The visual novel is a crossroads. Walkthrough Detroit: Become Human. Start - Trip to Jericho with Alice and Luther

Crossroad is a visual novel game developed by kalanhow for the PC platform. The environment in the game belongs to the fantasy style, and the features can be distinguished as follows: casual game, indie, visual novel, adventure game, anime, female protagonist, romance, otome, fantasy, steam achievements. You will have access to such game modes as "for one player".

Crossroad is distributed worldwide on a one-time purchase basis by the publisher TsunamiGames. At the moment, the stage of the game is launched, and the date of its release is 02/14/2018. You cannot download Crossroad for free, including torrenting, since the game is distributed as a one-time purchase. The game supports Russian.

MMO13 has yet to give Crossroad a rating. The game is distributed on the Steam store, whose users rate this game with their reviews 8.9 points out of 10.

The official description of the game reads:

“Every granddaughter at least once in her life went to visit her grandmother, ate the delicacies she had prepared and drank her tea. But the road to my grandmother runs through a dense, sometimes dark and at times dangerous forest, in which you can meet someone strange. "

Genres: Visual novel, ADV, adventure, mystery, romance, otome
Length: 8+ hours

Every granddaughter goes to her grandmother's house at least once in her life to eat something delicious and drink tea.
Our protagonist is no different from a million of other girls. The only issue is that the way to her Gran lies through the dense, partially dark and from time to time dangerous woods, where it’s possible to meet someone strange, mysterious and curious.
You will delve into a peculiar world, play from the girl’s point of view, decide her fate and help the ones who strayed from their path to find it again.
It's a light, fun and romantic visual novel that will make you smile and forget about real-life problems.

About the protagonist

You’ll play the part of a pure-hearted girl. Raised far from the bustling cities, not spoiled, curious to a fault and as naïve as a child, she doesn’t see the world the same way as we do. Lumy is a young herbalist and healer, who loves this world and changes it for the better.

This game includes:

- 34 endings (romantic ones, unexpected ones, funny ones); - More than 15 music tracks;
- Lots of unusual items to find, and through them learn more about the world of the game;
- Many CGs;
- 5 “romantic interests” (in fact, there are more of them, but it's a secret);
The game also features gallery of art, sound room, item room;
- The game features lots of unique characters;

And he asked about Jericho. Or he found by linking the correct facts in the chapter).

You can search for clues inside the ship to complete the flowchart.

Scan the wall at the train station ( short scene intertwined with storyline Kara). On the ship you can:

  • Find Kara and Alice,
  • Find explosives in the middle of the room,
  • Get to know Tracy (if she survived the Rye Club chapter)
  • Get to know Rupert (if you helped Hank instead of chasing the deviant during the chapter)
  • Read the newspaper (if Marcus' march during the chapter was violent and ended in a fight with the police).

The main stage is Connor's meeting with Marcus; Connor can become a defect, Marcus helps him slightly by conducting controlled dialogue that increases Connor's instability.

The story is divided into two parts: one path is available if Marcus survived the "" chapter; the second looks the same, but instead of Marcus there will be North. No matter which version you got, you can become a deviant due to instability software... This opens up different paths for Connor - you can make this decision during one of the dialogues. It is possible to "remain a machine" in spite of the high instability.

Connor remained a machine

This decision almost always results in Connor's death - the only exception - when you kill Marcus (assuming he is still alive). Please note that with this choice, you cannot save everyone and prevent Connor from dying.

Connor's death here will not end his storyline.

A police officer stops you in the hallway:

  • You can lie or refer to Perkins - this will allow you to continue the chase,
  • Attack the Cop - Complete the QTE sequence to continue the plot, otherwise you will die (Connor does not end his storyline).
  • Escape - you will be shot.

The next part is short and has no complicated options:

  • If Marcus is dead, you cannot catch up with North - Connor will die (he does not end the story).
  • If Marcus is alive, you will confront him. If you get to the weapon first, you will kill Marcus (Connor will survive).
  • Same situation as above, but Markus draws his weapon first - Connor dies (but he doesn't end his storyline).
Connor becomes a deviant

This path is more desirable and leads to more endings. Connor must continue to increase the instability of his software throughout the game - this is done with every "human action" the android takes, especially those involving emotions and feelings. These can be actions (such as saving a life) or even simple dialogues with Hank. This stage has several paths available to Connor. They are closely related to the actions Marcus performed during his own storyline:

Marcus successfully activated the bomb:

  • Connor joins the rest of the androids. He can help Marcus, but failure means death for Connor.

Connor will take on the role of Marcus in this quest if Marcus is killed or exiled (and possibly returned).

Connor can start at a later part of his chapter, provided that Marcus died at any point in the game before the police raid. (optional, you can also lose Marcus when he tries to plant explosives / he was expelled from Jericho, but he returned).

If this happens, Connor will have to do all the work for Marcus. Go down the stairs and find Lucy. collapsing. Hide from the police. Behind the wall you can see deviants who are about to be executed: you can save them (you won't get anything for this) but remember that failure of the QTE sequence will end with Connor's death.

You can help other androids, but this does not affect either the heroes or the ending.

Choose the bottom path during combat simulation to get rid of more cops. Soon you will be able to rescue the androids fleeing to the floor below - rip out the metal pipe near the wall to throw the obstacle to the police. The path that leads to the explosives is linear. You encounter another group of cops - if you fail in the QTE sequence, the bomb will not be cocked and Connor will die. After placing the bomb on the flowchart, you will see two paths: the one above is available if Marcus is dead, and the one below is available when Marcus is on the ship. Connor can die during any of them: if he is unable to help Markus or if he does not complete the QTE sequence while escaping from the ship.

The Crossroad begins to shine with its uniqueness from the beginning. The whole kingdom called Koguro was chosen as the scene of the plot. Here, technological progress comes by leaps and bounds, and, as a result, many people have stopped believing in magic or other miracles. Wealthy families began to move to suburban areas, the path to which runs through the rugged forest. The family of the main character also moved there. In this novel we will play as Lumi. The girl is the soul of any company. Mainly due to the fact that when the protagonist appears, the atmosphere around the company changes to a friendly one.

Also, the heroine is too curious and naive. Initially, Lumi moved to the village with her mother and grandmother, but the latter was immersed in medicine, which led to her leaving home. The protagonist did not forget about her, and sometimes she dropped by. And, it seemed, another trip to a relative. What could go wrong? But this trip, in the end, will turn into a real adventure for her.

And an adventure with variability. The number of options for ending the adventures of a girl reaches 30, which can force the user to buy (or download) a video game. And the number of secrets within the world of Koguro is enormous. If we consider the video novel gameplay, then the differences from other games of this genre are minimal. The only thing that can be distinguished is the display of the heroine's emotions during her lines, and many forks that will lead the gamer to one of thirty endings.

The story of the main characters - Kari, Connor and Marcus - in the last chapters - the Crossroads and the Battle of Detroit - will alternate. If the main characters survive, their fates converge in Jericho and Detroit. Their story will be shown in intertwined scenes.

Due to the many possible endings of the game, as well as the chapters themselves, what happens in the final stages will depend on the decisions made throughout the game. It is difficult to predict what happened in your case, but we tried to move on to a story in which the most moral decisions were made and in which the main characters survived.

The next part of the walkthrough was based on the following relationships, events and decisions:

  • The main characters of the game (Kara, Marcus and Connor) are alive.
  • Public opinion is support.
  • Kara - Luther is alive.
  • Kara - relationship with Alice: family.
  • Kara - Relationship with Luther: Family.
  • Marcus - Leadership in Jericho.
  • Marcus - Relationship with North: Love.
  • Marcus - Simon survived the chapters of Stratford Tower and Public Enemy.
  • Connor was defective (program instability - deviant).
  • Connor - relationship with Hank: not an enemy (friendship).


Kara, Alice, and Luther make it to Jericho and then flee with.

The chapter will start in the car. Rose helps the fugitives cross the border. The diagram has two starting points. Their activation depends on whether Luther survived the Night Train chapter or not.

The mission description was based on a scenario in which:

  • Luther is alive.
  • Relationship with Alice: family.
  • Relationship with Luther: family.

Start - Trip to Jericho with Alice and Luther

In the car, do the following:

  • Look outside (1) - look out the window and press L1.
  • Change radio station (2) - use the panel located on the car dashboard.

After a while, you will reach the car park (3). Help Alice get out of the car and go up to Rose to say goodbye (4).

Get to Jericho (5)

When you exit the parking lot, turn right. The action of the chapter will move to the harbor, where the moored ship is located, in which Jericho is located. Move closer to board the ship (6). Once inside, in the corner of the room, find a spot for Alice (7). Talk to the girl and get up.

If Marcus chose the aggressive decision in the Freedom March chapter, you will find the journal on the chest. Read the articles: Detroit in Chaos (8) and Terror in Detroit (9).

Upstairs (10)

When you get upstairs, talk to Markus (Meet Markus - 11) who is sitting in the room. Then go down and return to Alice (12). On the way to the girl, you will see an android child (13). Talk to Alice (Join Alice 14). Hug her (15) to continue the mission.

The further fate of the heroes will depend on whether Connor and Luther are alive, and what kind of relationship between Kari and Alice.

  • If Connor found Jericho, and Kara and Alice have a good relationship (for example, they are family), then the mission will continue (Kara and Alice are in the corridor - 16).
  • If the relationship between Kara and Alice is bad, the android will leave Jericho alone.
  • If Connor does not find Jericho and Luther is alive, Kara, Alice and Luther will leave Jericho.
  • If Connor doesn't find Jericho and Luther is dead, Kara and Alice will leave Jericho.

Kara and Alice in the hallway (16)

Jericho will be attacked. Kara and Alice will flee with Luther (17). Run after him. Luther will open the door (18). Go through (19) and keep running. In a moment, Luther will be shot (20).

Kara and Alice at a crossroads (21)

Kara and Alice will run to Luther (22). He is seriously injured. You can help him or leave (23). Having made a decision on the first option, Kara will take Luther to safety (24), and then leave him underground (25).

Run to the exit (26). When the soldiers block the passage (27), hide (28) in the room on the left and close the door.

On the other side of the room, the android will seek shelter (29). Open the door (30) to let him in. Admittedly, the android will come but be shot (31). Then Kara will have to confront (32) the soldier. After winning the QTE scene, shoot the enemy and escape from the cockpit (33).

Kara escapes (34), Conclusion: Kara and Alice fled from Jericho (42).

After exiting the ship, run away (35) and quickly press X on the landing, and you will almost reach the breach (36). The soldiers will shoot at the crowd (37). The best solution is to pretend to be dead (38) and not move (40) when the soldiers approach (39). When the soldiers leave, get up and exit Jericho (41).

The chapter will end (Kara and Alice escaped from Jericho - 42).


Connor arrives in Jericho, becomes a deviant, and then escapes from the ship along with Marcus, North, Josh, and Simon.

Connor, who discovered the location of Jericho in the chapter "Meeting with Kamski" or "Last Chance" and ended up at the headquarters of the deviants.

He is looking for the leader of the rebel androids, Marcus. When he finally finds him, you have a key decision to make.

Our guide was based on a scenario in which Connor became a deviant.

Start - In Ferndale

When Connor leaves the subway, he will follow the road to Jericho (1) and reach the ship (2).

By ship (2) explore Jericho

Once on the ship, you can look around and explore Jericho. Do the following:

  • Pay attention to Kara (3) - she is standing on the platform.
  • Look at Tracy (4) - "Blue-haired" is on the bridge, to Kara's left.
  • Pay attention to explosives (6).
  • Pay attention to Alice (5) - Alice will be sitting on the chest in the corner of the room where Kara left her.
  • Pay attention to Rupert (7) - if Rupert survived (escaped) in the chapter "The Nest", then you will find him in Jericho.
  • Read Detroit in Chaos (8) and Horror in Detroit (9) - you can find the magazine in the mailbox, but only if Marcus chooses to force the solution in the chapter “Freedom March”.

On the way, Lucy will stop you (10).

Back in the captain's cabin (11)

Connor will enter the captain's cabin (12) where he will meet Marcus. Then he will threaten him (13) and turn to face (14). A conversation will develop between the androids, during which you can choose topics for dialogue. The instability of Connor's program could increase if Marcus convinces him to join Jericho.

If the level of instability of the Connor program deteriorates, then it can become deviants (15). This will depend on earlier decisions and chapter endings that Connor contributed to.

The next part of the chapter description will be based on the scenario in which Connor became a deviant (15).

Connor warns Marcus (16) that Jericho will be attacked (17).

End: Connor escaped Jericho (21)

When Marcus brings the explosives into the hold, Connor joins the others (18). Help Marcus (19) deal with the soldiers in order to escape with the inhabitants of Jericho (21).


Marcus, as the leader of Jericho, makes a desperate attempt to blow up the ship and flees with Connor, North, Josh and Simon.

After the recent events, the number of deviants has increased, they still have to hide on the ship.

In this chapter, the fate of the main characters will alternate. And Marcus, as the leader of Jericho, will have the opportunity to meet with Connor and Kara - if, of course, a few conditions are met.

This chapter has been described based on the following relationships, events, and decisions:

  • Marcus leads Jericho.
  • Relationship with North: love.
  • Simon survived the chapters of Stratford Tower and Public Enemy.
  • Marcus took a pacifist approach to resolving conflict with people.

Start - Captain's Cabin

Marcus communicates with North, Josh and Simon (1) if the latter is alive. If the main character leads Jericho, the mission will continue. Otherwise, if Marcus does not recruit the twoiants, he can leave Jericho.

If you've done everything to gain sympathy for the Jericho people, Marcus will talk to North (2). She will give him a detonator. Take it with you. The main character will be able to kiss North (3). Then Marcus will be left alone (North leaves Marcus alone - 4).

At the same time, Connor watches North leave (5) and Jericho is attacked (6).

In the hallway with Marcus (7)

After the attack on Jericho, Marcus and Connor will flee the captain's cabin. They will meet in the lobby. The leader of Jericho will decide to blow up the ship. To do this, he will run into the hold. On the way, he will meet Lucy (7), and later the bridge will collapse (8).

Marcus in the hallway (9)

Marcus will be hiding in the room. After a while, exit and walk past the soldiers (8). You will reach the place where the androids are being threatened by the military (9). Do not leave them to their fate and intervene (10). Deal with the soldiers (11) and the androids will run away (12).

Go to the next corridor (13) where you will meet two soldiers. When they go in your direction (14), attack them (15).

Move forward (go to the hold - 16). Below you will see androids being chased by soldiers (17). Stun (18) military personnel. The androids will flee (19).

Go to the next corridor, then go down the stairs towards the hold (20). There you will meet Josh fighting a soldier (21). Intervene (22) and destroy the soldier (23) (Josh escapes - 24).

In the Hold with Marcus (25)

When you enter the hold (26), the soldiers (27) will attack. Destroy them (28) and then start the countdown (29) by activating the panel.

In the hallway with Marcus (30)

When Marcus leaves the room, he joins the others (31) - then runs away (32). After a while North will be shot (33). Decide to save her (34) by following the instructions on the screen. When you help North (35), Connor will join, protect Marcus and his android (36) and kill the soldiers (37).

End: Marcus escaped with his brothers (43)

If you helped all the characters (North, Simon, Josh, and Connor) in this chapter - and thus survived - then Marcus will run away (38) with everyone (Simon / Josh / North / Connor will run away together - 39-42).