Skyrim Special Edition Maximum character level. Skyrim maximum character level. Easy, Heavy Armor, Blocks

Greetings Gameslog readers!

Let's talk today from such a part of the game as skills and their pumping. In total, the game is 18 skills, each of which can be seen by special actions. Sometimes the players do not know how to get enough experience to pump the right branch. Let's deal with this issue more.

Methods pumping

Increase your level in can be in different ways, some of them are "legal" others. Let's start with the standard:

  • Books. The world can find or buy special books, after reading whose character increases a certain skill.
  • Training. Available some types of constellations can after conversations with the NPS, which for a certain fee will teach you the right skills.
  • Act. Pumping almost all skills is based on a monotonous repetition of the same action, in short, on madness. You will have to break 1000 bars, get 100 shots or to post 500 daggers to finally fly the desired branch.

You can also get the desired level by using simpler tracks:

  • Bugs. Some types of bugs and certain features allow you to quickly pump, but also require repetition of certain actions.
  • Cheats. Applut the desired level in just a couple of clicks.
  • Fashion. Alternatively, also can speed up the process of pumping.

Today I will tell you how to pump with certain actions and bugs that are in the game. Download additional content or enter cheats do not have to. If you want to quickly get the level, read on.

One-handed, two-handed weapons and secrecy

Three listed skills can be quickly downloaded from the very beginning of the game. At once, as soon as we managed to dump from the dragon, a bear will attack us. At this moment, your companion is like and will just stand, for which it can be mercilessly beaten and gaining experience. The conductor will not receive damage, so such an action can be repeated until you get the desired level of weapon and imperceptibility.

Easy, Heavy Armor, Blocks

Swing your defense, getting along the face. The fact is that the more you get damage, the faster you apply. The formula is simple, we find a giant or another monster, which can turn out more and get damage.

Important! Carefully pick up the enemy so as not to fall from one plus.


The skill pumps each time you are silent near the NPS, even the Allied. I choose a security guard or another standing unit, come to him from the back and clamp the button of movement forward, resting in what kind of item. Thus, the hero moves, remains unnoticed, the skill is pumped. You can generally hold the button and leave the tea to drink. The main thing is to remember, the more people you do not see, the faster the pumping is going.

Change, restoration

How to pump two magic skills at once? Yes, it is very simple, we take the "equilibium" in one hand, and the recovery spell to another. Equilibium will translate HP to Manu, and Hell on the contrary. Thus, it is possible to pump both directions of JUSA only 2 buttons.

blacksmith craft

Not counting the cheats, I did not find an illegal way, so you will have in the old man. We find the most convenient and simple recipe and repeat the creation of things until you reach the desired level. Quality does not affect pumping, only the quantity.

Breaking into

Here it is necessary to save soooo many bars, it is desirable about 1000. Such a quantity can be bought in the refuge of the thieves guild, but you need to constantly go into the game so that the assortment of the seller is replenished.

We find any chest or door and simply break these lats by holding one button. The character thus gets a little less experience than at a successful autopsy, but this significantly saves the time to find new objects for opening.


As in the case of blacksmith, the best way will be the involvement of any weapon. We are backing the cheapest things, buy the filled stones of the souls in the magicians in Waitran and we enchant as many items as possible.


A similar scheme with confirmation. I am caught in the ingredients in Waitran, we prepare different potions and repeat it in a circle.


Nothing pumps eloquence as a deal with the merchant. Remember, no matter how many items at a time you will sell it, it is important how many times you will do it. The best way will be the creation and sale of objects, such as potions, armor or weapons. Choose the skill that you want to pump and forward to create things, and then by selling the eloquence and earn money.

Pocket star

Pumping up to bump simply. We find vipiras in a tank and study from him the stealing, after which they steal their money and study again. This method allows and quickly and just get the desired skill.


To raise a long-range skill, we need to shoot a lot by goals. Ideally, for this task, I will fit the windmer, who is issued as a reward for the passage of quests in the dark fraternity. This horse has an emergency regeneration and easily absorbs levels from arrows.

Now decide what you want more, to pump the shooting of onion or keep in the integrity of the horse.


We buy "muffling steps" and Yuzay him while mana does not end. Now, replenish the reserve of magic and yes again. Repeat this scheme several times and the skill is significantly pumped.


Choose the cheapest spell from the branch and begin to constantly use it. For this purpose, a shower trap is well suited, on which you can quickly pump witchcraft, without any problems.


Works on the same principle as other skills on spells. We choose the goal eager and as much damage as possible we apply to her skills.

Yes, unfortunately, almost all skills are pumped by ordinary zadrodnia. Better play calmly and gradually, enjoying the world Skyrim, and if you want to quickly get a level or skill to pump a skill or dress a thing, use cheats and you will be happy.

That's all, dear friends. Write your ways in the comments fast pumping And do not forget to subscribe to the blog. See you soon!

Using data, cheat codes for Skyrim you can quickly pump all the skills and get all the peppers. For this we will need the following cheats:

advskill N X. - Raise the skill N on X units of experience. The main team for pumping all skills and perks.

player.Setav N X. - Install x Skill level N. This cheat does not add "abilities' glasses", but it is necessary when the level of your skill reaches 100.

player.Setlevel N. - Set the character level N (1-255). You can use to reduce the character level after applying Chita Advskill.

List of all skills for Advskill and Player.Setav commands

Example of use:

advskill Destruction 100. - raise the "destruction" per 100 experience (not levels)

player.Setav Block 50. - Set 50 level "Block" skill

  1. Alchemy - Alchemy
  2. Alternation - change
  3. Conjuration - Witchcraft
  4. Destruction - Destruction
  5. Enchanting - Engagement
  6. Illusion - Illusion
  7. Restoration - Restoration
  8. Marksman - Shooting
  9. Block - block
  10. HeavyARMOR - Heavy Armor
  11. Lightarmor - Light Armor
  12. Lockpicking - hacking
  13. OneHanded - one-handed weapon
  14. Twohanded manual weapons
  15. Pickpocket - Pocket Stall
  16. Smithing - blacksmithing.
  17. Sneak - secrecy
  18. SPEECHCRAFT - eloquence

To pump all the peppers of all skills, we do the following:

Using Chita Advskill (description above) raise any skill to 100 levels.

After that, apply the Player.SetAV code [Skill Name] 0 (without brackets) - set 0 level of the specified skill.

We repeat the paragraph 1 and 2 until they pump all the peppers.

If after that you still do not understand how to add "glasses of abilities", for pumping perks, then enter this several times (in turn):

advskill Destruction 999999.

player.Setav Destruction 0

After these manipulations, you will receive the required number of "abilities' glasses" and can spend them on pumping all the perks available in Skyrim.

Fast pumping of all perks in Skyrim and raising all skills to 100

place the contents of the archive (2 text files) to the main folder with the game (not DATA)

run the game

open consoles

  1. enter Bat Allskills. - pump all skills to 100
  2. enter Bat Allperks - open all the peppers in Skyrim

Attention! When you enter Bat Allskills, then the further pumping of your GG will not be available that will affect game process! I recommend entering BAT ALLERKS, and allskills at the end or at the end of the game (if you are not going to swing on)

To raise the level of your main character, enter:

player.Setlevel 50. - Set 50 level of the main character.

Instead of 50, you can enter any number.

To change the number of magic, lives and stock, use the following cheats:

  1. player.Setav Health X. - Install Max. Number of lives in x units
  2. player.Setav Magicka X. - Install Max. Number of magic in x units
  3. player.Setav Stamina X. - Install Max. The amount of stock in X units.

The main character parameter showing its experience and strength. Level is growing by increasing various skills (to get a new level - you need to go to the skill menu). For increasing level, one point of abilities is given (Perks) and the ability to increase health, magic or reserves for 10 units. Increased reserve of forces also increases the maximum load capacity by 5.

There are no direct dependence in Skyrim, for example 10 skills increases \u003d 1 level, and even though the exact formula has not yet been found, the dependency is as follows:

  • The higher the skill level - the more adds to the level of level growth scale with increasing this skill.
  • The higher the level - the greater the raises of various skills.

For example, having a 70th level, an increase in the underdeveloped skills will fir moving a strip of level progress, while increasing highly developed skills (for example from 99 to 100) - significantly increase level growth progress.

Maximum level

Restrictions on the level are not invested in the physics of the game (perhaps this is done in due to future additions, and possibly in order to avoid bugs).

But, pumping all the skills up to 100, you will only get 81 Level (and 80 glasses of abilities, respectively).

Is it possible, having 81 levels, score large penalties for crimes, after which it is in prison, lower the skills, and then pump them again, and raise the level - it is unknown (but in the near future I will definitely try and write).

In any case, various trains and cheats level 100, 150 and 200 are taken easy.


The amount of health determines how many damage can be transferred before dying. When health is maximum - it is not displayed on the screen. And only in the case when it is not equal to 100% - it is displayed at the bottom of the screen with a red stripe.

You can improve health:

  • By enchanting (items: armor, shield, amulet, ring);
  • With the help of potions for 60 seconds (ingredients: Bearded Moss, Blue Mining, Bear Claws, Giant Finger, Wheat, Glowing Mushroom);
  • With the help of the blessing of the Arkery, + 25 units for 8 hours (gives the sanctuary of the Arkey);

Regeneration Health

If health is lower than the maximum value - it regenerates in real time.

Outside the battle, health regenerates 3% per second from the maximum value.
During the battle of 0.49%.

It is possible to increase health regeneration using potions for 60 seconds (ingredients: Namira's rot, wing moon moth, sea acorn, vampire dust, garlic, juniper berries).

Properties for enhancing health regeneration.

Disable health regeneration

Made with help console Team (Key "~"): Player.Modav Healrate -0.7 *


Magic is spent on using spells, and its number determines how long you can use spells in battle, without additional replenishment. The starting 100 units of magic are very lacking, especially choosing the path of magic, but at high levels of the game its amount is easily replaced by the enchanted items, the sum of the giving 100% reduction of the consumption of the magic of a school (i.e. spells will be 0 magic).

When the amount of magic is maximally - it is not displayed on the screen. When magic is less than the maximum value - its number is displayed in a blue scale at the bottom of the screen.

You can raise magic:

  • Upon receipt of a new level by 10 units;
  • By enchanted
  • With the help of a potion for 60 seconds (ingredients: heather, jazbi grapes, red mining, flush, emptiness salts, histcarp, ectoplasm);
  • With the Keeper Stone atron (+50 to magic, 50% of the absorption of spells, the recovery of magic is slowed down by 50%);
  • With the help of the blessing of Julianos, + 25 units for 8 hours (gives the sanctuary of Julianos);

Regeneration of magic

If the magic is below the maximum value - it regenerates in real time.

Outside the battle, magic regenerates 3% per second, from the maximum value.

During the battle by 0.99%.

You can increase the regeneration of magic:

  • With the help of potions for 60 seconds (ingredients: Jazzby grapes, dwell oil, lunar sugar, fiery salts, salt, rod root, garlic);
  • With the enchantment (Items: Helmet, Armor, Ring);

Also, all magic robes have an increase in magic regeneration.

Disable magic regeneration.

Made using a console command (key "~"): Player.Modav Magickarate -100 *


The stock of forces is an important tactical resource that is spent on running (movement with alt clamped) and on force attacks. Increasing the reserve of forces with raising levels also increases the maximum portable weight by 5. But the enchantment of items on the bonus to the endurance of the gain to portable weight does not give.

When the stock is full - it is not displayed on the screen. Otherwise, the stock of the power is displayed with a green strip, downstairs to the screen.

You can increase the reserves:

  • Upon receipt of a new level by 10 units;
  • With the help of potions for 60 seconds (ingredients: large horns, killer fish caviar, lavender, thorax Firefly, garlic, corusa egg);
  • By enchanting (items: armor, boots, amulet, ring);
  • With the help of a blessing of kineta, + 25 units for 8 hours (gives the sanctuary of kineta);

Regeneration of stock for power

If the reserves of the strength below the maximum value - it regenerates in real time.

Outside the battle, the reserves regenerates 5% per second from the maximum value.
During the battle by 1.75%.

You can increase the regeneration of the stock of the power:

  • With the help of potions for 60 seconds (ingredients: Mora Tapineella, Amanita, Bee, Flashing);
  • By enchanted (items: gloves, boots, amulet);


Weight determines how much cargo will be able to transfer your character without fines. Basic value - 300. In case of exceeding the portable weight - you will not be able to run and make quick moves on the map.

Funny trick: If having a load of 295/300 to take "in the hands" (to bring to the subject and clamp "E"), for example, a secure with weight 20 - you can move freely without a fine. And if you take it to the inventory, then there will be an advantage with the relevant fines.

You can increase weight:

  • Upon receipt of a new level (increasing the reserves, you also get +5 to the maximum tolerable weight);
  • With the help of a potion for 60 seconds (ingredients: fighter fish, peeling beak, a thumb, a wrench of a cheek, creeping vine, scaly);
  • By enchancing (items: boots);

IMPORTANT: Enchanting items on the bonus bonus does not give up tolerable weight.

Solving problems with the advantage

Almost all players face the problem of the advantage when it seems that there is nothing superfluous, but still weight is not enough. Most go straight - pump out the reserves, but this path is not the best - still pumping health or magic is more useful. So how to get out of the situation with the advantage?

  • At first, the stone horse will help, which gives an increase of +100 to weight;
  • Give heavy items to allies and partners;
  • Buy a house, and fold unnecessary items in it (ingredients, potions - which at first glance nothing weighs, in the amount can give a significant load);
  • If you wear heavy armor - study the ability of "persistent training" (Required Skill), and we will not have anything weigh anything;
  • If you wear light armor - study the ability of the "second leather" (REC.50 Skill), and rushing easy armor will not have anything else;
  • Examine the ability of "overhead pockets" in the branch of pocket theft (not expensive to pump out the teachers), which will give a permanent increase of +100 weight.

As a result, without putting a single point in the reserves, you can have 400 portable weight, and we will not have anything weigh anything.

Class of armor

The armor class is the sum of the indicators of "armor" of the entire armor that is dressed on you. Argument class reduces the physical damage received by the character.

  • Owing light armor, you will get a smaller armor class, but you can move freely, run, and better hide.
  • Nading severe armor, you will get a bigger armor class, but also a fine to the speed of running, attacks (fines can be removed by studying the ability of "hard workout" in the branch of heavy armor). Heavy armor makes more noise during movements, it is harder to hide in them.

Enhance armor class.

  • Put on the armor of higher quality;
  • Improving armor at the anvil (Read more: Blacksmithing);
  • With a potion for 60 seconds (ingredients for light armor: wing moon moth, honey honeycombs, haasting feathers, bee nest, Zokrys Tail; Ingredients for heavy armor: Belyanka, Chertopoloch branch, ice ghost teeth, sack sack, scales killer fish);
  • By enchanted (items: armor, gloves, amulet, ring);
  • Using abilities (light armor: "Defense in defense" - 5 levels of 20% increase in armor and a "complete set" giving a 25% increase when wearing a complete set of easy armor; Heavy armor: "Juggernaut" - 5 levels of 20% increase And the "complete set" gives a 25% increase when wearing a complete heavy armor set).


The damage parameter affects how many damage you will apply the enemy with a blow of weapons. The more values \u200b\u200b- the more damage you apply. But damage is not equal to malfunction. At the moment, we are unknown formulas for which the final damage on the enemy is calculated.

The minimum rate of damage from the daggers, and the maximum in two-handed hammers.

Damage is divided into 3 types:

  • Damage of one-handed weapon
  • Dummonous arms damage
  • Damage from firing

The damage of this or that type is influenced by various properties, skills and abilities. Consider them in more detail.

The damage of one-handed weapon can be improved:

  • By increasing the skill of one-handed weapon;
  • Due to the ability of the "strong hand" (5 levels, the sum of 100% increase in damage);
  • By enchanted
  • With a potion for 60 seconds (Ingredients: Bearded Moss, Little Pearl, Bear Claws, Hawm Fees, Dog Root, Origma Egg);

Dummoned arms damage can be improved:

  • By increasing the skill two-handed weapons;
  • Due to the ability of "Barbarian" (5 levels, the sum of 100% increase in damage);
  • By enchanted (items: gloves, boots, amulet, ring);
  • With the help of potions for 60 seconds (ingredients: Troll Fat, Amanita, Dragon Language);

Firing damage can be improved:

While there are only onions in the game, but there will probably be new types of distance weapons in the future.

  • By increasing the shooting skill;
  • Due to the ability of "excessive tension" (5 levels, the sum of 100% increase in damage);
  • By enchanting (items: helmet, gloves, amulet, ring);
  • With the help of potions for 60 seconds (ingredients: spider egg, dog root, elf ear, juniper berries).


* Commands on the disconnection of health regeneration and magic work correctly only at the first level. When used on other levels - regeneration, although slowing down, may remain.

Damage from spells, and the resilience of the elements will be considered separately.

If you have something to supplement the page, or you know any formula on the topic - write in the comments.

The game "Skyrim" came out back in 2011 and has since covered the large number of additions and mods. IN latest version The game was added the complexity of the "legendary" level and for some players, it became a real test. But what distinguishes new difficulty from everyone else, and how to play "Skyrim" on the legendary level of complexity?

Difficulty levels

In total, there are 6 levels of difficulty in the game. The default is the average level - "Adept". If some stage of the game seems too difficult, then the complexity can be switched to easier and continue passage. You can do the opposite: complicate the game if it seems too simple.

What is the difference in the levels of difficulty in Skyrim? With each subsequent level, the damage obtained by the player is growing and the amount of damage applied is reduced. In other words, the higher the level of complexity, the more painful the opponents beat and those more hero We need time to murder.


The lowest level of difficulty in Skyrim. He is not popular with the players, because the game becomes simply uninteresting. You can switch to the "newbie" in the case when the battle on a higher complexity cannot be won and do not want to return to it later with a stronger character. Also, low difficulty is suitable for those who do not like battle and wants to just explore the world.


At this level of complexity in Skyrim, everything becomes a bit harder, but still not interesting enough. The enemies on the "student" kill too easy, the character, in turn, receives too little damage from them. On this complexity, you can quickly go to tasks and just get acquainted with the plot and the game universe.


The average difficulty in "Skyrim", which is in the default game. It is from him that it is best to start to get acquainted with the game. However, experienced players "Adept" will seem too simple. Play at such a difficulty level is quite comfortable, and it does not require a player thinking tactics for each fight. Nevertheless, the character may well die, and therefore sometimes it will have to use healing potions.


If the game on the "adept" seems too easy, you can try your hand at the "Expert". This level of complexity "Skyrima" is not the most difficult, but also to completely relax will not give. Some opponents begin to apply more damage compared to previous levels of complexity, their amount of health will increase, and the character will need more healing potions to cope with them.


Initially, the "master" was the most difficult level in Skyrim. At this level, the enemies are becoming quite strong, their protection increases even more, and the damage that causes the character becomes significantly less. Now the player needs to think over its actions before entering the battle and stock in beings.


The maximum level of complexity in the game. The peculiarity of the legendary level of complexity in Skyrim is that now opponents can kill the player with almost one strike. Without the right approach to the development of a character, a fair stock of potions and patience "legendary" difficulty is almost not passing.

Comparison of complexity in Skyrimme: the differences in the complexity of the complexity "Adept" and "legendary"

As already mentioned, the choice of complexity affects what damage will cause opponents of the character and how much he will beat the hero itself. With increasing difficulty can meet stronger varieties of monsters, but no additional skills They do not appear. And of course, the passage of "Skyrima" on the "legendary" level of complexity occupies a much longer than on the "Adepta".

How is the fight differ at maximum and medium difficulty? For example, attacking the wolf with the complexity of "adept", the player will easily cope with it, causing a couple of blows, and will continue his way. On the "legendary" difficulty at the first meeting with a wolf in the near battle will have to try to kill him. You can even Have time to improve some skills.

If the icy troll meets on the "adept" at the beginning of the game, then it is quite possible to cope with it. On the "legendary" level at a meeting with such a monster it is better to run away and return only when the character improves its abilities.

In general, the game on the "adept" first seems easy enough, and only with the growth of the character level everything starts becoming a little more difficult. With the "legendary" complexity, the opposite. The first levels are given with difficulty, but with the development of the characters, the enemies cease to seem invincible.

Another difference of the maximum level of complexity from the average is that for the successful use of skills they must be well hammer. For example, the ability "secrecy" on the "adept" works well after receiving the first six levels, while on the "legendary" complexity, this skill must be improved at least to the 45th level.

"Adept" will suit more for those who do not want to botherly bother when the game passing. "The legendary" complexity will enjoy lovers to constantly experience their character for strength.

Pumping some skills

Since the character level in Skyrim is raised with the growth of the skill level, it will be useful to learn how to pump some of them faster:

  • Secrecy. The easiest way to increase this skill is to double the character in the wall, press the Ctrl key to sit down, Capslock to turn off the run and "C" to automatically move forward. After that, the character can be left for some time until the skill is pumped. Another way is to constantly move around the world in power mode without using fast movement.
  • Eloquence. The skill easily improving with a conversation with a bartender in the tavern of the city of Riften. It is worth only to ask him to tell about the family "Black Heather" and all the time choose the "conviction". You can still give any poor one with several coins or go to the Church of Dibella for the blessing.
  • Pocket thefts. It is easier for this skill to improve constantly saving before the alarms and loading in case of failure (hot keys F5-F9). The amount of experience gained depends on the value of the thing you decide to steal.
  • Blacksmith craft. To get the maximum benefit from this skill, it stands after pumping eloquence. All that will need to improve blacksmithing is a lot of iron bars and skin strips. They can be booted, so get it yourself, interpret the ore and cutting the skin on the strips. Daggers are made from the mined ingredients, which can be immediately sold, but it is better to leave for the bleeding.
  • Enchanting. To improve this skill, a large number of shower stones and several learning enchancies will be required. You can get stones in two ways: When closing some weapon on the seizure of the souls and finishing them monsters or with a spell, if you decide to play a magician. After receiving stones, you can proceed to the editorial of the daggers made earlier. If there are no daggers, then you should go to Solitude and visit the shop "shining clothes". There you can buy a lot of cheap things that, after the enchantment it is easy to resell more expensive.
  • Alchemy. This skill requires many different ingredients that are mined and bought throughout Skyrim. It is most profitable to make the potions of invisibility, as well as poison paralysis, damage to health.
  • Weapon possession. This skill can be easily pumped at the beginning of the game. Just come to the place with a bear in the game prologue, take a dagger or other weapons and start to beat the Hadvore or Ralofa, depending on your choice. Since these characters are educational and in the plot should be on the side of the player at least before the exit of the cave, they will not start attacking, no matter how many strikes you have caused. Best of all when pumping the skill in this way to choose the "legendary" level of difficulty so that the health indicator in the Ralofa or Hadvora decreases slower.

In Skyrime, there are quite a lot of nuances and tricks that can help in passing the game. Here is some of them:

  • Closed the alt keyThe character starts to run or ride the horse faster, consuming endurance. But it is best not to spend it completely, because, ending, it will start recovering only after a few seconds.
  • Do not ignore the books that you find during the passage of the game. They can enhance some ability or start quest.
  • Shooting from onion in power mode, you can apply additional damage.
  • If you take from the walls of the torches, it will be easier to boast.
  • Using the standby mode (by default, the "T" key you can quickly restore health, mana and endurance.
  • With companions, you can share things, but it is worth remembering that their carrying capacity is limited. Also, satellites have another interesting feature: If you give it one arrow for archery, it will never end, no matter how many companion shoot. You can, for example, give mercenar an ebonite boom and collect behind him already hundreds of the same arrows.
  • Left where the things got in a short time disappear. To avoid this, you should buy a house yourself and fold things in the chest.
  • If you do not like settings for the complexity of the game itself, you can put fashion levels of difficulty in Skyrim. Some of them equalize the resulting damage, which can make life easier at the legendary level. Others improve certain skills, which makes the game on the maximum complexity more comfortable, but it becomes uninteresting on lower difficulties. There are those that further increase the complexity of the game.

Experience in Skyrime is divided into two types: it is the experience of the character and the experience of his skills.

Each time an increase in the level of the player is given the opportunity to make a key selection of their abilities. This means that the player can choose what to increase: health, magic or endurance; And also, regardless of choice, the player will receive one point of skills for each level, to then put it in the ability of some skill. With increasing skills, an increase in the character level is approaching. A higher skill level increases its efficiency and makes it possible to get more interesting and useful abilities.

Getting levels

Pumping your character is the same as in Oblivion only now instead of bonuses on 25, 50, 75 and 100 skill levels appeared peppers. They are studied for skills of skills (1 points for each new level), but still require a certain level of skill.

Using any skill, you get experience in this skill and, as a result, the skill level is growing. Increase the level of skills, you can also have teachers or reading the books of skills. Raising skill level you get experience leading to an increase in the character level. In addition, the increase in skill level is the only way to get experience for the character. However, the pumping of low-level skills gives less experience than pumping high-level. The amount of experience required for the new level is growing with an increase in the character level.

Maximum level

At high levels, pumping goes much slower, but approximately 50 levels of special differences are not observed, this is due to the fact that enemies are limited to 50 levels. The maximum level in Skyrim is 81 and it is possible to achieve all the skills to 100. When it is done, the experience scale is lit halfway to 82 levels, meaning that it is not necessary to bring absolutely all the skills up to 100 to reach 81 levels.

Pumping skills

Tips for effective pumping For each specific skill, see a separate skill page.


Achievements related to obtaining levels:
  • Pupil - Reach 5 level
  • ADEPT - reach 10 level
  • Expert - Reach 25 level
  • Master - Reach 50 level

Patch 1.9.

The possibility of choosing legendary complexity.

Legendary skills - skills, pumped to level 100, can be made legendary. This will reset the skill level up to 15 and return all the abilities, thereby again allowing the skill to influence the growth of the overall character level. In fact, this innovation removes the limitation of the overall leveling.