What a chess figure goes on a diagonal. How do figures in chess go: Rules of the game, names and practical advice. How to walk figures in chess

The game of chess is inexhaustible, the number of moves for one party can be quite large, but how the figures go in chess - not everyone knows. For this reason, many players at the level of lovers play chess on their own rules, not even realizing that they do it wrong.

In this case, it should be dealt with where chess come from, the name of the figures, and how they go in one way or another. Great amount The moves, as a rule, scares newcomers, although in fact it is absolutely nothing to fear. In the game, all the difficulties will instantly disappear, because the variety of positions and all sorts of chess combinations is based on elementary movements of the figures.

Brief Story Chess

To date, the exact origin of the chess is still unknown, although there are several good versions. One of them claims that the game originated in India more than two thousand years ago. Historians who hold this version say that chess are the result of the development of other games that have similarities with them. The game that many people enjoy now became known only from the XV century, and she also won popularity in Europe.

Even despite the fact that no one knows where this game came to us, the rules of chess, how the figures go and how to win a deception, we know.

Purpose of the game

Surely, many people know that the game will need a board, where exactly 64 cells are marked (dark and light alternate), and players should take places opposite each other. Incomprehensible, but at the same time extremely simple seems to us play in chess. How the figures go - will be described below, but for now, you need to get acquainted with the goal of the game.

Each of the players has exactly 16 figures:

  • king;
  • queen;
  • 2 rooks;
  • 2 elephants;
  • 2 horses;
  • 8 pawns.

The goal of Chess is the formulation of Mata to King the enemy. Mate is called the situation when one of the kings is made by the threat in the form of a rival figure, that is, the king is already under Shah and will not be able to avoid this situation.


Before proceeding with the game, the board should be installed in such a way that in the lower right corner of both opponents the light cell is located. Next, figures are placed on the ranks:

  1. Floors in the corners, near the horses, then elephants. In the center there are a queen (on a cell of the same color, like the figure herself) and the king is placed near the empty cage.
  2. The next row fully consists of pawns.

The first should walk the player who chose the figures of light color. If a dispute arises about who will play some chess, you can throw a coin ("eagle or rush") or blindly choose one or another figure (what color it will be, that will be all the others).

Now it is necessary to deal with how the figures in chess go. For beginners, it may first seem complicated, although in fact there is nothing special here.

How to walk figures in chess

Each figure has its own trajectory of movement. To understand how the figures in chess go, it is not necessary to break your head, because these rules are extremely simple and you can remember them very quickly.

One should only assimilate the main points:

  1. When carrying out the stroke, some figures do not pass through others.
  2. It is impossible to walk on the cage, occupied by its own figure.
  3. Before making the stroke, it is necessary to think about how and what figure to lay in such a way that it protects its territory and could in this or the next course, take the opponent's figure.


Now you should consider each of the figures separately. For successful game There is not enough knowledge about the main points telling about how the figures in chess go. For children and adults, the most interesting figure is the king. It is at the same time the most important, but also the weakest. He has the ability to move exclusively on one cell, but completely in any direction, including diagonally. In addition, he cannot be on the cell that is already under Shah, that is, where his opponent's figure will immediately take it.


People at any age may be interested in chess. What are the figures called and how they go - not everyone knows. It is worth noting that only those people who have the experience of playing chess are familiar with the title of this figure. The rest are called Queen Queen.

The queen is the strongest and powerful figure. He, like the king, can move in any direction. Unlike the previous figure, it has the ability to move on any number of cells, but not jumping through other figures.


The question of how the figures in chess go, and especially the strongest, is quite popular not only among beginners, but also from lovers. Rye is a unique figure that combines the capabilities and the king, and the queen. That is, it can go to any number of cells, but only vertically or horizontally. In addition, the rook can easily take part in the casting together with the king.


The elephant refers to the discharge of light figures and can move on any number of cells, but only diagonally. It is worth noting that at the very beginning of the game, one elephant occupies a dark cell, and the second is light. In no way, they cannot change the original color in any way, so each player has two figures that can go diagonally and capture the figure of the opponent both on dark and light cage. Both elephants should always work together and cover weak sides each other.


The only one, therefore, a unique combat unit of Chess is a horse. Only he has the opportunity to jump over the other shapes. He goes exclusively the letter "g". That is, first it moves into two cells horizontally or vertical, and then one cell, which is perpendicular to the initial direction. Due to the fact that the horse has the opportunity to jump through other figures, he can make Shah King, from which it is not able to close.


What kind of figures in chess go first, know, for sure, many people. But how exactly they go - this is the question more complicated. A rather unusual figure - pawn, walking can exclusively forward on one cage and only diagonally. In the very first time, the pawn can go for a couple of cells forward. Going back, it can not. If any figure is located right in front of it, then the pawn does not have the opportunity to either beat it nor make a move until the place is not free to release.


At first glance, the pawn seems unnecessary figure, as it is too weak. But she has one interesting featurewhich only experienced players know about. It lies in the fact that if the pawn passes all the way to the opposite side, it becomes any other figure (this phenomenon got the name "Turning a pawn"). So can only make this figure and, as a rule, it is turned into the queen. There is a misconception that it can turn it exclusively in one of the previously taken figures, but in fact it is not.

Take on aisle

Another rule that concerns only pawns, got the name "Take on the aisle". It lies in the fact that if the pawn made the first move into two cells and began side by side with a walking rival, then the second appears the opportunity to "eat" the first, that is, to take on the passage, from which the name went. Such a situation is allowed to use only during the next progress, that is, immediately after the transition of the pawns into two cells. If the possibility was missed, then in the subsequent moves to take the figure already in no way.


An equally important rule that received the name "Rockling" is to implement two important actions per course. The first is to protect the king, and the second is to remove the root from the corner, having launched it in the game. When castling, the player appears the ability to move its own king for a couple of cells into the right or left side, as well as move the palm from the corner to the cage, located next to the king (from the opposite side). But there are several conditions at which the casting is allowed:

  • before that, the king did not carry out a single move;
  • the corresponding rook also did not go;
  • there are no other figures between the king and the roof;
  • the king at this time is not under Shah.

In the direction of the royal flank, the king himself is located closer to the edge of the chessboard, which is called "short castling", and the opposite ("long casting") will be the same action, but through the entire field in place where the queen was previously located. But with any of these options, the king can move only on a couple of cells.


As already mentioned, the main task of the players is the production of Mata to King the opponent. It will be the end of the game when the main figure is under the threat of Shah and does not have the ability to avoid it. But still there are several methods, thanks to which you can get away from Shaha:

  • go to another cell (with the exception of the casting method);
  • closing another figure;
  • take a figure that set Shah.

If there is no such possibilities, then the king put the mat and the game is completed. As a rule, the king is not removed from the board, as is done with the figures taken, and simply the game is declared finished.


Very often the party ends against a draw. For this there are five reasons:

  • shortage on the board of figures for the implementation of the mat;
  • there were already 50 moves, and during this time none of the opponents went on a pawn and could not take a single figure;
  • the usual consent of both players on a draw;
  • the occurrence of the Path, that is, some player does not have the opportunity to make a move;
  • if one and the same position is observed on the board for the third time (not in a row).

In most cases, when declaring draws a draw, players under general consent begin the game.

Good day, dear friend!

In childhood, the author of these lines first taught to play checkers. When was the fuzzy acquaintance with chess, your humble servant was slightly confused. Unlike checkers, in this game the figures move in different ways. Immediately the question arose: how do chess figures go?

I'll say that the phrase "in pictures" in the title means it means chess diagrams .

Comparison of figures with horses, elephants, knights, braces, etc. In my opinion, somewhat artificially. And only leads the child from the world of Chess somewhere in another area.

At the very least, personally, I did not even have such analogies in childhood.

And by this, what is called, "to the barrier." We will understand how the shapes go on the board, and not anywhere else. About everything in order.


Let's start with the strongest figure. May walk in all directions: diagonally and straight (up, down and toide). Moreover, at any distance.

To jump over other figures is not allowed (it can only do horse).

Any figure of the opponent standing on the way, the queen can beat. On the chart - horse. But an elephant from his own camp - prevents the queen to move.

Simply put, the way of movement of the queen combines the possibilities of the rook and an elephant.


Now the most unique figure is the king. main feature - You can not beat the king, it is not provided for by the rules.

Similar to the progress of the queen. The difference is that the king can move only on one field, and the queen for any quantity.

The moves can be done in all possible directions, - forward, backward, diagonally and to the side.

The same "Makar" the king and beats the rival figures. Or how sometimes inexperienced players say - "eating" or "rubit".


Along with the Farzend, is considered a "heavy" figure. Direction of motion is straight. Up, down or sides.

Distance is any if other figures are not blocked by the trajectory. You can not jump over their rook.

That is, in comparison with the Farzend, the rook cannot walk on the diagonal.

Relative "weight" (value) Frudes - 5 pawns. For comparison, the horse or elephant is equivalent to three pawns. Queen - nine.

That is, as a rule, the rook is stronger than a light figure (horse or an elephant), but a little weaker a pair of horse + elephant. And two rooks a little stronger queen.


What chess figure goes the letter r? That's right, of course. And only horse.

On the diagram green Painted fields that can "write" a horse in the center of the board.

Another essential ability of the horse, - he can jump through the figures, including the rival figures:

White horse has the ability to beat the Black Elephant, despite the obstacles in the form of a pawn. Horse, like an endless barrier, jumps them.


Elephant, like a horse, is considered a light figure. The direction of movement is exclusively diagonally. At any distance.

Also, like other figures, (with the exception of a horse), an elephant can only move along the free space of the board. An alien figure who met on the way - he can beat, his own just prevents the movement of an elephant:

In the position on the chart of the elephant, only 2 moves - on the E5 fields and on the F6, passing the Black Ladus


Despite its uncompripability in terms of value (strength) of the figure, in the diversity of its capabilities surpasses other figures.

The main features of the pawns: walks only forward, hits diagonally, can turn into other figures and beat other pawns "on the aisle". About everything in order

Initial move

Pawn in the starting position can move on one or two fields ahead.

The general rule of the promotion of the pawn can be formulated as follows:

If the pawn rests on another figure on its path, it cannot continue the movement.

Whether in the place of the pawn queen or rook, they could take an opponent's figure, but such a "delicacy" is not allowed. It will rest in another figure until the path is free. Or will not get the opportunity to take.


The pawn trajectory is diagonally on one field and exclusively forward. Back not walk, you can't take a pawn.

For example: 1. F3: G4 or 1 ... E5: D4

The pawn on the B5 field vertically cannot pass, but it can take a horse. 1. B5: A6

This rule has an exception: taking on a passage. Sometimes called - through a broken field.

Taking through a broken field (on the aisle)

The rule looks like this:

In a situation where the pawn, which is in the original position, is 2 or 7 horizontally, makes the course of 2 fields and slips through the field (cage), which is under the fight of the enemy pawn - it can be broken by this pawn.

1.C2-C4 B4: C3 or 1 ... F7-F5 2. G5: F6

Through a broken field, you can only take a pawn. The other figure is not allowed to take a pawn.

The ability to take on the passage is provided only for 1 stroke. In other words - as a response move on the move of the opponent's pawn.


Eating the unique ability of the pawn - the possibility of turning into another figure.

This is a starry hour of any pawn! Crown career, so to speak.

Transformation rule:

When the pawn comes to the last, eighth horizontal (black - respectively, first), - she is obliged to turn into a figure of the same color, with the exception of the king.

In practice, it looks like this: the pawn is placed on the transformation cage, removed from the board, and another figure is put on this field. What exactly, the chess player decides.

As a rule, the pawn is converted to the queen, of course. So on the board may arise a few queens. Two queen of one color on the board appear often.

It happens that the transformation occurs simultaneously with taking. One does not interfere:

The pawn hits the enemy figure and at the same time turns into another figure. It turns out a double effect: 1.D7: C8F

In conclusion, I will remind you that the rules of movement of figures are only one of the partitions of the rules chess game. Agree, the goal of the game is not to "walk". And in winning.

And therefore I urge you, dear friend, explore other articles on the rules of the game on our blog.

Step by step, and you will plunge into the world of one of the most exciting and useful gamesinvented by humanity. If not yourself.

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During the game, 32 chess pieces interact, but, of course, in the course of the party, their number decreases. Participate in the battle combat units of several types: these are the main king with the Farzend, steam roots, horses and elephants, as well as pawns. Now we will deal with how the figures in chess in pictures go. Material is specifically for beginners and for children.

How walking in chess

The first feature of the female soldiers is that they cannot move back. The second - starting from the second stroke, the pawn can walk in just one cell at a time. But the first move is an exception - the player has the right and put a pawn on one cage forward, and move it into two. Beats pawn on one cell in the diagonal direction and in both directions. Here is the second feature of these little proud figures: they go according to one principle, and beat - differently than different from everyone else.

It would seem that it may still be in yourself a pawn. But from her in the game Much may depend on it. After all, having reached the last horizontal (the opposite initial player), this little figure can be anyone, except, of course, the king. You only need to remember that such a "substitution" is considered a full-fledged course.

There are female and its own rules. For example, the so-called "taking on the aisle". It implies that if the pawn of another player moved through a broken field, it may be unorded shot down. However, there is its own feature: the rule is valid only the next time, it is impossible to use this advantage through the course.

How does the horse goes in chess

Horse is known for walking through an unusual trajectory, which, when outlaits, resembles the letter "g". That is, it moves into two fields ahead and after that one to the side. And it can move in any direction, and therefore, in the center of the field, has as many as 8 ways of moves, and two - with the course of the corner. What is interesting, only the horse has the right to leap through the figures (and their own, others) during the course. It is very dangerous for the opponent's figures even if it is closed from them. And with Bao Horse, it becomes the place where the figure was shot down.

By the way, this feature of the figure switched to a conversational speech. The phrase "make a move horse" means an unusual step, a cunning unexpected plan.

How does an elephant in chess

The elephant is considered a strong figure, it commensurate with a horse, however has some features. In some situations, it will be stronger, and in some weaker. Like a horse, refers to "light figures." As for the movements of the elephant on the board, it moves to diagonals as many cells.

At the same time, players are located each two elephants, which move only on the appropriate cell color, on white or black.

How do swearing in chess

This figure in gravity is similar to the french, it moves along the board strictly vertically or horizontally and beats the same way.

One unusual chess reception is connected with the rook, which is called "Rockling". It is performed at once with two pieces. His essence lies in the fact that the king suddenly changes its location for the enemy, turning out in a safer place and under the protection of other figures. During this operation, the king moves into two cells towards the rook, and the rook itself becomes for the king. There are several important conditions for performing such a move:

  • cocking is available only to those king and switches that were previously still;
  • on the line between these figures should not be obstacles, the fields must be empty;
  • cocking is not done if the king is drunk;
  • the same applies to the fields: the king, of course, can not go under the chase, but there is a snag - a cell that the Kinder "jumps", too, should be pure from the enemy's sights.

Interestingly, the castling can be done in both directions: and to the roaster near the queen, and to the nearest to the king.

There is a stroke and another rule. The first to leave my place should King. The fact is that if the first goes the rook, the second player has the full right to say that the move has already been completed.

How does the queen walk in chess

The queen is the strongest character on the battlefield of the battlefield, its facilities are impressive. It moves and vertically, and horizontally, and diagonally without limitation by the number of fields.

The queen can be used both for attack and for protection, it is most important. Therefore, it is extremely important to take care of the queen, not to put under the blow without a good reason (professionals sometimes achieve their playing goals) and do not swap for a less significant figure. An equivalent exchange will be the queen, or two rooks, or three light figures.

How the king goes in chess

This is the most important figure around which the game is built, and therefore when the mat is announced, the game is completed. The king can not walk under battle and be under it, it must be constantly protected. Its capabilities in motion are quite limited: in any direction, but only one field. When the number of figures during the game decreases, the strength of the king is commensurate with another light figure.

There are several options for developing events for the king. The first is Shah, which means being under the blow. The figure should be immediately moved to another place, such a move cannot be postponed for other strategic movements. On the other hand, you can organize protection or knock down a figure that announced Shah, another figure or even the king himself.

Next stage - mat, completion of the game. In this position, the king is already under threat, that is, Shah, and he has no place to move away, and remove these figures there is no possibility. There is another interesting situation called Pat. Here is the king, though not under Shah, but it does not have any opportunity to move, since all the nearest cells are also under blow. In such a situation, the result of the game is a draw.

For victory in the party, 1 point is given, a draw is 0.5 points, but a defeat, respectively, 0.

Interesting fact. Some figures have double names. For example, in the pre-revolutionary time, the elephant was an officer, a rook - a tour, and the queen was important. However, experienced chess players practically do not use these names, they are common among lovers.

IN chess party 6 species of figures are involved - king, queen, rook, horse, elephant, pawn. At the disposal of each player at the beginning of the party 16 figures: the king, queen, two rooks, two elephants, two horses, eight pawns. Total on the board 32 shapes.
The initial position of the figures looks like this:


Pawn, the only figure that goes only forward, can not walk back. Nominal pawn cost 1 point.

In the initial position (white - on the 2nd horizontal, black - on the 7th) player can move the pawn on one or two cells forward. After the first running, the pawn can only move forward on one field in one move. Beats enemy's feet can be hit on one field forward diagonally to the right and left. The pawn hits the figures in one rule, but goes differently. This is its difference from other figures.

This is a project for beginners approved by our readers in which you or your child will be able to improve the skill of the game, fulfill a chess discharge, in a short time grow to a winner of regional tournaments. In teachers - Wizard FIDE, online training.

Two connected with a pawn interesting rules in chess. The essence of the first rule is as follows. (8th for the white and 1st for black) and turns into any shape, except for the king. Such a transformation is one move, and the next move goes to the enemy.

The second rule is taking on the aisle. At its progress, the pawn can beat the enemy's pawn if she switched.

In fig. 3 White pawn made a move on two fields ahead. A black pawn can beat white and become a broken field, and not on the field where the white pawn has become, as it happens with ordinary takes. Performing on the aisle is possible only at the next time, through the course this right is lost.


The horse goes through an unusual trajectory, resembling the letter "G" - moves on 2 cells ahead and one cell to the side. Of all the figures, only a horse can jump over their own and other people's figures. The horse can attack any sign of the enemy, being in an inaccessibility for them. When hitting the horse occupies a shot down figure. The nominal value of the horse 3 points. Located in the center of the board, it has 8 affordable moves, and in the angular field - only two.

IN real life "Make a horse's move" - \u200b\u200bit means to perform some kind of unusual or cunning step.


Elephant is a strong, long-range figure. The nominal value of the elephant is 3 points, and it is about equal to the horse. This comparison is somewhat conditional, since in an open position an elephant can be a stronger horse, and in a closed - a horse is often stronger than an elephant. The horse and elephant are in chess to "light figures".

Elephant walks and strikes off in all directions diagonally on any number of cells, as shown in the figure. An elephant, which walks through white cells, is called white, and in black - incense.


Rye, like the queen, are considered a heavy figure. Its nominal value is 5 points. And beats vertical and horizontally to any number of cells.

Specific move in the chess game - casting. The casting is correctly performed so - the king moves on 2 cells to the roaster and the flare is rearranged for the king. Rocking can be made subject to the following conditions:

  • the king and the rook with which the casting occurs, before that, they did not make moves in the game;
  • horizontally between the king and the roof there are no other figures;
  • the king is not under the blow of the opponent's figure;
  • the field through which the king and the field is moving to which it becomes not under the blows of the opponent.

Long casting is performed towards the queen flank, short - in the side of the royal.

It is impossible to rearrange the root. In chess, there is a rule: took - go. If you first move the flare to the king, the enemy has the right to demand the progress completed, and the casting will not take place. Cocking is the only course in chess when one move is performed by two figures.


Queen is the strongest figure in chess, with a nominal value of 10 points. The queen walks in all directions vertically, horizontally and diagonally on any number of cell cells. Queen is an important figure. It is strong and mobile, effective in attacking and protection. Queen must be protected from the blows of the opponent's figures. The loss of the queen or the exchange of it on a figure of a smaller dignity leaves little chance of victory.

Equiform Queen can be exchanged for the queen, two rooks or three light enemy figures. There are cases when the experienced chess player specially gives the queen to achieve a certain goal in the party. This is called "Victim". Beginner lovers need to remember that the queen must be stored and used as the strongest figure.


The king is the main figure in chess and has no nominal value. The party is played when the king dies - get mat. The king can not be kept under the fighting of the opponent. He needs constant protection. Like the queen, the king goes and strikes the vertical, horizontally and diagonally, but only one cell in any direction. Located in the middle of the board, the king holds under the blow of 8 fields.

At the end of the party, when the shapes on the board remain an order of magnitude less, the power of the king becomes equal to about the strength of the light shape.

Shah is such a position when the king is under the blow of the opponent's figure. The king is impossible. It is necessary to go to another field, protect yourself, to protect yourself or simply beat the enemy's figure, which announced Shah.

In fig. 10 White King can get away from Shah, an elephant can cover the king, the queen can beat black fine.

The party ends when the king gets mat. This means that the king is under blow (shaha) and go to him nowhere - free fields are under the blows of the opponent.

Curious situation in the game - Pat. The king is not under Shah, but nowhere to go to him - all the free fields are under the blows of the opponent's figures. Other figures also do not have moves.

In this case, the party ends in a draw.

According to the accepted system of counting for the victory, there are 1 points, for a draw of 0.5 points, for defeat 0.

Some figures have a double name. Before the revolution, an elephant was called an officer, a lady - a tour, Queen - Queen. Among the chess players, these names are not distributed, sometimes lovers use them.

Chessmen. From left to right - King - Queen - Elephant - Horse - Rye - Pawn

Chess play special figures. Let's see how it looks, is called and for what rules every one goes. In addition, chess pieces have their own specific value, classification, weak and strengths. Let's start the description from the most important figure - the king, and then continue from the strongest - Queen, to the weakest - pawn.


The French king Louis Xiv said: "The state is me!". Chess king And there is a state, that is, the personification of the player. This is the most important figure on, so the impossibility of protecting your king leads to the defeat, and the irresistible attack on the enemy king leads to victory in the party. Despite this importance in the game, the king is a rather weak figure, it can walk in any direction, but only one field for the course. Therefore, protect the king from the very beginning of the game and until the end of the party.


Queen is often called the Queen and in many chess kits depict this figure of a woman. The king and queen look like, so do not confuse them, immediately determine which of them who. The queen is the strongest figure on a chessboard, he can go to what the amount of cells wants in any direction horizontally, vertical and diagonal. The loss of Queen is often irrelevant for playing and often it is surrendered in such situations.


Rye in the classic set of chess pieces looks like a defensive castle tower, this species corresponds to its European name. Also, this figure can be depicted in the form of a battle chariot or it may look like an old marine combat unit - Rye. According to this figure, this figure occupies an honorable second place after the queen. Rye can walk on any number of cells vertically and horizontally. At the beginning of the party, each playing 2 tricks.


In the classic set of figures, a chess elephant is not at all similar to an elephant from the world of animals. Height, he is inferior only to the king and queens. The upper part of this figure externally is the personification of the hoods of Western priests, which corresponds to the English name of the elephant - Bishop, which is translated as the bishop. Elephants go in any direction diagonally on any number of fields. At the beginning of the party, you have two elephants, everyone has a diagonal colors on each party, that is, one will only go to diagonals from light fields, and the second only on dark fields, from here they are called respectively white and black elephants.


Chessmen. Horse

The only figure on the board, which externally immediately determine, even the smallest children, just begin to play chess. Only a horse can jump through their own and other people's figures, and the trajectory of moves in this figure is also unusual. Horse walks first by two / one cells vertically or horizontally and on one / two cells horizontally or vertically perpendicular to the initial direction. The specified description of the course of horses sounds very wonderful, and remember how a horse walks just - it goes to the Russian letter "g". Elephant and horse are approximately equal in strength and they are inferior to the root in value, but exceed the pawn.


Chessmen. Pawn

At the beginning of the party, you have 8 pieces and pawn is the weak figure. The pawn walks only forward to one field, eats forward by the nearest and also only one field. From the starting location, the pawn is the right to jump immediately on 2 cells forward. At the same time, jumping on 2 moves, if the enemy pawn turns out to be directly on the side of yours, then the opponent's opponent can take your pawn, putting it out of your place and on 1 cell closer to you - this is called taking a passage. The weakest figure in the game of the game can become the strongest, so the pawn, reaching the last horizontal, turns into any shape at the discretion of the playing, even in the queen.

We described what are called, look and walk chess pieces. In the next article we will touch on weak and strengths and recommendations, what to do with them in a particular position or stage of the party.