.

Come on in. The clock on the lobby wall of the Center does not work. Chat through the microphone on the table with the service team about the problem and go inspect the building. Examining the information hanging on the walls, you find that time here "runs" faster, and it has already "skipped" earthly time for two whole years. On the first floor in the hall, find a working clerk. Introduce yourself. This young man, Enrique, is the local postmaster and projectionist. He confirmed much of what you have already heard about communication, or rather its absence, with the surface of the earth. It’s very interesting to see what their surface cameras show as the war is unfolding above. Express your desire, and Enrique gives you the key to the viewing room and reel # 218 with film (reel # 218).

The door to the viewing room is in the corridor on the right. Open it with the key and enter. On the right, on the bottom shelf of the rack, you read a note with a list of movie plots. Examine the posters on the walls. Insert the film into the projector and watch the newsreel. After viewing in the inventory, analyze this film and find out that these are footage of the First World War and the Great Patriotic War.

In the elevator you go up to the second floor to the control panel of the operator on duty Figaro (Figaro). A very apt name. You are in a difficult moment for him. There is a serious breakdown in the city's power supply system. And he cannot remember where he left the sheet with the calculations of the new coordinates of the energy receiver. We need your help in recovering the coordinates of the receiver. To do this, you must first find the lost calculation sheet.

You find the leaf on the table in the hall where Enrique works. Climb with him upstairs again to the Panel. Calculate the desired coordinates on a laptop (6283, 1667, 5483 and 2092) and set these numbers on the Control Panel. The power supply has now been restored. And at the same time you recharge your laptop. And Figaro asks you to send a telegram with new coordinates. You go to Enrique and fulfill the operator's request. And at the counter you find a telegram forgotten by someone, in which Wallace makes an appointment for the addressee in the archive. There is no one else to talk to here - you will not learn anything new.

Go out to the main city crossroads and in front you see that a saddled Triceratops is going to meet you. You can pet him if you have enough spirit. You will have a talk with the local resident standing in front of the building. This is Heracles, the owner of a pet shop and an antique shop. He confirms that local residents communicate with earthlings, but this communication takes place in an atmosphere of increased secrecy. He also has some difficulties with which, perhaps, you could help him: he has practically no eggs of rare dinosaurs. You know where you can get them - in Adam's hut. But for this you will need to leave the city.

Pet Shop

Go on an excursion to the pet store. Look at the wall clock and in your laptop you find out that the local minute is 0.75 seconds shorter than the earthly one.

Inspect. Under the counter, find blank punch cards and a prescription codes book, which gives samples of how to fill out pharmacy dispensing forms. Forms migrate to your pocket, and the book to your laptop. Here you find a hidden button. Press it, and a secret door opens to the left of the aquarium. Come in there.

Secret office

A surprise awaits you here - an old acquaintance Adam. He warns Ariana against being too gullible to anyone other than him. He ended up here because he needs a special medicine "Hanagra of Syl", which he cannot make on his own, and the pharmacist does not give it to him. Ariana will have to help the shaman again. There is a note on the table that says that Hercules has run out of biocardamom. And you also have to look for him.

You examine what else can be useful for you. Find a needle on the counter in the corner of the unfinished Triceratops model. Take an empty form and punch holes on it with a needle, corresponding to the drug code "Hanagra of Syl" from the pharmacist book. Now you need to find a pharmacy to make the medicine itself. Exit the pet store.

There is a map of the city on the neighboring house. Exit to the shopping area.

Trading area

The airship-maholet is based here and there are counters with multi-colored awnings. From the third counter with a "fun roof" take old dinosaur skin and grease.

One of the stations of the air "metro" is located in the tower on the shopping area. (In order to get to the desired station, you need to double-click on it with the left mouse button on the map). Using the travel ticket issued to you, you can get to the Academy, aka the University. But you are not destined to get into the Temple of Science - it is closed. But you received a message that military operations began on the ground. The first downed planes have already appeared. Waves radiate from the thrown stone. Return to the "metro" to the market square. There is a pharmacy in a nearby alley, opposite the square.


The pharmacist in it is a lady with a heavy name and no less difficult character - Amanda Grunfield (Amanda). She categorically refuses to give Adam the medicine, which was to be expected. Upon your inquiry about biocardamom, having learned that Hercules needed it, the pharmacist said that he was at the university. You give her one of the tickets and she goes there "for free".

The pharmacy, it turns out, automatically dispenses prescription drugs. Without wasting time, put your punched-out form of medicine for Adam into the pharmacy slot, which is built into the pharmacy counter. In this case, Ariana needs to be placed so that she does not cover the gap with herself. Pull the lever and a box with a ready-made medicine (flask of Hanagra of Syl) "leaves" for you. Hooray! Carry it to Adam waiting for you. In gratitude, he gives you a fly map with which you can find the village of giants. This is a flight route map. You remember that you saw an aircraft - an airship - on the marketplace, and you go there.

Trade area again

Meet. The flying airship is controlled by the ballonist Gustav. As has already happened in practice, the first time nothing comes out for you here. The airship can only fly at close distances. Helium is needed for a long flight. And he is not equipped with them - he will not reach the village of giants. We need to get some helium for the flywheel. Probably only at the university ...


You are trying to enter the laboratory, the door to which is on the left side of the lobby. But there you are met by the notorious Amanda, who, in an ultimatum, demands that you leave the laboratory. Big bummer, have to leave the lab. Exit to the lobby and go to the lower right corner of the screen.

You find yourself in the archive. Wallace and another man you have not met before are also here. This is the rector of the Academy Alexander. So that's who the telegram you found was addressed to, in which Wallace made an appointment in the archive. Taking advantage of an unexpected meeting with the chief engineer, you turn to him with a request to help you leave the city, to which you receive a categorical refusal. And the rector invites Ariana on occasion to visit her in a familiar way and warns not to trust Wallace. What nice people. Nobody believes anyone. The bosses are removed, and you get an excellent opportunity to examine the archive.

On the table, find another reel # 254 with a film strip. Get acquainted with the information about giants, written in two books lying on the table. To the right of the table is a push-button catalog apparatus. Let's see if any of the departed ordered any literature. We pull the lever on the left and take the selection sheet that has come out of the apparatus. This is Wallace's library form. Oh, yes, our engineer is no other than an aspiring amateur director. There is a lot of literature on how to make a movie in his reader's card. Leave the archive and try again to get into the research laboratory.

Luckily for you, Madame Amanda is absent. Take advantage of this circumstance to look for helium. The helium bottle can be found in the corner on the floor next to some installation. And from the table you take an iron plate and a file. There is nothing else to borrow here.

You go to the Communication Center to look at the chronicle found in the archive. First on the tape footage of the chronicle last war and then a very interesting movie about Ariana destroying the Electricity Control Panel. Obvious falsification, but for this act they can immediately jail. It looks like you are being prepared for the slaughter. We must quickly make our legs out of this city. You go to the city gates, but, as you would expect, without the permission of the chief engineer Osin will not let you out - it is not allowed. So it is necessary not to wash, so to ride. You go to the room in the tower, you have the key, you need to fix the old grandfather's apparatus. From the piece of iron you grabbed in the laboratory, you cut out the part necessary for repairing the device (filed sheet of iron). Insert it into the camera and grease it. Done, repaired. Go and please Aspen. He was so inspired that, in joy, he let him out of the city without any pass.

Hop on the dinosaur trolley and go for the dinosaur eggs to Adam's hut. As soon as you got on the railcar, you immediately find yourself at the final point of your trip. Go to Adam's hut and take three dinosaur eggs. You look at the mail you received: on the surface, the public has launched a campaign to collect signatures for peace.

You return to the city again and give the eggs to Hercules. In gratitude, he tells you how you can get to the giants. It turns out that the ballonist Gustav is his good friend, comrade and brother. If you tell him that you came from Hercules, then there will be no problem - he will take you to the giants. You go to the marketplace and tell Gustav that you are from Hercules. He immediately asks you for a flight mission. We have. To fly, it is necessary to repair the rupture of the gas supply pipe to the balloon. We use old dinosaur skins for this. Then push the helium bottle onto the fitting located next to the pressure gauge. Place the flight card on the control panel of the device. Everything is ready, let's fly ...


Land in the savannah. Downstairs you are already expected. And earthly news haunts you here too: the UN intervened in the Asian crisis. An airship with a pilot will be waiting for you here. At the same time, the maholet will undergo preventive maintenance, and your path lies in the village of giants. Walk past a herd of mammoths grazed by a giant named Kanou Pale. Talk to him. From him you will learn that mammoths are bred to obtain milk, with their help "mow" the grass. And after the death of the animal, their tusks and fat are used. Go further into the village, moving towards the bottom of the screen, having previously picked up a clump of mammoth hair (mastodon hairs) near the herd.

The passage to the village, which is an arch made of bamboo stalks, is closed with a magic spell. No matter how much you try to enter, it will not work. The natives know how to enter, so return to the shepherd. Kanu Pale gives you a fragrant magic pipe herb that opens the gate and warns you of the spell's effect. Since the spell cast on the gate is designed to create a protective field that protects the village from any danger, you will not be able to enter the village with piercing and cutting objects. Therefore, before entering, place all sharp objects from your inventory on the ground that may be dangerous. Now come on in calmly.

Village of giants

In the round pavilion you meet a giant woman - the elder of the village, matriarch Aira Mnude. Talk to her. The issues discussed are the same: who and how. You do not go one step further in the study of this issue. She allows you to walk around the village, and even go to the Valley of the Spirits.

Take advantage of this permission. First, go to the right, here they have a local Michurin Tohu Malla (Tohu Malla). This gardener breeds magic flowers... Chat with him: answering your questions, he will not tell you anything new. On the left, in the wall next to the flower bed, there is a magical gate, but in them, as you are told, only initiates are allowed to enter. Well, and you are not only not privy to something magical, but you cannot figure out what is happening in real events. The flower grower is very sorry that he cannot move away from the flowers and does not know the weather forecast for tomorrow, but this is simply vital for him.

You will go to a local meteorologist and part-time fisherman.
You go to it, bypassing the gazebo with Airy Mnude located in it on the left and, reaching the fork in the road, turn left. You see a seated fisherman near the hut.

Meet. His name is Payan Ouva. Share pipe tobacco with him as a token of friendship. After a conversation that does not clarify much for you, you convey to him the request of the florist about a possible weather forecast. It is disappointing, as the weather is expected to deteriorate, just like we have in May - frost on the ground. Debt, as you know, is red in payment, so the fisherman lamented that he had an urgent need for a lure that is scarce in these places - a firefly. After all, only on it can you catch a big fish. After all, every fisherman dreams of catching a big fish.

Say "thanks for the forecast" and return with this bad news to the grower. You convey to him a disappointing forecast and tell him about the dream of a fisherman. The flower grower is depressed, but does not lose heart: all is not lost yet. Tohu Malla asks you to go to a local healer and ask her to protect his crops from frost. Respect the request. Go straight from the fork and run into the canopy.

Beneath him, a local witch, Jahine Duubra, is healing a baby mammoth. After exchanging pleasantries and expressing sympathy, you find out that the first thing to do is planes, that is, excuse me, in this case - mammoths, and everything else - then. To cure a sick mammoth, a healer needs bitter berries. They grow on a bush near one of the pillars that form an alley leading to the Valley of Spirits. Jahin warns you that the berries are very poisonous, so you shouldn't touch them with your bare hands. Along the path that goes around the canopy and goes beyond the hut, you go to this Alley ...

Alley of the Initiates

The alley, which runs between the high hills, is formed by pillars with magical symbols and vaulted arches. Near one pillar, on the left, you find a bush on which red berries grow, they are exactly what the healer needs. Remember the warning, put on gloves and pick the berries. Take it to the healer.

She thanks you for your help, and puts protective spells on the gardener's flower garden from frost. She tells you about the arena for initiates in magic hiding behind a door near the flower garden, and gives you a repellent stem to open the door that leads there. Before leaving the healer with her permission, take an empty shell from the shelf under the canopy. Now go back to the gardener and report on the work done.

Feeling emotionally, he gives you a deficiency - a heat-giving firefly, which you carry to the fisherman. The fisherman does not remain in debt and presents you with a shell too, only with a living shell. Well, you have your own living corner. It seems that you have fulfilled all the requests and instructions, now you can go and satisfy your own curiosity.

Local Luzhniki

Approach the door in the wall near the flower garden and open it with the special wand presented to you. Behind it, in the middle of the flower garden, there is an arena where local natives compete in wisdom.

Above the arena, the master of transformations, Bares Mohul, hovers in the air, and above him, even higher, a shimmering ball hangs. Bares Mohul explains to you that it is a Ball of Memory. It hangs in the air and absorbs all the surrounding information. But only the matriarch of the village has the ability to read this information from the Shara. As you can see, here everyone has a very narrow specialization. Bares Mohul demonstrates his achievements to you after the end of the conversation, he dissolves into thin air right before your eyes. And you are left alone at the arena.

On the left on the pedestal is a bowl of water. Approach it and throw an empty shell, a shell with a live mollusk and a clump of mammoth wool at it. Seeing wool, a mollusk, frightened, crawls out of its shell and hides in an empty one. If you poke the cursor into an empty shell, it will crack, and you will be left with a clean vegetable lens. Put it in your pocket. You go to chat, ask questions, to the fisherman. On the way, you get mail from the editorial office. There is not a single mention of war in it, strange.

You talk to the fisherman about the initiates. He tells you that magic uses the five senses of a person and can combine them. Each pillar in the Initiation Lane represents another level of initiation. At the end of the Alley of Initiates is the Valley of Spirits, above which the Island of Spirits hovers in the air. This was the end of his knowledge on this issue. You go to the one who can know more - to the healer.

You ask her about this island, and how you can get there. It turns out that in order to lower the island from a height, it is necessary to make six different special noises in a certain sequence with the help of whistles located around the "island landing site". You go to the Valley of Spirits along the Alley of the Initiates.


The Valley of the Spirits is a large, flat glade among the green mountains, in the middle of which a pit has been dug in the shape of the island hovering above it.

This earthen pit is surrounded by whistle posts around the perimeter. To make a whistle, you need to close the slot in the post with a large sheet attached to the whistle. Each of the six magical noises consists of a combination of the whistles of two well-defined whistles, while the other four whistles are silent. Then make another noise by combining the whistles of the other two whistles, then another, and then another. In total, as already mentioned, six specific noises must be produced. After you cover the two slots in the whistles of your choice with leaves, you go to a large boulder on the other side of the pit. A head is carved on this block. For the whistles to make noise, you must pull the stone idol by the tongue. If you find the correct sound sequence, then after six howls, the island will descend to the surface of the Valley of Spirits. The correct sequence of switching on the whistles is presented in the form of drawings on the pillars forming the Alley of the Initiates.

Be sure to memorize the game before completing this task! If something goes wrong with you, you will not win back. Carefully study all kinds of lines on the poles located in the Alley, and all the drawings on the whistles. It's all about the types of lines. Well, start experimenting. In another way, in my opinion, it is impossible to complete this task, intuition and logic fail at times.

If you are completely desperate picking combinations, then you can use this tip for combinations of whistles. 1-4, 3-5, 4-6, 1-5, 2-3, 1-6. The whistles are numbered clockwise around the pit, counting from the path leading from the Alley. But now the island has sunk into the pit, and you can enter it.

After which he will rise up again. On the island you meet Adam again. He suspects that Ariana got here through a "window" that was formed due to some kind of energy leak taking place here. He's trying to figure it out. Walk with him through the garden. Find the hole through which the energy of the Garden of Flowers "leaves". We must shut her up. You plug it with a plant lens, which the mollusk "left" for you. Adam suggests that the "duck" about the war going on above was launched for some purpose by the chief engineer Wallace and the elder of the village, Aira Mnude. Adam tells you about a submarine based at a dock near the village of giants and gives you a code to board the boat. Get off the island and go to the submarine. Go through the Alley, then through the whole village. Past the herd of grazing mammoths, go out again to the site where Gustav's airship stands for preventive maintenance. The dock entrance is located near this place. To the left you can see the elevator door located in the mountain. You go there.

"We came to the port today"

An automatic dock-visitor counter hangs on the wall of the elevator. The elevator is designed for one person, so the meter records the passenger entering and exiting the elevator. Arrive at the pier and board the boat. Captain Argus will meet you at the entrance.

Obviously, the "counter" reported that an outsider was at the pier. Sadly, you are immediately kicked out. It is necessary to deceive the counter in order to enter the boat without supervision. An idea has appeared, it is necessary to implement it.

You return to the village, remembering to leave sharp objects in front of the entrance, and entice with you, to gaze at the submarine, the little daughter of a village fisherman. You go down with her in the elevator, the counter considers that an outsider has arrived, then send the girl back in the elevator. The counter, of course, "counted" it. Everything is in order: there are no strangers, which means that no one has been warned about your presence at the pier and you will not be met. What you need. Come in and open the door with the code that Adam gave you - 5731X. The boat sinks and sails to the island, where diamonds are mined and transported to the surface of the earth.

Diamond mines

They sailed. The captain explains to you: in order to get into the diamond mine, you need a special pass. He can give you it, but quid pro quo. Argus cannot leave the boat himself, and his friend Maoro Fi is working in the mine, to whom Argus must give a gift, seeds from his homeland (seeds). If Ariana undertakes to carry out this assignment, the captain will give her a pass. Of course, she will take it, and with great pleasure. The captain explains that a trolley standing on the rails at the pier will take you to the mine.

Get into the trolley, turn it on, and go into the tunnel. (And a machete and a knife suddenly reappear in my pocket). There are two people working in the face, one of them is a giant.

Here it is, judging by the name that the captain gave you, you need it. Introduce yourself, say that you are from Argus, and start a conversation about the war, about working at the mine. He knows nothing about how the processed diamonds get to the surface. You give him the seeds of tobacco, and he asks you to give Argus a message, in which he says that a revolutionary situation is brewing at the mine. Take the note and drive back to the submarine. Give Argus the note, and he, as promised, gives you a visitor "s pass to visit the mine.

You go again into the mine, now on foot along the sleepers. Meet Firmin, the trolley driver in the transport area. Introduce yourself and start, as usual, asking leading questions. He knows nothing about how the diamonds get to the surface of the earth, but some of the workers here have a desire to know this. All orders for the mine are given by the chief engineer of the city of Wallace. Most workers are dissatisfied with the policies of the leaders. Now Firman's car broke down, and because of the breakdown, the shipment had to be stopped. He asks you to help him. You need to replace the filter in the car, and you need to go to the warehouse for a new filter. Firmin has already written out an order slip for receiving the filter, it remains to find a volunteer for this trip. Do not refuse to help him, it only suits you. You go to the warehouse. In the elevator go upstairs to the open platform.


Opposite the elevator that took you here, there is a giant. This is Hutha Meo's observer, guarding the entrance to the hydraulic elevator.

Access to it is allowed only to personnel with a manager card. You cannot learn anything new from a conversation with him. You go to the warehouse. The warehouse is located in a large hangar located to the right of the elevator. Approach the window where the storekeeper sits. Find out that you will have to look for a filter in the warehouse yourself. There are no contraindications, such amateur performances are even welcomed by you. Pick up a telegram (paper) in front of the window on the floor. From it you will learn that events are unfolding, the meeting is scheduled for tomorrow. You go to the warehouse. On one of the shelves, you find a blank sheet of paper, on which there are prints from another sheet, previously lying on top of the found one. There is also a lead pencil. You may well find out what was written in that note. To do this, paint over the prints, and a diagram showing a pentagon with marks will appear on your sheet. You receive mail from your sister, again not a single word about the war. Strange to the point of suspicion, it seems that Adam's suspicions are not unfounded. In the other row from the rack, take the filter (filter).

Go ahead and go out into the hall where the breed is sorted. Here Kia Tran works as a sorter. From him you will learn that after sorting the diamonds are sent on a conveyor to the laboratory, the entrance to which is allowed only to the chief engineer. On other questions, about the war, about the hydraulic elevator, about relations with the outside world, he answers either negatively or evasively. In general, he made you understand that he is not interested in politics. For some reason, he does not believe it. Get out of here.

Taking this opportunity, try to get into the lonely trailer on the platform. Locked - not destiny, another time. Returning to the transport area, carry the filter to the master. Firmin is happy, still - you saved the mine from downtime. Now he asks Ariana to help in one more matter: it is necessary to calibrate the car. He gives her a calculation sheet. Calculate them on a laptop and get the results: the first step is 157, the second is 37, the third is 8. You go with these data to the calibration panel. It has three circular dials with their own light bulb under each, and under them is a general scale. Set the calculated values ​​on the scale. If you calculated everything correctly (still), then after setting the value and pressing the button, a green light should light up under the circle.

After that, go to Firmin again - report and talk. Now the machine runs like clockwork. Firmin is very grateful to you, and therefore also provides you with all possible assistance - he gives you a map of the mine. Very timely. Note that there is an arrow on the map showing somewhere near the place where the supervisor Husa Meo is at the post. Apparently, this refers to the hydraulic elevator that it guards. Climb up to the platform again and go to the giant, since you did not have a special pass or a manager's card, he will not let you inside the elevator. It's unpleasant!

You go to investigate the rest of the buildings on the platform. To the right of the warehouse is a lonely trailer, go there. There is a control panel for all mine facilities, except for the laboratory. There you are greeted by the giant operator Taal Nadi. He was not at all surprised to see you, as he was warned by Adam about the possibility of your appearance. From a conversation with him, you find out that the laboratory can only be accessed through a hydraulic lift, it is quite dangerous, but it is possible to block the protection mechanism. And in general, everything connected with this elevator and diamonds is one big secret for a small company.

During the conversation, you notice, looking out the window of the trailer, that the master of transformations Bares Mohul has appeared on the platform. You ask your interlocutor about it. The giant tells you that this is his teacher. Very suspicious, because Bares Mohul told you that he had never been to the mine. This means that either one of the two, at least, is lying, or Bares Mohul is watching you. This mouse fuss starts to get on the nerves. Taal Nadi tells you that he promised Adam to help you. You ask him to go to Bares Mohul and inform him that you are going to leave the mine. Which he does.

It is necessary to make the most of the short-term loneliness that has fallen to you and try to turn off the alarm on the control panel of the hydraulic lift. The control panel display has two groups of numbers, black and white.

These two groups must be reversed. In one step, you can either move one digit to an adjacent free field, or jump over one digit of a different color. For those who do not want to puzzle over this task, I give a sequence of steps. Initial groups of numbers: 26418 and 81462. Permutations: the first black number moves one place to the right, the second white one - to the left, the third black - to the right, the fourth white - to the left, the fifth black - to the right, the fifth white - to the left, the fifth black - again to the right. The fourth white is to the left, the third is black to the right, the second is white to the left, and finally the first white is to the right. The transfer is complete. The green light comes on, the path is clear. Nearly. You also need to remove the elevator supervisor from the workplace. A hardware problem is required. We'll have to break it. Before leaving the shield room, pick up the sheet of iron from the floor. Go to the water tank located in the middle of the platform. It is necessary to stop the running waterwheel. Put the plate into the channel next to the wheel and shut off the water flow. Now you can go down into the tank. The downward staircase is located to the right of the wheel. Go down and sabotage - you break everything with one dexterous movement: using a machete, you cut the drive belt between the wheels. Now you go to the supervisor and inform him about the equipment breakdown. As you expected, he ran to report on. Conduct this conversation with the supervisor "from a bird's eye view" - an angle to the platform "top view", for some reason, this is the only result.


Enter the hydraulic lift cabin. There is a combination lock on the wall of the elevator. To make it move, you have to press some buttons. But which ones? Refer to the note that you restored at the warehouse. Click on the buttons that correspond to the crosses on the note. Going up. Hangar again. It houses a laboratory. You are very lucky: Amanda is on the phone and does not notice your arrival. She is discussing you with someone. After talking on the phone, Amanda leaves without discovering your presence. And you begin your inspection of the laboratory.

Take a vial of acid (red phial of acid) near the sink. Interesting documents were found in the bookcase. After clarifying something with the help of a "computer", we find out that the supplier, Van Heckner's agency, received diamonds of the highest class, as evidenced by a certificate issued by the Johnssens & Sven jewelry company from Antwerp. A thread appeared.

In the corner of the room, on a table located next to the safe, there is a strange construction that looks like both a lottery drum and a scale.

From the shelf of this table we take a sheet of paper with the text. It encrypts a task, the solution of which is associated with this device. Having deciphered the contents of the note, you must, out of the twelve white balls you have available, use the scales to find the only one that differs in weight, which falls into the pipe of the elevator. You have only three weighings for this task. If the weight on the bowls is the same, then this is not considered weighing. Each new game has its own unique ball.

Take this unique white ball and put it in your pocket. Into the safe, the lock of which is the original combination of three flasks, into which, apparently, you need to pour something before you can get in. It seems like there is nothing more interesting here, we are leaving. Yes, it was not so. As she left, Amanda locked the door. We need to open the lock. Into the keyhole we pour the acid from the bottle that you took near the sink. The castle opens naturally.

Enter the elevator. To make the lift start moving, put a "unique" ball in the pipe on the right. The elevator takes you to a secret office. Find a book on the table. Read it. This is the diary of the rector of the Academy Alexander. On the table we find a photo of Ariana (photo), destroying the city control panel for the supply of electricity. From the table you take one more reel with film and a CD-disk (disk). Insert it into your computer. The disc contains the addresses to which the diamonds arrive in Zurich. Well, well, you will learn a lot here. It seems that it was the rector who was involved in scams with the sale of diamonds and the isolation of local residents because of a fictitious war, allegedly waged on the surface of the earth.

"To be or not to be"

Remember the game! It is now possible to either end the game by exiting the large round door, or continue the game by exiting the small door on the right and fight injustice here, underground. The choice is yours.

If you are tired of the troubles that follow you literally at every step, and you decide to leave the game, then be prepared for the consequences that your action will entail. Everything will turn out well for you. Recognition, honors, money. And here the sharks of capitalism will rush.

The attraction of diamonds is a terrible force. And there is no doubt that all kinds of ... saurus will not live long. But if you decide to fight ...

Continuation of the banquet

Exit through the small door. Return to the elevator and find yourself on the platform. You get another "misinformation" about the war on the surface. The supervisor, who has taken up his post again, unequivocally hints to you that you have already stayed here, is it time to know the honor. Adam asked to convey that he was already here and wants to see her. And Ariana tells Khusa Meo about her findings and suspicion that everything was started because of a thirst for enrichment. And in light of these events, Ariana asks the giant to guard the entrance to the hydrolift so that no one can get here until she speaks with the chief engineer and the elder of the village.

Khusa Meo agrees to stay guarding the entrance for as long as necessary. You go to the trailer with the control panel on the platform, where Adam is waiting for you. He is glad that Ariana found out the truth and brings her the latest local news. Rector Alexander, apparently, felt that the smell of fried, and disappeared. Most people, contrary to the government's opinion, want to unite with the giants. Therefore, Ariana must take steps to ensure that as many people as possible hear what she has to say. On the floor of the trailer, find a chemical formula paper with a strange recipe: "Add black diamond powder to an acidic medium and white diamond powder to an alkaline medium."

Pick up another sheet of iron from the floor. It's time to collect the components. First you go to the hangar sorting shop. There is now empty - no one will interfere. Take white diamond powder and black diamond powder from the conveyor. Come to the bulletin board. Here are posted instructions for admission to secret work, a report on the mining of diamonds sent monthly to the laboratory, a watch schedule, from which it follows that people and giants have different constitutional rights, as well as an order on the mine: whoever sees Ariana needs to be informed urgently manual, as it is here without permission. Interesting reading, but don't forget why you are here. You have to hurry to the laboratory. You go to the hydrolift.

Chemistry - to life!

Find strips for chemical analysis in the sink. Analyzing them using a computer is a set of indicators. Come to the safe.

Take pieces of paper with indicators and dip them into each flask located on the door of the safe, poke at them with the cursor, three pieces of paper appear in your pocket, colored in different ways. As a result, it can be argued that the blue flask is an alkaline reaction, the red one is acidic, and the transparent one is neutral.

To open the safe, black powder must be added to the blue flask, white powder to the red flask, nothing needs to be added to the transparent flask. The safe opens. It contains a box of diamonds and a book with documents. Here are the account reports for the sold lots of diamonds and the list of buyers (confidential clients). Close the safe and return to the platform again. Ariana tells everything that she could find out to the supervisor - now he is with her "with all his heart" and goes to the village to educate the people.

You go down to the exit from the mine. On the tracks, you find a whole cart loaded with dynamite. The thought arises that someone is preparing a retreat for himself or covering his tracks. If this dynamite explodes, then no one in the mine will survive. We need to get rid of the trolley. To do this, you just need to push it into the sea.

Go and inspect all the premises of the transportation hub, maybe there is some other surprise laid somewhere else. Above your calibrated car, you see a bunch of dynamite, ready to explode. It must be neutralized.

You remember that near the exit from the elevator on the platform you saw a ladder. Go up there and bring the stairs. Climb up on it and cut the wire with a knife - the explosion was prevented. And they took dynamite with them. Then you go to the captain of the submarine and ask how he looks to sail, because she needs to quickly get to the village of giants. He refuses, since he does not have an order for this. You tell him what you managed to find out and that you need to warn the matriarch of the village and the chief engineer about the conspiracy. But he doesn't believe you, he needs proof. Well, there will be large-caliber evidence for him. It's time to get to grips with the trolley.

First, we put the sheet of iron, picked up in the trailer, into the rails that fit the water. That is, we are making a springboard. Now we go to the cart. To put it on the rails, you need to move the arrow on the tracks. The lever is poorly visible. Put on your gloves beforehand! Well, they organized a direct road to the sea. Go. The captain appreciated the sight he saw.

The rocket car soared made an indelible impression on him. Immediately go, that is, go, as the sailors say. Ariana receives mail from Betina. It says that Hector, Ariana's brother, despite the opinion of the returning pilot, who believes that Ariana is dead, is ready to turn heaven and earth in order to return her. But Betina knows that Ariana did not die, since after the accident she received mail from her. Therefore, Betina firmly believes that they will see each other soon.


Ariana goes to the village. Approach the ballonist, discuss further plans with him. Ariana is going to stay in the village of giants for the night, so you leave all the sharp objects in Gustav's basket.

Walk through the transparent wall surrounding the village. There is no one here, as if everyone died out. There is one living soul for the whole village - a healer, working at her post. She says the village elder is on vacation - come back tomorrow. You tell the healer that there is no war at all, and why Alexander started all this. That he has a whole army of allies, and one of them is Bares Mohul. But in order for the evidence for the matriarch to be convincing, it is necessary to get the Ball of Memory hanging above the arena. Only the Ball of Memory will reveal the whole truth. The healer gives Ariana a butterfly, with which she can open the door to the arena, and a magic flower, without which the Memory Ball cannot be obtained. Take a flower (trapping plant) from the rack and go to the flower garden. First, water the flowers with a flask full of water. Now release the butterfly and watch it. A butterfly lands on a large yellow flower and a gate in the wall opens. Come inside.

Place the flower taken from the healer on the pedestal in front of the arena and it draws in the Memory Ball.

Carry it to the healer. She says that she herself cannot read information from the Ball of Memory, she must carry it to the elder, who is now in the Valley of Spirits. But in order for the spirits to let you through the Alley of the Initiates at night, you need a magic flute. The healer gives you this flute. You go there and play the pipe. You did not find the elders in the Valley of Spirits, but at the stone idol you found a note in the place of the tongue written by the rector Alexander Bares Mohulu. The essence of the note is that Ariana needs to be stopped - she knows too much.

Get out of here, go to the aircraft - it's time to fly to the city.

"I returned to my city ..."

Arrive at the shopping area, thank Gustav and say goodbye to him. Now you urgently need to find the chief engineer. You have a desire to enter a light metro station, but it wasn’t there: Amanda doesn’t let you there.

You go to the next station, located next to the Communications Center, there is patrolling Bares Mohul. It looks like Alexander's supporters have rallied the ranks. We must somehow remove the rector's associates from the streets. You can call Bares (there is a payphone next to the Communications Center) and, by changing your voice, on behalf of Amanda, announce the end of the state of siege. To crank this venture, you must do preparatory work... You go to the stalls in the square and find a blue cloth and a telephone token on the familiar counter. Naturally, you cannot call from a telephone booth located next to Amanda, but you remember the number of this payphone 123-06.

Now you go to look for another payphone. Another one was near Enrique's shop, going there. And there Enrique himself is waiting for you, Adam asked him about it. Learn from him that Wallace, with whom you need to meet, is now at the Academy. You tell Enrique about Alexander's diamond business, about a fictional war, and tell him who is helping him. Neither the payphone located at the Pet Shop, nor the one at the crossroads with phone books to get the payphone number from the Center, so you can only remember their numbers: 123-05, 123-08. You go to the payphone at the main city gate, the same story. Its number is 123-04. Go to Enrique with this problem, and he gives you a list of the phone numbers.

Calculate the number of the payphone located near the Center - 123-09. Cover the receiver with a handkerchief (to change the tone of your voice), lower the token, look at the number in the telephone list and that's it. Filming "outdoor". Go to the "metro" near the Center and go to the Academy.

Come in and go left - to the laboratory. On the way, you look at the mail sent by Hector. It will calculate your location by looking at your laptop. Find a piece of paper on the table in the laboratory. This is an agreement on the separation of powers between humans and giants, and in the wooden box you find a note about changing the signal setting. Go to the corner of the laboratory, here on the table there is a puzzle made of reels of film, put on an axis, the so-called "Tower of Hanoi".

Next to it is a leaflet with the rules for solving it. The essence of the problem is that it is necessary to transfer the pyramid from the left axis to the right axis, transferring one disk at a time. When transferring, the following condition must be observed: only a disc of a smaller diameter can be placed on any disc. This puzzle is quite famous, so I think everyone will be able to cope with its solution.

After you complete the task, a door opens in the side of the puzzle.

Inside there is a vial of liquid (plimantair flask) and a note describing the contents of the vial. This substance is completely harmless to humans and deadly to giants. Leave the laboratory and go to the archive (door opposite the entrance). Go to the catalog machine and repeat the last request: pull the lever on the left. A tape with a list of ordered literature comes out. This is the order of the rector. It includes books on the study of giant races, the clinic of the giants, epidemiological medicine, and invisible chemistry. It is clear that giants will be targeted selectively. Come out. Rector Alexander and Bares Mohul meet you in the lobby. All your accusations are answered with perplexed: "What are you talking about, dear?" And then "Come with us."


So you got caught. Ariana was locked in a prison, a comfortable but still prison. Looking around in a new place. On the dresser, find a note: "Watch out for the lady until I get back." Well, lady, of course, this is Ariana. And the one who should guard, it seems, is somewhere nearby. If you click the cursor on the tree next to the chest of drawers, a secret door to the next room will open in the wall. This is a laboratory. Take a fuse and a periscope map paper from the table. In the far corner of the room, a young man is rummaging through a bookcase, not paying the slightest attention to you.

This is Alexander's twin brother - Peter. He tells Ariana that the outside world is being monitored from here. Peter is not interested in what his brother is doing - he is interested in science, he is developing a new model of a dynamic periscope. But it lacks a few parts to get it going. He is clearly not up to us, well, and do not distract the young man from his hobbies. You have more important things to do. We have to get out of here. You go into the room where there is a hatch in the ceiling.

A basket is tied to a rope descending from it. You stick the string into dynamite, put the dynamite in the basket and set it on fire.

Take the fallen iron bar from the scattered grate. Tie a rope to the rod and throw the rod into the hatch in the ceiling. Climb up the rope. You find yourself in a cave near the beach. Exit to the mushroom forest. The omnipresent Adam is waiting for you at the exit.

Mushroom forest

He's really glad Ariana is alive and well. He invites her to seek help from Gustav. Adam tells the news. Alexander is hiding somewhere, so Adam will guard the exit so that Alexander does not escape. We must help him prepare for the ambush. He needs food, a wooden box, coal, a mattress and a fern blanket. Ariana must go to the healer, she knows how to protect the village. And before she goes there, Ariana must go to Adam's hut. Before her, you need to take the magic bones and take them to the healer, she will tell you what to do. And Ariana must tell everyone to go and see the surface of the earth through Peter's periscope.

You go to collect things for Adam. Return to the cave. Find coal in the empty box. Take it along with the box. In the mushroom forest, ferns (ferns) are ripped for a bedspread. Then you go to the post you left. Go upstairs, take food (food reserves) from the table, and grab a mattress (blanket) from under the awning. Now, with all this household, you return to Adam, and give him things. Ariana says goodbye, she needs to have time to visit the hut of Adam before the village of giants. She must hurry, as Wallace must visit the village and must tell him and the elder about the vial of "dust" found.

And Adam from the things brought by Ariana makes a barrier so that no one can leave the dungeon. Ariana receives a letter from Harry, a high school classmate. He writes that she has to turn on her laptop every five minutes so that she can be tracked.

Come to Adam's hut. On the left, before entering the hut, take the little crushed bones from the sand. To fly away from here you go ahead - look for Gustav. And here he is flying over the bridge. To make him notice you, poke the cursor at him. You pass along the bridge, go down the rope ladder and wade through the bushes to the place where the killed dinosaur lay. This is where Gustav lands on his vehicle. After mutual greetings, Gustav agrees to take Ariana to the village of giants and wait for her there.


We arrived at the place. Mindful of the magic entrance, leave all the sharp objects in Gustav's basket and go to the village. As you pass the grazing mammoths, pick up the dry mastodon dung of the mammoths and the coconuts that have fallen from the palm tree.

In the village, in the gazebo, the giant Taal Nadi is waiting for you. Adam warned him about Ariana's arrival. You tell him about the conspiracy against the giants and ask him where Wallace and the elder are now. Now you need to go to the healer to protect the village. Yes, still get the missing parts to make the periscope work. In this regard, we recall the fisherman, or rather, about his firefly. You go to the fisherman Ruan Auva and ask him where the elder is now. Ariana asks him for the brightest firefly. He promises to give, but if she sets the crab traps correctly. That's right, according to the fisherman, this is sorting by birth. Rouen gives her a piece of fish (bait).

You put a piece of fish on a stone, a crab of what color will creep out to the fish, a trap of this color and you must put it opposite it. Traps should be set, focusing on the symbols of the sexes (genera) depicted on the stones in front of the traps. By the method of logical thinking and anti-scientific poking, the following was obtained: The left one is a black trap for girls-crabs, the middle one is green - a common one. And the trap on the right, in which you have to put a piece of fish given by the fisherman, is intended for "male" crabs. Return to the fisherman and he gives you a firefly.

You go to the healer. You will learn from her that the elder is in the Valley of Spirits, but you cannot go alone. Ariana tells Jahin Duubra about the found deadly substance that Alexander wanted to spray it in the village of giants. The healer says that she can protect the village, but in order to prepare the potion, she will need coconut milk, bone powder, and berries from the Valley of Initiation. You will have to get it all for her. With powder and milk, everything is in order, but for berries you will have to go to the Alley. Come on.

Find a bush with berries on the same side of the Alley where you picked the red berries last time. Only a bush with blue berries that you need, further, between the second and third pillars. Put on gloves and pick berries. Carry them to the healer.

You will cook the potion yourself - today is "Friday" - the day of self-contemplation - she can't do anything with her hands, it's good that this rule does not apply to her tongue. This potion must be boiled over a fire. Stool (mammoth dung), excuse the expression, put it on a stone and set it on fire. Throw a coconut into the burning flame. It splits into two bowls of milk. Place the berries in a bowl, add the crushed bones. Tell the healer that everything is ready. Put on gloves and scoop the resulting mass out of the bowl. You are holding a ready sponge soaked in potion. We go with this sponge to the gazebo, where Taal Nadi is still waiting for you, in order to carry out protective measures with you. He tells you that you have to squeeze the sponge into the hole in the floor on the right side of the gazebo.

And now Ariana must go to the Valley of Spirits, Taal Nadi will be waiting for her there. Come to the Valley of Spirits. Aira Mnude was found on the flying island. You tell her everything you could find: about the war, and about the conspiracy, and about Alexander and his diamond business, and about "dust for giants." Say that the villagers can go and see what is happening on the surface of the earth through the periscope found in the old mine. And as the most important proof, show her the Ball of Memory. She looked and believed you. Consider that you have thrown off the burden from one shoulder. Return to the waiting Gustav and fly to the city.


Have arrived. A payphone rings in the square. This is you. Ariane calls Enrique, asks her to come to the Central Committee (Communication Center), and says that Adam asked her to be very careful in the city. So that no one can escape from the city by air, turn off the helium bottle and take it with you. So it will be more reliable!

You go to the Central Committee to the telegraph office. Together with Enrique, you decide that you need to send everyone warning telegrams about the conspiracy. And it is necessary to make sure that the "metro" cars do not stop at the "Academy" station. Enrique gives Ariana a master key, in short, a master key, so that she can get to the power supply panel.

Go up the elevator and turn off the button labeled "Academy" on the remote control so that Alexander could not escape. Pick up pliers from the floor. Go look for Wallace. We must hurry, as he must soon leave for the giants. You intercept Wallace near Amanda's pharmacy, where he came for the medicine. You tell him about the poison and about Alexander. The engineer takes matters into his own hands. First, everyone will go to look through the periscope, and then - to catch Alexander in order to arrest him. "First, the celebrations are planned, and then the arrests."

Ariana must have time to bring the periscope into working order before the influx of visitors. As you remember, you have the periscope drawing. You need to get another mirror and lens. Go to the Pet Shop and open it with a master key - a special key. Enter the office through the secret door and look on the shelves. Find a magnifying glass near the unfinished stuffed Triceratops. Use nippers to pull out the lens (magnifying lens). Now go to the city gates. Talk to Osin, and with his permission you go to his photo shop and "rake" your grandfather's camera. Take out a mirror (small mirror). You get the "soap" from Brother Harry that the rescue expedition is approaching and you can start turning your laptop on and off. And you are now worried about other problems: you need to quickly return to the periscope.

Periscope and happy ending

The railcar you sit on immediately takes you to the periscope. Good - no need to walk. Go "fix" it. Peter doesn't bother you. It is dark inside the periscope - you stick a firefly. And immediately you find in the periscope some kind of, obviously superfluous, metal part - you remove it. Put the mirror down, insert the lens into the clip. Remove the firefly. You ask Peter about the coordinates of the periscope setting. Following his instructions, find a piece of paper on the table: "View of the harbor 125-87". Here Wallace pulled himself up. You adjust the periscope and show him the landscape that has opened up. Everything ended well. Ariana flies home ...

You are on the Journey to the Center of the Earth Adventure game page, where you can find many useful information... The game was released by Frogwares. The passage of the Journey to the Center of the Earth game found with us will help you quickly solve in-game problems and get tips on difficult moments. Also, for the game Journey to the Center of the Earth, codes and cheats are simply necessary for everyone who likes to receive free bonuses.

The Journey to the Center of the Earth game in Russia was localized by 1C, but this does not negate the need for a Russifier, because sometimes errors manifest themselves in the course of the game, and the original version is always better than the converted one. And the passage in the native language is more pleasant. You will play alone, going through each stage without any help.

Reader reviews and reviews will help you figure out if a game is worth your time. Considering that the game was released on 2003-10-23, we can say that it belongs to the category of classics.

In addition to general information, you may need a variety of files. Use add-ons when you are tired of the main plot - they will significantly expand the standard features. Mods and patches will help diversify and fix the gameplay. You can download them in our file storage.