Fortress of black garden is greater than energy. Fortress of black rook. Tactics for merger shower

Fortress of black turbine - straight dungeon with lots of difficult opponents and very strong bosses. In this guide, we will share with you how it is most successfully passing this dungeon.

Black Fortress Timers

  • Static opponents are displayed red.
  • Orange - patrolling, the arrow displays their route.
  • Green arrows marked the optimal path.

At the very beginning of the dungeon, the path is split.

In these aisles are the most unpleasant opponents in the entire dungeon. Therefore, usually skip the whole trash on the way to the first boss. You can do this in several ways:

  • Take advantage of the whole group of potions, pre-using any acceleration (the use of any abilities during the potion of invisibility dispels effect);
  • Use the potion only the drug in your group, and the rest of the group die near the last Pak mobs, after which you to apply the surviving drug mass resurrection;
  • Using stealth abilities. If in the tech-druid group, then it can pass to the desired point, without the use of potion. You can also use the waffus and spend the whole group under it, but without accelerating its duration it may not be enough for last Pak.. We also suggest familiarizing yourself with the subtleties of passing through Stealth:

Go around the mobs in such a way as close as possible to the back of the left castener, it will reduce the discovery chance.

The orange was marked by a patrol mob, with any of the parties, the most optimal will be the passage directly in the center of the room, as there is simply no time to turn a lonely castener - it may not be enough to have the duration of the cover on the last pack.

There should be no difficulties here if you promptly overcame the lower rooms. The arch already begins a safe zone.

Merge souls

After the first boss, finally should be replenished with a percent scale for trash.

As before, static opponents, orange - patrols, purple - appearing opponents under certain conditions.

On the stairs you will be attended by a huge lot of small packs, which their attacks leave the magic dot on the players, the effect becomes. It is extremely desirable that all this good stuck exclusively on the tank so that your doctor can get rid of all the stacks for one displacer.

In addition to small spids above the staircase from the side room, weaver will jump out of the Fortress of a black rook, which is different only by its number of health.

Whole staircase thanks to type affixes Necrotic or Amplifying It can greatly complicate the passage, which means not to bullet a large number of small mobs, and the more not to reduce them with a large spider.

On the second floor you can meet several types of opponents:

  1. The defender has been deprived of the souls unpleasant for a group in that it periodically pronounces a blow and stuns in a good sector in front of him of all opponents for 4 seconds. With successful use, the ability makes an encouraging cry, which increases the health of all its allies by 50% for 15 seconds, so it is extremely recommended to interrupt this ability through stunning, dissenters, discards and flus.
  2. Rising magician has one interesting spell -. In order to avoid random deaths, interrupt the use of this spell if there is no magician in your group. Mages can be used to increase the damage applied and deprive the fabrics of someone to the bathtub.
  3. The rebeling scout has one unpleasant ability. It causes a large amount of damage to the whole group and can only be interrupted over a stunning, disorientation or displacement of the mob from the place. Also, damage from this ability can be gloss.
  4. Restrained leap - can be dangerous with various reinforcing trash affixes. She shoots in a random player with its usual shot. It can and need to gloss if the mob becomes very strong, for example, on an enjoyable affix. Of the special abilities, there is a volley of arrows, which is very easy to avoid, simply coming out of the shelling sector.
  5. The rising pet is a manpard, which has a very unpleasant ability - a bloodthirsty jump. He himself makes a lot of damage and leaves the same strong physical dot, which can also be summed up, so it is extremely recommended to all Rangers to stand separately, since he chooses them with priority. It is a priority for killing an opponent.
  6. The magician servant is a very "thin" opponent, but with an unpleasant ability, thanks to which he is constantly teleported under the players and causes great damage. In all packs is a priority number 1.

Now all the packs in order:

Paks of the second floor

Patrol can be killed separately on the stairs if big Paks Can cause difficulties in connection with the affix or the ratio of the force of the group and the key level.


These opponents become unpleasant during one of the most simple affixes - Bloody. If the serpentes begin to apply indigestion, then for a group without flus and folding these mobs can be a nightmare. The use of LOS mechanics no one forbids, but it slows down the passage.

The second type of small demons is serpent poble. They are mostly harmless and meet a mixture with a snakest-barachol. Their health stock is significantly lower than other opponents on this floor - it can become big problem with such affixes like Amplifying.

The most formidable opponents for tanks are the guardian of anger - the master of the blade. They have the greatest health supply, as well as an extremely strong series of attacks - a gross attack. This ability has a drone, after which the streaming two-second spell begins. The task of your group with a stunning, folding, paralysis and other controls to interrupt already a streaming spell at the very beginning. The interrupt of the drone will not give the necessary result, the guard instantly starts to caste it again. In addition, Guardians can fall into the frenzy, which makes them even more dangerous.

The most harmless on this floor are the bloodthirsty hounds of the fools, which can be found in the number of two copies: in a patrol with the guardian of anger, and chasing the snakest in one of the side rooms.

Now in order:

Paks of the third floor


Amplifying and Bloody

At the very beginning we missed great amount Unpleasant opponents, so this floor should be fully cleaned to have enough interest to complete the dungeons. If there is no affix Amplifying, the most rational will sneeze the patrol with the left pack, otherwise it is advisable to kill the patrol separately.

The rest of the Paks are very harmless without Amplifying and BloodySo you can combine them according to your group's strength. Observe the recommendations in the description of each type of mobs, and this floor will be absolutely harmless.

The passage to the next floor is represented by a long spiral staircase, which rolls boulders. When achieving any member of the group of the ladder, new boulders stop spawning.

Pay attention to two serpentors at the very beginning. These mobs, although displayed hostile, is absolutely harmless. If you do not have 78%, they can help you pretend them.

On this floor, you can meet the evil conquerors of the firm and constantly spawnly spawnly springs, immediately before entering the site with the boss. They will be spawned until you are undressed with the bumps.

Should immediately consider that mice do not cause the response of such affixes as an explosive, AmplifyingWhat follows from what is absolutely safe to bullet in large quantities. The only unpleasant affix, due to which such launches will have to be avoided - Necrotic, Mice attacks continue to leave dot for minus Hil.

Focus should be fed on the reinforcements. They have 2 abilities:

  • It is, thereby making it out, thereby causing attacking a random member of the group to all these inensifies in a large radius. Caste is uninterrupted, but the reorgana of the bad can be in time to stun during his pronouncement. If the caster passed and a very sound, then the selected player should avoid contact with mice, for DD and Hila players risk die instantly from mice attacks.
  • Fury is rolled - this is an interrupted caster that enhances the caster and all the mobs around 50%, and also increases them in size. Does not work for a batch. If you decide to reduce multiple courses, it is extremely important to interrupt these castes, otherwise they become extremely dangerous.

Depending on the strength of the group and affixes, you can afford absolutely all on your way to the third boss. To do this, it is desirable to use various accelerations and start it all for one of the corners on the boss area. The advantage of this was launched in what was there, new mice will not be in battle. There is also a easiest option, offering this to divide this shudder. Initially, you can kill the first mob at the bottom, but you need to take it straight to the screw staircase so that the mice do not enter the battle. The following three mobs can be brought to a separate zone marked right on top of the transition icon, the door with the arrow, rubbed right into the wall with the entire group, all new mice will fly away to you and not enter into battle. After which the remaining release is already on the boss area.


The technical absolutely simple boss, but has one mechanic, which will eventually be able to be fatal for someone in the group and in general lead to Wipe.

Hallet arrows darkness hollow arrows Darkness heritage crest crest

Thaying Roy.

Hypnotic cloud

Dark destruction. His animation is similar to a dark explosion. Dark destruction hypnotic cloud, as it gets into the dark destruction fatal.

Thirst / heroism

Three-phase battle, the last two phases of which alternate to the end.

Initially, we fight with Kur'talos himself, and his assistant latosion outside the site periodically allowed the diameter of a round room deadly in the form Dark explosion. Kur'talos himself periodically throws into a random member of the group spinning blade. The cast direction is defined at the end of the caste of the boss. This blade will fly along this straight back to the end of the first phase, so the tank is just enough to push the boss a little so that the Milishniks are safe. Phase is simple, but nevertheless it is impossible to delay it, as Kur'talos grows on the tank strong blows Physical dot inexorable blow.

When Kur'talos turns out to be at a low health value, a small pause will begin, after which the second phase begins.

Latosy enters the battle, turning to your true appearance of Natrezima - Dantalionaks. He has 2 phases that alternate the timer.

In its first phase, Dantalionaks uses The hollow of the arrows of darkness, which even without tyrannoe affixes causes a huge amount of damage. All personal strong cooldowns, and even better - immunes, should be used to the very first caste of the hall of the arms of darkness, since after a few seconds after the first caster it will be imposed "blessing" of Kur'talos - the legacy of the crest, which increases the maximum stock Health and damage caused by 300%, which will allow you to safely experience the subsequent vololates.

The second unpleasant ability of dontalionaks will be Strong swarm. This Caste Boss chooses a goal for which this swarm will throw, which will apply a large physical damage once per second, the application of this damage has a chance to stun the target for half a second. The task is to kill this swarm as quickly as possible, otherwise the player can perish.

The third feature - the boss periodically creates near the players Hypnotic cloud. The main thing is to look under the feet and do not touch it, otherwise you immerse yourself in sleep. It can be dispelled, as well as the resulting damage dispels this effect.

After some time, Dantalionaks will go to the periphery of the room and launch Dark destruction. His animation is similar to a dark explosion, but this line begins to rotate in a random side through the room center until it describes 360 degrees. After that, Natreym will again appear in the center of the room and the previous phase will begin. At the very beginning, it is strongly recommended to keep closer to the external radius, as dark destruction begins to damage almost immediately when it appears that it leaves very little time to the reaction for running into a safe zone. Avoid getting into a hypnotic cloud, as it gets into the dark destruction fatal.

If you are ready for the use of thirst / heroism, it should be given it after the first return of the boss from the third phase to the second.

Collected in one place all information about dungeon Fortress Black Food in WoW Legion - Bosses and tactics, achievements in Danza, map, how to get, where the entrance.

Review of the dungeon

Video Review and short tactics on the Boss of the Fortress of the Black Food:

Fortress of black rook: how to get

The dungeon is located in locations by coordinates (38.7, 53.2). The nearest airway wizard is located in the city of Bradensebruck.

Where is the entrance to the Fortress of the Black Food (Video):

Local tasks

In this dungeon, several local tasks are performed. Each of them gives +250 reputation with the fraction of Tubah weaver:

In the very dungeon, it will be possible to pump a reputation with the fraction of strange.

Card dungeon

Fortress of black garden on the map of Valshara:

Bosses in the Fortress of the Black Food

In the dungeon, the Fortress of the Black Faith can be fought with four bosses:

By the way, in one of the comments on the way it was said that Illisant was more like an elf, but it was nervous to her grandmother.

We collected in one place video reviews of all bosses of the Fortress of the Black Food. After the release of Wow, the Legion will be added and video tactics.

Video: Merge shower

Video: Ilsana Comb Rave

Video: chmurodroby

Video: Lord Kur'tolyos Comb Voron (final boss)

Achievements in the Fortress of the Black Food

Total in the Fortress of the Black Foreway can be obtained 6 achievements.

Achievements for the passage of dungeons in different modes:

There are 3 more additional achievementswho are needed for the meta achievement than the Hero Legion.

1. Black roam lands - defeat the boss merging the shower in an epochial mode, pre-destroying a restless spirit.

How to perform this achievement in the Fortress of the Black Food?

During one of the phases, merciless souls will appear in the room, which will then begin to move slowly towards the boss. All you need to do is slow down one of the spiritsSo that he does not get to the boss.

After 30-60 seconds, the ghost will turn into a restless spirit that must be killed. Achievement is easy to do in a group with a death knight - he can fade the spirits and attract them to death.

Video Hyde to achieve a black roam lance:

In the name of the achievement hid the Easterhouse - this squeeze to the film 2006 Stone of Black Jackson with Samuel L. Jackson and Christina Ricci Starring (English Names of Achievement and Movie - Black Rook Moan / Black Snake Moan).

2. Useless assistants - kill Illysan Cutting a crow in an epoch mode, leaving all its assistants alive.

3. Bad memories - find 6 entries from the Illisana diary.

We do not wait to find out how you liked the dungeon Fortress of the Black Food in Wow Legion - Share your opinion in the comments!

One of the tasks of the chain for each class to unlock the third cell of the artifact weapon is to visit the dungeon. This dungeon needs to be visited by players of the following classes: Achievements are also available here. Bad memories , Bad memories and Useless assistants necessary to achieve fame hero legion, as a reward for which give Hippogriff reins with a magician plumage . All achievements can be performed only in an epocharal difficulty mode.

Gmurodrob Lyuty

Blowing boulder stuns players

Players need to climb three spiral stairs to get to the balcony on which the chmurodrob is worth it. Two of the staircases are "mined" by a couple of servers-serpentes, dropping boulders down the stairs. Players should avoid boulders' strikes because they apply big damage.

Rough attack is incredibly dangerous

Guardian anger - Master Blade inflicts a big damage by tank. Tank should not provoke other goals while disassembled with the blade master.

    When the health of the guardian of anger - the wizard of the blade drops to 25%, it flows into a frenzy, inflicting additional damage

In the middle of the first landing, you will meet two guards of anger - Blade Masters. Players must use the control effects as soon as possible when mobs use the ability Rough attack , and even use single stunning to interrupt their pronunciation. Play with mobs alone, one tank will not survive the attack at once two guards of anger that are in the frenzy.

Snakest Baraholler is a fairly unpredictable opponent, due to mechanics "Drink" an ancient potion .

    Players must come out of this cone, and tanks try to turn off the mob from the group

    The potion of rabies makes the fleecers grow to unrecognizable sizes, it begins to attack 5 times more often, it causes 5% more with every second, until it is killed

One of the effects of drinking ancient potion - indigestion

Also, the serpest balarachol will sometimes throw Throw invalid artifact On the point next to the players. The artifact causes low-middle damage to all players in a small area. Pay attention to small rotating indicators on Earth and leave them. Most often, it is scattered by artifacts when it is attacked, but they do not threaten the tank.

Snakers-highways are ordinary mobes without remarkable abilities, they beat basic attacks.

Bloodthirsty hounds are running around with circles in small branches from the main corridor: they can be skipped; However, if the Snakest Baraholler fails you to kwwyrk! They can be inadvertently sewn. Hounds are beaten by basic attacks, the priority of their murder is low.

On the last flight fly, in front of the fight with the chmurodrobe, you will come across a group of an evil conqueror of the bad and the cubs of the firmware.

    Evil conquers apply a moderate damage tank in the near battle

While the players rise through the last staircase, the waves of 3-4 young fools will appear every 6-10 seconds. The only way Stop their appearance - to get the tops of the span and kill two evil conquerors of the bad, calling on them, then you finally reach the balcony with the boss.

Epochal complexity

In the epocal and epochal + difficulties, evil conquerors to get. Fury is bad . When they pronounce her Fury is bad Increases the damage to the closeness of allies by 50% for 20 seconds. The effect does not dissipate any abilities.

Players need to interrupt pronunciation Fury is bad As soon as it is possible, since reinforced foul rotations to apply additional damage to the ability to be selected for them. Enclosure! The goal, and to decease at the same time the tank and the goal of the spell will become a challenge.

In epochal + mode, especially when the weekly effect is support, players run this span using invisibility potions. It will be necessary to run on twice - for the first time on the way to the chmurodrobu and the second time after his murder, when you go down to the final boss.

Strategy for chmurodroba Lutch

Fight with the chmurodrobi frank frankly simple, you beat a single goal, you need little displacements in battle.

The main mechanic boss - Cruel punch which he uses when its energy reaches 100.

    To mitigate the resulting damage, the tank must use powerful protective cooldowns

    Lekari should use their most powerful solitary treatment to maintain the health of the tank at the permissible level while the debuff hangs

The chmurodroba accumulates energy depending on the damage of the tank applied to them in the near battle.

    Dusty Middle Battle Attacks Restore Energy Hmurodrobe 10

    If the tank uses, say, 30% reduction in damage, the boss will receive 7 energy units

    If the tank is parried or evades the attack, or the chmurodroba flies around it, the chmurodrob does not restore the energy

    Tanks must constantly maintain active abilities for softening the resulting damage to reduce the speed of the energy set at the boss

    Avoid damage will be much more efficient than to soften it, then the energy of the chmurodroba will recover even slower

    The boss can be sieved, but there will not like it to fighters of melee, so I kiteit only in extreme cases

Skunotopier to note the goal of the ability of the sorrow

Creation Strip Vomot Sound

Approximately every 22 seconds, chmurodrob castuets Strokes Topot Introduces moderate damage throughout the group, folding players back. This cannot be avoided, however, the tank can stand back to the edge of the balcony to reduce the distance to which it will be thrown.

Approximately 30 seconds from the moment of the pool, the chmurodrob will begin to call on one to help the foul sound. Square attacks random goal

Achievements from the series "Glory Hero ..." have always been a test for dungeon lovers. Sometimes, the criteria of tasks seemed impossible, and sometimes, just ridiculous. So or otherwise, together with the new addition of World of Warcraft, the list of these quests has been replenished, which means heroes will go again in dangerous adventures For the sake of great awards!

Today we will talk about two completely different dungeons - about the fortress of the black rook and the lair of the nellarion.
By the end of this article, you will learn how to perform the necessary tasks in this dance necessary to get "Glory to the Hero Legion".

Fortress of black turbine

Lighting of black turbine

During the battle with the boss, the merger of shower in an epochable mode, during the ability to challenge the shower, the boss calls for ghosts. Your task is to delay one of them (use control or deceleration) for 30 seconds. After that, the ghost will change the color and name - now it needs to be killed.

Finish the battle with an epochable boss and get the achievement of a black rook lance.

Useless assistants

Everything is very simple here. Illidanna, oh, sorry, Illisanna calls on Moob during the second stage of the battle (the one where she flies and shoots the lasers from the eyes), your task is not to kill him. This will take quite a lot of time, however, at the ability to spill her anyone (piercing look ), does not cause too much difficulties.

Bad memories

With the above-mentioned fan of Illidan, not one task of this dungeon is connected. For receipt of the achievement of bad memories, you will have to assemble the pages of her diary, so slightly scattered throughout the generic estate. They are 6: (for those who want to test themselves listed in the spoiler)

1. Torn page

(in the circular hall after the first boss)

2. Page with curled corners

(in the corners of the hall before the second boss) + see 4 Page

3. Ink Ward Page

(in the center of the semicircular corridor after the second boss)

4. Bottled page

(in the corners of the hall before the second boss, near the bookshelves)

5. The burnt page

(Lies on the pugitra in a round room through which you run after the killing of the third boss.)

6. Page with scratched doodles

(located on the table in the room right in front of the last boss)

By collecting all pages, you will get your achievement.

Larke Nethariona

Predatory appetite

To perform, you need to accumulate on the Boss 6 stacks of Bafa "Prey". During the battle, the boss will call 2 ads-they need to be brought to the boss, since he eats them (when absorbing any character gets stakes). For 3-4 Buffa tank should take damage. On 5 stairs Vanzhotit - it is better to give some DD instead of a tank. Dealer kill an epochal boss.

Ulief atlas

A detailed guide can be seen below, but since it is in English, that's what you need to do:
We need a plate purchased from the seller of mushrooms. You can go to it after falling along the tunnel at the beginning of the dungeon, bypassing the back of the moistureman of the Smolyny Horn. There begins very short but a cool path, at the end of which the merchant is waiting for us.

First snail

Appears after the murder of the first boss. She is on a mushroom, located after three Dragbarov, by which you will swim in the barrel. It is necessary to throw the fish into it, to then find on the stone on the right in the place where you fell on the barrels.

Second snail

Located in a cave at the landing site from the barrels, i.e. It is necessary to dive down and swim through the tunnel. So that the snail came out of the puddle must be sled, but not to laugh at the same time.

Third snail

In the passage located to the left of the second drum, in a three-year-old boss.

Fourth, fifth and sixth

They are immediately behind the second boss (run around the stone).


You can find in the cave immediately behind the previous snails. The cave conducts a pass with Vasiliski. One pack must be killed to go to the cave on the water, in the cave of Vasilisk, ie, i.e. If they do not attack them, they do not agreed.

At this 1/6 part of the hero of the Legion's hero, I wish good luck in getting the Mount!

Fortress of black turbine (English Black Rook Hold) - A huge stronghold carved by the night elfs from a high mountain, which is located in the northwestern part of the Val "Balls. This fortress belonged to the family of a ridge of the crow, the most famous representative of whom he became Calo" Talos, which took part Commander of the troops with the beginning of the war of the ancients.

By seeing the structure of the structure resembles a black root, as if conceded from a chessboard. The walls of the fortress are decorated with images of black birds pointing to the rhodes of the crest, who owned this place. Throughout the long generations, the ridge ridges continued to cut new premises from the cliff, and to the Board of Kar "Talos Fortress reached maximum sizes. She went about glory as ominous, deprived of all sorts of paints, and the nobles living here were respected among the whole nightness of the night Elves. The fortress became one of the optotes of defenders who opposed demons after the invasion began. It was believed that it was destroyed during the great split until the war started on the split islands did not confirm the opposite.


Legion. To World of Warcraft.

One of the memories shown by Naarus allows you to see the event that happened in the fortress in the war of the ancients. Kur "Talos and Illidan, appointed by the commander of the Lunar Guardians, headed a small detachment of defenders and cleaned the fortress precipitated by the demons. The crest of the crow stated that Illidan and his lunar guards - the last hope of Suramar. Illidan realized that almost all the magicians took the creation of a protective barrier And they will die if they do not give them rest. He took up the restoration and activation of the portal to get both reinforcements, and the source of force. It turned out, and the new detachment of guards arrived, and Illyan himself was able to restore forces.

At the direction of Illidan, the lattice was omitted, and the battle with demons began. Illidan made his way forward and destroyed Ksalian the flame of the badge, which called for Infernals. He had to sacrifice his own associates by borrowing their energy for the sake of the murder of the demon. After passing further, he activated another portal of the Moon Guard and realized that he had to close the portal in the courtyard, through which the demons came to Azeroth from the world called Nikham. Together with the novices, he made his way through the ranks of the demons, sacrificing the fellows if necessary. He helped Jerez Songs of Shadows and Broccaigar Red, and they joined him to detach. Illidan decided to close the main portal using space energies, and then fought with the demon Balaadur, the greatest hunter on magicians in the universe.

Another huge monster remained to defeat, and Illidan in front of everyone gathered all the remaining strength of the lunar guards, killing them. He destroyed the demon, but shocked everyone around. Illidan tried to justify that it was impossible to conquer the Legion and allow the world to burn the world. The lunar guards gave their lives for Azeroth. Illydan finally realized what a fool of the car "Talos and that he can no longer teach him anything else. Deciding that with such cowards at the head Legion can not be defeated, Illidan said goodbye and left the fortress.


Source of information in this section - Supplement Legion. To World of Warcraft.

By kidding the remains of Illidan from the caasemates of the Guard, Gul, "Dan arrived in the Fortress of the Black Food and held a ritual for the soul of Illidan from the body. At the time of the completion of the ritual, a colossal amount of energy was released, which made the souls of the Clana Clane Cland back to their home. Demons of Legion, Stretched revenge, returned some souls back into the bodies and immersed in trance, who made the horrors of war of the ancients reborn the horrors. Everyone who they met, seemed to them a demon, even if it were potential allies from the Alliance and Hordes who arrived on the split islands.

The inhabitants of Gilneas, who finished to Val "Balls, built their town Bradenzbruck. Soon they began to attack the revived elves, who looked from the Fortress of the Black Journey. Trying to find his missing sister, Gerod's song arrived in Bradsbruck, who was surprised when he saw her old friends who died in the war of the ancients. With the help of heroes, he conducted an investigation and found a ring with the emblem of the guards. It belongs to the Mayev, and Gerod received proof that the sister is in the Fortress of the Black Food. She would never part with a ring voluntarily.

Salvation of mayev

Jerod and hero went to the fortress, where the ridge of the ridge was discovered in the mausoleum. This meant that Lord, who was a fearless leader and an experienced commander, was also resurrected by the Legion. Jerod began to search for traces of Maev's stay while the hero fought with reborn Elves. In one of the halls a note was discovered with the words that the guard refuses to speak, despite all the efforts of the enemies. Jeroda suggested that we are talking about Mayers. In the forge also found Gleb's Guardian who belonged to the lost sister. Jerod, extending the situation, I found out that the key to prison, where the Mayev is probably kept, guarding the Araksas jailer.

Together with the hero, he dealt with the demon and guard inside, after which he began to inspect the cameras. Mayev was in the far chamber, and the hero, finding it, handed over the weapon and armor. The whole body of the elf was dressed with scars, she looked exhausted, but complete determination. Demons tormented her a few weeks and did not know anything from her. Mayev promised that a bloody massacre will be followed by her salvation.

She was surprised that the brother came to save her after everything that happened between them, but Jerod asked not to remember the past. Together, they made their way to the main jailer - the lieutenant was designed by the starry eye. During the battle, Jerod was convinced that the resurrected night elves consider their opponents with demons and could not see the truth. Crashing with the rest, they came out through the drains, where Mayev thanked the hero for their help and decided to plan the future battle against the lord of the Raven.

Invasion of heroes

Source of information in this section - Supplement Legion. To World of Warcraft.

The Geroev detachment decided to enter the fortress to free the night elves from torture who arranged demons. The invasion began through the crypt of crows - crypts and mausoleums located in the depths of the fortress. Passing deeper, the heroes found that the residual energy of the ritual conducted by the Gul "Dan, united the souls of the clan of the Clane ridge into a huge monster, which only wanted to absorb and devour new souls. The heroes fought with him and were able to break ties inside the merger that Lady Vellander freed And Lord Etemodrina from the captivity. They thanked for their help and asked to find the chickens of Talos to stop this nightmare.

The detachment climbed the next floor where the main hall was. Here the heroes have heard a conversation between the latosy, the adviser of the Clavet, "Talos, and the Illisited Crow of the Crow, his daughter. Illisanna was a hunter for demons recently freed from the caaset guards. Latosy told her about the invasion of enemies and ask them to stop them for the sake of her father. Illisann promised What will not fail, and attacked the squad of heroes when they defeated the Shemd's commander "Sona and his soldiers. She actively used the abilities of the hunter on demons, but was defeated. Before the death of Illisann whispered that she was betrayed.

Having passed through the abode of the raven, the heroes face demons, flooding the fortress and hiding the truth from the night elves. The commander of the local Mo "Args was Gmurodrobi, who had previously headed the attack of the Legion to the fortress. Now he organized an air defense forces by his foul robusture and ran into the heroes in the nesting of the black rook, promising that it would color the walls of their blood. Gmurodroba called for a soul-pepper for help and anyway was destroyed.

At the site at the top of the Outlot, the detachment finally met the Lord Kur "Talos Krebstka Raven, next to whom the adviser Latosy. Kur" Talos attacked heroes, shouting that Azero did not bow before the demons. He remained captive by the illusions while Latosy, who watched the battle, did not decide that it was time to reveal. The adviser called the chicel "Talos, who did not spare past thousands of years, and accepted the true appearance, being the lord of horror Dantalionaks. He destroyed the body of the crest of the crow, freeing the soul, and chickens" Talos finally realized what was happening. The heroes began a battle with Dantalionaks, and Lord appealed to the spirits of his ancestors and endowed the detachment by special forces. Thanks to these forces, heroes were able to destroy the demon and put an end to the madness, which occurred in the Fortress of the Black Food.