The Elder Scrolls Online Dark Brotherhood Passage. The passage of all quests of the Dark Brotherhood. Entry into the dark fraternity

"Bezen Funeral"
(Delayed Burial)

Even before joining the dark fraternity, you can task "Bezen Funeral", given by one of its members. On the road north of Waitran (Whiterun), there is a broken cart, which is spinning Cicero (CICERO). Based on his story, he drives his mother's body into a new crypt, but the wagon broke, and the owner of the nearest farm refused to help. Cicero will send you to Laura Farm (Loreius Farm), which is not far from the road and ask to convince Laurage Vantus (Vantus Loreius) to help him. For the service, he will pay you 400-600 gold (depending on the level).

Note: If you do not want to help Cicero and support the owner of the farm, as well as inform the guard, then after your entry into the dark fraternity, when you visit the farm, you will find her owners killed.

"Lost innocence"

In order to join the Dark Brotherhood (The Dark Brotherhood) in Skyrim, you must complete one quest. To start it, it is enough just to listen to the harmony of the citizens or ask someone to fresh gossip. One way or another, but you will learn that a certain boy from Windhelm (Windhelm) named Aventus Aretino (Aventus Aretino) threatens to make a dark sacrament and call on the dark fraternity. So the task "Lost Innocence" will start (Innocence Lost). And in fact, when you break into his house (the castle of minimal complexity, but you will need the locks), then you will see a child making a gloomy ritual. Aventus will be delighted with your arrival by accepting you for the representative Dark Brotherhood. Take it task and go to execute.
From the conversation with the boy will be clear that he is an orphan. After the death of his mother Aventus sent to the orphans in Riften (Riften), but soon he escaped from there. The reason was the Glodod (Grelood The Kind) - a trustee of orphans, which is in every possible way over its wards. It will be necessary to kill it.
Gelod spends all the time in the shelter, sometimes shutting up in his room. There is it and will be best eliminated; The orphans will be delighted with the deed. Return to Aventus, who will also be happy with you and pay for the service of a family jewel - a plate worth 100 coins \u003d).

"With such friends ..."
(With Friends Like Thesese ...)

A few days later you will find a messenger who will give a note with a black hand mark and the inscription "We know." After it is received, go to bed - the awakening will not be pleasant and launches the quest "with such friends ..." (with Friends Like These ...). You will come to yourself in an old abandoned house in the north of Skyrima. Astrid will meet you - a representative of the fraternity and will say that you did not quite honestly - a contract that belonged to the Dark Brotherhood took away. And this debt you will have to work right here: Astrid led three-related victims and offered to choose any for killing. There is no difference who choose: Your (Vasha) is a daring box, who, according to him, is not the first time in such a grill; Alya Queen (Alea Quintus) - nervous and sharp in the language of a single mother; Fulteim fearless (Fultheim The Fearless) - a mercenary who managed to send a lot of shower for his life *. Kill anyone, and your duty will be forgiven. However, Astrid is not in a hurry to let you go: it will offer to join his family - the dark fraternity. When you agree, she will give you a password and send to the shelter.

The last Skyrimyl shelter of the Dark Brotherhood is located in a pine forest near the city of Falkrith, it is hidden in stones right at the road itself. The door on the old tradition will ask the question "What is the music of life?", To which you need to answer "silence, my brother." Inside you will already be waiting for Astrid. She will tell you about yourself, and will also offer to meet family. After dating, contact Nazir (Nazir), most often it can be found either in a common room or in the dining room. It is he who will give you the first tasks.

* In general, you can kill Astrid. But then the road to the dark fraternity will be closed. However, there will be those who want to learn about her death. After the murder, go to any guarder and report what happened. You will be sent to the commander Imperial Legion Marron, a sworn enemy of the Dark Brotherhood. He lives in the settlement of the Dragon Bridge, which is not far from Solitude. The Maron commander will be extradited to your news, and will also share what recently discovered their asylum and sent his people to storm him. And it is for you that he will suggest joining this operation ...

"Contracts of Nazira"
So, Nazir gave you the first contracts. Their three pieces in each, as it should be, you need to kill the ordered sacrifice. You can perform them as immediately and each separately.

(Beitild) - owner of the mine in Davenstar. I used to do business with my husband, but now in a quarrel with him and is his competitor.
(Ennodius Papius) - Imperial from the Mill of Anga (Anga "s Mill). If you have more accurate, it lives a little east of the very mill in a tent at the river.
(Narfi) - a beggar living on the outskirts of Aivstead (Ivarstead). Sometimes descends to the river.

All three victims are extremely simple, their elimination does not require any wisdom. After executing contracts, return to the vision.

"Farewell, love"
Mourning Never Comes)

The following contract will give you Astrid. It is necessary to find a young Breton Muiri (Muiri), which will tell you the details of the next task. Muiri lives in Markarth (Markarth) and works in the Alchemical shop "Winches Cure" (The Hug's Cure). The girl will tell you what he wants to take revenge on his former lover named (Alain Dufont), who seduced her for the sake of robbery a split shield friendly.
In fact, Alain Dufon is a robber, who, together with his gang, hides in the Raldbthar Rules Ruins. The camp is broken in close to the entrance, the corridors patrol the security, and the victim itself is surrounded by several fighters. Exactly above them will be a ledge with stationary brankers focused on the gang. You can try to shoot the whole group of them.
But also MUERI asks you for an additional reward for another service - kill (Nilsine Shatter-Shield). The deceived family declared Muiri traitor and refused her, so the girl so sophisticated decided to take revenge. Nielsi lives in the western part of the city of Windhelm, the house is locked on the "Expert" level, but the victim of the watches at 6 am already leaves him, the way to lie through the deserted city cemetery.

For the execution of a contract with an additional task, you will receive a significant monetary award, as well as a special gift of Muiri - a ring, enchanted to increase the efficiency of the potions you have created.

"Walking in the darkness"
(Whispers in the Dark)

Cicerone Night Mother Cecoff Guardian (Cicero) arrival in front of the dark fraternity asylum life upside down. Astrid suspects that he has conceived a betrayal against the dark fraternity and even managed to lure someone to his side, as a muffled conversation was periodically distributed from his room. You have to find out what Cicero is underdeveloped with. The best place For the surveillance it turns out the Mother Coffin itself, take it into it and wait. Soon Cicero will come, but nothing will say anything interesting. Instead, the Mother of the night will speak with you. She will say that he chose you by the listener, and now you will voice her will. And her very first willing will be a conversation with Amon Motier (Amaund Motierre) in VoluruND tomb (Volurund).
It's time to leave the coffin and declare a cicero. At first he won't believe you, but say the secret phrase that the Mother "Tishina's death comes to you," and he recognizes you. However, Astrid will not please this news. She must think about the situation, and X will send you to Nazir for new contracts.

"Contracts of Nazira"

Nazir will provide you with two contracts - for the murder of Nord (Hern) and Orc (Lurbuk).
- Vampire, who lives with his girlfriend Vampire Herrt (Hert) on a semi-short mill (Half-Moon Mill), which north of shelter. It is not necessary to kill a girlfriend, but it is not rebored. Do not forget about the vampire vibility to fire, as well as that in battle they can infect you.
- Ork-Bard from Morocca (Marthal), living in the local tavern. It is said that the Bard of him is Nikudny, and I had to even arrange the lottery to the customer. At night, the Orc sleeps in one of the rooms.

"With the death of silence"
The Silence Has Been Broken)

Astrid pondered your conversation and gave good to conversation with Amon Mother. Go to the tomb of Volundud, which is not far from Waitran (Whiterun). It is not necessary to go far - Amon, along with his guard, is literally in the next room near the entrance. Bretton will say that his order is not so simple, but for him you will receive a decent reward. The victim is the Emperor Tamriel himself (Titus Mede II). In proof of the seriousness of his order, Amon gave a letter and valuable amulet. Carry them to Astrid, which is not solved immediately give an answer, so send you to Riften to Delvin Mallory (Delvin Mallory) to assess the true value of the amulet. Delwin is located in the tavern of the rat hole in the lower yarus of the city. There, you most likely, will not be happy, but no one touches you in the tavern. Delwin will tell that such amulets are members of the Council of Elders and just do not part with them. It agrees to buy an amulet and gives a receipt for Astrid.

"Until the death separates us"
(Bound Until Death)

Finally, Astrid is solved for the contract. In order to eliminate the emperor with minimal costs, you need to perform a number of conditions. The first is to kill (Vittoria Vici), which is the head of the Eastern trading company in Solitude, as well as the Kuzina emperor, that is, represents the interests of the empire. Soon she should marry Asgeir Snowmobile (Asgeir Snow-Shod), which has connections with the brothers Storm, so this marriage can be a step towards the world between these warring parties. However, if Vittoria Vikali is killed, then her death is likely to be pressed by the brothers of the storm, and this incident will force the emperor to visit Skyrim.
Go to Solitude, wedding in full swing. Newlyweds are sitting on the public under a small balcony, which will be periodically climbed to utter a solemn speech. In order to get a bonus, you need to kill the vittoria at the time of the speech. There are two options to perform this task unnoticed:
1. Gabriella will tell you about the parapet, which is just opposite the balcony. Moreover, a caring sister left you a nice gift - you will be waiting for you on the parapet, a few arrows and a potion that increases the damage from the bow.
2. Babette will tell about a different way to solve the problem. Right over the balcony hangs a bulky stone and very old statue. If applied efforts, the statue may fall right on the victim's head. To get on the wall with which you can throw off the statue, climb the stairs, which is located next to the gloomy lock.
To make it easier to easily facilitate the task, take a potion of invisibility or spell with the same effect. With due skill, you will not be noticed.
When the case is done, Veezara will come to the rescue, sent Astrid to distract the guards from you. While the lizard takes a blow to herself, run from the city.
In addition to relying money as a bonus, you will call the spirit of the legendary assassin, which will fight on your side (in this spirit you will learn the old friend in the dark fraternity of Sirodil).

Note: On the body of Vitory Vice, you can find a wedding outfit that includes a wedding dress, sandals and a floral wreath, as well as the key to the house late.

Breaching Security)

The next goal is (Gaius Maro), the son of Captain Marona and the Agent of the Imperial Security Service. Guy was sent by Skyrim's cities to assess the situation and prepare for the arrival of the emperor. When the victim is dead, it is necessary to put a false letter to his body, which will indicate on his involvement in the spraying against the emperor. Astrid believes that the crucial name of the Son will make Captain Maron harmless to the next attempts to remove the Titus of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs II.

In the shelter, talk to Gabriella (Gabriella) and she will give you everything you need to perform the task. The goal will begin its path from Pentius Okultius, which is located in the settlement of the dragon bridge. In order to get a bonus for execution, you will have to kill the agent in the feature of any of the cities that he will visit. Information about its route is in the schedule, which you can steal in the same outpost:

Mordas - Solitude (Solitude) - Imperial Tower, Evening - Gloomy Castle.
Tirdas - Windhelm (Windhelm) - Royal Palace, evening - barracks.
Middas - Riften (Riften) - Mattle Fortress.
Turdas - Waitran (Whiterun) - Dragon Limit, evening - the tavern "Garzing Mare".
Freds - Markart (Markarth) - Podcate fortress, evening - city.
Lordas and Sandas - at the discretion of the goal.

As a bonus, you will receive the Talisman Olava, which will start an additional task. (About it a little later).

"Medicine from madness"
The Cure for Madness)

During your absence with Cicero, something happened. According to eyewitness stories, he attacked Astrid and wounded Vizaru, and after ran away. Arnbjorn went after him, but no one knows where he went. Astrid sends you to search for evidence in the room of the escaped room. Looking for the last part of his diary. In it there will be records of Cicero about the abandoned shelter of the Dark Brotherhood in Dawnstar, as well as a password for the door: "Innocence, my brother." Tell you about this Astrid. She will order you to find and kill Cicero, as well as find Arnbiorn, perhaps he will need help. Moreover, for a quick trip, the head of refuge will provide you with a horse born the very abyss - Techryrere (Shadowmere), also known to us on the previous part of ancient scrolls.

Vervolph will sit right in front of the shelter door. Send it home, and go to search for Cicero in the footsteps of blood on the floor. Danstar asylum is considered the first refuge of the dark fraternity in Skyrim, but abandoned more than a hundred years. Inside you will be waiting for restless ghosts, which your invasion will not please at all, as well as several traps. In the ice labyrinth wanders a huge and strong troll Udurfruct (Uderfrykte). When you get to Cicero, it will already be very weakened. You will have a choice to kill him or leave alive and cast Astrid.

Note: Call the spirit of the legendary assassin and listen that he will advise you. The ghost of Lucien Lashans will say that the keeper of the Mother of the Mother of the Night is a special position and his murder is not welcomed by the Brotherhood.
If you decide to leave him alive, soon Cicero will meet you at the entrance to Danstar asylum and will suggest to become your companion.

"Kindle recipe"
(Recipe for Disaster)

The last step of preparation for the murder of the emperor remains - the elimination of the so-called, the greatest chef, who is invited to the yard for cooking dishes to the Tita Titus II. The snag is that no one knows who this cook is actually. However, the identity of the nearest friend of Gourmet is known - this is a court chef of Marcage by name (Anthon Virane). He is in the podcast fortress. Talk to him and threatening the Dark Brotherhood, find out the personality of Gourmet. After this unnecessary witness, you must kill. It is best to do this late at night when two of his assistants go to the next room to sleep.
Gourmet is an Orc (Bolagog Gro-Nolob) living in the NightGate Inn (NightGate Inn) tavern. At night, he sleeps in the basement, and the day goes to the river. The bonus task will throw off the body of the murdered into the water, but before that, do not forget to take a letter from the body, which will come in handy in the subsequent quest.

"The death of the empire"
(To Kill An Empire)

Everything is ready to fulfill the contract. Talk to Astrid, which will tell you about your follow-up actions, and will also give a special poison - the root of the hotbed. The emperor has already arrived in Skyrim and is in the gloomy castle of Solitude. It's time to play the role of gourmet. Go to the door of the castle, there will already be waiting for Maron. Show him a diploma taken from the gourmet body, and go inside into the kitchen to the Cook Gianna (Gianna). You can immediately wear one of the cook caps lying on the shelves on the left, otherwise Gianna still asks you to do it. During the cooking dish, it will periodically ask you what ingredients to use, so at the end do not forget to offer her to throw a poisonous root that Astrid gave you. When everything is ready, go along with the cook at the dining room. Wait for the Emperor to try a dish and, making sure that, run through the door on the other side of the table (it is convenient to immediately get up next to her), Astrid said that no one had disappeared about anyone.

But on the bridge you will still be waiting. Captain Maron and his servants caught you trap: instead of the real emperor, you, it turns out, poisoned the twin; Moreover, Astrid betrayed you, exchangeing your life to the inviolability of refuge by Penitus Okulatus. However, the captain, the death of his son, was not going to comply with the terms of the contract, his people are already storming asylum. Run away from Solitude to escape and have time to save the shelter in a pine forest.

"Death embodied"

The shelter in the pine forest is already precipitated with might and main, there will have to kill several warriors Penitus Okulatus before making his way inside. Get off the attackers to find at least someone from the survivors. Unfortunately, anyone, except for nazira and Babetta (Babette), will not succeed. The task is complicated by the fact that the cave, in which shelter is gradually collapsed, torn almost all the moves. Go to the dining room, there Nazir will already reflect the attacks of Guardians and help him. After you hear the voice of the mother of the night, which will call you again, but this time to save. Go to the room with her coffin, take it into it and hug your mother. The sash shut down, and the collapse will not harm you. A little later, the nazir with Babetta will pull the coffin. Refuge will be almost filled, buried the bodies of the dead.

Mother of the night will speak again with you. She will send you to Astrid, who also some miracle survived and is in the same cave. It turns out that she made a dark sacrament to try to correct the situation, and close to death. Take the Blade of Woe next to her body and kill Astrid at her request. So her soul will receive forgiveness and go to Citis.

"Glory to Citis!"
(Hail Sithis!)

Mother of the night wants to talk to you again. The contract is not canceled, and must be killed. Talk to Nazir, which will support you, and will also report that together with Bestta will be moving into Danstar asylum, since it is meaningless and dangerous here.
And in the meantime, you go to Amon Mrowiera, who moved from the tomb to the "Garcetic Mobile" in Waitran. The news that the contract will still be executed, he will make it up, and he will tell you that the emperor has already gathered to sail to Sirodil, however, you still have a chance to get to him. The ship "Catarius", on which he sails, is still in the port of Solituda. Also in the port is located and, so you have the opportunity to return to him. Best patience, hoes and go to execute the contract.

After the killing of the captain, which stands on the wharf of the warehouse of a trade imperial company, swim directly to the ship, which stands on the water in the middle of the bay, take the anchor chain and get in the hold. Wait until the movers finish their work and hide in the room. On the way you will have a dining cabin, in which there are a bard and one guard. Both will sit back to the stairs. Wait until the second guard will hide in the next room and run on the stairs. Ahead of you will be waiting for the door with the level of the "Expert" level and another staircase. Further - the rest of the emperor with the Lock Lock.
The emperor is already waiting for you. He is ready for his death, as it knows that the dark fraternity does not retreat. However, before his death, he will ask you to kill someone who ordered him. Your right to fulfill his request or not.
Amon Motier already knows about what happened, and your award is already waiting for you there, where Moter made a dark sacrament - in the tomb of Volundud. 20,000 gold will be hidden in the urn.

"Where to hang the head of the enemy"
(WHERE You Hang Your Enemy "s Head)

Nazir and Babetta have already settled in Danstar asylum, but his external still leaves much to be desired. Nazir will offer you to talk with the already familiar Delweign Mellory from Ryptene, who will agree to help you with the situation. Go to the rat hole and meet the buyer. Here is its rates:

New flags - 1000 gold;
Torture - 5000 gold;
Corner of the evidence - 5000 gold;
Secret input - 5000 gold;
The Lord Bedroom - 3000 Golden.

Everything will be ready for your arrival. Rooms are furnished, the victims are in torture, and Nazir has already found new people.

"Dark fraternity forever"

This is the main line of tasks for the dark fraternity ends. But the Mother of the night will continue to speak with you, so do not forget to visit it, and it will provide you with new customers. If this money is not enough, then Nazir also, as before, there will be simple contracts (if you have not yet fulfilled them).

Additional tasks

« Nazira contracts »


So, Nazir gave you the first contracts. Their three pieces in each, as it should be, you need to kill the ordered sacrifice. You can perform them as immediately and each separately.

(Beitild) - owner of the mine in Davenstar. Previously, engaged in business with his husband, but now in a quarrel with him and is a competitor to him.
(Ennodius Papius) - Imperial from the Mill of Anga (Anga "s Mill). If you have more accurate, it lives a little east of the very mill in a tent at the river.
(Narfi) - a beggar living on the outskirts of Aivstead (Ivarstead). Sometimes descends to the river.

All three victims are extremely simple, their elimination does not require any wisdom. After executing contracts, return to the vision.


Nazir will provide you with two contracts - for the murder of Nord Hern (HERN) and the orc lurbuk (Lurbuk).

ampire, living with his girlfriend Vampire Hert (Hert) on a semi-short mill (Half-Moon Mill), which north of shelter. It is not necessary to kill a girlfriend, but it is not rebored. Do not forget about the vampire vibility to fire, as well as that in battle they can infect you.
Ork-Bard from Morocca (Marthal), inhabitants in the local tavern. It is said that the Bard of him is Nikudny, and I had to even arrange the lottery to the customer. At night, the Orc sleeps in one of the rooms.


The following contracts available after the task "with the death of silence" are not included in the mandatory list. Their execution can be an additional source of income for you, and will also help get respect from Nazira.

(Deekus) - Argonian, Marauder. Earns on the living by what finds on the sunken ships. His camp is located on the north of Skyrima by the sea.
(Anoriath) - Vaitran Bosmer. He has a shopping bed in the city and is a co-owner of the "Drunk Hunter" along with her brother Eldrindir (Elrindir). Sometimes leaves the city to hunt.
(MA "Randru-Jo) - a skillful magazh-hajit, traveling with caravas of merchants between the cities of Skyrima - Markarth (Markarth) and Waitran (Whiterun).

(Helvard) - Nord-warrior from Folkrita (Folkreath). Lives in a long house Yarla and is His Huskarl. "Search Assassin from the past"
(Locate The Assassin of OLD)

This quest can be obtained only after performing the task "vulnerable" (Breaching Security). Moreover, you must perform an additional condition. As a reward, you will receive the Talisman Olava, which makes it possible to learn a special prophecy.

Go to Waitran and present the Talisman Olawe Weeble (Olava The Feeble). She will understand that you came from Gabriella and tell that you will soon have to find a dark brother - Assassin from the past, which found her peace in one of the tombs in the north-west Skyrima.
Your goal is the Tomb of the Forest Stop (Deepwood Redoubt), located in the mountains near the settlement of the Dragon Bridge. The dungeon is outside and inside with rudders, as well as all sorts of traps, there will be one door, locked on the "Master" level, but one of the rogues, which has a key from her.

The tomb will have to pass through; From her you will fall into the forest valley - a spacious camp of the savages, surrounded by the rocks from all sides. You need to cross this camp and enter the next tomb - the Witchnino Nest (Hag's End). There will already be a witch and watery, and magic runes will be added to the traps. It is not necessary to go far: in one of the rooms behind the throne there will be a secret door opening the lever on the wall. Behind the door in a small room will be the same assassin.

"Search for caches"

If with the restoration of Davrian shelter of the dark fraternity, you bought Melvina Mellari "torture room", then it will give you some more additional tasks with a pleasant reward. All victims of torture in the cell will be four, and, accordingly, the caches that they will indicate for the cessation of the torture will be the same.

The first cache is in the old swamp pne south of Solitude (Solitude).

The second is in the north of Windhelm (Windhelm) in the stone.

The third is located in the Tundra west of Waitran (Whiterun) also in the stone.

The fourth cache, in which the cores are hidden, is located in the floor not far from Riften (Riften).

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Dark fraternity is one of the four main guilds in Elder Scrolls Online. This is the famous organization of professional killers, which spread throughout Tamriel. What is their main activity? They perform killing contracts. All people of the continent are afraid of this mysterious organization.

It is of interest that the dark fraternity is not just a business, it is also a cult. The members of the Brotherhood worship the God of Chaos Citis. They believe that he is their patron, and his wife's mother night is the leader of the Brotherhood.

When the guild was formed unknown. It is only known that at first there was a killer society - Morag Tong. It was not organized and could not fulfill any order for killing. Then the killer group separated from Morag Tong and created her own guild - a dark fraternity. They changed the traditions and began to worship Citis. Since then, the Dark Brotherhood has become a "cult of death." Many still think that Morag Tong and the Dark Brotherhood is the same, but it is not true.

Currently, the guild is a powerful organization with a multitude of underground sanctuary throughout Tamriel. Ordinary people prefer not to talk about the guild and afraid of her members. All scares that the fraternity often works with. In general, if you have a dream to become best killer Tamriel is a guild for you.

Advantages of membership:

The guild is a very powerful organization and will offer you many interesting contracts. As a result, you can get new quests and unique awards;

Guild members can master the special skills of the Dark Brotherhood. Tree skills will help any outcast, a killer or just any player who loves to play.

Skills of the Dark Brotherhood

Icon Name Level A type Description
Blade burning
(Blade of Woe)
1 Passive Allows you to call for a dark brotherhood weapon and put a fatal blow to a suspected goal. Experience for this goal is reduced by 75%. This ability does not act on players or complex goals.
Scales of Piticess Justice 2/5/8/11 Passive Penalty and suspicion caused by murder or attack with witnesses are reduced by %.
Padomaic Sprint 3/6/9/12 Passive Gives MAJOr EjditiOn, increasing your vehicle speed on 30 % during c. After killing civilians.
Shadowy Supplier 4 Passive A member of the Brotherhood supplies you useful subjects once a day. It can be found in the shelters of criminals, in the shelter of the dark fraternity on the Golden Bank, as well as in the lair of the thieves in Hugh's curses.
Shadow Rider 7 Passive The radius of the aggression of hostile monsters is reduced by 50% when you are riding.
Spectral Assassin. 10 Passive Gives a 15% chance to cover you after using Blade Grief, protecting you from witnesses and get a fine.

One of the players of the players of the TES series guilds Dark Brotherhood got to the online version of the game. Today for The Elder. Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited Another, already fourth, addition, paid DLC Dark Brotherhood.!

The action of the new addition will be unfolded on the Golden Coast, the southwestern part of the province of Sirodil. But this part of the sirodile is not covered by PVP battles and is an exclusively PVE location.

It turns out that we absolutely do not control the key movements in our economy. We are committed to making decisions of multinational corporations owning key segments of our economy. On a global scale, such countries as we have a relatively more qualified and cheap labor force, and this is just a matter of time and opportunity when global players prefer to use another region and leave our country. We are in no case by the Lords of our own economic destinies, and we better know those whose prosperity lies on our shoulders.

In this place you can visit two already familiar to you in the previous parts of the city series: Quat (whole, not destroyed, as in Tes IV: Oblivion!) And Anvvy.

The player will have to join the legendary dark fraternity and help this organization. As always, the tasks of this organization will be associated with killings.

And what recipes brought our democratic parties to this situation? But not far from the abyss we are not only in the economic and industrial sectors. The critical situation is in the field of retirement. The population is aging, the number of pensioners is growing at a very high level, and it is clear that people are in active age There are so many pensioners with today's income levels. This is known for a long time, it says, but the act of wandering.

The same problem arises in the health sector. The quality of health care and the need for its large volumes grow for the aging population, it is obvious that there are not enough resources, and the situation will only worsen in the future. Where are the recipes for this critical situation?

Supplement brought a new storyline available for passing (by the way, in the fan translated by Elder Scrolls Online, the RUESO program has already been translated the tasks of the main plot line of the new addition, download, install and play with the full awareness of what is happening!). In addition, the subscribers and owners of DLC, when joining the dark fraternity, a special branch of passive skills opens and the opportunity to add individuality to his character - the killer personnel (the standard motion animations are changing, walking the character and his animation alone - the killer loves to throw their blade).

The question of the so-called excluded communities and marginalized people, the number of which, regardless of large volumes intended to solve this problem, is steadily growing. There is also a gap between society and excluded by citizens, which is reflected in the increase in xenophobia and extremism.

Babis and his movements are able to successfully manage the state. It was sad that it was so little to convince citizens in the competence of Babis, but other parties did not express anything about what to talk about. So he was rich enough to succeed. Babies will only win such a batch that can formulate a rational and convincing program containing specific recipes for solving these problems. Either the existing parties come to him and come up with something stupid, or a new political education should come up with this.

Supplement introduces new types of driving animals and pets.

The game finally completely refused veteran ranks, leaving only the usual levels and the championship system.

Added the ability to create poisons that can be imposed on weapons.

Subscribers are available handbags: all materials used in the crafte will be placed in special bottomless bags, thus saving your place in inventory and bank.

If this does not happen, the Babysh is constantly here. Twenty-eight years after the velvet revolution, which led us democracy more than half of our society or disgusting democracy and non-democratic and looking for a populist alternative, or not able to recognize and non-democratic populists or it simply does not matter. In any case, the aforementioned antiysystems are likely to dominate the next election period of our political scene. Such a result of the elections will be the main problem for democratic development in our country, it will destroy our consolidation in the Western world and its structures and will probably postpone our country to East Russian-Chinese.

The cost of supplement is 2000 crowns.

Dark fraternity is one of the four main guilds in Elder Scrolls Online. This is the famous organization of professional killers, which spread throughout Tamriel. What is their main activity? They perform killing contracts. All people of the continent are afraid of this mysterious organization.

At the same time, our country is flourishing economically, it demonstrates the strongest growth in Europe for many years with a record low unemployment. As a German Polystologist Yasha Munk is written for slate: Despite the big progress, the mood of the Czechs is bad. The country is rich, but voters believe that the political establishment is deceived and disappointed. Most foreigners you see in Prague are spending money on beer, souvenirs and museum tickets, but for some reason the Czechs are afraid of terrorist threats and migrants.

Andrei Babish is something between Donald Trumpe and Silvi Berlusconi: he owns a large part of the Czech media, he enjoys a political offense. Where is the disgust of a significant part of society to a liberal-democratic system? Is it a disappointment in the behavior of the political elites, which introduced a system of systemic corruption and the clientological political system in the era after the opposition contract?

It is of interest that the dark fraternity is not just a business, it is also a cult. The members of the Brotherhood worship the God of Chaos Citis. They believe that he is their patron, and his wife's mother night is the leader of the Brotherhood.

When the guild was formed unknown. It is only known that at first there was a killer society - Morag Tong. It was not organized and could not fulfill any order for killing. Then the killer group separated from Morag Tong and created her own guild - a dark fraternity. They changed the traditions and began to worship Citis. Since then, the Dark Brotherhood has become a "cult of death." Many still think that Morag Tong and the Dark Brotherhood is the same, but it is not true.

The place to solve real important issues of our development, namely the modernization of our economy, the development of innovation and technical progress as a basis for the growth of labor productivity, reforming obsolete and malnutrition systems of education, transition to environmentally friendly technologies, and not to solve key issues of sustainability of the pension system and health care instead of maximizing the human and material potential of our society, we return to the zero point and return to fundamental questions about liberal democracy or authoritative populism, whether in the east or in the West.

Currently, the guild is a powerful organization with a multitude of underground sanctuary throughout Tamriel. Ordinary people prefer not to talk about the guild and afraid of her members. All scares that the fraternity often works with. In general, if you have a dream to become the best killer Tamriel - this is a guild for you.

Advantages of membership:

What an incredible regression of such a bullion means today, which chases ahead of us, we can not even imagine. The symptom is the fact that traditional democratic parties, on the one hand, reflect and proclaim that in the upcoming elections, respect for all or democracy, but for a better result of the elections of democratic forces actually made anything, and especially nothing donate. Despite the fact that they have taken several attempts to integrate, but ultimately all attempts to integrate failed, the election coalition collapsed, and the parties were distinguished into abundance mainly on the border or below the choice.

The guild is a very powerful organization and will offer you many interesting contracts. As a result, you can get new quests and unique awards;

Guild members can master the special skills of the Dark Brotherhood. Tree skills will help any outcast, a killer or just any player who loves to play.

Skills of the Dark Brotherhood

Icon Name Level A type Description
Blade burning
(Blade of Woe)
1 Passive Allows you to call for a dark brotherhood weapon and put a fatal blow to a suspected goal. Experience for this goal is reduced by 75%. This ability does not act on players or complex goals.
Scales of Piticess Justice 2/5/8/11 Passive The penalty and suspicion caused by murder or attack with witnesses decrease by%.
Padomaic Sprint 3/6/9/12 Passive Gives MAJOr EjditiOn, increasing your vehicle speed on 30 % for c. After killing civilians.
Shadowy Supplier 4 Passive A member of the Brotherhood supplies you useful subjects once a day. It can be found in the shelters of criminals, in the shelter of the dark fraternity on the Golden Bank, as well as in the lair of the thieves in Hugh's curses.
Shadow Rider 7 Passive The radius of the aggression of hostile monsters is reduced by 50% when you are riding.
Spectral Assassin. 10 Passive Gives a 15% chance to cover you after using Blade Grief, protecting you from witnesses and get a fine.

The dark fraternity is the guild of murderers, shrouded in shadow and the secret, which acts throughout Tamriel. Despite the fact that its activities are illegal, most often it is tolerant to it, or ignore. When anyone, endowed with the authorities, begins to be interested in their affairs, the brotherhood can bribe, make, blackmail, forced, or kill this person, in order to hide their affairs from prying eyes.

Dark Brotherhood - Receivers Morag Tong since the second era. Brotherhood is also known to worship the father of Daedra Citis. Despite the fact that girls, dark sisters can consist in the fraternity, they are still more often attributed to the brothers.

Brotherhood comes to the desperate souls who committed a black sacrament, ordered the murder. However, this time find the dark fraternity to you. Go to the Golden Beach to reveal his secret and secrets of those who stand on the top of the power of this separated from the Syroidum of the region, having understood with everyone who will stand on your way.


"Kiss, Mercy Mother"

So, do you want to call on a dark fraternity? Want someone's death? Pray, child. Pray, and let your prayers be hear the night.
You have to do the wicked out of rituals - black sacrament.
Cool the scarecrow the sacrificed victim is to use the heart, skull, bones and flesh. Put the candles with a ring around this stuffed.
Then it should be proceeded to the ritual himself. A few times the blow to the scarecrow the dagger, lubricated juice petals, and a whisper pray:
"Mercy Mother, let me go to me, because the sins of unworthy should be washes in blood and fear."
Then wait, Choo, for the Horror Father Citis awards patient. You will be visited by a representative of the Dark Brotherhood. This is the beginning of a contract signed by blood.

Dark fraternity began, from the group, whipped from Morag Tong during the second era. The head of the guild is the mother of the night (she can be a man or a woman). Up to 2 me 324, they did not pay special attention to the activity of Brotherhood, until the moment when the brotherhood killer killed the Akavir Lord of Verside-Chai (in the province of Elsweire, the Kingdom of Chenia), writing blood killed on the wall of his chambers: "Morag Tong". After this event, the fraternity was announced outside the law in all Tamriel. On the activity of the Brotherhood was not heard for 100 years, but soon this organization resumed its activities under the name of the Dark Brotherhood, already as an independent organization.

The first references to the fraternity can be found in the notes of the bloody queen of Khigat Arlimathers, it happened about 2E 360. Brotherhood differs from Morag Tong primarily by considering its activities as a business, while Morag Tong presented themselves as a cult of Princess Daedera Mefals. In 2 me 430, the killer of the Dark Brotherhood killed another Akavir Lord of Savyrian Chorak and all his heirs. This event, like many others, served to create the Great Empire of Taiper Septim. Today, the dark fraternity acts throughout Tamriel. And, although the guild does not have official status, de facto its existence is recognized by all ruling circles. Of course, the only organization that never reconciled with the existence of the Brotherhood is Morag Tong. Both are in a state of the incessant war with each other.

To date, one question remains unclear, who killed the last emperor of the Riemann Dynasty: Morag Tong or Dark Brotherhood? Many researchers persistently believe that this act made Morag Tong. Probably, confusion arose due to the fact that in those days the dark fraternity was not yet so known to have his own name, and many confused him from Morag Tong.

Entry into the dark fraternity

You can join the dark fraternity, if you take a task in the add-ons section or by going straight to the Golden Coast in Anvville, where you will already meet and offer a small contract: it will be necessary to kill one innocent one, after which you will be sent to the lighthouse to the tereni notchor, he will hand the blade of grief With which you can silently eliminate disadvantageous, after which you will need to go to the shelter and get acquainted with its inhabitants. Now you are a full killer of the Dark Brotherhood.

Abilities of the Dark Brotherhood

The dark fraternity does not have active skills, all skills are passive to help the character avoid a fine or reduce its cost. And also to increase the chance to successfully hide after the murder of innocent residents. Blade of Grief (Blade of Woe) works as synergy that can be activated if you can sole.

Icon Name Level A type Description
Blade burning
(Blade of Woe)
1 Passive Allows you to call for a dark brotherhood weapon and put a fatal blow to a suspected goal. Experience for this goal is reduced by 75%. This ability does not act on players or complex goals.
Scales of Piticess Justice 2/5/8/11 Passive Penalty and suspicion caused by murder or attack with witnesses are reduced by %.
Padomaic Sprint 3/6/9/12 Passive Gives MAJOr EjditiOn, increasing your vehicle speed on 30 % during c. After killing civilians.
Shadowy Supplier 4 Passive A member of the Brotherhood supplies you useful subjects once a day. It can be found in the shelters of criminals, in the shelter of the dark fraternity on the Golden Bank, as well as in the lair of the thieves in Hugh's curses.
Shadow Rider 7 Passive The radius of the aggression of hostile monsters is reduced by 50% when you are riding.
Spectral Assassin. 10 Passive Gives a 15% chance to cover you after using Blade Grief, protecting you from witnesses and get a fine.

Child Litania

After completing the first contract of the Dark Brotherhood, you can talk to Nevus in a small room on the left side of the asylum. She will present you a blood litter. It contains unique tasks that gave hearing - kill a certain number of people in all zones of alliances. After the murder of each goal, their ghosts will appear on a special pedestal. The murder of everyone will complete the achievement of "blood lithium", the award for the implementation of which is the title "executioner" (Executioner) and the unique polymorph "Cadaver Killer" (Cadaverous Assassin).

To complete the achievement, all goals should be killed by a blade of grief. Following the prompts from the book, all goals have one white eye. If you kill the goal, it will dissolve in red ash, and her soul will appear on the podium in the shelter. Characters are restored immediately, but they can have an extremely high radius of appearance. The table provides a list of all characters that need to be killed to obtain achievements.

Zone purpose Location
Alder Dominion
Auridon SIMALIR (Cimalire) Skawotch walks along the northern / central part of the city
Gravwood Dirdelas (Dirdelas) Elden Rut, outside "Outdoor Tractor"
Greenish Caraleth (Caraleth) Marbruck, fighter guild
Malabal Tor. Sihada (Sihada) Vulkwasten, near the market
Brand death Dablir (Dablir) Rol "Ha, strolling in the eastern part of the market
Daggerfolsky Covenant
Glenumbra Cesarel Hedier (CESAREL HEDIER) Daggerfol, stroll in the northern part of the city
Stormhaven Alix EDETTE (Alix Edette) Werest, in the docks
Rivenpaire BULAG Shornhelm, Market
Desert Alik "R Ebreyd (Ebreyd) Sentinel walking near the forge
Bangkrai Berea (Berea) Evermore, walking outside mysticism
Ebonhart Pact.
Stonefolz Dinor Jirano (Dinor Girano) Doma Landow, strolls near the bridge in the city center
Deshan Sindiri Malas (Cindiri Malas) Mornhold, Market
Shedoufen. Gidelar (Gidelar) Stormhold, outside the bank
Entarc Hakida (Hakida) Windhelm walking near the bank
Rift Eldfire (Eldfyr) Ripten walking outside the fighters and bank guild

Interestingly, if you kill goals before you take the task, then in the journal of tasks they will be marked as killed.


All guilds use a reputation to raise the level. The reputation of the dark fraternity is earned by performing various tasks and contracts for the guild. Most of the plot tasks give 10, some - 20. The usual contracts "sentenced to death" give 5, a series of killings gives 10. Despite the fact that the daily contracts of the black sacrament give 10, their number can be raised to 20, if you fulfill all additional conditions.

Rank Requires reputation
for a trail. rank
Total reputation
for rank
1 25 0
2 40 25
3 50 65
4 50 115
5 50 165
6 50 215
7 50 265
8 50 315
9 50 365
10 50 415
11 50 465
12 - 515

Golden shore

Golden coast guide, part first

Golden Beach: Summer Residence of Emperors Long House
Posted by: Astinia Isaic
Published: 8 day of month Hands of rain, 2E 566

Golden Beach is a great place for those who travel in search of the most interesting sights of Sirodil and wish to enjoy beautiful weather and yellow sandy beaches of Anvil. Despite the fact that in long-distance travel, caution is never unnecessary, the far-sighted policy and the leadership of the emperor of the ravine significantly increased the safety of the coast. The emperor himself often comes to us on vacation, and now the best time, in order to take the journey of your dreams to the Golden Coast.

Thanks to the soft climate of the Golden Shore, formed by the warm currents of the Abesin Sea, you can enjoy the bright sun and transparent waves. We offer a green paradise for a reasonable fee for real adventure lovers. Anville is based on the Imperial Fleet, whose task is to patrol the Abesin Sea and ensure the safety of the region. No pirate dares to challenge the power of our emperor. His professional, well-equipped fleet and experienced soldiers guarantee you safety.

This guide will introduce you to the golden shore and its numerous tourist attractions.
The Golden Beach always served the Sirodil Empire goal to the Abesin Sea. But now the empire is in decline, and the region went its own way.

Golden shore (THE GOLD COAST.) - a scalable region located in Western Kolyoviya, between Hammerfel and Malabal Torla. During the rebellion of Varena, a stone wall was built, envelorating the inhabitants of Anville and Quatcha from the retaliation of the long house of emperors. The wall played a big role in maintaining the region protected from war alliances, which rages across the Syrodil.

There are access to this region with players who have the addition of "Dark Brotherhood" or are ESO Plus subscribers.

The player will bypass most of the places during the tasks of the Dark Brotherhood, having visited all the mansions of the region. In addition, this region adds two new group bosses: Arena Kvtycha and Minotaurus Limenauus; Two excavations: Garlace Ageu and Hrot Cave.

Daily tasks on group bosses can be performed if you take a contract on the wall in Kvatcha, to perform daily tasks for stripping, the excavations will have to go to the board to Anvville.

Additional Information

  • Earlier, the golden coast appeared in The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion.
  • If you collect craft materials, you can stumble upon grains of pearl sand (Grain of Pearl Sand), while from the killed minotaurov you can get a blood-red mushroom controversy (Oxblood Fungus Spore).


Map of the Golden Shore.

Sets of armor

Below is a list of kits of the armor, which can be obtained by passing daily tasks in the Golden coast (only for the category "collected"). Sets from the category "Created" Character creates from its materials at a specific station. All indicators are given for a character with 160 champion glasses with legendary equipment.

Light / medium / heavy armor
Sithis "Touch. (2 Items) Max. health stock increases on 1064 units.

(3 Items) Max. health stock increases on 1064 units.