Ensk World of Tanks. Map Ansk - Tactics in the game World of Tanks. On the map there are three main control points - this is the territory of the city, the railway, and the steppe

Team website He again welcomes you, dear readers. Today we have prepared for you hyde on the map Ensk World of Tanks games and ready to train some aspects of the game on this map. Ensk is oldest Card.Added to the game still at the stage of the closed beta test. Wherein map WOT. Ensk turned out so successful that in his entire history did not undergo any major changes (in patch 0.7.4. Anx was added another regime of random battles - the oncoming combat mode).

General information.

The Map Ensh Wot is so simple and not intricate, and at the same time surprisingly successful, balanced, beautiful and interesting, which is ideal for the famous statement - "all ingenious just". There are several nuances here, which you need to know, but in general, Enks is one of best cards Our game.

Picture 1. Minikarta standard Foy.

Wot Enks map is a summer type map (uses summer camouflage on tanks), balancing for battles 4 - 11 levels of battles. The size of the same card is extremely small, not standard for the game World of Tanks, only 600 * 600 meters and almost the entire territory of the map is an urban building or dormantly railway tracks, which positively affects active gameplay (here is the paradise conditions for the so-called, cheerful conditions Tank Rubilova). Enks are a card with a flat relief, there is no hills, low-rise or mountains.

Picture 2. Minikard counter fight.

On Enk there are two random fighting modes - standard and counter. They differ very much among themselves. The main difference is the location of the respaunov (not the bases, but the places of the appearance of tanks on the map), but we will tell you a little less about it.

Key elements of the ENSC card.

Picture 3. Legend.

As you can see in the picture 3, on Enk very few components, it's just three huge elements. Perhaps because of this simplicity, the map and is popular with players world Of Tanks. Let's talk about these elements in more detail.

  1. City. The most part of the Map Ensk is occupied by the town, which is the main place of the encounters (for standard combat). There are a lot of shelters and travel, the opportunities to hide, prove opponents with their superiority in booking and using them to use. Artillery here, as well as on the whole map, practically does not play any role. The opposing team forces in the city are found in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Central Street, separating the city into two parts. It also solves the outcome of the battle in the standard battle mode.
  2. Railway. Elongated and narrow part in the middle of the card, it is very similar to railway station. There is extremely few space for the accumulation of tanks, but Ideally for one or two and throw this part of the map in no case. "Iron" does not perform the main, but somewhat very important roles:
    • First, it is the shortest path between two teams. In the standard battle mode between the wagons, you can successfully shoot down the capture of the base, as the card is small and smooth.
    • Secondly, railway It is securely separated from the "Zelenk" by several rows of train compositions, but at the same time there are several straps along the central street of the city, where the battle occurs.
    • Thirdly, this is a great place for the initial reference. So, for example, from here, you can already at the very beginning of the battle, to move the unlucky artilleryman.
    • Fourth, the competent and skillful platoon of strong tanks can be quickly and unexpectedly for enemies and go to the rear. By the way, such tactics often successfully used players command Boywhich at the moment on this map is no longer.
  3. "Zelenka". The extreme right part of the card, not similar to any other "green skills", as even here is a lot of urban buildings. However, there is a slightly uneven, hilly, plots with thick vegetation. In general, quick and maneuverable clashes are possible here, ideally suitable for medium tanks. This part of the map can be perfectly used for the next task: fast RASH according to "Zelenka", followed by an entry into the rear of opponents in the city or on the piece of iron. In the oncoming battle mode on the Engine map, "Zelenka" performs the main role where the most massive clashes occur.

And now let's talk about how to play on the ENSK card in standard and counter battles.

In fact, both modes on this map differ dramatically on the gameplay. This is due to the location of respaunov (places of tanks on the map).

Actually, this is a tactic on the map Ensh Wot.

In custody.

Enks are a wonderful, simple and balanced card in our game, the favorite of many skill players. It will definitely like it and you, because it is very easy to understand this card and addictive to it will not take much time. The main thing to look at the minicor. Excellent card for heavy tanks first.

Good luck in battles, dear tankers and tankers. See you soon.

Team website He again welcomes you, dear readers. Today we have prepared for you hyde on the map Ensk World of Tanks games and ready to train some aspects of the game on this map. Enks is an oldest card added to the game still at the stage of the closed beta test. At the same time, the WOT Map of Ensk turned out so successful that in his entire history did not undergo any major changes (in patch 0.7.4. Anx was added another regime of random fighting - the oncoming combat mode).

General information.

The Map Ensh Wot is so simple and not intricate, and at the same time surprisingly successful, balanced, beautiful and interesting, which is ideal for the famous statement - "all ingenious just". There are several nuances that need to know, but in general, Enks is one of the best cards of our game.

Picture 1. Minikard standard battle.

Wot Enks map is a summer type map (uses summer camouflage on tanks), balancing for battles 4 - 11 levels of battles. The size of the same card is extremely small, not standard for the game World of Tanks, only 600 * 600 meters and almost the entire territory of the map is an urban building or dormantly railway tracks, which positively affects active gameplay (here is the paradise conditions for the so-called, cheerful conditions Tank Rubilova). Enks are a card with a flat relief, there is no hills, low-rise or mountains.

Picture 2. Minikard counter fight.

On Enk there are two random fighting modes - standard and counter. They differ very much among themselves. The main difference is the location of the respaunov (not the bases, but the places of the appearance of tanks on the map), but we will tell you a little less about it.

Key elements of the ENSC card.

Picture 3. Legend.

As you can see in the picture 3, on Enk very few components, it's just three huge elements. Perhaps because of this simplicity, the map and is popular with World of Tanks players. Let's talk about these elements in more detail.

  1. City. The most part of the Map Ensk is occupied by the town, which is the main place of the encounters (for standard combat). There are a lot of shelters and travel, the opportunities to hide, prove opponents with their superiority in booking and using them to use. Artillery here, as well as on the whole map, practically does not play any role. The opposing team forces in the city are found in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Central Street, separating the city into two parts. It also solves the outcome of the battle in the standard battle mode.
  2. Railway. The elongated and narrow part in the middle of the card, it is very similar to the railway station. There is extremely few space for the accumulation of tanks, but Ideally for one or two and throw this part of the map in no case. "Iron" does not perform the main, but somewhat very important roles:
    • First, it is the shortest path between two teams. In the standard battle mode between the wagons, you can successfully shoot down the capture of the base, as the card is small and smooth.
    • Secondly, the railway is reliably separated from the "zeam" by several rows of train compositions, but at the same time there are several sharp strokes on the central street of the city, where the battle occurs.
    • Thirdly, this is a great place for the initial reference. So, for example, from here, you can already at the very beginning of the battle, to move the unlucky artilleryman.
    • Fourth, the competent and skillful platoon of strong tanks can be quickly and unexpectedly for enemies and go to the rear. By the way, such tactics often successfully used players in the command combat mode, which is currently no on this card.
  3. "Zelenka". The extreme right part of the card, not similar to any other "green skills", as even here is a lot of urban buildings. However, there is a slightly uneven, hilly, plots with thick vegetation. In general, quick and maneuverable clashes are possible here, ideally suitable for medium tanks. This part of the map can be perfectly used for the next task: fast RASH according to "Zelenka", followed by an entry into the rear of opponents in the city or on the piece of iron. In the oncoming battle mode on the Engine map, "Zelenka" performs the main role where the most massive clashes occur.

And now let's talk about how to play on the ENSK card in standard and counter battles.

In fact, both modes on this map differ dramatically on the gameplay. This is due to the location of respaunov (places of tanks on the map).

Actually, this is a tactic on the map Ensh Wot.

In custody.

Enks are a wonderful, simple and balanced card in our game, the favorite of many skill players. It will definitely like it and you, because it is very easy to understand this card and addictive to it will not take much time. The main thing to look at the minicor. Excellent card for heavy tanks first.

Good luck in battles, dear tankers and tankers. See you soon.

Ensk - a typical urban map in World of Tanks. Extremely tight building makes the game on SAU very uncomfortable. The map is conditionally divided into two halves. The left part of the map is a city, an area and extreme street on the 1st line. This is a favorite place of skirmishes TT and armored tanks. The right side of the map is warehouses and "green". Fast TT and Art, and the fare on the field located on the right end of the card are often guided here. light tanks For breakthroughs to SAU. And so let's start the guide on the map.

On the map, 3 main directions are highlighted:

- "Zelenk" and warehouses;

Consider the battle tactics on the Engine map in World of Tanks. Where it is worth going, and wherever there is no, where the best places for safe shots on enemies.


This is your favorite TT place and other armored vehicles. The dense development of this area is allowed "thick-robble" without any problems to implement its superiority in armor and reliably hides from the "suitcases" by enemy art.

Also, this direction is one of the key - the team, which was able to take possession of the city part of the map without special losses, receives a tangible superiority over opponents, distributed in other areas.

"Zelenk" and warehouses

Permanent place of shootout Art and fast TT. The development of this area is noticeable less often than in the city, which has a fast shooting and development of a dynamic combat.

The field located to the right of the warehouses does not rarely use light and medium tanks for a breakthrough to enemy artillery.

On the degree of success of the actions of the Allies, the outcome of the battle is largely dependent on this direction. If a group of two or three medium tanks, the removal to break through "Zelenkaya", enemy hollows in the city will not have sweet - they will simply be lit in vice.

If, for example, the enemy TT almost completely broke through the city, the group of Art, which made the green, can lightly destroy enemy artillery and grab the base - the slow tt simply will not have time to return from the city.

This direction is the best bridgehead for entering the flank or rear of the enemy. At the beginning of the battle, you can highlight an enemy respaun and approximately calculate the number of enemy forces settled in the city or to "Zelenk". During the battle, the use of this direction has many variations:

it is possible to shoot a passionate shootout in the city with a pyron;

you can get around the enemies of repeating in the "Zelenkaya" and warehouses, thereby having invaluable assistance to their allies in this direction;

if you play a platoon of two or three rapid tanks, it is possible to break through the railway and go to the rear of the enemy tanks, shooting in the city.

A little about the "counter fight"

Many players still "invent a bike", falling into an oncoming battle on Enks. In fact, do this not at all. The oncoming battle on Enc is actually no different from the standard. The only difference in these two modes is the fact that in the counter battle you are unlikely to be able to win the seizure. The dynamics of battle, tactics, the significance and functions of the main directions do not change.

Let's summarize

Ensk - classic and one of the best urban cards in game world Of Tanks. At the same time, in battles on the "Incas", almost all tanks (with the exception of SAU) feel quite comfortable. The key to Victory on Enks is a thorough monitoring of mini cards and situations on it. Try to never allow a strong advantage in the number of union tanks in one direction in relation to the other and at the same time impact react to the actions of opponents with counter, flanking and rear blows.

On this guide along the city map Enks approached the end.

Maps "Ensk".

Ensk - a typical card for the game, combining the features of the urban battle in one of its part with the fields in another. On the map, 2 main directions can be distinguished: the city and the so-called "Zelenka" is a wooded plain on the opposite city by half of the card. These areas can still be found in the railway and railway tracks, however, they will rather be relevant to combat actions on "Zelenka". Consider the main positions of the direction, their predetermined for the implementation of the advantages of this or that type of technology, from which we will lay down the overall picture of the battle on Enk.


The urban part of the map consists of 3 yards, two of which, located nearby each to their base, are pretty easily engaged in tanks. The main place of the battle is the third, central courtyard. It is here that the opposing parties are first trying to take advantageous positions and expect an enemy mistakes.

Moreover, as practice shows, inside the central courtyard almost in all cases it is possible to quickly settle down a green team. Open spaces in the center of the courtyard is an excellent opportunity to get a "suitcase" from the enemy artillery, folded there with the vigorous ambitions on this fight and, writing their colorful conclusion about this, with God to go to the hangar. If you suddenly do not want to finish a barely started battle in this way, then you are better located closer to the houses located between the green position 2 and the red position 5. A similar position in the courtyards for the green is position 3. With the only difference that when allies Cretins unsuccessful circumstances they have a chance to be covered aboard each for their part: 2 - on the right side, 3 - in the left. You can impede this by enhancing support for positions 1 and 4. The first position is capable of covering most of the narrow street, picking up the enemies with all the hunt for a cunning maneuver to surround green in the courtyard and shoot from all sides at the same time. In view of the good shelter in the form of a wall with a knocked out of the middle part for fire, as well as the narrow-controllence of this fire and the rear positions, position 1 is most suitable for PT. Players at the fourth position have a more pronounced attacking potential - they not only insure the allied tanks in the yard, but also are able to shye the actions of enemies with their lunges due to the corner.

The tasks of red positions 3 and 4 are similar to green 2 and 3: conducting a viscous positional struggle in the city. With the only difference that advanced here is still a red position 5. However, its benefit in one battle can turn in a stupid in the other. For example, tanks on position 5 are able to lure the green from the courtyard under the blow from the standpoint 3 and 4. It will make the advant at the beginning of the battle. However, then, when the green will understand the whole scenario of the red and will not stick out, then the red ones 5 will only interfere, rolling between the hammer and anvil (between the opposing positions of the red 3, 4 and green 2,3). Here, two developments for them are to try to attack the forehead in the forehead of the Green position (however, not so much so that attacking the position 2, get into board from position 3 and vice versa). In this case, positions 3 and 4 red must support the attack. The most rational distribution of duties is the one-nameman, during which the tanks from position 3 will burst into the courtyard of the green forehead in the forehead on the position of 2 green, and the tanks from the position of 4 red attack the position 3 of the green in the courtyards so that green with 3, being distracted by the fight against red from the position 4, could not help green on position 2. In the meantime, the position of 5 red remains to insure the allied tanks, so that they were not surrounded with the green position 4.

Slightly, the fight in the city comes down to the 3rd main outcomes: the one who can draw up a numerical superiority on the flanks and bypass the courtyards where the main forces of the enemy are focused - he has more chances to win the city. However, lightningness and determination are required here, as well as a clear understanding of their task by each tank. Since slowing down on the side, where the span of Karalyat PT can do fatal. The main mistake here is that the tanks begin the fight from PT. This can not be done here, since PT has a few deliberate advantages: first, they are in shelter, where they are visible only to the ears with ears; Secondly, they have the best guns at the level and are at a decent distance from you - that is, you will not be able to impose a near maneuverable fight. In other words, you can just kill them. Therefore, if you decide to bypass the green from the flank, where the zone is a PT cover, then act quickly to come directly to a collision with enemies in the courtyard in the very whole state. This will dispersed green on 2 and will allow your allies with 3 to complete the surroundings. Similar to actions and green when attacking red positions. Only on the contrary.

The last line of defense in the city on the way to the bases is PT positions. Therefore, moving only in the yards.


Plain with forest plantings on both edges is a place of work LT, PT and tank-sniper. A couple of long sheds, as well as the folds of the area in the center of the Plain - the long-awaited shelter, for light, added in the last patch. The main differences of the pt-sink position is that on the part of the green base, most of them make up non-capital buildings, and from the side of red it is a forest.

After a successful light, the light may also be hidden from warehouses located closer to railway. However, on ENSK of the plain basically, the Art - their maneuverability allows them to light up and protect themselves if necessary. Some of them often immediately occupy positions in warehouses railway, providing the discovery of enemies to those who have the main purpose. In case of success in battle in the area of \u200b\u200bthe warehouses, the team opens an almost clean path to the database of the enemy, since PTs are small here, and the artillery of the rigid, braid and is recharged for a long time. Often it is a breakthrough according to the "Zelenka" is a hoping for a twin victory. Based on this, frequent tactics of the command on Enk is the departure of several top TT to the city, to hold the enemy there, until the bulk of tanks break through the "green". In a breakthrough, part enemy tanks The city will definitely go to the database, and the rest will not immediately be able to navigate the situation and pass the city.

Actually w / d - this is the shortest path between the bases. However, the most dangerous due to the inability to hide in a narrow span between the wagons. This expensive used to use LT when they were in their task to light up as many enemies on their base and, with a sense of accomplishment, to safely merge. Now, when the fireflies understand how much of them depends even in high-level battles (of course, with fierce support of stronger tanks), LTs try to use the shelters and knowledge of each street on the map, can be able to remain under fire The enemy is not all the time and shine only when you need.


ECKS is a classic map of the "Peace of Tanks", which encloses the characteristics of the "" swing "of the urban battle with the secrets of the ambassading field. In the city, the departure of success is to be around with the yard flanks, where the enemy is located. However, the flanks are carefully guarded by those in both teams. Therefore, only cold-blooded and decisive actions lead to the desired result here. Success on "Zelenka" depends on the quality of lighting, the work of PT on it is also the result of the battle in warehouse warehouses. Due to the longer battle in the city, team tactics is often a quick mass breakthrough in "Zelenka", while several allied TT hold the city, giving their time to breakthrough.

Enks - is a fictional town from the novel of Soviet fiction, initially wore the name of the city of N, and in the game World of Tanks received its virtual reincarnation. Old-timers know that the Map of Ensk World of Tanks is one of the very first since the release of the game, it is located near the railway. Many players loved her for good dynamics in battles. Tactics here can be developed from 2 to 11 levels completely without problems. The main thing is to properly coordinate actions and can be proceeding with hot battles.

On the map there are three main control points - this is the territory of the city, the railway, and the steppe

Near the railway and steppe most often as intelligence work light and medium tanks, they are ideally suited as lightways. But in the city there is already a basic kneading chasing and PT, but sometimes the moments are coming that several heavyweights may be needed at the steppe as a cover. In the city, the enemy base is too close, so you will not capture her for any problems.

There are often cases when enemy cars are captured for several minutes

To the base of the enemy, it is best to go through the railway, there you can meet with enemies, it is better not to approach the platform, as it is easy to get a bullet in the forehead. Attacks from two reps are almost the same, each machine must move in its direction. Stucm the best place On Zelenk, if they did not have time to cover you, then a great chance to lose battle. Enemy art can easily break through the position of the art.

Here is the main reason why the slices need to keep defense for artillery so that she could take his position, and then help to fight heavy tanks in the town. For art, it is best to distribute the position D, E, F along line 1, 2. There they will feel safe, and you can easily break through to someone else's base.

In the second rep, defensive positions are the same, and they need to defend them at any cost. If the defense breaks down, then you draw to lose. It is more convenient to be painted among the houses at the railway. Many consider it almost the only place where you can keep defense and escape from artillery. As in the first case, the main battles occur in the city, so you can go to the attack from three positions, so you can clean the flank of your allies and convene enemies to yourself.

Undoubtedly, the Map of Enc World of Tanks is suitable for anti-tank technology. For authenticity it is best to use Soviet T95. This car with excellent armor, it is almost unnecessary, and for the art of invisible, but you can be very bad on it from some long-distance. We wish you successful fights on this map!