System 31 numbers 77 combinations. Rules game in lotto with barrels. Russian Lotto - University Summer game

Russian lotto. - one of the most fascinating gamesin which 2 people can take part. Adults and children are playing with pleasure simple rules allow you to attract even kids to this entertainment. Lotto is ideal for a family evening, since it gives all players a lot of positive emotions.

The word "lotto" happened, apparently, from French ("Loto") or Italian origin ("Lotto"). It combines gambling Using special cards, with numbers deposited on them (usually rows and columns).

Rules of the game in the Russian Lotto are simple and understandable. You can play a lotto at home or any other place, the main thing that would be a suitable "company".

There are several varieties of the rules of the game "Russian Lotto":

Before starting the game, the participants agree, which game "Russian Lotto" will play.

1. Simple lotto - The one who first will close all the numbers on one of his card wins. He takes the bank. Usually, when playing in a simple lotto, each player receives three cards.

2. Short lotto. - One who first brings all the numbers in any one line. Usually, when playing a short lotto, each player receives one card.

When filling out one of the players of any top line, the rest double their bets into the bank;

When filled with one of the players of any middle line, he takes half a bank;

When filling out one of the players of any lower line, he is recognized as the winner and takes the entire bank.

In the game three to three it is possible to create unequal conditions between the players who made an unequal contribution to the bank. Any player can double or even triple your fee and get one, and two or three cards, accordingly, two or three cards. This is possible because it is believed that "playing a card" and each card has equal rights and responsibilities, regardless of how many cards have a player.

At the beginning of the game, the lead is chosen, it can get cards and participate in the game on a par with others, and may not receive, this is determined by the agreement between the players.

The leading blindness pulls out of a bag one barrel, after which it announces its number. For announcement of numbers in Lotto, there are special terminology:

The composition of the game "Russian Lotto"

Wooden kegs 90 pieces, with numbers on the ends from 1 to 90;

Game cardboard cards 24 pieces, on each card there are three rows of cells, in each row in any order there are five digits from 1 to 90;

Plastic or cardboard chips (markers) for closing cells with numbers;

An opaque bag for storing wooden barrels.

Rules of the game in the simple "Russian Lotto"

Each player receives three game cards and has in front of it in a convenient order. The number of players is limited by the number of cards. A presenter is assigned - a player who pulls out the baggage barrels and announces the numbers.

The players who fell the number or number, close their chips (markers). If a player closes one of the rows on his cards, he must warn about this other participants in the word "apartment", after that the presenter pulls out of a bag of no more than one barrel.

The player wins the first to close all the numbers on one of the cards.

Rules of the game in a short "Russian Lotto"

Each player receives one gaming card. The number of players is limited by the number of cards. A presenter is assigned - a player who pulls out the baggage barrels and announces the numbers.

The players who fell the number or number, close their chips (markers). If the player closes four out of five numbers in any line, he must warn about this other participants in the word "apartment", after that the presenter pulls out of a bag of no more than one barrel.

Wins the player who first will close all the numbers of any string.

Semen Semench! Drumsticks! For the first time! Swan geese! - Everyone who was born in the Union, probably remembers these tagged cries. This is the names of the kegs and the real jargon of the lotto players. Ponstollying by classic?

About source

IN Russian Empire Lotto came in the 18th century, the rescue from Europe is almost two centuries. It was in the European Italian that the word Lotto was used for the first time, which is translated as "lottery", "participation in the lottery", "pull a winning ticket", "he was lucky." Appearing from us, the tank immediately carried away the range of nobility, subsequently spreading among other segments of the population.

In 1926, Poet Igor Northgen in the sonnet of the same name wrote: "Foxtrot, cinema and lotto - here, here's where the person rushes a flock!" Lotto was in fact very fashionable leisure among the whole society, despite the floor, age, status and education. "Russians" began to call him because of wooden barrels, which appeared for the first time in Russia.

Wooden kegs in the game Lotto first appeared in Russia

A truly cult lotto has become during the existence of the USSR, when whole families, friends and neighbors gathered at one table. Miscellaneous on Kon was set: from interest and sweets, to buttons and kopecks. Played often I. big company: Lotto firmly took a central place on the shelves with popular desktop games of that time.

At the peak of popularity, in 1994, the game appeared on television screens in the format of the television lottery "Russian Lotto".

According to the rules of Lotto

Lotto is: 24 cards, on the cellular field of each of which 15 random numbers (5 in the row) are written; 90 plastic or wooden barrels with numbers on the ends; And the bag from which the "screaming" "luminous" retrieves the cherished numbers.

Playing a lotto can from two to thirty people depending on the number of cards. Barrels are referred to a bag of which the lead, he can also be a player, takes one and loudly calls the number on it. If players have a named number, they close it. According to the rules of the "Short Lotto" wins the one who first closes all the numbers in one of the horizontal series of their cards. The winner of the "simple lotto" is the one who closed all the numbers on the same map.

According to the rules of "Russian Lotto"

In some essays, the Russian Lotto participates more than a million tickets, and each of them is unique.

Play in the lottery in three rounds:

  • 1st round

We win tickets in which all five numbers of any horizontal string before others coincide with the barrel numbers pulled out of the bag. "Stop, game!" - They say the leading "Russian Lotto" when a winner appears in the tour.

You must coincide with all five numbers of any horizontal string.
  • 2nd round

We win tickets in which all 15 numbers in one of the cards before others coincide with the barrel numbers pulled out of the bag. If in your ticket 15 numbers closed in one of the fields from the first 15 moves, you won the jackpot!

  • 3rd and subsequent tours

We win tickets in which thirty numbers earlier than others coincide with the number of barrels pulled out of the bag. The winners of the Russian Lotto are added almost with each barrel. The ability to win is saved to the last round!

On jargon

Special Shikom during the game in the lotto is considered to use Zhargon, which seems to separate the experienced participants from newbies. Surely it is unknown who and when an unusual associative row came up, but the fact remains a fact - over time, the jargon of players in the lotto got great popularity and spread across the country.

The meaning of the use of Zhargon is to give the game color, mischief and dynamism. Jargon so firmly went into use, which is relevant to this day. So, Mikhail Borisov, the permanent leading program of the Russian Lotto program, is not at all jargonis, adding raisins and fun Sunday ester. And more than one! The legendary good luck donor himself gives some kegs its own names. We propose to remember them.

Board number Name
1 Count Peter I.
2 Again two?, Served two comrades
3 Three, 3rd millennium, together with Russian Lotto
4 All four wheels
5 Excellent
6 Point at the bottom Button at the bottom
7 Kochrome
8 Wedding rings
9 Point at the bottom Button at the bottom, Aivazovsky - 9 shaft
10 Bulls-eye, Skull, Fedor Cherenkov, Chervonets
11 Drumsticks
12 Shakespeare, 12th night, Dozen
13 Baker's dozen, Vakhtangang
14 Olympiad in Sochi.
15 Captain at fifteen
16 Circle sixteen
17 Where are my seventeen years
18 For the first time
20 Goose on a plate, swan lake
21 Point, blackjack
22 Ducklings
23 Two tribe, three oxo
25 Again twenty five
30 No mind
33 Kudri.
36 Normal temperature
38 38 Parrots, Petrovka, 38
43 Stalingrad
44 Chairs; Lived in the apartment 44 cheerful readings
45 Baba berry again, Victory Day
47 Baba berry at all, silver (in the Mendeleev table)
48 Pele
50 Alternate
51 Gorgeous Five and Goalkeeper
53 Cold summer 53rd
55 Gloves ( Instead of the boots gloves, pulled himself on his heels)
56 Thaw
61 Gagarin
63 Valentina Tereshkova
64 Chess board (the number of cells on the chessboard)
66 Felt boots
69 There and here
77 Toporists
79 Gold (in the Mendeleev table)
80 Grandmother, Olympiad in Moscow
81 Grandma with a key
82 Grandmother told grandmother
88 Matryushki, ants
89 Grandfather Neighbor
90 Grandpa

* Bold fonts highlighted plants used in traditional desktop game. Italic - plants invented by Mikhail Borisov.

Today, none of the civilized countries have no person who has no idea about the lotto. And of course, each of us is capable even asked to say what kind of barrel with a number 90. The historic homeland game is Europe. The Russian name "Lotto" occurred from France - "Loto" and from Italy - "Lotto". In the countries where the ball is the English-language population, the lotto is called "Bingo", which means "victory", "there is", in the CIS countries it is called, acquired during the reign in Russia, the kings - "Russian Lotto".

Russian Lotto - University Summer game

The most widespread in Russia Lotto received in Soviet times. It's time when everything from Mala was known to know what kind of barrel with a number 90.

Soviet families preferred to hold their leisure, devoting his game in Lotto. It is worth only to remember how in the 90s successful alternative to the TV in many families was a game in the lotto, which was devoted entire evenings. The ability to involve in the overall leisure of all family members regardless of age and the level of erudition - this is what was the main cause of the demand of the game.

What is a wonderful game?

Today, a lotto game is not just an interesting, fascinating pastime, but also a chance to win a valuable prize. Many of us cherish the hope of winning the desired, but practically unattainable separate accommodation or vehicle in the lottery. Several years ago with the beginning of the action of such mass lotteries as the "Superloto" and "Your Lotto", the Russian Lotto got a chance to new life, and every Russian-speaking viewer, even from those who did not know this earlier, remembered what kind of barrel with number 90 and its 89 friends.

Names of barrels. Sources

The names of the barrels in Russian Lotto reflect all the wealth of the centuries-old Russian fantasy. Here is some of them:

  • "Grandpa" (90), "Grandma" (80);
  • "Pretzelki" (88);
  • "Ax" (7), "Toporists" (77);
  • "Tu-here" (69);
  • "Polts" (50);
  • "Half ask" (48);
  • "Curly" (33);
  • "EM one" (41);
  • "Swan" (2), "Gus-Swans" (22);
  • "Point" (21);
  • "Drum sticks" (11);
  • "On Troy" (3);
  • "PAL" (1).

Each above name of the barrels in the lotto has a specific logical explanation. For example, "Grandfather" (90) - the most "old" among the barrels, and his name fully reflects this, "Swan" (2) - the number "two" is similar to Swan with his long neck, "Gee-Swans" (22) What is the goose and swan (the goose is also a long deposited neck); "Ax" (7) - a graphic image of the number "Seven" is like a hatch, "Topor" (77) - two seven, i.e. two hatchets and so on.

Lotto game is not only excitement and adrenaline, but also a kind of exam for attentiveness. It is worth distracting and skipping only one named number, as the winnings can literally "sax" from the hands.

Rules of the game

Intrigue is saved from the first at the last moment gameplay. You can win as one person and at the same time several participating.

The number of players is not limited and tends to infinity. One of the players is leading. This is usually a person who exactly remembering the original names of the barrels in Russian Lotto. The presenter can also take part in the game as a full player with game cards. The master is solemnly handed a bag with barrels with a par from one to the ninety. The mandatory point of preparation for the game is the process of playing in the memory of the players, what kind of barrel with number 90 and its counterparts. Before starting the game, the kegs in the bag are thoroughly mixed.

Each player receives (according to old customs) from one to three cards. The cards caused three rows of numbers. In each row, 9 cells, of which 5 are busy with them, and they have to play.

Order of the game

Leading Does not looking out of a bag of one barrel, calls it out loud and postponed, players check at this time, whether there is such a number in their cards, if there is setting it.

It should be remembered that the same number can be repeated in several available cards, and you need to delete it in all.

Traditionally, the winner is the player who stressed all the numbers in one of his cards. But there are other options for the game, as mentioned above, when the winning can be several. With the option of the game "Short Lotto", the one who stressed all the numbers of one of the lines of any cards existing on the hands of the wishes is considered. If the game goes in the "three three" mode, the winner will be the one who first will close the lower line of any of the available cards. When you close one of the top string players, everything except closed, double their bets. When you close the middle line, the player takes a third of the placed on the con.