The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. Passage for the College of Mages. College of Winterhold Skyrim Echoes Walkthrough

The Mages Guild no longer exists, it has been disbanded. However, this did not affect the College of Winterhold. If you want to learn spells from different schools of magic, don't miss out!

Every innkeeper knows where the College is located.

First lessons
On the bridge from Winterhold to the College, you will meet with Faralda, who protects the abode of magicians from unwanted visitors. To join the College, you must say why you need it (the answer does not matter) and demonstrate your magical abilities by passing a small test. Faralda will ask you to cast a random level spell Student. It could be Fear(Fear) Firebolt(Firebolt) Summon Flame Atronach(Conjure Flame Atronach), healing hands(healing hands) magic light(Mage Light). Or you can just use any Shout. After successful completion, you become an apprentice and Faralda will personally guide you to the territory of the College. Talk to Mirabella Ervin, she will give you a uniform and give you a tour. Just follow her everywhere. Then go to the Elemental Hall and listen to Tolfdir. After a little argument with the newcomers, it will come to a demonstration of magic. You need to use the Charm (Restoration) spell. Just in case, I recommend using only one hand.

In the depths of Saarthal

As an example of the College's busyness, and in particular of how dangerous magic can be, you are being sent to visit the Saarthal excavations. Talk to Tolfdir on the spot. Then follow him inside. There you will be asked to find Arnel Gein, who will entrust you with a magical artifact.

Nearby is the Amulet of Saarthal. Once you take it, you will be locked. Put it on yourself. Now attack the wall with a Destruction spell. Talk to Tolfdir, then move forward. A vision will appear, talk about it with Tolfdir. Fight off the draugr and follow on. You will need to open the door with a lever. Draugrs will attack you again in the next room. If suddenly you are a warrior and prefer a good ax to magic spells - use it, the old man will not be touched by this. Pull the two chains near the gate further to get to Saarthal. Make your way to the first puzzle with stones. Position for each - drawing exactly behind him. Everything is very simple. When everyone is placed, pull the lever. The next room is pretty much the same. It is necessary to reproduce the order of the drawings on the tablets with the drawings on the stones. When the patterns match, pull the lever.
At this point, Tolfdir will join you. You will enter a room with a glowing sphere. Jurik Goldurson will rise from the dead, but will be protected by an unknown force. Distract him until Tolfdir weakens the sphere, and then kill him a second time.
From the body you can take Part of the Amulet of Goldur for the task forbidden legend described in section .
Talk to Tolfdir, he will send you to tell the Archmage about the find. Get outside in a short way - there is an iron door behind the sphere.
Find the archmage named Savos Aren in his quarters at the College of Winterhold.
library books
The archmage will send you to Arkenium to Urag gro-Shub to find out more about the find. The orc will inform you that the books have been stolen by Orthorn. As you exit the library, Ancano will speak to you. You must travel to Fellglow Keep. Predictably, militant magicians are waiting for you there. Inside you will find caged prenniks - they are vampires. Looks like they've been experimented on. You will also find a locked Orthorn, which will help you a little in the battle with the magicians. From the body of one of the nameless magicians, you can take the key to the fortress, it will open the locked doors. Get to the next level. There, go up to the Hall of Rituals. There you will meet the Caller. You can fight her, or convince her to hand over the books. Take three books from the pedestals and return to the College. As a reward, Urag gro-Bush will give you a stack of books that increase your magical skills.

Good intentions

You need to talk to Tolfdir. He will share his observations, after which Ancano will speak to you again (By the way, you can ask Tolfdir about what he needs, he will send you to look for his alembic, which is located in the Support Hall, in the room with the pentagram of souls). Follow him to the Archmage's quarters to meet a member of the Psijic order named Quaranir. He will offer to find the Augur of Dunley by questioning the members of the college. You can immediately talk to the archmage and he will send you to Tolfdir. He will tell you to go down to Midden, through the hatch in the Support Hall, or right in the Courtyard of the College. There are several enemies waiting for you inside, and the most interesting one is the Atronach Forge. Before use, read the manual about it in the book on the table. You need to go down to Midden - the prison. There you will meet the Augur of Dunley. He will tell you what is required and send you to the archmage Savos Arena.

Discovery of the invisible

To find the Staff of Magnus, first talk to Mirabella Erwin. She will tell about the Synod, the magicians from Cyrodiil who were looking for something in the Dwemer ruins of Mzulft. Inside you will immediately find the dying Gavros Pliny. From his body, you can take a diary and a key. Ahead are the standard Dwemer ruins - mechanisms, traps, coruses. Further Mzulft - Steam engines. Falmer already live here. Then another level. The key to Mzulft's oculatory is in a Dwemer chest on the other side, guarded by the Centurion. However, the second locked door will be opened by Parat Decimius, the last survivor of the expedition. He will ask you to bring a "focusing crystal", which should be on the body of "Falmer - the twilight guard". Bring the crystal to Parath, then follow him. Place the crystal in the Dwemer Armillary Sphere.

Talk to Parat, he will clarify for you exactly what needs to be done. On the table are two books with frostbite and flame spells. Use them directly on the armillary sphere. Flame - raises the rays, frostbite - lowers. Make sure that each beam is in line with one of the three rings that spin with three buttons on top. Thus, each beam passes through its own lens. will appear strange map, talk to Parat Decimius. He will say that the staff of Magnus is in the Labyrinthian. Return to the College to Savos Arena. There is already a real light show. Savos will ask you to help him remove the protective barrier. Use the flame spell on him. Cleanup Ancano managed to set off an explosion. You need to find Savos Arena. Come out to the yard. The mages of the college crowded around the body of the archmage. Tolfdir will send you to make sure Winterhold is safe. Faralda will join you on the bridge. The town was attacked by magical anomalies. You need to destroy them all. The only difficulty is that it is extremely difficult to hit them. Inside each anomaly is a soul stone, which also indicates their likely man-made origin. Return to the College in the Hall of the Elements and speak with Mirabella. She will give you the door ring of Labyrinthian, the amulet of Savos Arena and send you to look for the staff of Magnus.
Staff of Magnus

There is nothing to do, go to the Labyrinthian. An unusually large ground ruins are inhabited by trolls. Of the interesting, in one of the destroyed buildings there will be a skeleton. And next to it is a note, and the main thing is a Wooden mask. Dress it up - and hop! - get into secret room, titled Shrine of Bromunar! There is an altar with places for eight masks of dragon priests. To go back, take off the mask.
But for the staff you need to move on. Activate the ceremonial door to return the ring to its place. Welcome to the Labyrinthian! You will meet the ghosts of the previous expedition. And then the battle with skeletons, including the rarest bone dragon. Haven’t you had a couple of J’zargo scrolls lying around for an hour? After another meeting with ghosts, go into the Abyss. The amount of mysticism increases nicely. Melt the ice with fire magic. In addition to the usual enemies, you will meet a smoke mother, which looks like the ghost of a very evil woman.There will be another door, this time on fire.Chill her with cold magic, such as a frostbite spell, which is lying nearby.
Next, you will see the funniest phenomenon - the ghost of a skeleton! He will also have a funny sword-destroyer weapon, absolutely ghostly. There will also be other similar weapons of other classes. And finally the door to the Tribune. On the pedestal is a book of spells steady amulet. It will help you get through the magical obstacle. Soon you will be able to learn the time dilation cry. Finally, you will enter the hall. Kill two Enslaved Mages that emit a protective barrier. Defeat Morokei. From his body, take the Staff of Magnus and the mask of the lich Morokei. Remember the Shrine of Bromunar? At the exit you will be met by a Thalmor named Estormo. Kill him and return to Winterhold. Looks like the disco is in full swing! Talk to Tolfdir.

Eye of Magnus
Use the Staff of Magnus to remove the barrier on the College and enter the Hall of the Elements. Use the Staff of Magnus against the Eye of Magnus. Then kill Ancano. Talk to Tolfdir, then Quaranir. The Psijics take the Eye with them. You are given the clothes of Ahrimagus and the key to your new quarters. Enjoy!

Tolfdir will inform you about the location of the anomaly left from the Eye of Magnus. Grab the staff of Magnus and blow into place. Poke your staff into the strange portal, defeat the anomalies and return to Tolfdir for your reward.

P.S. The task is repeated. You can do it as many times as you want if you want to earn money in this way.

Side quests:

They are issued only after joining the College of Winterhold, but by storyline do not apply. They appear after the mission. library books.

Onmund's Request

Remember the Nord rookie who did the same with you? He managed to give Enthir the family amulet. And yes, he asks you to convince Enthir to bring him back. Enthir, in turn, needs the staff, which he regretted selling. Travel to Fort Bloody Throne. A very creepy place full of vampires. At the end, you will even get into the arena against them. You will find the staff in the chest. Take it to Enthir. Enthir will give you Onmund's amulet. Onmund... phew, no, that's it! Experiment J "zargo Khajiit J "zargo will give you the scrolls and ask you to test them on the undead. Arnel project The task takes place in four stages. After the end of each, you need to wait a couple of days, go somewhere, then when you return to Arnel, he will give you another assignment.

Part one:
Arnel Gein needs ten Dwemer gears. Look for them in the Dwemer ruins, of course. Bring them to Arnel.

Part two: Arnel will ask you to convince Enthir to fulfill his part of the contract. Enthir needs a certain staff from Fellglow Hold.
Part three:
It turns out that Arnel is trying to find out the reason for the disappearance of the Dwemer. Several Dwemer ruins will be marked on the map, where Dwemer convectors are located. Put the Altered Soul Gem in such a box, then use Arnel's Convection spell on the convector. Repeat the operation at the three marked Dwemer ruins. You can now bring the stone to Arnel Gein.

Part four:
Arnel contacted Enthir again, and he clamped the desired item. Although according to Enthir, the item was never delivered to him. And the courier was last seen in Riften. True, the marker will point you to Pine Peak Cave. And what did the messenger forget in the cave with wild bears, and most importantly, how do we find out about this? .. Take from his body ... "Separator"! This is the legendary artifact of the Dwemer mater Kagrenac, familiar to TES 3: Morrowind players! Deliver it to Arnel. Now just stand back and watch.

It is not known exactly how the experiment ended. On the floor in the room, you will find the Divider, and in the Sorcery magic section, Arnel Gein's shadow summoning spell.

P.S. To my regret and the shame of our localizers, the blade from Morrowind should be called the Cleaver. The divider was a hammer.
P.P.S. According to some reports, the cave where the messenger's body is located may be different.

Works by Shalidor
Quest Giver: Urag gro-Shub, a character from the main storyline located in the Arcaneum, inside the College of Winterhold. He is looking for the ancient treatises of Archmage Shalidor to translate for his library. Behind them you are sent to the Alftand Cathedral. You may have been there before, on other missions. On the spot you will find the remains of the expedition. In the ruined house you can find a diary (there will also be such inside, if you read them all, you will have a complete picture of the events of the expedition). Go to the Ice Ruins. These are typical Dwemer ruins, full of half-working machinery and snow that has managed to break even through Dwemer metal. You will also meet a distraught Khajiit without a skooma, suffering from personality development. Of the fuel here, not only oil, but also gas, which can be identified by strong vibrations in the air. Making your way through the ancient tenacious Dwemer mechanisms, you will reach the Animatorium.
There you will go down a strangely shaped staircase. Find the body of Yag gra-Gortvog. Below you will finally meet the Falmer - deep inhabitants, similar to goblins. They are not intelligent, but they cannot be called animals either, although there are signs of craft and communality on the face. And to top it off, they have magic. At the bottom towards the end you will find an elevator with a lever to the locked part of the Ice Ruins, from where you can quickly go outside. But let's go ahead, to Alftand Cathedral. Ahead you will see a grate, which you can open with a lever by climbing the stairs up. You will face the most difficult battle with the Dwemer Centurion, to defeat which you will have to use all available means. From his body, you can take the key to the lift. Of course, if the fight is too difficult, it is not necessary to kill him, you can break the door yourself. Meet Umana and Sulla Trebatia outside the gate. There are no happy meetings among them, though they also cannot stand each other. In the chest, find the diary you are looking for.
Return to Urag gro-Shub and return the book. In 2 days Urag will translate the book. He will give you 3 scrolls to temporarily increase the spellcasting skill.
Urag can also give you tasks to search for books, now in completely random places.

Tasks for obtaining the spells of the Master:

Ritual Spell of Restoration

Upon reaching level 90 in the Restoration skill, you can report to the College of Winterhold and speak with Colette Maranes. She will send you to the Augur. You go down to Midden - Darkness. There you will find the Augur of Dunley. After the conversation, enter the special effects of the call and the test will begin. Ghosts will appear. All you have to do is hold out for about a minute using only the restoration spells.

Interestingly, after completing the task, you will find a student who will try to break through your amulet.

Ritual Spell of Sorcery

Upon reaching level 90 in the Conjuration skill, you can report to the College of Winterhold and speak with Finis Gethor. He will give you the spell "Summon Freed Dremora" and send you to the upper level of the hall of achievements. There you will find a magic circle. Use the spell inside it. The Freed Dremora will appear. He will refuse to serve you, so you have to kill him. Then call again, offer to surrender and kill again. From the third time, he will agree to bring you a sigil stone. Summon the Dremora a fourth time, take the Sigil Stone and bring it to Finis. You will receive the Fire Thrall spell, as well as the ability to buy the rest - Dead Slave, Ice Slave, Electric Slave.

What to do with the Sigil Stone from the quest "The Ritual Spell of Sorcery"?

It must be placed on the pedestal of the atronach forge. Details in the full guide section.

Ritual Spell Illusion

Upon reaching level 90 in the Conjuration skill, you can report to the College of Winterhold and speak with Drevis Neloren. He will give you the Tenth Eye Vision spell. With it, you need to find four books of the Master of Illusion, which are only visible when using this spell:

  • In the Midden Dungeon, on a table next to the Atronach Forge.
  • Support Hall. Second floor, on one of the barrels.
  • Arcaneum. On the book table behind the wall to the left of the entrance.
  • Hall of Achievement. Second floor, under the bench.

When you find all four books, return to Drevis Neloren. Your reward: Spell Tome of Hysteria. Effect: Creatures and people of level 25 and below flee for 60 seconds.

You can also buy the other three spells - Rout, Harmony and Call to Arms.

Ritual Spell of Destruction

Upon reaching level 90 in the Conjuration skill, you can report to the College of Winterhold and speak with Faralda. She will give you the book "The Power of the Elements". According to the cipher, three places can be found in it:

  1. Ruins Windward (Blaze)
  2. Northern Mountain Outpost (Frostbite)
  3. Observational "Post Four Skulls" (Sparks)

They all have a pedestal. Activate and a book will appear on it. Attack with the right spell and take it. They say you need to go in this order.

As a reward, you will receive the Firestorm spell, as well as the opportunity to buy books from Faralda.

Ritual Spell Change

Upon reaching level 90 in the Alteration skill, you can report to the College of Winterhold and speak with Tolfdir. Tom needs scales from a dragon's heart. To get them, you need to get the dagger Kavozein's Fang.

Travel to High Gate Ruins. If you haven't been there yet, you can meet Anska, the quest "A Scroll for Anska" (Dragon Cult) will begin.

Puzzle with levers. The order of their activation is shown above. The order is: bird, fish, wolf, snake. Go to the catacombs. Through them, enter the Vokun Throne Room. You will have to fight him. From the body you can take the Mask of Vokun (one of the masks of the dragon priests. In the chest you will find the Fang of Kavozein. And the cry written on the wall is Thunder Call.

Now kill any dragon, take the Fang of Kovozein in your hands and search the skeleton. Return to Tolfdir. He will give you the Dragonskin spell and also sell Mass Paralyze.

The College of Winterhold is not subject to the imperial guild of magicians and does not shy away from necromancy.

The College of Winterhold is a mage school in the northeast of Skyrim, near the border with Morrowind. The arcane arts are studied here, and wizards spend their days casting spells or studying library grimoires. Residents of Winterhold do not like the College, and there is a reason - since fifty years ago, most of the city was swept away by huge waves, and the building of the College miraculously survived.

To become an archmage, it is not necessary to study magic - the first "introductory" spells will suffice. So the road here is open to any hero.

First lessons

“The main thing is caution,” says Tolfdir and sends the students to a dangerous dungeon.

Already from the first steps in Skyrim, the hero will be told that there is a school of magicians on the northern outskirts of the province - for those who consider themselves capable of magic, and ... for everyone else.

The school is easy to find - it stands out against the background of the decadent Winterhold. But the sorceress Faralda guards the entrance more than a dragon - she will let us through after we either prove our dovakinship (the Ancient Knowledge plot quest) or demonstrate how we can conjure. The spell that Farald will require from us is chosen randomly. If we do not know this, she herself will sell it for a modest price.

ADVICE: visit the college as early as possible - if you arrive too late, Faralda's "introductory" spell may require more mana than the hero has.

After that, we will have a conversation with Mirabella Ervin and an excursion, and then the first lesson in the Hall of the Elements. The elderly magician Tolfdir reads a lecture to the students. At the end, he will offer the hero to practice using the ward spell. If we don't have it, we will teach it.

The task is simple: cover yourself with a talisman in time to reflect a fireball flying at the hero.

Immediately after that, Tolfdir will offer to work "in the field" and visit the excavations of the ruins of Saarthal.

In the depths of Saarthal

The skinny greenish type on the left is Yurik. Jurik Goldurson.

Saarthal is not far, southwest of Winterhold. Wait at the entrance of Tolfdir with the students. Inside, you will be given the first task, to help the magician Arnel Hein collect several artifacts - three enchanted rings and one ancient amulet.

With the amulet there will be a hitch - a magic trap will work and cut off the hero from the rest of the expedition members. Tolfdir will offer to study the amulet closer. Put it on and cast a spell on the pedestal. A passage will open, and with it a grate, and Tolfdir will join us.

And then, when we get to a small room with a locked door, time will stop, and the Psijic mage Nerien will speak to the hero from nowhere. Something very dangerous is coming - he will say and disappear, and the draugr will immediately attack the hero with Tolfdir.

You will meet two puzzles - one is simpler, the other is more difficult. The solution is simple - rotate the columns as shown in the pictures (whale-snake-eagle, eagle-eagle-whale). Difficult puzzle - four columns, three of which, turning, rotate others. You need to start with the left neighbor - it rotates the remaining three columns. Rotate the column so that the pattern matches the pattern on the wall. The next column is the far left. Then - the right distant and the right near.

After that, Tolfdir will join us, and we will go out into the hall, at the far end of which a huge magic ball rotates, covered with mysterious signs. It is guarded by Jurik... that is, Jurik Goldurson, a powerful draugr. He is invulnerable at first. Only when Tolfdir begins to draw power from the ball can Yurik be dealt with.

Head back to the college through the door behind the orb and don't miss the wall with the Word of Power.

library books

The archmage's red eyes are not from books or pipe-weed. He's from Morrowind - everyone is like that.

To find out what kind of ball we found in the depths of Saarthal, the archmage Savos Aren advises us to contact the Arcaneum - the local library. But the orc librarian Urag gro-Shub will quickly cool our ardor - he does not have the necessary books. They were kidnapped by a certain Orthorn, a renegade mage who is hiding in the fortress of Fellglow.

In the fortress of Fellglow, magicians perform inhuman experiments on vampires. Release all the vampires you meet and they will help in the fight. Orthorn himself is in prison - free him, and he will also offer assistance.

You will find the books at the end of the dungeon, next to a strong sorceress - the Caller. You can fight her (she, true to her nickname, calls all kinds of dirty tricks on our heads), try to convince her to give the books in peace, or, if Orthorn accompanies you, exchange the books for him.

As a reward for the return of three valuable volumes, Urag gro-Shub will give us pockets full of interesting and useful books.

Good intentions

In the chambers of the archmage, agents of the secret Psijic order again approached us.

Speak with Tolfdir in the Hall of Elements. He admires the Eye of Magnus, a magical orb recovered from Saarthal, and confesses that he has never seen anything like it before.

The conversation will be interrupted by Ancano, an arrogant Altmer, representative of the Thalmor and adviser to the archmage. He urgently summons us to the chambers of the archmage for a serious conversation. There we will be met by another Psijic magician (a member of the top-secret society of magicians) - Quaranir. He traditionally freezes time to talk with the hero in private. The magic ball is dangerous. The world is not yet ready for such a powerful thing, and we need the advice of the Augur of Dunlane.

Naturally, the archmage and Ancano did not hear the conversation and now do not understand why the Psijic is leaving. But where to look for Augur? Tolfdir will tell us about this. The augur hides in the Midden, the catacombs under the Collegium. There are ice ghosts and all kinds of undead, and the Augur himself is a bunch of magical energy, full of pessimism. He will tell us that events cannot be stopped, Ancano does not know what he is doing, and we need some kind of staff of Magnus.

Discovery of the invisible

The map shows clots of magic in Tamriel. Skyrim is illuminated by the Eye of Magnus and the Staff of Magnus.

Savos Aren, learning about the staff, will send to Mirabella. She will report that the magicians from the Synod were recently looking for the staff, and they went to the Dwemer dungeon Mzulft.

Judging by the fact that a magician is dying outside the gates of Mzulft, the Synod has already been here. Take the key from the body, open the door and enter the dungeon corridors. It is quite straightforward - your enemies here will be the traditional defense mechanisms of the Dwemer, as well as the Falmer and Corus.

At the end of a long journey, stumble upon a locked door in the large hall, go in the opposite direction, eliminate the centurion and take the key from the chest. Return to the door. If you haven't already picked up the Focusing Crystal from the Falmer in the Great Hall, do so.

Meet Parata Dekimiya - the only surviving magician of the Synod. He will tell us what happened and lead us to a device that focuses starlight. To solve the puzzle, you need to insert the crystal in the indicated place and work on it with cold and fire spells until the light rays are exactly on three rings in the dome. After that, it remains to press the buttons and rotate the rings to combine the three lenses with the rays.

Apparently, the staff is in Labyrinthian. That's where we'll go. However, first we will have to look into the College, where the Psijic magician who has again appeared out of nowhere will send us.


It was impossible to let Ancano near the ball. Having received the power of the Eye, the elf is about to collapse space, pupate and stop time.

Disturbing and tragic events are taking place in the Collegium. After a full-fledged crisis breaks out, we will be sent to protect Winterhold from a dozen magical anomalies flying around the city.

After that, return to Mirabella - she will send us to the Labyrinthian, providing the door ring (key) and the amulet of Savos Arena.

Staff of Magnus

Ghost Draugr. It would seem that the undead are undead - but it looks spectacular!

Labyrinthian is a curious dungeon. There are trolls, a blue-witted mother smoke, and unusual ghostly draugr and their hounds. Here, together with us, there will be disembodied ghosts of the past - an expedition of magicians led by Savos Aren. And the Labyrinthian will begin with interesting battle- a bone dragon and a crowd of skeletons.

ADVICE: if it is difficult for you to defeat the dragon, return from the hall to the narrow corridors where it will not fit.

There are no puzzles in the Labyrinthian, except for two magical doors. The ice one is opened with a fire spell, the fire one with an ice one. The most dangerous thing is the beginning of the gallery, where fireballs will immediately fly at us, capable of killing the hero instantly. To get through this section, you need to hide around the corner and hit the soul stones from the pedestals with a bow or an ice arrow spell.

After encountering the Ghostly Draugr Warlord, grab the Word of Power from the wall and prepare to fight Morokei. He is invulnerable, as two mages feed his defense. Kill them, then Morokei himself (he will summon an atronach if he has time). Take the mask and staff of Magnus from him.

ADVICE: if fighting Morokei is too hard, use the same method as with the dragon - hide without entering the hall and fire at him from afar with everything you have.

On the way to the exit from the dungeon, you have to endure one more battle - with the ambitious Altmer Estormo.

Eye of Magnus

"You have no methods against Ancano of the Thalmor!"

Now you need to use the staff to break through the protective magic to the College and defeat Ancano. Influence the staff on the obstacles. Help the mages cope with anomalies flying around. In the Hall of Elements itself, on the advice of Tolfdir, use the staff on the Eye to make it a ball again, and then use the same staff to strike with magic at Ancano. If necessary, repeat the procedure. After the battle, get rid of the summoned anomalies.

It is done! The ball was taken away by the Psijics, and our hero is now the head of the College and can safely settle down in the chambers of the archmage.

FOR YOUR INFORMATION: all tasks from members of the Board, including "Echoes", look in side quest section.

Extensive sound mod aimed to make your stay in Skyrim richer with pure, atmospheric, impressive, believable sounds.

At the same time, combining maximum compatibility and performance with both original game, and with the already modified one.

Sounds have been redesigned and often made from scratch in many ways. They fit together beautifully and represent a continuous, fluid interaction between them. To replace the "game" sounds, more real, life-like stylizations of sounds have been created.

Also, the task was to create this mod so that it is not perceived as a modification in full meaning of this word, but as an integral, original and "native" part of the game. Nothing has been stolen from other games, all sounds are unique and created specifically for this project.


Added over 400 new sounds to environments and rooms.

Different regions have different sound characteristics. In the forest you will hear birds, breaking branches and a breath of wind, buzzing insects and other delights of wild flora and fauna.

The game has become 10-15% louder.

More dynamic sounds (the difference between quiet and loud sounds is now more audible)

All original sounds for exteriors and interiors have been reworked, linked or completely remade.

Added over 300 new environmental sounds to the game world, including ruins, dungeons, various animals, waterfalls, currents, all kinds of activity, etc.

Created new sounds for lighting effects, rain, snow and snowstorms.

Slightly muffled some sounds, such as Markarth waterfalls being too loud.

Added "NPC steps" and "Waterfalls and currents" sliders to the "Audio" menu.

Indoors, the sound of rain and wind is now heard if it is raining outside the window or a blizzard is raging.


Don't expect to be bombarded with new sound effects as soon as you log into the game. New sounds should be subtle and be an integral part of the game world. Everything that was added was chosen for one purpose - to introduce sounds that did not exist before, and also to emphasize the dimension of the space in which they are played. The differences between night and day were emphasized. Differences in interiors. A lot of atmospheric sounds have been added to the rooms - various activities that could be just the crackling of a tree or a falling object, or the activity of some kind of living creature ... The goal is to create a sense of uncertainty whether anyone is alive (or not alive) while in the ruins, caves, ruins... and keep you on your toes for as long as possible.


(Reverb is the reflection of sound from the surfaces of the environment. Can be compared with the effects of an echo. Perhaps one of the most significant changes)

Much more distinct than in the original Skyrim.

The sound is not just increased, but redone for a deeper transfer of effects from various items environment. Maintaining a balance between quality, loudness and the specifics of a particular environment or situation.

Explosions (runes, fireballs) now have a special, correctly reflected sound.


Created new hit sounds for all classes (one-handed and two-handed weapons, axes, maces)

New "heavy" shield blocking sounds for all weapon classes.

Daggers now have their own unique sound, which was originally just a repetition of sword sounds.

The sounds of archery, arrows piercing objects have also been improved.


Impact sound design different weapons different from each other, much better than the original. Cutting sounds of blades, chopping - axes and peculiar sounds of clubs. You will know what kind of weapon the NPCs are using by hearing its sound. Since blade resounding has affected all blades in Skyrim, including unique ones, blades added by mods will still have the sound of the original, since Bethesda did not deign to create a unique blade sound.


The new sound design for magic was created from the ground up and it's mostly Destruction and Affliction...mostly.

Sounds are clearly audible between the preparation of the spell, the action itself, and the effect on the object. For example, previously you couldn't hear the "Fireball" sound because it was interrupted by the length of its preparation sound.

More aggressive, bright explosion sounds.

Added more variety. Previously, the same sounds were used for many spells. Now, each spell has its own unique sound.

Some shouts have been slightly upgraded.

New sounds for spells "Fire Arrow", " Fire ball", "Lightning" and "Chain Lightning".


Many traps have been made louder to scare you even more. Burning oil now has a more intense sound, for example.


New sounds have been created, added or remade for various kinds creatures.

This applies to both small creatures and larger and more dangerous creatures.

Special attention was given to Dragons (tail strikes, landing, jaw snapping...), Dwemer Centurions, Mammoths, Giants, etc.

Dogs no longer sound like asthmatic goblins (and why didn't anyone notice this?)


Improved the steps of almost all humanoids, and some creatures in the game. Created more than 1000 and a couple of hundred more sounds specifically for this.

Reworked sneak sounds.

Reworked movement sounds when wearing all types of armor and clothing. The speed of movement, the environment, the surface, etc. are taken into account.

Heavy armor now sounds "heavier" than all other armor.

Sneaking with heavy armor now has a unique sound.


High performance has been a high priority from the very beginning. A balance was struck between the number of simultaneously played sounds and memory allocation. For most people, there will be no FPS drop.


Integrated fix with a possible CTD (Crash to Desctop) in the Riverwood area.

Fixed a bug with sound in the original, when the sounds of blocking clubs with a shield and hitting a troll disappeared, the hammer used the sound of a sword, etc.

The plugin was cleaned with TES5Edit from "dirty" edits.

Questions and answers:

1. "Is this mod compatible with other audio mods?" Yes and no. Be aware of which files AOS modifies and which files you want to replace, add, or remove. For example, let's take Immersive Sounds - Aural Assortment. Both mods have matching files. This means that you will have to make a choice of which files to overwrite and which not to overwrite. If you want to keep the sounds added by AOS and at the same time add sounds from IS-AA - install AOS after IS-AA, agree to replace files and load AOS after IS-AA (with the opposite effect, I think, understandable). The same applies to other mods whose files are the same as AOS files.

2. "Can I remove these new bow sounds without any consequences?" Yes! There are three files in the Steam/SteamApps/Common/Skyrim/Data/Sound/fx/wpn/bow/fire folder - delete them and the game will return to the original sounds for bows.

Sounds of Skyrim is an audio project that adds to skyrim game SE about 460+ new sound effects. The mod affects almost every location and region in the game. The main goal is to diversify the sound as much as possible environment to enhance immersion in game world. Sounds change depending on time of day, weather and location. When walking through the streets of the city during the day you will hear the echo of doors opening and closing, the screams of children playing, the sounds of a forge or sawmill, and at night you can hear the noise of cat fights, dogs barking and much more.

This is the version of the mod for Skyrim SE. The version for Skyrim LE is located

Update: 1.9
- The main mod is cleaned from unnecessary entries and dirty edits
- Updated compatibility patch with Cathedral Weathers and Seasons mod.
- Added compatibility patch with Luminosity mod.
Update: 1.8
- The main mod has been cleaned of unnecessary entries and updated according to the latest USSEP edits.
- Beta testing of the MCM menu is over, and it is now integrated into the main mod.
- All compatibility patches are now in ESPFE format.
- Added compatibility patch with Cathedral Weathers and Seasons mod.
- Other minor fixes and bug fixes.

Sounds of Skyrim Complete SE combines three sound mods:
- Sounds of Skyrim - Civilization - adds more than two hundred new sound effects to cities, villages, farms and other places where civilization is present. In cities, you can hear the knock of a hammer, which is used by residents during repairs, a party in a tavern, the screams of children playing, barking dogs or the noise of cat fights. On farms or near them, you can hear the sounds of animals, if any. In bad weather, you can hear how the rain knocks on the windows, or how in a snowstorm the cold wind whistles outside the window.
- Sounds of Skyrim - The Dungeons - includes over a hundred new sound effects designed to add life and realism to the dungeons. Now, listening, you can identify what kind of creatures live in the dungeon. And at the entrances of the dungeon you can hear the weather outside, for example, if there is a storm outside, you will hear echoes of thunder.
-Sounds of Skyrim- The Wilds- focuses on adding over a hundred sound effects to the wastelands of Skyrim. Now the surrounding nature will be saturated with the sounds of various animals, birds and insects, which will change depending on the weather, time of day and terrain. In the forests, for example, you can hear the sounds of foxes, deer and birds, and at night even the howling of wolves in the distance.

Compatible without patches:
- : Download after SoS
- Reverb and Ambience Overhaul (RAO) : Load before SoS.
- Lucidity Sound FX
- Surreal Lighting
- Claralux
- AI Overhaul : Load before SoS.
- Relighting Skyrim : Load before SoS.
Compatible with patches included in the main installer:
- Cathedral Weathers and Seasons
- Natural Atmospheric Tamriel (NAT)
-Northern Saga Weathers and Seasons
- Realistic Lighting Overhaul (RLO) (RLO Interiors)
- (plus Enhancer, Hardcore, Weathers, and combinations)

Regarding compatibility with - at first the author developed a compatibility patch, but then he removed it, never releasing it from beta due to a very large number of conflicts. So now the author does not recommend use these mods together as well choose one of them.

Skyrim Special Edition

It is highly recommended to install not manually, but through NMM / MO, since it contains an installer that automatically detects already installed mods that require compatibility patches. For the same reason, it is recommended to install this mod after installing all other mods you need.

If you liked the mod - do not be lazy to go to the original page, download it and like it. Have a good game!

Want to know what the College of Winterhold is like? This article is dedicated to her. Here you will find full walkthrough all tasks of the College. Information on how to get Ritual Spells (the most powerful magic in the game), who and where to improve your magical skills, and much more useful information about this haven of magicians in Skyrim.

The one who unshakably follows someone's orders, the one who does not look for meaning in what is happening around him is a bad magician. To be frank, all brilliant magicians are ineradicable individualists. Magic is not waving a magic staff or unimaginable hand passes, it is not sophisticated formulas of magic spells. Magic is pure art; a gift from above, or as this intangible power is also called - talent. Without possessing the latter, relying on efforts alone, you will certainly become a strong and powerful sorcerer, but in order to overcome this invisible line and become great, you need talent. Although ... there were such moments when the forces that controlled the origins of being, bestowed talent for efforts, which, however, happened very rarely.

Anyone wishing to test their possibilities in the management of magical powers, maybe by passing small exam, join the College of Mages of Winterhold. This community of magicians V Skyrim is an analogue of the Guild of Mages, which, by the way, was dissolved. If you compare these two magical organizations, you can see that the College of Winterhold prefers studying aspects of magic, while the Mages Guild focused on providing different kind services for ordinary people.

College of Mages of Winterhold located, as you probably already guessed from the name, in the village Winterhold. Unfortunately this locality, which previously had every right to be called a city, was very badly damaged due to incomprehensible seismic anomalies. As a result, part of the city went under water. Not surprisingly, the poorly educated population began to blame the Collegium for everything. Magicians, on the other hand, claim that activity was the cause. red mountain. Who is right in this dispute, I think, we will not know.

Joining the Mages of the College of Winterhold

In order to become one of the members College of Winterhold you need to go to Winterhold. This settlement is located in the northeast of Skyrim. If you don’t have a particular craving for travel, then you can just get there on a wagon, the benefit is this pleasure is not expensive. When you arrive at Winterhold, head straight for big bridge, leading to the College, the village is not big, therefore, there should be no problems with the search.

At the very beginning of the bridge you will meet Faralda, who will examine you for the opportunity to join. The test is not difficult, you just need to cast the spell that the elf will announce - the examiner. It is worth mentioning that if you are, then you can tell Faralda that you are Dragonborn. In this case, you will need to show your mastery of any of the words of power (shouts). Do not forget about the power of persuasion, with a well-developed eloquence skill, you can convince Faralda to accept you into the College of Magicians without any exams.

Missing spells can be purchased locally from Faralda.

After passing the entrance exams, you will be directed to the sorceress supervising beginners - Mirabella Ervin.

If for some reason you are expelled from the College of Winterhold, talk to Tolfdir. For some amount of gold, he will renew your membership.

Benefits of membership in the College of Mages

No matter how many grandiloquent words about magic and high art were said, material side of the issue is just as important.

  • Ritual Spells- This the most powerful magic, which is subject to the main character. After reaching Dovakin 90 - 100 levels in any of the schools of magic, tasks become available from the corresponding members of the College of Winterhold to obtain this mysterious magic.
  • satellites- by completing side quests some characters from the College of Mages, you can at any time invite them to journey with you in Skyrim. Besides, Brina and Onmund can become your wife or husband.
  • teachers– The College of Winterhold is always happy share your knowledge with those who have entered the path of magic. Of course, the lessons are by no means free, but the gold spent is worth it.
  • Magic Equipment- as you move up the career ladder, you will receive ammunition. For example, for joining the College of Winterhold, Main character will receive apprentice robe corresponding school of magic.

Teachers at the College of Mages of Winterhold

  • Enchantment - Sergiy Turrian
  • Illusions - Drevis Neloren
  • Recovery - Colette Marens
  • Destruction - Faralda
  • Change - Tolfdir
  • Witchcraft - Finis Gestor

Passage of story quests of the College of Winterhold

During the course of the main story quest College of Mages of Winterhold, you will find a mysterious artifact called . Explore a mysterious dungeon labyrinthian and save the province from the consequences of the selfish thoughts of a member Aldmeri Legion.

Like the quests any line in The Elder Scrolls, the tasks of the College of Mages are not inferior in sophistication and atmosphere to the main plot. So passing for this faction should leave you only positive emotions.

First lessons - “I would go to wizards, let them teach me”

After you have demonstrated your sorcery to Faralda, she will take you to yard of the College. Here you need to talk to Mirabella Erwin. The first time you visit this place, it will be located at the door in Hall of Elements- the main building of the College. Immediately talking to the curator of the newly minted magicians will not work, as she is arguing about something with the adviser to the Thalmor embassy - Ankano. After waiting for the end of the discussion, talk to Mirabela. She will give you apprentice robe the appropriate school of magic (taking into account what you chose in a conversation with Faralda), as well as offer to look around at the College of Winterhold.

After a little excursions conducted by Mirabella, go to the Hall of the Elements - you can get through the large gate in the courtyard of the College. There you will find Tolfdir, who seems to be giving the first lesson with the newly minted magicians. After talking a little about some aspects of magic, together your group will convince Tolfdir of the need practices. The latter will consist in demonstrating your possession of amulets.

If you do not own the Charm spell, then Tolfdir will teach you it for free.

You need to stand in the stone circle with the symbol of the College of Winterhold and activate the spell any of the amulets(small, large or stable). Shot in your defense fire arrow Tolfdir will praise your skill and offer to continue training in Ruins of Saartala, which not so long ago fell the eyes of the Collegium.

In the depths of Saarthal - the secret of the ancient ruins

After successful practical training with Tolfdir in Hall of Elements, your elderly teacher will offer to continue your studies in the ancient ruins of Saartal. Finding them is not difficult, just move in marker direction, it is worth mentioning that it is easier to get there if you walk South from Winterhold. The path along the seashore will take longer time.

As soon as your entire group gathers in the ruins, Tolfdir will distribute to all students individual tasks. Yours will be help Arnel Gein looking for enchanted items. Gein himself is not very happy with such cooperation, apparently likes to work in silence. As a consequence, his main request will be the absence of your presence. However, Arnel will mention that if there is absolutely nothing to do, then you can search some interesting stuff.

Searches should not give you any difficulty, as the search is marked with markers. Your goal is two rings in Western from Arnel's room, as well as the ring and amulet in the room to the north. I would like to note right away that after you get the amulet from the wall, the trap will work and the room you are in will close. There is no need to panic. Tolfdir will defuse the situation, you need to equip yourself found amulet (the wall from which you removed the amulet will begin to resonate) and pronounce any spell on the wall, your venerable servant fired lightning into the wall.

The wall is destroyed, the lattice is open, and you and Tolfdir are waiting for the unexplored rooms of Saartala before the village. So don't hesitate and follow your teacher. A little deeper into the ruins, you will witness how time will stop, and the room will be covered with a white haze. After that, a mysterious person will speak to you, as it later turns out to be one of the members of the order Psijic. A mysterious member of a no less mysterious organization will tell of an impending disaster. The task of prevention the next coming disaster.

After informing Tolfdir about what you saw, continue to move on. Be careful as soon as Tolfdir fit in place, where Psijic used to stand, from sarcophagi two draugr break out. Having dealt with the troubles that have arisen, follow your companion again, especially since the joint walk is about to come to an end. You break up with him in the round room after another attack by the restless draugrs.

Now the task of the Protagonist will be to search for the danger that Psijic warned about. In the mass grave room, you will encounter first puzzle if you can call it that, of course. On the right and left sides there are three stone pedestals with patterns on them. And in front of the closed grate there is a lever. All you need is rotate pedestals, in accordance with patterns behind them and then pull the lever and the door will open.

The next similar puzzle is more difficult. The task is still the same, you need to set the patterns on the pedestals in accordance with the patterns behind them. However, at rotation of one cabinets, revolve and others. But there is one trick. If you stand facing the grill:

  • Start rotating from the far left;
  • Then the near left;
  • Then the far right;
  • And finally the near right;
  • After the done manipulations, you can safely pull the lever and move on.

After walking a little more, you will find an iron door. Feel free to open it, after that something special will appear to your eyes. Huge patterned and floating in the air ball. It is nothing more than . Here you catch up straggler Tolfdir and offer to continue research.

Get down to the Eye and get ready to run, as you and Tolfdir will be attacked by immortal draugr by name Jurik Goldurson. You need to divert his attention to yourself while Tolfdir is shamanizing with the Eye. As soon as he finishes his manipulations, darugr will become mortal and you can easily finish him off. This concludes your adventures in Saarthal. Tolfdir will send the Protagonist to the College of Winterhold report to the Archmage about the found artifact. What you need to do to complete this task.

On the body of the deceased draugr Jurik Goldurson, you will find a piece of Goldur's amulet, as well as a Letter of Seal. If you read it, a quest will begin during which you will collect this amulet together. However, this task has nothing to do with the College of Mages.

Leaving the room with the Eye of Magnus is best through the door behind him. In this case, you will find word of power. And yes, it will be faster. You will find the archmage in your chambers, you can get there through the Hall of Elements. Reporting to the head of the College of Mages about the find will complete the quest “In the Depths of Saarthal”.

Library books - search for information about a mysterious artifact

Go to library Colleges of Winterhold. You need to find the keeper of the books there - Urag gro-Shuba. It may seem a little comical, but he is an orc (well, you remember about: “The orc is smart, he ate the book”). Although, after talking with this subject, it becomes clear that he does not occupy his position in vain. Urag is very educated, and in addition to everything, his love for books is in the first place. And so, having found Urag gro-Shub, ask him about the artifact found in Saarthal. The librarian will tell the main character that the reading material you need is not among the books entrusted to him, since a certain Ortron, who was previously a member of the College of Winterhold, having stolen the book, joined the exiled magicians. The latter can be found in Fellglow Forts.

Fellglow Keep is located southwest of Winterhold, closer just to it is the city of Whiterun. You should prepare as carefully as possible for this adventure, as inside you will meet a lot of magicians varying degrees of complexity. It is worth paying attention to the traps, which are also plentiful in Fellglow, runes hit especially hard, so be careful moving along the corridors of this stronghold of renegades from the College of Mages.

In a round room with bars and levers in the middle, you will meet who stole the desired books Ortron. What to do with him it's up to you to decide, you can finish off, you can free, or you can just walk past. If you release him, he will agree to join the company and become your companion for a while.

You will find the book stolen from the College in hall of rituals. But just picking them up won't work. This time you will interfere calling. Aunt she is very strong, constantly casts some kind of unknown magic and teleports around the room. At the same time, as her name implies, summoned thralls will fight on the side of the Summoner. One way or another, having defeated the adversary, take away three books lying on pedestals (two in the corners and one in the center). After that, you can safely return to the College of Mages of Winterhold to Ugra gro-Shub and give the books you found.

In addition to killing the Summoner, you can convince, or give her books of Ortron in exchange.

Reward for the main character will be:

  • 2920, Month of Hearth Fire (vol. 9) - increases witchcraft;
  • In response to Bero's speech - increases destruction;
  • Child of the Niben - increases the change;
  • Pros and cons of black magic - increases the illusion;
  • Full catalog of weapon enchantments - increases enchantment;
  • Racial phylogeny - increases recovery.

Good Intentions - Talented Student of the College of Mages

After completing the search for books and collecting the necessary information, the main character will be sent to Tolfdir, in order to piece together what we have learned about the mysterious orb found in Saarthal. Tolfdir is in Hall of Elements, where the artifact from Saarthal has already been transported. During a conversation with Tolfdir in a conversation Ancano intervenes, who will order to follow him. You have no option to refuse, because otherwise you won’t advance on the quest.

It turns out that the College of Mages was visited by the Protagonist previously met Psijic. Since there are many rumors around this order, some did not even believe in their existence, the appearance of a representative of this order caused quite a stir among the magicians. In addition, Psijic demanded a meeting precisely with the main character. As soon as you get close to Quaranir, that's Psijic's name, he will re-cast old trick and time around you will freeze (you can take advantage of the moment and rob the chambers of the Archmage). Now Quaranir will tell you in a calm atmosphere what he wants from the Protagonist, and he wants a lot.

The artifact found in Saarthal, as mentioned above, is called. This artifact is so great that the local aborigines inhabiting this planet still not ready to such a powerful artikovina. The Psijic order itself is so mysterious and enigmatic that intervention in the affairs of ordinary inhabitants they are forbidden. Therefore, Quaranir asks the Protagonist for help (although, if you think about it, isn't this a direct intervention?). According to Quaranir, a certain Augur of Dunlane can tell more about the Eye of Magnus.

After explaining all the details of the next salvation of the world, Psijic Quaranir will restore the flow of time and take his leave leaves the College of Mages Winterhold. You also need to find out where to find the Augur of Dunlane. Mirabella Erwin or Tolfdir(you can immediately go to Midden). To the delight of the Protagonist, Augur is not far at all, or, to be more precise, right under the College of Magi in a dungeon called Midden.

The Midden can be reached via one of the hatches, for example, there is one in the courtyard of the College of Magicians. Augur can be found in the lower levels of the College dungeons ( Midden - Darkness). Of the dangerous opponents encountered in Midden, one can single out ice ghosts. It is difficult to hit them with magic, and their damage is quite large.

The Augur of Dunley will tell you that Ancano has already visited him and learned all the details about Eye of Magnus. He was mainly interested in how to control this artifact. According to Augur, for these purposes it is necessary to use staff of magnus. Having received the necessary information, return to the Archmage. As a reward for completing this quest you will receive a hoop of the magician.

Discovering the Unseen - Adventures in the Dwemer Ruins of Mzulft

Well, we can say that the action itself begins. After you report to the Archmage about what you learned from the Augur, the main task for the hero will be searching for the Staff of Magnus. First of all, you need to ask Mirabella Erwin about what she knows about the Staff of Magnus. The curator of beginners will share information that not so long ago, magicians from the Synod were interested in this artifact, who dropped a few words about Mzulfte- the ruins of the mysteriously disappeared Dwemer. The obvious conclusion suggests itself that the path of the Protagonist lies exactly there.

Mzulft is located on southeast of Windhelm and on north of Riften. It can be said that the Dwemer did not stint in their time on the resources for this building. As a result, you will prolonged and an exciting pastime in this building. During this adventure, you will have to fight not only with various mechanical creatures, but also Falmer, who for some reason are always drawn to the ruins of the Dwemer.

Arriving at the place next to the entrance into the interior of Mzulft, you will find a dying scientist from the Synod - Gavros Pliny. The poor fellow can only say: "The crystal has disappeared, find Parath in the Oculatory", after which he immediately goes to the forefathers. The scientist died, so he will no longer need key to the ruins, relieve him of this burden and go inside.

Breaking through the crowds of enemies note on Falmer - the shadow guard (or master of shadows), after you pass Mzulft>Mzulft-steam engines>Mzulft, in a large room with six intact and one fallen column. The fact is that on the body of this creature you will find Focusing Crystal, which you will need a little later. After this find, move to eastern part the lower levels of Mzulft, there, in a room with a huge Dwemer Centurion (the worst option, that is, in this room you will meet a monster according to your level) you will find Oculatory key.

After opening the door with the found key, move to the next locked door. After you try to open her, hear the voice of the second scholar from the Synod. Apparently this is the one mentioned by Gavros - Parade. The latter, upon hearing a human voice, will open the door and escort you to the Oculatory.

Now you need focus Oculatory. Place the found crystal in the Dwemer Armillary Sphere. For further manipulations you will need spells Flame And frostbite. If you have a gap in knowledge here, then shame on you and disgrace, however, do not despair, volumes with this witchcraft lie on the table, next to the control panel of the Oculatory. Without going into details, it is necessary to make sure that rays of light, emanating from the armillary sphere, were concentrated in the centers discs rotating with remote control. And then use the remote to substitute under these lens rays.

If you did everything correctly, then a p will appear on the wall under the remote control. map projection. Listen to what says Parade and ask him about the location of the staff of Magnus. The parade will not break down for a long time and will tell you that you can find this staff in Labyrinthians. Having received what you were looking for, go to Winterhold. At the exit from the ruins, Psijic Quaranir will meet you and ask you to immediately go to the College, apparently something went wrong.

Returning to the College of Mages, you will see what went wrong. Turns out it's disgusting Ancano already began to act. He surrounded himself with wards and is trying to shoot lightning, at least it seems so from the outside. Meanwhile, the Archmage and Mirabella are trying to neutralize the barrier and, lo and behold, they succeed. But it doesn't take long to rejoice. incomprehensible explosion again creates a barrier and throws away your trinity, which encroached on Ancano's experiments with the Eye, behind it. On this task "Discovery of the Invisible" will end. Reward you will become a fiddle, apparently the developers thought that the Main character would have enough of all those soul stones found in Mzulfte from Dwemer handicrafts (spiders there, rolling spheres).

Elimination of the consequences - Ancano's selfish intentions

Ancano's new barrier bang so that Archmage was knocked back outside the Hall of the Elements. The first step is to find the head of the College of Winterhold. Come out into the yard, there you will witness a sad picture, poor intelligent dark Elf Savos Aren could not stand such bullying and ordered to live long. But even worse, due to Ancano's crooked hand, his manipulation of the Eye of Magnus led to the fact that the city was filled with unknown creatures called magical anomalies.

You will not be surprised for long by what is happening. Your old teacher Tolfdir will ask save winterhold from this new scourge. Go to town and exterminate appearing magical anomalies. After that, return to Mirabella Erwin, who will give you the Door Ring from the Labyrinthian, as well as Savos Arena Amulet. It's time to go to the Labyrinthian and find the Staff of Magnus.

The Staff of Magnus - The Secret of Savos Arena

It's time to start looking for the Staff of Magnus, because only with it you can to break the charms resulting from attempts Ancano activate an artifact from Saarthal. As you have already learned before, the staff located in Labyrinthian. These mysterious ruins are located southwest of Winterhold and south of Morthal.

During the search for the staff of Magnus, the Protagonist will constantly be visited by visions of bygone days, in which the Archmage Savos Aren, along with a company of mages from the College of Winterhold, tried to find this artifact. However, they have something didn't work out. Safely getting on the soup, along the way losing the entire group of unfortunate researchers, Savos Aren failed in this difficult undertaking.

Of the interesting things in the Labyrinthian, one can single out undead dragon. In addition to the dragon itself, skeletons will also attack you. All this action will take place in a huge hall, hidden behind iron grate. In general, this dragon is no different from its living counterparts, except of course appearance. Therefore, having laid to rest the huge skeleton of the lizard, feel free to go further.

It is also worth noting two magical barriers.

  • First, will consist of ice, it can be destroyed with fire magic;
  • Second, comprises fire that will fall under the onslaught of spells ice element.

If in your arsenal for some reason don't have these spells, do not panic, the corresponding volumes are in rooms with magical barriers.

Next you will meet traps causing decent magic damage. Their design remains a mystery, it is only clear that for neutralization it is necessary knock down the soul stone located at the head of these magical cannons. Also pay attention to the floor next to the traps, as it is inscribed magic runes stepping on which, you risk dying.

The ultimate goal of your journey in the Labyrinthian is Dragon Priest of Morokea, who wields the Staff of Magnus. This priest is notable for being surrounded by a magical barrier maintained by two magicians captured by him. Kill these magicians and only after that attack the Morokei. When the Dragon Priest falls, take from his body Staff of Magnus and return to the College of Winterhold, where Tolfdir will meet you. Report to the old man about the found artifact, thereby completing this task.

Eye of Magnus - deactivate the artifact of Magnus

Exercise starts after you return to the College with Staff of Magnus and talk to Tolfdir. Armed with the found artifact, follow Tolfdir to the Hall of Elements. The entrance to the courtyard of the College will block magical barrier, destroy it with the staff and move on. The battle with the main protagonist in the plot of the College of Winterhold will take place according to the following scheme:

  • Attack the Eye of Magnus with the staff, thereby removing Ancano's invulnerability;
  • As soon as the Eye is closed, you can safely attack Ancano;
  • Repeat until the end.

Having dealt with the villain who encroached on the holy of holies, talk to Tolfdir, after which it will appear Psijic Quaranir. The latter, having called his two brethren, take the Eye of Magnus in an unknown direction. In general, the guys had a good time. Without really doing anything, the trick with stopping time does not count, they mastered one of the strongest artifacts in Nirn. But, let's not be greedy, and let the Psijic guys indulge in this contraption, especially since you still can't do anything. And the fact that the main character will be awarded the title of Archmage, giving the late Savos Arena the keys to the apartments and his Robe along the way, softens the overall taste of being brazenly used.

On this passage of the main plot of the College mages of Winterhold ends, however, your adventures here do not end. You can always go a couple of three generated tasks, as well as master the strongest spells by performing Ritual quests.

Passage of side quests of the College of Winterhold

By completing these tasks, you will be able to visit the most interesting dungeons of Skyrim, as well as learn the most powerful of the spells in this game.

Ritual Spells

The kind of magic becomes available only after completing certain tasks that can be obtained at the College of Winterhold from teachers of the respective schools.

Ritual Spell Change - "Dragon Hide"

Reaching Level 90 in Alteration, talk to Tolfdir by selecting a topic in the conversation “Are there any topics in Change Magic that we haven’t touched yet?”. An experienced wizard will share with you information about his experiment, during which he tries to improve the spell "Ebony Flesh". Tolfdir, for further advancement in his experiments, needs dragon scales. However, you can't just get them. First of all, you need to get a dagger called Fang of Cavozein. And only then, with the help of this tool, get the scales.

The Fang of Cavozein is in randomly generated ruins, where a Dragon Priest dwells (the marker will show you the way). In my case, such ruins turned out to be “High Gate Ruins”. After finding the aforementioned dagger, it remains to find a suitable dragon, here you can already choose to your taste. After defeating the flying lizard, equip the Fang of Kavozein and get the dragon scales (just look in the inventory with the dagger equipped). Then feel free to return to Tolfdir. The reward will be the opportunity to learn the spell "Dragon Skin" .

Illusion Ritual Spell - "Hysteria"

After reaching Level 100 in Illusion, Talk with Drevis Neloren by selecting a topic in the conversation “If I want to study illusion magic more deeply, what should I do?”. The Master Illusionist will praise the Main Character for his unprecedented agility in the pursuit of knowledge, and will also tell you that in the territory Colleges of Winterhold hidden four books, which can only be seen with a special spell. When you have collected all four, Drevis Neloren will create an Illusion super spell exclusively for you.

Everything you need to find is located on the territory of the College of Winterhold, the main thing is not to forget cast a spell "Sight of the Tenth Eye" that Drevis taught you. After all, this is the only way you will see the necessary books, which, by the way, are called "Master of Illusions".

Book location:

  • On the second floor support hall, in the barrel room (immediately to the right of the stairs);
  • On the second floor Hall of Achievement, at the bench located immediately to the left of the stairs;
  • IN Arcaneum(library), the book is located on the left side of the room on the table;
  • IN Atronach Forge(Midden location), the book is on the table.

After you have found all the books, take them to Drevis Neloren, he in turn will keep his promise and reward you with a spell "Hysteria" .

Destruction Ritual Spells - Firestorm, Lightning Storm, and Snowstorm

Reaching Level 100 in Destruction, talk to Faralda by choosing a topic in the conversation “Have we covered all sections of destruction magic?”. Faralda admits that she will not be able to teach the Main Character anything else, however, she heard about such magic of destruction, which is subject only to the true masters of this school. Also, a charming elf will give you a book "The Power of the Elements", which tells in verse the location of the first Destruction Ritual Spell. But, not everything is so simple, in the book there is only the first quatrain. Finding the place it points to, you will get the second verse, which, accordingly, will lead you to the third. And after that, you will know the location of the desired spell.

  • First verse points out to the main character the ruins called Wind Ward. You will find them not far southwest of Dawnstar. Upon arrival, put the book on a pedestal and cast any fire spell spell. Picking up the book read it, if you did everything correctly, a new poem should appear on the pages.
  • Second verse points to the ruins called Northern mountain outpost. You will find them in the southeast of Helgen (starting village). Put the booklet on a pedestal and cast it ice spell spell. As you may have guessed, the poem will reappear in the book after that.
  • Third verse points to Observation post “Four Skulls”. It is located northeast of Markarth and southwest of Solitude. Put the book on a pedestal and say lightning spell spell. This time, the poem will not appear on the pages of the book, however, after reading the book, the main character will learn first Ritual school of destruction spell "Fire storm" .

After all that's been done return to Faralda, which can teach you the remaining two spells: "Buran" And “Thunderstorm with lightning” .

Affliction Ritual Spells – “Fire Thrall”, “Thunder Threll” and “Ice Threll”

Reaching Level 90 in Spellcraft Mastery, Talk with Finis Gestor by selecting a topic “Is there anything in the school of witchcraft that we haven’t touched yet?”. Master Sorcerer will tell you that there are spells that allow you to finally subjugate creatures, while calling them to our world indefinitely.

Finis Gestor promises to teach the Protagonist such magic if he gets for him sigil stone. This task is not easy, since this stone is in Oblivion. However, not everything is so sad, because you can call on a Dremora and ask him to bring the little thing necessary for Gestor. The task is simplified and completely due to the fact that Finis will teach you the necessary spell called "Summoning the Freed Dremora". All that remains for you is to go up to the roof of the College of Mages and there, in the right place (marker indicates), call on the freed Dremora. After that, ask her to bring the Sigil Stone for you. Immediately realize your request is a creation refuse, you will have to give him a luley and call again. Dremora creatures are persistent, so he will refuse a second time. Again give him a bream and call. This time, the naughty creature will fulfill your order.

Once you have the Sigil Stone, return to Phinis Gestor. As a reward, the latter will give you a spell tome “Fire Thrall” , also on sale he will have spells “Ice Trell” And "Thunder Thrall" .

Ritual Restoration Spells - "Protective Circle" and "Curse of the Undead"

After you reach Level 90 in Recovery and complete the quest, talk to Colette Marens. In the dialogue with her, select a topic “I would like to study restoration magic on a deeper level”. After a little praise, Colette will send you to Midden to Augur of Dunlane. The latter will give you a little test of your recovery skills. He will call on several spirits, and you, in turn, will need to survive under their pressure.

After completing the test, you will become the happy owner of the spell "Curse of the Undead" . On top of that, Colette Marens can sell you a spell tome. "Protective Circle" .

Quests from Tolfdir

Find Tolfdir's Alembic

This reusable task, which can be performed after a certain period of game time (usually 2-3 days). It is also worth noting that the quest is a good way to get hold of small and regular soul gems.

Talk with Tolfdir, select a topic in the conversation: “It says on your face that you need help”. Tolfdir will report the loss of his Alembic. Offer to help the old man and go in search.

Where to find Tolfdir's Alembic:

  • Support Hall, on the first floor in the second room to the left of the entrance;
  • Support Hall, on the second floor in the first room to the right of the stairs;
  • Support Hall, on the second floor in the third room to the left of the stairs;
  • Support Hall, on the second floor in the room opposite the stairs.

As a reward you will receive from Tolfdir small or common soul stone, and 30 gold coins.

Echoes - fighting magical anomalies

(The quest is available after completing the task)

This reusable task

Talk with Tolfdir by selecting a topic in the conversation: “Is there anything I need to know?”. The magician will tell you that due to Ancano's manipulations over the Eye of Magnus, portals of an unknown nature open up from time to time, from which Magic anomalies. You need to go to the place where the portal appeared and figure it out.

Each time you receive this quest, the portal spawn location will be randomly change. There are no difficulties in this, since job marker won't let you get lost.

Having overcome the Magical anomalies, return to Tolfdir, as a reward you will receive gold and soul stones that can be taken from the destroyed anomalies (at level 40, Tolfdir gave 1500 gold coins, and the anomalies came across black soul stones (Great)).

Tasks from Sergius Turrian

Soul Gem Stash

Talk with Sergius Turrian , select a topic in the conversation: . The Enchanter will ask you to resupply the College. soul stones.

  • 12 gold coins for each tiny soul gem
  • 30 gold coins for each small soul gem
  • 60 gold coins for each regular soul gem
  • 120 gold coins for each large soul gem
  • 240 gold coins for each Greater Soul Gem

Enchanting Items

This reusable task, which can be performed after a certain period of game time (2-3 days).

Talk with Sergius Turrian , select a topic in the conversation “Is there anything I can do to help the College?”. The enchanter will offer you pick up item required to enchant one of the random characters . It is worth noting that you only have to pick up the right thing and give it to Sergius, he will do the rest himself.

As a reward you will receive from 250 to 750 gold coins, depending on your level.

Quests from Urag gro-Shuba

Works by Shalidor

This reusable task, which can be performed after a certain period of game time (3-4 days).

Talk with Urag gro-Shubom , selecting a topic in the conversation: “Are you looking for any specific kigi?”. Orc librarian will tell about the great wizard Shalidor and about his wise writings, which you will need to find.

Shalidor's works are located in random location, but in spite of this, the search will not take much of your strength, since the Books are indicated marker the corresponding task. Having found the necessary scriptures, return to Urag gro-Shub. After the orc translate them, You'll get remuneration as three scrolls an increase in a certain type of school of magic (destruction, restoration, etc.).

Find rare copies of books

This reusable task, which can be performed after a certain period of game time (2-3 days).

Talk with Urag gro-Shubom , selecting a topic in the conversation: . The orc will be delighted with your desire to seek adventure on his fifth point and will send you in search of random book, to one of the random locations. Again, marker will not let you get lost in a huge world, so there is nothing difficult in the task.

After finding the book, return to Urag gro-Shub. As a reward You'll get gold.

Quest from Arnel Gein

Arnel's Project - The Mystery of the Disappeared Dwemer

(The quest can be fully completed only after completing the task)

Talk with Arnel Geinom choosing a topic: “Is there anything I can do to help the College?”. Arnel will tell you that he is conducting some curious experiment.

The task can be divided into five stages:

  • First you need to bring Arnel Gein 10 Dwemer gears. You can get them in any Dwemer ruins, if you have problems finding them, you can go to Mzinchaleft. These ruins are located not far southwest of Dawnstar. It is also worth paying attention to raldbthar located to the west of Windhelm. After collecting 10 gears, return to Arnel. As a reward, you will receive gold, the amount of which depends on your level.
  • Now you need to find Arnel Altered Soul Gem. To be more precise, you do not need to look for it at all. The fact is that Arnel concluded deal with someone Enthir, according to which, the latter must provide Arnel Gein with the aforementioned Altered Soul Gem. However, not all so simple. Enthir will back down and won't give up the stone until you get it for him. staff of tandil. You can find this magical tool in a location randomly selected by the game (quest marker to help). After exchanging the staff for the thing Arnel needs, return to the quest giver.
  • It so happened that in Arnel's experiment, something went wrong and the Altered Soul Gem lost its charge. You also need to charge it again. You can do this in special convectors built by the Dwemer. All you need to use three of them. The quest markers point to at least six, so choose the ones that are comfortable for you. Charging occurs in the following way: place the Changed Soul Gem in the convector and use the spell that Arnel taught you on it ( Arnel convection). After you charge the stone, take it to Arnel.
  • Later two days from the moment you completed the previous step, talk to Arnel again. The latter will tell the Main character what to completion of the experiment he needs another thing he ordered from Enthir, and this sly elf let him down again. Talk to Enthir and ask for Arnel's order. Enthir will complain about the lost courier, which you can find in a random location. Go to the place where the marker points and get the thing necessary for Arnel. By the way, she will be known since The Elder Scrolls 3Cleaver.
  • After giving the Cleaver to Arnel, listen to him future plans. Fortunately, he will not ask you to participate in the experiment directly. Why fortunately? The fact is that in the course of their experiments Arnel will disappear in an unknown direction(apparently in the same place as the Dwemer).

On this sad note task and complete. You can consider the reward left after Arnel Cleaver and a spell that appeared in you in an unknown way "Arnel's Shadow Challenge".

Quest from Drevis Neloren

Clear the points of concentration of magical energy in the College

Talk with Drevis Neloren choosing a topic: “Is there anything I can do to help the College?”. Drevis says that points of concentration of magical energy in the Collegium are clogged and need to be cleaned.

Produce so fine work with magical energy is necessary in special gloves, which Drevis will share with the main character. Equip them and go to fulfill the task. Difficulties with the search should not arise, since the polluted concentrations indicate markers(Support Hall first floor, Courtyard of the College of Mages, Hall of Achievement first floor).

Having cleared the first concentration, you will receive for quite a long time positive effect, which instantly restores your magicka.

The task of the students of the College of Winterhold

J'zargo Experiment

Talk with J'zargo by selecting a topic in the conversation: "How can I help you?". A novice Khajiit mage will talk about his experiment in creating scrolls "Fire Cloak" and ask you to try them out.

You need to go to your habitat undead(the draurgists are also suitable, so it’s easiest to complete the task in the Nordic ruins) and, using the scroll given by J’zargo, the hero will be wrapped in a fiery cloak and run around the undead. As soon as you set fire to three of them, return to the quest giver. You can now take J'zargo as satellite.

It is important to note that the scrolls damage the character himself, so use them with care.

Homework Brelina

Talk with Brelinoy Marion by selecting a topic in the conversation: “What kind of help do you need?”. The woman will ask for help testing her new spells.

In total, the Protagonist will be subjected to five spells:

  • After the first vision of the character for several hours of game time will blur green haze;
  • After the second character will turn in buffalo;
  • After the third into a horse;
  • After the fourth into a dog;
  • The fifth spell will make the hero again human.

Now you can take Brelina with you as a satellite.

Onmund's Request

Talk with Onmund by selecting a topic in the conversation: "Is there something wrong?". It turns out that the novice magician gave Enthir his family amulet and now regrets it.

Talk to Enthir and ask for Onmund's amulet back. If your skill eloquence advanced enough you can convince the latter to give the amulet. If persuasion is not your forte, then you will have to give Enthir in return Greatstaff of Charms, which can be found in random locations(indicate the marker).

After you give the amulet to Onmund, you can take it with you as a satellite.

Restoration at the College of Mages of Winterhold

If the main character accidentally cut and was expelled from the College Winterhold, you need to find Tolfdir and pay him a fine. For the first exile 250, for the second 500 and 1000 for the next.