Dragon Age Inquisition Broken Window Sequence. Dragon Age: Inquisition - Passage: Scene line - There is a chance. A divine perfection ...

After creating your character and view the introductory cat scene, follow the instructions of Cassandra. Especially collaborating nowhere. Falling from the collapsed bridge, on our hero and Cassandra will attack the first enemies, and we will find our first weapons. For a single attack click on the enemy [LKM], and for the attack series, hold the button clamped. You can put the game by pause by clicking , as well as go to the tactical mode by clicking [t] to distribute orders to everyone in the group.

Having won, we go along the frozen river, climb at the end to the hill and jump down the cliff again on the frozen river. By defeating the next enemies, we go on the river and climb the steps around the wall. We go straight and go down to the frozen river. Next up the stairs. We go to the rupture. There is already a battle here, you only need to help, and when enemies will not remain, we look at the cat-scene. Now you are in the squad four. Reaching a wide river, we go to the other side, to the ruins, then on the stairs and the road from stones. Rising along the steps, you will be waiting for another break. In order to close it, you need to destroy several waves of enemies. After that, approach the rupture closer and click on it [PKM].

Open the gate and get to the bridge. We go to Leliana and the representative of the Church. An unpleasant conversation will begin, at the end of which the choice you will be offered several options for further passage. I recommend choosing the option "go through the mountain", and not "go straight with soldiers", because In the first case, you can save the soldiers who disappeared (in the near future you can feel the bonus from this decision). We climb the stairs to the top and go to the building in the mountain. Going out on the other side, you will need to close another break. After that, there will be a cat-scene in which missing soldiers will thank for salvation. We go further and go down the stairs. We go further until you get to the primary big gap. Here you will withstand the first boss - demon pride, and in case you saved the soldiers, they will help him defeat.

As soon as the battle starts, you will understand that the demon has a protective aura, and it does not get damage. To weaken the protection, close the gap. Now you can calmly attack it. As soon as you see that Demon has reappeared again, close the gap again, as soon as this possibility appears and start attacking. Next, repeat until the daemon is defeated. When he remains 50% of health, another evil will begin to appear from the rupture, so it will be possible to close the gap, only if you first kill all newly arrived enemies. The same will be with 25% of health. As soon as we rent a daemon, watch the cat-scene. Everything, the first chapter is over.

Danger did not minimize

Waking up, go out of the hut. You will find yourself in the village. All outputs are closed, so we go to the church on the hill on the left.

We go to the largest door and watch the cat-scene. This room will not need this room, because The command will be located here. Next, we leave out of the building and speak with the necessary people (the quest "best in the shelter"). We can immediately perform additional tasks that they give. Then we return back to the command of the command and use the resulting point of impact on exploration of the locality, where we need to find the reverend mother of Giselle. In the future, this table can also be used to open new locations using influence points, and send advisors to tasks for money for money for the Inquisition. We go to the open area and get into the depth trails. Focusing on the map (key [m. ]), we go to the north-west, to the area marked with a purple circle. You will need to overcome several waves of enemies with a detachment of the Inquisition. As soon as you do this, the next cat scene will begin.

Now you can or continue to perform side Quests On the territory of the internal lands, or go to the command of the command to further pass through the plot. Remember that for each performed additional task, breaking the camp, the opening of new areas of the territory will accrue the points of influence that can be spent on exploration, or the level of inquisition will grow. In order to return to the shelter, open the map and go to the world map (button in the upper left corner), then choose asylum. In the church you will be waiting for the mother of Giselle. Go to her and talk. You can also take her task "Lotus and roots". We go to the bet on the command and activate the mission "go to the church Val Ruaio".

Once in the right place, we go to the square, where we observe the cat-scene, after which we are activated by the task of "Defenders of Justice". Then go to the street, according to which we came here. Here we will meet a great magician of Fiona, and the quest "in secret" will begin. We return to the shelter, in the command of the command, on this quest ends.

Defenders of justice

To start a task, you need to divide a specific area on the table of command rates. To do this, it is necessary to take 15 points of influence. They are mined by performing additional tasks. However, remember that if you started this task, the mission with the magicians will be unavailable, and vice versa. So, if you still decided that the temples are more appropriate replenishment of the ranks of the Inquisition, they choose the mission and go to a meeting with the temples.

We look at the cat-scene. Then approach the Knightry-Temmer Barris, who came out to meet us, and look at the next cat-scene. Next, we will be offered to raise flags in respect of respect. You can or agree and fulfill the proposed test, or refuse and go immediately to the appointed meeting. Come again to Barris. After the cat scene, we paint with the enemies, then go out on the street and, following the markers, we climb over the dining room upstairs, to the right door.

There are meeting the Lord Seeker who prepared a surprise for us. Now we need to find a way out where we turned out to be. Location is quite linear, so just pass by mini-performances. When you reach the place where the green hazardous liquid will be pushing from the rotating columns, first go to the right, go ahead past a cordonal. We are waiting for the column to turn in such a way that you can move to the other side of the room, in a safe corner. We go back a little further and then follow the room on the opposite side. When we go inside, the door closes. As soon as we try to go out, a conversation will begin with a stranger. Then do not rush to follow him, and go to the room on the opposite side and read the inscription on the big stone. He will give us a bonus to characteristics, and on the location you can find two more such (the mission is called "Demonic Dogma").

When a new fellow traveler turns what pours from the columns into the water, go further. When we come to a dead end, go to the room to the right. There will be our stranger again. After a short conversation, we approach blue fire near and light the torch from it. Next, we light up the lights in three rooms on the sides of this room. Next, to pass the side task "Demonic Dogma", we go with a torch in your hands at the very beginning of the location, in a room with lattices, and open the cage to the left. There we take the key (it is visible only at the light of the torch). Then we return to the dead end and light the fire in the far stone wall. The wall will move away, and we go further. Next, approach the door to the right, which we unscrew the key found. I light the fire there. Coming out of the room, we light the fire on the stone wall again. After it moves away, go into the room and read the inscription again, after which we get another bonus to the characteristics. Next, we go out and go to the room right. Going to the door, the passage will open. Then open the door and pass along the street to the passes closed by grids. I pull for the lever between them and the path becomes open further. Then, on a familiar path through the dining room we go to our goal. In the dining room on the second floor there will be the third and last stone By Quest "Demonic Dogma". Reaching to the designated place, watch the video. Then pass through the southern door to the upper barracks. Here we need to save two veterans tempes. Remember that in the upper right corner ticks the time through which the main hall will fall. Therefore, when there is less than half of this scale, anyone from the team will remind you that it is worth returning and help (if, the scale drops approximately up to 30%, then Barris will die). Therefore, the most reliable solution will be to save one by one, i.e. Save one veteran, then return to the main hall. By interrupting the enemies, we wait until the scale is restored, we leave again through the southern door, save another templethly and come back to Barris and help him and the rest of the temples destroy the enemies.

Then we go through the north door and, after going to the courtyard, we go to the right to the tower on the opposite side. There we rise to the second floor and save the next veteran. We can then return back to the main hall or, if time allows time to go to another marker tower, enter into which you can from the courtyard. However, in order to get there, you need the key. He is taken into the room, which is located between the two towers, under the place where we saved the third temple. When picking a key and opening the door to the repository, we study the lyrics right on the contrary, then climb the stairs and read the notes, then pick up the lyrics from the blue chest nearby.

We return to the main hall, kill enemies and talk to Barris. A cat-scene will begin, after which he will have to beat off several waves of enemies. Then climb the stairs and go to the balcony marker. There will have to fight a demon of envy.

He, like big horrors, loves to hide under the ground and then pop up in the thick of the oppiators, knocking down those with legs. Immune to the action of spells and effects affecting its combat capability, i.e. Slow down or disable it for a while will not work. For 70% of the health, the demon will cause a profne, and he will change the form and restores health. It is better to look at the enemies first first, and then take the boss. By 30% of his health scale, the demon will turn to the original form. When his health is low, it will begin to pop up the green spikes of breaks, which should be avoided. After the victory over the demon, we return to the main hall. Before entering it, we speak with the temples and make a choice at your discretion. Then we turn out in the command of the command where we discuss what happened and what to do next.

In secret

We go Internal land, in the Redcliff, where I invited Fiona. Before the gate will be a break, after the closure of which we will be allowed inside. At the entrance we will meet and offer to go to the tavern. After the cat scene in the tavern we go to church. We close the gap and talk to the magician. We return to the command of the command and here the choice on the map will be two missions: "Defenders of Justice" and "Secret". Having chopped one, the other will be unavailable, so this is the last chance to decide who is better suitable for helping the closing of the gap - magicians or temples. If you have chosen the side of the magicians, activate the desired task on the table of command rates and go back to the Redcliffe. In the detachment it will be possible to choose only two squares. As the third will be our new acquaintance. After the cat scene, we collect our allies first - the four part will fight much easier. To do this, coming into the room with the raised bridge, go to the right. Then we return back to the raised bridge and go to the door opposite. Talking with a fion, we get a new goal. This time the bridge goes down and go on it further. We follow the markers and closed the breaks on the way. Having reached a locked door, looking for 5 red lirum fragments in places marked on the map. They will fall out of the killed spellcasters. Having collected everything and replenishing the stocks of potions in sickle, open the door. After the roller we deal with the boss. At 60%, it will open the gap, and himself takes off the impenetrable shield. Having understood with the gap, again ataking the boss, which is approximately by 30% of the remaining health will repeat its focus. After the murder, we look at the roller, at the end of which we decide on the magicians.

Will burn in your hearts ...

The quest automatically begins after completing the tasks of the "Fair Defenders" or "Secret", depending on your choice. You need to go to the table of commands command. There on the map Select the task of the same name. We look through a long video, we go to the goal and we meet a new oppiatory. Who will be - depends on what mission you chose before it. Also, this choice depends on which an army will consist, attacking asylum. Then we need to protect the North requested. To do this, we go to the marker on the map and kill enemies arriving by waves for a certain time (shown by the scale). As soon as it is filled, it will require a shot, and we will have to go to the southern demands. Focusing on the marker, we go to the right area and kill all enemies there. Then approach the requester and we bring it while holding down [PCM] on the active element.

After that, as soon as the shot and the video will take place, we go back to the shelter. On the way you can help the Blacksmith Harrit. For this, a warrior or robber with daggers break the boxes (just click on them [LKM]), blocking the entrance to his house. Then go through the gate. Now we are offered to save asylum inhabitants. You can save them all if you follow the next algorithm: first, climbing the steps immediately after the gate, we go to the right and kill all enemies there, controlling the health of the allies. So save leasette. Then we leave back and, if the gate to the left, then we need to right, towards the church. Rising along the steps, we kill all enemies again. Guard will say that someone needs help. To the left of the staircase, according to which we just rose, if you stand back to her, there will be a burning hut. In it, inside a person who cannot like to independently. We choose a warrior or a robber with daggers and climb on the vertical staircase to the ledge. From it will be thrown away a small bridge to the hole on the roof of the building.

Through it, we fall inside and break the boxes blocking the passage. Then, without leaving the hut, come to the poorhage and, holding down [LKM], save segritis. Next, we leave from the hut and along the steps, located immediately to the left we pass to the church. Here you will have to save the Trenn, killing all enemies. Then we pass to the houses where Solas stood. At the same time, do not descend on the stairs, and in a narrow path, go from the side of the church. Here you have to have time to save Adana and Minev, until the vessels are exploded next to them. To do this, approach them and hold [PCM] until they thank. Then we go down the stairs and go to the burning house where the flissa is in the aisle. With it we do similarly to Adana, Minenev and Segrituit. Below is a video, clearly showing how you can save all:

Then, having interrupted enemies, go to church.After the cat scene, we go to the place specified by the marker. They kill all enemies there, and then please contact, holding down [LKM] on an active element. By visiting about 20%, another party of enemies will arrive. Then we reconculate again, and 40% will prevent you again. Next, we continue the setting of the required. Similarly, a mini-boss will appear by 60%. Who - will depend on your choice of the previous task. Having finally requires, watch the video. Waking up, we go on the only possible path through the tunnel. On the way, you will meet a small group of enemies, to deal with which you will be offered by a new ability. Selecting the outside, we go towards the marker, and then look at a long epic roller.

From the ash

After the cat scene, we look at the castle, we speak with the oppitations, perform side tasks. Here will also be offered to find a blacksmith and choose a specialization. The blacksmith is in the basement (the door to the right of the throne, if you stand to him and the window behind him). To select the specialization we attend the command of the command of the command and perform a mission there in Ferdden, implying the search for teachers. Then just speak with each and choose specialization. Then go to Josephine and Varrik, after which they will give quests " Evil Eyes and evil hearts"And" there is awound ", which can be performed in any order.

Evil eyes and evil hearts

Important: Gall statuette Limited quantity. Here is described by finding eleven pieces. Open all the doors will not work, so choose what you need.

If you take to the task of Sir, then, talking to her, she will celebrate three Tycheake Red Jenny, caches are marked on the map.

Even if in the same point of the covered in the same time, he failed to overhear an interesting, on the fourth can still add a gossip.

And unload the backpack, the junk is very much on the location.

So, our mission begins in the yard. After a conversation with Gaspar, they delay a bit here. The noblewoman is looking for his ring, it is located to the entrance to the garden, is looking for a treasure, we return it to her and get +5 to the location of the yard, but we can leave yourself if you need money. On the right before the entrance to the palace there is a locked eastern storage, the statuette of Galla to open which is located on the terrace above it. Inside some things. Then we go to the left of the entrance, climb the stairs, here the task to overhear the conversation of the aristocrats, first contact them, then, when they go away, to overhear the conversation from the point. On this terrace we find the key from the repository. The terrace is located in which there are two treasures at once, scandalous documents on the table (first gossip) and the first coin-caprication in pots opposite.

Go to the palace. After a conversation with Josephine, we turn out in the lobby. Here are two points for listening, in one we learn something new (+1 gossip). We appeal to Gaspara and go to the ballroom. Welcome to Empress Selina, in the dialog, select the average replicas (+5 to the location). Here you can chat with Josephine and Cullen and take an entry about the Orelianian theater to the code, then we leave the hall and get on the dialogue with Leliana. We run along the corridor, listen to the conversation of the elves in the plot. Next to the left, two points for woven, in one something interesting (+1 gossip). Here he walks the vassal from the Geroldov Council, if in a conversation with him to choose the replica "Philip - Bolon" we get +10 to the location of the yard and +1 gossip. The room is the duke of Germain, asking him to get +5 to the location, +1 gossip. Also in this room is hidden a coin-caprication and record in the code. We go further, listen to the elves dialogue. Now we need to find a round seal, taking it from the balcony of the room, where the elves. We go to the guest garden.

After the conversation, we go straight, here a locked door, you need Gall statuetters, left from the door to the point where we get +1 gossip. There is also another point to the right of the entrance. There is also a fountain here, where you need to throw off the collected coins (for each thrown coin +1 to the location of the yard). Well, we are still up to the lattice. The statuette of Galla is on the right on the terrace, it is just standing on the railing, a little further treasure with +1 gossip. Go to the library. There is a small puzzle, you need a torch with a curtain fire to light the urns so that they light up blue (since the entrance first right, then the left row, the descent will open, there are some trophies). In this room, the book is marked by a book, pulling the cabinet, take a letter in it and the winter fire. We go to the library itself. Going away from the stairs, the door to the right is opened only by the robber, left in the office on the table documents (+1 gossip). Next to the locked door on the bookshelf hook treasure. In the library on the table we take another +1 gossip. Let's go through the door to the lobby to not lose influence strongly. Now we need to go back to top again, left from the lattice. There is a door that I will open Halle. I try first a little away on the balcony, overheard the conversation of two nobles below (+1 gossip). After that, you can talk to him, say that "Mages need to stop" and it will be recruited as an agent. At the point to the left of the exit, we listen to the gossip (+1) and go to the ballroom. Next, a dialogue with Morrigan follows, after which we get the key from human. You can chat and smell with Cassandra (if you took it with you), to overhear the gossip ahead on the left and go to this human.

We change clothes into the armor, take the weapon. The room on the right is a shabby diary. In the kitchen on the beams under the ceiling of the statuette of Galla. In the garden, immediately left to the wall of the treasure with another statuette of Galla. At the fountain to the right, on the stairs to the top of the palace, there in the room with the bed there are still a statuette of galls, and on the balcony coin-caprication. In the noble rest in the Great Hall (from the fountain to the left) on the table under the candlestand Coin-Caprice. We rise to the top floor and go to the left, the statuette is enough to get into the storage in the bedroom and pick up the quest Elfi Amulet from there. We go to the marker, we are growing up with a group of Ventoria and talk to a brigal. There is also another figurine of Gali. Return to the palace.

We need to explore the Tropheyev Hall. But first on the ball, so as not to confuse the location at the courtyard. There invites us to the dance of Florian. In the dialogs, choose neutral (medium) answers. If peers of the Inquisition are taken to conversations in diplomacy and secrets, two relevant replicas will appear (in a circle with crown and tronet). After talking about possible options for the development of events with advisers. We say that you need more information. Before leaving the imperial wing, we will finish the collection of all items.

In the ballroom next to Josephine on the railing of the coin-caprication. We are talking to talk with three frames, we can talk to Celina about the Amulte found by us, then talk to a brigal. You can also talk to the widow by choosing a replica with a crown (need perk), we get access to the task (dancing with a widow: Allemanda and +5 yard location). Further on this side treasure with a coin. We go into the lobby, the Caprice coin ahead at the railings where the window. Down the stairs and left - gossip (treasure shop).

We return to the trophy hall. We speak with nobles, standing by his entrance, send them to Cullen listen to the stories about the battle, we get +10 location. Inside, we find: one gossip and one coin-caprice (trees in the first room), we take orders from the table in the office and the gall statuette. There is still a door in the office, which is opened only by the robber.

In the hall of the heroes below (where the entrance to the human) is one coin and one gossip. In the room, where there is another gossip to the door, another gossip, in the room with the duke of Germain, the other, on the table and on the sofa two more. In the room with a balcony coin and gossip. On the balcony two caches with a gossip and a dot for a punching. We go to the library, there we find more documents on the table. Go down to the fountain, to the right of the door with the galls another gossip. Top in the lattice left in front of the door coin.

We go to the imperial wing. On the table to the left of the gossip. We rise, runs by the room for which Gall statuetters are required, run directly and save the elf, send it under the protection of Cullen. In the same room we take the statuette of galls. We run further along the marker, just go not in that two two, to which he shows, but on the contrary.

We run through the outdoor terrace over the garden and climb into the window of some class. There are treasures with a statuette of Galla and a capricious coin. The tenth statuette is on the right of the quest door, down the stairs.

We continue to search these chambers. In the same room, the figurine of Galla (already eleventh), next to the chair by the fireplace, is also there is a gossip.
Now we can unlock the door in the garden, come back through the lobby of the palace and run to the fountain. There we take the banner of Orlea. You can also talk with another graph of Orleia. And you still find a coin-caprication there.
We return to the imperial wing and go into the garden. Here, it seems, the point of no return. After a conversation with the florian and closure, we speak with a mercenary, with the presence of a peak in secrets, I drive it as an agent.
Well, then, we shake the location, we collect everything valuable, come across good sketches 3 levels. In the basement two more doors opened by four figurines. And we return to the ballroom where we make the choice of whom to execute who to pardon.

There is a chance there

We go to the appointed friend of Warric's place of meeting in Ratthew (to open this area, perform the search for the "Guardian Search" at the command of the command). Talking to him, go to the cave and pass to the very end. After a conversation with another new acquaintance, we return to Skyhold and on the table of command rates open the location of the "West Limit" ("Explore the West Limit").

We get to the desired structure and after the cat scene we kill everyone there. Returning back in the command of the command. We choose the task "there is a chance" there and get into the fortress of the Guardians. After passing a little on the only possible path, we look at how to the right of us, a little below, gray guards are fighting with demons. We can help them. We pass further and here, having risen on the wall, help our fighters in the battle with demons, thereby completing the first part of the necessary three in the task of capturing siege points.

We go further in the only possible direction, and then we encounter a demon of Gordini. Crashing with him, capture another point from the side task. There will be a chest with a banner of gray guards. Not going down, go through the wall right. They kill one more demon of Gordini and enemies less and complete the side task. Then we return a little back, and before the place where we met the first demon of Gordini, go down. We follow the markers, destroying demons on the way. After the cat scene, we rose to the very top, not paying attention to the dragon, which will attack you - to kill it will not work anyway. After a spectacular roller, we find yourself in a new place. Here, in parallel, you can perform an additional task "Features' fears." For this we go south. There will be a table and a chair on which the ghost glowing is sits.

Come on and activate the table. Then the marker will appear on the map. Using the intelligence key [v. ], we find a candle and take it to the ghost. After that, we take the award, and the new places of mysteries, which is only with the already solved five, will appear on the map. It will be necessary to perform them in the same way. Also, if you go along the northern wall, we will be near a magic mirror by activating which, we improve some characteristic. Such mirrors will often encounter this location, look for them to make your hero more. Now we can climb the stairs to the place specified by the marker. After the conversation, we kill demons and approach shining green balls. Alternately activate them by holding down [LKM]. We look at the roller, and then pass on through the only possible path. Having reached the development, where one road leads down, and the other goes to the north at the same level, we go on the second road. There will be another mirror. Now we return to the fork, go down in the eastern direction and reach the character with whom you can talk. After the conversation again, interrupt all the demons and activate the green glowing balls. Then we reach the barrier to protect. After passing further to the development. The north is the road to the top. For it, we reach two pride demons. By killing them, inspect the locality where the map flashes (press the [v. ]). We find a soft toy. The next stage of the task of the "fears of dreams" starts, which is not displayed on the map (the soft toy must be put on the bed, which is located near and displayed on the map). Next to the soft toy there is some design similar to the altar.

By activating it, another side task "Broken Window" will be launched. Here you need to light five lights in the correct order, after which you can collect LUT. After returning back to the fork and at the bottom we reach the last riddles of the task of the "Fence of Dreams". Then to the barrier, near which they fight until the time scale is complete. We go later and take a reward for the task of the "fears of the dreams", a highlighted marker. Next, we go beyond the Spirit and reach the boss. Periodically, it will go into invisibility. If you can not aim on it, and at the same time it will attack, then go to the tactical mode and appoint an attack there. At some point, the boss will come to the boss. After the victory there will be a cat scene, during which two serious choice will have to do.

Fruits pride

The mission is selected on the table of command rates. For its discovery, it is necessary to have 40 points of influence. Please note that Cullen's mission "Before Dawn" will be unavailable after that quest, so if you want to perform it, do it before the start of this story mission.

Once on the spot, follow the markers, along the way, fighting with the enemies. Reaching the temple and go inside, climb the steps ahead. There will be a locked door. To open it, you will have to solve a small task. Go down to the statue of the courtyard in the middle. Around it square grilles on the floor. If they come on them, they will light up blue. You need to go through to light all the similar squares, but keep in mind that if you step on any cell twice or step on the ground, you will have to start all over again.

If you have any problems with the passage of mysteries with plates, then below you can see their video position:

As soon as you do it, the door will light up blue. Now you can open it. After a small roller, you will have to fight a small group of enemies, and then decide how to go further - follow the enemy immediately or try to solve all the puzzles (spend rituals), where we need to light all the plates. If you choose the first option (marker in the middle of the room), you will have to fight not only with your immediate enemies, but also with the keepers of the temple. The second option - you need to solve three similar puzzles (on the sides of the room). By deciding the puzzle and go to the right door, we look at the video and accept another solution that will greatly affect the development of this mission. If you choose the version of the work together, then go beyond the elf with the staff, without folding. Reaching the place, it will open a secret storage. After watching everything there, we go further. Going along a round staircase, we meet the boss (who will be, depends on your choice of temples / magicians). By defeating the enemies, watch the video and make another important decision.

Last Akt.

The mission starts automatically after the completion of the previous task. The passage will be varied depending on the choice in the previous mission.

If Morrigan saw from the source:

We go to the meeting place, we speak Leliana and pass through the mirror. There just follow the only possible path. Reaching to the goal, just talk, do not have to fight.

If from the source of PILS GG:

After a conversation with Morrigan, we go into the area called "Altar Mutan" (for moving there we use a global map (world map), the altar is located next to the sacred plain). We have to fight the boss. Approximately half of the remaining health, the cat scene will begin.

A divine perfection ...

This is the last scene Mission. After her passage, you can continue to play by traveling through a tedas, but many side tasks will be unavailable. Also immediately think about whom we take with you to the final battle, and in advance the best equipment on them. Also check the amount of potions, bombs, etc. The task is selected on the table of command rates and does not require influence points.

The battle immediately starts. The main villain loves teleport and move quickly, while it is better not to stand on his way. You should also avoid its rays. When the enemy moves to another plot, on the way there do not miss the hodge with potions. Approximately 50% of the remaining health, the boss is teleported again, and we will have to fight with a new very strong enemy. After the victory over him, we go to the first boss. On the way there you do not miss the scroon. Wrapped, watch the video. Once in Skyhold, go to your room (door left (north) throne). We look another roller and final titlesAfter which there will be another little movie.

To do this, select the "Find Gray Guard" mission.

Obviously, there is also not all calm. Harding reports that the gap opened right in the middle of the river, and the coming dead, together with the demons, attack the county.

Hawk will wait for you at the entrance to the cave. It is not far from the pond of three trouts.

Who will be the guard depends on whether you imported the state of the world or not. By default, it will be Straud.. As other options, it can be Alister. or Logaine.

Guardian Commander Clarel convened all Gray Guards In Orel. Guardians began to hear created by the cornea, false Call about the approaching death. Under the fear of extinction, once the valiant Order fell under the influence of the Venter. Through sacrifices, they intend to call the army of demons to combat the sealing of darkness.

The ritual will be held in the tower in the middle of the desert Western limit. Earth exploration will require 8 influences. Hawk and his friend, will expect you in place.

Conductive blood magician Erimond., I will try to get a launch of a messenger for your Mr. Corryon, but the victim fails - runs away. Demons and obsessed guards attack you.

Straud (Alister / Logain) assumes that they could hide in the fortress Adamant. Return to Skyhold. For travel, 20 points of influence are required and desirable level from 12 to 15.

Before sending, clean the inventory. It is also recommended to take with you blackwall and / or discover the specifics of the Inquisition of "Knowledge of Stories".

The Inquisition Army is precipitation. When the gate is broken, Callen's commander will ask you to help our soldiers take three strategic dots on the walls.

Since task side, it is not necessary to fulfill it, but for completing the task you will get access to the chest.

In addition, you will meet a group of custody that fight against demons. If you want to save your life, then offer to stay aside.

Srouting the pedigree-commanders in their rightness to help you.

There are three ways to sow doubts about Clarel: resorting to the help of blackwall, having studied the specifics of "knowledge of history", and leaving live in living guards who have previously met. Otherwise, you will have to fight with guards and with demons.

In the end, Erimond will call the dragon and try to escape again.

Dragon creates funnels on Earth. The funnels apply a little damage and slow down the attack speed, movement.

Clarel wounds the dragon, and the whole group falls from the cliff. Thanks to the ability to open faults, you suffered yourself and our opposingists in the shadow.

If you look nearby the ghostly sitting at the table, you can get an optional task. "The fears of dreams". The award gives an increase in characteristics, and at the end of the chest.

Mirrors give an increase +1 to magic.

Our heroes meet Zhiritsa Justia ... or her spirit. She helps to remember the hero of the events that occurred during the conclusion.

Next to the place where two demon demon lives, you can find a strange design. To activate it, you need to light fire in order.

At the end you will be spent the battle with Nightmare and meeting with something. Leading you Spirit Justinia sacrifices himself to give you a time.

The boss throws the barrier, teleported, disappears, and sometimes calls for a small and medium difficulty demons.

As soon as you win, the giant will return, and you have to make a difficult choice, between Guard and Hawk. The remaining most likely will die.

Once in the fortress Adamant and closing the gap, it is necessary to accept another, important decision. You have the right to expel the guards from Orleia forever, and you can join the Inquisition. When taking into account that some, still may be influenced by Corryon ...

Next task:

As soon as you get to your home, you should talk with your friends. I advise you to finish everything that can keep you in this or previous location. In this shelter, you will not be able to get anymore, as the next stage of the task destroys it. I will not tell in detail about all the adventures that you are waiting. Do everything you can. I also advise you to replenish the stocks of all consumable materials, because the passage Dragon Age. Inquisition Now I'll throw you enough.

When you start a new task, you will be a series of video videos. When you get back the management of your characters, you will have to talk to your friends and another hero that wants to join you in a detachment. If you chose magicians, as I said, I will attach khamniki on the shelter. If you joined the temples, the attack will hold magicians.

Despite the choice of the party, you will have to perform exactly the same tasks. Just run on the marks on the map, gradually killing all enemies - the passage of Dragon Age Inquisition At this stage, it is not distinguished by a variety. You will protect if you require. He will be able to delay opponents a little, but will not help defend shelters. Restore one require, beat the other and go to the shelter. I advise you to return the asylum to the maximum length of the trajectory, because you can help some characters that come in the future. Yes, and experience does not exist. When you get to church, you can watch a new video and return to the battle.

Now we will use the desires that beat off. Constantly come opponents who want to prevent the combat vehicles. It is best to destroy them, otherwise there will be many problems. Correct your request where you need. True, you will have to fight with a new boss if you chose Mages - Danam Knight will wait for you.

In order to make the battle as much as possible, kill all the demons that accompany the boss at this stage of the passage of Dragon Age Inquisition. Keep in mind that the enemy causes a very big damage, therefore it is impossible to allow him to beat someone except the tank. If he can strike someone else, there is a chance that your comanter will die after the first strike. It is best to put the rest of the bosses behind the boss. So they will apply the maximum damage and will not be able to get under its frontal attacks. When the boss falls in the interest of health, it will apply new abilities. So, every quarter of health, he will constantly put a shield that absorbs a lot of damage. The battle will be quite long, but your tank that uses protective abilities, constantly keeps the enemy on itself and, drinking the lost health in potions, will lead you to victory. The main thing, constantly do not forget about minimizing damage to the tank.

When the boss falls, you will watch a rather long roller. We will not talk about the events that will happen during it, because the passage of Dragon Age Inquisition has a very interesting story. The main thing is that you can not manage your character soon. Just follow the labels that are in front of your nose. Bresh will have quite a long time ... Get ready for what you have new opportunity. When the path is passed, you will have to revive literally from nothing.

From the ash

When you come to this task, we can say that you entered into a new phase of the passage of Dragon Age Inquisition. This quest occupies very little time. We'll have to go along the new dwelling, gradually realizing that under control now a whole castle. Be sure to explore every corner of the fortress, find all important characters, remember where merchants are standing, inspect their goods and ask for some things. True, you can't get into some places. You have to fulfill some tasks to unlock access to new rooms.

It's time to communicate with Josephine. Do not forget that you can build a romantic relationship with it. Also have to talk with Varrik, which can give you the new kind tasks. From Josephine you will get another quest that also needs to be performed. Before you, the tasks "evil eyes and evil hearts", and "there is a chance". Not fundamentally, as you will perform them. Just communicate with all the supports by persons, look at the information they will tell you, and, deciding, go on a new task, continuing the passage of Dragon Age Inquisition.

There is a chance there

Now you need to go to Warrik to communicate about his comrade. As soon as you finish the conversation, you will have marked on global Map city. You should go to informants to get new information. When you move on the marks on the map, you follow past the banks of the river. Cutting into the cave, we can start performing the task.

The cave has to be held another not a simple conversation, after which you need to get out and go to the West limit. Look carefully on the map to determine the place where you need to walk. Now look at the new video, after which you have to kill crowds of enemies. Keep in mind that you will fight for a limited area, which limits the possibility of combat in the passage of Dragon Age Inquisition. I advise you to use the maximum number of abilities affecting the area. Thus, you cover the most enemies, which will significantly speed up the passage of this task.

Well, let's go to your castle, where you can relax, replenish the stocks of potions, sell unnecessary things to merchants - in general, prepare for the next mission. It is necessary to unload the inventory as much as possible so that you can collect the maximum number of trophies without a sale. Keep in mind that you will not get back to the lock yet, because you plan to extend very carefully. Passage Dragon. Age Inquisition at this stage will be quite complicated.

Keep in mind that you have to move through the place where the battle is underway. On the way, you will have to help your ally - the squad of the Inquisition pleased the trap. The guards for some reason attack them, while the demons participate in the battle on the side of gray guards. If you still decide to help your fellow, the reward will be excellent.

Do not spend your health care, because they will need you soon with another boss. The pride demon at the head of a huge detachment of small demons will be waiting for you ahead. I advise you to kill the trifle so that it does not interfere with the legs. If you carefully passed the previous locations, you know how to fight the pride demon. You should give a couple of tips: first, try to make it always attacked your tank, as always in the passage of Dragon Age Inquisition. Secondly, never direct your magicians and archers to blow his woven. It should also be paid attention to the dragon, which will also circle nearby, constantly attacking your allies. Do not stand at one point, therefore, arrest your heroes throughout the site.

When the demon will be killed, you can move on. The dragon you will not get enough, because just move forward, constantly changing the trajectory of movement, so as not to get under his magic. When you come to the right area, you will have a new video that takes you to a new territory.

If you carefully look at the map, you can find the road very easily. Look carefully on the locator, which is in the corner of the screen. If he starts glowing, shake off all locations nearby to find the necessary items. Here the passage of Dragon Age Inquisition throws up a lot of surprises. If you find all items, the task of "dream fears" will be performed very quickly. I advise you to carefully examine the current location so as not to miss it. If you have not found a quest yet, I will tell you - go to the north, where the skeleton is lying. In the search mode you can find a new task. To find the remaining items, go through other areas in this location. If you do not find items now, you will not be able to continue the execution of the quest.

Now you have to remember a little more new. To begin with all the demons, then use each of their body. In order to complete the passage of this location, you will have to explore the body of the demons several times. Do not be afraid to get lost on this quest, because you can only move in one direction until you come to the level boss. The nightmare is already waiting for you, because get ready to join the fierce battle.

Keep in mind that this boss has a great stock life, therefore, the passage of Dragon Age Inquisition will be quite complex at this stage. His attacks are applied great amount Damage, because without a tank, it is simply meaningless to start to fight with him. Sometimes he will call from boredom many spiders, which is best to pour attacks in the area. If you do not do this, spiders will accumulate and bite you. Use the strongest tank protective abilities. Remember, the main task for the tank is to stay alive. The rest of your allies should only deal with the extermination of the unclean, sometimes attacking the boss itself. The most important thing is that the boss does not switch attention to any of your fighters. When you remove it three quarters of health, you will have to understand more with powerful demons. It is at this point that you must use the new ability of the main character, which we learned quite recently. This will make the maximum number of damage to the demon, after which they will only have to finish. On this purpose, the "There is awound" there is completed, you can return back to the lock to relax and continue the passage of Dragon Age Inquisition.

Computer game In the RPG genre, the third part of the series Dragon Age.was developed by the Canadian company BioWare. The publisher performs Electronic Arts, the release took place on November 18, 2014 for the Microsoft Windows platforms, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, XBox One. After the events of the first part of the world Tedasa Immersed in the bunch of internecine wars and political intrigues. In addition, at different points of the world, unusual faults open, allowing demons to penetrate the tedas. The main character gets a label and after the closure of several faults in Temple of Sacred Praha. Gets the management of the Inquisition to eradicate the emerging chaos.

There is a chance there

Hooker Earlier, reported on a fluent gray guard, who also fought with the Crimean. He was seen the last time in the area of \u200b\u200bKaer Bronak fortress. Also Hawk expressed concerns that the Order of Gray Guardians could get under the influence of the Corryon. Inquisitor should meet with a fugitive to get more information in the designated area to the Inquisitor will join Hooker, Straud. Confirms the concerns of the Inquisitor. Gray guards influenced CorneryStife proposes to go to Western limit (It is there that the gray guards stood up the camp to pass the rite of blood magic).

Near ritual Tower Inquisitor Together with Houd and Straud, becomes witnesses of the ritual blood magic. The main characters meet the leader Ventori Livius Erimondawhich turns out to be very talkative and can tell about the intention of the Crifer. The game antagonist is trying with the help of gray guards to call for the army of demons and destroy the ancient gods. After stripping the terrain, we return to Skyhold and go to the command bid (a new task with the appropriate name will be available).

Inquisition begins to capture Fortress Adamant. In addition to the gray guards, it is necessary to fight the Horde of demons, which Ventori has already managed to call. During the assault, the main characters have to clean the fortress from the presence of enemies (some gray guards will resist demons).

The inquisitor and his detachment time to interrupt the ritual of the challenge of the demon, the use of a conversation branch about the role of the Order in history allowed to lure Clarel (The leader of gray guards) to the side of the main characters. In case intervene the Dragonwhich Korphore sent in case of not a successful outcome of the ritual.

In prosecution, Clarel attacks Livius Erimand, but Ventoria saves the dragon, who kills the leader of gray guards. As a result of the Dragon Action, the balcony begins to collapse. Inquisitor and its wards fall, however the main character using the label creates a gap and transfers everyone to Shadow.

On the other side of the shadow portal of the Inquisitor expects a meeting with Justinia (or demon or her spirit, but NPC helps to remember the explosion in the Prach Temple). I liquidate the demons and collect memories, the Bulletin interrupted the sacrifice of Justia and as a result of contact with the mysterious elven artifact received a rupture label.

During the examination, the shadows should pay attention to broken mirrorsthat will make an increase in various characteristics. After the next stage of the recovery of the ritual becomes obvious - the Inquisitor was not elected the gods or someone else. The main character saved Justinia, and the label the main character was random.

Finally, the Inquisitor gets into the den of the demon, after the liquidation The face of nightmare The player has to make a choice between the Hawk and Straud (it is necessary to cover the waste of the main detachment). The main characters leave the shadow through the gap and returns to Fortress Adamant. Further, the Inquisitor will have to solve the fate of the Order of Gray Guardians. Ventortor Livius Erimond is captured by alive and will now wait for the court in Skyhold Prison (Task The court is coming).

Fears of dreams

Inquisitor to find artifacts And put in the designated places to stop the nightmares of the dreams (on the table it is necessary to place a candle, the vase requires flowers that are nearby, etc.).

Broken window

In the course of the examination, the shadows can find an unusual structure, to activate the mechanism, it is necessary to activate the lights in the correct sequence (the bill of lights is on the left to the right, the sequence is 4, 1, 3, 5, 2). The article is part of the cycle passage Dragon Age: Inquisition

Keywords: Dragon Age Inquisition, Inquisition, Bulletin, Tag, Flaws, Cassandra Pentagast, Solas, Warrick, Leliana, Liberty, there is a chance, fears of dreams, broken window, Hawk, Straud, Livius Erimond, Adamant Fortress

Welcome to ! Below is the full step-by-step guide to the game. Depending on the solutions you have chosen, dialogues and consequences can be different. Our passage is based on the middle level of the complexity of the game.

It has a huge world, so there are many ways of passing and development. If you have any difficulty in passing the game, then this leadership will certainly help you with difficult tasks.

As the main character, the leader of the Inquisition is the authority, which existed a long time ago and was re-educated to investigate mysterious events in Tedas. But in order to stop all this chaos, you will have to first be investigated as the main character and understand who is guilty or what is guilty of this great cataclysm!

Heavenly anger

Prolog game is nonrelane (you can even get lost here). In general, move the following Cassandra and carefully read and delve into the prompts. You will still have no strong enemies yet, so there is nothing dangerous here. Soon the road will lead you straight to the dark Warrik and Elf Solas, who soon become your new colleagues / satellites / comrades.

Next you will be trained to how to properly use the tactical pause. In the future, the passage to you will be very useful to this mode, especially if you play at a high level of difficulty, so try to master this part of the game as soon as possible.

In the end, you will arrive before the gap - the place where the demons from the world of shadow fall into your world. To locate this hole between the worlds, you will have to first destroy all enemies in the fault area. After you overpower all unclean, just touch the break and wait a couple of seconds, after which it immediately closes. Please note that during the passage of the game you will not collide with this anomaly and you often have to do this.

After you return to the fortress, you give you a choice: will go to a huge fault in a straight line or bypass trail. In the first case, you can get much faster, in the second, you can save some missing soldiers.

Regardless how can you go, you will still come up to the ruins of a huge fortress. Rent below straight to the different and soon the battle will begin with your first boss - Pride demon!

As such, there should be no particular difficulties, as your comrades and the army of the Inquisition will help you. In the first stage of battle - the Demon is invulnerable, but pay attention to the fact that the band of his life will look a little different than the monsters that you met before. To make this demon pride vulnerable, you will have to take advantage of the break. This boss must distract allies troops, at this time you must interact with the portal. Soon a very strong explosion and a demon of Gordini will finally fall on their knees - at this moment you need to attack it. At the expiration of some time, he will again become invulnerable - how to fix it, you know. Soon the enemies of the lower levels will begin to appear on the battlefield, they immediately and need to do, that is, to remove them first, and after again approach the rupture.

Danger did not minimize

How to rest after a hard battle, go to the street. Move to the local church (follow the pointer). Come in the command of the command and soon graduate from the Prolog game.

After that, you will have time to get comfortable in a new place. Use the headquarters to traine a blacksmith craft, talk to your new friends and learn the places where there are particularly important NPCs. How graduate everything, come back to church. It is from here that you will go to your next location - internal lands that are located in Ferdden. To do this, use the command of the command or map of the world.

Please note that in the inner lands you are waiting for a huge number of tasks - you can spend more than twelve hours. We recommend you to marry more priority tasks, as otherwise you just get confused here. If you mark the task, then a special lighthouse on the map will indicate you the road. If you plan to advance as quickly as possible in the plot task "Path of the Inquisitor", then note it in the journal.

In general, move to the pointer. Soon you will obscure one of the detachments of the Inquisition, which to restrain the onslaught of rebellious magicians and temples. Naturally, they will need your help. After slaughter, you are invited to a fairly large camp (the main reference point of the Inquisition in this location). Here you need to talk with the mother of Gisel, which will send you already to another location.

You can not rush and stay in the inner lands and slowly engage in tasks (you have enough of these tasks to earn a couple of levels). In any case, you soon or later will have to go to the command of the command, and after and in Val Ruayo.

Here your pointer will help you again - move behind the lighthouse. In this location, so much affairs, as in the previous location there will be no: how to get to control point, Look at the video, talk to the temples and after, go to exit. Before going back to the headquarters, the head of magicians will speak with you.

Soon you have to make your first serious choice between the temples and the magicians. At the command rate, two tasks will be available to you: "Fair Defenders" and "Secret". By choosing one thing, you overlap the second. It all depends on the one you value: Mages or Temmarkers. In our passage, we chose the side of the magicians, but you can do in your own way.

In secret

It's time to go to the inner lands. Here you have to get to the city called Redcliffe. This city is located in the north of this location. In front of the city's gates, you will be splashed. Close it and go inside. In Redcliffe, find the tavern and talk to the magician there. After the conversation, you need to walk to the new meeting place, which is not too far away.

Here you will meet the magician named Dorian, who is also a satellite. Close the next faults and go to the command bid. Now you have to talk to your adviser and finally decide who will be more useful - Temmarkers or magicians. This moment is your last chance to change your decision.

If all the same you have not changed your decision and iron want to enlist the help of the magicians, then go back to Rarcliff using the Shell. In your team now must be Dorian, otherwise you can take someone you like.

Soon after the video, you and Dorian are in the dungeon. As soon as you take control of your heroes, then switch to Dorian and pump it the ability so that he can effectively provide support in battle. Since you are just two, then try to be careful. Although there will be a lot of opponents here, but damage they will apply a big enough. Master all those who play for warrior. It will be quite difficult for those who are the robber of the melee. If you play the archer or magician, then try to be careful.

Move to the specified marker and will soon find yourself about the fork. Three will be marked on your map key pointsTwo of which will denote the location of your associates. The third point will lead you to the wizard, which is called Fiona. In general, for starters, collect your team in one. Next, go to the Fione and after the conversation with it, you will find the next stage of the task. Go to a new key point.

To fill your health potions stocks, look for special storage facilities that look like ordinary boxes with banks. So, on your map will appear new key points that need to be inspected. You can freely move in this location and visit goals in any order. Consider only the fact that there are several levels in this location, so the next you can get only with the stairs.

Soon you will hug on the locked doors. To unlock them, you will need to assemble five pieces of red Lyrima to start. The location of this resource will be marked on your card. As soon as you collect the required amount, then replenish the reserves of your potions and get ready to battle with the boss named Aleksius.

This opponent will use attacking spells. In addition, he will constantly impose a protective shield and teleported around the room. If you judge in general, the battle is not too heavy. We recommend to act like this: the warrior distracts his attention to himself, and the remaining members of the team apply as much damage as possible. After he lost more than half of his health, then the rear will appear in the back - close it. As soon as you close, Alexee will return to the battlefield. He will repeat his trick again when health sits down to a quarter, but after finishing it will not be difficult for you.

Will burn in our hearts ...

After you return to your refuge, talk to your allies to get and execute several tasks. The task must be completed on time so that after, you do not have to go to the asylum, so back you will no longer return.

When you activate the following plot task, you will see a couple of videos. After these videos, you get back control over your heroes. Soon you will meet a new co-citizent named Cole. He will appear here if you chose the way for the magicians. If you then chose another way, then you will meet Doriana, and with Culoma will get acquainted during the task for the temples. Depending on what kind of choice you have done in the past (Temperavniks or Mages) will be attacked by magicians or temples.

But the essence of the task will remain the same. Move around the marker and destroy the packs of enemies along the way. You have to capture one by requesting, after which it will capture another one. After the assault of siege guns, you will be asked to go back to the shelter. On the way, you will be able to save the couple of characters and then earn a little experience. How to get to the church, then video will follow. How to browse it, then go back the floor of the battle.

Now you have to bring captured by requested. At the same time, you will constantly interfere with the enemies, so it is best to kill opponents a couple of opponents and after, ride more for the guidance. Onemost moment, the boss is arriving for you - Knight Danam.

First, you should deal with all minions - demons. Next, take your tank to the boss so that he attracts all the attention to himself: the monster has strong attacking skills that will make your magicians once or two. Vulnerable allies should be behind this creature, so that it is minimal. At 75, 50 and 25 percent of their lives, the monster will discharge absolutely all negative effects and put a very powerful barrier. Your battle can delay not one dozen minutes, but while your tank will keep the defense, passing the enemy along the way and at the same time drinking therapeutic banks, you should not worry.

After you overpower Danam, you will show you a very long cat-scene. When you again pass the control over the hero, then move behind the signs - although the path is straight and lost it is impossible here. Soon you will be trained how to enjoy your new ability, after which the hero will be in the harsh desert during a strong storm. You just need to move forward, and after a little moving to the right side.

From the ash

This part of the plot chain will be short enough. You are offered to go through the territory of the new fortress, pass through the main rooms and talk to your colleagues. Some parts of the Skyhold fortress will be blocked, but you can visit them after you arrive here the second time.

So, talk to Josephine and Warrik, after which they open you two main tasks: "Evil eyes and evil hearts" and "lies the abyss." You can perform the tasks completely in any order. But before going to a further journey, we recommend talking to all our allies (you can learn and see a lot of interesting things).

There is a chance there

After you talked with an old Varrik, then get access to new location - Rattle. It is wherever you need to go to meet with the informant. Move along the coast and soon stumble upon the cave - you need here.

After a small conversation, you will now go to another location - the West Limit. Follow just instructions on the marker. How to find yourself at the destination point, then you will be shown a small cat-scene, after which the battle follows with the hordes of the demonsky brand. Because of the small space, it will be convenient for you to use mass spells here. After the battle passes, then go back to Skyhold.

So, then you will postpone from the command of the command will go straight to Orel to continue the task. Before that, we recommend freeing the place in the backpack, because you will be back in your fortress.

The marker on the radar will lead you through the whole field of Brahi. Soon you will have an optional quest - help the Inquisition troops in this battle. You will need to destroy three groups of gray guards who help the demons. If you do this task, you will access the chest with valuable mining.

Soon you will face the huge accumulation of the enemy at the head of which will be a demon of Pride. To begin with, we recommend that you, as always, remove with "under the feet" of small opponents, after which itching all your strength on the boss. Heroes who are more vulnerable should be away from the radius of the defeat of the electric attack of the demon. Soon your battle will be complicated by a huge dragon, which from time to time will throw their most powerful spells on your party. You need to focus allies on this battlefield so that you can minimize the incoming damage to you.

After the end of the battle with the monster, run more likely. Dragon continue to attack your magic, so it's not worth linger in one place. When another cat scene occurs, you will find yourself on the territory of the new location.

The marker will not allow you to get lost. We advise you to closely follow your radar, as its activation will mean that somewhere in this place are subjects that are necessary to fulfill the task of the "fears of the dreams". In the northern part of the first territory, try to find the skeleton of one person. You will need to go to the search mode. In general, the remaining four of these items will be already in another location. Task you can only fulfill at the very end of this main quest.

In order to restore your memories, you must destroy the demons and click on the action button near their bodies. To move on this location, such a thing will have to be done every time. This part of the task as a whole will be linear. Move forward and soon stumble upon the boss - nightmare!

So, get ready for a very intense battle. A nightmare has powerful attacks and plenty of health. From time to time, he will call for spiders as a reinforcement, which will have to be destroyed immediately, since if this is not done, then you will be crushed by the number. The tank will have to keep all the attention of the boss until you kill all his minions. As soon as you appear the first respite from small opponents, start using your most powerful attacks on the nightmare. When the boss will have 25% of health, then he will appear to the aid strong demons, here you have to sweat. Try not to put under the blow of your weak warriors. After you get victory, then boldly return back to Skyhold.

Evil eyes and evil languages

In this task, it will be especially important for you to have the right part of the party and the choice of the right words in the dialogues. We recommend bringing one mage with you, which will have the skill of the Barrier. And all due to the fact that therapeutic banks will simply be in short supply. When talking with a local one, try to talk not rude and not too sharp. We recommend that I constantly flatter them and agree with everything. And yet, before starting the task, save the game separately.

The essence of this task is that you will have to turn into a sort of "bright lion". You must have a good behavior, you must be extremely polite, and any minor services will raise the rating of your inquisition. Long doubt or delayed something will reduce the rating. When he goes down to zero, then you will twist from this ball and the task will be failed. Thus, you will need to not miss the opportunity to raise your rating, since it depends on this.

In this location you will do something, so you will not have to do the main task. You will be able to collect interesting figurines, which will subsequently open access to chests with prey, look for a variety of compromising to know and so on. At the very beginning, you will meet the lady near the gate, which will tell you that something has lost something, so you can help her. Lost thing is located near the fountain (do not forget to use the search mode). After you return the lost thing, you will be rated.

So, now your marker will indicate you for further way: what to do and with whom you need to talk. How will the official presentation goes, then you will get the opportunity to chat with your allies and carefully study the situation at the moment. As you graduate, go further to the lobby and from there go to the guest room. Lay "Hall of Heroes". As you can find, go through it and will soon find yourself on the west side. Follow the corridor and will soon find yourself around the fountain. Here you have to climb the second floor with the help of a grid that is located on the wall.

After you leave the public from the eye, then your rating will begin to fall gradually, so it will have to work further extremely quickly. The marker will celebrate the territory that you need to carefully examine. As you finish with the search, go to the library on the stairs and then go back to the search mode. How to find the necessary evidence, then go back to the score. And you should not miss the opportunity to increase your current rating: go to the ballroom after the bell hit the second time (it is always late).

Soon you will get the key from the room of the servants. There you can get, if you walk along the lower floor of the Heroes Hall. At the entrance to you will be joined by your neighborhoods (do not forget to change their front clothes on combat). For this jogging, you need to have at least ten rating points, as it takes off the ball over each minute. Follow the bloody tracks that are littered with corpses. In the end, you will hug on the killers. After the shake and cat-scene goes, then go back to the ball.

Soon the duchess invites you to the dance. You need to be as polite as possible. With it, we advise you to always choose the correct options for answers. After conversation with this lady, you will have the last chance to pass the entire collected compromising Leliana.

Already soon you will find yourself near the next break, which opened in the courtyard of the castle. First you will have to kill people, and after them - demons. The second wave of enemies will be much more powerful first, so get ready for a hard battle. As the battle passes, they will go into the move of the cat scene and in the end, you will have to take a very important decision, after which you will go on a fight with a new boss - Duchess (from which you once danced).

In battle with this lady you need to first deal with minions. At the first opportunity, your magicians must impose on your colleagues shields. Duchess will teleport throughout - you need not to miss it from the view. When the health of the boss is reduced to 50%, then it encourages new minions with which you need not to pull and immediately fill them. Otherwise, your battle will be without special unpleasant surprises.

Fruits pride

You will go to the task you can by the usual method - the command of the command. At the beginning of the task you just need to move on the installed markers and defend against the attackers of enemies. In the end, you will be near the temple.

How to get to the locked doors, then immediately get a task to hold one ritual. You can make it in the statues that are located in the lower level of the hall. You need to press on the plates in such a manner so that in the end they all lit. And note that you cannot press for already active plates in any case. With the first puzzle you should not have any problems, as it is very simple. How to open the cherished doors, go inside the temple.

After the video is held, you will have to make your next choice: it will immediately go to your opponents or abide by the traditions of the elves, thereby passing four sacred ritual. If you choose the first option, then you will need to fight not only with the minions of the main villain, but also with the guards of this temple. If you have chosen the second option, then you need to solve four not too complex puzzles with tiles. If you follow the ritual and passed all four puzzles, then get support from the elves and get the opportunity to fight the boss of this area.

After you make your choice, then the marks will appear on your map. If you have completed rituals, then you will get the opportunity to unite with the guards of the temple against the invaders. In this case, you will also be given a conductor, who will spend before the boss in this location. If you decide not to observe the traditions of elves, then prepare for what you need to fight the temples and the same elves. Further path through the labyrinth you will have to overcome alone. In the labyrinth, closely follow the radar and use the search mode.

In the end, you will meet the boss. The boss will depend on what direction you took in the past: if the temples, then as the boss will be a Calpery, and if Mages, then the Samson boss.

Samson will attack you in the near battle. As assistants, it will help you to attack minions, from which you will need to get rid of first. When the enemy begins spinning, then assigned to its oppoices rather. You will need to dispel your neighborhoods on the battlefield so that Samson's attacks could not hurt all heroes. In addition, use here the tactical pause, since your allies may not quite well choose the next goal.

As for the battle with Calpery, it will place their fiery runes on the floor, from which it will be necessary to constantly take their associates. Constantly teleported and immune to stunning, fear and even paralysis. In addition to all this, she has a huge protection against fire. Attack it is best cold or zipper.

Last Akt.

Very short task. So, go to the altar through the command bid. If in the past you somehow allowed the companion only to drink a little from the well of sadness, then you only have to talk. Otherwise, the battle with a dragon awaits you.

If your tank is distracting the attention of the monsters on yourself, then let the rest of your heroes climb under the attacks of the paw and the tail of the dragon. If you do this, the battle will pass without any difficulty. We recommend that you do not use fiery attacks, as the dragon too much damage will not apply them. But as for the cold attacks, they are very effective. When you drop the dragon's health to half, then the new cat scene will begin.

Wake up perfection

Well, it's time for the final battle. We recommend that you make a purely separate saving before starting the final task. Additional quests You can finish and after the end of the storyline, but not everyone will be available, so consider it. This is your last chance to explore the entirely universe game.

On the epic battle with the Crimean, we recommend to take at least one magician, better of course two and that they possess the skills of the barrier. The boss will cause you a lot of damage and it has immunity to negative effects. In addition, he has a huge supply of health and that is why the battle will be very long and exhausted. In the first part of the battle, he will call on the help of demons, move around the territory and attacking highly powerful spells. In order for your party to withstand this fight, you need to use the skills of the "barrier" and used health banks.

After a certain period of time, the Korife will turn to a new territory and you will need to move behind it. On the way, do not forget to fill your reserves of therapeutic potions. The second part of the battle is practically nothing different from the first. Only the situation will change and that's it.

When the boss remains 50%, then a large luristic dragon will arrive at shift. You also need to send a warrior with a shield to distract its attention, meanwhile far-fighting characters should be attacked from afar. Concentrate the whole damage better on his huge legs - it will slow it. Do not forget about the protection of your characters: Strain the barriers on them and use the treated banks. Your group should focus on this arena, so that the attacking breath of the dragon was not deadly for you. And most importantly, use the tactical pause.

How to destroy the dragon, then switch again to the cinder. At the last stage of the battle, he will start teleport much more often than last time. In addition, it will begin to apply powerful spells that will damage the entire group. Use the barriers and healing potions again.

Well, after you pour the crucible, then the passage of the storyline will be completed, so the game is passed. We give you our last Council: Do not miss the scene that will be after the titles. That's all, leave your comments slightly below.