Enchanted Sanctuary: a quest for an artifact of the Legion add-on for the Arcanum of the Mage. Magical Sanctuary: a quest for the Legion add-on for the Arcane of the Mage on the artifact Nexus WoW Vault

Day. Kras site. At the appointed time, all those who wanted to put an end to the plans of the Ethereum brotherhood once and for all gathered at the appointed place. The Conclave and the Order of the Guardians of Tirisfal could finally enter the Nexus, for the path was cleared of obstacles. Nikalera opened a portal to Coldarru, where other heroes were stationed, including the Cardinal of the Conclave.

After the reunification of all forces, discussions began on a plan for further action. It didn't take long, so the group moved into the Nexus as quickly as possible. As they approached the latter, the heroes heard a voice familiar to few. He lay down on the mind with a weak but booming sound. It was the voice of Azuregos, the blue dragon that Malygos, an aspect of magic, had commanded to keep an eye on the artifacts stored in the Nexus' vault. The dragon was surprised that someone was able to free him from the trap of the Aetherials, but the question immediately arose about how the Aetherials managed to defeat and capture Azuregos himself and what awaits the heroes ahead.

Upon entering the Nexus, the group was immediately trapped in the Ethereal trap. The large numbers of hungry Manazmei were a problem, but even worse, the Aetherials were using the power of the void. So, while the battle was going on in the narrow passage, several unstable rifts of the abyss pulled in those who tried to hide from the battle. They were trapped by the closed barriers of the abyss. Fortunately, the priests and magicians managed to destroy the barrier and save their comrades. Akario and Terlaam took a different route, going deep into the Nexus.

The heroes moved on to the place where the wounded Azuregos, shackled by dark magic, was held captive. The group entered the battle with the forces of Ethereum and with difficulty, but won the victory. The priests healed Azuregos. He told the heroes that in order to get into the vault, he must first get to the library. After communicating this, the dragon took on a more comfortable form for movement. It was high high elf with rounded horns, blond hair, and in some places blue scales.

The group continued to move along the corridors until they encountered an insurmountable obstacle - a beam of unstable arcane energy that, like a wall, blocked the passage. Contact with such energy could disintegrate anyone, and therefore it was necessary to think about how to go further. The Guardians of Tirisfal decided that a powerful barrier was needed. They did it, but the protection turned out to be much weaker than what the magicians wanted to get. With great difficulty, but the heroes managed to go forward, but not without harm to their health.

Upon reaching the library, the group found Terlaam and Akario, who engaged in battle with the echoes of Aluneth and Righteous Fury. Together, the heroes were able to defeat the incarnations of powerful artifacts and free the library for Azuregos.

The dragon figured out that he could only open a portal to the vault by getting close to the rift. The heroes took a short break in order to regain their strength before a new dash, and then rushed on to the gap.

Entering a huge room, consisting more of platform debris than platforms, the group moved on, meeting even more incarnations of Alunet and Lightfury on their way, which, however, were much weaker than the previous ones. At one point, due to the raging energies, the bridge between the platforms was destroyed. At that moment, Azuregos took on his true form in order to help the heroes get to the rift.

Having crossed, on the other side, the group met with Prince Bilaal, who had already merged with the abyss, turning into a terrible monster. The magicians decided to inflict a crushing blow on the enemy with an attack, combining all forces in one sorcerer, who will set the plan into action. Nicalera was chosen as the center and the Guardians of Tirisfal began to fill her with energy. But they didn't take into account that they are in a place where magic is unstable. Due to the oversaturation of energy, Nikalara fainted. This hit the heroes' forces, but the battle was just beginning. Prince Bilaal used a powerful spell that disrupted the very structure of gravity for several members of the group. When they rose into the air, the Ethereal opened the gaps of the abyss, which began to draw in everything around, including those floating in the air. On the earthly firmament, the battle continued. Urzoga loaded the rifle with a fel cartridge, which, after hitting the monster from the abyss, triggered a reaction that caused an explosion, the shock wave of which reached the heroes and made them try with all their might to stay on the platform.

Several strong attacks and the Ethereum prince was defeated, but his death stopped all his spells from working. At that moment, when the air was leaving from under the feet of the soaring, Shadori used all her strength to save them, but even for her it was too hard, and therefore she fell exhausted, losing consciousness.

It's time for the heroes to take what they came here for - artifacts. Alonsius Faol, taken by the Conclave to obtain the Light's Fury, went after her. The magicians had to choose the one who would be worthy of Alunet. Reputation, importance and many more weighty factors made this choice difficult, but the eyes fell on Salazen. The Sorcerer had been a part of the Guardians of Tirisfal since their new founding, enjoyed a good reputation, and had events under his belt that proved he was a worthy mage, though not the strongest. Taking the ancient scrolls of Mithra prepared in advance, he nodded to Azuregos and entered the portal to Alunet with words of encouragement.

All the rest returned to Dalaran through a portal opened by Azuregos.

The Essence of the Ancient Great Staff was afraid to be in the hands of the new owner, and therefore resisted with all its might and attacked the sorcerer. However, he, thanks to the competent use of spells, made his way in a circle, bypassing the attacks of the magical entity, with which he generously showered the magician. Sunny Blik installed one of the scrolls and Alunet raged with renewed vigor with fear, while his mockery, stuck in his mind, did not allow him to focus on the goal. An attack ensued that burned and cut the elf half to death, but he continued to use spells. Second scroll, third scroll. The “soul” of the staff was reassured, and when this happened, Salazen took the staff in his hands, hearing no longer a mockery, but a call to action.

“Come on, child. Let's wreak havoc on your enemies ... "

Sun Blik returned to Azuregos and Alonsius Faol, who were waiting for him, to return to Dalaran. The dragon opened a portal and brought the archbishop of secrets and sorcerer back to the city of magicians.

Thanks to the latest research from our geneticists, you will have access to new ways to strengthen your army! You can improve the attack and defense characteristics of troops with the help of Boosters - special genetic viruses developed for this purpose. Another advantage is that they are in effect constantly and their bonuses are summed up with bonuses from other improvements and artifacts!
To use and improve Boosters, you need to build a special building - the Nexus. All Boosters obtained by you during the game will be stored here.
There are eight types of Boosters:

  • Aggression - increases the Infantry attack indicators;
  • Symbiosis - increases the attack rates of Armored vehicles;
  • Reaction - increases Aviation attack indicators;
  • Coordination - increases the indicators of the Artillery attack;
  • Cloning - increases the defense indicators of the Infantry;
  • Regeneration - increases the protection indicators of Armored vehicles;
  • Neuroblockade - increases the protection indicators of the Aviation;
  • Reinforcement - increases the defense indicators of Artillery.

To get the maximum bonus to characteristics, you need to use Boosters of the highest level. To increase the level, you need to merge Boosters. Merging can only take place between two Boosters of the same type and level. So, two Level 1 Boosters will give Level 2, Level 2 Boosters will give Level 3, and so on.
But be careful, Commander: you can safely remove activated Boosters only with the help of a special tool - the Extractor. Otherwise, the Booster will be destroyed upon extraction.
Maximum Booster Levels:
Attack: Infantry - 20% Armored vehicles - 16% Artillery - 12% Aviation - 12%
Protection: from infantry / from armored vehicles / from artillery / from aviation

  • Infantry - 20% \ 20% \ 40% \ 40%
  • Armored vehicles - 16% \ 16% \ 16% \ 32%
  • Artillery - 20% \ 20% \ 12% \ 12%
  • Aviation - 40% \ 32% \ 16% \ 12%

Now you can get Boosters only on the Black Market. However, when their trials are successfully completed, you can get Boosters in several ways:

  • participating in global missions;
  • completing tasks;
  • attacking Locations;
  • taking part in the Royal Battle.

Also, each member of the clan that wins the War Games will receive one Cryochamber containing two random Boosters as a reward. After the end of the games, the Cryochambers will automatically go to the Nexus vault of all Commanders.

If you are playing Arkan the Mage (or any other Mage) and are eager to learn more about the quest chain on Aluneth, then you have come to the right place. This article includes great amount screenshots showing the entire chain from start to finish in detail. If you are afraid to find out any spoilers about the Legion expansion, then it is better not to read this article, because there are so many of them in it. You've been warned!

So, at the very beginning, you talk to Meryl Felstorm, who needs help with the escaped Dreadlord. The problem is that the Dreadlord escaped from the body of Meryl, where he spent years listening to all the important secrets of the Mages and the Council of Tirisfal. This is a very serious problem, isn't it?

All of this leads to the fact that a dreadlord named Kathra'natir wants to find an ancient relic called the Forge of the Guardian. In essence, this relic is a means that allows you to pour all the power of the Mage into the chosen Guardian of Tirisfal. The relic was hidden in the Violet Hold, so now you have to go there.

The Council hid the Forge of the Guardian in Violet Hold after the Legion learned of it. We definitely don't want the Legion to get it. As a result, Kathra’natir is defeated after Meryl and our hero activate the power of Forge of the Guardian. The first Guardian of Tirisfal, Alodie, encloses his consciousness within the relic and thereby transfers his power to you for a time. We listen to a short conversation between Meryl and Alodi, during which Alodi explains that we just bought us some time and it’s not over yet.

The relic was to be moved to a safe location, and it was decided that this would be the Hall of the Guardian. The hall seems to be a very abandoned place, everything is overgrown with cobwebs, but Meryl quickly puts everything in order.

Meryl explains that Tirisgarde's main strength lies in the fact that all of its champions wield truly powerful weapons. In this regard, we should also arm ourselves with something significant. At this point, you can choose Aluneth, and of course that is exactly what we will do.

Pay close attention to the way Meryl describes Aluneth, because it is a truly unique weapon choice for the Arcan Mage. It is one of three artifacts that has a somewhat similar sensitivity to Dragonwrath. However, don't expect it to cheer on its owner like Wrath of the Dragon did.

The next step is to find Kalec, because Aluneth is kept by the blue dragons. Before we leave, Meryl hands you three scrolls with which Aegwynn originally bound Aluneth to herself. This will be very important in the future. So, we go in search of Kalec in Dalaran. He tells you that Aluneth was locked in the only place that can hold his raging power: the Nexus Vault. The Nexus was abandoned after the disappearance of the blue dragons, so he has no idea what's going on there. Of course, this does not sound threatening at all.

We create a portal to Dalaran, but not to this Dalaran, but to another, and then fly to Dragonblight to check the Azure Dragonshrine, there should be a portal. At first glance, the Azure Shrine looks quite normal.

However, as soon as we get close to it, we notice the Ethereals. They seem to be draining energy from the areas that Malygos destroyed back in Wrath of the Lich King. Also here is the abandoned means of communication, when activated, a gloating villain-ethereal appears before us, who happily initiates us into his nefarious plans.

Ethereum controls the Nexus, and they want to harness the power of the Twisting Nether in order to "become empty." Well now we have one more task. Now we need to not only find Aluneth, but also stop the Ethereals. It's time to head to the Nexus to see how things are going there. Upon arrival, we see that Ethereum has altered the pulse needles surrounding the Nexus, allowing them to drain the void energy. Aluneth's containment area has been weakened, and a huge amount of energy is released freely.

Kalec decides that we can use this energy to destroy the pulse needles. After we are charged with energy, we can use it to destroy several Aetherials and all three impulse needles.

At this point, Kalec realizes that there is more at stake now than just Aluneth. The Ethereals took over Azuregos, who was guarding the vault. Kalec asks us to travel to the Nexus to free his relative while we search for our weapons. We agree, of course, because it would be very rude to deny him help after Kalec helped us all the way from Dalaran. Azuregos is located right in the center of the Nexus, where poor Keristrasza used to be. To free him, we need to defeat three Aetherials - Ice, Fire and Arcane. The Ethereal of Arcane seems to be the most difficult of all, perhaps on purpose.

Upon his release, Azuregos realizes that making his way through the Nexus in dragon form will be difficult at best, so he transforms into an elf.

In the battle, we continue through the Nexus, trying to get to the Librarium, from which we will need to get to the Nexus Arch. Unstable arcane energy flows through the Nexus as Aluneth wants to get out of his prison on his own. When we reach Librarium, Azuregos discovers that the Vault entrance was destroyed when Malygos broke through the Twisting Nether during the Nexus War. Energy spills around and gives rise to the Echo of Aluneth in front of us.

Azuregos says that if the power of Aluneth continues to spread uncontrollably, it will destroy the entire Nexus. We must hurry to get to the rift and try to stop the energy. Of course, not everything is so simple: when we get to the place, we understand that there must be a bridge, which was apparently destroyed.

Azuregos transforms into a dragon, so we can reach Nexus-Prince Bilaal, defeat him and reach Aluneth before everything collapses.

We get to the middle platform and challenge the prince to battle. His most powerful skill is a knockback wind attack, which can knock us off the edge of the platform if we're not careful. Therefore, it would be nice to use Blink to be able to move closer to the center faster and more often. In addition, you can use "spikes" located around the platform so that you cannot fall off it.

After defeating Bilaal, there is only one thing to do: get Aluneth! Azuregos helpfully provides us with a portal to the Nexus Vault so that we can finally see Aluneth with our own eyes. Aluneth isn't particularly happy to see us though. He greets us with the phrase "No mere mortal can comprehend the wisdom of Aluneth!" He also tells us that he won't succumb to our paltry magic (spoiler alert: he will).

The trick here is using the Aegwynn scrolls that Meryl Felstorm gave us. They are not in our inventory for "use", but an additional action button will appear every time you enter an arcane dome. Flying magic balls will knock you down when they collide with them, so be careful and keep your eyes open. After you have used all three scrolls, you can pick up the artifact.

Interestingly, even though you managed to get your hands on Aluneth, he is still not impressed with you. He laughs at you when you pick him up, saying that you are like a child to him. Finally he says, “You foolishly think you can control this power. So be it. Well, child. Go ahead and wreak havoc on your enemies, and I'll see what you can do. "

Azuregos tells you that the energy at the storage location of the artifact seems to be stabilizing and urging you to walk back through the portal he is holding open. He is impressed that you were able to take control of Aluneth and says that while your mission is over, his business is just beginning. He wants to guard the Nexus so that it will never be conquered by anyone again. Azuregos thanks you for giving him time to make these plans a reality. He sends you back to Dalaran to Kalecgos.

Upon entering Dalaran, Aluneth whispers to you “Dalaran. A place where petty mortal politicians try to prevent the acquisition of true power. " Kalec tells you that you are the hero Azeroth needs and returns you to the Hall of the Guardians to complete Meryl's quest. Congratulations, you are the proud owner of Aluneth, a powerful weapon that thinks you are nothing! Maybe you are worthy of each other.

Issued automatically. We talk with all the indicated characters and find out better about the situation on the Nexus.

First killer

Not far from the director of security, Tyren Kandros, you can meet the turian woman Marietta, who needs help in acquitting her husband. Talk to Sergeant Ecker and then Nilken Renzus in the cell. We go to the director of security, so that he gave us access. After that, we study the audio recording at the terminal nearby, and also ask the witness of those events, Cassidy Shaw. After that, you should go to Director Tann and ask for permission to study the body of Reynolds. The continuation of this quest is already on Eos. Scan the armor pieces scattered across the desert one by one until you find the item you want at the end. We return to the "Nexus", talk with Nilken, then with Tann, where we make the final decision about the defendant: whether to release him or not.

Missing scientists

Life on the border

After completing the second chapter, a letter from Sid will come to the terminal. After talking with her, you will receive the first task.

Stage 1: Investigate attacks on Nexus ships

The desired goals are in four different systems... Depending on the moment of passing, not all can be opened at once. Scan anomalies across all systems and analyze. Wait for the result.

Stage 2: Track the Three Sabers to the hideout on Kadar

The camp is located in the southeast of the map. Mercenaries surround the complex, join the battle. Then go inside. There, on the second floor, scan the data block. New goal.

Stage 3: Talk to Yale on Eos and Addison on the Nexus

In Prodromos, go to the hut where Yale lives and listen to his story. Then return to the Nexus to speak with Addison. Sid will join the discussion and you will have to choose someone's side.

The quest is over.

Fire brigade

Speak with Dr. Ariadne at the Nexus Port. She will give a file that needs to be calculated in the SAM module on Hyperion.

In the module, start a conversation with the AI ​​and select the appropriate item. When the crash starts, pay attention to the holograms that appear - these are the SAM's tips. Return to Ariadne when the threat has been removed.

Stage 2: Find anti-AI fighters on the Nexus

After talking with the doctor, it becomes clear that a third party is involved - mysterious fighters against AI. Get down and go to Avina. It will glow with a strange red light, you say. VI is hacked by a hacker and thinks the SAM is destroyed. Play along with him and ask to meet with Knight. Now you need to wait for a letter from the leader.

Stage 3: Go to the hackers' hideout on Kadar

Approximately after mastering Kadara, Knight will contact you via the mail terminal. Go to the planet in their lair. It is located just above the center of the map. There you will be met by the leader herself, but he will immediately leave, leaving you at the base with several hackers and his son. We need to find evidence against Knight, and there are several ways to do this.

Stage 3A: Secretly learn about Knight's plans

Scan the schematic, EMP device, and Nexus map for clues. There is an AI detector in the shelter and after three scans you will be revealed. We'll have to fight the hackers. After the victory, scan for new evidence, and then go to Knight's computer. Return to the Nexus.

Stage 3B: Collect the healing device for Alena

Talk to the leader's son and collect the necessary implants for him. To do this, you need to return to the Tempest and assemble the device according to the drawing in the scientific center. Return to Alain and give the device, for which he will give you a hint to the password from the mother's computer. Go to it and scan (if you have used the scanner twice before, hackers will attack). Return to the Nexus.

Stage 4: Find EMP devices Knight

The first device is at the bar in the port, behind the plant. The other two are in the command center - one at the punishment cell, the other in the command area (where Addison's post is).

Step 5: Talk to Knight

Talk to the hacker leader and listen to her story. Depending on your actions earlier, the outcome of the mission can be peaceful or not.

The quest is complete.

Sleeping dragons

Stage 1: Talk to protesters

After the establishment of an outpost on Eos, protests will begin on the Nexus. People demand that their relatives be taken out of cryostasis. Talk to them in the docking area and find out their requirements.

Stage 2: Talk to managers

First, go to Kandros, and then the rest of the control stations will come up to you. Make the choice to disperse the protesters (Stage 2A), or unfreeze your relatives (line "We have a whole planet", Stage 2B).

Stage 2A: Return to the port

Return to the protesters and report your decision. You can convince them to disperse peacefully without the help of the militia. The quest is over.

Stage 2B: Confirm your decision

Go to the console in the control area and confirm the order to defrost. After that, the leader of the protesters will contact you and thank you.


You will receive a letter from Captain Dunn asking for help in a delicate matter.

Stage 1: Meet Dunn on Hyperion's Living Deck

The captain will tell you that a terminally ill and infectious relative of Dr. Carlisle, whom he dragged to Hyperion, is walking on the Nexus. We need to find her, and so that no one knows about it.

Stage 2: Talk to Harry in the cryo bay and the officer in the docking area

Go to the doctor and listen to directions. Then talk to the immigration agent in order to find out the last place of Ruth Becker.

Stage 3: Collect information

SAM says that the places where Ruth was can be found with a scanner. Explore: immigration point, display cases, path to the monorail, passage to hydroponics, entrance to the Whirlwind bar, bar counter. Talk to visitors and the bartender to find out where to go next.

Stage 4: Follow in the footsteps

In the command center, talk to the turian, who will say that she saw Ruth in the common area. There, near the cultural center, talk to the man who will say that a woman matching the description has stolen the shuttle. Return to the Tempest. Head to the Solmin and Anas systems, where you scan for anomalies. Now the way to Kadara.

Step 5: Check the trail of the shuttle

On Kadar, head northwest and head to the upper left corner of the map. There, scan the wreckage of the ship, there are no traces of life. Pick up a flight recorder near the crash site to listen to. The next trace is found.

Step 6: Search Roekaar's hideout

Go north, there you will find traces of the kidnappers. Study them and follow on until you find their lair. Destroy all enemies in the area.

Now enter the side door of the building, activate the console. Then follow the marker to the second floor and find Ruth. Here you will have to make a choice, on which her future life depends.

The quest is over.

Sabotage at the station

After the first conversation with Tann on the Nexus, Raj Patel will be at work near the command center. Talk to him:

Stage 1: Inspect the equipment

It looks like someone is sabotaging the Nexus. The technician gave you the coordinates of the places where the damage could have occurred. The first in the control center is a panel in the wall. The second is at the headquarters of the militia - in the opposite corner from Kandros. The third begins in Tann's office - scan the wall to the left of the director, and then follow the trail to the second floor of the command post.

Stage 2: Talk to the saboteur

Patel gave the coordinates of the alleged saboteur. Go to the living room and talk to Zara Kellos. The girl will tell you that she also noticed traces of sabotage and the evidence she collected leads to Raj. Apparently, someone else is involved here.

Stage 3: View security records

In the command center, use the security panel to view the recordings. There are three different files to run, however all will be corrupted. The EMS will be able to use the corrupted records to find the saboteur, but this requires scanning the suspects.

Stage 4: Talk to the suspect

You don't need to scan everyone. The culprit is on Hyperion, in the last corridor before entering the living room of the ark. Scan before speaking. Make a choice about his future fate.

The quest is over.

Quest: Farming

Speak with Dr. Camden at the Nexus Farm (to the right of the monorail exit). Task - 10 plants from Elea.

Neolecta Riftia- located on Eos, located on the southeastern shore of the lake, near the rocks, not far from Object 2.

Lactarius Assefa- located on Hawarla, located at the southern walls in the center of the map. Grows on a hill near a tree, a large mushroom.

Sargania Fructanis- located on Hawarla, on the opposite side to the previous mushroom. Located at the top of the hill.

Cardaha Cthonis- Find it on Voeld, in the Techiksa cave (just north of the center of the map).

Lagenaria- located on Eladen, in the west of the map. Hiding under a stone by the hill.

Amanita Jatanum- located on Eladen, in the center of the map, in a cave.

Rhaum Taelkarum- located on Kadar, in the central northern shore of an acid lake.

Ruberia majora- located on Kadar, east along the coast, where the previous one was found.

Diplazium Dizone- located on Kadar, in the south of the map, not far from the starting point, in a cave.

Nereocystis Hamonia- located on Kadar, in sulfur springs.

After finding all 10, return to the doctor for a reward.

Quest: A Wonderful Life

Speak with Gerik at the command center (before the outpost on Eos) or at scientific laboratory... After the conversation, go to the console and activate the task.

The easiest way to accomplish this task is to scan generally all living objects that you meet along the way. Therefore, it is best to take the task at the beginning of the game. It is worth checking the code to check your progress. It is noteworthy that similar species on different planets are considered different. The list of objects that are counted for the task: Arknida, Relic Creeper, Karkin, Shemris, Hallirion, Eiroch, Ancient Eiroch, Taurg - from Eos; Relic Creeper, Drall, Shemris, Hallirion, Eiroh, Ancient Eiroh, Galorn, Rilkor, Wild Adhi, Manta - from Hawarla; Relic Creeper, Hallirion, Eiroch, Ancient Eiroch, Galorn, Wild Adhi - from Voeld; Relic Creeper, Drall, Karkin, Shemris, Ancient Eiroch, Taurg, Wild Adhi - from Kadara; Arknida, Relic Creeper, Karkin, Eiroch, Ancient Eiroch, Taurg, Wild Adhi - from Elaaden.

After all the scans, return to the doctor for a reward.

Quest: Traitor or Victim

Talk to Sanjeev Clement at Tann's office. He asks to find evidence of the innocence of his friend, who was branded an exile at the station. Go to Kadara.

There, in the slums, go to the buildings that are closer to the exit to the planet. Where the buildings end and the cave begins, under the stairs in the dark, there will be a turian's corpse and a data block. Pick it up and the quest is over.