Theft thief game walkthrough. Walkthrough of the game Thief (2014). Order: Additional attraction

You will have to go first to the house of one bosses in the city - to the engineer Eastwick. To do this, go downstairs. If you look at the direction of travel, you should see that there are gaps between each of the houses that could theoretically be penetrated. But there are dogs planted in cages, ready to raise the alarm. And there are a lot of guards everywhere. Therefore, you will have to constantly move with maximum silence, so as not to irritate these angry four-legged animals. If you look to the right side, you can find a switch there that triggers the fountain in the square. As soon as it starts, the guards will be distracted there, which will give us a chance to sneak forward unnoticed and continue the passage of Thief.

Another option is to go left. And, using an arrow with a rope, climb a couple of floors up. When you go upstairs, you can get into this building through the balcony. Of course, you can still use the stairs to get upstairs. But these are the most interesting ones.

Climb to the Architect's Office

In order to get into this very office, you have to work hard. First you need to get to the kitchen in this house. This can be done through the greenhouse, located almost next to the main entrance, or by getting into the building in any other way. In the kitchen, you will find a basement, which will contain a passage to a secret corridor. Get to the elevator, wait for its arrival and move clearly upward. Go ahead and what will you see? That's right, Eastwick, who is hanging in the noose. Great plot twist for Thief.

Find the plan of the fortress in the study and run

Move up the stairs, looking at the walls in parallel. When you see the picture, look for a secret button there. Using it, you will get in the center of the room huge map made in three dimensions. In order to use it, you will have to solve the problem of the Diorama. To do this, you must go to the model of the fortress, which stands in front of you. There, place all the puzzle pieces as seen on the live version. Look out the window and you will understand everything. When the puzzle is solved, you will see the plan we need on the wall. Well, now I have to run well.

Go and infiltrate the fortress

To begin with, you must crawl along a narrow manhole to get to the fortress itself. True, it suddenly turns out that she caught fire. Move into the already broken gate, after which we dive into the pipeline and move to the fortress itself. We need to get through the pipe from where the flame is constantly beating. Just wait for it to die down and run some distance. When you go to the end, the pipe will collapse. Before you is a constantly moving press. He will crush you with ease as soon as you approach him. Therefore, wait for the moment to successfully slip through there and continue the passage of Thief.

Find and free Basso

You will witness an excellent scene as one unfortunate worker burns out, barely getting into the flame. Do not under any circumstances repeat his fate. Get to the valve to turn off the flame itself. Now quickly, quickly walk around the room, which is full of smoke, grope for another switch and open a narrow hole. Make your way along it to the door on which there is a pickable lock. You know what to do. When you enter the room, search the warrior, where you can find another interesting trophy that will definitely come in handy. This is the same "Memory of a Soldier". Call the elevator to go up. Now you have a prison in front of you. Look for the cage that Basso is locked in. Pick the lock and Basso is saved.

Find and open a large safe

Well, now we need to climb even higher on the floors. Again, we use the elevator for this. Climb up the ventilation of the elevator. When you get to the lever, use it. With this switch, you will lower down a huge safe, which will have to be hacked. To start it, you need to press two buttons in a time, which is not so much. The first combination that we need to enter is 913. Did you enter? Let's go further. And then we will not be able to deal with the safe, since the general will enter the room with the guards, which he will incite on us. We'll have to figure it out to continue the passage of Thief.

When you go upstairs, use the shadow there to hide from the guards who are looking for us throughout the house. Then climb even up to cut off all the lighting in general. Back a little, you can find another trophy that will come in handy for your collection. The "Slate Snake" bracelet is a great addition. When you turn off the light, you can almost fearlessly get to the safe to enter the next combination - 018.


We leave for the new area of ​​the City and get to the mill. Having made our way inside, we jump over the boxes, go downstairs and activate the secret switch on the wall slightly to the right of the boarded-up passage.

Climb up and click on the wall button near the corner on the left side. Having defused the traps, we climb up the ladder and continue climbing the monolithic ladder, simultaneously activating the secret button on the wall. We open the hatch by pressing the button on the support, and we jump down. Once in a strange place, we get to the glow emanating from Erin. Having overtaken the girl twice, we tear down posters with her image from the walls and the last one will be a poster with our portrait. Back in reality, we activate the button on a similar portrait and take the medallion from the cache.

We purchase nippers, if we have not done so earlier. We get to the indicated point, go down and go to the end to the right. We pull the lever on the support and make our way to the House of Flowers along the descending bridge.

Chapter 3: Dirty Secrets

The guard escorts the rich man to the House of Flowers. It is not necessary to follow them, so we go forward to the wall and climb the pipe on the left side. We use the pliers to cut the rope of the shield and thus unlock the door below us. Having passed there, we turn to the right and climb up on the box. We pick up the valuable Dragonfly trophy (1/5) from the floor and continue moving forward. We jump lower and lower and get out to the stairs. If necessary, before the last drop, we release the rope boom into the upper beam and safely descend the rope. We will proceed to the lower floor and, through the experience of the client, we will make sure that you can enter the House of Flowers by invitation only. We do not need it: with the help of the hook we climb over the wall on the right side.

We open the doors, pulling the levers on the left side, and we freely penetrate into the brothel. We move squatting so as not to wake up the sleeping guard. When the girl leaves to the right, we pass into the hall through the closed curtains in front and see that a guard is standing on the left against the wall. We make a dash to the right side in order to slip through the illuminated area unnoticed. In a circle, through the center of the hall and the right room, another guard is constantly moving. Having guessed the right moment, we move to the stairs on the other side. We do without jerking, otherwise we will scare the bird. If you don't want to wait for the guard to make a circle, then you can try to go through the room on the right side. However, it should be borne in mind that there is also a guard, who also moves in a circle. We rise to the flight between floors and, using the hook, we climb the wall. We select a valuable trophy "Ring with emeralds" (2/5), lying among the ropes and go back.

To the attic with a valuable trophy.

Quickly and without a dash we pass into the first room on the left side on the upper floor, when the guard approaches the fence. From the chest of drawers in the corner we select the document "Coyle's Combination" (1/4). We leave the room and again wait for the guard to approach the fence. We pass to the office of Xiao-Xiao and, after the guard returns to the previous position, we take the document "List of constellations" (2/4) from the table in the corner. We go to the waiting room, we select from the table the document "Finding the combination" (3/4) and break open the door of the office. After going inside, we turn right and take from the table the document "Diary of Madame Xiao-Xiao" (4/4). We grope and activate the switches under the picture frame on the opposite corner and get access to the secret passage.

Going down the stairs, we turn right and pay attention to the crack in the wall, which allows us to observe the joys between clients and courtesans. We go down even lower and find a podium with a niche for a medallion. After the appearance of a new task, we look at the symbol on the wall and automatically remember it. We return back to the wall with a gap and look through it. The symbol is at the top left. We pass beyond the podium and climb the stairs. We look into two more rooms: in the first, the symbol is on the upper right, in the second - on the upper left. Go to the catwalk, select the rings and rotate them to position the symbols vertically in the center in the upper half of the medallion. Then all that remains is to put the medallion on the podium.

We jump down, go around the wreckage and make our way through them. Further, we go to the left and, having sat down, we pass forward. The trap was activated - we neutralize it by pressing the button on the wall. We go down the stairs and get to the door in the far left corner. We break it open and go downstairs. We slowly move to the podium, simultaneously looking around and remembering the symbols depicted on the walls. We arrange them according to their positions, put the medallion on the podium and take the valuable trophy "Ancient Figurine" (3/5). We go back upstairs and activate the wall button. We get to the tower and jump out of broken window... We go down in any available way and find ourselves in the scriptorium. We interact with the bookshelf on the right side, feel for the switch book and get into secret room... We take the valuable trophy "In memory of the stonecutter" from the dishes of the statue (4/5).

After leaving the secret room, we go to the far right corner. We interact with the bookshelf, run our hand along the row and find the book-switch. Let's go down to the tower, get out of it on the left side and soon we will find the first valve. We rotate it clockwise to failure. We go down to one tower and from it we go up to another. We jump down, go outside and rotate the valve counterclockwise to failure. We go back inside, climb up and return to the previous tower. We pass along the bridge on the right side, rotate the next valve clockwise to failure and go up the stairs. We run to the end to the left, jump onto the stairs and climb to the very top. We accelerate and jump to the tower window. We interact with the podium, place the symbols in their places and place the medallion in the niche. We take away the valuable trophy "Ritual Book" (5/5).

We climb up the rope, move to the neighboring tower and go down also along the rope. We penetrate the scriptorium, go to the right and get to the tower. Avoid a collision with the guard by waiting inside the tower. Climbing the stairs, on the left we will notice another guard and hide behind him. We wait for the enemies to leave, climb the stairs and get to the last guard. We go around it, climb onto the boxes and, grabbing the rope, we go upstairs. Following the control points, we get out of the catacombs. While quietly watching the scuffle, we accidentally become involved in it. We again manage to outsmart the General and leave him with a nose.

Baron Northcrest.


Jenniver from last strength flies to the clock tower and dies in our arms. First thoughts are Basso's troubles. The city is growing popular unrest... The Lightforged are preparing for rebellion. We leave for the tavern and see how Orion is trying to find the book of rituals. The Thief Catcher dragged Basso and several of the Lightforged to the fortress, among whom was Jacob, who was preparing an assassination attempt on the Baron and had thoroughly studied the Fortress before that. Having received valuable information, we give Orion the book of rituals and set off to rescue the allies.

Chapter 4: A Friend in Need

Apparently, Jacob will not tell anything, for the rebellion reached its apotheosis, and the Lightforged began to free their people from the Fortress. There is one more person who knows the Fortress like the back of his hand - Eastwick. He is the creator of the monumental structure. Following the signs, we get to the wall, which you need to climb with the help of the claw. On the left is the beam for the rope boom. We release the arrow, go down and go to the lamp post on the left side. We take from under the bench a valuable trophy "Ring with lapis lazuli" (1/6). We go back and get to the architect's mansion. You can get into the house in different ways, but we will choose the most simple and effective one. We jump down, go to the left and jerk around the building so that the dog does not have time to notice us. There is a beam at the top - we shoot at it with a rope arrow and climb up. We jump to the mansion, wait for the crossbowman to leave and enter the house through the door on the balcony.

We turn right and go up to the third floor. We carefully pass behind the guard's back and cut out the valuable trophy "Excess of emptiness" (2/6) with a razor. The crossbowman will also enter the house and go to the main staircase - let's follow him. We go down the stairs by about half and jump over the railing to the right side. It is also worth considering that on the first floor a guard moves around the stairs. We go into the office and be sure to close the door behind us. We take away from the table the document "Letter to Madeleine" (1/6). In the corner of the adjacent table on the left side there is a secret button - we activate it. We break open the wall safe and take away the valuable trophy "Medal" Morendram "(3/6). We leave for the library on the second floor. We climb onto the table, then onto the bookcase and move to the other side. Let's observe the guard and study the route of his movement. We jump down, slowly walk along the area with glass and interact with the bookshelf. Before that, we make sure that the maid and the guard are not looking in our direction. We quickly grope for the switch, activate it and find ourselves in a secret room.

We use the elevator and go up to Eastwick's office. The architect is hanging on a noose - this explains his reluctance to cooperate with the guards. We take away the document "Fortress in miniature" (2/6) from the bottom shelf of one of the cabinets. We go up the stairs, go to the middle and interact with the picture. We pass our hand under the frame and activate the detected switches one by one. We jump down and interact with a miniature fortress. It should be positioned exactly like the original. We start from the bottommost compartment and expose the side with three windows. Further, from bottom to top: three windows - eight windows - six windows - two windows. We take away the documents "Plan of the Fortress" (3/6) and "Code of the Big Safe" (4/6) that appeared on the left side. The shielder broke down the door, which means it's time for us to get out. We are accelerating only forward and break away from the chase.

We stock up on everything you need from the merchant, climb onto the boxes on the right side and climb the rope. We jump into the attic and crouch down, we move along the narrow passage. We get to the fortress, go inside and, turning to the right, we jump down. We are moving along the pipeline, overcoming simple obstacles. Having successfully made our way into the engine room, we pass through the ventilation system and find ourselves in a smoky room. You will have to act quickly so as not to suffocate. Sitting down, we pass under fire and turn right. Before the next fiery barricade, turn left and jump up. It remains only to reach the door and unscrew the valve. Having reached the boiler room, we go to the end forward, along the way taking from the guard's hand the valuable trophy "In memory of the soldier" (4/6). We unscrew the valuable "Fortress" trophy from the wall (5/6). We take the elevator to the prison.

From the table we take away the document "List of prisoners" (5/6). When until next control point 13-14 meters will remain, on the floor next to the body there will be a document "Letter to the Illuminated" (6/6) - we select it. We pull the lever to the right of the gate, free Basso and go to the most reliable vault in the world.

When the elevator stops in place, we get out into the shaft through the opened upper hatch. We jump over to the next cabin, pull up to the ledge and along ventilation shaft we get to the room with the safe. We pull the lever, as quickly as possible, alternately press the two buttons at the corners of the safe and set the first combination (319), which consists of the first two-digit numbers in the document "Code of the Big Safe". After we try to put the second combination, the General will appear and shoot us in the hand. Hiding from the guards at the upper level, we turn around and go back. After jumping upstairs, we turn around again and climb the stairs on the right side after the guard leaves. Then we pass to the right and from the last box we select the valuable trophy "Bracelet: slate snake" (6/6). We go down from the other side and jerkily get to the safe. The guards are alarmed, so they move quickly and are especially vigilant. Enter the second combination (018) and collect the Primal Stone shard.

We collect flowers, open the door and follow Erin. She will give a tip to Moira's shelter, located on the island and keeping many secrets and secrets.


Stonemarket has been taken over by the Lightforged, but that doesn't mean we can roam the area freely. Avoiding clashes with local residents, we get to the southern Avenue of the Baron and immediately jerk around the guards on the left side. We pass to Riverside and go to the Siren's Rest tavern. Basso will agree to take us on his boat to Moira's shelter. Having bought everything you need, we go outside and set sail to the place that Erin mentioned in our vision.

Chapter 5: Les Miserables

Having reached the main gate, we climb up the wall on the right side and head towards the building. Having passed around on the left side, we unscrew the valuable trophy "Moira's Shelter" (1/6) from the wall. Entering the building, we look through the hole in the door. We move to the reception desk and select the document "Journal of visits" (1/42), which lies to the left of it. We rise to the second floor, break open the closet and take away the document "New patient" (2/42). We go on the right side and go to the men's department.

Map with useful finds.

3 - document "Report on the shower hood" (3/42) inside the drawer.
4 - document "Absence" (4/42) inside the drawer. In the same room, we rotate the valve clockwise to failure.

Returning to the corridor, we go down the stairs as long as possible and select the document "History, 2" (5/42). Returning back, we pass through the doors, access to which we got after opening the grate.

6 - we take the document "Headaches" (6/42) from the cart.
7 - from the cart we select the document “Archivist (7/42).
8 - from the table we take the document "Rooms of the chambers" (8/42).
9 - from the small table in the corner we select the document "Report on success" (9/42).
10 - there is a document “Night watchman on duty” (10/42) hanging on the wall.

You can get to room "A" through the passage in the next room. Near the bed frame lies the key to the women's department - we take it away. In the corner on the chair is the document "Secret" (11/42) - we select it.

12 - we select the document "History, 4" (12/42).

From room "B" we look through the hole on the wall and see a picture on the wall of the corridor. We leave the room and with the help of a razor we cut out from the frame a valuable trophy "Aversion to pleasantries" (2/6).

We move to the reception, avoiding collision with the invisible night guard. It can be recognized by the distortion of the air and, of course, by the loud stomp. The document "Results" (13/42) appeared on the table - we take it away and go to the women's department.

Let's look into the elevator shaft and shoot a rope arrow into the beam above. We go down the rope and, sitting down, jump down even lower. We select from the floor the document "History, 2" (14/42). Climb onto the cabinet on the left side and find on the pipe a valuable trophy "Brooch: Rose" (3/6). We rise to the next floor by the stairs. We use the key and enter the room. In the absence of a key, we go around the room on the right side and we pass through the crack in the grate. We take away from the wall the document "Writing accessories" (15/42). We also search the drawers of the table. One of them contains the document "Voices" (16/42). We return to the upper floor.

13 - on the wall there is a document "Key to the doors of the department" (17/42). We insert the key into the connector and unlock the door. In the room, we rotate the valve clockwise to failure and go through the door on the right side. We go down the stairs on the other side and find ourselves in the dining room. The document "Entertainment" (18/42) is attached to the column. We go backstage of the stage, pick up a mirror and, turning around, pick up also the document "Riots in the dining room" (19/42). We rotate the valve counterclockwise to failure and leave the dining room.
14 - we take away from the wall the document "Lessons" (20/42).
15 - the room contains the document "Therapy with Heat and Cold" (21/42).
16 - Near the bed frame is the document "Notes of a spy" (22/42).
17 - under the wireframe is the document Huntfield Disease (23/42).
18 - document "Report: Patient # 18" (24/42).

To open the door of the central room, you need to cut the rope of the shield in the corner marked on the map as "C" with pliers. We collect documents "Another outbreak of aggression" (25/42), "Patient records" (26/42) and "Patient transfer" (27/42). We get to the previously blocked passage, we pass the carriages and pick up the document "History, 3" (28/42), lying in front of the rack. We squeeze through the wreckage, take away from the wall the document "Confidentiality" (29/42) and go down the stairs to the elevator shaft. We jump over to the other side, turn left and go down. We pass to the treatment center.

We move past the cameras and, reaching the corner, we go into the control room. From the table we take away the document "Note of the fugitive" (30/42). From the drawer we take out the document "The lock on the elevator" (31/42). We climb onto the cabinet, neutralize the trap and from the cabinet itself we take the Baron's document "Bridging Primali" (1/13). We leave the room, we pass a little to the right and from the wall next to the door we find the document "Sensory deprivation" (32/42). We get to the generator room, pull the lever and thereby restore the power supply. We return to the control room, press the button and initiate the opening of all cameras. We leave the room and go into the only available cell. From it, through the ventilation, we go to the adjacent chamber. Attached to the wall is the Setup document (33/42). From the drawer on the right side we take out the document "Request for translation" (34/42). We select the syringe from the chair and from Erin's face we observe how Primal is being pumped out of her.

Queen of the beggars.

One of the patients is moving along the corridor. Taking advantage of the moment, we move to the next room. The document "Sterilization" (35/42) is attached to the end of the cabinet - we take it away. There is a safe on the wall perpendicular to the door. The combination for him is 731. Each number is the number of short blows on the pipe. If we do not have time to open the safe and take away everything that is in it, then we do it in two approaches. Do not leave the safe open, as this will arouse suspicion in the patient. Also from the drawer a little to the left we take the document "Knocking in the pipes" (36/42). Inside is the valuable Ivory Ring trophy (4/6). We pass through the ventilation into the next room. We take away the document "Lobotomy Cabinet" (37/42), which is attached to the device. One more document - "Hydrotherapy" (38/42) and "Shock therapy" (39/42) - we will find in the next two rooms. To retrieve this document, patients will have to be distracted. The first, by firing a hunting or blunt arrow at the switch, the second - by extinguishing the fire with a water arrow.

We return to the penultimate room with the patient. Jump down when the elevator is at the top. There is a grate under it - we open it with a wrench. We move forward, jump down and unscrew the bolt at the nearest grate. We select the document "Treasure" (40/42) and get out of the ventilation. We pass to the stairs and go downstairs, letting the geek forward. We pull the lever, go to the right and take away the document "Prison Rules" (41/42) from the passage. Further, from the table we select the last document "Report: Aggression" (42/42). We pass to the balcony and jump over the railing. We climb to the left side. We have a rope in front of us, but we need another one, so we release a rope boom into a free beam. We jump from one rope to another and find ourselves in the top position. We turn to the right and from the suspended cage we take a valuable trophy "Mechanical Eye" (5/6). There are many enemies here and they each move along their own route. We use concentration to a minimum and try not to make noise. We jump down, go to the right and go down. We go all the way forward, carefully push the vase and take away the valuable trophy "In memory of the child" (6/6) located under it. If it is not possible to act carefully, then we break the vase, after making sure that there are no geeks nearby.

One must act equally carefully when leaving the correctional department. As slowly as possible we sneak past two geeks. Then we squeeze through the debris and open the grates, pulling the levers. The geeks will try to stop us, but after a moment they will disappear. We go forward and slide down. We continue to move forward, go upstairs and, turning around, we get to the room. After another memory, we leave the room, jump over the railing and go to the next room. We climb up the bed frames, turn around and jump over to a stable surface. We open the lock leaking through the poster, open the door and, finally, in the last room we find Erin. We interact with her, and this is where our adventures in the shelter come to an end.


This game contains many non-linear moments that can be passed one way or another, so the walkthrough described here is not an axiom. Thief 4 is primarily stealth, and this is how the description will take place.

The first episode is not difficult. It’s more like learning. The real tasks are still far away. We search the room, go along the beam to the window, go to the picture and search it. We are looking for a button. We break open the lock, we take away the decoration and we leave back through the window. Next, shoot from a bow at the upper beam and climb up. We communicate with the girl, hide from the guards and go up the stairs. Next, follow the marker until it's time to break the doorknob. Having robbed the room, we follow the girl. As soon as we reach the guard, we cut off his wallet. Then we dive under the water, shoot at the torch, extinguish it and dive again. Now you will need to stun the enemy and go past the next one, throwing something behind him so that he turns away, after which we go up the stone steps.

Chapter first.

We climb upward with the help of the grappling hook, go around the guard, jump further down onto the boxes, jam the guard and take the arrows from him. We climb up again, look around and, going down, go around the street through the alley. Near the boxes we go around the security and climb up the grate, then we jump down, stun the guard, break the lock and steal the mask. Now we go upstairs and leave through the window.

We jump down, we pass the laughing guards and we jump onto the pipe. It's time to walk around the den, change ammunition, after which, having jumped down, we go until we run into a tavern. We talk with the hatter, bribe the equipment and follow the marker in the Queen of Thieves.

Chapter two.

We go down the rope, we pass under the bridge, after which we go along the left side, since there will be a dog on the right. Meeting with her is not included in our plans. We approach the building, climb up, approach the flower and climb the ledges. Here we are in the ventilation. We pass by the security and climb out the window and after going along the ledge to the right, we quickly open the lock on the door, while the security is busy talking. Then we jump on the hook and fly down. As soon as we see the guard, we jump down.
Next, we open the lock without treading on the glass or making noise. We put out the light wherever possible. We pass all the guards on the sly. There are a lot of them here, so we don't get involved in a fight, we move forward to the iron door. We climb onto the platform, search the box, jump onto the hook again. We roll down and jump down near the guard. We watch the video, after which we climb up. We run past the guards when the oven door is closed. We spy on the baron through the glass and climb into the ventilation.

After the descent, you need to solve a simple puzzle and pick up the ring. Now we go out into the street again. We go on the right side and go into the lattice door. Now you need to wait until the guard goes around, after which, bypassing the guard, we jump into the hole, climb the ledges and climb through the window. After that, you need to hide in the closet and wait for the guards to leave. Now we deal with the equipment and go along the marker, first straight ahead, then right. We shoot on the bridge, go downstairs, talk to the person and go to the next task. We approach the carts, go around them on the right side. There will be weapons in the chests on the right. We go around all and climb into the window. This should be done when the guards disperse.

As soon as we are inside, we steal everything we need and go outside, after which we move along the marker. We approach the end point and click on "inspection". There is a lever to the left of the hatch. We open the hatch and go further. There will be many traps. First we go around the insidious slabs, then we climb onto the box and turn off the trap on the wall to the left. The next hatch opens with a similar button located a couple of steps from it.

Now we run through the mazes. We reach the girl, collect three posters, go to our image and take the medallion, having opened the door first. Now you need to go to the brothel. We find the box, climb onto the roof and move along the roof in the right direction. Having gone down, at the raised bridge we bypass the guards, we move to the right and we press on the lever located on the beam.

Chapter three.

We follow the baron. As soon as we reach the cage with the bird, it will be possible to jump to the baron, bring him to the door, follow the marker, open the door and here we are in the brothel. Here we creep past everyone. We creep up the stairs, before reaching the end, we make our way into the ventilation and steal the ring. Then again we approach the man at the end of the stairs. We pass him when he looks down. There is a cage with a bird nearby, so we don't make any sudden movements. We go down, search the room, open the secret passage under the painting, go down, go to the column with candles and look for the three symbols that are indicated on the stone door. They lie in the cracks in the walls, we select the code and use the key.

In the depths, traps await us. The first shutdown button is located on the wall to the right. We go down, turn into the door and steal the treasure. To do this, we are again looking for symbols and collecting a combination. After that, we go back through the tunnel, pressing the trap off pedal before that.

We are now in the library. Turn on "inspection" and see a fake bookshelf. This is the door. We go through it to the bridges, pull the levers clockwise and go further. As soon as you pass the first bridge, go back and turn the third bridge, then go down and, passing to the neighboring bridge, turn the third bridge. Only now can we climb up and jump over to the second bridge.

We jump into the window. We solve the riddle, steal the book, grab the rope and crawl up to the top floor. After going around all the guards, we move towards the tavern.

Chapter four.

Go to big house... We scare the dogs, everyone around us will run to barking. We climb into the mansion, distract the guards and follow the marker into the room to the books highlighted by "special vision". The open button will be in the middle. We steal the blueprints that are on the second floor, after which we scroll the tower so that it looks like the one visible from the window. Now we grab the blueprint and run away. Now, after several scripted scenes, we grab the rope and climb into the ventilation.

We walk through the city, climb the steps, pass the presses and fire. We go into the elevator and go upstairs. We speak to the man, then we go to the safe, open it with the lever in the room, press the two side buttons and enter the year "319". Watching the video. Now we run back, climb onto the grate and go to the left, turn off the light, go to the safe and dial the combination "018". We steal an object, collect flowers and go to the light.

Chapter five.

We go to the shelter, we climb over the gate on the right. At the main door, first we run to the right to the basement, and then back. In the house on the second floor in the men's room, turn the tap and move on. We pass the marker into the room, take the key and go to the women's room. You won't be able to enter directly, so we go into the adjacent room and climb through the hole. Now we are being sent to the treatment room. We'll need a generator. Follow the marker and turn it on. We return and press the button in the guard room, take the object from the chair and go out into the new door to the elevator. Then we go down the elevator, hide from the monsters, jump over the fence and go to the two monsters that stand at the central entrance. We sneak past them, after which we go along the marker.

Chapter six.

We go to the main entrance, distract the guard and slip past it. It is better to do this on the right side. We distract a couple of guards, then three more and jump into the basement over the railing. Then we go carefully, there will be traps. We penetrate the second or third floor and approach the entrance to the baron's office. However, it cannot be opened, it is overwhelmed. Therefore, we climb into the ventilation that is to the right of the door and crawl into the desired room, climb the broken stairs up onto the gratings and go to the right, and then up to the end. We leave the elevator and move to the left, passing three guards. At the barricades, we jump over the box, press the button on the wall. Now we break the generator. First, we pull the lever from below, then we direct the rotating parts to the crack so that they vibrate. Once they are in place, you will need to increase the speed using the valve. Repeat until the generator is broken and you can pick up the shard. Then we go up the grate.

After the sewerage, we cut the boat rope and swim across to the other side. We make our way to the base, re-arm and follow the marker, bypassing everyone from the back.

Chapter seven.

We go to the central gate, we pass the guards. We ring the bell and wait for the gate to open, hiding around the corner. Now we go inside. We go on the right side, after which we rest against the lever. Push the lever and wait for the elevator. Two guards are on duty nearby, so as not to be caught, you do not need to run to the elevator as soon as it arrives, but wait a little.

We go down, jump onto the grate and go down the tunnel, bypassing the traps. Next, there will be zombies. We go around them to the left. We raise the door and enter, we pass by three guards and we climb into the gap. After you walk a little to the castle, we turn to the right and climb up, we pass to the end of the railing along the ledge and here we are on the other side. We go downstairs, carefully pass the cage with the bird, and then follow the marker. Now a fight awaits us. It is best to just open the gate and leave the battlefield, but if you decide to kill the foe, then it is better to shoot him in the head with a bow, stunning him with water arrows. When shooting, we do not stand still, but move.

Chapter Eight.

We go through the catacombs, do not make noise, ghouls are everywhere. We reach a strange design and jump down into the hole. Next, we go around the cliff along the pipes on the left. We go around all the guards and go into the door. While the guards are talking, we turn to the right, after jumping off, we bargain with the character, and then we climb through the box to the right. Now we go around the guard on the right side, shoot an arrow with a rope on the beam and climb onto the ship. We crawl away from the tower along the ledges and go down. Now you need to bypass a whole enemy squad. It is best to attract the first guard by noise, and the routes of the rest can be memorized.

We go down and go down the street to the right, if there is an arrow with a rope. If there is none, then we go to the left and we pass by two guards, after which we jump onto the ledge over the railing. Jumping over the beam, we go down behind the backs of the guards, after which we need to perfectly pick the lock, and never make a mistake. If this succeeded, then we go inside, watch the video and follow the girl. You can bypass this if you go under the floor, we go forward past the monsters. You should not be afraid of them, because their vision is very limited.

We look at the splash screen, after which we run to the left and steal the shard. Now we go upstairs, take another shard, jump down and steal the last, third. As soon as you take the stone, a girl sees you and hits you. Phantoms and ghosts will immediately begin to appear. It is highly discouraged to catch their eye. As soon as you collect the stone, we carry it to the girl.

Follow the mark on the map that will lead us to Northcrest, which is in the Oldale area. You must pass several armed warriors who are ready to detect you. Two wide staircases lead to the main exit, each of which has a guard of honor watching the surroundings. Here the path in the passage of Thief is closed, because every centimeter is visible. You must walk to the left of the house to round the corner

You will see the descent into the basement of the house. This descent is guarded by three guards. Just wait until they turn away at the same time and we jerk off to the basement. Jump inside and use your thief skills to open another door. Just go forward until you reach a blockage of boxes. The path was blocked by a beam that will have to be moved.

Call the Baron for a conversation in his office

We head straight along the corridor, along the way discovering a bunch of traps. They are all alert and ready to work. Use the nippers you have to keep you from getting into an awkward position. Walk forward until you reach the stairs. This is a direct road to the first ground floor of the house. To get to the second floor, there are two paths through Thief. Either along the main staircase, bypassing the guards, or by sneaking into the dining room and using the claw almost next to the entrance. If you decide to look around on the ground floor, you will find a room with a chess table and a burning fireplace. There you can also find a safe, which is unlocked with the combination 017.

Optional: Infiltrate the secret room

When you are on the second floor, you will surely stumble upon a room full of traps. They can be neutralized if you shoot well. Right there on the floor you should notice a scarlet carpet. And - a big picture on the wall. This is what we need. You must examine it, use the button and go into the sought-after secret room. This place is an already abandoned sanctuary, interesting for us in the passage of Thief.

There are two lions, at first glance - made of gold. But then it becomes clear that this is just gilding. On each of them you can put a coat of arms. Which should be done, and in the correct form. Of course, you can also dig deeper in the womb, having built the mechanisms in the necessary sequence ... But it will be cooler if you collect beautiful coats of arms. The final point of working with each of the lions will be a turned head and brightly shining eyes. For these manipulations you will be rewarded with another trophy - the unique "Lion Heart".

We will now go to the research tower. True, we will stumble upon the locked doors at the main entrance. Well, it's not in vain that the boxes stand side by side - just climb on them until you get into a room full of pipes. It is they who will help to get into a tiny passage at a height. Climb up there and go to a new room, which contains an elevator, which is unfortunately locked. But nothing, he will fulfill his function anyway. Just climb up it until we get to a certain height. But then ... the elevator began to move! Just freeze until the elevator has calmed down and continue to progress through Thief. When you get to the stairs, jump over there. Now we must go to the Baron in his personal domain.

When you talk to the Baron, it becomes clear that Orion is a villain. And we unwittingly helped him. We served as a tool in his hands, with the help of which he obtained all the necessary ingredients to carry out the forgotten ritual. And this ritual is aimed at getting Primali from Erin. And we are the last thing he needs to complete the ritual. Horrible!

Go to the ceremonial hall

Now you can use the elevator to go downstairs. To get into the hall, you will have to pick the lock. There are a lot of warriors around, who are guarding the order. You can use your bow to distract the guards towards the huge chandelier. Now go to the second floor and, turning your back to the hall, just move forward. Then you should get to the left, where there are crowds of guards again. To distract them, we throw something away or shoot arrows with smoke from a bow. Climbing on a large box, you can get into the same ceremonial hall that you should have found in the passage of Thief.

Find the entrance to the Baron's laboratory

You must look at this room with concentration. On the other side of the exit point, you can notice a button that is hidden behind a bulging stone. Use it to open the secret door. Climb there, use the switch to go further. It is here that you will find the laboratory that you were looking for and without which you cannot continue the passage of Thief.

Collect the Shard of the Primal Stone

Then you will find that before you is a huge mechanism of incomprehensible action. There is a piece of stone we need inside. Let's start the car and see what happens. Approach two valves. With the help of them, you can influence the position of the hemispheres in space.

You have to experiment with the position of the hemispheres until you get them spinning faster, constantly shaking, and making a terrible sound. To achieve this, you must position them so that the cracked piece of glass is in the slot. Now increase their rotation as well. With the help of these manipulations, you will ensure that the glass breaks completely. The operation will have to be repeated three times until you completely break everything. Now you can pick up the Primal Stone we need, which will come in handy if you decide to complete the passage of Thief.

Exit the sewers. Walk across the bridge

You just need to find a small hole, along which you can move on. As you move along it, you will observe that the City is ablaze. We need to get to the bridge. Climb over it between the props. Do not go into the fire, otherwise you may die. Use arrows with blunt points to disengage the boat lock. The boat will be a great bridge when it gets stuck in the right place. Just cross it to another pier.

Then you can simply jump between the berths as you like. You should now climb onto the bridge using some of the planks that are installed right there and using the hanging rope. Climb to a small ledge, then use your claw to climb even higher until you dive into the bridge itself. Great plot twist for Thief.

Be careful there, as the fire is consuming the bridge faster and faster. Run forward until you come to a blazing square. Here on the right there will be a fall of something burning, which will give us the opportunity to use the claw and climb up. Jump over to another hanging piece of rope. True, the neighborhood will not turn out very successful. Just climb up, use the ropes to move until you get to the wall, where you need to climb into the rift. Again we will have to run until we reach the next rope. Climb up, wait for the movement and jump! Now - through the next fire, it won't be long.

As we said, Thief (2014) reveals its maximum potential not on an easy or medium difficulty level, and not even on a "master". It is much more interesting to customize Thief for yourself and play on the Custom difficulty level. Concentration, special arrows, food, and poppy flowers are all for the weak. Whether it's the case when you can't inflict damage on your opponents, kill or stun someone. Especially sophisticated users can turn on the " iron Man", Where it is worth dying at least once, and the passage of the level will have to start over. In general, how to complicate your life, you choose - our walkthrough will help you complete the game to the end.


Garrett and Erin must get to the mansion of Baron Nordcrest, where the primal stone lies, for which someone is willing to pay a lot.

Tips: even the prologue in the game needs to be played very carefully. Pay attention to the situations in which you will find yourself the main character, and also remember all the values ​​of the buttons. The speed of the game depends on it.

Basic Rules: it is advisable to move only squatting so as not to make noise. Watch your step and slow down as you walk over broken glass, behind a guard, or past birds. Never make sudden movements with a dog or a crow nearby - they will reveal your location. Always close the doors behind you - the guards pay attention to such a seemingly trifle. Never neglect the opportunity to turn off a light or extinguish a candle. This will help you hide even in the most unusual places. Keep track of the number of arrows in your arsenal so that at the most critical moment you don't have to reinvent the wheel. And finally, after completing the prologue, focus on accumulating money with which you can buy boring tools: at least wire cutters, a wrench and a razor.

Chapter 1 "Blockade"

A year has passed since the accident. Garrett has gained strength and is now ready to return home - to the tower.

Chapter 2 "Ashes to ashes"

Garrett receives a message from Bass, who has a task for our hero. All he needs to do is remove the ring from the corpse of a dead aristocrat.

Chapter 3 "Dirty Secrets"

The customer wished to meet Garrett personally. This time, a servant of the people named Orion instructs a thief to steal an ancient book from a library deep underground.

Tips: In the third chapter, the main difficulty lies in the last segment of the level, when you run along the roof and suddenly fall into the barn. As soon as you find yourself in the room, head to the locker. A few seconds later, a soldier will enter there with a torch and begin to inspect the premises. After making a couple of circles, he calms down and takes a standard position. The problem is that it will be right in front of the exit. Therefore, you need to divert his attention. For example, try putting out his torch. Then he, together with his partner, will begin to rush around the yard, trying to find out who dared to put out his torch. At this point, you must slip into a small opening on the right. Next, you need to divert the attention of a soldier who looms in the distance. To do this, put out the torch behind his back, and then quickly move along the wall, go around the cart and jump into the window. All you have to do is go out onto the roof.

Chapter 4 "A Friend in Need"

While Garrett rode across the rooftops and explored the underworld, Thief Catcher caught Bass and imprisoned him. You have to save your friend and deliver him to a safe place.

After you enter the territory of the mansion, move on the right side. If you raise your head, you will see a ladder that will be secured by a certain mechanism. One shot of a bow on the mechanism will solve all your problems.

Having made your way upstairs, after passing the wife of the architect and her maid, head to the other end of the building, where there is a room with a secret passage. The area is patrolled by a soldier, with a maid serving as an assistant. You first need to quietly enter the room and climb onto the closet. Then move to the other end of the room and throw the bottle where you came from. As soon as the guard goes to the sound, you jump to the floor and quickly look for the necessary book, which will open the passage to the secret room.

Chapter 5 "Les Miserables"

Garrett and Baas travel to the island where Moira's refuge is located to find information about Erin. Something tells Garrett that she is not dead.

Do not forget to purchase cutting pliers before the fifth chapter, otherwise you will not be able to complete the mission in Moira's asylum. The only difficulty that can arise during the passage of this chapter is when you have to slip past two monsters into the dungeon. There is only one option - run, run and run again.

Chapter 6 "Lonely"

Garrett suspects Baron Nordcrest hid Erin with him. He goes to his mansion to find out.

Breaking into a mansion is a special adventure. There is only one way: at the very beginning, follow the guard. Wait for him to start going down the steps and jump up. Ahead you will see two guards who, after a nice friendly conversation, will run to take up defensive positions. The difficulty lies in the fact that you need to choose the moment when both guards will look not in your direction. Only then can you start climbing the stairs. It is very important to move slowly at first, as soon as the dog sees you, feet in hands - and forward. 3 more guards will meet you in the garden. One bottle can distract their attention. Then jump over the railing and calmly pick the lock.

You should only get into trouble at the end of Chapter 6, when you need to sneak past a group of aggressive guards. You need to act here slowly and very carefully. So, wait for the first guard to go around the corner, and only then open the door. Move left, stop at the bend. A second guard will appear in front of you. Take your time to get to the stairs, and then jump over the railing to the ledge. Wait for the guards to disperse to their corners and jump down. Here seconds will decide. Move silently - it's full of debris. If you don't find anyone around the corner, run as fast as you can, first straight and then left. In the next room, only one guard will be waiting for you. It is very important to rush past him and slip into a small opening, which will also be on the left. After that, head to the far right corner. There you will find a brick that will open a secret door. Then you can do it yourself.

Chapter 7 "Secret City"

It turned out that the baron was out of business. Orion is the one who is going to destroy the City and its inhabitants. It was he who managed to grab Erin and hide her in a secret city.

The hardest part in the seventh chapter is to get to the territory of the secret city. The difficulty lies in the fact that it will be quite difficult for you to get past a large group of guards who control almost all the moves and exits. However, not everything is so hopeless.

So, as soon as you get to the starting location of chapter 7, move straight all the time until you see a door in front of you. Hack it and move on. You will appear in the courtyard on the right side of the gate. Enter the house and move silently to the second exit. Carefully take the bottle from the table near the sleeping guard and move straight to the wall. As soon as the guard who makes the detour is far from you, throw the bottle. Then the guard who is blocking your path will go to check what happened there. At this moment, climb up rather quickly, dodge the arrows, and then jump into the opening. Then ring the bell and run behind the boxes. As soon as the guards go to see who it was there asked to open the gate, sneak past them and move to the right. There you will see a sleeping guard who is actually pretending to be. You have exactly one second to hide behind the next column. No one will find you there. When the second guard, who makes a detour, move to the other end of the corridor, make two quick dashes to the left, and then jump down. Wait for the civilian to move away from the torch and extinguish it. The guard who tried to find you will go to the elevator and will look down for a long time. You need to move quickly and very quietly. This is not difficult. Then call the elevator. As soon as he arrives, jump into him and press the button.

Only the Thief Catcher will deliver more difficulties, as he will shoot explosive arrows. As soon as the battle begins, head to the left side of the tower, where one of the two valves is located. Once you open one part of the mechanism, move to the other valve. However, your path to it depends on which direction the Thief Catcher starts shooting. As soon as you turn the second valve, get ready for the boss to head in your direction. Run from him so that he does not notice you. As soon as you find yourself behind him, put out the light and calmly pick the lock. You have no room for error, otherwise you will have to jump all over the space again and hide from the Thief Catcher. When the door opens, walk forward. Your opponent will die under a pile of stones.

However, you can kill him. Then shoot him only in the head. How many arrows it will take is unknown. But the more you have, the better.

Chapter 8 "Morning Light"

Orion and Erin managed to escape to the ship, which very soon should go to sea. Garrett must catch the ship and save the girl.

In the eighth chapter, you can describe each step, in principle. Here opponents are much smarter than their predecessors - you can expect anything from them. I personally saw how one level was passed in two or even three different ways, only because in one case one guard was standing, in the other - he walked along a certain route, and in the third - he just froze. Why it depends is not clear. So there is one option - watch our walkthrough carefully and save yourself a lot of time.