Rules of the game Ticket to Ride Europe. Board game Ticket to Ride: Nederland Supplement (in English). Updating Park Wagons

Board Rules Ticket To Ride Europe in Russian.

Composition of the game Ticket to Ride EUROPE

    1 map of Europe;

    240 non-ferrous trailers (45 blue, red, green, yellow and black colors + spare each color);

    15 color railway stations (3 each color);

    158 cards, including:

    110 maps of trains

    • 12 cards of each of the eight colors

      14 maps of trains

    46 routes maps:

    • 6 long routes with blue background

      40 ordinary routes

    1 map "European Express" for the longest route;

    1 points counting points;

    5 wooden tokens for calculating points (one for each player);

    rules of the game;

    1 Access code for online games "Days of Wonder" (Printed on the last page of the Rules)

Preparation for the game.

Put the playing field to the table center. Each player gets a set of 45 cards of wagons, three stations of the selected color and the corresponding token for counting points, which it puts on the starting point of the calculation scale of points (1), which runs along the edges gaming field. As points earning in the game, the player moves his tokens to the appropriate scale field.

Mix a deck with cards of cars and trains, and hand over each of the players four cards (2). After that, put a deck near the playing field, and next to each other next to a friend of five cards with top decks face up (3).

Map "European Express" and a card for counting points (as a "reminder" for players) also put next to the board (4).

Take a deck with routes of directions and separate the maps of long routes (six cards with a blue background) from maps of ordinary routes. Drag the cards of long routes and pass it random to each of the players on one card (5). The remaining cards can be removed back to the box with the game - they will no longer need. At the same time, do not show the players, the maps of which routes are not riddled.

Now drag the maps of simple routes (with a conventional background), hand out each of the players of three cards (6), and the remaining put a shirt up next to the board

Ready - You can start playing!

It is important! Players already familiar with the first game series, Ticket to Ride ™ should pay attention to the following innovations in Ticket to Ride Europe: ferries, tunnels and railway stations.

Beginning of the game

Before starting the first move, each player must choose from the routes received by the routes that he wants to save. The player should leave at least two routes (although it can leave and more). The remaining unnecessary maps of routes also remove into the box, without showing them to anyone. You can refuse both simple and long routes. The selected routes cards will remain with you until the end of the game.

Purpose of the game Ticket to Ride EUROPE

The goal of the game is to score as many points.

Points can be earned as follows:

  • Create a route between two neighboring cities on the map;
  • Create a continuous route between cities listed on your route map.
  • Create the longest continuous route in the game to get a map of European express;
  • As well as for each unused railway station.

If by the end of the game the player was unable to create a route specified on his route map, then the number of points is subtracted from the account.

Order of moves

The player who visited the largest number of European countries in his entire lives, starts first, after which the move passes counterclockwise.

During his turn, the player must make one (and only one) of four actions:

Take the cards of the wagons - the player can take or two cards of wagons, or one map of the train, if it lies face up (see "Trains").

Build a route - a player can build a route, if he has a sufficient number of cards of the wagons needed for a color route. After that, it puts on the playing field the trailers of its color on each cell of the route, and moves its account to the account scale to the corresponding route length. Played car cards are postponed separately from other cards into one stack.

Take a map of the route - the player pulls three route maps, and chooses from them at least one, which will leave.

Build a railway station - a player can build a station in any city in which it is not yet. For the construction of the first station, the player must give one car carriage of any color. For the construction of the second station, it must use two cards of the same color. And for the construction of a third station, it must use three cards of the same color.

Taking cards of cars.

There are eight types of conventional cargo cards (12 each), and 14 cards with trains. The color of each car map corresponds to the colors of various routes on the map - purple, blue, orange, white, green, yellow, black and red.

If the player decides to take the cards of the wagons, he takes two pieces for the course. The map can be taken or among those five that lie in the open, or one with the top of the deck. If a player takes open map, Immediately after taking, he must put the card from the deck in her place. However, if a player takes an open map of the steam locomotive, then on this its move ends.

If it turns out that out of five open cards, three cards are locomotives, then all five cards are reset, and new cards from the deck are placed in their place.

The player on his hand can be unlimited quantity kart. In the case when the deck with maps is ordered, the discarded cards are shuffled into a new deck.

Well shuffle a deck, since the card discarded during the game is a few pieces of one color in a row.

In rare cases, when the deck ends, there are no discarded cards on the table (since all the cards are on the hands of players), the player does not take cards (which is obvious), and should build any route, take a map with a route or build a station .

Trains in Ticket to Ride Europe

Trains are multicolored cards playing the role of jokers. Their maps can be played with any color of the cards of cars during the construction of the route. As well as trains cards are needed to create ferry crossing (see "Ferries").

During the course, the player can take only one train map, lying face up. If this card entered the game from the deck instead of the already taken, or if she was already on the table, and the player did not take her first (and the only card), then you cannot take it the second card.

However, if the player was lucky to get a train map, taking her from the deck with a lying shirt, then he retains his right to take another card in this go.

Construction of routes

The route is a set of continuous multi-colored sites (in some cases they are gray) between two adjacent cities on the map. For the construction of the route, the player must post the number of cards of the wagons of the same color as the route. Most routes can be built with cards of only one defined color.

Train maps can replace them with a car map of any color (see Example 1)

Gray routes can be built using cards of any one color. (See Example 2)

During the construction of the route, the player puts his chips of the wagons to the appropriate sections of the route on the map, and throws off the cards used to build it. After that, the player moves his gap scale instructions according to the points counting table (p. 7)

The player can build any route on the game field, and it is not obliged to continue its laid routes.

The route must be built completely in one move. Those. It is impossible to put two wagon chips on the route from three sites, and wait for the next run to put the remaining chip.

During the course, the player cannot build more than one route.

Double routes

Some cities are connected by double routes. These routes come together from one city to another, and have the same number of areas. One player cannot build both parts of the same double route within the entire game.

Pay attention to the routes, only partially running together - they connect different cities, and are not double.

Note:In the game for two or three in Ticket to Ride Europe, you can only use part of the double route. The player can create only one route, after which his second half will be considered inaccessible to other players until the end of the game.

Ferry crossings

Changes - Special gray routes connecting cities in water. They are easy to notice on the images of trains on one side of the route.

To create a ferry crossing, the player should play a train map for each train symbol on the route, as well as the required number of cargo cards of one color for the remaining areas on the route.


Tunnels are special routes that are easy to distinguish with special marks and bold strokes on each site.

The feature of the tunnel is that the player never knows how long he can be!

When trying to build a tunnel, the player first lay out the cards required for its construction. After that, from the decks of cars are laid out in the open three top cards. For each of these three cards, which coincided with the color with the cards used for the construction of the tunnel, the player must "supplement" an additional card of the car of the same color (or use the train map). Only after that the construction of the tunnel will be considered successful.

If the player does not have enough additional cards of the desired colors (or he decides not to spend them yet), he takes his card back into his hand, and on this his move ends.

At the end of the course, all three open cards of wagons are reset.

Do not forget that trains maps are multicolored and versatile cards. Thus, the train card stretched out of the deck during an attempt to build a tunnel automatically coincides with the player's cards, and it will be necessary to post an extra card.

If the player decides to build a tunnel, using only some trains cards, then he will have to play an extra map (and this will have to be a train map) only if the train map also turns out among the elongated cards.

In rare cases, if cards in the deck and dropped cards are less than three, only the remaining cards are opened. If absolutely all cards are in the hands of the players, and there is nothing to pull the properties of the tunnel, then it is built without checking and risk with additional cards.

Taking route maps

During his stroke, the player can take additional routes cards. To do this, he takes three top cards from the stack of route cards (if less than three cards remain in it, the player takes all the remaining).

The player who took these cards should choose at least one of them, which he will leave at himself, but he can also leave two and all three cards.

Those elongated route cards, from which the player refused, fall down the deck of maps of routes. The left maps of routes are saved by the player until the end of the game.

Routes between cities listed on the maps of routes are an extra target for players; They can bring both bonus and penalty glasses.

If by the end of the game the player creates a continuous route from the chips of the wagons of his color between the cities, indicated on the map of its route, it receives an additional amount of points indicated on the map. If the player could not build the route specified on the map, then the number of points indicated on it is subtracted from its account.

Routes maps hold players secret from his rivals to the end of the game. The number of such cards in the hands of the player is unlimited.

Construction of stations

The railway station allows its owner to use one (and only one) from the routes of another player who begins or ends in the city where the station was built. This route is taken into account only for the task on the route map.

Stations can be built in any unoccupied city, even if he still has no routes. Only one station can be built in one city.

For one move, each player can build only one station, and only three stations throughout the game.

For the construction of the first station, the player must reset one card of the car from his hand, and put his station chip to the selected city. For the construction of the second station, the player must reset the two cards of the wagons of the same color, and three cards of the same color for the construction of a third station. As usual, the cards of the wagons can be replaced by trains cards.

If a player uses the same station to perform tasks on several route maps, it must use the same route (in or from the city with this station) when checking the conditions on these maps. Until the end of the game, the station owner is not obliged to indicate which route it will use. Station construction is not a mandatory action for players. In addition, the player receives four extra points at the end of the game for each unused station.

End of the game

When any player in the reserve will remain two or less chips of the wagons at the end of his stroke, each player, including it, receives one, last, go. The game ends with counting the final points.

Counting glasses Ticket to Ride Europe

During the game, the participants immediately celebrate their glasses received for the gasket of routes, but you can recount once again if you want to make sure that the error did not take place.

After that, all players show their routes maps. For successfully built by the player, the routes specified on these maps, he adds to his account then the number of points indicated on the map. If the player could not build the route specified on the map, then the number of points indicated on it is subtracted from its account.

Do not forget that each station allows its owner to use one (and only one) route of another player passing in this city to complete the task on the route map.

If a player uses the same station to perform tasks on several route maps, it must use the same route (in or from the city with this station) when checking the conditions on these maps.

For each player in the reserve, the railway station is added to his account four points.

Finally, the player who built the longest continuous path receives a "European Express" card and 10 extra points. When counting the path length, the chips of the wagons of only one color are taken into account. In a continuous path, there may be hinges, and it can pass through the same city several times, but any wagon chip can not be used when calculating more than once. Stations, and rival routes to which they can give access are not taken into account when counting the length of the route, and cannot be included in it. If when counting it is revealed that several players have built equal "the longest routes", each of them receives 10 points.

The player who scored the most points is the winner. If two and more players turned out to be equal to the number of points, the winner is announced by the one who fulfilled more tasks from routes cards. If, after that, the winner cannot be detected, the player who used the smallest number of stations wins. In very rare cases, if the winner can not be called, then they become a player who received a "European Express" card.

Download full Ticket to Ride Europe rules in PDF format with pictures and examples.

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This desktop game is about the railway roads of North America. Swelling players to connect certain cities by railways, as well as each other at a considerable distance.

Purpose of the game

The task of players is to score more of the victorious points they receive the cases:
  • For creating a route connecting neighboring cities on the map;
  • For creating a route connecting the city specified in the task of the mapmarshrut;
  • For the creation of the longest railway route on the results of the game.
  • If, before the end of the game, the participant could not complete the task of his map of the route, tugged to her victorious glasses, deducted from the final amount.

    Stroke Game

    Determine the novice player, then players go clockwise. Switching Each player must make one of three possible actions:
  • Take the maps of "wagons" - a player can take 2 such cards. He is entitled to choose them out of 5 open cards in Loborovka, or in the dark pull out of the deck. If the player took one of the open cards before taking the second, it must be at the very first map of the top card from the deck. The player can draw an open card, and the second of the deck. Additional informationLested in the "Maps of Wagons";
  • Put railway Between the two cities - dropping the "wagons" card from its "hand", corresponding to the color and number of segments of the path connecting two neighboring cities, the player paves between the nimgear route. On the route the route, the player installs the wagons of the wagons (one trap on each segment of the path). The player counts points for the created route, and moves the scorecar on the account scale;
  • Take new route maps - Player takes 3 cards from the deck of map of the route. It should leave at least one of these cards, or 2 or even everything that happens. All returned route maps are discarded into a separate stack of IPA participate in the future game.
  • Maps of "wagons"

    So, in a deck of 110 cards of various types of wagons and colors (96 cards of cars and 14Cart locomotives) - corresponding to the colors of railway tracks, connecting the various cities on the playing field (purple, blue, brown, white, green, yellow, black and red). Carta locomotives Speakers in the role of Joker and can be played instead of cardwagons of any color. Carta locomotive in a number of open cards cost 2 simple cards or taken into darkness of the decks, so if the player decides to take it, then the move immediately passes the next player. A player cannot take an open locomotive map, if before that, it has already taken one card, regardless of that of a number of open cards or from a deck. If the game occurs, the situation in which 3 locomotive cards appear in a number of open cards, the player must reset all open-row cards a fiddle stack of played cards and decompose it again from the deck. The game may have an unlimited number of "wagons" cards. When the cards are ends, players must mix the stack of played cards to use it as a new deck for the game. Stir carefully, as you are usually discharged by sets of one color. In a situation where the game progressive, and the cards in the played stack still do not have (all the cards in the hands of players), players cannot choose the action associated with receiving the "wagons" cards, and must close new routes, or take new route maps.

    Table game "Ticket to Ride" - the most famous creation Alan Muna. The original immerses participants to the railways North AmericaHowever, there are modifications with cities of European countries and cities within a particular country. Subsequent versions of the game are popular around the world, bring unforgettable pleasure. Depending on the number of players, the party occupies 30 - 60 minutes.

    Difficulty level: easy

    Number of players: 2-5

    Develops skills: Strategy, knowledge in the field of geography

    What is included?

    Original version "Ticket to Ride" includes:

    • map of North America - game field;
    • plastic wagons - 240 pcs. + 3 reserve for each color;
    • cards with the image of wagons - 96 pcs.;
    • cards with locomotives - 14 pcs.;
    • route cards - 30 pcs.;
    • brochure with the rules of the game;
    • bonus card for the longest route;
    • advertising cards - 2 pcs.;
    • memo;
    • the key to the online version of the game;
    • multicolored wooden chips.

    Game version "Train ticket in Europe"distinguished by the contents of the playing field and the numerical value of the components.

    What types of games and additions come?

    In addition to the basic modification described in the review, the "Ticket to Ride" has quite a few additions and independent games with other countries on the field:

    • « Junior train ticket: Europe"He will introduce young travelers with new cities, will help create routes to historical places. The rules are simplified, but the gameplay does not lose its own depth. An excellent way to improve knowledge in geography is so fascinating and fun way!
    • « Ticket to Ride: America 1910 "- augmented and improved version of the original game. Specificity of the selection of routes such that you can create your own rules. Innovations are expected in version: three alternatives of the party, routes through megacities, a bonus for the most traveling participant, an additional issue of cards and more.
    • « Ticketto.rideNordiccountries.»Filled" fresh ", northern registration and new rules. It is necessary to connect routes from Copenhagen to Oslo, from Helsinki to Stockholm, and Russian Murmansk is among the destination points.
    • »Edition Marklin. accompanies participants over the cities of Germany. The publication is devoted to the oldest company for the production of collectible trains with the same name. Rules of the game are close to base versionHowever, now passengers can leave the wagons and buy something along the road, missions are divided into short and long.
    • « Ticket to Ride: Switzerland»Designed for three players and contains tunnels, steam locomotive cards and the country surrounding Switzerland.

    Who is this game for?

    • for looking for an unusual gift for a holiday, because the game "Ticket to Ride" will have to do with each other;
    • for people who first deals with the standsso that from the very beginning to create a favorable impression;
    • for eternal touriststo think about which States of America should be visited;
    • for railroadwho go crazy from one of the types of trains;
    • for history lovers railways;
    • for those who want spend the evening a small company;
    • for family holiday with childrenrecommended age - from 8 years old, It's time to start learning geography.

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    Game description

    "Ticket to Ride" sends players to a fascinating railway adventure. Participants, connecting the city of many states, lay the routes, capturing all corners North America. This is a kind of mathematical task about how to develop transport paths. Railways must be a clear and slender scheme, which will allow faster and more efficient to achieve the desired destination points. During each move, we will have to make a weighted solution: to sink cards for more bonus points or take the way until the opponent did? Or can pick out one joker from open cards or risk and take blind cards, hoping to get a locomotive?

    Objective game "Ticket to Ride"

    The goal for playing "Ticket to Ride" is to accumulate more victorious points, which are accrued for the following promotions:

    • designing paththat connects the cities of North America;
    • creating a special paththat connects the cities mentioned on the route card;
    • formation of an extended path According to the party among the players.

    If the party has ended until the task is completed, the points prescribed on it are deducted when calculating.

    Updating Park Wagons

    Updating cards with multi-colored cars When emptying the "Ticket to Ride" deck is thoroughly mixed earlier. Often, those cards come to reset that previously amounted to a set of identical coincidences.


    "Locomotives" are very useful, because they play the role " joker" Such a card in the game "Ticket to Ride" can be played on the distance with sets of cars of any color - it does not matter what to pull!

    The nuances of obtaining a locomotive are important. If the player took it from the table, then his move is completed. It is also forbidden to take this card if the participant has already taken a carriage card. But when stretching a locomotive from a closed stack is allowed to take the second card.

    Passing of distillation

    Passage of the run - the laborious process, especially when the participant wants to build it from 5-6 wagons. The more trailers in the distance, the more winning points receive a player and the further moves around the perimeter of the field from rivals.

    The ranks are marked with various colors, and this suggests that the wagons of a certain color can be used - for this it is necessary to assemble the cards of the wagons of the specified color. That is, it is possible to create a yellow color only when the identical shade is discharged. The rules do not apply to the color gamut of plastic trains.

    Useful distillations for participants - gray, on which the path is laid with any colors of wagons cards, naturally identical or when mixed with jokers.

    Rules of railway travel

    1. Interesting feature Ticket to Ride games: If three joker falls out of five open cards, then the current set is reset, after which there are new cards from a closed stack.
    2. After the player took one open card, you should immediately fill the spaces, then pull the card blind or any of the proposed. It is impossible to be emptiness among a number of open wagons.
    3. The map exists with a parallel paths. When playing two or three players according to the rules, you can use only one way, that is, only the only participant "Ticket to Ride" can apply for yourself. If players 4-5 - It is allowed to occupy both parts of the run.
    4. If the player when replenishing the cards takes Joker from an open row, it is completed on this.
    5. The passage must be completed for the course, it means that it is impossible to lay their five cars only two or three, unless, of course, the entire path consists not from two and three trailers.

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    During the course of the participant "Ticket to Ride", one of the three steps should be performed:

    • top up Of the five lying on a number of cards or replenish your hand from the set, if the cards from the table do not suit the playing. When the participant chose an open card, before taking the second, he should be submitted to the place taken earlier a card from a closed deck. One card is allowed to take the open, and the other is from the set. It is also allowed to pick up a couple of cards with open cars, then fill a row.
    • pit the distance Between cities, but only the only one, even if there is a set for another route. For this, cards with wagons corresponding to the specific color and number of segments of the path are reset. After the route is laid by the route. On an educated path, the participant sets the figures of the trailers of its colors - one car on a single segment of the path. After that, it is necessary to calculate the points for the proposed route and move your own marker chip along the edge of the game field to the required number of points. The movement values \u200b\u200bof the chips are shown on the field itself so that no one forgot, to which number of cells move your marker.
    • take a new card With a quest if you wish. Initially, the player is supposed to distribute 3 route cards, after which it decides to leave 2 or 3 to perform the task. The map is reset, if it is obvious that the path of all the routes received will not be able to build. But it should be remembered that long paths bring a large number of points at the end of the party, so it is worth risking.

    Preparation for the game

    1. Place the "Ticket to Ride" map in the center of the table.
    2. Distribute playing necessary components: 45 trains selected colors and marker of the same color.
    3. Place the playing chips to the value "0" scales of counting points located along the edge of the field.
    4. Carefully drag the stack with the "wagons" cards and distribute to the participants of 4 cards. After placing the remaining deck near the field and take the top 5 cards, lay out them with the front side in a row so that each of the players can reach them.
    5. Put the bonus card from the field during the extended path. She is played at the end of the "Ticket to Ride" party.
    6. Mix quests thoroughly and distribute 3 pieces each.
    7. You can start a fascinating adventure in North America!

    Beginning of the game

    Before the initial move, the participants "Ticket to Ride" are dealt with the assigned tasks. After examining them, the participants are left on hand 2 or 3 quests. Invisible quests are placed in the lower part of the stack. Reset is allowed both long and short tasks. Rivals should not see the contents of players dropped and located on the hands of the party to complete the party.

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    Order of moves

    You can define the novice party "Ticket to Ride" in different ways:

    • throw dice, and the larger number launched the game first, but for him, accordingly, they will need cubes that the game does not provide;
    • agree if no one objects to give up;
    • give the right to those who visited the States most of all.

    Selection of new travel purposes

    It happens that the opponent occupied the surfacing you need to fulfill the quest. To do this, it is necessary to develop a new route and nearest to the goal in a new way, so that for the unfulfilled route not to get free points in the final count.

    As I promised, I will continue to tell you about interesting ones implemented by IOS. And today I decided to acquaint you with one of my favorite games - Ticket to Ride (she "train ticket"). This game was invented by Alan Moon and came out 10 years ago, in 2004. Immediately, she received many awards and premiums, such as the "best board game 2004" according to Origins Award and "Spiel Des Jahres 2004", the French Award "AS D'O 2005", "Diana Jones Award 2005", second place in the nomination "Family Games" according to Schweizer SpielePreis 2004. Ticket to Ride: Europe, one of the species of the game, received in 2005 the "International Gamers Awards" award, and in 2007 - "Best family game"And" Game of the Year "according to the site

    As in the case of Carcassonne, I played both in the desktop, so in the electronic version of Ticket to Ride. And I can assure you that under iOS game It is simply excellent, starting with the graphics and the convenient location of the objects, ending with musical accompaniment.

    In the game, we need to build a railway, connecting the city, and score the greatest number of points. There are several options for Ticket to Ride, and almost each of them has its own characteristics. You can familiarize yourself with the map of the United States, Europe, Asia and Separately Switzerland. As for the desktop version, Days of Wonder also released African maps, Scandinavia countries, Germany, Holland and India.

    First, the rules may seem a bit confusing to you, but after the first party everything will be in place. The game is designed for 2-5 players, each of which goes in turn. You will have the opportunity to play with a computer, online, as well as with multiple players on one or more devices.

    In my opinion, it is not very convenient to play on one device, as much time goes to the transfer of the iPad from hand to hand. The advantage of the online game is to run a few games at the same time.

    Consider the game field. In the lower right corner there is your icon and the number of remaining trains, the points you will be displayed there. Icons of other players are above the field.

    Each player is distributed cards: 4 trailers and 3 tasks. They are located downstairs to the left of your icon. These cards do not see other players, because it should remain secret for seven seals.

    Then each player chooses which task cards to leave, the minimum amount is two, but if there is a desire, you can take three cards. Each completed task can bring different points of points, the path length and complexity of the construction is important. A card can cost 5 or as much as 20 points, you just remains to decide which way to choose.

    You can click on each task card and, thus, highlight the blue color of the city to be connected. If it does not suit you - one more press, the city is flexible, and this card will not be selected. When you decide, press the "Done" button and proceed to the game.

    You chosen cities will be highlighted greenYou only need to consider the route that connects them. You can go short by or longer, depending on which goal is pursuing. Sometimes another player can intervene in your plans and spoil the specified route. In this case, you will have to change it and go to the bypass.

    Next to your icon, as I have already mentioned, the number of your wagons is displayed. 45 is the maximum number you can put on the field. When one of the players remains less than three cars, you warn you about it, and you make your last move. After that, the game ends and points the scores. There is also at the bottom to the left of the icon show your 4 cards of the wagons that you distributed from the very beginning. The digit on the card indicates how many cars of this color is in your hands.

    On the game field, you can notice multicolored lines that connect cities - these are the segments of the paths that you need to build. Each segment may consist of 1-8 wagons. I will give a simple example, how to build a route segments. If you need to build a black segment consisting of 3 cars, you must collect 3 black wagons cards. If you lack black cards for the construction, you can take a locomotive. This card serves as a joker and can replace any color of the car.

    For each move, you need to perform one of three actions:

    • take cards of wagons
    • take assignments

    On the right you see 5 open cards of wagons and a stack under them. There are two options: either you take the already opened cards, or rely on luck and get them from an unscrewed stack. For the course you can take only 2 cards of cars, or one locomotive. If you take a card from a non-barrier stack, you can get caught as many as two locomotives.

    If you already have the right number of wagons cards, you can put them on the field. If the path segment is marked with gray, you can put the wagons on it any of the same color. For example, if the gray segment consists of 2 wagons, you can put 2 black on it, 2 green or 2 red cards. If the segment of the path is yellow, then you can only put yellow cars on it. Two cities may be associated with one or two parallel segments. And it is also unknown who will have the players to take this only segment, because it is not clear which route has chosen your opponent.

    Finally, you can choose a few more task cards. At the very beginning, you have already taken such cards, if suddenly it seemed to you, then during the game you can take more and more ... and then build routes connecting cities. Stack of tasks is over the opened cards of the wagons. This time you can leave only one card if the rest are not suitable for you. But if you decide to take additional tasks, you will not be able to cancel your solution and you will need to leave at least one card in your hands.

    Making some moves, you try to score the greatest number of points. They can be obtained in three ways:

    • put wagons on the playing field
    • perform task cards
    • build the longest way

    For each built road segment you get glasses:

    • segment of 1 Wagon - 1 point
    • segment of 2 wagon - 2 points
    • segment of 3 wagon - 4 points
    • segment of 4 wagon - 7 points
    • segment of 5 wagon - 10 points
    • segment of 6 wagon - 15 points

    When you perform the task, you get the number of points that is indicated on the card. If you do not perform, they are deducted from the amount you type. And there is another bonus: the "longest way" card, for it you get 10 points.

    Over time, you will have your own strategy, and you will feel how to do it better in one situation or another. Moreover, it will be very simple to understand the features of other maps (Europe or Switzerland). I will only tell you that in European maps there are also tunnels and road segments, with the construction of which you will need to be needed locomotive. I can assure you that starting to play Ticket to Ride, you will not be able to break away from it for several hours. Personally, I spent this business a lot of time. Additional maps On iPad stand:

    • Europe - 169 rubles
    • Switzerland - 129 rubles
    • Asia -129 rubles
    • Extensions for US card - 33 rubles

    The price is not small, and sales for this game appear very rarely. You can have a single map of the United States, but I tried all possible options. Believe me, this game is worth the money spent!

    Appeared in my collection of stands for a long time. It was almost the first serious game and, probably, the only one of those in which I play so long. Moreover, what is interesting, unlike the same "colonizers", "Carcassonne" or Magic: The Gathering, it is impossible to say that this game is different every time and therefore it can be played infinitely. No, not counting additions, the card is very static, the set of routes is pretty limited and all the variety of games is limited to what routes will get to you at the beginning of the game. At first glance, everything is pretty boring. But it is only for the first. I prompted me to write this article that Most recently I got free on the online version of the train ticket for Apad. Without going into details, I want to note that even if I honestly paid 229 rubles, I would not regret anyway. However, it made it possible to look at this show in a new way. In fact, it happens often. If you come from time to time to play some game with friends, then you usually (with rare exceptions) you do not bother on the topic of the ideal strategy, since the main goal is still to get a maximum of pleasure from communication and yourself gameplay. For virtual game Everything is completely different. Here a rating appears, and with him and thirst to win, thirst to show everyone else, how cool you drive the railway empire. However, all the following text will be useful for the usual, offline version of the game with which everyone starts familiarizing with.

    It so happened that in my collection of alert there are almost all versions of the TTR, except for the main (America). Well, I do not know why it happened so much. Moreover, I have never played an offline map of America in my life. Meanwhile, in terms of minimizing the luck and "clean" strategy - this map is the most correct.

    I do not know, unfortunately or fortunately, but, as in the overwhelming majority of board games, your winnings depends on the luck. Of course, this dependence is not so great as in many other games (for example, "Cow 006" with a large number of participants becomes absolutely random), however, I would estimate the degree of randomity at the level of "below average", because in my opinion, skill playing here Nevertheless, a little more important than luck. Moreover, it affects the final outcome not only the presence of \\ absence on the table of the necessary resources (and those that come across when taking the deck from above), but also a set of tasks that you get on the starting hand and in the process of the problem (slightly less).

    When I just started playing an online version, I read several articles in the English-speaking Internet on the subject of the right tactics and noticed that there is no one to consider this bill. It is understandable. The above no way claims to truth in the highest instance and reflects the author's position on this issue exclusively.

    So, first it is worth noting that tactics are different in almost all versions of the TTR. Angu today on the most popular map - America.

    We will be transferred to the ocean and the people in the city of North America. Here are some simple tips that may help you earn a little more points:

    1) trite, on fact. Only long routes solve in the game. Unlike Europe, there is no initial division of routes to long and short, so randomization is randomizing in this matter. Usually, when playing with an enemy, the absence on the hand of routes more than 12 points means very and very big problems. Why? Yes, because most of these routes are located in the center of the map or in the right part of it (where there are a lot of small districts of 2 points and while you will affect, performing your shorts and earning road construction 2-7 points for each, your opponent will connect Two opposite parts of the map and only on the construction of long roads will earn more points than you on all our routes). The only advice that can be given in this case (unless, of course, all tasks are not close to each other), is to take more additional tasks at the very beginning of the game. In any case, if this time you are not lucky again (which is unlikely), then you will most likely lose. Yes, yes, you can cherish hope to finish your minor tasks as soon as possible, then score more routes and take quantity, not quality, or just finish quick game In the hope that your opponents do not have time to fulfill their tasks, but in practice it is extremely rare. Therefore, the main advice is to build a strategy based on long routes, small routes take only if they do not make you deviate from the optimal route or if they extend your route. At the bottom is an excellent example of a starting hand for a plum.

    2) Locomotive cards. Are they important. In many articles on the TTR strategy, they write that the basic strategy should be supposed to be the first few (in practice 10-12) moves to take cards at the top of the deck. The authors argue that this approach is due to the fact that at the very beginning of the game you do not know exactly what kind of route you will go and what colors will most need, and taking from above gives you a chance for several moves to take a couple of locomotives, extremely useful for the game .

    Some proportion of truth, in my opinion, is present. However, not always this practice is appropriate. Firstly, it is necessary to understand that it's not to build anything, but only take, most likely it will be only when the game is to be together, where every player in the shower hopes that the opponent will not interfere with him and he will all build quickly, because he is The coolest and knows how to connect the cities in one chain. When playing four, and even more witch, the tactics of the wait and take a few moves in a row, it can turn into extremely destructive consequences. But that's not all. The fact is that blind taking from above in the end leads to the fact that at some point, as a rule, we remain with a fairly large number of unnecessary cards. As practice shows, the number of these cards can reach 10 and even more. If you share the number of cards in half, it turns out that 5 and more moves in the game we made wasted. Was it easier to spend these 5-6 moves to take a guaranteed locomotive? I think the conclusion is obvious. I would reformulate a bit of this rule: you need to take on top unambiguous if:
    a) on your route a lot of colorless roads;
    b) on your route a lot of long roads of different colors;
    c) there is nothing to take from the board, and there is nothing to build.

    In the case, if it happened, only 2 or 3 colors on your way (unfortunately, this is completely and nearby), and on the rest of the road you have already gained the right colors or they are already built - it is impossible to take in any way case. It is more correct to take the locomotive (if there is such a board). By the way, it is very significant that by the end of the game the locomotives often become highly rare, because Players are already despairing from above one particular color. Therefore, I recommend to get ahead of all and start taking locomotives a little earlier. By the way, the probability of a locomotive coming from above depends on the presence of these on the board and in your hand (as well as on the hands of opponents - but this information is inaccessible, so it can be neglected). In the case, if there are no locomotives on your hand, as not on the table, the likelihood that among the two cards taken from above will be a locomotive, is about 20% (in total in the game 110 cards, of which 14 are locomotives). Those. Approximately (very approximately) - only every fifth move to the intest will bring you one card Joker.

    3) the beginning of the game. How to start laying the road, so they will spend it. What is me for? Oh yes, the beginning of the game in many cases is a very important part. First of all, after taking tasks, it is necessary to identify the so-called. "narrow places. These are those places lost which you will have to be very disassemble. On the map of America, there are quite a lot of such places (unlike Europe), but the most unpleasant is distilled Nashville - Atlanta, New Orlean - Houston, Portland - Seattle (when playing together), as well as Las Vegas - Los Angeles, the latter less critical Due to the small number of routes passing through Vegas. Narrow for you can be almost any places, the closure of which will lead to significant complications. The definition and development of such places is the main task at the very beginning of the game, and not taking an infinite number of cards from above in the hope. Also, small jumpers between the cities of the network play a very important role. In most cases, if within your alleged network between any cities only one road, it is advisable to build it, regardless of which routes will come later. Therefore, if this jumper is not a doof (and even more so if its bypass will take considerable strength), it should also be raised as soon as possible.

    4) Did you finish the routes? Or first to perform those that are? In most cases, the answer is unequivocal - to get! Why? Because in the overwhelming majority after the fulfillment of all the initial tasks and the taking of the new ones, you will find that they could make them along the way, while spending only several trains anymore and having routed a common route completely differently. Now, you will need to build branches on the execution of these tasks (so you no longer see the final bonus for the longest continuous route!), Yes, and it may still have to work out that it is necessary to fulfill these tasks to perform many cards of a certain color, and at the end of the game it is Oh what a problem! Therefore, I recommend taking jobs at once as soon as you make sure that all the "narrow" places are closed and that you can afford to spend a whole move on learning new routes. In addition, new tasks at the beginning of the game will be useful to take even if the oxygen overlap in one of the "narrow" places and will have to bypass the gardens. In this case, as a rule, there are several trafficking options, and the likelihood that in new tasks will be intersecting with one of the options bypass, is extremely high.

    5) Bonus for the longest route. How critical is it?

    as practice shows, when playing a big crowd (4-5 people) this bonus is very critical. The fact is that because of the great competition, the players are practically deprived of the opportunity to achieve tasks during the game and often it happens that several players finish with the same number of tasks. Believe me, 10 points in this case - an extremely pleasant surprise at the end. So try to connect cities in one chain if possible. However, it is not necessary to get involved. If the direct path is closed, the bypass is too long, but there is an option to make a small branch, it is usually better to choose the second, and the time you would spend on the resumption of your chain, much smarter will spend on taking and performing new tasks. And of course, it is worth estimated at the very beginning: is it really possible to build a chain of your tasks at all and how harder it will be more difficult than simply connecting all tasks into one network. If the question is 2-3 unnecessary roads, then it is usually justified. If you have to go almost around the whole card for the final bonus, make a network, there are also its advantages in it.

    6) Long or short roads?
    Here the answer is almost the same unequivocal as the question of the routes. In the overwhelming majority of cases, you need to choose long roads. For example, from Los Angeles in EL PASO, you can go through two main ways: directly or via Phoenix. In this case, the number of trailers will be equal. However, in the first case, to perform this action you will need one move, which will bring you 15 points, the second option will require 2 strokes and bring you 8 points. I think the conclusion is obvious. However, sometimes (usually at the end of the game) you still choose the second option. For example, if the players have an average of 12-17 carriages, and you take new tasks, where there are Los Angeles, while your network is already reaching EL PASO and you have no black resources. Of course, you can pull the card from above in the hope of collecting 6 black cards, but hey! Opponents have 12 trailers! This means that the game can end after 3-4 strokes, or even before. You should not care how many points you lose on the fact that you will build 2 small roads instead of one big. You need something to get into the city of Ors!

    7) Which routes leave? If it happened and at the very beginning of the game you took very close routes, it does not mean that you should seek the same close to your routes to the end of the game, and the rest drop out. As a rule, such luck ends quickly, and at the end of the game you stay with a small network in the middle of the card (or from one edge), with a set of not very long routes and without the possibility to quickly get to any of the corners of the map (or to the whole part of the map) . But very many long routes begin (or end) just from the corners! Therefore, here is my advice: do not be afraid to be branched at the very beginning in any (or several angles). Thus, you minimize the future risks that taking at the end of 3 additional routes (each by 12-20 points), you will not be able to perform any of them.

    8) Well, finally, several banal tips, following which you can avoid fatal errors:

    - Always consider the number of trains before leaving additional routes. Very often it seems that the route for 20 points perfectly falls into your network, for him to build something nothing, some 2 ways, and at once 20 points! It only turns out, you have not yet completed several old routes (bottlenecks are closed, no one will prevent me together!). As a result, the new route becomes a priority for us, we actively take cards under it, build the road, and then it turns out that it lacks one locomotive to connect two sites. Stupidity, of course, but believe me, it happens. In addition, it is extremely desirable not to calculate "backdown". Even if it seems to you that none of the opponents will build roads where you need to, is always possible a case when the opponent comes to several "unreal" routes and not to earn a minus, he chooses some kind short route On the other side of the card from its network, and the same performs it! And you remain with anything, because Bypass seems to be not difficult, but there are no cars for him!

    - Keep track of the number of carriages and cards at opponents. When the average number of trailers becomes less than 20, as a rule, this is an indication that after a few moves, the game will most likely end. Especially if any of the opponents have a lot of cards. It is possible that he all this time copied to long roads and for 3-5 moves finished the game. This is especially true if there are long roads next to its chain. In case more active gameWhen there are few cards from opponents, the number of 15-20 trains should not be embarrassing you. Usually, such an outcome means that opponents will begin to take new tasks in the near future, which means that in fact only the middle of the game!

    - Do not postpone the construction of long roads. Even if they are not a bottleneck (for example, in the case of a double), the occupation of a long-road opponent can very much to complicate your life. Of course, it is indirect to say whether someone is going to build this road or not for what cards take your opponents. But again, this is not a panacea! Never know which cards have been on starting hand And what he takes into the dark, and it is possible that this road is not obligatory for him, so he takes more important cards for him, and 6 cards of this color have accumulated by him by chance. Anyway, do not tighten with the construction of a long road. In case of overlapping, you will have to or save again (which is fatal already in the middle of the game), or go around the shortest roads (if the double no options remain). In this case, you will not only lose a few moves, but also a bunch of glasses. Remember that the construction of the road from 6 trailers is equivalent to the execution of one and a half averaged tasks!