The passage of the game Need for Speed \u200b\u200bShift. Half-Life: Blue Shift - Passage. All additional tasks for stars

Before us is the third part of the famous epic Half-Life - Blue Shift. Scientists played (Half-Life), a paratrooper - also played (Half-Life - OppoSing Force), but now we will play for the one who from time to time helped us in the first two parts - for the Secret Base Secret Barraigger's Blood armor.

So, early in the morning we arrive at the database, although somewhat different way than the scientific composition. We have a good level of admission, which is why we work on the 3rd deep level of the base ...

As the first, this part enters the plot, why we meet with Gordon Fremen, and with a peasant in a tuxedo. Maybe we meet with a paratrooper, but in this part they behave in the same way as in the first - first shoot, then ask questions if it remains. Usually - no one.

So, we come by train on the suspended road to the entrance to the database. If you turn back, you can see that we caught up with the same car and the famous Gordon Freeman sits down in it. I want to pull the gun and shoot it so that all the future mustache to crumble in the bud. But there is no pistol. It's a pity.

When we played in the first part, then at the beginning, when we drove on the trailer, they saw a security guard on a narrow platform, which kicked the fist on the door. This is what we are in the third part. From the car, we are resting on a narrow path, the car leaves, and we knock on the door that does not want to open - there is a deaf guard. We shyly, we, as a car with Gordon Freamen passing by us, but we cannot shoot it, so you have to go through all the circles of hell, which is literally after half an hour he will arrange.

If you briefly describe the game, it is characterized by a whole pair of words - short and ... weakly. Weak !!! There are no powerful enemies, there are no strong traps. In short - the game is clearly weaker than the first parts. And it can be seen from the next section - weapons.

Weapons in the game

If you want to find here new types of weapons, you will be disappointed - not enough that there are no new species, it also disappeared some of the old species without a trace.

Weapons of light weapons remained only 2. Beretta - 17-charging gun shooting with automatic cartridges.
Magnum. Returned to us from the first part (disappeared in HL-OF), this gun retained its 6 ammunition and wild slaughter. Nothing new in it is noticed, but also what is - just right.

Already known to us Storm automatic and Winchester. There is nothing new in them. But if you installed a high-quality pack, which usually goes along with the game on a disk in the form of a patch, then the machine is replaced outwardly on M-16A. - Powerful automatic rifle. But in the game, nothing changes from this, except that the large size of this automaton closes the decent part of the screen, which did not happen to the old machine.

There is one rocket InstallationAlso in any new not seen. The game is almost useless and lowered.

Grenades and mines with a manual detonator. Live bugs-mines (my beloved) and wilder mines are missing in the game, as they are not needed.

No sniper weapons. Total, instead of 17 types of weapons remained only 7. A sharp decline in quality ... alas.


So, skipping a wagon with a freamo, we continue to drop the door. Finally we heard and the door opens. We pass a short corridor and see a fork. It is not yet empty to the right - this is to our workplace, but for skipping it is necessary to wear a uniform body armor and get a tablet weapon in the form of a seventeent-loaded Beretta pistol. So go to the left. By missed the first turn left (there is nothing to do there), we go further.
In the next development, we first go to the left - there in the closet we take a body armor. We return, and go to the right - you need to get a weapon. Going down on the elevator, we first go to Army - to the right, say there with the guard in the booth and he gives us a gun. On the left there is a tire, but spending the cartridges for nothing, although on one of the walls was a poster "Frequent training can save your life." But still it is worth looking into the shooting gallery - there are a few spare bars, which we will not hurt us at all. After that, we go to the video surveillance room - left. There, pull in all three screens on the walls and "we use" them - we show some parts of the territory, and we see one of the scientists who carry a cart with a crystal, which Freimer will break into the generator. Alas, we can not change anything, although we would be happy to shout - do not sue this krenovin, it will be worse!

We return to the elevator up and at the beginning - now we will be put on. After long transitions (do not wait for the car - it is not provided for such six, as we - climb immediately by stairs) we come to an elevator in which two eggs in white coats congratulate us with a delay and we press on the buttons to the left of the entrance, we are going Down along with them.

During the trip, the inevitable - Fremen shoves the crystal to the generator, all around shakes. And as they say in the rules of use of the elevator - you can not ride during the earthquake. The cables do not stand, the elevator falls, scholars tear into shreds, and we remain conditionally alive, as we lose consciousness.

The body armor saved us, so, waking up, we see how ultrasound will donate our less successful fellow in arms. Shooting these creatures, we continue to crush all the boxes (there are cartridges in some) and reach the most distant corner - there on the wall of the electrical wheel, which you need to shoot - the magnetic lock will open on the door and we can go further.

Once in a room with a spilled acid, we jump on the tables on the other side, dodging from the brainstorms. We need to go right, but the grille is closed and there are red barrels behind it. Through their grille without blowing up. Go to the left, on the stairs up and from there we shoot in the barrels - they are broken by an explosion. At the same time you can talk to the scientist who knows us. By the way, the Council: a secondary fireman shoots crookedly, but quickly, but if they focus on emphasis, it is good. I urined the electric strokes - quickly rinsed them and shot secondly fire - they even did not have time to fry me :).

We go down and go through the break further, then we move on the suspension box through the abyss (and who are there such people here?). In the next room in a sparkling generator, we press the button - the gate open. We go further to the place where the staircase on the wall is on the wall, the cells hang in the air, and the left remote with two switches.

Lower the cell so that with a small metal box can be jumped on the left crate (if you look from the console), from it - on large boxes, and from them - on the right cage. Then you can jump from it on a broken staircase. Tip: During the jump (during, not before the jump - or instead you will have a long jump :) Press the button "sit down" - as if we fell your legs and fly to a large height. Cells should hang around both on the picture on the right.

First go to the right. There is a corridor filled with steam from the tube punched. But if you look around, then below and at the top not far from this place we will find 2 valves that this pairs are overlapped, and the corridor is also at the bottom, at the end of which the dead scientist with the Winchester lies - everything is better than the gun.

At the top we see already familiar wall-mounted drawings - A carcard and recharging force armor. And here we are waiting for a cruel bummer - we can be treated, but we have an ordinary body armor, so nichrome is not charging.

Press the button on the remote and below the elevator with a box of explosives and a three-strokes. ATTENTION!!! In no case do not blast the box !!! She needs it later and can spoil the game if we will blow it up now.

We return and go to the fork with the blades now to the left and the stairs climb up. Jumping into the water, we twist the valve and when the water comes, get out of the water. We take a dead guard Winchester and cartridges. Let me remind you that the secondary shot of the hard drive (two cartridges immediately) pinches the electric shock.

After passing further, we see that the bridge breaks down under the weight of the fallen electrosker, we jump to the left onto the pipe and go further. Actually, you can afford on the side of the language tighten us upstairs and there pick up the first aid kits, but then it's still necessary down. By the way, starting from this moment back it is no longer a return - that is why you first need to pull the box with explosives and only then go here. True, it was found that if there is a place with an elevator and a box to jump into the water and go against the current, then it will be possible to get up again to the development and repeat walks where we want.

After turning on the elevator and travel up, we go out on the very playground, where our important box is worth it. We throw it into the water - she floats and explodes the blades of the throat, which would give us. We jump into the water, sailing and when we get out of the stairs from the water, we see that two paratroopers are discharged from the top of the guard. It is clear that with us they will pay no better, but there is no choice and we climb on the next stairs to the Light of God to meet the paratroopers.

When we are pressed against the wall, we fight to the last. Well, when still a sick guard can fill up a whole herd of special forces? That's right when he has two choices - die or kill. I will not say that this is the best idea, but in the game Half-Life - Blue Shift We have no choice. So, we will use the main principle - live, and help die to another :)

So, we get out of the hatch and immediately squat. Since right in front of us, near the truck there are two automatic machine guns for concrete shelter. If we are underground to them sitting, we can safely shoot them without unnecessary losses.

Taking away from the car mines and grenades, we open the distant from the car the gates and put to the car with a dead guard and scientists. It is not recommended to go further on the road - over the turn of the soldiers still close the door in front of our nose, but they will have time to give a couple of queues and drop the pigeon to us towards. So near the car with corpses, knock on the castle on the lattice doors, open the hatch and again we climb into the dungeon. But what to do, fate ... Do not forget, by the way, pick up the magnum and cartridges near the corpses.

True, the transitions there are a bit, although they live the brains and piers. By the way, where the pairs are there immediately after the first jet (you can not do anything, I'll have a little bit like) there is a valve, overlapping gas and then you can go fine.

After lifting on the elevator, we find yourself in the transitions of the basement floor, where there is a descent to the secret laboratory. But alas, she has no secret and access to her we have. So we will look for the one who will open the door, and before the elevator in the laboratory is still far away. After a walk and shooting a heap of Mozgososov and Electrics, we meet with a pair of paratroopers who break the door to the duty room. By lumbering them, we get ... Well, here who has anyone like - if you installed a quality pack, which is most often on the disk with blue shift, then you will see instead of a short-barreled landing machine with a powerful M-16A rifle, which, however , nothing changes - and the cartridges in the clip is as much, and the power is the same. Well, if nothing was installed, as before - a landing machine.

Well, okay, it is interesting for him to see, why did they drop the door? And there it turns out, the scientist is sitting. Guy, we know the password? He long and tediously tells us about a friend, sitting far and for a long time and is just going to call the password, as the hooves folds. Pancake. Go to see a friend. Here the door opens and there are still soldier soldiers. Well, we are quickly with the machine gun. After passing along the corridor to the first turn, immediately for him we see a piece of like a disassembled wall. Here is this disassembled piece, we lie - here it is, the elevator! And on the side of the wall on the inscription - the prototype laboratory, super-secret access required. We, alas, this is not.

So we go to the staircase, the soldiers are at the top there, we leave on the first floor and Ralm there is a small detachment. After that, the soldiers appear in the second floor window and we, as in the dash, will be rolled it. On the garbage and tires climb upstairs - we are on the second floor. After the transitions, we find themselves in a large hall where the cars are standing and running. Ringing the soldiers, we hear how the knock came from the right car. I am in the side of the car and it opens. There is a couple of scientists. But as you suffer, one is already died, and the second one does not want to go to the basement. So we go further through the door to the right of the car with scientists.

There we turn out to be an even greater station. Having read it, we hear the knock again - well, what kind of habit of soldiers is to fix scientists? But before that, on the platform, we see a large green box with the inscription "50-mm machine machine gun." We break it with scrap. Excellent, I will tell you, the pieces are neurodyano and the power of wild. After that, we look - on another platform there are two big coils. They are holding small woods down. We break them (I just throw a grenade there). The coils roll and open the end of the car. It also sit eggs. But as soon as we do on the door, you need to immediately rush to the machine gun and grab it - the gate opens ahead and the paratroopers climb from there.

The machine gun mows them like a wheat combine. And if you shoot from hand-held weapons, you can fix all the cartridges, and the health is executed whether? In short, we filled them, but all the same - the scientist, whom we saved does not want to go to open in any. Go look further.

On the next area there are tank and soldiers waiting for us, so first, without hanging under the fire of the tank, shooting the soldiers. Then, you can run up to the tank, but not even close and throw it with grenades. Then in the truck, we take a rocket launcher - a completely useless weapon in further battles.

True, you can immediately pinch into the car, grab rocket people and back. But to hook a shot from the tank can, although not deadly. Then turn off the laser tip secondary shots and jumping out for a second, shoot in the tank. Five missiles - and it will fly into shreds.

By the way, on the right of the tank on the platform are drawers. Felt them and see a break to a nearby container - a kind of secret with armor and cartridges. The further road will lead us to a dead end, on the one hand in which the automatic machine gun is worth, and on the other - the platform with drawers. Faulting boxes, we see gas cylinders. We shoot a gun in them - they fly and embroil the hole in the gate. You can take Magnum and through the hole is not in a hurry to shoot the soldiers.

Next, we run away and on the left in the booth activate both switches - the right open the gate, where it is a wagon with a locked scientist, which we need - it works in the laboratory of prototypes and knows the code. But just so in the car do not climb. We go along it and activate the miniliomotive, which will drag the car where we need.

We go to the scientist ... And we are locked in the car - the soldiers were quietly imposed and while this idiot did noodles on the ears, closed us in the car. Chuck!

The soldiers quietly locked us together with a talkative idiot in a white coat. But they did not take into account that in this car there are ventilation hatch. And after a long chatter, this scientist substitutes our hands and we get up on them upstairs. I think that the soldiers should be explained that they did a bad thing, locked us. After that, we open the door and take a scientist with you.

After that, I put forward quite far away, just follow that this computers are not behind. As soon as descend on the second staircase (the scientist must also be no more than one staircase further than you - but behind !!!) you need to go back further into the basement, before the level of the level, otherwise this scientist unfolds and runs back. I put with him to the elevator and when it also enters the elevator, we go down.

At the bottom again we take it with you (press the use button on the scientist) and put on the corridor further. While this genius opens the armored door, we do not hurt the cartridges and armor in the caravel on the contrary.

These are chatter !!! For a very long time we listen to that the scientist tells us how and what to do. At this time, you need to go to the right room (the door it will open there yourself) and get up in the center of the launch panel, which is located to the left of the entrance. After a long chatter and manipulations, this scientist activates the teleportation system and discovers us ... in the enemy dimension. There you need to activate and configure the system.

After quite long transitions, jumps, shootings with small creatures (naturally, and Fremeno, and the paratroopers came across much more and they were stronger - here we are found a lot of brains, a little electric strokes and a couple of other piers) we go to the square where There is a batch system, a wardrobe with two settings and a generator cabinet. On the right side we see the cave. That's where it will be necessary to retreat.

First, activate the generator, after which the cover of the box with the configuration disks opens and we will be able to twist both disks. When you twist them, then the green light comes on one of the rotation moments, and when both are green, the system is activated. We immediately go into the cave - the creatures of all varieties are beginning to appear around, however, stronger than animal with a paw from the belly will not appear. But in this game (in contrast to Serious SAM), they don't pay for the corpses, and the cartridges will also need, so - immediately in the cave.

When, in the depths of the cave, we will turn the electric shock, the ceiling will collapse from above, we climb on the stones upstairs and go back to the place from where we appear from. There is already hanging the ball of teleport and we urgently jump there, otherwise it will go out and we "Missine In Akshn" - we will disappear during the mission.

Waking up again on the site, we learn that although the energy generator in parallel dimension works, but the battery must be charged for the operation of the local teleport. The scientist activates the armored armor and we descend on the elevator down - to the charger.

First, we go to the right and see through the grille, as the echochoker appears to be less successful than we, the guard. It is wherever we need to get, but the doors around are closed, and even before that it is necessary to include energy workers. We return to the elevator and look at the left - aha !!! Someone cuts the door from the other side. Well, this is our hand!

As soon as the door cut out, we immediately cleaned all the soldiers that they try to hide from us there. The further running of a special complexity is not presented until they approach the place with the corpse, the lever for explosives and the torn wire. If the wire was intact, the door would be punched by an explosion. We need to go there, because the large pool with an acid is right and although it is behind it the activation levers, but we do not twist it.

However, you must first make the path of their barrels through acid. This is done in three stages - descend the acid, install barrels, pour acid. So.

Right standing iron barrel. Top and put it between torn wires. Press the detonator and a good hole is done in the door. We go there, they first tighten the wheel and acid goes. Two barrels turn out to be on the bottom and two more stand on the side. You can go back and throw them on the bottom, and then go to the bottom of this pool and place the barrels. Replenish the pool again and go upstairs. We jump over the barrels to the other side. By the way, at the top of the left balcony, from where it is better to jump out than going back the way we will fall on it.

Passing to the very end activate 2 levers and generators earned in the pool. We return back, we reach the top of the long bridge and activate it - the bridge goes up and we go to him where we saw the guard and professors through the grille.

We are waiting until the dying guard negotiates and throws back. Open the door and pushing there the battery, which lies on the floor. Skump the button on the right and the battery charges. Pull it back and push it up to the same bootable area opposite - activate and the battery leaves up.

We go to the elevator on which we got here and go back to the professor.

Now it is necessary to come quickly and rightly: we get to the second floor and run along the corridor left (in the middle it is the wheel of the pressure equalizer - until it works) and then down - there is a button and a lever behind the glass. After a long chatter, the glass opens and we jerk for the lever. After that, we urgently go upstairs - the pressure drops and we need to fully align it.

After that, you will have to do the same several times - press the red button. Every time the teleport is activated and one of the professors takes into it. We leaving the last. I do not recommend lingering - teleport goes out and we die. And at the same time there is a considerable herd of soldiers.

After the jump, the field is unstable and throws us in different places, in one of which we see a couple of soldiers, Volordon Gordon Freeman unconscious - it turns out, he has more than half of the adventures, and we have everything too short, but alas And ah - for more fantasies, the creators of the Fashion did not have enough.

Nevertheless, we are leaving on the car together with three professors. Conclusion - the guard is out of the action zone and kill it beyond. All, good luck!

Part one

Big construction

We look at the roller (quite pretty filmed) about some experiment. Appear in the room. A man in camouflage asks us to go behind him. We leave. Raised the stairs to the hall where the back of the rebels hangs ... opa! The premises attacks the huge spider-shaped guard. You need to run!

We run up, jump over a floodlight, then go down and find the rebel behind the door (from barricades). We rise by the fire stairs, we get the first weapon - Carabiner KM 2103. A little on on the stairs we find a mox gun. It is more powerful than Carabin, but shoots much less quickly.

We go to the roof, go through the iron staircase to another building, we kill a few soldiers along the way. We go into a break in the wall, go further and detect the signal of a runaway scientist Eiden Crown. We jump down in the hole, kill two soldiers, go further.

We fall into the courtyard with a bunch of enemies. Shoot them, jump down. We undermine the barrels on the bridge, thereby sending soldiers standing on it to the forefans.

We go into the sewage system, we see a bunch of rebeltsy fighting with guardian. We see the video about the failure in the alternative time system. Loading.

We see the beating of the prisoner. We use chronosvig and put the chauffers. We go out on the street, we immediately get into the fiery fueling. We go to the passage next to the rebels and climb upstairs along the fire stairs. We split the glass, finding ourselves in the room with a rebel who jumps down. Jump there. The first difficult moment in game TimeShift. - You need to go through the corridor, but an explosion occurs. You need to start the inversion of time (ahead of events) and run a corridor before the explosion.

We go into the door, we see electrical discharges drowning into the water. We use a slowdown in time, run water with electricity. We see the brigade of the rebels holding strengthening at the construction site. On wooden frames rise to the concrete pipe chatting on the tap, jump into it and, using temporary inversion, run on the opposite direction. Bear sniper on the tower!

We run this section in slower time, we go according to the construction RB, methodically shooting the soldiers. We see the rebel, go for him to the room. Sit down for the machine gun, we put the wave of the attackers (man 20), but at the sight of a huge robot-guard run along with the rebels down into the tunnel. Loading.

After downloading, we go beyond the rebels and get into a picturesque courtyard of some huge administrative building. Here we are already waiting. We put all the enemies. The rebels are climbed over the grille and are wounded. We are destined to another way.

We go down, go into the pipe. We retrieve the wheel, the lattice is opening, which we will pass using time inversion. In the same place, with the help of a slowdown, the burning gas from the pipes. We get out into the beautiful city park and we find a solemn meeting from a dozen soldiers led by a machine gunner.

Killing a machine gunner with a grenade. In the gate, where we need to go, the tank appears. We use a slowdown in time, leaving the park, we are driving from the shells of the tank and run in the subway.

We use a slowdown in time, running by electrons water (like in a suh!) On the other side of the subway and see the inscription Loading.

We leave from the station through the hole in which the electric discharge is rushing. We turn out to be on the construction site, we kill the machine gunner, go to the left and wrap in the yarn. Let's go down to the pipes in the construction RIV, go to the room, we see the rebel who feared the nose to slip out due to the iron guard over the wall.

We slow down the time and, fleeing from the shootings of the guard, run in the break to the right of the room. We run the staircase, we run into the hole in the wall, then jump down and meet with the rebel commander.

We go out. A wedge with a gunner on the roof comes. Kill him, sit down for trophy weapons and siely rows of enemies. Next to the tanque opens the entrance to the garage. We go there, press the chopper and, using a slowdown in time, penetrate the first power field. After revealing the second field, we go out to the street and get under the dense fire of the enemy.

We climb into the body of the van on the street and methodically kill all the soldiers. We go to the beacon signal and go to the building of the military administration. Loading.

Military administration building

Open the door with the button, we will work with guard. In the room press the button. We place the people around the Tacanis, sit down for the machine gun and cut down everyone. Go ahead.

Press the button, the crane starts working. We wait until the crane platform arrives, jump onto the platform and activate the inversion of time. Passing in the hole, turn out in another room.

We go to the warehouse, take a soldier. We see the platform with drawers, which goes from pressing the button. Behind the nearest drawers - the hole in which it is necessary to get. We use a slowdown in time, we get into narrow LAZ.

We go along the pipes, we go to the room with a laser trap. Slowing down time running the trap. Turn off the protective systems, penetrate the boiler room. We use a swinging piece of iron (with a slowdown time), jump along the pipes in the hole at the ceiling.

We see the fan. We pass it using Iversion. We see the prisoner. We go on ventilation and jump down into prison. Loading.

We kill guard, go to the protection room and turn off the alarm. Deactivate machine guns, open the door, go inside, then turn on the machine guns again, run them with a slowdown in the drawers. We go into the ventilation, with a slowdown in time, jump into the guard room and urine all the enemies there.

Click on the computer button, run to the door upstairs and through the wires and hoses go to the second floor. We go through the rooms, we kill all the enemies. In one of the rooms behind a large chair, press the button, then we go to the adjacent room for evacuation.

Sitty in the elevator, it falls. At the end there will be a span to jump using slowing down. The elevator explodes. Transplant to the next elevator. Loading.

We go on the roof. For passing, it is necessary to kill four zenithors. We take a sniper from the dead enemy and shoot on the first zenith, or rather, on the barrels that stand next to her. Barrels explode. A huge design, falling down from the explosion, presses three anti-aircraft.

We go along the corridor to burning gas from the pipe. We use slowdown, we go further, we destroy the last zenith. Now you need to climb the roof and turn on the lighthouse. The flying plane breaks the fence, and the hole appears in the wall. We go through it inside the building, we pass a few doors to the elevator, sit down in it.

We go to the roof. There are many enemies, including with reactive badges. We shoot them, find a chop, activate the lighthouse. We see a roller with a flying airship. Loading.


We see the video, after which the airship machine gun is given in our management. Shooting in aerial balloons, trying to get into the bombs under them that they are launched into the airship. Balls explode. Do not forget about slowing down time. Pass to the point of our way. We begin to annoy fighters. Fighters also shoot a slowdown. We arrive up to the destination. Loading.

I appear on Earth and immediately fall under massive fire. You can capture a machine gun on a wheelbarrow and shoot all enemies from it. Sitty in quad bike, we are going to search for a group of Delta. On the bridge we use a slowdown in time, flying a swinging area. We understand with a small ambide on the road, we go further, gone by the wheels by the wheels.

We see a train with guard. We kill everyone, again sit down on quad bike. In the field camp of the enemy, we celebrate the resistance of soldiers with reactive fingers and machine gunners. We put them in a bunch, taking explosives. You can take a new weapon - crossbar luri. True, the cartridges for him are rare, so I advise you to leave the carbine.

We establish explosives, running away. The door to the tunnel explodes. Sit down to the train. Ahead - the collapse of the way, so it is necessary to jump away in time.

Learn place

Na Khadpocycle is pondly to the blockpost, after which they are in a hurry and remove 3 stodels. We are moving up, zapping in the gpuzovik, we will appblet (very comfortable thing). It is necessary to sign in the gpuzovka and remove the priests in the middle of their appearance.

We leave from the gpuzikika and remove the pages of the slave (if you face a person to gpuzovka), then the gpuzovik and with a machine gunner of the NA Tanke. We go to the tower, we will raise it, we will run a snare rifle and do not want to give a tutorial (but with the highest !!!).

Fucking, we descend down, we go along the zabupa (navelo) by the gpuzika, insight into the smoke in the floor, you are trying on the tunnel, the valve and insented.

Drop down a ledge, moving nappavo. We are attending and in charge of the accumulation. Thugs are moving. I go out with a big place. We give up the ones, pilingually moving in the Stone of the dijabl, you walked nailely, we go in touch, click on it, you are trying on the platform, we kill 3-strand.

We will make an implanial position and beat the ATA. Slava from Lifta is a valve, we will raise the Elevator and you will use the above. I go out with a platform, we go to the navalo, zaping the na drawers, we will raise the stairs, we go in touch and navel to the UPPA. In the course of the boxes, in addition to the lower, we go to the box and nales. In the smoke in the floor, we go, and nailely.

We will raise the stairs to the slave, we go, and with the help of a machine gun, we use the stop, it is a lot of "bridge".

We go along the Na tower on it, we descend down and remove it from napa. We are trying to go on it, you go to the dijabe. We will raise the stairs on the staircase and with the bottom of the wall in the dock in the wall.

Information about the game

Need for Speed: SHIFT - this is the name of the 13th part of the popular series, once arcade, racing simulators. Why "once" arcade? Yes, because to call new game From SLightly Mad Studios "Arcade" - the hand does not rise!

Yes, the game has a new developer. After the frank failure of NFS: Undercover, EablackBox was removed from the series, and the authors of Gtlegends, GTR 2 were taken by the authors of Gtlegends, GTR 2 and not yet released simulator under the Ferrari- SlightLymAdstudios license.
Like Prostreet, SHIFT meets us a call to always wear a helmet and fasten the seat belt. This is a hint that the game goes from the topic. street racesAnd we are again waiting for competitions on specialized racing tracks. And not on any, but on the very most legendary, familiar to every lover of motor racing! Everywhere reigns the atmosphere of a real racing holiday, and from the sound of motors the heart begins to beat more often.
The level of realism is simply affecting: from contact with a bump, or with another machine, the screen darkens, starts shaking, the image sails ... Neither in one game is so realistic not transmitted overloads that pilots test.
Welcome to the World Championship NeedForspeed!


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Date of issue:

Pages B.Wiki.:

Fleet Shift'a.

1.Ston Martin DBR9.

2.Ston Martin DB9.

3.aston Martin V8 Vantage N400

8.Audi TT 3.2 Quattro

10.BMW Z4M Coupe

12.BMW M3 E36 "99

14.BMW 135i Coupe

16.Bugatti VEYRON 16.4.

17.Chevrolet Corvette Z06.

18.Chevrolet Cobalt SS.

19.Chevrolet Camaro SS (2010)

20.Dodge Challenger Concept "09

21.Dodge Viper SRT10 "09

22.Ford Escort RS Cosworth

24.2010 Falken Tire Ford Mustang GT

25.Ford Mustang Shelby GT500

26.Ford Focus St.

27.Lamborghini Gallardo LP560-4

28.Lamborghini Murcielago LP640.

29.Lamborghini Reventon "08

30.Lotus ELISE 111R.

31.Lotus Exige S.

32.Maserati MC12 GT1

35.Mazda RX-7 "95

37.Mercedes Benz SLR McLaren 722 Edition

38.Mercedes Benz SL65 AMG

39.MITSUBISHI Lancer Evolution IX MR "06

40.MITSUBISHI Lancer Evolution X "08


42.Koenigsegg CCX.

43.Nissan 240SX (S13)

44.Nissan Silvia (S14) "94

45.Nissan Silvia Spec-R (S15) "00

46.Nissan 350Z (Z33)

47.Nissan 370z (Z34) "09

48.Nissan Skyline 2000 GTR "69

49.Nissan Skyline GT-R (R34)

50.Nissan GT-R (R35) "08

51.Nissan GT-R V-SPEC (R35) "10

52.Pagani Zonda F.

53.Pagani Zonda R.

54.Porsche 911 GT2.

55.Porsche 911 GT3 RSR

56.Porsche 911 GT3 RS

57.Porsche Carrera GT.

58.Porsche Cayman S.

59.Seat Leon Cupra

60.Shelby Mustang Terlingua.

61.Toyota Corolla AE86 (Trueno) Civic Si. S2000.

64.Renault Megane RS.

65.Subaru Impreza WRX STI LF-A Concept

68.Volkswagen Scirocco.

1967 Chevrolet Corvette Stingray 427

1967 Shelby GT-500

1969 Dodge Charger R / T

1971 Dodge Challenger R / T

1998 Toyota Supra Mark IV


List of tracks

  1. Alpental
  3. Ambush Canyon.
  4. Brands Hatch.
  5. Dakota.
  6. EB.isu circuit
  7. Glendale
  8. HazyView.
  9. Mazda Raceway Laguna Seca
  10. London.
  11. Miytomi.
  12. Nordschleife.
  13. Road America.
  14. Rustle Creek.
  15. Silverstone
  16. Circuit de Spa Francorchamps
  17. Tokyo.
  18. Willow Springs.

Types of Racing

Race.n-Oh the number of circles and rivals, wins the one who will come to the finish line first.

Competitions manufacturers.All pilots have identical machines provided by manufacturers. The rest of the rule as in the usual race.

Battle of cars. This is the most real duel. Two cars give the choice. Choose the one on which you want to participate, and the enemy will go to the one that remains. Check in two or three stages:
1) At the start, you get odds. For victory you need to come to the finish line first. But this is not all: the raisin is that you will win the stage ahead of schedule if you can break away from the opponent for 5 seconds; And on the contrary: lose if the opponent breaks away from you for 5 seconds.
2) At the second stage, the rules are the same, but now the shape receives your opponent.
In case you have won both stages, you will be counted victory, and if both lost something - defeat.
3) Well, if there was a draw, one victory and defeat, then there will be a third stage. Forms do not receive no one; Wins the one who will come to the finish first or will break up for 5 seconds.

Race for a while.Pilots start with warm circle. Purpose - show the best time of one circle. Not necessarily even to overtake someone.

Hot circle.The most common time trial. You will perform on a blank track, trying to beat the record for several laps.

Last Hero. One of the most dynamic modes. At the end of each circle, the pilot, which turned out to be in last place, is dropped out.

And finally drift. Drift is a contest on the controlled drift, that is, riding sideways. Drift can take place both on closed circular tracks and on winding into one circle. First of all, a special car is required; The store has a section where only machines intended for drift are displayed.

Competitions in the game are held according to the following rules: each participant starts separately, the one who will give the greatest number of points that the winner.

Command Race(appears only after installing the patch) the competition is carried out in the online modes. The meaning is simple, the Red Team competes with a blue team for victory. Maximum number of players
In the collective game online increased from 8 to 12.

Profile rider

So the rider's profile (Driver Profile ) This is another innovation of thisNfs. . Now the computer will track all of our actions, and the experience will accumulate as career pass, well, since the game genreSIMULATORS A NOT RPG, then some pumping will not be, but there will be bonuses and the opening of new competitions, and now about everything else.

System itself It implies the accumulation of points of experience that you will earn in races. Also the game will define your style of riding carelessness or aggression. Accordingly, the more aggressive or more careful you drive, the more points they give you, and the number of points depends on the quality and number of action on the racing track. The way purely, and that is, According to the ideal trajectory (racing Line At the same time, it does not assign anyone on the overtakers. You get points for accuracy, well, if you lose everyone and block, respectively, glasses for aggression. But the number of points depends on what otherwise you crossed the finish direct.
When set to a dedicated amount of glasses, your rider is growing, and all of them in the game 50. With each new level, all sorts of bonuses (cars, money, vinyls, places in the garage, as well as invitations to new competitions)
In the game, we will give us certain badges that will serve as trophies. In the game hundreds of such badges and they are divided into four categories (track, race, career and online) and two types (relatively speaking, secondary (
Minor) and Master ). Each earned minor icon brings you to obtaining the main (all of them in the game 27). You can earn the tracks, getting levels, winding kilometers on various cars, occupying podiums and so on. If you want to gather them all, then you, of course, have to work pretty.

Full list of basic icons and their description:

Clean Race (Clean Race ), Europe's tracks: Finish one race on each European highway, taking 3rd or higher, avoiding clashes and trips from the track;

Clean passage of race, Japan's tracks: Finish one race on every Japanese track, taking 3rd place or higher, avoiding clashes and trips from the track;

Clean passage of race, US highway: finish one race on each American track, taking 3rd place or higher, avoiding clashes and trips from the track;

Crow Wizard (Corner Master ), Europe: Go away at speeds all turns on each European highway, adhering to the racing trajectory (racing Line);

Wizard passing turns, Japan: Going at the speed all turns on each Japanese track, adhering to the racing trajectory;

Wizard passing turns, USA: Go away at speeds all turns on every American track, adhering to the racing trajectory;

Master Scratch (Trading Paint ): Leave scratches on opponents machines, in contact with them;

Clean Overtake ): overtake opponents without touching them;

Dirty overtake ): Oppolit opponents, in contact and breaking through them;

Drafting ): Persuate ahead of the reaching car very close, reducing the resistance of the air to get an additional craving at the time of overtaking;

Perfect Launch ): Start in the race Holding the engine speed in a specific zone until the green indicator lights up;

Difficulty ): Improve your skills, come 1st with opponents (AI ) the highest complexity;

Iron Man (Iron Man ): take places on the podium in several races in a row;

Star Collector (Star Collector ): Earn all available stars in all possible contests;

Endurance ): Come 1 in all endurance competitions;

Racing Series ): Execute 1st places in all stages of all racing series;

Mixed Track ): Occupy 1st places in all stages of the series in all competitions on mixed tracks;

Winner (Defeat Rivals ): We will defeat all opponents in a career in all competitions;

Devotion to the European Manufacturer (EU MANUFACTURER LOYALTY ): Increase mileage on European cars;

Devotion to the Japanese manufacturer: Increase mileage on Japanese cars;

Devotion to the American manufacturer: Increase mileage on American cars;

Domination Online (Online Domination ): Come on the 3rd place or higher in online competitions;

European champion online (online europe champion ): take the 1st place on each European highway in the ranking online competition or compete to establish rectors of the time;

Japan online champion: take 1st place on each Japanese track in a rank online competition or time recitations to establish records;

US Champion online: take the 1st place on each US highway in the ranking online competition or compete to establish rectors of the time;

Online Drift Champion (Online Drift Champion ): take 1st place on all tracks for drift in rank online competition;

Duelist (Driver Duel Championship ): Like online for the top lines with the best of the best - protect your title from other applicants.

Finally, I will say that in the driver's profile menu, you can watch your current level, the received icons, victories and lesions in the career and how many points are already earned. You can check out a separate driver profile screen how many experience points you need to get the following level, and Also to see what you get with the achievement of it and the next 50 levels.
Another form of interaction with the driver's profile is the invitation to race. When the chance is given to participate in this event, you need to choose the type of race: Race to establish a time record or just a race.
Although both of these types can be selected independently, regardless of your driving style, the game will recommend you the one in which you are the most stronger. For example, if you are a neat driver, the game will consider the best for you to participate in the race to establish a time record than in the usual race.
Also, on a par with you, your profile can also look at both players-online, this very determining your style, skill and progress in the game.

Difficulty levels

The game has four management models: newcomers, amateur, experienced and pros. Their names speak themselves for themselves: what is saying goodbye to the pros leading to departure from the route.

Help in taxiing and braking assistance: if you are mistaken on a turn, or on braking, then the game will independently feed the steering wheel in the right direction for better entry in turn, or slows down the car so that you do not fly off the track. However, it is not clear how this system works. Many players note that if you turn off these systems, then it becomes even easier to play. Both of these systems are tied to control models: the newbie will not be able to disable them, and they will always work as much as possible; The amateur will not be able to set the value to the maximum, but can play with the minimum, or turn off at all; Well, experienced and pros will be deprived of the opportunity to include them.

All the following settings are not tied to the control model.

ABS (anti-lock system) prevents blocking wheels when braking. The main purpose of the system is to reduce the braking path of the car and ensure controllability in the process of sharp braking, and eliminate the likelihood of its uncontrollable slip. Roughly speaking: This system will significantly simplify control.

The APS (Anti-Personal System) prevents the running wheels. Especially it helps when starting.

The stabilization system is used to prevent drifts, does not allow you to lose control over the car.

Damage. If you choose only external damage, you can calmly go even after a windshield with a wall, and if you choose a complete, each accident will be reflected on the driving quality of the car.

Automatic clutch. If you do not have a steering with a clutch pedal, don't even try to turn off it. If there is - then do not try to turn on!

Transmission. Automatic gearbox, or manual.

Technical questions

Minimum system requirements:

OS: Windows XP / Vista / 7
CPU: 1.6 GHz Intel Core ™ 2 or faster / AMD X2 3800+ or \u200b\u200bfaster
RAM: 1GB (1.5 GB for Vista / Windows 7)

Video card: ATI RADEON X1800 XT 512 MB or higher; NVIDIA GeForce 7800 GT 256 MB or higher; with support for Pixel Shader 3.0
DirectX version: 9.0c
8x DVD drive

OS: Windows XP / Vista / 7
Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo or AMD 64 x2 5200+ or \u200b\u200bAMD Phenom
RAM: 2GB (3 GB for Vista / Windows 7)
HDD: 6 GB Free Hard Disk
Video card: 768 MB (Pixel Shader 3.0, PCIE ONLY) *
DirectX: 9.0C.
8x DVD drive
Multiplayer: 512 kbps or faster

List of controllers:

Supported gamepads:

* Keyboard and Mouse

PlayStation 3:

* Sixaxis
* Dualshock


* Microsoft Xbox 360 Controller

Supported Handles:

* Logitech G25 Racing Wheel
* Logitech Formula Force EX
* Logitech Driving Force
* Logitech Driving Force EX
* Logitech Driving Force RX
* Logitech Driving Force Pro
* Logitech Momo Force
* Logitech Momo Racing
* Logitech G27 Racing Wheel
* Logitech Driving Force GT

* ThrustMaster RGT ForcefeedBack Pro Clutch
* ThrustMaster Ferrari. GT Experience
* ThrustMaster Ferrari 43

PlayStation 3:

* Logitech Driving Force
* Logitech Driving Force EX
* Logitech Driving Force Pro
* Logitech Driving Force GT
* Logitech G25 Racing Wheel

Xbox 360:

* Microsoft Force Feedback Wheel

Where can I download patches?

How to play online?

Buy a license. Or download patch 1.01. And play through. With setup instructions for windowsXp. You can read.

How to register the name of the game profile? How to write e-mail addresses- (5 item)

1. Put the default keyboard layout.

2. Try to write numbers.

3. You can set the program on the configuration of the keyboard layouts.Punto SWITCHER 3.1.

4. GUY NUM LOCK. and enter numbers under it.

5. Press alt and click on NUMPAD "E Combination of numbers ..

I post digital combinations of all the letters of the English alphabet (large and small):

A -65 A -97
B -66 B -98
C -67 C -99
D -68 D -100
E -69 E -101
F -70 F -102
G -71 G -103
H -72 H -104
I -73 i -105
J -74 j -106
K -75 K -107
L -76 L -108
M -77 M -109
N -78 N -110
O -79 O -111
P -80 P -112
Q -81 Q -113
R -82 R -114
S -83 S -115
T -84 T -116
U -85 u -117
V -86 V -118
W -87 W -119
X -88 x -120
Y -89 Y -121
Z -90 z -122

Alt + 64 \u003d @

These characters can be their name ...

If none of the ways did not help you did something wrong.

How to skip the initial video in the game?

Go to the control panelnVIDIA.

Where to store saves on windows 7?

There As with all other systems, and i.e. In the "My Documents" folder
Start -\u003e Documents -\u003e

How can I turn off the audience?

Remove drawing range in graphics settings.

How to skip prevails before the race?

At the moment, the solution of this problem is not found

How to manage in the Machine Competition mode, when two cars of different firms, they go to the separation, I can't move from the spot?

1. Do not install a patch, and reinstall the game. It is also argued that you can buy these cars in your personal garage and the bug will disappear (infa is not verified) But the easiest way to go through a duel on another car.

How to solve the problem with sound? The sound is buggy, but there is no game.

1. Support Hardware Sound AccelerationDxdiag . To do this, presses Start\u003e Run\u003edXDIAG\u003e OK. , choose the Sound tab and move the "Runner" in the type of equipment acceleration onbasic. or basic acceleration.

Problems with a tower Logitech Momo. Racing. :

The game does not react to him. What to do?

In the control settings, select a predetermined configuration of this steering wheel, it seems there such is there. If NO - T Oly Choose Unknown Wheel.

How to set up the steering wheel so that they have more menching normally, otherwise he is almost taxis in different directions? The menu seems to be pulled up, and the accelerator pedal does not work in the game.

Problem with running menu (at least for the handleRacing and Vista and Windows OS 7 ... as in XP I do not know, I did not come across such problems. But in theory, the manipulation the same) is solved by cleaning calibration (Clear Calibration Utility ), and deleting the registry folder:HKEY _ CURRENT _ User System CurrentControlSet Control MediaProperties PrivateProperties Joystick OEM VID _046 D & PID _ CA 03 (For other models of the steering wheel, the folder is different, respectively). Actually, many problems are solved with the steering wheel ... In about Street, it was so possible to return feedback, in grid, feedback and sticking gas pedals ... etc. So now, in such a way the running menu is corrected in the chifflist ...
1. The steering wheel is turned on - clean the calibration using
Clear Calibration Utility .
2. Turn off the steering wheel.
3. Start\u003e Run\u003e
regedit. \u003e Delete a section with a device (forMomo Racing: Vid _046 D & PID _ CA 03, for other models - you need to watch ...)
(with the next steering connection, the section in the registry is prescribed itself, but already with the right parameters)
4. Reboot
5. We connect the steering wheel, calibrate, and ... in the idea of \u200b\u200bthe running in the menu stops.
If you do not hunt for shame with the registry, you can certainly simply use the combined axes in the steering driver settings ... But then, for example, it is impossible to use "braking with left foot" (i.e., simultaneous use and gas and brakes), that when and so peculiar Office in chip, helps healthy. In the mode of combined axes, simultaneously gas, and it will not work naturally to slow down.

Black screen

Try to increase the paging file (1000-4000MB) To do this, go to "View system information". This subparagraph is in the upper left corner of the menu of my computer, we select the Optional tab\u003e Speed \u200b\u200b(Options)\u003e Advanced\u003e Virtual Memory (Edit)

It would also be nevertheless to disable all antivirus and firewalls before the game, and to remove them in all services (Start\u003e Control Panel\u003e Administration\u003e Services) Because they often block access to the game.

Put compatibility with Win 95/98 (press the right mouse button on the Enciphe label\u003e Properties\u003e General\u003e Put the box in compatibility item. Perhaps FPS falls, to build this we put the program CPU Control . We start, select the "manual" mode, start the game, fold, in the processes list, select the right key SHIFT.exe, set 1 + 2 for duidny, etc.
You can also configure without otherworldly programs. To do this, launch the game, and when she asks to choose a profile, we turn into the processes manager and put on SHIFT.exe correspondence at 2 (3.4) kernels. - Action 3 Repeat each time you start.

1. You need to run the game of every grys through the image of Lisuha.

2. Delete My Documents\u003eSHIFT\u003e Graphicsconfig.

Physx You can certainly do only by adding the physxloader.dll file to the System32 folder

Memory can not be "Read"

General Questions on the game

How to make 75% of the trajectory?

You need to pass 75% of one circle on the perfect trajectory (ride the green arrows) at the top of the left on the indicator shown how many percent you have already drove.

I can not go through the task where you need to knock out 4 rivals, how to knock out at all?

To knock the opponent, you need to push it from the track, but at the same time you do not fly away from it. The library is only on those parts of the track where from the road itself to the fencing is a considerable distance, usually from the outside of the rotation. To my surprise, the track is also considered a small distance near the road approximately equal to the length of the car. You can push out 2 ways to push 2 ways: wait for it to reduce the speed and start wrapping, and at this moment try to trust it in the side; It comes close to him from behind and push along the back of the car, so it would unfold it to you sideways and give it to turn, the main thing is not to forget to slow down or sharply minimize that with him do not fly by yourself.

How to go through a clean circle?

You need to drive the entire route never from it without having left and no one is known.

How to get into the race with the factory refinement?

In the store we buy any machine with a sign W. Then go to the tuning menu to buy all possible spare parts and click backspace.

I can't use nitrogen back, what button to include it?

The buttons can be viewed in the control settings, the problem is that in the game it is used almost imperceptibly, gives a very small increase to the speed, here is a bet on realism. You can check it elementary, the screen is displayed on the screen with nitrogen and if you use nitro it starts to be allowed.

Can you please tell me how to get out of the game? For some reason, not in the "Exit" button menu

This button will appear after passing the first races.

On many wallpaper and screenshots, I saw the BMW M3 GT2 but not in the bonus machines (open at levels) did not find it in the store ... she is finally in the game?

It opens after the passage of the World Championship.

Where in the game Maserati?

This is a 5th (bonus) level of the car, it cannot be used in a career, it is only for a single race, therefore before selecting a car leaf (by default "9" "0") until you find the necessary subparagraph (Rental Cars) there will be BMW M3 GT2 , Aston Martin DBR9, Audi R8 LMS, Porsche 911GT3RS.

How to get a career?

Open and pass the world championship, and i.e. need to dial 280 stars (for opening)

What buttons can you rotate your head in the cockpit?

NUM (2,4,6,8)

How to change the viewing buttons from the cabin?

ONLY using otherworldly programs. For example, a program for strapping Keyboard: KeyboardLayoutManager, MKey, Autohotkey, Remapkeys.
Create a new profile. Over-step 8, 4, 2, 6 on W, A, S, D. and run this profile immediately before the game.

In the management of them naturally change not to succeed

How to get a turn perfectly?

To perform a turn at the workshop level, you need:
1. Adhere to the perfect trajectory (better ride right on it)
2. move around with an average speed for this turn (but it is better to try, if possible, as quickly as possible)
3. Avoid collisions with rivals and obstacles
4. At the end of rotation (at the output) move without driving
P.S. You can still come across a series of turns that will be counted as one (there are many of them on Nordschleife and its passages) and a message will also be displayed about each trial turn.

How to dial the 50th level?

You need to score 500,000 glasses per career. To make it enough to get all the races.

The car slows down before turning, how to fix it?

Put the level of difficulty higher, and if you need to turn off the help and braking, but it does not turn off on the lungs.

Is it possible to make appelts on the hood and trunk?

Yes, you need to press the numbers "6" and "7" in the selection menu. Look for top view, there can be painted not only the roof but also the hood and part of the trunk.

How to change the color and size of manufacturers' appelts?

Some aplikations are changing the size, but the color can not be changed.

Machine constantly brings turns, is it possible to fix it?

Include assistants ABS and APS

Perfect trajectory.Very useful thing: it shows on what trajectory and at what speed you need to go to get better accelerated and perfectly enter the turn. It has a color code: green - gas in the floor; Yellow - release the gas; Red - lump on the brake.
However, one always should be trusted; There are times when she deceives: it remains green, although you need to slow down sharply, or it becomes red long before the braking point.

Perfect start. While there is a countdown of time, turn on the first gear; Then pushing-releasing gas achieve that when starting the engine speed frequency was optimal. When the interface is enabled, the color of the current transmission indicator signal signals: you need to be green when starting it. If the interface is disabled, you can learn to navigate the sound.

Battle of cars. Try to just fill the opponent from the track or turn over. So much easier, because if you even win in power and missed a single mistake enemy can overtake you, and nothing can be done with the scripts.

Drift.Initially, it is very difficult to get used to it (if of course you do not have a gamepad or steering wheel), the management simply overstattered realism, but still get used to everything. In order to trim well, it is necessary to drift first for drift (you will see a special icon in the store) Secondly to go as close as possible to the flashing flags and the sidelines, and in the third you need to clamp gas and quickly, alternately press the right buttons to the right, left when Catch the rhythm will understand how to keep the car in the drift.
Also important is the multiplier of glasses. The indicator is at the top of the screen. First of all, it is relevant for drift, in which the main thing for victory is the number of points. If you will go to the drift for a long time, with little breaks and without pressing restart, you can earn a multiplier of glasses. And as soon as the cherished feature is overcome, for some time all subsequent points will be multiplied by 2.


Now you can personally take part in filling and / or improve FAQ. In the form of adjustment, write the answer to the question, which, in your opinion, should be covered in the FAQ, or correct and add ready-made - and already on the same day it may appear in the document where your authorship will be indicated.

Passage relevant for all versions of the game

« Late. Shift.» - This is a cinematic quest made in style FULL Motion. Video. (FMV.) In which the players assign the role of not a third-party observer, and, in part, even, the director, because the pinion of the plot in the played drama depends on the choice of solution.

Key ESC You can pause in the game and exit the main menu.

All control comes down to clicking the left mouse button to pop-up on the screen options for further action.

There is no inventory in the game, but only the saving is automatic, so to see all the endings of the game, you will need to go over again.

Below is a description of actions that will allow you to open all the chapters available in the game (and in total, fourteen) and see all the endings (seven).

  • Important. Red color is highlighted, made to pass a specific version of the ending game.

Ending 1.


Student Matt goes to the place of its work - car park in the underground garage. Today he is on duty in the night shift, and, getting urban transport, does not even suspect how his life will change in the near future. His thoughts about the relationship between human society, about the purpose of the individual in this stream of life. He sits on the bus.

  • Selection 1.: "Altruist" or " Egoist ».

Matt comes out of the bus, descends into the subway tunnel. A man with Asian appearance is drawn to him with a question.

  • Selection 2:"Take the train" or " Help ».

Matt jumps into the car of the outgoing train.


Reaching the place of work, Matt is disguised and sitting in the chair. Then he gets up and goes to the car of the Maserati brand, which dreams of. Noticing just incurred by a couple, Matt is sent to them. He offers a man to give him the keys to put the car in the parking lot, but the man replies that he is not a driver, and points to his companion. Matt brings apologies.

After putting a car, Matt returns to his booth, and takes a textbook in his hands. Men's companion returns, whose Matt car has just put on the parking lot. She appeals to Matt with a request to give her the keys to the car. Matt proposes sign in the magazine, and the girl is forced to admit that she takes the car in secret from its owner.

Selection 3:« Yes ", "No, why?".

Matt asks that he will be for it.

Selection 4: « X.orochor "Or" so it will not go. "

Matt gets up, pulls the keys from the locker from the car. In the silence of Parking Gulco, a metallic sound is distributed. Matt looks towards parked cars. The girl is interested asking what happened.

Choice 5.: « Nothing special "Or" View on Monitors ".

Matt gives the girl the keys, but at the same time he puts a number of conditions that the girl should fulfill the owner of Maserati, Dr. Brent, did not know that she used his car.


The girl leaves, and Matt is seated again in the chair. Suddenly there is a cry of a girl. Matt looks at the monitor and sees that the girl holds an armed guy.

Choice 6.: "Call the police", "Go there", " Take a canister ».

Matt takes a can, and hurries to the place of attack. He sees a guy who put a gun to the girl's head. The attacker orders Matt to come and tie the girl.

Selection 7: "Good" or " Apply a canister ».

Matt applies a can, and pushes a guy. The girl breaks down and runs away. The guy beats Matt on the head, and Matt falls. He shifting in the direction of the runaway girl, the guy raises Matt from the floor and drags him to the car. He points to the driver's seat and on his wounded hand. Matt sits in the cabin.

Selection 8: « Seek behind the wheel "Or" Run ".

Matt displays a car from the parking lot.


They approach the mansion. Matt is trying to negotiate with a guy, but he points out a gun to mansion.

Choice 9: "No" or " Submit ».

Under the gun, the guy leads Matt to the room in which a campaign of four people gathered - three guys, including what Matt led and the girl. They plan to robbery, the purpose of which is an ancient Chinese rice bowl. Guys decide what to do with Matt, and the guy who led his guy brings the gun on Matt.

Choosing 10: "Reliable" or " Stay indifferent ».

One guys says he is not going to become a killer. He asks to bring diphenoxin and cable ties.

Selection 11: "Protest" or " Disappear imperceptible ».

Guys are kept Matt, going to enter him the drug.

Choice 12: "Silent" or " Offer ».

Matt manage to convince guys in his utility, although the girl initially objects. Having a courage, Matt brazenly asks about money. Jeff, one of the guys, offers not to experience good luck.

Selection 13: « Insist "Or" good. "

Matt declares that he takes the risk of a wounded guy, and demands his share. They come to arrangement that the share of the wounded guy is divided between him and Matt. Jeff gives Matt's suit to be changed. All are seated by car. Matt and May Lin, depicting a married couple, go in one car.


Matt and May Lin leave the car, climb the root of the building in which the auction is held. Matt asks to tell what they are doing here. Maj Lin says that the Mighty Clan Chois arrived here, to the auction to get an ancient porcelain bowl, which belonged to them Millennium, and they are here to prevent them from returning it. While the partners speak at the door, Jeff and Simon pass by. Maj Lin says that they are stealing in people, descending millions on a piece of ceramics, while there are business of the best.

Selection 14: « Agree "Or" obje ".

Matt agrees with Maj Lin and they pass to the hall. Having received the card from the administrator, May Lin leads Matt to the hall, in which the second part of the auction has already begun. When trading on the bowl for rice, Maj Lin decides to play an increase in the bet, which causes Jeff discontent, with which a constant connection is supported. He requires Matt to stop Maj Lin.

Selection 15: « Keep out "Or" intervene ".

Matt gives Mei-Lin freedom of choice, and the girl continues to play a price increase. Matt leads mathematical calculations, convincing that she really risks, but Maj Lin asks to trust her, because the percentage of the amount of payment they will receive. The price comes to eleven and a half million dollars. Matt says Maj Lin will not come out.

Selection 16: « Keep out "Or" intervene ".

And again Matt decides not to interfere. As a result, Mr. Choi still overlaps Mei Lin's bet, but their percentage of the fee increased by fifty percent. Maj Lin escorts Matt to the elevator, then she proposes to follow the instructions of Jeff and "go to the guard". Matt enters the elevator cabin, which is descended in the repository.

Choice 17: "Prevent" or " Say ».

Mat goes down to the basement, where he is waiting for Jeff. Jeff explains Matt's task. Matt must distract the attention of the guard, and Jeff indicates where Matt needs to be, while Simon does not give a signal. Simon gives the instructions to distract the guard.

Choice 18: "Warn Protection" or " To put on samotek ».

Matt enters the corridor. The guard stops Matt, but Jeff attacks the guard from behind. At this time, the storage rate is descended, from the cabin of which an employee of a museum, delivering to the trolley of the chest and a bowl. Jeff orders Matt to grab the cart.

Choice 19: "Ignore" or " Submit ».

Matt grabs the trolley and keeps her until Jeff, racing with the guard, does not kill the servant. Jeff pulls a bowl of the chest. Together with Matt, they are sent to the door. Simon reports them on the phone that they must enter the code at the same time.

Choice 20: « Enter the right code " or " Enter the wrong code ».

Jeff and Matt are safely chosen to the street, where Maj Lin and Simon are waiting for them. All are seated by car. Matt rides again with Maj Lin.

Living Quarters Outbound (exit from residential neighborhoods).

We play a security guard named Barney Calahun (B. Calhoun).
On the monorail we leave the village on the surface, we go down to the dungeon inside the Square Black Mesa.
Singing to the first stop, the boss distributes us to the Sector 3.
I am reached the sector and go out.


From the site we are trying to go into the door, but they are jammed, waiting until they open the guard on the other hand. At this time, the monorail cabin is passing with Gordon Freamen in the clothing of the scientist.
We enter the hall, from colleagues we learn that recently all the electronics around quickly fails. Our workplace behind the right door, but the guard does not miss us, first need to wear a shape and take the tablet weapon.
According to the corridors, we go to the left side, go down on the elevator, we turn left again. In the locker room we find an open locker with your last name, we take the body armor. We go to the right corridor, in the weapon we get your gun.
We can go to a shooter, collect there additional clips and shoot. In another room, you can see the video surveillance cameras, in one of them you can see how fream comes out of the elevator to the laboratory.
In the elevator we return to the top, now we are missing to the right.

We pass through the desktop, here the techniques repair the control panel. We go to the large platform of Monorail. But sitting next to the scientist says it is pointless to wait for the train, here too, something invassed.
We find a staircase down, descend into the utility rooms. Behind the lattice door we find a shield, turn on the chopper. On the left, move the barrels and drawers, we go into the dark room, we can turn on the wall on the wall. We climb the stairs.
We go to another platform. The bridge closes right in front of us. On Monorail, the wagon with a mysterious staff in a suit and with a suitcase - G-MAN passing. When the cabin erupts, press the button, the bridge will be restored, we go through it.

We pass a few more corridors, we enter the large open elevator along with scientists. During the descent, the elevator is suspended several times, and then it rises in the middle of the way. Through the windows we see how alien creatures began to appear at the station, they broke all the work and began to attack people. Our elevator with a scree fell down, the scientist died, and we miraculously remained alive.

Duty Calls (Debt call).

We leave the elevator, we select a lomik, shoot two alien animals. We destroy the boxes, we are looking for cartridges and first-aid kits. On the left corridor go down, here the door, locked on the electromagnetic castle.
We return to the fork, we go on the right corridor from above, we find a shield in the impasse, shoot it. As a result, the light will disappear, but also turns off the lock on the door. Turning on the flashlight, make your way to the lower corridor.

We enter the room where the semi is spilled acid. In order not to get damage, jumping at the tables. On the left there is explosive barrels behind bars, but for some reason they do not fly through the grille. On the stairs we climb the ventilation under the ceiling, we find the surviving scientist. From this height, we shoot the barrels below, the fence now does not interfere. After the explosion, the path to the corridor will appear, go down and go there.
We go to the platform. Ahead of the abyss, over her suspension platform. Press the button, sit down on the platform, it transports us to the other side. On a wide bridge, 2 vagigologists are attacked. We go into the side door, press the only running button. From this, a large gate will be raised on the bridge, asked for them.

We pass through a narrow track between the boxes, we kill several monsters. Tear under one goal.
We fall into the room where two suspension platforms. Left control panel, where you can change the height of both sites. It is necessary to place the platform so as to climb the ladder on the side. Exhibiting objects:
1. We shift a small metal box, to the central playground.
2. The central elevator put on such a height so that you can jump from the drawer, and then on a large container.
3. Side elevator at a height put a little higher than the container, but so that you can dreament to the stairs.
We start jumping: Box - Central Elevator - Container - Side Lift - Staircase. In each jump, we clamp your legs so that you can hide above (space, Ctrl).
By climbing up, fight with 4 electrical monsters. After the victory, we go to the right, go down the stairs.

We pass along the path between the two mechanisms in the water. On the bridge, the fork, first we go to the door to the right.
We jump on the stairs to the right, upstairs twist the valve (it will turn off the pairs from the bottom). We descend on another staircase, turn the second valve (this will turn off the steam at the top). Below we pass into the dark deadlock, near the corpse of the scientist we find a new weapon - a shotgun. Return up, steam is disabled, we can pass.
We enter the control room. On the wall there are apparatus of health and armor. In front of the window, press the button, see how the cargo elevator is lowered ahead, an explosive box and 3 knights on it. Monsters kill directly from here.
Through the window through the water flow. Ahead of the flow of grinding gears, avoid them. On the side there is an elevator upstairs, but it does not work, no electricity. We go against the current, we return to the bridge.
Now, from the initial bridge, we go to the left side, there is an inconspicuous staircase around the corner, we climb the floor above.

We arrive in the hall with a swimming pool, the ceiling monsters hang over it - barnacles. We dive into the water, inspect the grilles on the side wall, the most distant grille is broken, swim through it. In a separate container, we turn the valve, from this water level will rise. We swim back into the pool, now we can jump over the floating barrels to the other side.
We go on corridors, kill three electrical monsters. Ahead of us is collapsed by the bridge, jump over to the large pipe on the left, we go through it.
Further we go through a narrow track, you see ahead, as a zombie bursts the guard. We reach this place and kill zombies. We descend in half-spaceted rooms, they kill a lot of vortigons and monsters-crocodiles. On the wall we find a shield, turn on the chopper. Electricity is incorporated, sitting on the nearest elevator.

The elevator raises us to the site that we have seen from the control room. From the cargo inclined elevator, we encounter a box into the water, he swells to the gears and explode them. Ourselves jump into the water, sailing on the left past the destroyed gear.
The stairs rise to a big well. We see how the military top the bodies of the killed guards. In conversation, they mention the officer Shepard ( the main character Next add-on Half Life.: OppoSing Force). We go into the next well, there is a staircase on the surface.

Captive Freight (locked load).

We choose for fresh air. To the left in a dead end, a military truck was left, he is protected by two automatic turrets set for shelters. Seeking, we can crawl into turons and flip from shots from a shotgun. In the body of the garnet truck, explosives, first aid kit.
We go to the right side, click on the panel to the right, open the lifting gate. Inside the tunnel is a broken car, inside a killed scientist and guard. We inspect the bodies, we find the booking service and the revolver Magnum. In the body of the car we find cartridges. Then the tunnel is blocked by the military, so we go to the lateral branch, knocking the mounted lock from the wicket, enter inside. Tighten the valve, it will open the hatch down.

We go down the stairs, we go on monotonous direct corridors. On the way, turn the valves to turn off the jets of steam. We enter half-spaceted corridors, steal the valve under water, go further. At the end climb the elevator.

We go into corridors with semi-discharge walls. On the way there will be a ruined area where electricity is constantly hit. We pass on the right side until the current beats beaten on the left.
On the way there was a laboratory equipment on the way. To pass, make the box, we climb into the inclined duct.

We go through the second half of the corridors. Left we find a warehouse of weapons. On the right of 2 military trying to knock out the door, we kill them, taking storm rifle. We enter the room, speak with scientists, dying, he asks to find Dr. Rosenberg. Doctor knows the way to quickly leave Black Meso. We look at the room, in the lockers find cartridges. Go ahead.

We go to the inter-storey staircase. We reach the 3rd floor, we kill two military. All doors are locked, you can get out only on the 1st floor - to the street.
Outside there are 3 soldiers from the car, we can rinse in them a grenade. Over the side will suit 2 more special forces. After approaching the tire dump under the window, we climb through it through the window in the building.
2nd floor. Inside, we kill a few more military, we go through the cabinets, open the door to the staircase. On another corridor we go to the warehouse.

In stock there are two cars, around a lot of boxes. The first-aid kits and cartridges are hidden only in small military drawers with green riding. On the right, a separate dark room, we turn on the light, here are killed scientists and two aid kits. We look at the wagons, two electric monster sit in the left, the scientists are locked in the right - there are no Rosenberg among them.
After you open the wagons, the military burst from the side room, we kill them, pass through the knocked doors.

In the yard there are two containers, blue does not open, and the red is littered with two cable coils. To remove the coils, shoot on the wooden backups below, they will be touched from the platform. Inside the red container, we liberate a couple of scientists, but there is no need among them.
When you open the container, after a while the entrance doors will blown up, and more than 10 military will be broke into the yard. It is better to immediately put explosives at the breakthrough site and blow up a large half of enemies in time. After victory, we inspect all the green boxes. We can go into a punched tunnel.
In the next yard there are platforms with military equipment. Directly in front of us a truck with a base and rockets, and on the left in front - a tank that begins to shoot on us. Take a tank with a tank with a tank, during his shots they squat. After 4 hits, the tank will be destroyed. We enter the door with the inscription "Maintenance Access".

In the tunnel to the right neutralize the turret. We climb the platform ahead, shoot on the lids of gas cylinders, they will fly forward and make holes in the gate.
We go to the courtyard, where there is a round rotary platform of the railway. We enter into the control room at the wall, once press the lever, it will turn the central circle, press the button, it will open the side gate.
We go beyond the gate, past the wagon, in a dead end in electric drowsine, turn on the reverse. I pop up with Dresa, we wait, when the car comes to the discharge platform on the left. There we open the container, we finally find Dr. Rosenberg.
The doctor proposes to leave this loose place with teleport, and promises to hold us to it. In the process of the conversation, we notice that the military closed the door for us, now we are also banning in the car. The doctor suggests us upstairs, we are chosen on the roof of the car, we kill 2 military outside, we release a scientist on the will. The military came from the door "Freight Warehouse", now the door is open, go there along with the professor.

The corridor leads us to a multi-storey building, where we were already. We reach the stairs, go down to the basement. We reach the room with a killed scientist, pass a little further. On an even plot between two turns, the scientist comes to the wall of plywood and says that the passage to teleport is here. We break through the wall, sit down in the elevator, we go to the underground laboratory.
Two more scientists were hidden in the secret laboratory. Threesome they begin long preparation of teleport to inclusion. It turns out that teleport is configured to the alien world "Xen", you need to enter this world to reconfigure the evacuation point to a safer place. When the installation is running, we enter the yellow ball and teleport.

FOCAL POINT (Focus point).

We fall into the world of xen, gravity here is slightly smaller, so we can jump above. We have a puddle with healing water in the center, there are several small monsters around. Poison is not going anywhere. Turn back, on stepped rocks we climb on a semicircular bridge from above. We go on the bridge, kill alien sheep, we enter the cave.

We enter a small cave. On the left there is a LAZ in the next tunnel, but it is guarded by the tentacle plant, so it is better to go through a safe way, he is hidden over the stone on the right. In both tunnels, there are side deadlocks, where there are killed scientists and their ammunition on separate glades. And both tunnels go to the next cave.
We fall into the cave-intersection. Two tunnels lead back. Lower Laz leads the lake in the water, it is useless to go there. The way forward is on a small earner. Inside the tunnel on the left dead end, right - the path to the lake.
Before us is a cave with a lake in the middle, there are several barnacles on the ceiling, there is a puddle with healing water. We find a large tunnel, we are chosen from the dungeon.

Jump on a small levitating island. There is only one right way here, jumping on the islands, the nearest and distance and highest, to the rest do not dare. In the middle of the way to the island, 3 electric enemy teleport, we kill them and jump on.
Through the cave we pass to the next island. We supply to the Great Island with a healing puddle. 3 revigrants appear again.
Secret. From the big island, jumping left, get to the cave. Inside collect ammunition. We enter the local teleport, we return to a big island.
On top of the island fired alien ships, one explosion drops a column plant. In the fallen column, we turn to the far platform, we inspect the earth behind the rock, we find a breakdown place, we jump there.

The stream puts us into a large well with water, climb to the surface. Put from the cave, we fall on the waterfall in the gorge with the river.
This is the end of the river, further along the River Rock, do not climb them. In the center of the reservoir, we climb on the island, there is a plant-trampoline. With a trampoline jumping to the top of the waterfall on the other side.
We pass through the cave of the second waterfall, inside there are barnacles and a healing puddle. We go on another stream, he makes us towards the place above the river. Now we go along the river, on its left and right shores we climb on the rocks-stairs.
Get to the source of the river. Here we find a trampoline, they jump onto the top balcony, we enter the cave.

We go out on the open area, here in the center there is a large round installation with a yellow crystal inside, two devices are connected nearby. On the blue device, turn on the power button. The second device will open, it turn two toggle in it so that on the screen to put the arrow into the selected sectors. So we focused portal device to the evacuation point on earth. We can return.
But monsters begin to appear around the device: electric, flying, with flies-flies. Either fight them, or immediately run away from them in the cave side. Inside the cave there are 3 first aid kits. Carefully approach the impasse of the cave, having heard the Earth-Station, immediately running back, the collapse will happen. For fallen cliffs, we climb up, overlash to the next cave. We restore in the healing pool, we go on the corridor.

We go to the initial clearing. There are many flying monsters and one mukholov. Rosenberg's voice heard, he says that he opened the portal back to the laboratory, but he is unstable and soon closes. We do not pay attention to monsters, jump into the center of Polyana in the yellow ball of teleport.

Power Struggle (Energy Strengthening).

Appear in the laboratory. The scientist informs us that I got a battery that feeds the teleport setup. Need to go down and restore energy. We go into the opened corridor, go down on the elevator.

On the left closed door, we go to the right, climbing the open elevator. Here are two more doors, they are also closed. Through the window we see that this is a room with a battery, inside the monster kills the guard. Let's go down, wait when it cut out autogen on the other hand. Killing a broken military.
We go on a wide bridge, on the side of two waterfall of blue liquid. Before the bridge there is a corridor on the right, there is installed turret and this path leads back. We pass through the bridge, kill the military, we climb the stairs to the second floor.
Secret. Upstairs over the stairs we see an open ventilation hatch. We get up on the railing, jump into the omitted lattice, we climb up. In ventilation we find new weapons - alien crickets. Returning down.

At the exit of the corridor, we see a mined door, there is a detonator nearby, but the cord is cut from it. We pass to the next room, there is a destroyed bridge through a container with a blue liquid - hladogen. Next do not pass.
Return to explosives. Cord can be closed with anything metallic. In the far corner, we divide the boxes so that one barrel remains. Follow the barrel in the direction of the cord, we put it right into the place of gap. Press the detonator, the door will explode.
Behind the door we get into the control room. Tighten the valve, the cooler pumped out of the room. Nearby there is an elevator, we go down to the hall.
We go along the bottom of the empty reservoir. So on the other side, do not get, you need to build a bridge. On the bottom there are 2 barrels. In the stairs we climb the pen, on the side platform we find 2 more barrels, pushing them to the bottom. All 4 barrels put in the line in the center of the hall so that the missing bridge turned out. We return to the valve, we spin it back, the Hladogen will fill the hall, the barrels will pop up and form a bridge. We go back through the blown door, we arrive in the hall, jump along the barrels to the other side. In the process of crossing, monsters will be teleported, shoot them.

We pass through a small warehouse, here boxes and inverted barrels with Hladogen. At the overturned barrel, we climb on the top of the boxes, overlays them. We enter the corridor, jump over places with fire from the pipes. We enter into the control room, omit both chubs, from this the central hall turns on two power generator.
We go back on corridors. We jump from the balcony to the boxes (from this side it will not be afraid from the bottom). Jump again on the brocco bricks. Returning to a wide bridge.

We reach the stairs, but do not go down down, and we go to the balcony of the 2nd floor. Here on the balcony we see the remote with the button, press it, from this wide bridge will rise. Now on the bridge we can go to the other side of the 2nd floor.
We enter the room with a battery. The door on the floor sits the guard, affected by the monster, whom we saw through the window. He will make us finish the battery charging. The battery itself lies in the center, pushing it through the gate, we bring it to the pallet in front of the red panel. Press the button, the battery eats inside, charges, and returns to the place. After that, we doter the battery to the elevator on the opposite wall, also press the button. The battery will go up to the laboratory.
We run to the initial elevator, come back to the laboratory.

A Leap Of Faith (Lip Faith).

Energy is restored. Rosenberg repeats the inclusion of teleport, but this time asks to help him. We climb on the upper platform, we enter the glass room are waiting for further rooms of the scientist. Inclusion sequence:
1. Lower the switches on the right wall.
2. Climb to the upper bridge, twist the valve.
3. Return to the cab, press the button. Teleport turned on, the first scientist entered it.
4. We are waiting for a re-clock, press the button again. The second scientist teleports.
5. For the third time, press the button for Rosenberg.
6. We remained alone. Last time you press the button for yourself.
A yellow ball of the portal appears, we still need to go down to it. But at that moment the military rushes into the laboratory: 3 from above, 2 more from below. Shot from the soldiers, run through the upper bridge, go down. If you are held for a long time, we can not have time to enter the teleport, so we do not pay attention to the enemies, but we immediately run into the yellow ball.


Appearing on the surface, near the block post at the outlet of the bloc months. Scientists have already found a car, hack the doors, and they are preparing to leave this place. But during teleportation, something strange is happening to us, we alternately teleport in a couple of places.
Appear in the world of Xen on several ishes in the dark.
Appearing in the utility room, you see through the window under the ceiling, as the soldiers drag the body of the freeman to reset it in the industrial press (event events original Game Half Life).
We again teleport to the block post. Along with scientists evacuate from the Black Mesa complex.

Thanks for attention!