Review game Raven's Cry. Terrible pirate sleep, or Review on Raven's Cry. Because drinking pirate

Video review

XVII century, Caribbean Sea. Usually it starts almost any pirated story. And the story of "Raven" S Cry "is not an exception. The main character, Captain Christopher - a stereotypical sailor of that century (hook instead of a hand, a tri-finger hat and, of course, a bearded harsh face), one day he learns that man, once He who brutally killed his father, is still alive and continues his bloody stepping. Effective revenge, Christopher begins to scour in the search for the killer of her father, in order to make cruel justice over bastard.

Revenge, in principle, the main goal of the game. At our disposal - the expanses of the Caribbean, with a dozen ports, which are under the rule of different fractions, as well as people with the help of which we, step by step, should overtake your blood enemy.

The gameplay here is divided into two types - on land and in the sea. On land we manage only the main character. Everything is as usual. Type of third party, back, back, left, right, jump, sit down and action.

In the melee mode are used normal Attack, block, bias and special skills. The hero can pair the enemy blow if you press the appropriate button on time. With a good unit, you can counterattack the enemy, instantly pressing the attack button. During the fight, the margin of rage is replenished. It is necessary to use various skills in battle. One for one enemy is simple enough, but if the enemies are somewhat, the player will have to be pregnant. To fix the hero on a specific opponent, you must press one key, and to switch between goals, you must also press others. And with this, the player must follow enemy actions and take appropriate measures. To get used to this control, of course, it is possible, but I am sure that the fighting could be implemented much more convenient.

Middle-fighting weapons are divided except for different damage and, accordingly, the price. The hero also sometimes use their hook in battle. The game has a long-blooded weapon in the form of muskets, but it should only use it in extreme cases and with maximum caution, since each cartridge costs a considerable amount and after each shot hero spends time on recharging.

There is a possibility of silent movement - the level of attention of enemies is displayed with color icons above their heads. Depending on their anxiety, the icons can be painted in yellow, orange or red. By putting up to the enemy, you can kill it silently, but it is impossible to remove the corpse. Places for crabcany or other similar actions are installed in strictly allotted places and are highlighted, so do not expect from the game of a high-quality stealth element. However, all this can not be attributed to the cons, as the game is not sharpened under the similar gameplay.

From the corpses of the defeated opponents, you can collect prey. The player has no need to manually choose what to pick up things. It is enough to approach the body, press the action key and the hero will sleep in the pockets everything was in the corpse. Everything is simple and console. For the murder of the Suporage, the hero receives points of experience, which subsequently spends on pumping various passive and active skills, each of which can be pumped several times.

Tree skills

Earn experiences of the experiment hero can and when performing various quests. Tradition quests exist both basic and side. Performing secondary questsThe player sometimes appears before choosing. For the most part, this choice can be reedded as "I agree" and "I do not agree", but sometimes there are very serious options that are noticeable consequences with them. Side Quests You can get, "by chance" having met some chronics. Only all these "random meetings" are always clearly designated on the map. Without such designations, Quests NPC would actually be lost in the crowd, because the people in the cities always grab. And they all do not just go back-forward - many citizens actively depict any activity: someone leads a conversation with a friend, leaning around the wall, someone sits on the boxes and shoes some sort, someone cleans musket or Fishing on the pier or blossoms around the corner. In Taverns, the tables are broken from drunkhag, a young lady are rushing back, spreading beer, in the center of the hall Artists Gorlanyat the vigorous songs, accompanying on Mandolin, drunk in Uratos, sailors are lying around the wall. Not enough is that drunk fights.

In taverns, by the way, sometimes you can play in the "bone" - a kind of prototype of poker. However, before this it is necessary to wait until someone is sitting at the table. The game consists of three rounds. In the first round, the player throws five "bones". "Bones" must issue a combination that will beat the rival combination. There are combinations such as "couple", "two pairs", "Troika", "Ful House", etc. If at the first throw, the combination does not suit the player, then you can transfer one, a few or all the "bones" on a new one. I did not suit the second time, you can throw in the third. It was not suitable in the third ... well, it means not lucky.

Tractors are not the only institution transmitting the spirit of those times. Sometimes there are and brothels, where for a certain fee you can remove the confusion, but bed scenes in the game are presented, to put it mildly, not Ahti.

Bed scene

Of course, there are other objects in the cities. Such as shops of merchants, herbalists, as well as ship workshops.

Traders can be purchased from various supplies, such as tobacco, sugar, cocoa, spices, etc. Similar products play the role of trade objects. The player can be cheap to purchase one or another product in one port and sell it more expensive in the other. Information about ports in which a certain product is in a deficit or excess can be found with global card. It is curious that the price of the goods depends not only on the place of trading, but also on the number of goods in the warehouse of the merchant. In addition to this, the trader can give you a discount on your products if you have already made a purchase for a large amount. With a competent calculation of the factors listed above, you can sell well on trading. And it is obligatory here - the business is mandatory, for always needed money for the team's salary, buying a more powerful ship or to improve its components.


With the help of a ship workshop, it is possible to strengthen the vessel's body and improve the sail, increasing their strength (in addition, the improvement in the sails contributes to higher speed and ships maneuverability). It is possible to increase the maximum command size, but this reduces the capacity of the ship's trim. In the package of the maximum capacity of the truma also affects the increase in the guns on the ship, as well as the installation of high-caliber guns. The improvement of the guns increases the damage caused by the enemy body, sails and the team. The ship master can also repair the housing and patch the sails. In the presence of your own carpenter on board, you can do and its forces, having a board in stock and canvas.

Studying the ship

In addition to the carpenter, you can hire five more officers. The team can be hired officers of various posts. Each candidate has pros and cons regarding his profession. For example, an officer can provide a lower fee of team members or increase their morale. The minuses from officers are also practically guaranteed: less effective battlefought during Abordage, less than a quick charge of guns, etc. There are six types of officers: senior officer, boatswain, console, navigator, ship doctor and carpenter. The ride of the rest of the command is carried out by increasing a specific runner in the "Ship menu". It is simple and convenient, but somehow unreasonable. The same slider could be set when contacting the innkeeper. The essence would not change, but it would look like something more realistic.

Traveling by caribbeam can be used world map. Moving along the Caribbean Sea, the player day after day spends money and provisions to the team. By visoring the destination, the player receives accurate information on how many days, money and provisions will be spent during the way. Without receiving one or another resource, the team will begin to click, losing the morale. After several similar outbreaks of discontent, team members simply ride you. Using the world map, the player can stumble upon enemy ships, but if you do not get involved in the skirmish and give a defense in time, then you can continue my way, passing the battle.

World Map

The ship management in the open sea is made in the traditional "Corsair" style. You can raise sails, turn and choose a board for shooting, and besides this, you can even set an angle of lifting guns. It is worth noting that entering the goal depends not only from the tilt of the guns, but also on the position of the vessel himself. For example, with large waves, the shells can fly higher than you expected. During the ship management, you must follow the interface where the mini-card is located, information about the state of the ship, sails and personal team. When sail damage, the speed and control of the vessel becomes below, the team damage is fraught with a slowdown of transfer of guns and a decrease in combat advantage during the abortion. The destruction of the case ... Well, here you can not explain.

In addition to information about integrity, the interface contains a mini-card, which displays the direction of the wind, the observance of which, as is known, is a prerequisite when choosing a course. Information about someone else's ship is also free for familiarization, but only if the vessel is within the flight of the corner of the chief hero. Flight distance can be increased by pumping the appropriate skill. If you entered the enemy to battle at a distance, then you should know about the choice of types of shells at volley: the kernel cause a fair harm to the case, but ineffective against sails and people. Knippeli apply the greatest damage to sails, and against the enemy team most efficient. However, if you are familiar with the same "corsairs", you do not need to explain such trifles. It is also worth remembering that the more commands you have, the faster the rehabil to the guns. However, the charge of guns is not the only obligation.

If you swim to the enemy ship "Borf-Bourge", then it is possible to take it to the board. Feel the spirit of the boarding battle on his skins the player will not succeed. The battle passes step by step. First, the player must choose, in what mode it will act in the next go. In total, there are three modes - the melee mode, balanced mode and cannon mode. Choosing a melee mode, most of the team will be thrown on an enemy vessel, which can significantly reduce the number of enemy team. The minus of this priority is that the minimum number of people will remain on the guns. It is fraught, firstly, a long reloading tools, and secondly, the fact that when murdering an artilleryman it cannot be replaced. When choosing a cannonal mode, the main part of the crew will remain on its board. Recharge guns will be rapidly, there will always be a replacement for people behind the guns, and the sailors free from guns will shoot the enemy from muskets. But a small part will always go to another board, and the likelihood of their death will be extremely high. It is worth choosing, based on the size of the team, bonuses from officers and ship upgrades. If everything is in your sufficiency and improved as much as possible or if you find it difficult to choose, it is better to choose a balanced mode. A similar type of boarding battle is rather original, but, e-mine, even in the first "Corsaars", the boardage was much more exciting!
When victory, the screen appears on the screen of the damage to your ship and the enemy's ship, team losses, etc. After that, the player can assign a ship cargo and recruit those who remained in living enemy seafarers, and also choose, burn it or drift Waves.

During the journey of the hero in the Caribbean, the hero can earn or lose the reputation of certain fractions. Total in the game 5 sides: England, Spain, France, pirates and merchants. The increase or decrease of reputation depends on whether you perform whose tasks and whose vessels do the top.

Unfortunately, the game contains a number of minuses, many of which are very weighty.

Artificial intelligence of opponents on land far as adequacy. Based on you, the Supostat easily can shoot a comrade. The enemies quickly forget that you just saw you, and when you are in sight, they easily can fool and start waiting for a lead serving in the ear. In the near battle, they often skip the blows, and sometimes it is unusted at all waiting for their death.

Graphics, at first glance, quite good. But it is worth spending at least 10 minutes for the game, as all the dirt will be noticeable absolutely to everyone. Animation of characters is some kind of primary and sometimes it seems as if we returned to the end of the 90s. When talking, the characters do not even try to gesticulate somehow, and if they are trying, it looks like a slaughter as possible. Mimica ... Well, there is generally full channel.

For many games, such disadvantages will not be a serious disadvantage, but when it comes to marine adventures, ship battles, aborted and other "yo-ho-ho", then such an atmosphere holds exclusively on the visual part. Here, no one runs along the deck with a storm, barely holding his feet, there are no fundamental screams of the team when the core hit the vessel, no one feels overboard and no one will give you a face if you pushed it. Yes, as I wrote above, the inhabitants of the cities actively imitate different activities, but the player stands a little in their life, as they begin to look like brainless dolls. In essence, pushing, they can be killed at all, but no one will lead. Of course, the same "Corsairs" did not shine like this, but if the game is not a pioneer, then you need to fit the atmosphere to modern standards.

The developers "Raven's Cry" tried to make a bright "sandbox" with spectacular marine battles, trade, management team, a variety of quests. If you do not count some nuances, then with this task they coped. But, unfortunately, the game is devoid of atmosphere, like a tree of roots. The passage of quests, the capture and destruction of the courts, the pumping of the ship and the main character personally did not cause me any excitement. The requirements for the game would not be so hard if it were not necessary to lay out the amount of 1000 rubles for the game. A similar price usually gives a guarantee on a truly high-quality product, and the game without any atmosphere can be called no other than the "marriage", for which I was not used to to give a whole "ruble".

XVII century, Caribbean Sea. Usually it starts almost any pirated story. And the story of "Raven" S Cry "is not an exception. The main character, Captain Christopher - a stereotypical sailor of that century (hook instead of a hand, a tri-fingered hat and, of course, a bearded harsh face), one day he learns that a person once He who brutally killed his father, is still alive and continues his bloody stepping. Effective revenge, Christopher begins to scour in the search for the killer of her father, in order to make cruel justice over bastard.

Revenge, in principle, the main goal of the game. At our disposal - the expanses of the Caribbean, with a dozen ports, which are under the rule of different fractions, as well as people with the help of which we, step by step, should overtake your blood enemy.

The gameplay here is divided into two types - on land and in the sea. On land we manage only the main character. Everything is as usual. Type of third party, back, back, left, right, jump, sit down and action.

In the melee mode, a regular attack is used, block, bias and special skills. The hero can pair the enemy blow if you press the appropriate button on time. With a good unit, you can counterattack the enemy, instantly pressing the attack button. During the fight, the margin of rage is replenished. It is necessary to use various skills in battle. One for one enemy is simple enough, but if the enemies are somewhat, the player will have to be pregnant. To fix the hero on a specific opponent, you must press one key, and to switch between goals, you must also press others. And with this, the player must follow enemy actions and take appropriate measures. To get used to this control, of course, it is possible, but I am sure that the fighting could be implemented much more convenient.

Middle-fighting weapons are divided except for different damage and, accordingly, the price. The hero also sometimes use their hook in battle. The game has a long-blooded weapon in the form of muskets, but it should only use it in extreme cases and with maximum caution, since each cartridge costs a considerable amount and after each shot hero spends time on recharging.

There is a possibility of silent movement - the level of attention of enemies is displayed with color icons above their heads. Depending on their anxiety, the icons can be painted in yellow, orange or red. By putting up to the enemy, you can kill it silently, but it is impossible to remove the corpse. Places for crabcany or other similar actions are installed in strictly allotted places and are highlighted, so do not expect from the game of a high-quality stealth element. However, all this can not be attributed to the cons, as the game is not sharpened under the similar gameplay.

From the corpses of the defeated opponents, you can collect prey. The player has no need to manually choose what to pick up things. It is enough to approach the body, press the action key and the hero will sleep in the pockets everything was in the corpse. Everything is simple and console. For the murder of the Suporage, the hero receives points of experience, which subsequently spends on pumping various passive and active skills, each of which can be pumped several times.

Tree skills

Earn experiences of the experiment hero can and when performing various quests. Tradition quests exist both basic and side. Performing secondary quests, the player sometimes appears before choosing. For the most part, this choice can be reedded as "I agree" and "I do not agree", but sometimes there are very serious options that are noticeable consequences with them. Side quests can be obtained, "by chance" having met some chronics. Only all of these "random meetings" are always clearly indicated on the map. Without such designations, Quests NPC would actually be lost in the crowd, because the people in the cities always grab. And they all do not just go back-forward - many citizens actively depict any activity: someone leads a conversation with a friend, leaning around the wall, someone sits on the boxes and shoes some sort, someone cleans musket or Fishing on the pier or blossoms around the corner. In Taverns, the tables are broken from drunkhag, a young lady are rushing back, spreading beer, in the center of the hall Artists Gorlanyat the vigorous songs, accompanying on Mandolin, drunk in Uratos, sailors are lying around the wall. Not enough is that drunk fights.

In taverns, by the way, sometimes you can play in the "bones" - a kind of poker prototype. However, before this it is necessary to wait until someone is sitting at the table. The game consists of three rounds. In the first round, the player throws five "bones". "Bones" must issue a combination that will beat the rival combination. There are combinations such as "couple", "two pairs", "Troika", "Ful House", etc. If at the first throw, the combination does not suit the player, then you can transfer one, a few or all the "bones" on a new one. I did not suit the second time, you can throw in the third. It was not suitable in the third ... well, it means not lucky.


Tractors are not the only institution transmitting the spirit of those times. Sometimes there are and brothels, where for a certain fee you can remove the confusion, but bed scenes in the game are presented, to put it mildly, not Ahti.

Bed scene

Of course, there are other objects in the cities. Such as shops of merchants, herbalists, as well as ship workshops.

Traders can be purchased from various supplies, such as tobacco, sugar, cocoa, spices, etc. Similar products play the role of trade objects. The player can be cheap to purchase one or another product in one port and sell it more expensive in the other. Information about ports in which a certain product is in deficiency or excess can be found using a global card. It is curious that the price of the goods depends not only on the place of trading, but also on the number of goods in the warehouse of the merchant. In addition to this, the trader can give you a discount on your products if you have already made a purchase for a large amount. With a competent calculation of the factors listed above, you can sell well on trading. And it is obligatory here - the business is mandatory, for always needed money for the team's salary, buying a more powerful ship or to improve its components.


With the help of a ship workshop, it is possible to strengthen the vessel's body and improve the sail, increasing their strength (in addition, the improvement in the sails contributes to higher speed and ships maneuverability). It is possible to increase the maximum command size, but this reduces the capacity of the ship's trim. In the package of the maximum capacity of the truma also affects the increase in the guns on the ship, as well as the installation of high-caliber guns. The improvement of the guns increases the damage caused by the enemy body, sails and the team. The ship master can also repair the housing and patch the sails. In the presence of your own carpenter on board, you can do and its forces, having a board in stock and canvas.

Ship improvement

In addition to the carpenter, you can hire five more officers. The team can be hired officers of various posts. Each candidate has pros and cons regarding his profession. For example, an officer can provide a lower fee of team members or increase their morale. The minuses from officers are also practically guaranteed: less effective battlefought during Abordage, less than a quick charge of guns, etc. There are six types of officers: senior officer, boatswain, console, navigator, ship doctor and carpenter. The ride of the rest of the command is carried out by increasing a specific runner in the "Ship menu". It is simple and convenient, but somehow unreasonable. The same slider could be set when contacting the innkeeper. The essence would not change, but it would look like something more realistic.


You can travel around the caribbeam using the world map. Moving along the Caribbean Sea, the player day after day spends money and provisions to the team. By visoring the destination, the player receives accurate information on how many days, money and provisions will be spent during the way. Without receiving one or another resource, the team will begin to click, losing the morale. After several similar outbreaks of discontent, team members simply ride you. Using the world map, the player can stumble upon enemy ships, but if you do not get involved in the skirmish and give a defense in time, then you can continue my way, passing the battle.

World Map

The ship management in the open sea is made in the traditional "Corsair" style. You can raise sails, turn and choose a board for shooting, and besides this, you can even set an angle of lifting guns. It is worth noting that entering the goal depends not only from the tilt of the guns, but also on the position of the vessel himself. For example, with large waves, the shells can fly higher than you expected. During the ship management, you must follow the interface where the mini-card is located, information about the state of the ship, sails and personal team. When sail damage, the speed and control of the vessel becomes below, the team damage is fraught with a slowdown of transfer of guns and a decrease in combat advantage during the abortion. The destruction of the case ... Well, here you can not explain.

In addition to information about integrity, the interface contains a mini-card, which displays the direction of the wind, the observance of which, as is known, is a prerequisite when choosing a course. Information about someone else's ship is also free for familiarization, but only if the vessel is within the flight of the corner of the chief hero. Flight distance can be increased by pumping the appropriate skill. If you entered the enemy to battle at a distance, then you should know about the choice of types of shells at volley: the kernel cause a fair harm to the case, but ineffective against sails and people. Knippeli apply the greatest damage to sails, and against the enemy team most efficient. However, if you are familiar with the same "corsairs", you don't need to explain such trifles. It is also worth remembering that the more commands you have, the faster the rehabil to the guns. However, the charge of guns is not the only obligation.

If you swim to the enemy ship "Borf-Bourge", then it is possible to take it to the board. Feel the spirit of the boarding battle on his skins the player will not succeed. The battle passes step by step. First, the player must choose, in what mode it will act in the next go. In total, there are three modes - the melee mode, balanced mode and cannon mode. Choosing a melee mode, most of the team will be thrown on an enemy vessel, which can significantly reduce the number of enemy team. The minus of this priority is that the minimum number of people will remain on the guns. It is fraught, firstly, a long reloading tools, and secondly, the fact that when murdering an artilleryman it cannot be replaced. When choosing a cannonal mode, the main part of the crew will remain on its board. Recharge guns will be rapidly, there will always be a replacement for people behind the guns, and the sailors free from guns will shoot the enemy from muskets. But a small part will always go to another board, and the likelihood of their death will be extremely high. It is worth choosing, based on the size of the team, bonuses from officers and ship upgrades. If everything is in your sufficiency and improved as much as possible or if you find it difficult to choose, it is better to choose a balanced mode. A similar type of boarding battle is rather original, but, e-mine, even in the first "Corsaars", the boardage was much more exciting!
When victory, the screen appears on the screen of the damage to your ship and the enemy's ship, team losses, etc. After that, the player can assign a ship cargo and recruit those who remained in living enemy seafarers, and also choose, burn it or drift Waves.


During the journey of the hero in the Caribbean, the hero can earn or lose the reputation of certain fractions. Total in the game 5 sides: England, Spain, France, pirates and merchants. The increase or decrease of reputation depends on whether you perform whose tasks and whose vessels do the top.

Unfortunately, the game contains a number of minuses, many of which are very weighty.

Artificial intelligence of opponents on land far as adequacy. Based on you, the Supostat easily can shoot a comrade. The enemies quickly forget that you just saw you, and when you are in sight, they easily can fool and start waiting for a lead serving in the ear. In the near battle, they often skip the blows, and sometimes it is unusted at all waiting for their death.

Graphics, at first glance, quite good. But it is worth spending at least 10 minutes for the game, as all the dirt will be noticeable absolutely to everyone. Animation of characters is some kind of primary and sometimes it seems as if we returned to the end of the 90s. When talking, the characters do not even try to gesticulate somehow, and if they are trying, it looks like a slaughter as possible. Mimica ... Well, there is generally full channel.

For many games, such disadvantages will not be a serious disadvantage, but when it comes to marine adventures, ship battles, aborted and other "yo-ho-ho", then such an atmosphere holds exclusively on the visual part. Here, no one runs along the deck with a storm, barely holding his feet, there are no fundamental screams of the team when the core hit the vessel, no one feels overboard and no one will give you a face if you pushed it. Yes, as I wrote above, the inhabitants of the cities actively imitate different activities, but the player stands a little in their life, as they begin to look like brainless dolls. In essence, pushing, they can be killed at all, but no one will lead. Of course, the same "Corsairs" did not shine like this, but if the game is not a pioneer, then you need to fit the atmosphere to modern standards.

The developers "Raven's Cry" tried to make a bright "sandbox" with spectacular marine battles, trade, management team, a variety of quests. If you do not count some nuances, then with this task they coped. But, unfortunately, the game is devoid of atmosphere, like a tree of roots. The passage of quests, the capture and destruction of the courts, the pumping of the ship and the main character personally did not cause me any excitement. The requirements for the game would not be so hard if it were not necessary to lay out the amount of 1000 rubles for the game. A similar price usually gives a guarantee on a truly high-quality product, and the game without any atmosphere can be called no other than the "marriage", for which I was not used to to give a whole "ruble".

If you are used to that the pirate is a cheerful and duct alcoholic with stinging ptah on the shoulder, then leafy magazine further, for this article will break your heart. Alas, but there are no unicorns, at the other end of the rainbow the empty nothing, and the Warcraft Universe is just a fiction. In any case, Reality Pump Studios decided that the public was too long forced to put into pink bridge glasses, and it would be time to show pirates in the right light. These are no merry, and they have a lot of work. But once called Pirate, then pleased to enjoy the bloody robbery. In general, Raven's Cry is a game of real lines with hooks instead of torn limbs.

Steel Bui

Raven's Cry is really tough, and not because the blood is shed in the same quantities as alcohol, it just reflects the truth and nothing except truth. Moreover, it is so dry that the one who plays it is automatically a beard appears, a hook and a hard desire to pierce the neighbor for all of his prejudice. The plot tells about Christopher Raven - Pirate, who takes possession, and, believe in the Word, in the midst of his terrible. The pirates that killed his parents were marked by such behavior. And at that very ill-fated day, having lost his relatives and his beloved hand, he decided that he would become the same Mordorot and would revenge the villains. It would seem that. Would he go far away in the troops, but he chooses the path at which there is no place for honor, law, or justice. And the guy was not mistaken. Soon he will acquire a hook, experience, knowledge of magic and begins his victorious and bloody procession to success.

Thunderstorm people

As already mentioned the main character Not a painka. On the contrary, he is sad, sullen, angry and bearded. Raven travels around the world and Dubacit All without mutual consent. Of course, the player has the opportunity to at least curb the frantic pirate anger, as we often offer a choice. But. Who would prefer the option "turn around and leave" when there is an alternative to dismissed the heat so. What does he not remember his name until the next environment? However, Polish developers took care that all actions would have their consequences, and in the majority they will lead it either to the hunt for Ray Vienna's heads, or ... hunt for the head of Ravena - will differ only.

In the chest of Raven's Cry, a lot of quests are hidden, the execution of which brings the main character to its goal, but there is tasks for the eye. Anyway, any task is interesting to fulfill, because all they are not deprived of diversity: find information, having triggered that Slyutyaya, find my little treasure and so on. In addition, you do not just run around the terrain and urinate all without a role - you have to hide, hide, sneak up ... In general, the post to help you, well, or what are you going to dug out there.


IN last years Gamers have already taught to the great abundance of all sorts of weapons. Against the background of some modern games The modest pirated set of Raven "S Cry looks like a hello from a very distant past. It would be for choice, it would seem. Such a smallness, like different variations of hooks (each with their features). Swords for spectacular battles in Sladu-mo, knives, occult Materials and pistols. But no wonder the quality is valued more than the number. Geimdyevs took care of that. So that the passage did not cause drowsiness with such modest arms. For example, pistols in a disposable game, as Christopher is not able to recharge them with their hook. But the fireman takes out The enemy from the first hit, and even effectively discarded the body of the Bedpads for a couple of meters. Picture in the barrel, you can arrange a festive fireworks and get out of the game at once a few unlucky opponents. After such a cheerfoot, the hero of pathetic discarded the useless unit on the side.

The battle on the swords deserves a separate conversation. Let's talk? Let you have before your eyes and is submitted to the seventeenth century, but no one has canceled Slow-MO. In the midst of the battle, you can bravely transfer your sword and stick in the opponent, parallel to the fasteners on his surpetuka and drinking tea with lemon. Naturally, at the Ravena in the reserve there is always some hook for kebabs and massacres - only and have time to change them in time. Well. And if you really can't get quietly to the future Zhmurric, then you can refer to magic, in order not to perform the task, and the handles do not pick up.

Pirate romance

Raven's Cry in addition to cruelty displays even that alcoholism. We have included the "Botan +" mode and on the Internet found the following info: it turns out that pirates are taken with them on the ships rum not because of the Yellow of Love to Alcohol, simply Rum, unlike the water, could be kept for months without changing their properties. Water is collected over time. That accounted for healthy men to be messed over the liver months. But it's not so sad, and the bearded man after three months in the sea and two bottles are not so bearded ... if you understand what we are.

Raven must sit in the trum

Playing in Raven "S Cry. It's hard not to notice two things: a two-meter blood fountain, flowing into the face, and incredible beauty of the surroundings. The developers were worked out on glory and in detail the entire charm of the golden age of piracy was displayed: narrow streets. In which the informant can be easily reduced: Islands where you sunbathe yourself and at the same time burning scoundrels; the sea, which are sicked by cheerful rogers ... What is the same romance.

Not even on the most powerful gland, the game will be able to cause you solid lunizing. In addition to extensive and detailed locations, the entire charming spirit of the period were also able to transfer the entire charming spirit: antisanitary, dishonor, greed, aggression. Night Babonki (girls serve customers just on the street), screams, murders - in short, solid hopelessness. "There is no joy in this world." It would be an excellent slogan for the game.


The audience has long been hungry for realistic and brutal toys. No, I do not approve that now in each self-respecting game the walls must be decorated with the remnants of someone's brains. Just all these aliens, zombies, robots and zombies robots do not cause true faith in their reality. In Raven's Cry the same clean, not distorted historical facts. There is no place for nursing, this is a game that is impregnated with despair and the darkness of the most spoiled shower. Atmospherically, in general.

Final rating: 8 points out of 10!

Ohu, dear my readers. I suggest you plunge into an exciting story, full of amazing adventures and unexpected turns. Well, or not particularly exciting?! In general, in the course of the case will understand. And now let's board and go on the road.


History tells us the tragic history of the Pirate Captain Christopher Raven. After a brief learning, during which we will have every time for the happy owners of Tobast Galeon (Yeah, at pirates, for robbery, a semotive galleon. Grab-kill), we turn out to be deceived by our tenant, lose the ship, teams and hardly avoid the gallows. By making a bold escape, we fall into the pirate settlement, without a penny in your pocket, but with a strong desire to get a ship and get a bite. After a short time, however, Christopher will face another problem, originally from the distant past and will get a chance to get sick with the killer of his family than and will continue to engage in. If you really have enough nonsense to repeat my mistake and get out of the tavern, instead of going to sleep safely in it, spending time, playing in the bone to earn on drinking and accessible ladies. What? Do you still want to go out? Well, they cheat themselves, now I will tell you what is waiting for you there.


I did not expect from the game of Revelation. To understand the low level of waiting, it is enough to plunge into the history of the development of the game. The announcement of the game was back in 2011, with the promise initially releases it in 2012. Then he was transferred for April 2013, then by October 2013, then the developer was changed and transferred to the spring 2014, and then for autumn 2014. As a result was the transfer for December. And then for January 2015, and here, after 4 years from the moment of the announcement, the game still saw the light. Nevertheless, she was able to surprise the players. Expected frankly outdated passage. And the most worst came out undoubted pirate game All times and peoples. Honestly, I do not even know what's worse in it: wretched combat system (both on land and on the sea), or the absence of free swimming (not to be considered such a movement of the cross on the map is twice as much as in the most first domestic corsaars), or a domestic economic system in which all products 10 are found for robbery and trade, Or maybe a nightmare physics and controllability of the box? The game resolutely everything causes amazement, because even go out in 2012, she would even be disgusting then. With all this, despite so many years of development, in Raven "S Cry has a rich number of bugs and flaws, which simply amazes.

I would not even want to describe the disadvantages in detail, because they are scored countless, but they want to pay attention to some.

Combat system

On land, you will encounter the problem of high speed of the game, because the attack is carried out incomparably faster than the block, and the block must be put strictly at a certain time, otherwise you just spend time and skip the blow. So, you just don't have to use the block, which makes it almost impossible to fight with more than one enemy at a time. At the same time, it is not necessary to count on a gun in battle. Especially, after all, to aim from it, clamping some buttons, according to the opponents running at the speed almost impossible, given that the effect of almost zero.

In the sea, still sad. There is no normal way to aim at the player at all. It could be a realism if we were given at least some possibility to calculate the distance and speed of the enemy, so that there was an opportunity to adjust the fire from the guns, but alas. Shoot we will have to be basically at random. It is clear that after a couple of dozen battles you get used to, if you really find the strength of these battles to spend. You can also try to take on boarding, which will add you unforgettable impressions. The boarding occurs in almost the form of a "stone, scissors, paper" type minigra, each action of which leads to the loss of a certain number of fighters, and ends with the depletion of the team on one of the ships. This is the finish, gentlemen. If you after all this you find the strength to pass the game, then I can only admire your durability. But the problems of the game are not exhausted, and therefore will continue.


We are available only small cardon which they were not at all marked with a dozen ports, yes, tasks and cross markers arise, symbolizing the oncoming ships, which we can attack. And this does not exhaust the trouble of the game. It is almost impossible to travel through it, because every few seconds you will be attached to you, forcing you to join a dull battle, so pass from point A to the point in the same flour. Are you still not enough? We will continue.


In the screenshots, the game looks deceptively, but it's enough to look at the first steps of our hero, as the cross can already be put on the game. Animation is absolutely terrible. At the same time, from time to time, the hero will be stuck in the textures, or hang in the jump of seconds for 5 because it did not draw any detail. This will also have to get used to it.

In principle, a few hours later you will have a suspicion that in the game there may be a good plot, but the trouble is that it is difficult to follow him, because the animation of the Mimicians in the dialogues is as nightmarish as everything else. Sometimes the characters will forget to open the mouth, and some of the dialogs simply forgot to voice. So make some picture of the plot will be incredibly difficult, given that you will collect it in the bites for a very long time due to constant reboots, because of death from the wretched combat system.

The only thing that you can praise developers is for musical accompaniment. In the taverns we will meet quite the colorful musicians who will play cool music to which sailors and port "ladies" dance. That is why I recommended you not to leave the first tavern, because it is the best thing in this game.


In general, I do not know that I was able to write a rather voluminous review of this horror. Probably, the fact that I adore Pirate themes, but I can't even love this game, even though I tried hard to do it hard. I painfully tried to play it, but unfortunately, no strength and nerves will not be enough to come to terms with all its problems. At the time of writing, the game costs 1000 rubles, but I will not even say that it is not worth this money. It is not even time for downloading and installing. I recommend to spend your time on something else. Believe me, the game of the sapper will seem much more interesting. And on this it was time to finish. Good luck to you and do not play this horror.

Raven "S Cry

Christopher Raven, the main character games Raven`s Cry.. When he was six years old, the pirates cut off the little hand and killed his parents. But the boy took to himself and raised, Rybak Markus, in the past the slave with the mysterious past. Having become an adult, Christopher decided to return the debt, kill the leader of the gangsters, who had deprived him of careless childhood - Neville Scranton, named "The Devil" as you have already guessed, it's calmly growing at the young man, so it turned out of it, fruitless, and very severe man. He has only one desire - to confuse, and any ways will suit this.
In its structure will remind us, dear to heart " " In other words, the developers of the game are obviously clearly, they want to distinguish between the sea, land with cities, ships, guns, and aborted.
In general, it is noticeable for the mood of the developers that they are much more interested in mechanics Raven`s Cry.than the plot. With the enemies, Christopher keeps not as an ordinary villain, his main advantage is concluded in his chopped hand in childhood. He attached a hook on her, with whose participation he likes to trim the enemies, cling them and plow their stomachs. For this hooks, a lot is seized: there are special biased blades, there are curved, there are various "cats" with chains, etc. So there is a lot of blood, not a saber one.
There will also be pistols. True, to recharge them with one hand, so the space is very limited for use, a couple of shots and everything can be thrown out. But but very powerful shots. The developers say that the gun in the game Raven`s Cry, something similar to a grenade, as in the shooter, so effect, will be destructive.
In the course of battle with ordinary pirates, the crystorm also will be filled with a strip of special skills that may be used in particularly intense moments. Branded techniques include the resurrection of the dead, invulnerability, the largest fireball and the call of many hungry crows. IN Pirate mascots will still be present, looking completely differently: from a hunted eye to the dried maiden. Developers also promise to us that for the use of all these very, terrible crystal pieces, will necessarily follow the retribution, but what, again, this is a question.
In the sea, everything also looks very good. In the course of swimming, Christopher twists the steering wheel vigorously, and something shouts by the sailors, it goes down from time to time, and helps them to charge weapons, guns, clean and pull the sails, and so on. It will necessarily be a board in the game Raven`s cry, It is not easy to drown an enemy ship. To begin with, it will be necessary to rob to the last nail, and then only already let it on the bottom. The developers also noted that they want to produce something among the serious sea simulator and a simple arcade, while allowing the players to fully feel all the delights of robbery. It will not be an essence of a simple corridor race between two points, in the game, on the contrary, there will be a revealed world, where it will be possible to get to each visible object on the horizon.
The game is scheduled for the first quarter of 2013.

screenshot games Raven "S Cry

screenshot games Raven "S Cry

screenshot games Raven "S Cry

screenshot games Raven "S Cry