Poker School Dmitry Forest: classes, training. School of Poker Dmitry Forest launched new courses in Cyprus Poker School Dmitry

School of Poker Dmitry Forest - The oldest poker school in the entire CIS, which began its work 15 years ago. During all this time, more than two hundred students passed through it. Now the school was seriously modernized and she is ready to offer everyone a huge amount of training materials and video content.

The first release took place in 2002 in the Casino "Cosmos" (Moscow). With the ban of poker in Russia (2009), the school was relocated to Cyprus. During the long years of work, the technique was polished, created educational materials, the technology and format of the holding is worked out.

Feedback on School Poker Dmitry Forest, dated 2016.

Poker School Dmitry Forest is a real find for novice players, and for those who have long been familiar with poker. For me personally, the poker was a hobby for 3-4 years ... a stable minus game is solely for pleasure. After the occupation, Dmitry Forest has changed everything ... Immediately after classes, I won my first poker cup in ONM from tournaments on EPT Monaco Grand Final, and later practically on all these series, and we go a lot - EPT, WSOP, PCA, LAPT. .. I do not stay without prizes. Began to play the cache, and here the results please. In short, the School of Poker Dmitry Forest surpassed my expectations. In addition to poker classes, we got a great vacation. Dmitriy amazing man! The most interesting interlocutor ... Such a feeling that he knows absolutely everything and everything! Incredibly hospitable, positive. It is impossible not to fall in love with him - as in the teacher ... as in a person ...

, graduate 2016

Poker School Dmitry Forest

The poker school is what it is necessary to start the path in the world of poker. There are many poker schools in the world, however, unfortunately, many of them are not Russified. In such a difficult game, it is important to understand all the nuances, because if you do not consider yourself to the polyglotes, you should choose a Russian-speaking poker school. As a rule, exclusively schools for advanced users charge training fees. For new players, there are massive complimentary poker schools.

Poker School Dmitry Forest

Dmitry Lesnoye deserved a reputation as a famous poker theorist, becoming the author of many fascinating works. In addition, he is a specialist in everything related to gambling. On the professional website you can find video and special literature video. Many people of Forest are known as the creator of the famous Maryazh program and the President of the Federation of Sports Poker in Russia.

What is a poker school, and how to get training?

Dmitry Forest leads a poker school. He not only writes lessons to display on television, and organizes:

  • full-fledged practical and theoretical classes;
  • control verification of knowledge gained by students.

Of course, school training is significantly different from studies by viewing video recordings. In school at school, much of time is dedicated practical game and further disruption of situations and errors that users allowed. On video recordings are given only key theoretical knowledge and basic training course. Practice there is absent, and the video is used exclusively for the general understanding of the essence of modern poker. For people who want to become school students, the site contains key rates for training and schedule of the start of the courses. In addition, here you can find the form feedback and set the relevant issues of the resource administration.

Poker lessons Dmitry Forest

The video language on the game is directly on the site. There is a list of publications with the tips of the author. Starting from literature and videos, you can gradually switch to practical classes in a poker school. The duration of the course is five days, during which students pass through a complex of theoretical lessons and practices.

After each occupation, the teacher conducts detailed analysis of the actions of students with an indication of errors. Everything ends with a test competition for students. The price of one classes at school is 20 euros per hour. Classes will organize directly Dmitry Forest.

Material from the site free encyclopedia by poker.

Poker School Dmitry Forest - Official organization with the support of the "Federation of Sports Poker Russia", which provided a course of training a poker from the very basics to a professional level. In early 2011, the school ceased to exist.

Learning process

The learning process consisted of occupations. Groups formed 8 people. The conditions of study included - accommodation in Moscow for 5 days, during which students were proposed methodical literature, poker teaching aids, training course and practical classes for 6 hours a day.

Program of classes

  • Theoretical aspects of poker (introduction to the theory of probability, mathematical expectation).
  • Home tasks in the form of thematic tasks.
  • Player psychology and television language.
  • View special video materials.
  • Shouting techniques.
  • Game - in small rates with error analysis, etc.

Graduates of the sports poker course were awarded a diploma on the end of the poker school, signed by the President of the Federation of Sports Poker of Russia "D.S. Forest.

This school officially enlisted the media to the support of the poker channel - Propoker, on which the learning transmission cycle is broadcast.

The cycle consists of 40 gears, the content of which could be found on the school website.