Where is the tanker alexander 1 located now. Locations of vessels in real time. Interactive ship traffic map

If you want to find out where and which vessels are located or find the location of a specific vessel in real time, then select the required quadrant on the map and view the movement of vessels. To find out what kind of ship and who owns, just click on the marker of interest on the ships map.

More options (if the card above is not available)

→ riverships.ru

Information on Russian river steamers (with photo).

→ shipspotting.com
→ shipsandharbours.com

Find a ship and see its photo.

→ cfmc.ru/positioning

Information about the location of training vessels.
Vessel position information is provided based on data from the industry monitoring system (OSM). Positioning time is in UTC.

→ maritime.com.pl

Information on Polish courts.
“The Maritime Shipping section consists of the following modules: Maritime Agencies, Ships Catalog, List of Regular Lines.
This section contains a list of Polish ships in service, with their full characteristics. In addition to detailed technical data, you can find photographs, illustrations and specifications here. It is possible to find all the information for any vessel by specifying its name, vessel type, ship owner or technical parameters. "

→ vesseltracker.com

If you want to see a photo of the steamer, and brief information about the ship.

→ marinetraffic.com

Real-time vessel tracking website

→ containershipregister.nl
search by container name. You can search for a ship by name, by IMO, etc.

→ world-ships.com
In general, a search for all ships in the world, but registration is required.

→ solentwaters.co.uk
You can find a ship in real time by name.
In general, a cool site.

→ digital-seas.com
In the search there is a lot of information on the vessel, photos, descriptions, at registration access to the full database.

→ digital-seas.com
shows a photo of the vessel, brief information about it, current location, ports of call ..
registration needed

View information and photos on the steamers of the shipping company MSC Ships.
Super quality photo !!!

We present to you a unique map with which you can find the location of any ship in the world's oceans, as well as determine the direction of its movement.

The technology behind the card relies on a network of satellites capable of receiving encrypted signals from the Automatic Identification System, or AIS. This system is designed specifically for civilian navigation and is an encrypted signal transmitted by the ship into orbit. The signal contains basic information not only about the direction of movement of the vessel, but also key data about it - name, type, speed, cargo, port of destination, etc. The information received by the satellites is transmitted to the ground, where it is automatically processed.

The result of this processing is embodied in an interactive map of the movement of ships, which can be seen below.

Interactive ship traffic map

Search for a ship by its name

A legend is attached to the map, thanks to which it is possible to determine the type of ship being monitored. Similar data can be obtained by clicking on its icon on the map. It is possible to observe the movement of ships both in satellite mode and in the mode of overlaying a real picture. In addition, knowing the name of the ship, you can find it on the map. To do this, you must enter the name in the appropriate field on English language... If everything is done correctly, the map will center itself on the selected ship.
Video instruction for finding ships on the map

Map update

Almost all the data shown on the map is updated in real time. It is worth remembering that the speed of movement of the ship in the open sea is relatively low, so if it seems that the ship is not moving, then perhaps you should just wait. However, the reason for the "freezing" of the ship may be not only this - the AIS satellite network still has "white spots" in the world's oceans, into which ships periodically fall. In this case, you just need to wait until the ship can again communicate with satellites - its location will be updated.

Imagine that a ship is on the high seas. He is surrounded on all sides by only sky and water; you can see neither the coast nor the island around. Swim wherever you want! when there were no earth satellites, no radio communications? If the captain of the ship does not know how to make astronomical observations, he will not be able to determine the location of his ship. There will be only one way out - to surrender "to the will of the waves." But in this case, the ship is doomed to almost certain death.

Parallels and meridians

The whole surface the globe covered with a series of imaginary mutually perpendicular lines called parallels and meridians, and their combination makes up the so-called degree grid. The line that is formed by the section of the globe by a plane passing through the center of the Earth perpendicular to the axis of its rotation is called equator... The equator is equally distant from both the South and North Poles. Longitude is the distance in degrees from a certain "zero" meridian to the west (west longitude) and east (east longitude). Longitude is measured from 0 to 180 degrees on the earth's equator. Latitude is the distance in degrees from the equator to a point lying either between the North Pole and the equator (north latitude), or between the South Pole and the equator (south latitude). Latitude is measured from 0 to 90 degrees. The introduction of the concept of longitude and latitude is of tremendous importance: it made it possible to mark, fix the location of this or that distant expedition in little-known areas the earth's surface or to locate a ship on the high seas. Latitude and longitude at the same time serve as the basis for any geographic map... The longitude and latitude of any location is determined by astronomical observations. Safe sailing was based on these observations. open seas and the oceans.

Nautical mile

The coordinates of the location of the ship in the open sea were determined only by astronomical observations. Hence the value nautical mile- the main unit of measurement for the distance traveled by the ship. A nautical mile corresponds to a change in the position of any star by exactly one minute of the arc. For clarity, let's imagine that the Sun is in the meridian and is observed from two ships. If in this case the difference in the heights of the Sun is one minute of the arc, then, consequently, the distance between these ships will be equal to one nautical mile.

Science of sailing

The lack of accurate knowledge about the movement of celestial bodies and the inability to make astronomical observations for a long time served as a huge obstacle to the development of navigation. So, there was an urgent need to improve science of navigation and nautical astronomy. The English Parliament in 1714 appointed a prize of 20 thousand pounds sterling to anyone who proposes a method for determining the longitude of a place in the sea, at least with an accuracy of half a degree. A lot of people have been working on this issue for decades. It was tempting to become the author of such an important invention, it was no less tempting to get the right to such a solid award. More than half a century has passed, and the task set by parliament has not yet been resolved.

Longitude determination method

Finally, in 1770 the watchmaker Arnold proposed to Parliament longitude method In the open sea... This method was based on the transport of chronometers. The first suitable chronometers were built Harrison back in 1744. This method was as follows. Going to sea from a port, the longitude of which is known, use a correctly running chronometer, which shows the time of the starting point. While on the high seas, travelers determined the local time by observing celestial bodies. Comparing the local time with the chronometer readings, the time difference was found. This time difference is the difference between the longitudes of the starting point and the point of location. This method in 1843 determined the longitude of the Pulkovo Astronomical Observatory with great accuracy (up to a hundredth of a second).

Point position on the earth's surface

So, position of a point on the earth's surface determined by longitude and latitude. The magnitude of the arc of the meridian from the earth's equator to a given location determines its latitude. The magnitude of the equatorial arc from the zero (main) meridian to the meridian of a given place determines its longitude. The main, or zero, meridian is considered to be the one that passes through the famous Greenwich Astronomical Observatory, located in England, not far from London. To determine the longitude of any point on Earth, it is enough to know the clock readings in this place and in Greenwich at the same moment.... This is based on the fact that the difference in the clock readings at the same moment of some two places is equal to the difference in the longitudes of these places. The entire circumference is known to be 360 ​​degrees, which corresponds to 24 hours; one hour corresponds to 15 degrees, and one minute of time corresponds to 1/4 of a degree, or 15 minutes of an arc. So, for example, the difference between the clock readings for the same moment in time in Leningrad and Greenwich is 2 hours and 1 minute. Consequently, Leningrad is 30 degrees and 15 minutes east of Greenwich. Or, as they say, Leningrad has 30 degrees and 15 minutes east longitude. Latitude - the arc of the meridian from the Earth's equator to a specific location. Or, in other words, the latitude of a point on the earth's surface is equal to the angular height of the pole above the horizon... Therefore, to determine the latitude of the location of the ship in the sea, a number of astronomical observations were carried out. These observations were usually carried out using a goniometric instrument called sextant... During the day, using this instrument, they measure the height, and at night the height of the Moon, Polaris or some other star. With the invention of radio, determining longitude at sea is much easier.

International Time Commission

A special International Time Commission, which conditionally divided the entire globe into nine zones. A special scheme, obligatory for all countries of the world, has been developed for transmitting accurate, so-called rhythmic, time signals based on observations of the stars. Rhythmic time signals were transmitted several times a day by radio from nine of the most powerful radio stations at different hours of Greenwich time. The best known of these radio stations were AyRugby in England and the Comintern in Moscow. Therefore, no matter where the ship was in the world, it received a signal of the exact time using the radio, at least from one of the nine stations, and, therefore, knew the clock reading for the main meridian at the moment. Then, with the help of astronomical observations, the exact local time was determined and, by the difference between these two times, the longitude of the ship's location.

About moving continents

Famous geologist Wegener once suggested that continents constantly a few move... This movement, in his opinion, is so significant that it can be detected with the help of astronomical observations after a relatively short period of time. From this it followed that the longitude of the place also changes, and this change can be noticed over a relatively short period of time. Wegener's hypothesis aroused great interest among specialists. A commission of representatives of the International Astronomical and International Geodetic Unions has developed a project for determining world longitudes by radio every few years. For the first time this determination of longitudes was carried out in 1926. Three groups of observatories were chosen as the tops of the main polygon. The first group is in Algeria (Africa), Zi-Ka-Wei (China) and San Diego (California); the second group - in Greenwich, Tokyo, Vancouver and Ottawa (Canada); the third group - Manilla (Philippines), Honolulu (Sandwich Islands), San Diego and Washington. These observatories were in contact with a number of observatories conducting work in the service of time. At the same time, longitudinal observations were carried out by many observatories and temporary stations. The work was carried out successfully. Radio signals were received over great distances. For example, radio signals from Bordeaux (France) stations were received in America and Australia. Longitudes were determined with extremely high accuracy, and the error of closing the main polygon did not exceed 0.007 seconds. In 1933, this enterprise was repeated on an even more grandiose scale, and the technical level of the work carried out was even higher than in 1926. As a result, it turned out that the assumption made by Wegener was not fully confirmed. If there is a secular displacement of America relative to Europe, then its value, in any case, cannot exceed three centimeters per year. It is interesting, however, to note that from a comparison of the reception of time signals carried out systematically by observatories in Europe and America, a noticeable (about 18 meters) fluctuation in longitudes was found with a period of about 11 years, almost coinciding with the period of sunspots.