World of tanks fps increase. How to increase FPS in World of Tanks. Detailed instructions. Mods that improve FPS

Passion like I love solving riddle problems that IT-her-life throws up. This time, trouble happened in my favorite toy World of Tanks, where I'm trying to become an extra-nerd. The game has long caused complaints from players in terms of performance, since competent multithreading has not yet been implemented so that multi-core processors begin to justify their purchase. But it's worth saying thanks developers of the game, that in the last patch 9.14 they introduced a new sound engine, which not only painted the game with new sounds, but also runs on a separate CPU core, which has a beneficial effect on the overall performance when playing on powerful computers. It would seem that fps should increase slightly, but my problem did not look like low Frames per Second in general, but drop in fps in WoT after a while.

Since absolutely all available parameters are set to the minimum position, at first I sinned on modifications (mods) that expand in Python standard client games. There are a couple of mods that are officially recognized by everyone as "fps reducers":

  • legendary eXtended Visualization Mod (XVM, reindeer meter)
  • mod Angles horizontal guidance(UGN)
  • mod reflecting latency to servers directly in battle.

OK! Let's remove the mods, but that didn't help. Thanks to a video from the famous professional player and the author of modpack ProTanki - I knew about the serious impact of bad Internet (high latency in the delivery of network packets) on FPS. Many do not understand how it can be connected network and graphics card... The fact is that the video card processes a lot of frames for you into the buffer and imagine a situation when due to long delays, information comes from the server that your tank or tanks of allies / enemies are not at this point, but at another, the so-called "teleportation effect". The video card is "forced" to throw out the previously done work and start calculating everything again. If the video card is not top-end, then it turns out that the bad Internet adds work to it.

But logically, bad Internet not-at-my-home should keep fps low throughout the fight. And the problem with enviable constancy looked exactly like a drop in fps, after a couple of minutes of battle. I started looking at which settings are of a dynamic nature. I will not torment you, the setting is called dynamic change of 3D rendering. I also set the 3D rendering parameter to a comfortable 95%, which made it possible to disappear small details and seriously simplify the silhouettes of tanks in the distance, which will facilitate the work of the video card. Truncated! Drawdowns from 120 fps to 40 fps disappeared as horrible dream... Stay random, VasiliscCom goes into battle!

Triple buffering- the method of displaying the image in computer graphics to avoid or reduce the number of artifacts. Triple buffering allows you to increase the speed of image output compared to double buffering.

However, it is worth noting that both of these options should be enabled if you have a sufficiently powerful video card. Make your tests, you yourself will understand. I for example in all my tests left V-sync and triple buffer on- so my FPS went up, sometimes very significantly (depending on the location).

System and environment

For comfortable game it is very important that the game has enough random access memory... If you have 2 gig of RAM or less, I strongly recommend closing ALL programs you don't need, for example ICQ, Skype, background defragmenters, desktop widgets, players (especially iTunes) and other unnecessary software.

Also, some antiviruses and firewalls have a "Game" mode in which the system will be optimized so that the antivirus does not slow down it.

In general, the goal is to free up as much RAM as possible. You can also enter the task manager with the combination CTRL + Shift + ESC(at the same time) and see which of the processes are eating more RAM and processor resources. Just please do not close the processes, the purpose of which you are not sure about! This can cause the system to crash.

How I ran the FPS tests in World of Tanks

I ran a series of tests measuring FPS at various graphics settings. In addition to the settings of the game itself, I edited the file preferences.xml, as well as changed the settings of the video card, which we have already discussed with you above.

The purpose of the test- set the optimal settings for receiving maximum FPS in the game World of Tanks. You can also do these tests yourself to set the maximum possible graphics settings for a comfortable game, so the article will be very detailed. I highly recommend everyone to do the same tests, as everyone has different hardware and the same game settings may not work the same on different computers.

To take FPS readings, I used the program Fraps(, which, by the way, can still record video, but we will not need this function for the tasks at hand. You can, of course, be guided by the frames per second counter built into the game, but Fraps has one distinct advantage.

We are talking about writing the FPS indicator to a log file, which is very convenient for my test, as this clearly demonstrates the FPS statistics. Writing to the log is done by pressing the hotkey (by default F11), optionally, the log can be kept for a limited period of time - I set it to 100 seconds, this is quite enough. In 100 seconds, you can ride a tank, twist the camera, get involved in a battle, well, in general, make a stress test for a video card. The log is written to two files:

  • text, indicating the average, minimum and maximum FPS values;
  • table in csv format (Excel) in which FPS is displayed per second.

Below in the screenshot you will see the Fraps program and its interface. Free version has all the features we need.

To collect FPS statistics, we are just interested in this tab, shown in the picture. Let's see what it all means there.

  • Line Folder to save benchmarks in- path to the folder where the FPS log will be saved (log files). For my convenience, I have defined a folder on the desktop to make it easier to find it.
  • Benchmark hotkey- the key, when pressed, starts recording the FPS readings into the log file.
  • Benchmark Settings - data that will be written to the log. The FPS checkbox is enough for us.
  • Stop benchmark after- if the checkbox is checked, logging will be terminated after the specified time interval after pressing the hotkey.

I did not touch the rest of the settings. If you do not want to conduct tests yourself, then you do not need to download Fraps, you can read the article to the end and make the indicated changes in the game and computer settings.

Looking ahead, I want to say that the number of frames per second can differ not only because of the graphics settings, but also because of the card that the great random sent you to. Thus, on desert maps, FPS is usually higher than on urban ones. This is due to the fact that there are more various objects in the city, such as houses, bridges and other buildings, which require much more video map resources to draw than desert landscapes. Therefore, I tested the same settings several times on different game cards.

Testing FPS in World of Tanks

The first test, let's call it conditionally "FPS 1".

So, Fraps is installed and running, it's time to enter World of Tanks and measure FPS. For the first test, I chose Autodetect in the graphics settings in the game. The game engine, after requesting data on the characteristics of the system, concluded that my laptop would pull:

  • improved graphics
  • lighting, shadows, medium details, and average water quality.

Well, it's debatable, of course, but let's try to play like that. The battle has started, I wait for a countdown of 30 seconds and press F11 to start writing FPS to the log. I skated several battles with these settings and you will see the average test results below:

  • Avg: 26.84
  • Min: 9
  • Max: 43

Avg - average FPS; min and max I think it's clear. It was not very comfortable to play - frequent FPS drawdowns, slowdown. Because of this, there were several unpleasant leaks.

Test two, FPS 2

For this test, I decided to independently define the graphics settings in the game. I set everything to a minimum, except for the drawing range. I will not dwell on this moment for a long time, just take my word for it - the draw distance did not affect the FPS in any way, so leave it at maximum.

For this test, I have set:

  • standard graphics;
  • everything else is at a minimum or disabled, except for the drawing distance - it is at the maximum.

Test result:

  • Avg: 35.1
  • Min: 18
  • Max: 62

Well, that's not bad already! There is a gain, the minimum drawdown doubled, which in the gameplay was reflected in the fact that there were no strong brakes. The average FPS level increased by 8.26 units, which, in principle, is also not bad, but there was no desire to stop there.

Test three, FPS 3

This test turned out to be a little different from the others and you will soon see why. First, I left all the settings as in the second test, but changed the graphics from standard to improved. And what do you think? FPS became slightly better than in the second test (literally by a few units). But, as I said, I didn't want to stop there. Still, the developers were right about the new render;)

To further increase the performance of the game, I overclocked my video card. This is also called overclocking. The result made me very happy.

Video card overclocking

Attention! All of the following actions you do solely at your own peril and risk!

"Well, it's very difficult!"- say you and you will not right. Today, overclocking a video card is very simple and with a head with brains, and not a hole into which you eat, it is also safe. Before overclocking a video card, you need to prepare your computer.

The most important thing in overclocking a video card is proper cooling. To measure the temperature of a video card, install a widget on the desktop, for example, GPU Meter. In the passive state, the temperature of the video card should be in the range of 50-60 degrees Celsius, and in the active state (in the game) no more than 85-90, if it is higher, you have problems with its cooling.

To cool the video card, you can put an additional cooler if your system unit can accommodate it or, if you have a laptop, you can buy a special stand for it with additional cooling fans. When overheated, it certainly will not melt, but only if your PC has an emergency shutdown (almost all laptops have this feature).

It would also be a good idea to replace the thermal grease on the video card board and other places, if you have never done this before, and you have had a computer for a long time. How to apply thermal paste can be found again in Google, on youtube there is even a large number of videos about it.

As for me, I completely disassembled my laptop in order to clean all the boards from dust and replace the thermal paste. Real hardcore, but the article is not about that unfortunately. By the way, after assembly, it works fine, I write from it. Maybe open your own workshop?

Suppose that you are now ok with temperature and cooling, so how do you overclock? To do this, you do not need to disassemble anything, just download and install one of the following utilities:

  1. Riva Tuner is an overclocking utility for cards based on Nvidia. More suitable for professionals, as it has a huge mass of settings. It can be easy to get confused if you don't know what's what.
  2. - a very easy-to-learn utility, supports Nvidia and AMD cards, so it will suit almost everyone. You can read about the features and see the list of supported cards, and download the program itself from here (links to the official website of the program).

We start the program. In it, you can control the power supply of your video, as well as the frequency of its processor + several other functions. It looks like this:

Unfortunately (or fortunately) on my laptop it is impossible to control the power supply of the video card, as well as the rotational speed of its cooler (because it does not have a separate cooler), but you can change the frequency of the processor and memory. Let's not go deep into the intricacies, if you're interested - google all the concepts, but at the initial stage I recommend you the following (it's more secure):

  • increase values ​​only Core clock and Memory clock;
  • increase NECESSARILY gradually, by about 5-10% and constantly monitor the temperature of the video card!
  • IN NO EVENT TO SET THE MAXIMUM VALUES IMMEDIATELY! Burn your map, then don't come to me with pretensions.

On the right side, the program shows all the necessary statistics for the video card. What is indicated on the graphs is signed in the program itself, you will figure it out. After setting new values ​​for Core and Memory clock, press the button Apply for the changes to take effect. You do not need to reboot the computer, the changes occur instantly.

Before running to measure FPS in the game, I carefully adjusted the overclocking of the card, choosing such a mode in which at maximum load the card did not heat up above 85 degrees. For this, the 3D Mark program was used. Again, I will not go deep into this question, I will only show the results of my tests:

  • no overclocking: 6371 points
  • overclocked: 7454 points

Now back to World of Tanks, third test, aka FPS 3

Having chosen the optimal overclocking mode for the video card, I launched WOT and logged the FPS readings in several battles. Here are the average values:

  • Avg: 39.90
  • Min: 11
  • Max: 82

For the first time in the history of playing World of Tanks, I saw an FPS value of more than 80! Despite the minimal drawdowns of the three tests - 11 FPS, the game was much more comfortable. Tanks started flying!

Comparative analysis

I ended up running three different tests of the graphics settings on my computer. In each test, I skated at least 10 battles in different locations, and then averaged the data and this is what happened:

FPS test 1: automatic detection of graphics settings - improved graphics, lighting, shadows, medium details, as well as average quality of water and effects.

FPS test 2: custom setting - standard graphics, everything else is off or low except draw range, which is at maximum.

FPS test 3: custom setting - improved graphics, all other settings to the very minimum, or turned off altogether (effects for example, lighting, shadows); drawing range - maximum + video card overclocking using MSI Afterburner (you don't need to overclock it, everything will be ok anyway).

Grass and caterpillar tracks were turned off on all tests.

Test results in graphs and numbers

Graph of FPS changes per second (tests were carried out for 100 seconds). Y-axis - FPS, x-axis - time:

Average FPS values ​​for three tests:

As a result, I was able to increase the average FPS from 26 to 40 (rounded off), which was an increase of about 1.5 times! A peak value increased from 43 to 82, which is already two times better.

In custody

If the tips from this article did not help you, then three conclusions follow from here:

  1. You did something wrong, you made a mistake somewhere.
  2. Nothing will help you because the computer is initially very weak. It is necessary to upgrade (the processor first).
  3. Windows is completely fucked up and needs to be reinstalled. I noticed that over time, these tips in the article began to help less even to me, the author of the article. And I already stopped seeing the target 80 FPS. The solution was to reinstall the system and voila - everything works like clockwork again!

Did this article help you? Leave the answer to this question in the comments. If helped, give the link to your friends tankers and clanmates.

Thank you all for your attention, in the comments you can also leave your tips for increasing FPS in World of Tanks.

The FPS (Frames Per Second) value means the number of frames your computer displays per second. The higher this figure - the more smoothed your gameplay will look - there will be no lags and slowdowns.

Wot can be played normally starting from an FPS value of 30 frames per second.

1. Go to the graphics settings in the game and try to reduce everything to the maximum.
Yes, the quality of graphics will decrease, individual effects will disappear, it will be a little unaccustomed to look at a clumsy and poorly drawn world, but your tank will deal with opponents without brakes and glitches.

3. Enter in the line that appears
"bcdedit / set increaseuserva* "(replace the asterisk with the amount of RAM that will be used for applications.
It is recommended to use 75% from all of your RAM on your computer.
For example, if you have 4 GB of RAM on your PC, then instead of the asterisk, enter the value 3072, for 2 GB, enter 1792).

We have 4GB of RAM on our PC.
We have registered the value at 3072 MB. This will improve the performance of the game.

4. Restart your computer and start WoT - World of tanks .

5. When you want to reset the memory usage values ​​to zero, write in the cmd-term " bcdedit / deletevalue increaseuserva"(without quotes) and press Input.

Share and win from 100 gold

Many people want to increase their FPS by at least 10 centimeters =). Even an increase of 5 FPS would give many a small but chance for a normal game. In this manual from the respected DESTRoqpuK, more than 8 ways will be described on how to achieve the maximum that your computer is capable of!

Paragraph 1:
You need to increase the swap file.
To increase it on Windows 7, you need to go (My computer \ system properties \ on the left additional system parameters \ Performance (parameters) \ if you play in a window then check the box to ensure the best performance \ then click additionally put a tick in front of (programs) then virtual memory change \ select your disks, click to specify the size, set the initial 1536 to a maximum of 3072 (this place will work for you to enhance the capabilities of the computer, that is, this place, which is indicated, will disappear from the hard disk), click set, then apply and reboot the computer. On Windows XP right-click on my computer \ properties and the rest is the same).


Point 2:
You will need any flash drive you don't need. We put it in the computer, right-click the properties \ select the ReadyBoost tab \ put a checkbox opposite, use this device for ReadyBoost technology, set any size, preferably 2GB. If you need a flash drive, just put a tick on - do not use this device. (This item is available only for owners of Windows Vista \ 7) But you can try the eBoostr program, which is an analogue of ReadyBoost on Windows XP and below.
Download eBoostr from our server:

Point 3:
To speed up the computer boot, clean up registry errors and cache, we need the CCleaner program. Download, install, check the boxes as in these screenshots, if you want, you can put it somewhere else at your discretion.


Clause 3.1:
Here is another ATF-Cleaner program. This program cleans what CCleaner does not. In it, put a checkbox on select all and click empty selected.
Download ATF-Cleaner from our server:



Point 4:
Disable indexing. Open "My Computer", right-click on the hard drive icon and select "Properties". In the window that opens, uncheck the "Allow disk indexing for quick search" checkbox. After clicking the "Apply" or "OK" buttons, a new window will appear in which you will be asked whether to apply the selected attributes only to the current disk or to attached files and folders too. The final execution of this procedure may take a couple of minutes (depending on how many files you have on the disk), but as a result, you will be able to enjoy a slightly faster OS. Naturally, this only works for disks with the NTFS file system.

Clause 4.1:
Disable Windows Update, for this, on the My Computer -> Properties -> Automatic Updates tab, uncheck the "Perform automatic updates" checkbox This is for WindowsXP SP1 and Windows2003 users, and those who have 2000 or XP (without SP1) should check the box next to " Disable automatic updates. I want to manually update the software. "

Point 5:
If you only need a computer for playing tanks, I advise you to install Windows XP (Zver). There you need everything you need and nothing more. You will need to update the drivers and install everything you need for the game (directx 9). If you go to the browser just to watch the news at the office. site of tanks, then you do not really need an antivirus, I deleted it (it is he who eats the lion's share of the RAM, and when updating it greatly increases the ping) But if you decide to leave it, then put AVAST FREE it is free, and upon registration a license is given for 1 year, + it does not eat much of your computer's resources.
You can download Avast Free Edition

Item 6:
If you have little RAM or a weak processor will help you Game program Booster (It does not work on all configurations of iron, as it should, if after installing it it only gets worse, remove it.) The program is in Russian, its interface is very easy to learn + hints come out, I think you will not get lost in it.
Download Game Booster from our server:

Clause 6.1:
Everyone is familiar with the problem with the red inscription at the beginning of the battle "not enough memory, restart the game"? Here is a program that solves this problem WoT Booster. How to use: Turn on the WoT Booster => start the tanks => go to the hangar => click on the Clean Ram program => go into battle => after each battle, click on the Clean Ram program.
Download WoTBooster from our server:

Point 7:
If you have a weak video card or you are the last to load into battle. Will help you Wot program Tweaker - it removes all the effects in the game at your will - you can remove smoke and flames when firing, but leave smoke from the exhaust pipe, etc.

Many people are interested in how to increase fps in World of Tanks. The performance directly depends on this parameter, because even the most skillful player will hardly be able to accurately shoot at jumping and disappearing enemies. In this article, you will see a personal example of raising FPS in World of Tanks on an average non-gaming laptop.

What is FPS in tanks

Before directly considering the question of how to increase FPS in World of Tanks, let us analyze what this indicator is responsible for and what factors affect it.

FPS is the number of frames played by the system per second. The optimal indicator is kept at the level of 60-80 frames. You can play comfortably at 40 fps, but at lower rates, lags and freezes begin. Let's take a look at what factors affect performance.

  • The power of the "iron". RAM and video card are especially important.
  • System load. The number of simultaneously open programs.
  • In-game settings. How the game is set up.

Now that we "know the enemy by sight", let's look at how to increase the FPS in World of Tanks.

How to set up your computer

Step one. Disable all unnecessary programs

The first step is to clear the RAM. To do this, just close all active tabs. Usually it is a browser and skype, you can turn off the antivirus, playing tanks it is impossible to pick up malware, but the memory will be freed up decently.

Alternatively, you can disable background processes in the task manager. It is invoked by pressing the ctrl + alt + delete keys at the same time. In it, you can close everything, opposite which there is no Windows mark.

Step two. Update video card drivers.

One of the reasons for the low FPS in World of Tanks is outdated software... You can update drivers directly through Windows, this is done in two steps:

  1. Launch Device Manager and select "Video Adapters"
  1. Open the action menu by right-clicking on the video card. In it, click "Update driver".

The system itself will find the necessary data on the Internet.

Step three. Settings inside the game.

FPS increase in World of Tanks is available in game client... The fact is that the game does not quite correctly assess the capabilities of the system, which is why the performance drops dramatically. Here's a good example:

The system advises me such graphics

First you need to change the screen resolution. The main thing is to keep the aspect ratio (in my case 16: 9)

Then you need to go to advanced settings and change whole line settings.

Render resolution cannot be changed. The picture quality deteriorates to almost unplayable state.

Let's see how much work with the settings helped.

It can be seen that, although the quality of the graphics has dropped, the way to increase the FPS in WoT works with a bang.

Even on the most weak computers this method will significantly increase the number of frames per second. However, there are also extreme ways to improve performance.

Programs and mods to increase FPS

The software for game optimization started coming out from the early versions. At first, some small improvements were released. For example . Then, noticing the demand for such a function, the programmers united into one team and announced WoT Tweaker. WoT Tweaker is a program for increasing FPS in World of Tanks. It allows you to comprehensively disable visual effects... You can download () for free and without registration on our website. There is also a universal program Leatrix Latency Fix.

An alternative way is to install a modpack with optimized tank textures. The modpack is called. The fact that it is dedicated to the anime series does not matter, but what is important is that the author of the modpack has reworked the wargaming textures and optimized them. There is a lot of modpack, but the game can be run even on video cards with 128 MB of RAM. Try it!

How to increase fps in World of Tanks using WoT Tweaker

  1. from our website.
  2. Run the mod and turn off the effects. Multicore processing is marked in red. A function that is not yet fully finalized. It provides improved performance, but is not always stable.

Do you know alternative ways to increase FPS in WoT? Did you find a solution to the problem on the website? Leave your feedback and share your impressions in the comments.