Skyrim high elf skills. Races Skyrim. Overwrites scripts of races and can conflict with mods affecting the ability of races

This guide is used to list and provide strategies for various races in the Elder scrolls. V: Skyrim. You will see how each race looks like, their starting bonuses, special abilities and racial skills. I suggest, as each of them can be used, and pay attention to my favorite passive bonuses, they will help you choose Ras.

Argonian (Saxchlyls)


  • Starting Features: +10 Lock, +5 Changing, Restoration, Light Armor, Hacking and Strong
  • Passive peppers of Argonian + 50% resistance to disease, water breathing, better naked damage
  • Special abilities Cora Hila: health regeneration is accelerated 10 times by 60 seconds. Used once a day.

Strategies for the game as an argonian: they are great for the game as thieves. This is a skill that usually takes a little longer for pumping, so this is a welcome bonus. Otherwise, their characteristics are slightly scattered. They are not a great race, and they do not differ much if you do not really shy towards the skills of the thief. The hila bark has limited utility in Skyrim. You are less likely to become a vampire or get an irritant disease that reduces your abilities or skills.

Bretonians (Manmer)


  • Starting Characteristics: +10 Spells, +5 Change, Illusion, Restoration, Alchemy and Speech
  • Passive Breton Person: + 25% Magic Resistance
  • Special abilities of dragon leather: 50% chance to absorb all damage and get the full magic value of any hostile spells that affect your character for 60 seconds that can be used once a day.

Breton game strategies: Bretonians can get the highest magic resistance in Skyrim. This powerful resist affects all damage to spells of any element and combines elementary resistances to absorb more damage. This is a good universal caster, but magical resistance, a bonus for speech and alchemy make the Breton race capable of being in any role.

Dark elves ( Danmer)

Dark Elf

  • Starting characteristics: +10 destruction, +5 change, illusion, alchemy, light armor and theft
  • Passive peppers of a dark elf: + 50% to fire resistance
  • Special abilities - anger of ancestor: Any enemies in the near battle are obtained by 8 damage points from fire every second within 60 seconds. Used once a day.

Strategies for the game as a dark elf: Dark elves are excellent magicians and get the most useful type of resistance. The anger of the ancestor is considered a fire shield spell and does not fold with other shield spells. Use it while running on the opponents of the melee and the spells of a small destruction range for maximum effect. The opponents of the melee will be hard to hit you in this way and you will apply damage from your spells and shield every time you are near.

High elves (Altmera)

High elf

  • Starting Characteristics: +10 Illusions, +5 Changing, Spell, Destruction, Char Overlay and Recovery
  • Passive High Elf Pershes: +50 Max. Mana
  • Special abilities - Highborne: Mana is restored 25 times faster, within 60 seconds. Used once a day.

Strategies for the game as a high elf: any game style that will greatly rely on magic will benefit from a high elf. Bonus +50 mana is huge, offering a fee of 5 units per level. Combine it with a highborn used right before the start of the battle, and you will have tons of mana at your disposal to apply a big damage to your enemies. It is incredibly useful when you meet a dragon or room full of angry monsters. Good universal choice if you do not make a pure warrior.

Imperts (Symerodites)

  • Starting Features: +10 Recovery, +5 Block, Heavy Armor, One-Handed Weapon, Destruction and Char Overlay
  • Passive imperial peppers: the passive ability of the imperial luck, gives extra gold at any time.
  • Special abilities - the voice of the emperor: soothes all close humanoids for 60 seconds, once a day.

Strategies for the game as an imperial: the race of the imperials is suitable for any game Style. Getting a bonus for recovery will help either the caster or the warrior to heal itself and the allies. Their racial Perk is interesting. Each time you find gold coins in a treasure chest or as Lout from a dead creature corpse, you will find somewhere 2-10 coins. This means that the minimum gold you will find in most sources is increasing. This is a big percentage bonus at the beginning of the game, although it is late for it. The emperor's voice amazes humanoids of any kind and allows you to stop the battle for 60 seconds even against high-level opponents.


  • Starting Characteristics: +10 Imperceptibility, +5 Archery, One-Handed Weapon, Alchemy, Locking and Husband
  • Passive peppers of Caudzhita: claws that apply additional damage (+12) in the unarmed battle. This effect is folded with heavy armor fists, adding armor rating.
  • Special abilities - Night vision: Improves the night vision for 60 seconds, is used several times a day, unlike other abilities.

Cauditis Strategies: Family - Master Skyrima Master. They have a big bonus to be unmamed, which makes it easier for attacks from the Inviz, you can also ease from your opponents unnoticed. Rasa Kazhitov - Masters of the naked battle. They will apply 12 additional damage without having any weapons, which actually makes the game without a weapon more reasonable at an early stage. Your reach will suffer, but damage will be relatively huge.

Nordes (atmus)

  • Starting Features: +10 Two-handed weapons, +5 block, one-handed weapon, blacksmithing, light armor and speech
  • Passive Perks Nord: + 50% Frost resistance
  • Special abilities - Martial cry: makes all the goals nearby, to flee for 30 seconds. Used once a day, is considered a hostile action for NPC.

Strategy for the game for Nord: Nord can use his skills to make a very easy assembly for the game. Owning with two-handed weapons, which they know how to blocked, carrying light armor for mobility, and selling at higher prices thanks to their eloquence. This is really simple, but an effective assembly that can replace any of its components for something else. Passive frost resistance, which they get, helps against many dragons and some more firm monsters skyrim. Combatry can allow you to scare away enemies to restore stamina. In general, a good race for a warrior, but bad for the caster, compared with other races.

Orcs (Orsimers)

  • Starting features: +10 to heavy armor, +5 block, one-handed weapon, blacksmith, two-handed weapons and spell
  • Passive orc peppers: no!
  • Special abilities - Berrill's rage: Double damage, taking half for 60 seconds. Used once a day.

Strategies for the game as an orc: I believe that Bretonians - best Race For its magical resistance, which makes them universal, but the orcs are masters that they are great warriors. Go with two-handed weapons or sword and shield, and you are ready for damage more than other races. Their racial ability is what you will use quite often, although it does not affect damage from spells in attack or defense. Use it to quickly shoot dragons, facing bosses of any kind, or when you need to clean the room, full opponents of the melee. This is the best racial feature in Skyrim. Orcs start with access to all fortresses when starting the game, while other races must execute the quest to get the entrance. This gives you access to merchants and coaches that other races will not be able to use immediately.

Redgard (Yokandans)

  • Starting features: +10 one-handed weapons, +5 archery, block, blacksmith, change and destruction
  • Passive redgard peppers: + 50% resistance poison
  • Special abilities - emission of adrenaline: endurance regeneration 10 times faster, within 60 seconds. Used once a day.

Strategies of the game as a downgrade: While the Redconds begin with a good bonus of weapons, they really do not have the pros in particular in particular. The resistance of poisoning is weak and not as useful as other skills, and although the emission of adrenaline is good, you can easily replenish stamina with potions.

Forest elves ( Bosmers)

Wood Elf

  • Starting Features: +10 Archery, +5 Alchemy, Light Armor, Blocking, Foresting and Hacking
  • Passive Forest Elf Perks: + 50% resistance to diseases, and to poison
  • Special abilities - Animal order: This skill lures animals on your side for 60 seconds. Used once a day.

Strategy game as forest elf: Forest elves are born archers, thanks to their characteristics. Their resistance to disease and poisons will be useful in many situations, as they are largely visible in the game. The order of the animal can also affect the animals of a high level, such as mammoths, and make them be your allies.

The world of The Elder Scrolls is extensive and multinational. However, you can play only for representatives, so to speak, official races. By the way, the almers are not and are and are hostile creatures, reminiscent of Gorum from the "Lord of the Rings". However, the standard ten races for the game will be quite enough. And yes, it will be impossible to play dragons in Skyrim, and we will be able to use dragon clearants regardless of whether the representative will pass the game. Unfortunately, in my opinion, the racial bonuses The Elder Scrolls 5 are not entirely correctly distributed, as a result of which the part of the nation is not too attractive in terms of choice.

The importance of choosing the right race for the passage of Skyrim is not as critical as in many other role-playing computer Games, examples of which are on the site. Even in the case of not too optimal selection of the race, in Skyrim it will be possible to feel calm and develop the hero on your own accord, without looking at racial bonuses. For example, it is quite possible to grow from a harsh orc of a skilled mage, although it is much easier to make a similar from the highest elf. So to simplify your life in Skyrim, especially at the initial stages of the game, it is worth choosing that race that will approach your style of play. It is not necessary to worry, the hero can then be painless in the future to change the specialization, became a true universal. However, it also makes sense to immediately decide on the style of the game, in order to follow him at the initial stage of the game. The choice of race in this case will help you. However, I repeat, you can quite choose that race that you will like externally, it is The Elder Scrolls 5, and there are no barriers and clear restrictions for the player. However, we, most likely, will be a first-person view, so we will infrequently admire their character Skyrim.

Each race Skyrim has a certain set of racial abilities, passive and active. In the overwhelming majority, representatives of each race possess both passive and activated abilities, for some exceptions. Naturally, passive bonuses acting all game time are greater interest and are more efficient. Among other things, every race Skyrim has a starting skill development bonus, which is added to the skills value ( a basic level of Skills 15). No influence on faster or slow development of skills, racial abilities in The Elder Scrolls 5 do not affect. So on this racial feature you can not pay close attention. The fact is that the weak skills of Skyrim develop very quickly when used, so there are no problems with their development in the future ..

Unfortunately, the game itself, when choosing a race, only qualitatively describes the abilities of representatives of the RAS, so that no accurate data directly in Skyrim will receive. That is somewhat inconvenient, because even I have familiar with series of The. Elder scrolls, some misunderstandings arose during the choice of race.

Argonian - representatives of a race that has a lot in common with reptiles, they are similar on them. The kind of their ugly, even terrible, however, in originality they also do not occupy.

Racha bonuses Argonian:

Hacking Skill (Lockpicking) +10

Hotek skill (SNEAK) +5

Racial abilities Argonian:

Disease resistance 50% (passively)
Breathing under water (passively)
Histskin - an increase in health regeneration 10 times a year to 60 seconds once a day (requires activation)

Starting bonuses to the skills of Argonian suggest the path of thief or hired killer, but these are small bonuses, so they can not have a serious effect on the style of the character playing the character. Reptile abilities do not cause a reverent trepidation. The ability of resistance to disease can somewhat simplify life, but it is impossible to name it. Bubbles cure diseases are easy to prepare independently, and the blessing of Talos can always be obtained in Waitrun. Those who wish to become a Vampire Skyrim face some problems, due to the natural resistance of argonian diseases .. Breathing under water is interesting, but such an effect can also be achieved with the help of potions. Often swim in Skyrim will not have to have, so for a swim you can prepare a set of scuba divers in advance. Histskin is a good ability of argonian, allowing it for a minute almost immortal (the main thing is not to receive critical damage). However, in Skyrim, you can drink therapeutic potions directly from the inventory during the battle, so clicking Tab in the heat of battle is not so difficult and long. As a result, Argonian is not too good to choose a race to play in Skyrim.

Bretonians are a good choice for a cautious magician who may later change the specialization. It was for the representative of the race of Brettonians I started my first passing Skyrim., by choosing the path of the magician, which then adjusted several. Bretons look quite civilized, the main racial bonuses is the strengthening of magical skills, the abilities of brortons are associated with the resistance to magic.

Breton racial bonuses:
Witchcraft skill (Conjuration) +10
Illusion skill (illusion) +5
Change Skill (Alteration) +5
Recovery Skill (Restoration) +5
Alchemy skill (Alchemy) +5

Breton racial abilities:
Magic resistance 25% (passively)
Dragonskin - Absorption of 50% of the magic damage for 60 seconds (requires activation, operates once a day)

Bretonians are a good choice for Skyrim magicians, and not only. Passive resistance to magic will come in handy absolutely for all classes of heroes. Starting bonuses to magic skills are not so significant to influence the choice of game style. So the choice on brortons can fall not only if you wish to play for the magician, but also for another class of heroes. From the broonts will also get quite capable universals. During especially hard battles with the magicians, it will be possible not only to drink protective potions, but to activate Dragonskin, which will make the hero almost invulnerable for magical attacks. And if you still activate the Lord sign (25% resistance to magical and physical attacks), then the lightning enemy can not pay attention to the flashes. Bretons are a good choice for a character in Skyrim, in addition, representatives of this race are quite beautiful.

The indigenous people of the province of Morrowind, with which we were well met during wanderings in the world of The Elder Scrolls 3 .. They look like vampires, the vampires of them can be easier to be easier than other races, because of their natural resistance to fire.

Racing Dunmer Bonuses:

Destruction Skill +10
Change Skill (Alteration) +5
Illusion skill (illusion) +5
Alchemy skill (Alchemy) +5
Skill Easy armor (Light Armor) +5
Hotek skill (SNEAK) +5

Racial abilities of danmers:
Congenital fire resistance 50% (passively)
The anger of the ancestors is an analogue of the IMMOLATION Skill of Illidan from Warcraft 3, Dunmer surrounds itself with a flame, which causes 8 units of damage per second (slight value) to everything in a certain radius from itself within 60 seconds (requires activation, you can only use once a day).

You can play for the Dunmer if desired to become a further vampire, racial resistance to fire will help to level the negative impact of vampirism. Small bonuses to magical skills hint at the possibility of the development of a combat mage. The anger of ancestors is not too useful, especially in the later stages of the game, since the damage is small. However, the original exterior of Danmer can become a plus when choosing a race, although there are more favorable abilities. For example, the passive resistance of the magic of Bretons seems more interesting.

Also known called Altmer (Altmera), are inborn magicians of the world The Elder Scrolls. It is noteworthy that in Skyrim, they do not receive negative racial characteristics, which makes them almost perfect magicians in the game. Ideal when choosing a classic magician, however, I preferred a more careful style of the game, choose a race with protective ability.

Racha bonuses of higher elves:
Illusion skill (illusion) +10

Recovery Skill (Restoration) +5
Witchcraft skill (Conjuration) +5
Change Skill (Alteration) +5

Racial abilities of the highest elves:
Strengthening magic: +50 to the maximum value of magic (passively)
Highborn - an increase in magic regeneration by 60 seconds once a day (requires activation, 1 time per day)

Altmeras are almost the perfect choice for the magician in Skyrim. Bonus 50 points to the stock of magic are a real treasure, and not only for the initial stages of the game. Considering that with raising the level in Skyrim, it is possible to increase the stock of mana by 10 points. In particular heavy battles, you can apply a racial ability, which will allow you to ignore the bubbles of mana recovery within a minute. However, the choice of the race of Altmer somewhat obliges to the development of the magician. With a further change of specialization, racial abilities will be less effective. Also with the growth of the character level, the starting bonus of 50 points of Mana will be somewhat branded. In any case, the highest elves are an excellent choice of race for any Skyrim Magician.

The indigenous resident of Sirodilla - the choice for the game is quite interesting. The appearance of representatives of this race Tamriel is quite civilized and pleasant, the skills are versatile. So from the imperials, real universals can turn out, and quite wealthy, for this reason it is worth paying attention to the racial abilities of the imperials.

Impressional racial bonuses:
Recovery Skill (Restoration) +10
Destruction Skill (Destruction) +5
Enchanting Skill +5

Skill Severe armor (Heavy Armor) +5

The racial abilities of the imperials:

Imperial Luck - Imperials find more gold in chests and other places (passively)
Emperor's voice (Voice of the Emperor) - soothes people in a certain radius for 60 seconds (requires activation, works 1 time per day)

From the very moment of the beginning of Skyrim, from the very moment of the start of Skyrim, so you can develop your hero in any direction. However, try to be careful with the peels, they may not be enough in the future. The ability to find more gold will not be superfluous, since in Skyrim a ringing coin can be spent not only for equipment, but also on your own homes and on training skills .. Imperbs are a good race, in case you have not decided, the hero of which class will develop From your character, the Elder Scrolls Universe allows it.

I prefer not to pronounce the first letter in the title of this race Tamriel, however, you can often see the name of these fluffy little animals as Khajita. During Oblivion, representatives of this race were very skilled in dark matters, it was for Hajita that I made a passage of the dark fraternity to the site. In Skyrim, the cancellation of the main and side skills, made these bonuses are less significant. The ability to fight the kograts of Hajitov will be in demand by all the players. However, the ability to play for a big fluffy cat, which can talk, is worth a lot.

Racha bonuses Hajitov:
Hotek skill (SNEAK) +10
Pocket theft skill (PickPocket) +5

Skill of one-handed weapon (one-handed) +5
Archery Skill (Archery) +5
Alchemy skill (Alchemy) +5

Racial abilities of Hajitov:
Claws - Hazjit's unarmed attacks cause 15 injuries (passively)
Night-Eye - the ability to see in the dark (passively, requires activation)

A distinctive feature of Hajitov is the presence of only passive abilities, which is very good. Night vision needs to be turned on manually, but the limits for its use of these representatives are no feline. And this ability is very useful, since while while traveling on Skyrim we will often be in the caves and catacombs .. Attempt to light the magic light bulb will taste all the hope of secretly moving. Unscrew the brightness of the game in the Skyrim settings - the solution is dubious. So hajit is an excellent choice for a hired killer and thief, it will also be possible to experiment with hand-to-hand combat.

Native residents Skyrim., skilled fighters, which are accustomed to the harsh northern wizams of their homeland, where the actions of The Elder Scrolls 5 and occur. Representatives of this race are blondes, beautiful, can become not only skilled warriors, but also formidable magicians or cunning thieves. Basic bonuses for military skills are small, so they will not create problems in the alternative development of these blond warriors Tamriel.

Nords racial bonuses:
Two-handed weapons (Two-Handed) +10
Skill of one-handed weapon (one-handed) +5
Light Armor Skill +5
Blocking skill (block) +5

Skill of eloquence (SPEECH) +5

Racial abilities of Nords:
Permanent Hodged Resistance 50% (passively)
Martial cry - the enemy runs in fear for 30 seconds (requires activation, operates 1 time per day)
Despite the seeming predisposition of the Nords to Military Arts, you can develop a character of any specialization from Nord. The resistance of cold in Skyrim will be quite by the way, the ability to scare enemies will also find their application. I do not recommend paying preference to two-handed weapons, since in Skyrim we can now fully use both hands of the character. However, this skill also gives its tangible bonuses. In addition, Nordes are very beautiful that your countrymen will appreciate. You can immediately go to the thunderstorms and clear your homeland from the Zasil of the Empire.

Orcs in many computer games - creatures evil and hostile. So the players will rather make themselves in a massive order than they play. In Skyrim, Orcs - the people are quite civilized, so passersby will not dismissed from representatives of these races in fear. But with racial abilities of green-skate in The Elder Scrolls 5 is not lucky.

Racing bonuses of orcs:
Blocking skill (block) +5
Skill of one-handed weapon (one-handed) +5
Two-handed arms skill (Two-Handed) +5
Blacksmith Skill (Smithing) +5
Enchanting Skill +5

Racial abilities of the orcs:
Berserker Rage (Berserker Rage) - damage on the hero -50% (decreases), and the damage caused by the enemies is doubled (requires activation, it acts 60 seconds, one can take advantage of one day).

The orcs do not possess passive ability, which is very sad. The relative power of active ability is only associated with military art, which implies a warrior or berserker from the orc. However, with a pathological desire, to play for a harsh orc can also be chosen by this race Tamriel. However, such a choice involves the development of the hero only as a fighter. Let me remind you that The Elder Scrolls 5 will play any race, any character, almost without problems and great difficulties. So if there is a desire to choose an orc - boldly choose. However, if you choose the race on the abilities and bonuses, the orcs are unlikely to arrange you.

Dark-skinned warriors from Hammerfella (Hammerfella) are very skilled in handling weapons and armor. However, to pass Oblivion for the Redgard it seemed to me boring, as well as playing the warrior in principle. but combat system Skyrim has become more interesting and challenging, so part of boredom developers managed to dispel .. Small bonuses for magical skills seem unnecessary.

Racha bonuses of the Redcakes:
Skill of one-handed weapon (one-handed) +10
Blocking skill (block) +5
Blacksmith Skill (Smithing) +5
Firing skill (Archery) +5
Destruction Skill (Destruction) +5
Change Skill (Alteration) +5

Race abilities of the Redcakes:
Resistance to poisons 50% (passively)
Adrenaline emission (ADRENALINE RUSH) - reserves the reserve of forces in 10 faster for 60 seconds (requires activation, can be used only 1 times a day).

The abilities of the Redconds are not too strong and useful, the resistance of poisons is easily replaced by a set of potions taken on the road. The rapid rehabilitation of the reserve during a vehicle battery will allow you to use powerful blows more often, which, however, can also be compensated by the adoption of the corresponding potions. Bonuses for combat skills are not too significant in Redgards, as well as representatives of other races. A slight increase in magical abilities and looks weak at all. One way or another, the Redgard can be chosen as a warrior, although the same Nordes look more capable and useful Skyrim fighters.

Forest elves are also called in Tamriele by the Bosmers. Representatives of this race in Skyrim are rarely found. They are inborn archers and good friends of animals. They look typically for the races of elves, have a characteristic dark skin shade. From the representative of this race in Skyrim, not only the hunter, Ranger, but also a skilled hired killer, a typical representative dark Brotherhood. Our companion in the Mission Diplomatic Immunity was also a bosmer, while the representatives of the Talmora are the highest elves.

Racha bonuses of forest elves:
Shooting shooting (Archery) +10
Hotek skill (SNEAK) +5
Pocket theft skill (PickPocket) +5
Hacking Skill (Lockpicking) +5
Light Armor Skill +5
Alchemy skill (Alchemy) +5

Racial abilities of forest elves:

Resistance to disease and poisons 50%
Command Animal - the selected animal becomes an ally for 60 seconds (activation requires, you can use 1 time per day)

The abilities of forest elves are not too effective, which refers to a greater extent to animal control. There is not much benefit from such an ally, although there are very powerful representatives of the Skyrim fauna, which is devoted to a separate article on the site. However, school spells of illusions can give a similar or greater effect. The resistance of poisons and diseases is needed not so often, besides, it is easier and more reliable to have inventory a stock of healing potions from diseases. However, if desired, it is quite possible to shoot a forest elf from the very beginning of the game. Then this character can be developed versatile, adjusting to the current style of the game.

Despite all the pros and cons of all submitted races Tamriel, I strongly recommend you to play for the race that you liked, even if subjective reasons. The same way I suggest follow the development of the character. The fact is that Skyrim, unlike many role-playing games, is very tolerant of the development and selection of the hero. So great difficulties with not too effective choosing a race or development of skills, you will not find. So play Skyrim as you want. It is impossible, however, not to say that an effective choice of race will be useful, it is worth special attention to pay racial abilities than starting bonuses to skills. To develop "zero" skills in Skyrim is very simple, while passive and active abilities will affect all the passage of the game and affect them more difficult.

This mod extends racial abilities making them unique and diverse. Each race now has three new constant effects, as well as a unique task for each race to receive racial ability.

Main features

  • 3 new effects for each race.
  • 1 new ability to receive through the quest.
  • Changed characteristics for each race
  • NPS also use racial abilities and have racial effects.
Initial racial characteristics

Altmer / High Elf

Health: 90.
Magic: 115.
Power supply: 95

Magic Recovery Speed: 3.75%
Endurance Recovery Speed: 4.5%
Portable weight: 250


  • Elf superiority: At a skill level of 100, its effectiveness increases by 10%.
  • Gold and glass: When your strength or magic falls below 50%, it is restored faster, as health decreases.
  • Shining flows: Weapons and armor are weaker, but the attitudes imposed on them are stronger.
Racial task (quest): Collect 40 butterflies' wings ... opens
  • Sealing: You can save up to two spells and establish conditions for their automatic activation..

Health: 100.
Magic: 95.
Power supply: 105
Health Restore Speed: 0.5%

Portable Weight: 325

  • Amphibian: It is harder to detect you, and you move faster after swimming.
  • Hisst: With a low level of health, the magic or stock restores half from the difference per second.
  • Swampy: You float faster and can breathe under water.
Racing task (quest) - search 4 boxes under water ... opens
  • Poisonous spit: 1 per day - spit, which completely destroys the physical and magical protection of the enemy.
Bosmer / Forest Elf

Health: 95.
Magic: 100.
Power supply: 105

Magic Recovery Speed: 3.0%
Endurance Recovery Speed: 5.0%
Portable weight: 275

  • Green Pact: Eating corpses to ritual purposes, increasing three random skills.
  • Beagle: The souls of the birds march animals that have a lot of lute or weakened opponents in battle.
  • Messenger flair: When you are in stealth mode and stand still, you find moving enemies.
The racial assignment is to kill 10 animals with a bird with a bird ... opens:
  • Forgive language: 1 per day - Calls to the help of the nearest beast, which can be your companion.

Health: 95.
Magic: 105.
Power Power: 100

Portable weight: 300

  • Bowl of concrete: Found artifact Bowl of concrete, speeds up the restoration of magic or stock of forces when you are standing in place.
  • Cloak Magic: Resistance and absorption of magic, with a low level of forces.
  • Galen stones: Each keeper stone gives an additional effect.
Racial task (quest) - open 10 keeper stones ... opens:
  • General related: 1 per day - Temporarily gives you racial abilities of your goal.
Danmer / Dark Elf

Health: 95.
Magic: 110.
Power supply: 95
Health Restore Speed: 0.75%
Magic recovery rate: 3.125%
Endurance Recovery Speed: 4.75%
Portable weight: 275

  • Guardian spirit: When entering the battle, you sacrifice your spirit to the guardian to call for a protective spirit.
  • Born in ash: The resistance of fire, when the spirit-keeper and observer spirit is active, this resistance is increased.
  • Whisper of the ancients: Your spirits point to an animal with a big mud and for which you will get another keeper's spirit.
The racial task (quest) - kill 10 victims marked with spirits ... opens:
  • Observer spirit: 1 per day - You can sacrifice several keeper spirits to cause the appropriate number of the ancient warriors / archers

Health: 100.
Magic: 100.
Power Power: 100
Health Restore Speed \u200b\u200b1.0%
Magic Recovery Speed: 3.0%
Endurance Recovery Speed: 5.0%
Portable weight: 300

  • Discipline:In battle increases armor and damage of your allies.
  • Imperial advantage: When entering the battle, it raises random health, magic or reserves.
  • Human Spirit:Upon reaching 10/20/30, you can choose an increase in any attribute / resistance or skill.
Racial task (quest) - perform 20 quests of the residents of Skyrim ... opens
  • Kolovian Star: 1 per day - Fully restores two attributes (health, magic, reserving strength) with the highest current level.

Health: 90.
Magic: 105.
Power supply: 105
Health Restore Speed: 0.5%
Magic recovery rate: 3.125%

Portable weight: 300

  • Cat agility: You are moving faster, the sprint is also faster, but spends more endurance.
  • Tramp: In stealth mode, you move quieter you can perform a powerful jump on the enemy.
  • Rain from sand: Power attack with two paws, which causes damage depending on endurance.
Racial task (quest) - Collect 75,000 gold ... opens:
  • All-seeing eye. You can see any opponents in a large radius.

Health: 110.
Magic: 85.
Power supply: 105
Health Restore Speed: 0.75%

Endurance Recovery Speed: 5.25%
Portable Weight: 325

  • Daughter / Son Skyrima: Hodged resistance, increases with the activation of the embodiment.
  • Stripping: Upon reaching 10/20/30, you can choose a race against which your spells and weapons will be more efficient
  • Warrior heart: In battle with reduced health, you apply more damage.
Racing task (quest) - Open the past Skyrim again, reading 8 dungeons ... opens:
  • Embodiment: 1 per day - Accelerates 100% recovery of magic or strength.

Health: 105.
Magic: 80.
Power: 115
Health Recovery Speed: 1.0%
Magic Recovery Speed: 2.75%
Endurance Recovery Speed: 5.5%
Weight weight: 350

  • Thirst for blood: When entering the battle, you move faster and the recovery rate increases until the end of the battle.
  • Shock wave: Once for the battle, you can jump among the enemies and cause a storm earthquake.
  • Strength of steel: Weapons and armor are strengthened, but the shocks on them are weaker.
Racing task (quest) - to stun 150 enemies with a shock wave ... opens
  • Berserk: 1 per day - Temporarily increases the power of spells and arms damage. It can work spontaneously in battle.

Health 100.
Magic: 90.
Stock force: 110
Health Restore Speed: 0.75%
Magic Recovery Speed: 2.875%
Endurance Recovery Speed: 5.25%
Portable Weight: 325

  • Sandstorm: The murder of people increases the damage from weapons and reduces the cost of spells
  • Nomad: Resistance to disease and endless stock out of battle.
  • Resistance: Accelerating the restoration of magic and endurance, with a low level of health.
Racial task (quest) - to win in 30 battles by killing more than 3 people ... opens:
  • Dance on the Red Sand: 1 per day - Strong slowing down time during a sprint for a short time.
History of updates:
Version 7.21

- Sparkling streams: now does not reduce mistaken damage in battle without weapons.
- Hound: Replaced visual effect Due to graphic glitches with SSE.
- "Aloudular Eye" is replaced by "insight".
Version 7.20
Patch that fixes small mistakes.
- Green Pact: With negative attribute bonuses (for any reason), the value is set to 0.
- Humanspirit: Disease Resistance is no longer reduced (so that there is no frequent infection of Sangwinar Vampiris (vampirism))
Version 7.18.
- corrected compatibility with changes in the unofficial patch (USLEEP).


Compatibility with other mods

  • Compatible with any mods of changing bodies.

  • Overwrites scripts of races and can conflict with mods that affect the abilities of races.

  • Replacing the races in the already existing saving is difficult, therefore, see "Loading a Fashion to the existing saving" below.

List of non-conflicting mods:
- ASIS: Add "superiority" to the list of Asis exceptions to prevent the increase in the number of prototers of the dark elves.
- Character Creation Overhaul (CCO): fully compatible.
- Disparity: Install the compatibility patch, do not use the modified talents of the specified mode.
- ORDINATOR - PERKS OF SKYRIM: Fully compatible.
- PERKUS MAXIMUS (Perma): fully compatible.
- Racemenu: Load the plugin after Racemenu.
- Requiem: Wait for the compatibility patch appearance.
- Skyrim Redone (SKYRE): Do not use the racial module of the specified mode.

Why should I start new game When working with Imperious - Races of Skyrim?

Skyrima often has problems with retaining. It is recommended to start the game with a new character. If you still want to set the mod and use the existing saving then:

  • Racial attributes (health / magic / power supply) will be incorrect. It will not cause problems, but you will have 300 units. Each attribute, i.e. as in the original.
  • If your racial abilities do not correspond to the values \u200b\u200bof the races from the list after installing the iMPerious mode, then use the "Assign Rass Ability Manual" option in the MSM menu (now there is no this option). If you do not have SkyUI (MSM menu), then call the console and enter the Help "Manual Debug" to find out his hex-ID on your download list, and then enter Player.addspell [Here your hex-id].
Why the bossmer of cannibal?
- This is their ritual. The enemies enemy eating is part of the Covenant concluded between the forest elves and I`frech. If you want to play for the apostate, then disconnect this option in the MCM menu: "Disable green pact" (now this option is not available)

How does the ability of gold and glass work? (Altmer ability)
- When you have less than half of the magic and stock of the forces, the regeneration increases in proportion to the decreasing attribute. Also, when half of the stock and magic, your armor and impedance magic decrease depending on the smallest attribute.

Famous problems:

Fist fights immediately end or turn into a real fight: "Hand-to-hand fight" is a frequent problem of many gameplay mods, and it is difficult to avoid due to the difficult implementation in Skyrim. Imperious - Races of Skyrim from version 7.00 comes with a copy of "Corustry Fix" (Modern Brawl Bug Fix) to solve this problem. If this does not happen, it is possible to fulfill the patch of the battlefield (BRAWL BUGS PATCH) in the order of loading or this happened due to a patch to correct the battle from another mode, for example Enhanced Blood Textures. You can delete this old patch and install this Modern Brawl Bug Fix (have a website)

I still have original racial abilities affect the imperious modes - Races of Skyrim: see "Do I need to start a new game to use this mod?" above.

I still have original racial abilities, but they are not after installing this fashion: you have another mod that changes the installed races and overwrites Imperious - Races of Skyrim. Fashion can change the records of races only once.

I downloaded the auto storage and my racial abilities disappeared: this is not the problem of the IMPERIOUS - Races of Skyrim, and the rare bug of the game in Skyrima, also can affect other mods including changing quest scripts or behavior of the AI. To prevent any damage to your saving, restart your saving from the main menu.

The abilities of the racing and whisper of the ancients do not work: these abilities begin to work only with 2 characters levels. This is done to reduce the load on the scripts during the fragile introductory scene in Helgen.

The game hangs shortly after I create my character: the scene of accession to Helgen is very sensitive to downloading scripts, especially if you have a lot of heavy modifications. You can first select Norda as an output, and then after leaving Helgen, change the appearance using the SHOWRACEMENU command. WARNING: This is not the best way to solve the problem and you better change or clear the load order.

I changed my race through the character of creating a character and began a quest from another race: if you leave the cursor on another race in the character of the character's creation menu, then you can accidentally change your race to another. If you meet the requirements for its racial task, then the quest will begin. This problem is unlikely to have during the entrance roller and escape from Hellgen, because at this moment you have no achievement, but you can meet this problem if you used console team Or a different mod to change your race. Racemenu mod replaces the character of creating a character, a new and improved menu that does not have this problem.
Installation:Through any mod manager.
Removal: Deleting Fashion Files

The world of The Elder Scrolls is extensive and multinational. However, you can play only for representatives, so to speak, official races. By the way, the almers are such not and are hostile creatures, reminiscent of Gorum from the "Lord of the Rings". However, the standard ten races for the game will be quite enough. And yes, it will be impossible to play dragons in Skyrim, and we will be able to use dragon clearants regardless of whether the representative will pass the game. Unfortunately, in my opinion, the racial bonuses The Elder Scrolls 5 are not entirely correctly distributed, as a result of which the part of the nation is not too attractive in terms of choice.

The importance of choosing the right race to pass Skyrim is not as critical as in many other role-playing computer games, examples of which are on the site. Even in the case of not too optimal selection of the race, in Skyrim it will be possible to feel calm and develop the hero on your own accord, without looking at racial bonuses. For example, it is quite possible to grow from a harsh orc of a skilled mage, although it is much easier to make a similar from the highest elf. So to simplify your life in Skyrim, especially at the initial stages of the game, it is worth choosing that race that will approach your style of play. It is not necessary to worry, the hero can then be painless in the future to change the specialization, became a true universal. However, it also makes sense to immediately decide on the style of the game, in order to follow him at the initial stage of the game. The choice of race in this case will help you. However, I repeat, you can quite choose that race that you will like externally, it is The Elder Scrolls 5, and there are no barriers and clear restrictions for the player. However, we, most likely, will be a first-person view, so we will infrequently admire their character Skyrim.

Each race Skyrim has a certain set of racial abilities, passive and active. In the overwhelming majority, representatives of each race possess both passive and activated abilities, for some exceptions. Naturally, passive bonuses acting all game time are greater interest and are more efficient. Among other things, each race Skyrim has a starting skill development bonus, which is added to the skill value (basic skill level 15). No influence on faster or slow development of skills, racial abilities in The Elder Scrolls 5 do not affect. So on this racial feature you can not pay close attention. The fact is that the weak skills of Skyrim develop very quickly when used, so there are no problems with their development in the future ..

Unfortunately, the game itself, when choosing a race, only qualitatively describes the abilities of representatives of the RAS, so that no accurate data directly in Skyrim will receive. What is somewhat inconvenient, as I even have a familiar with the Elder Scrolls series, some misunderstandings have arisen during the choice of race.

Argonian - representatives of a race that has a lot in common with reptiles, they are similar on them. The kind of their ugly, even terrible, however, in originality they also do not occupy.

Racha bonuses Argonian:

Hacking Skill (Lockpicking) +10

Hotek skill (SNEAK) +5

Racial abilities Argonian:

Disease resistance 50% (passively)
Breathing under water (passively)
Histskin - an increase in health regeneration 10 times a year to 60 seconds once a day (requires activation)

Starting bonuses to the skills of Argonian suggest the path of thief or hired killer, but these are small bonuses, so they can not have a serious effect on the style of the character playing the character. Reptile abilities do not cause a reverent trepidation. The ability of resistance to disease can somewhat simplify life, but it is impossible to name it. Bubbles cure diseases are easy to prepare independently, and the blessing of Talos can always be obtained in Waitrun. Those who wish to become a Vampire Skyrim face some problems, due to the natural resistance of argonian diseases .. Breathing under water is interesting, but such an effect can also be achieved with the help of potions. Often swim in Skyrim will not have to have, so for a swim you can prepare a set of scuba divers in advance. Histskin is a good ability of argonian, allowing it for a minute almost immortal (the main thing is not to receive critical damage). However, in Skyrim, you can drink therapeutic potions directly from the inventory during the battle, so clicking Tab in the heat of battle is not so difficult and long. As a result, Argonian is not too good to choose a race to play in Skyrim.

Bretonians are a good choice for a cautious magician who may later change the specialization. It was for the representative of the race of Brettonians that I began my first passage of Skyrim, choosing the path of the magician, which then adjusted several. Bretons look quite civilized, the main racial bonuses is the strengthening of magical skills, the abilities of brortons are associated with the resistance to magic.

Breton racial bonuses:
Witchcraft skill (Conjuration) +10
Illusion skill (illusion) +5
Change Skill (Alteration) +5
Recovery Skill (Restoration) +5
Alchemy skill (Alchemy) +5

Breton racial abilities:
Magic resistance 25% (passively)
Dragonskin - Absorption of 50% of the magic damage for 60 seconds (requires activation, operates once a day)

Bretonians are a good choice for Skyrim magicians, and not only. Passive resistance to magic will come in handy absolutely for all classes of heroes. Starting bonuses to magic skills are not so significant to influence the choice of game style. So the choice on brortons can fall not only if you wish to play for the magician, but also for another class of heroes. From the broonts will also get quite capable universals. During especially hard battles with the magicians, it will be possible not only to drink protective potions, but to activate Dragonskin, which will make the hero almost invulnerable for magical attacks. And if you still activate the Lord sign (25% resistance to magical and physical attacks), then the lightning enemy can not pay attention to the flashes. Bretons are a good choice for a character in Skyrim, in addition, representatives of this race are quite beautiful.

The indigenous people of the province of Morrowind, with which we were well met during wanderings in the world of The Elder Scrolls 3 .. They look like vampires, the vampires of them can be easier to be easier than other races, because of their natural resistance to fire.

Racing Dunmer Bonuses:

Destruction Skill +10
Change Skill (Alteration) +5
Illusion skill (illusion) +5
Alchemy skill (Alchemy) +5
Light Armor Skill +5
Hotek skill (SNEAK) +5

Racial abilities of danmers:
Congenital fire resistance 50% (passively)
The anger of the ancestors is an analogue of the IMMOLATION Skill of Illidan from Warcraft 3, Dunmer surrounds itself with a flame, which causes 8 units of damage per second (slight value) to everything in a certain radius from itself within 60 seconds (requires activation, you can only use once a day).

You can play for the Dunmer if desired to become a further vampire, racial resistance to fire will help to level the negative impact of vampirism. Small bonuses to magical skills hint at the possibility of the development of a combat mage. The anger of ancestors is not too useful, especially in the later stages of the game, since the damage is small. However, the original exterior of Danmer can become a plus when choosing a race, although there are more favorable abilities. For example, the passive resistance of the magic of Bretons seems more interesting.

Also known called Altmer (Altmera), are inborn magicians of the world The Elder Scrolls. It is noteworthy that in Skyrim, they do not receive negative racial characteristics, which makes them almost perfect magicians in the game. Ideal when choosing a classic magician, however, I preferred a more careful style of the game, choose a race with protective ability.

Racha bonuses of higher elves:
Illusion skill (illusion) +10

Recovery Skill (Restoration) +5
Witchcraft skill (Conjuration) +5
Change Skill (Alteration) +5

Racial abilities of the highest elves:
Strengthening magic: +50 to the maximum value of magic (passively)
Highborn - an increase in magic regeneration by 60 seconds once a day (requires activation, 1 time per day)

Altmeras are almost the perfect choice for the magician in Skyrim. Bonus 50 points to the stock of magic are a real treasure, and not only for the initial stages of the game. Considering that with raising the level in Skyrim, it is possible to increase the stock of mana by 10 points. In particular heavy battles, you can apply a racial ability, which will allow you to ignore the bubbles of mana recovery within a minute. However, the choice of the race of Altmer somewhat obliges to the development of the magician. With a further change of specialization, racial abilities will be less effective. Also with the growth of the character level, the starting bonus of 50 points of Mana will be somewhat branded. In any case, the highest elves are an excellent choice of race for any Skyrim Magician.

The indigenous resident of Sirodilla - the choice for the game is quite interesting. The appearance of representatives of this race Tamriel is quite civilized and pleasant, the skills are versatile. So from the imperials, real universals can turn out, and quite wealthy, for this reason it is worth paying attention to the racial abilities of the imperials.

Impressional racial bonuses:
Recovery Skill (Restoration) +10
Destruction Skill (Destruction) +5
Enchanting Skill +5

Skill of hard armor (Heavy Armor) +5

The racial abilities of the imperials:

Imperial Luck - Imperials find more gold in chests and other places (passively)
Emperor's voice (Voice of the Emperor) - soothes people in a certain radius for 60 seconds (requires activation, works 1 time per day)

From the very moment of the beginning of Skyrim, from the very moment of the start of Skyrim, so you can develop your hero in any direction. However, try to be careful with the peels, they may not be enough in the future. The ability to find more gold will not be superfluous, since in Skyrim a ringing coin can be spent not only for equipment, but also on your own homes and on training skills .. Imperbs are a good race, in case you have not decided, the hero of which class will develop From your character, the Elder Scrolls Universe allows it.

I prefer not to pronounce the first letter in the title of this race Tamriel, however, you can often see the name of these fluffy little animals as Khajita. During Oblivion, representatives of this race were very skilled in dark matters, it was for Hajita that I made a passage of the dark fraternity to the site. In Skyrim, the cancellation of the main and side skills, made these bonuses are less significant. The ability to fight the kograts of Hajitov will be in demand by all the players. However, the ability to play for a big fluffy cat, which can talk, is worth a lot.

Racha bonuses Hajitov:
Hotek skill (SNEAK) +10
Pocket theft skill (PickPocket) +5

Skill of one-handed weapon (one-handed) +5
Archery Skill (Archery) +5
Alchemy skill (Alchemy) +5

Racial abilities of Hajitov:
Claws - Hazjit's unarmed attacks cause 15 injuries (passively)
Night-Eye - the ability to see in the dark (passively, requires activation)

A distinctive feature of Hajitov is the presence of only passive abilities, which is very good. Night vision needs to be turned on manually, but the limits for its use of these representatives are no feline. And this ability is very useful, since while while traveling on Skyrim we will often be in the caves and catacombs .. Attempt to light the magic light bulb will taste all the hope of secretly moving. Unscrew the brightness of the game in the Skyrim settings - the solution is dubious. So hajit is an excellent choice for a hired killer and thief, it will also be possible to experiment with hand-to-hand combat.

The indigenous people of Skyrim, skillful fighters, which are accustomed to the harsh northern wizams of their homeland, where the actions of The Elder Scrolls 5 are occurring. Representatives of this race are blondes, beautiful, can become not only skilled warriors, but also formidable magicians or cunning thieves. Basic bonuses for military skills are small, so they will not create problems in the alternative development of these blond warriors Tamriel.

Nords racial bonuses:
Two-handed weapons (Two-Handed) +10
Skill of one-handed weapon (one-handed) +5
Light Armor Skill +5
Blocking skill (block) +5

Skill of eloquence (SPEECH) +5

Racial abilities of Nords:
Permanent Hodged Resistance 50% (passively)
Martial cry - the enemy runs in fear for 30 seconds (requires activation, operates 1 time per day)
Despite the seeming predisposition of the Nords to Military Arts, you can develop a character of any specialization from Nord. The resistance of cold in Skyrim will be quite by the way, the ability to scare enemies will also find their application. I do not recommend paying preference to two-handed weapons, since in Skyrim we can now fully use both hands of the character. However, this skill also gives its tangible bonuses. In addition, Nordes are very beautiful that your countrymen will appreciate. You can immediately go to the thunderstorms and clear your homeland from the Zasil of the Empire.

Orcs in many computer games - creatures evil and hostile. So the players will rather make themselves in a massive order than they play. In Skyrim, Orcs - the people are quite civilized, so passersby will not dismissed from representatives of these races in fear. But with racial abilities of green-skate in The Elder Scrolls 5 is not lucky.

Racing bonuses of orcs:
Blocking skill (block) +5
Skill of one-handed weapon (one-handed) +5
Two-handed arms skill (Two-Handed) +5
Blacksmith Skill (Smithing) +5
Enchanting Skill +5

Racial abilities of the orcs:
Berserker Rage (Berserker Rage) - damage on the hero -50% (decreases), and the damage caused by the enemies is doubled (requires activation, it acts 60 seconds, one can take advantage of one day).

The orcs do not possess passive ability, which is very sad. The relative power of active ability is only associated with military art, which implies a warrior or berserker from the orc. However, with a pathological desire, to play for a harsh orc can also be chosen by this race Tamriel. However, such a choice involves the development of the hero only as a fighter. Let me remind you that The Elder Scrolls 5 will play any race, any character, almost without problems and great difficulties. So if there is a desire to choose an orc - boldly choose. However, if you choose the race on the abilities and bonuses, the orcs are unlikely to arrange you.

Dark-skinned warriors from Hammerfella (Hammerfella) are very skilled in handling weapons and armor. However, to pass Oblivion for the Redgard it seemed to me boring, as well as playing the warrior in principle. However, the Skyrim combat system has become more interesting and difficult, so part of boredom developers managed to dispel .. Small bonuses for magical skills seem unnecessary.

Racha bonuses of the Redcakes:
Skill of one-handed weapon (one-handed) +10
Blocking skill (block) +5
Blacksmith Skill (Smithing) +5
Firing skill (Archery) +5
Destruction Skill (Destruction) +5
Change Skill (Alteration) +5

Race abilities of the Redcakes:
Resistance to poisons 50% (passively)
Adrenaline emission (ADRENALINE RUSH) - reserves the reserve of forces in 10 faster for 60 seconds (requires activation, can be used only 1 times a day).

The abilities of the Redconds are not too strong and useful, the resistance of poisons is easily replaced by a set of potions taken on the road. The rapid rehabilitation of the reserve during a vehicle battery will allow you to use powerful blows more often, which, however, can also be compensated by the adoption of the corresponding potions. Bonuses for combat skills are not too significant in Redgards, as well as representatives of other races. A slight increase in magical abilities and looks weak at all. One way or another, the Redgard can be chosen as a warrior, although the same Nordes look more capable and useful Skyrim fighters.

Forest elves are also called in Tamriele by the Bosmers. Representatives of this race in Skyrim are rarely found. They are inborn archers and good friends of animals. They look typically for the races of elves, have a characteristic dark skin shade. From the representative of this race in Skyrim, not only the hunter, Ranger, but also a skilled worn killer, a typical representative of the Dark Brotherhood. Our companion in the Mission Diplomatic Immunity was also a bosmer, while the representatives of the Talmora are the highest elves.

Racha bonuses of forest elves:
Shooting shooting (Archery) +10
Hotek skill (SNEAK) +5
Pocket theft skill (PickPocket) +5
Hacking Skill (Lockpicking) +5
Light Armor Skill +5
Alchemy skill (Alchemy) +5

Racial abilities of forest elves:

Resistance to disease and poisons 50%
Command Animal - the selected animal becomes an ally for 60 seconds (activation requires, you can use 1 time per day)

The abilities of forest elves are not too effective, which refers to a greater extent to animal control. There is not much benefit from such an ally, although there are very powerful representatives of the Skyrim fauna, which is devoted to a separate article on the site. However, school spells of illusions can give a similar or greater effect. The resistance of poisons and diseases is needed not so often, besides, it is easier and more reliable to have inventory a stock of healing potions from diseases. However, if desired, it is quite possible to shoot a forest elf from the very beginning of the game. Then this character can be developed versatile, adjusting to the current style of the game.

Despite all the pros and cons of all submitted races Tamriel, I strongly recommend you to play for the race that you liked, even if subjective reasons. The same way I suggest follow the development of the character. The fact is that Skyrim, unlike many role-playing games, is very tolerant of the development and selection of the hero. So great difficulties with not too effective choosing a race or development of skills, you will not find. So play Skyrim as you want. It is impossible, however, not to say that an effective choice of race will be useful, it is worth special attention to pay racial abilities than starting bonuses to skills. To develop "zero" skills in Skyrim is very simple, while passive and active abilities will affect all the passage of the game and affect them more difficult.