Mick ending endless summer. Passage and sprites of characters. Alternative ending Alice

Visual Novella "Endless summer" appeared in 2013, becoming a real phenomenon among Russian-speaking development computer games. And although this genre is not too popular in Russia and the CIS countries, multi-million-dollar downloads indicate an unprecedented success of a young team, compiled exclusively from the user of the imageboard.

Remember that to get the final it is necessary to dial from 6 points relationships with the character, as well as to reach 6-7 days of adventure.

What is the secret of success? I see the reasons for the popularity of the Everlasting Summer as follows:

· The game is ideally suited to lonely and closed people, because it allows you to develop social ties with several female characters, receiving the necessary emotions;
· The novel includes many ending (about them below), depending on the character with whom you build relationships;
· Great amount third-party modifications;
· Pleasant visual execution, reminiscent of Japanese animation;
· Nostalgia on Soviet topics, which I do not share, but for many it will be an additional reason to pass the game;
· The presence of a philosophical subtext and the complexity of the plot, which dropped only closer to the final.

All ending game endless summer (attention, spoilers):

· Good ending seed. The hero does not go beyond a mysterious voice, but leaves for a bus home. Waking up in the morning, he continues to live ordinary life, considering everything that happened to a fantastic sleep;
· Bad ending seed. After selecting voice, the guy meets a strange creature, talking to him because of the bushes, and then faints. There are no interpretations, only final titles;
· Good finale Alice. Character confesses in love, returns to real world, creates his musical group, after which suddenly meets the girl, very similar to it;
· Bad finals Alice. Everything is similar, only without recognition and meeting a similar girl in reality;
· The ending of the fiance. Was added in fashion "The history of one pioneer"Fixed in 2014, so includes the interpretation of previous events and spoilers to the main plot. Events unfold in two time lines. In the first seed, events live in an infinite cycle, which hints at the abstractness of what is happening. In the second line, the hero shares his experiences with Zhenya, they begin to meet and even marry, but in the future our pioneer notices oddities in her behavior, and in the end it turns out next to the robot looking like her. Gradually, the second line is included in the first, leading to the state of the world at the time of its start. As a result, events are repeated in reality, already with real Zhenya;
· Good ending Lena. Semyon tells the girl a story about how he arrived from the future, after which the characters are leaving together, where they live together;
· Bad Ending Lena. After a long quarrel, the characters finish extremely bad: Lena - in the camp, and seed - already in reality;
· Final Miku. This heroine has always one ending, but what! The present name is Mika - Masha, and Semyon is a participant in the shooting group that takes off Zombie Horror. In the future, the events resemble the game Left 4 Dead.This includes a series of mysterious events, and in the finals on the floor there are sheets with a script. The most mystical finale;
· Slav's ending: Good and bad. Slavs does not believe Semyon, when he declares his origin and time from which he arrived. Having left for the bus, the guy wakes up in the morning and continues to live ordinary life, but soon meets a similar girl. In a bad ending, everything is similar, but without a meeting;
· Good finale Ulyana. Semyon leaves the camp, wakes up in his bed and forgets everything, and then restored at the university and meets the girl in the next year;
· Bad finals of Ulyana. Similarly, the teenager remains in the camp, because it does not receive support from the government. IN real life Meetings do not happen;
· Individual finals of Yulia. Semen wakes up in the morning in bed and can choose any of the girls you want to see. Full surrealism, because no one except the protagonist sees it;
· Dreamy final Yulia. The guy rides with Olga Dmitrieva and the rest of the ladies to the city, after which it turns out in the real world. Five girls from the camp call on the apartment door, but they grew for several years. Only Julia remains in the camp, behind which the hero goes a few days later. Now all key characters returned to the real world. The ending is considered the most correct and canonical, which emphasized the creators of the project in their interviews.

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Appearance and nature

Miku - the girl vocaloid, beautiful appearance, with one a distinctive feature - Very long blue hair tied up in two tails, reaching her knees. Very cheerful and positive, but too chatty than quickly tiring others.

Full description

Miku is the same Mika from the vocaloid. Guest old, sort of like. It is the constant and only visitor of the MUSCLUS - almost all the time sticks out there. According to many - fool. Well, not that very fool, but simply. Kavaya such a fool, tank-tank. The depth of thinking is missing. That in the head wearshed, it was branched. Music and nothing more. Absolutely always suspects nothing and do not know. And then as a rule does not understand what everything ended. Syroezhkin is in love with her.


It was not seen in communicating with other heroes besides Alice and Semen. From the first, perhaps friends, and shares interest in music. Semyon often becomes its interlocutor inevitable, and also has several events in the game, with it related. Lives in one house with Lena, from which we can conclude that they also communicate with her.

Interesting Facts

Over the bed of Miku hangs the poster of the film-concert "You just want to know", dedicated to Viktor Tsoi, but after his death, namely, in 2006, which goes beyond the era in which, allegedly, lives "the Council" (80 years). Whether this is an error of the artist of the backgrounds, or intentional reference - is unknown.

Getting the ending

Any ending seeds should be opened

The rest of the elections are not important
1. No, I will stay here (Prolog, the very beginning).

2. Take the keys (end of the first day).

3. Go for cards one.

4. Go to the bus stop (search for a Shurik), then "agree" (help Miku with the song).

5. Not there (apple).

6. Go alone (in search of Shurik at night).

History and ending (!!! Carefully spoiler !!!)

Initially, Miku was planned in the game as a comedic character of the second plan without his own root. However, later during the development, one story was originally planned as an addition, but not completed on time, was rewritten under it.

Miku has his own root with one ending. It is characterized by a large chorrhival orientation, and is also the most fantastic of all the roots, which generally highlights it against the rest of the rest.

Despite the fact that it is called her name, in fact, in the root, Miku does not play a big role, and instead replaced with another, similar CharacterWhat caused discontent fans.

In the end of the Miku it turns out that the seven dreamed of everything that happened and in fact he is a member of the film crew, and Mika (Masha) is his former girl. After a heavy set of day at the hellish heat, Miku and Semyon remember the happy days when they were together, make love and fall asleep. In the morning they wake up in the camp, where Olga Dmitrievna arranges the analysis of flights due to their behavior. Next, you become a member of the events of the game "Left 4 Dead": Like the person disappears, the leader goes on its search, the attack of the zombie camp begins. Suddenly, the seed wakes up, while Masha sleeps on his knees, and there is a stack of script sheets, where Zombie Horrora events are described.

In the image, everything is shown

2. Reply. (one)

5. Take the keys / not touch.

8. Go for cards from Slavva. (one)

9. Do not argue with Alice.

10. Any result on the tournament, then go to the bus stop. (one)

14. Help glory. (one)

15. Felt. (one)

16. Elections on the map are unimportant.

19. Do not ask. (one)

21. Eat the apple / not.

22. I went with Slavva.

23. Elections on the map are unimportant.

24. Go with Slavva. (one)

25. This is all thanks to the help of girls. (one)

26. Elections on the map are unimportant.

27. Try to grab the book from Alice / do nothing.

28. Do not do anything, just sit.

29. Try to find Slav (critical choice for Slavsi).

30. I want to take food for Slavs. (one)

31. I have nothing to justify. (one)

1. Yes, I will go with you / No, I will stay here.

2. Do not answer her / answer.

3. Run behind it / nothing.

4. Try to take away the cutlet / do nothing.

5. Take the keys / not touch.

6. Praise the book. (one)

7. Map: Go for lunch / Do not go for lunch.

9. Do not argue with Alice. (one)

10. Play Lena, go to a football field. (one)

11. Sorry, but I have already agreed with Lena. (one)

12. Good, I will come. (one)

13. What is the difference? We must continue to look for answers.

14. Perhaps I will help glory / I think I will help the guys in the construction of gigantic robots / Well, I will help the sports club.

16. Elections on the map are unimportant.

17. It seems to me that you would have looked great. (one)

18. Probably stolen candies smoked? / In the dining room, poisoned?

20. Give Alice coal / not give her coal.

21. Eat the apple / not.

22. Gone with Lena.

23. Elections on the map are unimportant.

24. Go with Lena and not to say a leader that went to look for a shurk. (2 + 1)

27. Try to find out what Alice and Lena argue about. (Critical choice for Lena)

28. Help Alice. (one)

1. Yes, I will go with you / No, I will stay here.

2. Do not answer her / answer.

3. Run behind it / nothing.

4. Try to take away the cutlet. (one)

5. Take the keys / not touch.

6. Praise the book / say nothing.

7. Map: Go for lunch. (one)

8. Go for maps from Slavve / to go alone.

9. Having argue with Alice / not arguing with Alice.

10. Play Ulyana to the card and go to the scene. (one)

11. Sorry, but I already agreed with Lena / Well, wait a minute.

12. You know, Olga Dmitrievna asked me to help in the evening.

13. What is the difference? We must continue to look for answers.

14. Help the sports club (1)

15. Stay and help her get out. (one)

16. Elections on the map are unimportant.

17. It seems to me that you would have looked great / yes just like that.

18. I poisoned in the dining room? (one)

19. Ask for this / not to ask.

20. Give Alice coal / not give her coal.

21. Eat the apple / not.

22. Gone with Ulyana.

23. Map: Mugs, then "refuse". (one)

24. Go with Lena / Go from Slavva.

25. Yes, I tried / this is all thanks to the help of girls.

26. Try to grab the book from Alice / do nothing.

27. Do not do anything, just sit.

28. Go to Ulyana. (Critical choice for Ulyana)

29. Try to stop words. (one)

30. All this is my wines. (2)

1. Yes, I will go with you / No, I will stay here.

2. Do not answer her / answer.

3. Do not do anything. (one)

4. Try to take away the cutlet / do nothing.

5. Take the keys / not touch.

6. Praise the book / say nothing.

7. Map: Go for lunch / Do not go for lunch.

8. Go for maps from Slavve / to go alone.

9. Hold up with Alice. (2)

10. Win the tournament. (2)

11. Sorry, but I already agreed with Lena / Well, wait a minute.

12. You know, Olga Dmitrievna asked me to help in the evening.

13. It is worth going to see. (one)

14. Good, I will come. (one)

15. Run / stay and help Ulyan to get out.

16. Come up with another justification. (one)

17. Elections on the map are unimportant.

18. It seems to me that you would have looked great / yes just like that.

19. Probably stolen candies smoked? / In the dining room, poisoned?

20. Ask what it is / not to ask.

21. Give Alice Coal. (one)

22. Eat the apple / not.

23. I went with Alice.

24. Elections on the map are unimportant.

25. Go with Lena / Go from Slavva.

26. Yes, I tried / all thanks to helping girls.

27. Do not do anything. (one)

28. Try to find out what Alice and Lena argue about. (Critical choice for Alice)

Visual novels are a rather popular genre of computer games, however, among the narrow circle of fans. The fact is that these projects differ from the rest of the fact that here you do not need to take any action. In fact, you just see cutting frames, which tells you the history of your character. But at the same time you have conversations with other characters, and from what you say will depend on how the story will develop further. Most often visual novels have a far from one ending - for example, in domestic project "Infinite Summer" passing can end in thirteen different options. And what will be your ending - it depends only on how you will build relationships in the Soviet pioneer camp, where the fate will take you. In the plot you go on the bus on business, but fall asleep and wake up before the gate of the summer camp. There are quite a few different personalities, with whom you will build a relationship.


You can start in the game "Infinite Summer" from any of the available characters, but at the same time you need to understand that it is possible to achieve one or another ending with the help of accurate actions and specific answers to questions, properly conducting dialogues and competent builds of relationships. Naturally, the ending in any case will be at least some kind, but if you want a good completion with an interesting character to you, you will have to try. If you conquer Slav, then in the end you will have to explain to her that you arrived from another time - falling out in the winter bus at the age of about thirty, you woke up in a summer camp aged twenty. But the SPACE will not believe you, so you have to get on the bus and go home, with the result that you will sleep. But wake up in your apartment, you realize that your life is not so bad and continue to live peacefully until one beautiful day does not meet the girl, very similar to Slage. In the bad ending, everything is happening in the same way, only the famous believes you, but on the way to her home you fall asleep, wake up in your apartment and live your life, never meets nor nor anyone like her. As you can see, in the game "Infinite Summer", the passage can lead you to a variety of ending options.

Ending seeds

Separately, it is worth considering the passage in the game "Infinite Summer" in the game, in which Semen will not be able (intentionally or by chance) to make a relationship with any of the girls. But even in this case, there is a good and bad ending. In the first option, when you need to leave the camp, but you refuse, you call you a voice that promises salvation. Without having listened to him, you get on the bus, fall asleep, after which the usual life begins, which, however, hints at the cyclical processes - you are going to meet graduates again, which means repeating history with the camp (naturally, before this stranger erases your memory). But what about the bad ending? She is rather strange, since for her receipt you need to go for a voice from the forest, talk to the creature in the bushes and losing consciousness. Actually, at this moment, the passage of the game "Infinite Summer" ends that there gave rise to a lot of discussion.


The passage of the game "Infinite Summer" is naturally not limited to the two events development lines. After all, there are enough girls in the camp with whom Semyon can meet. For example, Alice. Although it is pretty complex option. The fact is that she is a girlfriend of Lena, who surpasses Alice in everything. Therefore, she does not believe until the latter that Semen can love her. What happens in a good ending? Alice cites seeds in a house where they drink, and Alice hopes that alcohol will untie the seed language. But as a result, they drink too much, and everything ends with sex, after which they are sent on foot to the district center, as everyone left without them. As a result, Semyon is recognized by Alice in love, they catch a backway bus, fall asleep there. After that, Semyon wakes up and, while the memories of fresh, changes his life - learns to play the guitar, collects a group and travels with concerts, on one of whom meets a girl like Alice. The bad ending is distinguished by the fact that Semyon is not recognized by Alice in love, because of what wakes up in real life and does not meet a girl at any concert. These turns can toss you in the game "Infinite Summer" passage. The scheme is quite confusing, but if you think logically, you can go to the desired ending.

Alternative ending Alice

In the case of Alice, there is an alternative ending - here the seeds of the case with the group are not very coming, therefore it is constantly changing its members. And one day he agrees to a meeting with a new guitarist, which turns out to be Alice - she also remembers well what was in the "dream" about the camp, so immediately rushes to you in the arms - it ends in the game "Infinite Summer" . Alice remains with you, but this is not the end of the whole story.

The endings of Lena

Lena is a character for which there is also a passage in the game "Infinite Summer". The diagram of it is no less confusing than in previous cases. A good ending makes a brain to many, as Lena with Semenaves remain in the camp, when everyone leaves, make love, after which the seed wakes up. It turns out that it was a dream. After that, they leave the camp, everyone lives with their own life, but then they reunite, marry, harvest children and live simply humanly. Extremely calm ending. Especially if you compare it with what awaits you in a bad ending. After all, Semen will quarrel with Lena because of Alice and before leaving the camp will wait a long time for a long time. Returning to the house, he will find that Lena revealed the veins. She dies at the main character in his arms, after which he wives into the bus, falls asleep there, and waking up in his apartment, he himself cuts himself. This ending is the most frightening among everyone in the game "Infinite Summer". Mine, the passage of which will strongly affect the ending with Lena, is an important point, and if you do not want such a tragedy - carefully read the dialogs.


As you already understood, significantly affects the outcome of the game "Infinite Summer" Mine. Passage can change its direction very sharply there, so be careful even if you play the line of Ulyana. Why even? The fact is that Ulyana is a little girl with whom you can only have friendly relationships. She is an incredible ledge, and you will be honored to help her in her fun. As a result, the next end of it ends with the fact that pioneers raise it on laughter, and she runs into the forest in tears. Semyon soothes her, after which their fastest friendship begins. They fall asleep together, looking at TV, for which they are punished. And if you come to Ulyanu, then you are waiting good ending. Waking up in the real world, Semyon will recover at the university, where he will meet a hazardous Ulyana, who has just received the first course. The bad ending is caused by the refusal to help and sympathize with Ulyana - you will be returned to the real world, but nothing will change. So, these are the main lines that you are available in the game "Infinite Summer". The passage of all endings, however, gives you access to a new character - Miku.

Plot Miku

If you opened in the game "Infinite Summer" passing all the endings, then you are waiting for a crazy adventure. This line will be very different from the rest, because here you will take part in the real horror movie, which, naturally, will be your sleep. There is only a happy ending, where Semen remains with Mika, and they live happily and happily. But it does not end in the game "Infinite Summer" passage. Specifications and other girls were only the initial characters who led you to Miku, and after her passing, you get access to Julia.

Final ending

Julia is the most unusual character in the game, since she has cat ears, she behaves like a small talking animal, no one can see her. In general, this is another camp mystery, which allows you to get closer to the full rays of all secrets. Fortunately, there are no bad endings here - both options will be good in their own way. In the first of them you will have to look into the most essence of this place, chat with all the pioneers (they are your "shadows") who visited you here. And also with the main creature, which is something like the brain of this mysterious place. As a result, you will be wary in your bed, and next to you will be one of the girls from the camp - for this you will need to take another choice. You will not remember anything about the camp, but also in the real world will not return, and stay in a happy dream.

Real ending

The only ending that gives you a chance directly from the camp to come to reality is the second ending of Julia. By refusing to return to the camp, where it would be waiting for a meeting with shadows and the "brain", Semyon goes to the city, but the bus is catching up, where he falls asleep. He wakes up from the call to the door, followed by all the girls from the camp. It turns out that they were all in this dream, but were able to escape from it with the help of seeds.