Extended tank carousel for wot 0.9 16. How to return a tank from the WoT reserve. Feedback in combat

about version 9.16. Today we will focus on innovations in the game interface and tell you about battle chat changes.

Interface changes

Game client mods, or mods, is a common tool that allows players to customize the standard interface of the game to their own needs. We follow the popular mods in the community and periodically introduce the most successful of them into the game. When choosing which mods to add to the client, we pay attention to how widespread the mod is among the players, as well as how useful it is for gameplay. Adding popular third-party solutions allows you to improve the game interface, making it more convenient, and also eliminates the need for players to install modifications themselves after the release of updates.

In 9.16, several popular modifications will be introduced to the standard game interface: "Damage Panel", "Double Carousel of Vehicles" and "Advanced Fire Indicators".

Feedback in combat

Game information has a decisive influence on the outcome of the battle: the more data the player takes into account during the battle, the higher his chances of winning. The collected information allows you to choose the optimal game strategy for an ever-changing battle scenario. The player receives most of the data in battle from the image on the screen: these are vehicle patrols, fighting next to the tank, information from the mini-map and much more. In 9.16 we will add another source of useful data - we will improve the combat interface to increase its informational value.

What will change in 9.16?

In the new update, we will add more information about the events taking place in battle to the combat interface and expand the information content of the shelling indicators. The game interface will display panels with the following information:

  • Damage Panel:
    • The total damage inflicted by the player includes the direct damage inflicted to the equipment that is in the "light", from shots, rams and arson committed by the player.
    • Blocked damage - calculated taking into account the average damage from a shot that hit the tank. Damage blocked by external modules (tracks, targeting devices, etc.) is not taken into account.
    • Damage inflicted with the help of the player: by "light" or after knocking down the caterpillar.
  • Reworked fire indicators with information about the amount of damage received, critical damage to the module, and the enemy vehicle that fired the shot.
  • List game events in combat: capturing the base, knocking down the capture, detecting the enemy and much more.

New features will allow the player to quickly receive useful data in the battle before it ends, whereas previously this information was available only after the end of the battle or to tankers using third-party modifications. By the way, the damage panel was used by about 85% of tankers playing with mods. Given the wide distribution of this modification and the large number of requests from the players, we decided to add these functions to the game client.

Interface customization

Feedback will work immediately after the release of the update. In the game settings, you can further customize the display of the data of interest: for this, you need to go to a new tab called "Feedback". There will be a choice of standard or extended shelling indicators. Additionally, it will be possible to select important information for yourself in the damage panel, as well as configure the display of game events in the interface:

You can click on the image and visually see the changes in the interface.

Expanded "carousel" of technology

In 9.16, another modification, popular among players, will be added to the game client — the Extended Carousel. The innovation will make navigation in the Angara more comfortable, as it will allow you to quickly and conveniently select the vehicle of interest. Using the extended carousel together with vehicle filters will help make the display of combat vehicles as convenient as possible, even for owners of a large number of tanks.

Setting up the carousel

Players will be able to choose the display format for tanks in the Garage: it can be a standard or a two-level "carousel" of vehicles. The two-level carousel option will be enabled by default. You can choose the appropriate display format in the settings, on the "Game" tab.

For computers with a small diagonal of the monitor, an automatic transition to an abbreviated form of a two-tier carousel is provided. The transition to a minimalistic display format occurs after selecting a two-level "carousel", provided that the vertical screen resolution is less than 900 pixels.

Combat chat change

The main purpose of the combat chat is to coordinate actions with allies. Exchange useful information is especially important for the result of the battle, because by interacting and communicating with each other, it is much easier to achieve victory. At the same time, communication between teams in combat chat not only does not benefit them, but can often be used for unsportsmanlike behavior or insults.

With this in mind, we have taken several steps in Update 9.16 to address the issues of incorrect chat communication. First of all, it is worth mentioning the disabling of combat chat between teams in all types of battles, except for training rooms. Also, players will have a tool to block messages from a specific player in battle in a chat with allies. You can turn off the display of messages from the provocateur until the end of the battle. To do this, you need to hover over the nickname of an ally in the combat chat and apply a block. You can also add a user to the "black list" or send a complaint against him.

Another change is the improvement of the complaints system. In 9.16 complaints of the same type are combined, which will make their processing more efficient. As a result, the following complaints will remain available:

  • "Incorrect Chat Behavior" - this complaint will combine "Insults and provocations", "Flood and spam", "Threat of violence" and "Fraud";
  • "Unsportsmanlike conduct";
  • "Forbidden nickname / clan";
  • "Idle/bot".

We will also limit the number of complaints: now it will be possible to report one player in one battle once for each reason. This will solve the problem of "throwing" the player with complaints.

A tank icon slider or "carousel" allows the player to view their vehicle fleet. With a large number of combat vehicles, scrolling through the carousel and finding the right one can take a long time.

Carousel of tanks standard client shows a ribbon of icons in one row, allows you to scroll them to the right and left, and also, using the filters in the lower left corner of the screen, choose which combat vehicles to show. When you have few tanks or only play a few tanks all the time, the default slider is enough. If, for example, you are doing personal combat missions or just own a few dozen combat vehicles, quickly finding something in the standard carousel becomes a non-trivial task.

A mod for a carousel of tanks in 2 or 3 rows is part of the functionality integrated fashion. The carousel settings are in res_modsconfigsxvm config-name carousel.xc in the root World directory of tanks. The "rows" parameter is responsible for rowing, the value of which can be set to any integer.

The “zoom” parameter is responsible for the size of the carousel cells. In the standard client, it is equal to "1". When installing the slider in several rows, the cell scale should be selected in the range of 0.7 - 0.9, depending on the screen resolution of your computer.

A two-row carousel should be considered optimal for most screens, since in this case quite a lot of icons are visible at the same time, but they do not occupy most of the hangar.

Please note - if you already have this mod installed, then there is no need to install this mod - just edit carousel.xc

Lost a tank in a carousel? More precisely a tank was sent to the reserve and now you do not know how to return the tank from the reserve? We read this article to the end and learn how to use the tank carousel filters.

Well, let's start ... Putting the tank in reserve, as they say, "like two fingers of BOSSWALT" Then pull it out of the reserve, that's where the problem is. Okay, let's start from the beginning...

Select a tank, click on the right mouse button and see the following:

Naturally, since we want to sand the tank further into the reserve, we click "mark as reserved"

A window like this pops up:

Well, we are not deer or there are crayfish \ crabs, and we know how to read! For "special" tankers it is underlined in red.
What are carousel filters? Some of you will ask. And this, my dears, is such a useless thing that everyone and everyone climbs into, and then they suffer with, but oh well, more to the point:

The one to the left of your tank carousel is the carousel filters. We click on the image of the tank, which is highlighted on the screen with the number “1” and a list pops up in which our reserve appears, in fact, the one where the selected tank by us after clicking "mark as reserved" Click on "reserve" left mouse button and the item we have selected starts to be highlighted ... and lo and behold, those tanks that were sent there by us appear in the carousel. Hmmm .... but all the others disappeared somewhere ... “oh, byada, byada, chagrin,” as © Brownie Kuzya would say ... but we know that in this moment shown reserve only.
Let's go further...

To return a tank from the reserve back to the hangar, right-click on the selected tank and click on "unmark reserve", like this:

After these manipulations, the tank disappears from the reserve and magically appears in the main hangar, but how now to return the main hangar with a freshly pulled tank from the reserve?! 😉 and everything is simple, you just need to remove the selection from the filter "reserve", like this.

about version 9.16. Today we will focus on innovations in the game interface and tell you about battle chat changes.
Interface changes
Game client mods, or mods, is a common tool that allows players to customize the standard game interface to suit their own needs. We follow the popular mods in the community and periodically introduce the most successful of them into the game. When choosing which mods to add to the client, we pay attention to how widespread the mod is among the players, as well as how useful it is for the gameplay. Adding popular third-party solutions allows you to improve the game interface, making it more convenient, and also eliminates the need for players to install modifications themselves after the release of updates.

In 9.16, several popular modifications will be introduced to the standard game interface: "Damage Panel", "Double Carousel of Vehicles" and "Advanced Fire Indicators".

Feedback in combat

Game information has a decisive influence on the outcome of the battle: the more data the player takes into account during the battle, the higher his chances of winning. The collected information allows you to choose the optimal game strategy for an ever-changing battle scenario. The player receives most of the data in battle from the image on the screen: these are vehicle patrols, fighting next to the tank, information from the mini-map, and much more. In 9.16 we will add another source of useful data - we will improve the combat interface to increase its informational value.

What will change in 9.16?

In the new update, we will add more information about the events taking place in battle to the combat interface and expand the information content of the shelling indicators. The game interface will display panels with the following information:

  • Damage Panel:
    • The total damage inflicted by the player - includes the direct damage inflicted to the equipment that is in the "light", from shots, rams and arsons committed by the player.
    • Blocked damage - calculated taking into account the average damage from a shot that hit the tank. Damage blocked by external modules (tracks, targeting devices, etc.) is not taken into account.
    • Damage inflicted with the help of the player: by "light" or after knocking down the caterpillar.
  • Reworked fire indicators with information about the amount of damage received, critical damage to the module, and the enemy vehicle that fired the shot.
  • List of game events in battle: capturing a base, knocking down a capture, detecting an enemy, and much more.

New features will allow the player to quickly receive useful data in the battle before it ends, whereas previously this information was available only after the end of the battle or to tankers using third-party modifications. By the way, the damage panel was used by about 85% of tankers playing with mods. Given the wide distribution of this modification and the large number of requests from the players, we decided to add these functions to the game client.

Interface customization

Feedback will work immediately after the release of the update. In the game settings, you can further customize the display of the data of interest: for this, you need to go to a new tab called "Feedback". There will be a choice of standard or extended shelling indicators. Additionally, it will be possible to select important information for yourself in the damage panel, as well as configure the display of game events in the interface:

(you can click on the image and visually see the changes in the interface)

Expanded "carousel" of technology

In 9.16, another modification popular among players will be added to the game client - “Extended Carousel”. The innovation will make navigation in the Angara more comfortable, as it will allow you to quickly and conveniently select the vehicle of interest. Using the extended carousel together with vehicle filters will help make the display of combat vehicles as convenient as possible, even for owners of a large number of tanks.

Setting up the carousel

Players will be able to choose the display format for tanks in the Garage: it can be a standard or a two-level "carousel" of vehicles. The two-level carousel option will be enabled by default. You can choose the appropriate display format in the settings, on the "Game" tab.

For computers with a small diagonal of the monitor, an automatic transition to an abbreviated form of a two-tier carousel is provided. The transition to a minimalistic display format occurs after selecting a two-level "carousel", provided that the vertical screen resolution is less than 900 pixels.

Combat chat change
The main purpose of the combat chat is to coordinate actions with allies. The exchange of useful information is especially important for the outcome of the battle, because by interacting and communicating with each other, it is much easier to achieve victory. At the same time, communication between teams in combat chat not only does not benefit them, but can often be used for unsportsmanlike behavior or insults.

With this in mind, we have taken several steps in Update 9.16 to address the issues of incorrect chat communication. First of all, it is worth mentioning the disabling of combat chat between teams in all types of battles, except for training rooms. Also, players will have a tool to block messages from a specific player in battle in a chat with allies. You can turn off the display of messages from the provocateur until the end of the battle. To do this, you need to hover over the nickname of an ally in the combat chat and apply a block. You can also add a user to the "black list" or send a complaint against him.

Another change is the improvement of the complaints system. In 9.16 complaints of the same type are combined, which will make their processing more efficient. As a result, the following complaints will remain available:

  • "Incorrect behavior in the chat" - this complaint will combine "Insults and provocations", "Flood and spam", "Threat of violence" and "Fraud";
  • "Unsportsmanlike conduct";
  • "Forbidden nickname / clan";
  • "Idle/bot".

We will also limit the number of complaints: now it will be possible to report one player in one battle once for each reason. This will solve the problem of "throwing" the player with complaints.