Plot role-playing game Scientific laboratory. Scene-role zones in a kindergarten group. Scene-role game: Scientific Laboratory

Abstract Games-Classes for Children senior group kindergarten (5-6 years) "plot role-playing game "Pharmacy".
Purpose: Enrichment gaming scenes Children, due to the accumulation of knowledge on the topic and replenish the game environment in the Dow group.
1. deepen the knowledge of children about professions of pharmacy workers (pharmacist, pharmacist, head, etc.).
2. Continue to learn to transfer real life situations in gaming activities.
3. Helping children to establish interactions in joint game, diversify gaming dialogs.
4. Develop independence when selecting the attributes of the game, when organizing the game zone and when distributing roles.
5. Expand the vocabulary of children: "Medicinal preparations", "Pharmacist", "Order", "Medicinal Plants", "Laboratory".
6. Rail a communicative qualities, friendly, polite attitude of children to each other.
Preliminary work: an excursion to the pharmacy; view illustrations on the topic; Scene-role-playing games "Hospital", "Polyclinic", "Ambulance"; conversations "Medicinal Plants", "Vitamins - Health Assistants"; Drawing "Pharmacy Showcase", modeling "Vitamins for animals", Applique "Recipes for patients".
Material: jars, boxes from vitamins, drugs, cash desk, emblem of pharmacies, bathrobes, columns, tubes, recipes, wallets, toy coins, etc.
Game traffic:
Children, guess the riddle:
If cough or flu,
Or your voice hoar
If a bad person-
We are in a hurry ... (in the pharmacy)
Remember, we went to the pharmacy? (Yes)
Why do you need a pharmacy? (To sell / buy medicines)
Listen and guess one more riddle:
There lie on the shelves is unlikely
Not marshmallow, not chocolate,
Not cookies, not candy,
And different ... (pills)
What, besides drugs and tablets, can be bought at the pharmacy? (Vitamins, bandages, degrees, etc.)
What departments are in the pharmacy? (Recepture, drug sales department without prescription, medicinal herbs department, medical department department, Division of goods for kids)
Who works in a pharmacy? (Manager, pharmacist, driver according to the import of drugs, etc.)
Do you know what everyone does, who works in a pharmacy do? (Children argue what responsibilities do one or another pharmacy worker, the teacher helps.
For example: Head orders on the phone or tells the driver, what medications need to bring, takes an order, helps to place on the shelter.
The driver accepts the order and brings him to the pharmacy or commission delivers medicines to the patient home.
Cashier-pharmacist sells medicines, takes money, gives out.
Pharmacist manufactures prescription drugs in the pharmacy laboratory.
Is the profession of pharmacist important? Why? (Important because the pharmacist helps to choose the necessary medicines or advise some vitamins, or prepare the necessary medicine for the doctor's prescription.)
Who else can be seen in the pharmacy? (Buyers)
What do they do in a pharmacy? (Buyers come to the pharmacy, buy the necessary medicines or vitamins, or hygiene products, or order medicines for the doctor's prescription.)
Do you want to arrange a pharmacy in our group and play? (Yes)
What roles can be chosen? (Driver, cashier-pharmacist, head of pharmacies, pharmacist, visitors - Buyers)
What do we need to organize the game? What objects will we take? Where to put them? (Children offer how to better organize a place to play, help express attributes, agree on the selected roles)
After preparing the place and selection of attributes, children are invited to play game dialogs or come up with scenes to play on their own and beat them with other children.
The educator leads the game and, if necessary, it turns into one of the characters of the game.
Game Dialogs:
1. The driver is the head of pharmacies.
Mitya - Driver: What medicines do you need to bring?
Julia - head of pharmacies: We end with vitamins, medicinal herbs and thermometers. Please bring, today.
Mitya - Driver: Good. (Goes, collects an order, loads on the car and lucky to the pharmacy)
Mitya - Driver: I brought ordered medicines.
Julia - Head of Pharmacies: Let's see. Vitamins, herbs, thermometers. Nothing forgotten?
Mitya - Driver: No, everything brought.
Julia - Head of Pharmacies: Thank you. Bye.
Mitya - Driver: Goodbye.
2. Buyer - pharmacist.
Yaroslav - Buyer: Hello.
Renata - Pharmacist: Hello, what do you want?
Yaroslav - Buyer: Give me, please vitamins for my daughter.
Renata - Pharmacist: Please choose. We have different vitamins: frown, alphabet and peak. What do you need?
Yaroslav - Buyer: Give me, please revil.
Renata - Pharmacist: Please, roar costs 5 rubles. (Buyer pays).
Yaroslav - Buyer: Thank you. Bye.
Renata - Pharmacist: please. Bye.
3. Buyer - Pharmacist - Pharmacist.
Lisa - Buyer: Hello.
Renata - Pharmacist: Hello. What do you show?
Lisa - Buyer: Son got sick, and the doctor discharged him a cough medicine.
Renata - Pharmacist: Your medicine needs to be prepared. Come in the evening, just our pharmacist will prepare your medicine.
Lisa - Buyer: Well, I will come in the evening. Thank you.
Renata - Pharmacist (refers to Vladik - Pharmacist): Please prepare the medicine here on this recipe.
Vladik - Pharmacist: Good. (Prepares) (a little later)
Lisa - Buyer: Hello, today I ordered you a medicine from coughing on a prescription. Is it ready?
Renata - Pharmacist: Now I will find out in our laboratory in the pharmacist. (Refers to Vladik - pharmacist)
Renata - Pharmacist: Is the medicine from cough ready?
Vladik - Pharmacist: Yes Finish, please tell me - let them take 3 times a day.
Renata - Pharmacist: Good. Thank you. (Refers to Lisa - buyer)
Renata - Pharmacist: Your medicine is ready, please take 3 times a day. With you 10 rubles.
Lisa - Buyer: Please take it. Thank you.
4. Head of Pharmacies - Buyer - Driver.
Arianna - Buyer: (calls by phone) Hello. Hello. Is it a pharmacy?
Julia - Head of Pharmacies: Yes, hello, it is a pharmacy. What would you like?
Arianna - Buyer: The baby fell ill and I urgently need to buy the necessary medicines for treatment.
Julia - head of pharmacies: the kid looked at the doctor?
Arianna - Buyer: Yes. He discharged the medicine from sore throat and drops into the nose.
Julia - Head of Pharmacies: Well, come to us.
Arianna - Buyer: But I can't come, I have no one to leave my baby, could you bring the necessary medicines to our home?
Julia - Head of Pharmacies: Of course, we can, in our pharmacy there is such a service, now I will create your order and give the driver. Tell me again, what medicines you need and your home address.
Arianna - Buyer: We need medicine from sore throat and drops into the nose. Bring everything at Komarov House 2, apartment 28.
Julia - Head of Pharmacies: Well, I wrote everything, the order costs 15 rubles. Wait, you will soon bring everything soon.
Arianna - Buyer: Good. Thank you. Bye.
Julia - head of pharmacies: (collects an order and turns to the Mita driver) It is necessary to immediately take this order for the patient kid at Komarov House 2, apartment 28. Order costs 15 rubles.
Mitya driver: Good, now I will take. (Lucky, calls on the door)
Arianna - Buyer: Who is there?
Mitya Driver: This is a driver from a pharmacy, I brought your order for your baby.
Arianna - Buyer: Good, come in.
Mitya driver: Here is your order. It costs 15 rubles.
Arianna - Buyer: Take (gives money). Thank you very much, you really helped us.
Mitya driver: please. This is our job, please contact if you need help. Bye.
Arianna - Buyer: Goodbye.

The challenging game becomes the leading child's leading activity from 4 years of age. Children are ready to play plot-role-playing games infinitely, especially since the field for plots is extensive. All that is required from the parent and the educator is to provide a child with a corresponding developing environment that a child can adapt to fictional circumstances.

In the game of children of middle preschool age, several favorite topics can be distinguished.

Scene-role game: Store

The store is one of the most efficient and multifunctional spaces for scene-role game. Children can perform the role of the seller, buyer, cashier, manager, products supplier - and this list of available roles is not limited. It is in the corner of the store in kindergarten you can organize the most different gamesIn which children will learn the most important social skills.

A separate and very important feature that allows you to implement a plot-role-playing game in the store is to teach the account and assimilation of the main economic concepts and ideas about financial and monetary relations. In order for this to become possible, plus to other toys need to purchase such toys as a cash register and, be sure toy money.

Considering the money, the child not only actively trains its mathematical skills, but also assimilates the concept of money as the most important element of the life of a modern person. It is the financial side of the plot-role-playing game to the store makes it so attractive and gives out an outstanding developing effect.

Scene-role game: hairdresser

Beauty salon or hairdresser is mandatory in each kindergarten group. As a rule, children's furniture is acquired and filled with all the necessary accessories. Acquired toys in the store can be complemented by various jars from under shampoo, cream, cotton disks, comb, bigwoods, sirrols with unbreakable glass and many many other, which is suitable for the theme of the hairdresser and beauty salon.

An important element is - Pelterina for the client and apron for an employee of the hairdresser. Through these items, children are transferred to their roles and start playing them in the plot. Uncomplicated costumes can be purchased in specialized stores to dow or sew themselves.

A corner of a hairdresser in kindergarten is an island of femininity and beauty. Each girl will pay attention to him and will play there with great pleasure.

On the picture you see "Set of a hairdresser" which includes everything necessary: \u200b\u200bplastics accessories, hairdresser cape. He is packed in a pink suitcase. We found this set in the store "Kindergarten"

Scene-role game: duty corner

From duty in kindergarten, the concepts of discipline and the management of the economy begins. Since training and development in kindergarten occurs in the conditions of specially organized life, it is necessary to create a pedagogically efficient situation from this. In other words, in no kind of kindergarten, it is impossible to put responsibility for the organization of life of children completely on adult shoulders. Even the smallest children in the measure of their capabilities should be involved in the most important domestic issues, because this activity concludes the most important educational element.

In the corner of duty in kindergarten, children must familiarize themselves with the elementary rules for the management of the household, as well as learn how to handle the most different elements of household appliances. Especially for security reasons, toys are being developed for children, the maximum similar to the real objects of life and technology, but, however, which are only imitation of them. However, this does not reduce the effectiveness of the educational process, the purpose of which is to impose the skills of the skills and skills to manage the economy, as well as raising responsibility and love for the order.

On the picture Set called - Game set Cinderella number 4. It is released by the old factory of plastic toys "Sovietochstrom". The quality of the toy is good, the price is very affordable!

Hospital corner

Some of the most popular scenes in children are a clinic, hospital, dental office. Since childhood, kids understand all the importance of such a profession as a doctor. The hospital game is an integral part of children's game leisure.

As a rule, a specific furniture is needed for the organization of a corner: a children's couch and a cabinet with a red cross. If the entries can be organized a couch, then the cabinet must be necessary. What needs to be put there, I think it is not difficult to guess - the dignity of medical instruments, jars, wools, bandage and other items that are associated with the hospital. It is also good to prepare forms for recipes and assignments that will write your doctor. Doctor's sets are sold at any store, it is not difficult to purchase them and is not expensive. Great I. wide selection "Polesia" from doctoral carts to the simplest and budget set.

Scene-role game: Scientific Laboratory

Every age in a person's life brings us new discoveries. For preschooler all huge the world Full of mysteries and secrets, and the debt of adults - all their forces contribute to the knowledge of the surrounding reality for the child occurred in an exciting gaming form.

An experimentation corner in kindergarten will open for children to the world of elementary knowledge from the field of physics, chemistry, biology and other natural sciences.

The power of the experiment is that it clearly demonstrates children the most important laws of nature in action. Since preschoolers do not yet have a fairly developed abstract and logical thinking in order to comprehend the laws of reality by formulas and scientific calculations, it is the experiment for them becomes a conductor into a world of truly useful and actual scientific knowledge adapted to child perception.

On the picture You see the "magnetic rod." Unique equipment for kindergartens to explain the power of the magnet, its actions and the other. It is exciting, interesting and useful! "Magnetic Wands" is foreign equipment, which is still beginning to appear in kindergartens today.

Scene Race Game: Travel Bureau

The corner of the world in kindergarten (or travel agencies) actively contributes to the fact that the child absorbs important geographical and political and economic concepts. For children who have never been to other countries, it is really difficult to understand the real scale of the world, and the corner of the traveler successfully solves this problem. In addition, the journey game is the strongest stimulant of interest in the knowledge of the surrounding world. In addition, the travel agency can be organized gaming program Travel even in space or the bottom of the ocean.

Another unique feature of the world's corner in kindergarten is the possibility of binding it to the study of foreign languages, which is undoubtedly very important. For a preschooler who studies a foreign language, it is important to get acquainted not only with the alphabet and the initial rules of grammar, but also to know the culture and traditions of other countries, which is also successfully implemented in the space of the world's corner in kindergarten.

On the picture You see a speaking poster "Live geography." It is easier for children to study and understand the nature of our Earth. This is modern equipment for home and kindergarten. On the second photo: Physical Earth Globe, D-250 mm.

Scene Role Game: Mail

We live in the era of dominance of information.

It is due to the fact that people learned to communicate with each other through huge layers of time and numerous kilometers of space, humanity could make a huge step in their development.

Despite the fact that now in the world information is already capable of transmitted from one edge globe On the other for a split second, we should not forget that it all started from the post office. And that, despite modern technologies, this area of \u200b\u200bhuman activity still function and flourishes.

Playing in the post office, the child in kindergarten will not only get acquainted with exciting information exchange processes, but also understand how important these processes are.

By signing postcards and sending emails by mail, the baby will not only be trained correctly to formulate its thoughts and wishes, but also will understand that, thanks to the mail, not only texts or images, but also human emotions and feelings can be transferred to huge distances.

On the picture: Children's plot-role-playing costume "Mail". It includes a cap, cape and bag with the inscription "Mail". This is an inexpensive and practical costume. It is made of cloak, so it is easy to clean.

Scene Role Game: Theater

It is difficult to list all the advantages of the theater as the most important developing activities for the preschooler.

When children participate in the performance or even just watching it, there is a whole series of the most important in the pedagogical and psychological plan of processes, ranging from the training of the ability to empathize and understand the emotions and feelings of other people, and finishing aesthetic education and cultural development.

No wonder A.S. Makarenko made precisely theatrical productions in his system of upbringing the most powerful and one of the most important means to influence children in pedagogical and educational purposes. Perhaps the most important feature of theatrical representations in a kindergarten is psychotherapeutic. Playing the role of a character, or just competing to him, the child can get rid of different problems In the emotional, sensual and social sphere, which inevitably arise even in preschool age.

On the picture: Knitted finger theater, manufacturer of IP Nikulina. Excellent quality! Characters are easy to dress on their finger. They are manually connected. On the second and third photo: Characters of a walking theater. Development of Russian manufacturers of didactic equipment "Naive World". Fingers are inserted into special loops that are sewn to a doll from behind. Shell's fingers - you move the feet of the dolls. Very interesting development. Sets for fairy tales and just separate dolls are sold in specialized stores for kindergartens.

Scene-role game: on Russian folk motifs

The folk toy from modern is distinguished by one - the tremendous experience of our ancestors and their endless wisdom, which is embodied in every folk product.

Please note that the people's toy is almost immortal - children of different generations play with them for hundreds and thousands of years, and no modern technologies will be able to challenge and exceed their effectiveness.

In addition, the wisdom of the people gives toys with a huge symbolism, which is undoubtedly perceived by children at least at the subconscious level.

For example, matryoshki symbolize the holiness of motherhood and continuing the human race, and the fancy Russian people's decorative painting, which adorns almost all folk toys, informs to the child information about the world, encrypted in visual and color symbols.

Thus, the Russian folk toy in kindergarten is greater than the means of upbringing patriotism. It is also the opportunity to transfer to children the experience gained by people for a huge period of time.

On the picture: Our traditional developing toy is a matryoshka.

Scene-role game: Sport

Sport and healthy lifestyle is what is most needed to modern children.

Now, when society faces a variety of problems, such as hypodynamia (lack of movement) in children and adults, the problem of drug addiction and alcoholism, the problem of improper nutrition - Sport is a real wonderful means of prevention and eradicating these negative social phenomena. Therefore, a sports corner must be present at each kindergarten and in each family.

Childhood is a wonderful time when the human body is still light, flexible and obedient when the child has enough strength, energy and desire to lead active activity, no matter, fresh air or in the gym.

Our debt is to give children everything you need for sports development and stimulate their interest and love for sports, to movement, to healthy image Life. In addition, it is sporting education that forms such important qualities in children, as the power of will, perseverance, determination, purposefulness, responsibility, discipline and command spirit.

On the picture: Darts with velcro. Excellent interesting sports game! Task fall into different numbers on a shield with cartoon characters with velcro balls. Balls arrive!

Olga Pushkarevskaya
Abstract of the plot role-playing game "Young researchers in the salt laboratory"

Abstract in plot-role game: « Young researchers in salt laboratories» In the preparatory to school group.

Educator: Borovsky Olga Aleksandrovna.


The development of the cognitive activity of children in the process of experimentation.

Help create a game environment taking into account games, form the ability to put the problem, watch, draw conclusions.

Empty independence, sense of mutual assistance.


Different kinds sololi.

Capacity for sololi.

Plates with salt

Disposable cups

Disposable spoons

Loupes for each child

Caps, wrappers

Defense with water

Photos sololi.


Preliminary work:

Picture viewing « laboratory» , « laberaent»

Crystal cultivation O. sololi.

1. Organizational moment

(The educator sets up children to the beginning of a node using psychodynamics)

Educator: All children have gathered.

I am your friend and you are my friend and you are my friend

Tightly hand

And smile to each other.

Educator: Let's guys wish each other and our guests to let "Hello!" And give all your smiles.

Educator: Guys on our planet there is a substance without being able to live a person. Want to know what is this substance?

I will tell you guys a fairy tale about Ivan - the merchant, as he walked with his commodity for the thirty lands of the sea - the Ocean. Many countries have come, traded - furs. That rose into the sea, the storm is strong, thrown the ship to the island unprecedented. Ivan Earth went to explode, yes came to the mountain Great. It looks in that grief not sand, not a stone, but a clean salt. Returned to the shore, ordered employees to load the ship Solu. How long is it briefly, right if the ship sailed to the country. And the rules of this country East Sultan. Ivan went to Sultan to sell him sololi.. And Sultan about salt, nothing praying: in all of his state salts - did not eat. I thought Sultan, thought, and I bought salt from Ivan.

Sounds music (enters East Sultan)

Sultan: Dear guys, I bought an Ivan-merchant bag of white substance, oh, because I do not even remember the name. Help me figure out what it is for the substance and for what it is.

Educator: Guys, help Sultan?

Children: Yes.

Educator: What about us? How to help you, we ourselves do not know what it is.

Sultan: And I brought everything in the bag. (shows a sack with salt).

Educator: Guys, in order to figure out that Sultan for the substance, I suggest you go to laboratory. In our laboratories There are 4 different departments in which there are their duties.

Let's choose who will be in our laboratories.

Allow me to be the head of the scientific laboratories. (explanation what he will do)

Now let's decide who will be. We need a head assistant, researchers and laborants.

And so that you were not hurt, we ask our Sultan to help choose roles.

Well, what are our scientists without training, I suggest us to warm up.

Right hand up

Right hand down.

Right hand stoley

And turn around.

Left hand up

Left hand down.

Left hand stoley

And turn around.

Right leg forward

Right leg back.,

Right leg is stupid

And turn around.

Left foot forward

Left back.

Lovely legs are stupid

And turn around.

All the torso forward

All torso back

Abrupt, turn

And B. explorers turn.

Educator: Well done, you have been prepared and you can go to laboratory. And in order for us to start work, you need to put on special clothes and attach bageiks and researchers With names and posts.

Educator: Let's remember the rules of behavior in it.

Close not to bring objects to the eyes.

Without need to take anything in the mouth.

(pass in laboratory)

Educator: Well, guys are you willing to find out what kind of white substance at Sultan?

Children: Yes.

Educator: We go to the first department called "Properties sololi.» .

Assistant head: young researchers, Note that you are plates. What do we see?

Children: This is salt.

Sultan: Salt, and what is salt?

Pom. head: salt, this is a white crystalline substance

- I ask you to take a magnifying glass and consider salt through it.

Be sure to (Children are considered).

Children: Yes, it looks like small crystalline.

Pom. head: And now dial a spoon on the tip salt and try it. What is it tasteful?

Children: Salted.

Sultan: Fu, Fu and the truth salty.

Head POM: Lyugay, does it smell?

Children: not.

Head POM: It can be concluded, white salt, salty, does not smell.

Sultan: And what is the salt with the sky or grows on the trees? Where does it take?

Educator: Guys, let's tell Sultan, how to get salt.

Children: It is extracted different methods: mining in the sea (Photo) And on land, in underground mines (Photo). I gave salt mined in manual and it was very hard work (photos, but in our time when mining sololi. Use special combines - solesos (Photo).

Sultan: How many interesting you told me! But I did not understand what I need to do with it?

Educator: And in order to find out why it is used, we need to go to the second department « food Laboratory» .

Food Researcher: Guys, what do you think, what are the salt?

Children: for cooking, salting (preservation).

ISS. Food. Prod: Salt, as an additive to food, entered our diet very, very long ago. After all, no wonder in Russia, expensive guests are accepted to meet "Bread with salt". Salt need to all people.

And now we will check with you (Sliced \u200b\u200bpieces of vegetables with salt and without, children try).

In the kitchen, salt can be used not only as seasonings to dishes. For example, to easily clean boiled eggs from the shell, it is necessary to enter the water in which they are cooking adding a little sololi.. The cleaning process will become easier.

Sultan: So, salt is needed for cooking.

Educator: Well, that's not all. Guys, let's tell me, but for what else use salt? I propose to go to the third department "Chemical laboratory»

ISS. Chem. lab: Indeed, salt is used not only in the kitchen, but it is widely used in everyday life. What do you think it is used?

Children: Sprinkle expensive (Photo).

ISS. Chem. lab: And now we will spend experience with ice and with salt.

Salt can melt ice. And we will check it with you.

We take ice cubes, put on the plates and sprinkle them with salt.

What is happening?

Children: ice melts.

Sultan: I would never have guessed what is possible.

ISS. Chem. lab: Everyone knows that at low temperatures, when it is cold, water freezes. Do you agree with me?

Children: Yes.

ISS. Chem. lab: What do you think salted water will freeze?

Sultan: Of course it will freeze.

ISS. Chem. lab: Check? We put salt and fresh water in the freezer and check after a while (Kids help).

Educator: Guys, but some salt can be grown. Let's tell Sultan, as we grown crystals.

(Kids Story).

Sultan: understood nothing!

Educator: Guys, let's beat our experience with a crystal? (Front of experience).

Sultan: as interesting: And you know that in my mill there is a sea and it is very salty.

Educator: I will open your secret, salt water can push small items. Let me show you how it happens (Experience with raw eggs).

Educator: You know, Sultan, salt is simply necessary and plants and animals, and of course a person. True guys? And to find out more, we go to the next department - « laboratory Health» .

ISS: In our the laboratory entered the questionWhy do you need salt? As my colleagues told, salt is used in the preparation of food, preservation of food, use in everyday life. But the salt is simply necessary in the treatment of various diseases. There are huge salt mines (photos where people go to breathe salted air for the treatment of respiratory organs.

Salt is also used to prepare various drugs, such as spray "Aqua Maris" For the treatment of a runny nose or a salt solution to rinse the throat. Also used in cosmetology. Add to the bath. Take with me to the bath. This is a sea salt (Photo). (Application of hand baths).

But also excessive use salt leads to illness, so there is such proverb: "Salt friend-salt enemy".

Sultan: Yes, this is not a salt, but just a miracle of nature!

Educator: I think our cups with experience "Fresh and salted water" ready.

(Kids bring glasses)

Educator: Look, salt water did not frozen. What happened to fresh water?

Children: frozen.

Educator: Well done guys who helped Sultan.

Now you understand what Ivan-merchant sold you?

Sultan: Yes, it's salt. Thank you guys for help. Now I will rush salt and will definitely tell everyone in my country what you taught me. And I want to thank you and hand the medals "Youth researcher» . (Rewarding children).

Sultan: Goodbye, guys, it's time for me to go on the road.

Children: Goodbye.

Educator: Well, that guys, we coped with the task, helped Sultan, it's time to finish our working day in laboratories. Remove special clothes and say goodbye to our guests.

Children spend a lot of time in kindergarten and their activities are very diverse: from moving games to calm classes. Therefore, we tried to carefully think about it, to arrange and properly place the gaming zones.

The space group is organized in the form of well-separated zones ("centers", "corners"), equipped with a large number of developing materials (books, toys, materials for creativity, educational equipment, etc.). All items are available to children. A similar organization of space allows preschoolers to choose interesting classes for themselves, alternate them during the day, and teacher makes it possible to effectively organize the educational process, taking into account the individual characteristics of children.

The group has created conditions for independent motor activity of children: provided for the area free from furniture and toys. Have tried to provide children to the toys encouraging gaming activities (Balls, hoops, rope).

It's no secret that the presenter type of activity of the preschooler is a game in which his personality is formed. It is necessary to say that children seek to embody in games all those situations that they watch in everyday life. In the group there are corners on various scene-role topics: Hairdresser, Hospital, Shop, Workshop and others - This is the basis of the game zone of any kindergarten. We tried creatively approaching and organizing corners. Scene-role-playing games in kindergarten is an opportunity to introduce a child with new situations, try on this or that behavior, learn to solve important questions in the minivarite.

We really love theaters, all year round we are friends with them:

In our group, all actors, patrols and dancers,

acrobats and juggles, ballerina, directors!

Every day and every hour we want to play for you !!

If I saw Stanislavsky - I would be very happy for us!

In the group equipped theatrical zone In which children play not only in plot-role-playing games, but also in directories and dramatization games. Therefore, in the area of \u200b\u200btheatrical activity, various types of doll theater, shirma for display, masks, children's drawings, natural and leaving material, seats of fabric for rude, are presented.

World of theater

Purpose: give children an idea of different types Theatrical Art: Puppet Theater, Drama and Comedy Theater, Desktop and Finger Theater, Develop and encourage the writing abilities of children, interest in creativity, to educate a sense of confidence, independence in creativity.

Equipment: toys for desktop theater, tickets, ticket office.

Age: 6-7 years.

Game traffic: the educator reports to children that today the performance will take place in the theater. Children acquire ticket tickets, pass to the hall, occupy places. Artists have already distributed the roles among themselves. They show a desk theater. It can be either a familiar fairy tale, or a newly invented plot. At the end of the presentation, children thank the applause.

Theatrical performance.

Purpose: Teach children to fit into the image, act collectively.

Equipment: costumes or cap masks of fabulous characters.

Age: 3-7 years.

Game traffic: the educator reads the children a fairy tale (for example, a fantastic "Rack"), and then asks questions: "What did the grandfather planted? Who helped her grandfather to pull out a repkah? And I could grandfather one pull out a repkah, what do you think? And who of the characters do you like more? " After discussing the fairy tale, the educator invites children to play the theater. The teacher distributes roles among those who wanted, reads the fairy tale aloud, the actors are depicting her actions. Children not occupied in the play become spectators. Then children change roles - the audience becomes actors and vice versa. At the request of children, you can once again lose the same fairy tale or another.

Note: Depending on the age of children, fairy tales can be as simple, containing short replicas ("Ryabn chicken", "repka"), and complex, with a large number of heroes, with long replicas.

Also, instead of costumes, you can use ordinary toys or make dolls dressed in hand. They can easily be sewed from small colored balls, for which eyes stick, hair, and pieces of fabric, from which dresses are cut. Finger children are in the sleeves of these dresses.

Corner schoolboy In kindergarten should contribute to the development of letters, accounts, reading skills; improving pronunciation skills; Familiarize with the peculiarities of school life, as well as the formation of the position of the student.


Purpose: To clarify the knowledge of children about what they do in school, what are the lessons what the teacher teaches. Rail a desire to learn at school, respect for teacher's work. Expand the vocabulary of children: "School Supplies", "Briefcase", "Penal", "Students" and so on.

Equipment: pens, notebooks, children's books, alphabet, numbers, board, chalk, pointer.

Age: 6-7 years.

Game traffic: the educator offers children to play school. There is a conversation about why a school is needed, who works there, what students do. At the request of children, the teacher is chosen. The rest of the children are students. The teacher asks the assignments to the tasks, they independently fulfill him. At another lesson, another teacher. Children are engaged in the lessons of mathematics, native language, physical education, singing, etc.

Corner of nature It is not only a group decoration, but also a place for self-development of children. The main part of the plants is placed in this corner.

Pour the vegetable garden

purpose : Teach children carefully listen to the words addressed to them, replenish the stock of knowledge about plants.

Equipment: Red chips, watering can.

Age: 3-7 years.

Game traffic: The tutor conducts a conversation about the garden, asks questions: What is a garden that grows on it, for which people plant a garden, what is needed in order for the plants to grow well in the garden? Children answer, the teacher helps, then he offers to play, says: "We remembered so many delicious vegetables, fruits, berries. I learned that plants can not live without water. And let's now imagine that we also have a garden, and we will water it. Just watered you need carefully. " Children get up in a circle, one of them takes a deeper in his hands and becomes in the center of the circle - he will water the garden. Children go in a circle, choir say:

The rain does not go long, we water the garden.

In the watering can be gaining water and water in bed ...

Children stop and in turn call any fruits and vegetables, as well as things that watering do not require: for example, radishes, carrots, boots, chamomile, shovel, telephone. A player with a leather must answer "watering" or "do not water". If the child is mistaken, he gets a penalty of a red chip. For a long time to think and change the answer is not allowed. Then another child is in the role of a irrigation. Whoever received more such chips, he must fulfill the task that children come up with for him.

Note: If children are playing at the age of 5-7 years, then they need to answer quickly, without hoist. If a child is delayed with the answer, he gets a penalty. The game can be complicated - to call only plants. The child must determine which plants need to be watered, and which is not. In the case of a dispute, the answer is considered correct if the child can justify its answer. For example, you can cook soup from nettle. After the game, the educator invites children to guess the riddles on the "garden" theme.

Excursion to Orangery

Purpose: To consolidate the knowledge of children about the growth and development of plants, about the ways of care for them, to educate love and the desire to take care of plants.

Equipment: Plants in the corner of nature.

Age: 5-7 years.

Game traffic: The educator says that a specialist from the Orangee came to visit today (a child selected in advance as an educator), who offers to go into his greenhouse, where you can learn a lot of new plants. Gardeners work in the greenhouse, they tell children how to properly care for plants, as often need to be watering, what kind of useful properties this or that plant has.

In our group allotted facing So that there is good lighting and complied with the requirements of Sanpina. On the shelves there are cups for water, pencils and markers, stands with tassels, paints and gouache, sheets of paper for drawing, etc. There are samples for drawing, as well as various patterns and stencils. Located a box with different types and types of paper. In the container are located didactic games, albums of samples for drawing and modeling, coloring.

In art workshop

Purpose: To form children's ideas about the types of fine creativity, fix the skills of using a brush, pencil, develop art perception The works of the visual image, to bring up a steady interest in the visual activity.

Equipment : Everything necessary for work in the art workshop: pencils, brushes, paints, paper.

Age: 6-7 years.

Game traffic: Opened art school. Drawing lessons are real artists, they will teach children beautifully draw. Those who wish can go to the art workshop. Teacher's children and students together create pictures, drawings, help each other, are advised. Then they consider drawings and analyze them.

Look, beauty! And we have a game again! Everyone is playing and cut. It is suitable for everyone.

That girl came. We will wash at rush. She will come to her. Beauty we have a salon.

And the boys came to us. How are they good! Here is a haircut and shave. How do you go.

We put everything in order. And let's go with handsome! Come to us soon. Create all friends!

Toys and interior items for the design of the game zone, we not only bought in the store, but also somehow brought from home. Corner of hairdresser Equipped with jars from under the cream, bottles of shampoos and shower gels. You can bring an ordinary comb, hairpins and cotton disks.


Purpose: To acquaint children with a profession of a hairdresser, to educate the culture of communication, expand the vocabulary of children.

Equipment : Bathrobe for a hairdresser, cape for a client. Tools of a hairdresser (comb, scissors, vials for cologne, varnish, hairdryer, etc.).

Age: 4-5 years.

Game traffic: knock on the door. Katya doll comes to visit children. She meets with all children and notices the mirror group. Doll asks children, do they have a combs? Her pigtail was broken, and she would like to be combed. The doll is offered to go to the hairdresser. It is specified that there are several rooms: female, male, manicure, they work good masters in them, and they will quickly lead the hairstyle of Kati. We assign hairdressers, they take their jobs. Other children and dolls go to the salon. Katya remains very pleased, she likes her hairstyle. She thanks children and promises next time to come in this hairdresser. In the process of play, children will learn about the duties of the hairdresser - haircut, shaving, hair styling in the hairstyle, manicure.

One of the favorite activities in children is experimenting. For this we have created "Experimental Corner", Where are subjects from different materials: tree, iron, plastics, as well as - sand, salt, stones, magnets, different kinds Paper. There is equipment for experimentation: magnifying glass, pipettes, lanterns.

"In a scientific laboratory"

Purpose: expanding ideas about the environment; develop the research activities of children through experimental and gaming activities; encourage required knowledge, their analysis, synthesis, generalization and systematization; Motivate children to find new knowledge.

Age: 6-7 years.

The course of the game.

Children receive a letter: "Dear guys! Congratulations on the upcoming New Year! As a gift I send you a doll, and your name is a shark. Santa Claus".

- That's how Santa Claus, Family! Submitted such an interesting toy. - That's just it is not clear, what is the shark? Maybe you tell me. Do you want to play the game with you, where will you become employees of a research laboratory? And how do these scientists, together try to hold well-known experiments with water and air. Distribute roles, occupy their places. Children conduct well-known experiments with air and water.