The Queen of Diamonds meaning. The meaning of ladies in fortune-telling

The card often denotes a young woman, girl, or blonde with light eyes.

The Queen of Diamonds card in its direct meaning:

A young girl, an adult girl.
- Blonde with blue eyes.
- Sister.
- A rich girl, a woman.

Combinations of the Queen of Diamonds with other cards:

1. Ace of Diamonds: News, letter from the Lady of Diamonds. Financial news or from a wealthy woman.
2. King of tambourine: Shows serious intentions in a relationship, a man's belonging to a fortuneteller (relative, husband, boyfriend). Sometimes it means a man of easy virtue.
3. Jack of tambourine: A woman's belonging to a man (sister, wife, girl). The girl is visiting.
4. Ten of Diamonds: A girl with an interest in you. A rich girl.
5. Nine of tambourines: Pure, sincere love of a girl.
6. Eight of tambourines: Conversation with a young woman.
7. Seven of tambourines: Difficulties in love.
8. Six of tambourines: The appearance of a girlfriend. Time well spent.
9. Ace of Chirvey: Woman of easy virtue.
10. The King of the Chirvey: The appearance of a groom or admirer.
11. Lady Chirvey: Relations of Women in the Family.
12. Jack of the Chirvey: Eavesdropping, peeping, spying.
13. Ten Chirvey: Romantic naive girl. Starting a new business.
14. Nine Chirvey: Girl in love, mistress, rival.
15. Eight Chirvey: Trouble from the Girl.
16. Seven Chirvey: An unveiled secret that an ill-wisher or envious woman will tell you.
17. Six Chirvey: Love Date.
18. Ace of Clubs: Pregnancy, childbirth.
19. King of Clubs: Help of a Woman.
20. Lady of clubs: Help of a woman who will solve your problems with her advice or other actions.
21. Jack of Clubs: Nurse, Doctor. Recovery.
22. Ten clubs: Co-worker, colleague, assistant.
23. Nine Clubs: Loss of Values.
24. Eight Clubs: Meeting a Woman I Know.
25. Seven Clubs: Material support from a friend.
26. Six clubs: Meeting of girlfriends.
27. Ace of spades: Parting with a woman.
28. King of Spades: Young domineering woman. Good news from a young girl.
29. Queen of Spades: Angry young girl. Widow.
30. Jack of Spades: Empty chores with the girl. Quarrel in the family.
31. Ten of spades: A girl with a grudge.
32. Nine Spades: Pregnant Girl.
33. Eight Spades: A dependent, slanderous girl.
34. Seven Spades: Lying girl, deceit. Women's tears. Conflict in love.
35. Six of Spades: Marriage, the marriage of an acquaintance.

Fortune telling on four kings allows you to check the feelings and attitudes of 4 men at once. To start fortune-telling, you need to enter the names of four different men and think about a question, for example, "how does it treat me?" and the cards will show you the attitude of these people towards you.

This tarot card layout will tell you what awaits you in the new or current year. It focuses on issues that will be relevant over the next 12 months and can be used any time of the year. It is better to do this layout at the end of the current year or at the beginning of the next one, if it is used in the middle of the year, then some of the cards will touch the past (those months that have already passed), one present (the current month), and several of the future.

The layout of the small gypsy oracle on the cards will answer exciting questions about the present, future and past. For each time interval, there are two cards that describe the causes of the situation, its essence in the present and how it will develop in the future.

The Queen of Diamonds is very indecisive in her system of values ​​(the influence of the Karmic Card - the Three of Diamonds). This means that people born under the influence of the Lady of Diamonds will often have difficulty making a choice. Ladies of Diamonds love variety and are very talented and resourceful, unless their thoughts are swallowed up by anxiety about money (which happens to them quite often). They have good taste... If the Lady of Diamonds has money, she loves to spend it on top-notch and expensive things, so she often lives beyond her means, which exacerbates her financial worries.
But, despite this, the Queen of Diamonds is one of the most generous cards of the deck, the Nine of Hearts as the card of Jupiter and the Nine of Diamonds as the second Karmic Card endow the Lady of Diamonds with an innate ability and natural passion to share her wealth with other people. At a certain level, the symbol of the Lady of Diamonds is a rich aunt or grandmother (grandfather) who takes you to the store to buy new clothes or buys you an expensive birthday present. Ladies of Diamonds are charming people. They know how to enjoy wonderful things, are constantly looking for new adventures, and sometimes they tend to change partners often. The Ladies of Diamonds are endowed with a good innate business sense and advertising talent. They can excel in many areas and have leadership qualities. Whatever Dama Tambourine does, she always remains the Queen, which means that she is inclined to take care of and educate others in work and in life.

A short description of the meaning of the card:

  • overspending
  • philanthropy
  • love of luxury and wealth
  • mediator

Ladies of Tambourine are naturally endowed with a critical mind, which gives them the ability to carefully analyze and plan situations, as well as see through and through any lies and deception. However, these same mental qualities can manifest negatively if things don't go as planned. All Ladies of Diamonds are at times prone to pessimism, although sometimes they themselves do not realize this. In contrast, they need to develop confidence in the future.

Queen of Diamonds - Card of people born:
January 15 February 13 March 11 April 9 May 7 June 5 July 3 August 1

If the Queen of Diamonds follows a spiritual path in her life, she can realize her mission and reach the heights of spiritual realization and self-knowledge (this is symbolized by the Queen of Spades as the Card of Neptune). In addition, the Ladies of Diamonds are endowed with a special gift for comprehending ancient teachings. The natural attraction to the ancient mysteries and occult sciences contributes to the knowledge of eternal truths, which will help the Ladies of Tambourine to alleviate many earthly problems. If the Lady of Diamonds is guided by a higher goal, then there are no obstacles for her in spiritual ascent.

Relationships with other people

As mentioned earlier, the love karma of the Lady of Diamonds causes very great difficulties in their partnership. These difficulties are also predetermined by a problematic combination of stubbornness and pride, love of diversity, fear of being alone and strength sufficient to achieve what you want at the right time. It is typical for these people to marry three times (or more), and even when it seems that they have already settled down happily, usually this is only temporary prosperity. Ladies of Tambourine are charming enough and have a certain charisma, which makes it easy for them to strike up new relationships. The tricky part here lies in maintaining relationships after they have arisen. Usually, the desires of the Ladies of Diamonds come true (although this does not always bring them happiness), and they have to live, reckoning with the consequences of these desires.

Compatible with other birth cards

The Ladies-Men of Diamonds dream of the Women of Spades. Ladies of Tambourine women are usually passionate about men-Clubs, while experiencing various acute situations. With most men of hearts, they often have great difficulties. Women-Clubs can both strongly attract and annoy the Ladies of Diamonds-men.

Lady of Tambourine's Love Life

The card number is often much more important than we realize. For example, many people whose Birth Chart is Eight of Hearts have eight children, or there are eight people in their close circle of people who love them. The Lady of Diamonds card of Venus is the Three of Clubs. Perhaps that is why many Ladies of Diamonds have three marriages (or even more). Of course, there are Ladies of Diamonds who have only one marriage in their life, or those who have never been married at all. However, the Ladies of Diamonds marrying three times is a very curious general pattern for this Birth Card.

Among the cards of the Lady's Life Set of Diamonds, there are three extremely important Threes. The first of them is the Three of Diamonds, the first Karmic Card of the Lady of Diamonds. This is the main symbol of the Lady of Tambourine's insecurity about what is most important to her in life. The second of the Three is the Three of Clubs, the Map of Venus, and the third is the Three of Peaks, the Map of Mars. Venus and Mars are often referred to as "personal planets", so the maps that represent them, more than anyone else, reflect our behavior in personal relationships - in marriage, love and sex. If there is a Three or Five in connection with Venus or Mars, diversity and frequent changes can be expected in a person's love life. With two Threes as Venus and Mars, the Queen of Diamonds surpasses most of the other cards in the deck in the ability to forge new love relationships. However, maintaining this relationship is not easy. The energy of the three Threes can make the Lady of Diamonds bored and anxious if not given a way out. Three is a combination of a Two (in this case, a connection between two people) with a One (a desire for something new). Many Ladies of Diamonds do not want to stop there in love relationships, and sometimes try to maintain many connections at the same time.

Three of Tambourines as the first Karmic Card often generates in the soul of the Lady of Diamonds a latent fear of something "to receive less" from life. Usually it is this secret fear that prompts the Ladies of Diamonds to strike up numerous love relationships. While outwardly they may pretend that they are tired of their love affair or that they cannot find the right person, in reality it may be that one partner is not enough for them to satisfy the need for reliability or diversity in the relationship. Many Ladies of Tambourine-men have, so to speak, "harem consciousness". Although other cards have the same feature, it is more typical for the Ladies of Diamonds. It is due to their inner insecurity, which is often well hidden from the eyes of others. If a person often changes love partners, then it should be remembered: this is explained more important reasons than those that he himself can tell. This is definite evidence of a deep inner conflict.

When analyzing the specific partnerships between the various cards, you will notice that Ladies of Diamonds are rarely recommended as a partner for creating a marriage. They are not predisposed to marriage due to their inherent type of relationship with partners. However, this type of relationship does not stay the same for life. The Lady of Diamonds can turn herself around, honestly look herself in the face and try to reveal her deepest fears. But this is a colossal task to say the least. Among all the cards in the deck, the Lady of Diamonds has the most difficult love karma.

However, the Lady of Diamonds, who has decided to find the truth within herself, will dare to embark on this difficult journey. She will really be able to give up the usual behavior for her map and find a happy and stable marriage or love affair. In her example, we can see, brighter than in the case of many other cards, that a person is not limited for life by the pattern of behavior characteristic of his Birth Chart. The diagram of the properties of each Birth Card actually shows what is the special life task facing a person. And this is precisely a task, not a pernicious fate. Thanks to a conscious attitude towards life and the ability to love, the negative nature of any Birth Card can be transformed into the highest expression of soulful beauty.

The number of the "Queen of Diamonds" card: 38

Birth card - Queen of tambourine

The Queen of Diamonds is a symbol of a strong woman. The card depicts a woman who is magnificently dressed, which indicates her good financial situation. She very tenderly holds either a flower or a mirror in her hands. Her gaze is mysterious and directed into the distance, but not in the eyes of the person looking at her.

  • financial success;
  • extravagance;
  • toxic relationships;
  • harm;
  • a rich, evil person;
  • jealousy;
  • carelessness;
  • solicitude.

Total value

The Lady of Tambourine in fortune-telling testifies to a woman with negative traits who will not bring anything good into your life. She is angry and jealous, trying to make her work for herself in all spheres of life.

You may meet a rich malevolent person who will try to do harm.

There is also a positive reading for this card: a little shy and caring girl, but she is focused on her goals and loves adventure. Humble, but often sets too high standards for herself. She enjoys leisure, but is hardworking at the same time.


The value of the card in love, on the one hand, has a negative connotation, as it warns of jealousy and disappointment. Beware of relatives who gossip and believe in libel. Including a possible threat from a so-called girlfriend.

In life, there is a vicious, fair-haired, wealthy woman who envies you. Her actions will have a negative impact on your life, therefore it is recommended to stay away from her. If you are in a relationship, it is a bad omen as the dangers of toxic relationships are coming.

On the other hand, there is also a positive interpretation, which means the lady of the tambourine in love. If we talk about sex, then sometimes its effect is manifested in libertinism (depraved behavior). Or it is a sign of a calm and caring woman.

Money and career

The Lady of Diamonds in a career in a positive context denotes a business woman who takes her work very seriously, but it is pleasant and comfortable to work with her together. She loves to live and act extravagantly, which often goes beyond the normal, but her creative nature is well revealed in the process.

The querent should think about the mood and motivation to continue what he started if he wants to move forward. Now is the time to consider making decisions, but not overdoing it.

In terms of financial position, monetary success is expected.

Welfare will increase, albeit by controversial means.

Other cards

The suit predicts the main events for life in this world, and together with others card suits gives an idea of ​​where fate will lead in the end.

The meaning in conjunction with the Jack of Clubs speaks of a collision with a friend, which you have not seen for a long time. If there is an Ace of Diamonds, then this girl will bring news about another old friend, who, most likely, had problems with law enforcement, if the King of Spades lies next to the ace. The Lady of Hearts says that this is a close friend or even a family member, and Jack of spades about trouble.

The combination with the Nine of Tambourine means that in the near future you should not expect a good partner, and with the Jack of Hearts, complications in communicating with your lover due to your mistress or lover are likely.


An extremely passionate woman. She has exceptional impulsiveness and energy. Her restless mind is always busy with different plans, projects, ways of making money, etc., which increases her prestige in society and makes it possible to control the fate of other people. Lady of Tambourine loves to bring everything to the end. She can be an invaluable friend. With a lively mind, indomitable disposition and devotion, she can channel the energy of others in the right channel, inspire and lead them to success. She is a very good organizer and is often busy in areas such as charity, social reform, politics. She comes to the aid of those in whom she believes with boundless self-sacrifice. Lady of Tambourine- creative force. Thanks to such personalities, progress is possible. Where the Lady of Diamonds has devoted herself to charity or spiritual ideas, her influence is enormous, the benefits brought are invaluable. If it cooperates with the forces of evil, then the damage it brings is also enormous. She is smart and calculating, but her point of view is often wrong. If her materialism cannot cope with her idealism, then she risks squandering her talents on trifles. Although she has the gift of foresight, she can get bogged down in petty quarrels, gossip and vicious attacks. The wealth of her nature only then manifests itself if she does not succumb to anger. Intolerance of criticism, personal dislike, false pride can lead her off the right path. She will have to fight her temperament, with passions, with haste. She gravitates towards a fiery red color and, in the manner of fire, can make her life rich, and maybe even destroy it. Burn out, devastate to the slope of years. But this is not an inevitable option. If she sets goals for herself and has strong connections, then she will retain her best qualities until the end of her days. Lady of Tambourine she controls her own destiny. She can make her life very fulfilling, fruitful, full of pleasure. But she lacks endurance and a correct understanding of the motives driving the actions of other people. In pursuit of her specific goals, she can ignore the feelings of others and thus make enemies. Dame Tambourine and the Queen of Spades - a sharp antagonism. If both Ladies meet in the alignment, then there is a high probability of a collision of interests. Since the Queen of Spades is more discerning, it is natural to expect her to prevail. Thus, Dame of Tambourine is best placed to restrain her temperament and curb her pride. Dame Tambourine and the King of Clubs - mutual sympathy. If the Lady of Diamonds can practically guide and assist him, this will compensate for his impracticality. Lady of Tambourine is in the center of the alignment, and the Client is a woman, then it may very well be that she represents the Client himself. Neighboring cards will emphasize or clarify its features. If clubs dominate in the layout, this means that the Queen of Diamonds is looking for the best socially useful use of her abilities. If the tambourines are dominant, this may reflect the Client's great concern with money issues, or any other personal interests that can significantly impoverish his life. The predominance of worms indicates a cheerful disposition and benevolence as the predominant character trait of the Client. Peaks may indicate a waste of energy and the impossibility of achieving happiness due to the pursuit of trifles. Lady of Tambourine appears in the layout of a male Client, then in the near future he will meet some woman with a strong nature. She can be an invaluable ally, but she requires careful attention to herself. She is easily vulnerable, much more sensitive than it seems, and in case of resentment, she can turn into a ruthless enemy, whose abilities will be aimed at destroying the Client. In the event of an honest union, she will be infinitely loyal to him. Anyone who decides to marry Dame of Diamonds cannot hope for a calm, peaceful life, he will rarely be bored. Lady of Tambourine located in the outer corners of the alignment, she most likely represents a woman with whom the Client will meet and who can play a significant role in his life. In this case, you need to advise not to give her a reason for resentment. She can provide invaluable help, but in a fit of anger she will call for help in all her abilities to harm the Client. Lady of Tambourine located in one of the corners of the alignment, and next to it there is a Nine or Ten Peaks, this speaks of the Client's connection with a woman, which will bring him only grief and dishonor. Dame Tambourine the Diamonds or Hearts Nine is located, which means that as a result of friendship with a woman who is not yet attracted to him, his cherished plans may come true or unexpected joy may come.

Fortune telling on cards does not lose its popularity. Today card layouts even those who have nothing to do with magic do the fate and the future. Fortune-telling can be learned by absolutely everyone. To do this, you just need to learn several methods of fortune telling on playing cards. In addition, you need to know the meaning of the cards in the layout. This is what will be discussed. So, what do the cards mean in fortune-telling, and what is the meaning of card combinations?

Ace of spades- trouble, loss, night, blow, fright. In combination with the ace of clubs, it means fear. With a top ten peak - unexpected money. A dozen of tambourines - a quarrel over money. If the ace of spades falls next to a six of any suit - a long trip.

King of spades- enemy, enemy, rival, competitor, influential person who wishes you harm. In combination with a queen and jack of any color - the help of an influential person. With an eight peak - a black streak in life. Next to any card, a peak is a harbinger of good. With clubs - dislike towards you. With hearts - friendship. With tambourines - a good disposition of a person.

Queen of Spades- a woman with bad intentions, a rival. Gossip, intrigue and obstacles. In combination with a nine of hearts - happiness in life. With tambourines - envy and harm from a woman. With peaks - a kind woman of mature age. With clubs - an evil woman. With hearts - help.

Jack of spades- aggression, an unpleasant person, bad intentions of a domineering master, illness of loved ones, bad news. In combination with the lady of spades - a fight and a scandal. With an eight peak - trouble in love. With any peaks - a meeting with a like-minded person. With clubs - a meeting with a deceiver and a gossip. With tambourines - news, drunk man. With hearts - a friend.

Ten of spades- illness, problems. In combination with ace of spades- unexpected money. With the king or queen of spades, the influencer's interest in you. With a lady or king of other stripes - failures, unfulfilled desires. The ace of diamonds is bad news. Ace of other suits is false news. A dozen of trefs - recovery. With a nine peak - grief. With an eight peak - health deterioration. With a seven of tambourine - a proposal.

Nine of spades- loss, road, surprise. In combination with the ace of spades, it is a disease. With an ace of clubs - harm. With an ace of hearts - intimacy. With an ace of diamonds - deceiving loved ones. With the lady or the king of spades - love. The king of other stripes is desire. Top ten - unexpected profit.

Eight of spades- conversation, boredom, bad luck, illness. Combined with all the kings - a party. The jack of hearts is bad news. With a nine of clubs, it's a disaster. With a seven of clubs - treason.

Seven of spades- deception, loss, tears, parting. With a lady - pregnancy. With a jack of clubs - an enemy, malicious intent. Six of tambourines - family problems.

Six of Spades- road, night, loss. Combined with peaks - good luck on the road. With clubs - bad luck along the way. With hearts - a meeting. With tambourines - the road to get money.

Ace of tambourine- day, good changes, good news. With clubs or spades - worries and problems. With tambourines - quick profit. With hearts - a love letter.

King of tambourine- bachelor, young man, acquaintance, stability. With hearts - joy, parting with the past. With a ten tambourine - support. With a six tambourine - fulfillment of a wish.

Queen of tambourine- a young woman, a traitor. With a jack of tambourine and a ten of spades - an unpleasant guest. With a top ten - theft.

Jack of tambourine- a young guy, a boy, good news, well-being. Combined with a king, a deceiver and a hypocrite. With a lady of clubs - a nuisance. With a nine tambourine - aggression and enmity. With a six of clubs - an unexpected ride.

Ten tambourines- a blow from a loved one, money, a gift, a date. In combination with the Ace of Spades card - a quarrel over money. With a jack of clubs - money success. With tens or nines of any color, except for the peak - making a profit. With a seven of hearts - an inheritance. With a six tambourine - the fulfillment of desires.

Ten tambourines- imminent important events, if with a heart suit - to money, if with any black suit - to problems.

Eight of tambourines- dreams, talking about money, hatred. With a king or queen of spades - a deceiver. With a ten tambourine - unexpected profit. Seven of tambourines - instability.

Seven of tambourine- business, chores, money transactions, a gift. With any by heart- chance, luck. With a ten peak - a proposal. With a dozen of tambourines, money troubles.

Six of tambourines- happiness, fulfillment of desires. With a ten tambourine - profit. A peak of nine is bad news. With a ten peak - the death of a familiar person. With a seven of tambourine - trouble in the family.

Ace of clubs- work, luck, evening, illness. With the king - love affair, courtship. With the king of clubs - the fulfillment of desires. The nine of spades is a benefit. Seven of clubs - win, win. With a six of any suit - to the road.

King of clubs- family problems, treason, betrayal, a military man. With clubs - joy. With the ace of clubs, the wish will come true. With a nine of clubs - human help. With a six - the road.

Lady of clubs- an influential lady, friend, illegitimate children. With the lady of rush - problems in the family, court. Eight of clubs - the help of a relative.

Jack of Clubs- soldier, friend, protection, help. Between the ladies - treason. Between the jacks - a hectic life. Seven of spades - harm from enemies. With a ten tambourine - profit from a profitable business.

Ten clubs- change. With peaks - material need, work. With hearts - winnings, profit, easy money. With the ace of clubs, it's a good change. With a top ten - mutual love. With a ten tambourine - money. With a nine of clubs - entertainment, company. With a six of clubs - a trip.

Nine of clubs- doubt, inheritance. With tambourines - money spending, waste. With hearts - mutual sympathy, love. With a ten peak - a nuisance. With a nine of hearts or ten - happiness in love. Clubs eight, seven or ten are good luck. The jack of hearts is a road.

Eight clubs- the society of influential people, the death of a loved one. With an ace of clubs, luck. With a lady of clubs - the help of a relative. With a jack of clubs - a successful conclusion of the situation. With a jack of hearts - a loss. With a seven of clubs or an ace of hearts - luck, inheritance, solution to a problem.

Seven of clubs- inheritance, trip, news. With the ace of clubs - victory in court. With a jack of hearts - the birth of a child. With an eight of spades - treason.

Six of clubs- road, meeting. With a nine of clubs - an unexpected trip. With aces - a date. Between the peaks - a celebration, a party, a change of place of residence or work.

Ace of hearts- wedding, family home, spring, morning, gift. With an ace of tambourines - good news. With a jack of hearts - good news. A top ten is bad news. With a nine of spades - partying, friends.

King of Hearts- love feelings towards you, good news, meeting. With peaks - a nuisance. With any hearts - success. With tambourines - profit. With clubs - chores. With a lady of hearts - a meeting with a married man.

Lady of hearts- Family, love, married woman. With a top ten - meeting with a friend. With any hearts - reciprocity. With other suits - achieving the goal.

Jack of Hearts- good news, success in business, wait a man with light brown hair. With any hearts - success. With an ace of hearts - confession of feelings. With a king or a lady - a guest. With a nine of clubs - the road.

Ten of hearts- wedding, happiness, joy, city. With a king of any suit - devotion to a woman. With a lady - devotion to a man. With a ten tambourine - quick profit. With an eight of hearts - a date. With a nine of clubs - mutual feelings.

Nine hearts- event, news. With a king or a lady - love. With the lady of spades - joy. With a top ten - love and wedding. With an eight or seven of hearts - a date. A six of any suit is an unexpected meeting.

Eight of hearts- pleasure, interesting conversation, road. With the jack of hearts - a conversation. With a top ten - intimacy. With a nine of hearts - a meeting.

Seven of hearts- change, fun. With four kings - a conversation. With a ten peak - a proposal. With a chevovoy ten or nine - a meeting, a date.