Game the curse of isabella how to get through. Free Download Passage of game "Princess Isabella. Curse of the Witch". Adventures in the fairy kingdom

Patio, 1st floor.
Examine the lion statue on the left, go through the level "I'm looking for" and get gears, a green pearl, a bear claw, a doorknob and a piano key. On the same statue I find a shard of a mirror. It is necessary to collect the fragments in order to restore the mirrors in which the inhabitants of the castle are closed. I look around the courtyard and collect all the pieces. I draw the door closer, insert the doorknob into place. I come in.

Main hall, 1st floor.
I look around the room and collect all the shards of mirrors. On the steps I found a note from my diary. These notes will appear throughout the game, telling the story of Isabella and the castle's inhabitants. Carefully examining the stained-glass windows on the right, I collect the objects of evil. Light pours from the windows - the witch's spell in this room has been destroyed. I examine the painting on the left (up the stairs to the left on the wall), correctly position the image, and gears appear in the lions' mouths. I take them for myself. Approaching the door on the first floor - inserting the gears correctly. Door opened.

Hall of Mirrors, 1st floor.
I click on the first mirror frame and restore the image from the shards. I freed the servant, he opened the door for me to the next room.

Hall, 1st floor.
She picked up a bottle on the floor and got the ability to break (a stone icon appeared next to the fairy), whatever. I break a vase on the floor with a stone, and among the fragments I find the planet Mercury. The green door is still closed, we will return to it at the very end of the game.

At the writing, I go through the level "I'm looking for" and prepare the first potion. I collect mirror fragments around the room. I break the jar on the table with a stone and find Venus among the fragments. I look into the fireplace and add the prepared potion to it - the enchantment in the room is broken.

Hall, 1st floor.
With a stone I break a vase on the floor and a plate on the table - I got splinters. I go to the trophy room.

Trophy room, 1st floor.
Found two shards. The dark frame on the column represents the notes. In the fireplace I passed the level "I'm looking for" and received a claw, two barrels from a gun, a key and Pluto. I go out into the hall.

Observatory, 1st floor.
I collect the fragments, find the last two of 8. On the right, on the platform, I break a blue sphere with a stone and get a planet. I'm getting closer to the telescope. I take a book on the table and put it on the stand. I pass the mini-game - repeat it correctly from the book in the starry sky.
Completed the task, the enchantment in the room is destroyed. I carefully examine the chest at the foot of the stairs. I pass the level "I'm looking for" and got another planet, two more parts of the rifle. I approximate the model of the universe - I insert the missing planets in place: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Pluto, Mercury. After placing the planets in the correct order, the globe shatters on the table and I find a bear claw.

Living room with piano, 1st floor.
I put the keys in place. You need to play the melody from the notes. Correct sequence keystrokes: F - E - F - E - F - D - E - F - G - F - G - get a bear claw.

Trophy room, 1st floor.
I bring the stuffed bear closer, insert all the claws into place - the enchantment in the room is broken. There are not enough weapons at the weapons stand, they still need to be found.

Hall of Mirrors, 1st floor.
I insert the fragments into the second frame from the mirror, the maid saved the girl. She gave me the missing piece of the rifle.

Main hall, 1st floor.
There is a bottle on the blue sofa on the left, I break it and get another piece of the rifle. I return to the trophy room.

Trophy room, 1st floor.
I approached the stand with weapons, arrange the parts of the rifles correctly, the entrance opens in the fireplace. I come in.

Tea room, 1st floor.
I am looking at the big picture, you need to destroy all the evil on it. I repeat this with all the paintings - it broke the enchantment in the room. On the table to the left I pass "I'm looking for" and get a rotating gramophone disc and a gear from the calendar. I smash a plate on the table with a stone and find a shard of mirror. I find two more fragments around the room.

Hall, 1st floor.
I break the vase on the floor with a stone and get the fourth shard of the mirror.

Library, 1st floor.
On the stairs I go through the level "I'm looking for" and prepare a potion. I break the vase with a stone and get the ability to set fire. I gathered three fragments around the room. I notice that there is smoke at the top of the stairs, the floor is on fire - I apply a potion to the fire and the fire goes out. The enchantment in the room is broken.

Royal Treasures, 1st Floor.
I use fire on the skulls flying around the room, they disappear and the spell falls in the room. I take a bottle on the pillow and get the ability to wind. Approaching the crown on the pedestal. With the help of the wind I shake off the dust from it. Symbols are carved on the crown, I remember them. I zoom in on the window on the left and press the symbols that I memorized on the crown. The doors opened. I go through "I'm looking for" and get a gramophone needle and horn, a piano string. I find the last two shards of the mirror. I go to the tea room. Hall of Mirrors, 1st floor. Rebuilding the third mirror, freeing the nanny. She said that the witch attacked at lunchtime, that is, at 01.00, I remember that. I go to the library.

Library, 1st floor.
I go to the statue of Apollo. He asks me questions, and I answer.
1. What bird is hanging in the trophy above the fireplace? - PAVLIN.
2. How many lions guard the entrance to the castle? - 5.
3. Which planet is the 5th from the sun? - JUPITER
4. Indicate the time when the curse seized the castle? - 01.00
Apollo retreated. The entrance is open.

Kitchen, 1st floor.
We need to feed the ghosts. There is an old cookbook on the table, I am examining it. I hit the iron chandelier under the ceiling with a stone - I get splinters from the mirror. I break the bottle on the table with a stone and get another shard. I go out to the greenhouse.

Greenhouse, 1st floor.
I find two shards of a mirror. On the table with rotten seedlings I catch flies, 10 pcs. will be sufficient. You need to kill the biting plant. The mechanism is such - to feed the plant with flies, and at the moment when the plant is chewing, I apply fire to it. The plant died, the spell fell from the room. I take a bottle on a chair and get the ability of water. And I immediately apply a new ability - I water the flowers in pots, in each flower, I find something - two fragments, a bone and a dial. I go back to the kitchen.

Kitchen, 1st floor.
Once again, I carefully examine the book and tear out the leaflet with the recipe. I bring the closet with the ingredients closer, apply the recipe to the closet, the level "I am looking" appears and I prepare a potion. I put the pot on the table where the book is. Ghosts eat and disappear - the enchantment has slept from the room. In the window I go through "I'm looking for" and get a plate, a plug for a barrel and a wheel from the dial. I go to the cellar.

Cellar, 1st floor.
Collected three more shards from the mirror, that's all. On the wine shelf, you need to choose a bottle with evil, it should be the heaviest - this is the lowest bottle. I click on the bottle twice, the spell is broken. I bring the barrel closer, insert the plug on the tap and get a piece of rag.

Tea room, 1st floor.
I put all the parts of the gramophone in place - I get the notes.

Hall of Mirrors, 1st floor.
Rebuilding the fourth mirror. I saved the cook, he got the third wheel to the dial.

Library, 1st floor.
You need to play notes on the globe. Correct sequence of pressing letters on the globe: F - E - E - F - A - G - A
The globe opened, I found an ax inside.

Cellar, 1st floor.
I approach the door, insert all the wheels into place, play the mini-game. The door is open, I come in.

Stable, 1st floor.
Found 4 mirror shards. In the horse stall, I go through a mini-game - the spell is asleep. On the carriage I pass "I'm looking for" and get a sword and two strings. I go to the garden.

Garden, 1st floor.
Collected three shards, restored the path on the bridge through the mini-game. I walk along the path to the fountain.

Fountain in the garden, 1st floor.
Collected all the fragments, now you can restore the mirror. I approach a part of the cooled lava, hit the lava with a stone, where pieces fall off from the lava, I find various objects. I look under the bridge and go through the level "I'm looking for", prepare a potion. I apply the potion to the volcano - the spell is asleep. Approaching the fountain, repairing it. The fountain works fine - I found a disk from the calendar. I go to the hall of mirrors.

Hall of Mirrors, 1st floor.
I collected the fifth mirror and saved the gardener. He told me the important date - November 18th.

Main hall, 1st floor.
I go up the steps to the door on the second floor, insert the discs into place and set the date November 18 - on the left wheel I set the month (11), on the right day (18). The door is open, I come in.

I break a vase near the column with a stone; among the fragments I find a shard of a mirror.

I find two more shards of the mirror.

Great Hall, 2nd floor.
I break the green and brown bottles with a stone - in each I find a shard. I go out onto the balcony and find a shard. I water the flowers in pots - I get a red berry and a shard. I look through the telescope and see birds in the meadow, I give them a red berry. For this I get notes from the birds. I go into the hall, when I approach the piano, I insert notes. You need to play the melody correctly on the piano. The correct sequence of notes is: E - G - D - E - A - D - E - F - D - E - C - E The ghosts have disappeared and the enchantment has subsided. On the piano, I go through "I'm looking for" and get a halberd and a tip.

East Art Gallery, 2nd floor.
Above the entrance there is a shield with a weapon, you need to correctly insert it into place. The correct placement of the weapons can be seen in the paintings in the west east gallery. The weapon is positioned correctly and it broke the spell. Approaching the doorknobs - made in the style of the heads of the dogs. You need to insert something into them to open. The bone is already there, one more item is needed.

Western Art Gallery, 2nd floor.
Examine the door, complete the mini-game, the door is open.

Hall, 2nd floor.
I found two fragments, I go through the door on the left, into the dining room.

Dining room, 2nd floor.
Found a shard from a mirror. On the cart I go through the level "I'm looking for", as a result I got a potion. I bring the fireplace closer, apply the potion to the boiling cauldron - the enchantment in the room is asleep. I go through a mini-game on the candlestick - I got a red pearl. There is a picture above the fireplace, I correctly expose the image on it and I get another shard from the mirror. I break a dark bottle on the table with a stone and get another shard, this is the last 12th. I go to the hall of mirrors to collect a mirror.

Hall of Mirrors, 1st floor.
I restore the next mirror and save the queen. From her I get a ball for a dog.

East Art Gallery, 2nd floor.
I draw closer the door handles in the form of the heads of the dogs. I insert a bone into the dog's mouth on the left, and a ball on the right. The door has opened, I go into it.

Royal bedroom, 2nd floor.
I find two shards from the mirror. Beetles are crawling by the bed - I crush them with a stone, the enchantment in the bedroom has slept. I go through a mini-game on the chest - it opens. Inside I go through the level "I'm looking for" got a crossbow.

Armory room, 2nd floor.
I zoom in on the picture and shoot the monsters from the crossbow. When all the evil spirits destroyed the enchantment in the room they slept. I examine the table, go through “I'm looking,” and get a gear and oil. I examine the knightly armor, the visor of the middle knight is stuck, I apply oil to it and open it. Found 4 dials inside.

Ladies' room, 2nd floor.
I found two shards from the mirror. I bring the bedside table with the clock closer, there is a dirty mirror above the bedside table, I wipe it with a rag, having previously moistened it with water (I take a rag and bring it to the capacity of water). The mirror is clean - the enchantment in the room was asleep. On the bedside table I go through "I'm looking for", get a gear and a clock hand. I bring the clock on the nightstand closer - insert the gear into place in the clock, then add the dial and hands. A secret compartment opens under the clock, in which I find a key with blue stones. I go into the dining room, from it I go out into the hall to the door with a blue lock on the door. I insert the key with blue stones into the lock, go through the mini-game, the door is open.

Office, 2nd floor.
I found two shards from the mirror. I go through "I'm looking for" and get a mosquito net and a piece of painting. I zoom in on the painting above the fireplace - assemble it correctly and insert the missing fragment into place. The enchantment in the room is broken. I approach the table and find a book on the history of the castle. On the globe I find about Spain and Portugal - the globe opens, inside I find a key with red stones. I break the model of the boat on the table with a stone and get a shard from the mirror.

Ladies' room, 2nd floor.
I use the key with red stones on the lock on the door, I go through the mini-game, the door is open.

Fitting room, 2nd floor.
I found two shards from the mirror. I draw closer the window, catch all the flies with a net (you need to swing it as in real life). I bring the table closer, put the flies in the urn, it is closed with a lid. I use the fire ability on a closed urn - the urn shattered, and this broke the spell in the room. There is a dress on the left of the mannequin, you need to unfasten all the buttons on the dress (to unfasten - you need to turn the buttons in a circle). Inside, under the dress, I get a blue pearl.

My (princess) bedroom, 2nd floor.
I found two shards from the mirror. Under the bed I go through the level "I'm looking for" - I get a potion. I move closer to the fireplace, toss the potion inside. I draw closer a wardrobe with dresses, go through "I'm looking for" - I get a ballerina figurine. I see a box on the fireplace, open it, insert a ballerina figurine inside, turn the knob clockwise. The compartment opens, inside I find a splinter from a mirror, this is the last splinter.

Hall of Mirrors, 1st floor.
Restoring the mirror in the last frame, saving the king. I get a yellow pearl from him. I go to the green door.

Hall, 1st floor.
Green door. Mini-game, I put all the pearls in place: green, blue, red and yellow. I enter the tower. Now you need to kill the witch and save the prince. The witch is dead.

Love won, everyone is saved !!!

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Chapter 1

Click on the bird cage that the fairy is trapped in.
Click on all 4 sides of the door until you have a ring.
Take the ring.

Place the ring on the chest lid under the cage and rotate the ring so that the symbols on it and the lid are aligned.

Remove all evil items from the chest.

Take the transformation potion next to the hole.
Find a way to go down into the hole.
You need some kind of rope.

Examine the cabinet on the right and open the doors.
Collect all the dresses in the wardrobe (yellow on the screen).

Use a sewing machine to sew the dresses together.

The chandelier looks solid.
Tie a string to the chandelier.
The rope is not long enough.
Use the transformation potion on the rope.

Climb down the rope to the bedroom.
There is not enough light here.
You may be able to reflect the sunbeam and light up the room.
Take the mirror from the table and place the mirror on the bedside table.

The mirror is dirty, but there is a royal bath below.
Climb down the rope.

Take the red gem on the right behind the pillar.
On the floor on the left is a piece of cloth (purple).

We take a towel from the floor.

Soak a towel in one of the fountains.
The wet towel is in inventory.

Let's go back up the rope to the bedroom.
In the bedroom, wipe the mirror with a damp towel.
We take the transformation potion by the bed.

Click on the bed to play a Hidden Object Scene.
The SCISSORS are added to inventory.
Use the scissors to cut the curtains in the bedroom (marked in red).

Return to the Royal Baths.
Tie the curtain to the end of the string.
Go down the rope.

Examine the place marked in orange on the screen for a HOS.
Remove all evil items from the pond.

Pick up Bella's rattle (red) for a red gem.
Use the fairy ability: the diamond in the picture on the stone (marked in red) to take the leaf.
Look at the dragon's claw and take the egg (purple).
Click on the pond for a HOS.
The key to the table is in the inventory.
Return to the bedroom.

Open the desk drawer with the key.
Take the diamond ring (fairy abilities appear: diamond).
Choose the fairy ability: diamond and break the two vases in the room.
Take a red gem and a leaf from under the wreckage.
Return to Bath.
Choose the fairy ability: diamond and break the three fountains in the pool.

Select the fairy ability: diamond and break the decorative circle on the left rack.
Take bamboo.
Examine the right fountain.
Use the transformation potion to transform the tadpole into a frog.
Take the frog into inventory.
Get down the rope to the reservoir.
Go to the right passage to the huge fly.

Use the frog on small flies.
Use the transformation potion to transform into a large frog.

The frog will eat the fly.

Take the chain from the floor.
Choose the fairy ability: diamond and break the wooden disc and cracks in the wall (red).
Take the leaf and red gem.
Play Hidden Object Scene (orange).
The handle and buckets are in inventory.
Return to the cave and go to the middle passage to the well.

Examine the pulley with the chain on the right and repair the chain with the chain from inventory.

Click on the well.
Place 4 buckets on the rope and one bucket on the chain hook on the right.
Insert the handle, then transform the potion onto the hanging bucket to make it bigger.
Having done this, the door to the room with the giant fly should open.
Let's return to the cave and go to the right into the room with a giant fly.
We go through the opened door to the evil tree.

Let's examine the crystal stone on the right: this is Butler.
Place the red gems from your inventory into the holes in the stone.
It takes another stone to free him.
We go forward along the path to the clearing with the lumberjack.
Click on the sleeping woodcutter for a HOS.

The VIOLET and SUNFLOWER are added to inventory.
We use the fairy ability: the diamond on the Hive in the upper left corner of the screen to break it and take BAMBOO 2/3.
We use the ability of the fairy: the diamond on the boards in the lower left corner of the screen to take a shard of the MIRROR.
We use the ability of the fairy: a diamond on a stone in the lower right corner of the screen to take a red gem.
Let's go back to the evil Tree.

Click on the stone of the Butler on the right.
Place the red gem in the indentation of the stone to start the puzzle.
Click on the arrows surrounding the holes to place the red gems in the red slots.
The solution is on the screen.
The butler is free!
He gives you a rose.

Chapter 2: The Fairy Queen

Let's return to the clearing with the woodcutter.
Click on the Lumberjack again.
Place the VIOLET, SUNFLOWER, and ROSE in the circles on the right side of the screen.
Let's paint the tattoo on the Lumberjack's leg with flowers.
The solution is on the screen.

The seed bag goes into inventory.
We take the transformation potion.
Click on the place where the Lumberjack slept to search for items from the list.
We collect all the items.
The SCOOP and DOLL PIECE 1/15 go into inventory.
We go forward to the village of fairies.

Use the fairy's ability: the diamond on the two areas shown in the screenshot below and take the MIRROR SHARD (2) and the BAMBOO (3/3).
We go inside the tree along the arrow.

Examine the sparkling area at the bottom left.

We move the wooden blocks to open the door locks and start up the water.
See screenshot for solution.
Examine the far right sparkling area.

Place the three bamboos from inventory onto the stands on the playing field.
Rotate the parts of the bamboo that we placed so that the water flows into the leaf at the bottom of the screen.
See screenshot for solution.
Let's examine the area on the right.

See screenshot for solution.
Return to the fairy village and go forward to the next scene to the twisted trees.

We use the fairy ability: diamond to break the jar on the right and the box on the left and take the LEAF 4/5 and the MIRROR shard.
Examine the ground under the trees in the center of the screen.
With a shovel we dig a hole in the ground and put the seeds there.
Use the transformation potion on the seeds to banish evil.
Click on Bella's nipple lying on the ground at the bottom of the screen.
The nipple turns into a yellow gem 1/6, take it.

We use the ability of the fairy: a diamond on the cracked tree on the right, a bottle and a birdhouse.
Take LEAF 5/5, LILY, and MIRROR SHARD (2).
Examine the Bird's Nest on the tree in the upper left corner of the screen.
We put the egg in the nest.
We go forward to the City Gate.

We use the fairy ability: a diamond on the wall and a sword, we take part of the doll 2/15 and the PINK MARGARITA.
Click on the sleeping guard.
Place the LILY and ROSE MARGARITA in the circles on the right side of the screen.
Let's return to the fairy village inside the tree.

Examine the sparkling area in the upper left of the screen (closer to the center).
Place the leaves from inventory on the water mill so that it works and the water flows.
Place the two MIRROR shards from our inventory in the correct spots among the broken mirrors to restore the mirror.
There are two more shards to be found.
Let's return to the broken monument and go right to the gate with the skulls.

Click on the gate with the skulls blocking the path at the end of the road.
Rotate the skulls so that 3 skulls with the same eye color line up diagonally in a line and look forward.
We remove one by one the skulls with the following eye color: Red, Blue, Green, Yellow.
Whenever we stand in a diagonal row of forward looking skulls with the same eye color, the skulls disappear.
An example on the screen.

We go forward to the next area to the troll bridge.
You will have a talk with the Troll: he requires payment for passage through the bridge.
We use the ability of the fairy: the diamond on the lantern on the left to break it, take the WHITE MARGARITA.

Click on the sleeping guard and place the WHITE MARGARITA in its place in the circle on the right.
The solution is on the screen.
We get lenses from the guard.
Click on Bella's Shoes on the path to the gate.
Shoes turn into yellow gem 2/6, take it.
Let's return to Fairy Village.

Examine the sparkling area on the right.
Place the lenses in the empty frames of the Mirrors so that the rays of light melt the ice.
After talking with the Fairy King, click on the crystal heart to get the fairy ability: Water.
The GOLDEN RING will be added to your inventory.
We leave from the tree.
Click on the transformation potion and yellow gem 3/6.

We go forward to the broken monument.
Let's examine the bird's nest with an egg.
Use the transformation potion on the Egg to make the little Dragon appear.
Let's feed the Little Dragon with red berries.
The dragon has the ability to: Raise.
At this stage of the game, the Fairy leaves us, and the Dragon will become a new friend.

We use the ability of the dragon "to raise" on the lying upper part of the Cross to restore the monument.
Take the yellow gem 4/6 from the restored cross.

We go right to the skulls.
Use the dragon's ability to "raise" the Skull at the bottom of the screen and take part of the 3/15 doll.
Let's go back to the City Gate.
Click on the arrow above the wall to fly to the city.
Let's look into the sparkling pipe in the lower right corner of the screen for a hidden object scene.
We collect all the items on the list.

20, 10, 5 LB weights and a 4/15 doll piece go into inventory.
Examine the Gate on the left to the left.
We hang the weights from the inventory on the correct hooks to open the City Gate.
Click on the Lever on the right screen to the right of the gate to open the gate.
See screenshot for solution.
Go back through the wall to the City Gate, then go to the City Square through the gate.

Use the ability of the dragon to "lift" on the barrel on the left to break the barrel and take the yellow gem 5/6.
We jump into the well.
Use the Dragon ability to "lift" on the board blocking the door to remove it.
Water will begin to flow into the well.

Pick up the HEART KEY and the transformation potion in front of the well.
We enter the building of the pharmacy on the right.

Use the Ability to "lift" on the bottle at the bottom left to break the bottle and take the 5/15 part of the doll.
We go (arch in the left far part of the room) into the storage room.

Use the Ability to "lift" on the Bucket at the bottom right of the screen to take part of the doll 6/15 and on the cabinet on the left to take the yellow gem 6/6.
When we are asked to return to the Evil Tree, choose Yes.
Click on the crystal that contains the Fairy Queen.
Place the six YELLOW JEWELS in the empty slots for a puzzle.
Click on the arrows surrounding the holes to place the yellow gems in the yellow slots.
See screenshot for solution.

The Fairy Queen is free!
In gratitude, we receive a pot.

Chapter 3: Mayor of the City.

Let's go back to the closet.
Examine the shelves in the stone alcove on the left for a HOS.
We collect all the items on the list.
The 4 flowers and the dragon berry seed are added to inventory.
Step back.
Click on the sleeping pharmacist.

Place 3 flowers (except for the Rose) in the correct circles on the right.
We will decorate different parts of the tattoo with flowers.
The solution is on the screen.
After waking up, we get the book of RECIPES from the pharmacist.
Take the transformation potion that appears on the floor.
Use the Ability to "lift" on the vase on the right to break it and take the blue gem 1/7.

Let's go back to the closet.

Place the RECIPE BOOK on the Stand and the dragonberry seed in the Pot above the book.
Flip through the pages of the book until we find the Fire Pepper page.
Click on the shelves on the left for a HOS.
We collect all the items on the list.
Ingredients 8/8 go into inventory.
Step back.
Let's examine the set of test tubes on the table.

Place ingredients 8/8 in the tube set, then follow the directions on the board.
Solution on the screen:

1st Row: Mix the Shell and the Stone to get the sandstone in the test tube in the 2nd row.
1st Row: Mix Grass and Animal to get Fertilizer in 2nd row.
2nd Row: Mix sandstone and Fertilizer to get Saltpeter in 3rd row.
1st Row: Mix the Moss and Acid to get the bacteria in the 2nd row.
1st Row: Mix Water and Earth to get Mud.
2nd Row: Mix the bacteria and the Dirt to get the Sulfur in the 3rd row.
3rd Row: Mix Saltpeter and Sulfur to get Fire PEPPER.
Take the test tube with the fiery pepper into inventory.
Let's go back to the closet.
Examine the large Stand at the far end of the pantry.
Use the transformation potion on the dragon berry seed.
We take the grown berries and feed the Dragon berries.
A new Dragon ability will unlock: Smoke!

We use the ability of the Dragon: Smoke on the bee sitting on the pot with flowers on the cabinet and take the blue gem 2/7.
Let's return to the City Square to the well.
We go up the stairs to the entrance to the toy shop.

Use the Ability to "lift" on the barrel on the right and take part of the 7/15 doll from the barrel.
use the ability to "raise" to the Core to the left of the sleeping toy master.
Let's examine the hands of the toy master: he has a tattoo that will need to be decorated.
Place the FLOWER (rose) in the corresponding circle on the right.
Click on the sparkling barrel near the entrance to the shop for a HOS.
We collect all the items on the list.

Flowers go into inventory
Let's examine the hands of the toy master.
Place the flowers in the corresponding circles on the right.
Use flowers to color different parts of the tattoo.
After the wizard wakes up, we get the coloring.
We take the transformation potion.
Click on Bella's Bear on the left on the bench.
The bear turns into a blue gem 3/7, take it.
Click on the sparkling barrel for a HOS.
We collect all the items on the list.
KEYS 3/3 go into inventory.
Examine the Toy Shop door.

Change the position of the planks on top to control the puppet and place its limbs in the correct positions.
Place the heart key in the keyhole in the middle of the puppet to open the door.
The solution is on the screen.
We enter the Toy shop.

Use the Ability to "lift" on the shield hanging on the wall to the left to remove it and take the 8/15 part of the doll.
We rise along the spiral staircase to the second floor of the shop.

We use the ability of the Dragon: Smoke on the Giant Flying Bee.
Use the Ability to "lift" on the Lantern standing on the table and on the crack on the floor, take the blue gem 4/7 and part of the doll 9/15.
Use the transformation potion on the Giant Bee to turn it into a small one.
The bee flies off the floor.
We take the transformation potion.
Examine the small table at the bottom of the screen.
We put the coloring on the table.

Paint the scissors with a brush in gray.
Use the transformation potion on the scissors in the picture to turn them into toy scissors and take them into inventory.
Click on the table, put the coloring on the table and paint the heart in the picture in red with a brush.
Use the transformation potion in the picture to turn the drawing into an iron HEART and take it into inventory.
Collect honey dripping from the ceiling into the pot.
We go up the spiral staircase to the third floor.
Examine the cradle in the center of the room.

We remove the blanket from the cradle and collect all the objects of evil.
After collecting all the items of evil, the room will be cleared of evil.
Take the transformation potion and the blue gem 5/7 from the floor.

Examine the doll on the wall to the right.
Click on one of the six colored buttons at the top to select a color.
The object of the game is to color the squares on the board in 25 steps.
We take a wooden heart.

Use the Ability to "lift" the curtain in the upper right corner of the screen and the cracked floorboard, take parts of the doll 10/15 and 11/15.
This area has been cleared, return to the 1st floor.
Use scissors to cut the threads at the puppet on the stage to clear the room of evil.

We take the transformation potion.
We use the ability of the Dragon: Smoke on the bee on the right and take the blue gem 6/7.
Examine the doll at the piano in the center of the room.
Insert BUTTONS 3/3 into the holes of the piano.
Take the GOLDEN RING from the cache.
Let's go back to the 2nd floor.
Click on the far wall.
Place the pieces of the 11/15 puppet on the screen: they will appear at the top of the screen.
Place the METAL HEART on the middle body and the WOODEN HEART on the body on the right.
We are missing four parts, so take your time to collect the puppets.
Let's go back to Troll Bridge.
Give the pot of HONEY to the Troll to get rid of it.

Use the Ability to "lift" on the ball located on the roof of the hut and take the 12/15 part of the doll.
Click on the sparkling hut for a HOS.
We collect all the items on the list.
The WIND-UP KEY will be added to inventory.
Let's go back to the 1st floor of the toy shop.
Click on the piano doll again.
Place the Clockwork Key into the puppet, then use the Transformation Potion on the Clockwork Key.
The puppet will start playing.
Let's return to the Troll Bridge and go forward to the tower.
Pour the Fire Pepper from the test tube onto the hair around the tower.
We go forward to the next area to the house of the gnomes.
Use the ability to "lift" the ax in the tree to pull it out of the tree.
Take the transformation potion from the path.
Click on the beds to the right of the path for a HOS.
We collect all the items on the list.
HANO and RAKE go into inventory.
Click on the sparkling cart for a HOS.
We collect all the items on the list.
The FIREWORKS will be added to inventory.
Let's go back to Rapunzel Tower one step back.
FIREWORKS burn the Hair on the tower, thus clearing the area of ​​evil.
We take the transformation potion.
Click on the sparkling well on the right for a HOS.
We collect all the items on the list.
The 13/15 DOLL PIECE goes into inventory.
We enter the Rapunzel Tower.

Examine the picture with the fox depicted in the upper right.
We use the ability of the Dragon: Smoke, to lure the fox out of the hole.
Take the doll part 14/15 from its mouth.

Click on the spinning wheel in the lower left corner.
We put the CENO on the spinning wheel to make GOLDEN thread, we take it from the spinning wheel.
Use the Ability to "raise" on the pillows on the bed, take the blue gem 7/7.

Place the 7 BLUE gems in the empty holes in the crystal with the mayor inside to start a puzzle.
Click on the arrows surrounding the holes to place the blue gems in the blue slots.
The mayor of the city has been released!
We get a doll wig from his hands.

Chapter 4: Head Gnome.

The fairy has returned and is now with you again.
Let's go back to the pantry of the Pharmacy.

We use the fairy ability: water on the plant on the floor in a wooden tub on the left and take a green gem 1/8 from the floor.
Step back to the Pharmacy.

We use the ability of the fairy: water on the vine growing on the rafters and take the green gem 2/8.
We go to the City Square to the well.
We use the fairy ability: water on the tree in front of the Pharmacy and take the green gem 3/8.
We go to the skulls.

We use the ability of the fairy: water on the plant in the middle of the road and take the green gem 4/8.
We go to the Troll Bridge.

We use the ability of the fairy: water on the flowers growing at the foot of the bridge and take the green gem 5/8.
We go to the Rapunzel Tower.

We use the ability of the fairy: water to fire in the lower left corner of the screen and take the green gem 6/8.
We enter the Rapunzel Tower.

Click on the picture with the scarecrow in the upper left.
We use the ability of the fairy: water on a dried riverbed to fill it with water and take part of the 15/15 doll.

We use the fairy ability: water on the potted plant on the fireplace and take the green gem 7/8 from the mantelpiece.
Dress up the WIG on Rapunzel and use the transformation potion on the Wig to make the hair grow.
Rapunzel will give us a rag HEART.
Let's go back to the 2nd floor of the toy shop.

Click on the far wall of the room.
Place the RAG HEART on the puppet on the left, lay out the parts of the doll from inventory 15/15 and make up the puppets from the parts.
Take the puppets into inventory.
Let's go down to the 1st floor.
Examine the scene at the far end of the room.
We place three dolls on the stage.
They will start dancing and turn into children!
Hit the kids on stage
The toy maker will customize the DOOR HANDLE.
We go to the house of the gnomes.

We use the fairy ability: the diamond on the windows of the house to take part of the plan 1/8 and the green gem 8/8.
Let's move to the evil Tree.
Click on the crystal on the left.

Place 8 green gems in the empty holes in the daddy gnome crystal to start a puzzle.
Daddy Gnome is free!
We get otgnoma COAL in gratitude.

Chapter 5: The Prince

Let's go back to the house of the gnomes.
Let's examine the door.

Replace the handle and turn the rings so that both lenses are fully open.
We enter the house.

We use the ability of the fairy: the diamond on the frame in the upper right corner of the screen to break it and take part of the plan 2/8.
We go to the right into the bedroom.

Let's take a closer look at the gnome - the Gardener, who is sleeping on the bunk in the lower right.
We put the rake into the hands of the Gardener and take the black gem 1/12 from the sleeve.

We use the ability of the fairy: the diamond break the glass on the frame on the right.
Take part of the plan 3/8.
We go forward to the library.

We use the ability of the fairy: the diamond on the mirror on the left under the dragon and take part of the plan 4/8.
Let's go back two steps into the hallway and go straight to the Kitchen.
Examine the Cheese on the table on the right.
Take a small piece of CHEESE.
Examine the hole in the wall under the table.
We put the CHEESE on the floor in front of the Mouse to lure him out and keep the cat busy.

We use the ability of the fairy: the diamond on the frame in the upper left above the stove and take part of the 5/8 plan.

Examine the bowl of milk on the floor on the left.
Apply the transformation potion to the saucer to turn it into a jug of milk and take it into inventory.
Pour the jug of milk onto the Gingerbread Man in the oven to clear the room of evil.
Take the transformation potion from the floor.
Examine the supply cabinet on the left for a HOS.
We collect all the items on the list.
The WOODEN SPOON and the MATCHES go into inventory.
Let's go back to the hallway.
Take the transformation potion on the floor.
Click on the boxes on the left for a HOS.
We collect all the items on the list.
The pickaxe, the RED jar, the BLUE jar x2, and the YELLOW jar go into inventory.
Use the Dragon's ability to "raise" on the inverted corner of the carpet at the bottom of the screen.
Examine the hole in the floor and solve the puzzle.

Move the black triangles from the center of the puzzle to the corners.
See screenshot for solution.
Take the GOLDEN RING (3).
Let's go back to the bedroom.

Click on the gnome - Miner, sleeping on the upper bunk on the left.
Place the pickaxe in the miner's hand and take the black gem 2/12.
Let's go back to the Kitchen.

Let's take a closer look at the Oven.
Put the CHARCOAL in the oven to heat it up and then click on the corner so that the fairy gains the Fairy's Ability: fire!
Use the Fairy's Ability: fire on the Candle standing on the right side of the Oven to melt it and take the black gem 3/12.

Let's go back to the hallway.
Use the Fairy's Ability: fire on the web in the upper left corner of the doorway to take the black gem 4/12.

Let's go back to the bedroom.
Use the Fairy's Ability: fire on the cobwebs in the lower left under the bed to take part of the 6/8 plan.

Let's take a closer look at the gnome - the Chef, who is sleeping on the lower bunk on the left.
We return the wooden spoon to the cook and take the black gem 5/12.

Let's take a closer look at the gnome - the Soldier sleeping on the upper bunk on the right.
We give the matches to the soldier and take the black gem 6/12.
The room is cleared of evil.
We take the transformation potion.
We go to the Library.

Use the Fairy's Ability: fire on three flying books to clear the room of evil.
Take the transformation potion and the BOOK that is on the floor.
Use the Fairy's Ability: fire on the books with the fire emblem in the cabinet on the left to burn them.
We use the ability of the fairy: a diamond on the crack at the top of the arch in the center of the library.
Take the black gem 7/12 and part of the 7/8 plan.

Examine the box on the middle shelf on the right.
Click on the colored buttons on the side of the box to move the Sheet to a square of the same color.
The object of the game is to move the Sheet to the hole in the center of the box.
Click on the buttons in the following order: Red, Green, Blue, Red, Green, purple.
Take the STONE for casting from the box.

Examine the bookshelf at the top of the stairs at the far end of the library.
Place the BOOK on the puzzle to activate it.
Let's swap the books: the solution is on the screen to open the secret passage.
We pass through the secret passage to the workshop.

We use the ability of the fairy: diamond to break the frame in the upper right corner near the ceiling.
Take the 8/8 part of the plan inside.
Click on the middle shelf on the right.
Place the colored bubbles from our inventory on the shelf.
Then mix the bubble paint correctly to get the color of the rhombuses below.
See screenshot for solution.
- Pour the Red Bubble into the right hole.
- Pour the Blue Bubble into the middle hole.
- Pour the Yellow Bubble into the left hole.
- Pour the Blue Bubble into the left hole.

Take the GOLDEN RING (4).

Use the Fairy's Ability: fire on the two cobweb-covered holes and take the STONE for casting (2) and the black gem 8/12.

Let's examine the plans of the castle on the wall.
Place the 8 parts of the plan on the plan and arrange the parts in their places.
See screenshot for solution.
Examine the gem on the wall.
Use the Dragon's "Raise" Ability to remove it.
Take the black gem 9/12.
Let's go back to the Kitchen.

Click on the Oven.
Place the GOLDEN thread in the ladle to melt it.
We put two stones for casting under the ladle.
Remove the top stone and take the GOLDEN RING (5).
We leave from the house into the yard.

Use the Fairy's Ability: fire on the Scarecrow hat on the right to get the black gem 10/12.
We go to the Rapunzel Tower.

Use Fairy Ability: Fire on the web-covered hole in the tree on the right to get the black gem 11/12.
We enter the Rapunzel Tower.

Use the Fairy's Ability: fire on the torch in the center of the wall to get the black gem 12/12.
Collected all the black gems!
Let's move to the evil tree.

Click on the prince crystal on the right.
Place the 12 BLACK GEMS on the empty holes in the crystal for a puzzle.
The prince is free!
Click on the portal that appeared instead of the evil tree.

Click on the end of the path.
We put 5 GOLD RINGS on the stones, as on fingers.
We use the transformation potion on each of them.
We go to the opened portal.

Chapter 6: Witch's Lair - Bonus Level.

Zoom in on the bottom of the Tower to start a puzzle.
Let's play japanese crossword.
See screenshot for solution.

We go through the opened door to the Tower.
We go up the stairs to the gingerbread painting number 3 and jump into it.
Let's examine the door of the house.

Use the green ribbon to connect all the green circles in between with a continuous line.
See screenshot for solution.
We enter the opened door of the gingerbread house, after completing the puzzle.
Examine the bread on the table to the right.
Take the KNIFE into inventory.
Click on the cabinet on the left for a HOS.
We collect all the items on the list.
The SHIELD (x4) goes into inventory.
Let's return from the painting to the tower (two steps back).
We go down the steps to the ship painting number 2 and dive into it.
Examine the Mermaid caught in the net on the left.
Cut the nets with a knife and free the Mermaid.
We get fish oil.
Let's go back to the Tower.
We go down the stairs to the forest picture number 1 and dive into it.
We lubricate the cords with fish oil to free the gnome.
We get the cords in inventory.
Let's go back to the Tower.
We go up the stairs to the ship's painting number 2 and dive into it.
Zoom into the Harp at the far end of the deck and insert the cords into it to start a puzzle.
Repeating at the computer, click on the strings in the order shown on the Harp to play a melody that will put the Sirens to sleep.
Zoom in on the islet with the Sirens on the right.

We take in inventory a pot of gold.
Let's go back to the Tower.
We go down the stairs to the forest picture number 1 and jump into it.
Zoom into the STUMP in the center of the screen and place the pot of gold inside.
Let's go back to the Tower.
Climb the stairs to the ice painting number 4 and jump into it.
Click on the front gate to start a puzzle.
Game three in a row.
We go to the gate.

Examine each of the four statues placed around the Phoenix.
Give each of the four statues a shield and turn the statues to face Phoenix.
The ice has melted and Phoenix is ​​free!
Let's go back to the Tower.
Go down the stairs to the gingerbread painting number 3 and jump into it.
We go into the house, bring the cauldron closer and take out the young CENTAUR from the cauldron.
Let's go back to the Tower.
We go up to the end of the stairs.
We give the young centaur to the Centaur - the Father.
We get a trident in inventory.
We go down the stairs to the ship picture number 2 and jump into it.

Let's examine the stern of the ship.
Give the Trident to the statue and get the UNICORN STONE.
Let's go back to the Tower.
We rise to the end of the stairs and enter the door.
Let's examine the Unicorn.
Place the UNICORN STONE in the indentation on the unicorn for a puzzle.

Move the tiles to restore the image.
Click on the freed Unicorn to fly to another castle.
Click on the big Eye on the front door.
Move the circles as shown in the screenshot.

We enter the opened door to the courtyard.
Click on the sparkling area to the right between the two statues for a HOS.
We collect all the items on the list.

The BLUE, RED, PINK MAKEUP and SPONGE go into inventory.
Click on the small dead bush next to the gargoyle.
Collect flies on the branches (x10).
Let's examine the Gate.
We rotate the discs on the door until each one is in the correct position.

We pass through the Gate into the great hall.
Examine the painting at the top left of the stairs and take the scarecrow from the painting into inventory.
Examine the painting at the top right of the stairs.
We put the STUMP in the picture to drive the crows away and take the crow's feather.

Examine the painting at the top left of the stairs again.

Take the GREEN CRYSTAL BALL on which the crows are sitting.
Let's return to the Courtyard.
We sweep the FEATHER OF A RAVEN over the body of each of the three Gargoyles to take a gear from the mouth of each gargoyle.

The two large and one medium gears go into inventory.

Examine the lamp post on the right and take the candle into inventory.
Let's return to the Great Hall.
Use the Dragon's ability to "lift" to remove the Chandelier from the road and examine the door.

Insert the gears into the door so that you first open the upper lock by turning the upper lever down.
Move the gears to open the bottom lock.
See screenshot for solution.
We go through the door into the hall with portraits.

Zoom in on the green painting on the left.
Insert the GREEN CRYSTAL BALL into it.
We pick up the stained glass berries from the floor and dive through the green portal into the greenhouse.

Let's give each of the plants, Mukhalov, one fly.
Take the red Dragon Berries in the background and feed them to the Dragon.
The little dragon acquires the Dragon Ability: Frost!
Use Dragon Ability: Frost on each flycatcher to freeze them.
We use the ability of fairies: diamond to break them.
Let's return to the Hall of Portraits.

Examine the blue painting on the left.
Place the BLUE CRYSTAL BALL on the painting.
Take the stained glass dragon from the floor and dive through the blue portal to the observatory.

Click on the bottom of the Telescope.
We rotate the three rings on the telescope so that the image of the black hole is in the center.

Let's take a look at the top of the Telescope.
Change the position of the lenses as shown in the screenshot.
Examine the bookcase on the right and place a candle on it.
The candle will light up, thereby destroying the Black Hole.
Let's return to the Hall of Portraits.

Zoom in on the pink painting on the right.
Insert the PINK CRYSTAL BALL into it.
Take the stained glass KNIGHT and dive into the pink portal.

Examine the doll on the chair, near the mirror, at the far end of the room.
The object of the game is to make the doll look like its reflection.
Use a sponge to clean the doll's face.
We put BLUE makeup on her eye, RED makeup on her cheeks and PINK makeup on her lips.
See screenshot for solution.
Let's return to the Hall of Portraits.

Zoom in on the red painting on the right.
Insert the RED CRYSTAL BALL into it.
Take the stained glass smoke and dive through the red portal into the bedroom.
Click on the doll chair for a HOS.
We collect all the items on the list.
The PAPER, kindling, log, and LEVER go into inventory.
Examine the Fireplace on the right.

Place the PAPER, kindling and log in the Fireplace (in that order) and place the LEVER on the outside on the right.
Click on the lever to open the chimney. and
We use the ability of the fairy: fire to light the wood in the fireplace.
Examine the boarded up window on the right wall at the far end of the room.
Use the Dragon's ability to "lift" on the wooden planks to open the window.
Let's return to the Hall of Portraits.

Click on the yellow painting in the middle.
Place the YELLOW CRYSTAL BALL into the painting.
Take the stained-glass SUN over the painting and dive through the white portal.
Examine the Mirror at the far end of the room.
We use the Ability of the Dragon: smoke on the Mirror.
Notes will appear on the mirror.

Click on the cradle in the center of the room.
Let's change the position of the buttons on the music box so that the evil notes of the song change to good ones.
Let's return to the Great Hall.

Examine the painting at the top center of the stairs.
Place the Stained Glass elements in the picture in the following order: 1) SUN, 2) BERRIES, 3) DRAGON, 4) KNIGHT, 5) SMOKE.

After completing the story told by the picture, we go into the opened door to the throne room.
Let's examine the Throne in the center of the hall.
Place the CRYSTAL BALL on the paw, then click on it to activate it.

Climb the stairs to the next area.

We collect all the items on the list before the Witch has a chance to harm you.
Each time we finish a series of items, we take a part of the witch's health.

You read Passage of game Princess Isabella. Return of the Curse (Princess Isabella: Return of the Curse Walkthrough)

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It is known that they gained their popularity relatively recently, and the simplicity and brilliance of such games pushed them to the very top of computer entertainment. Game genre which can be downloaded without registration, is just one of them. After downloading and installing this mini-game, you can be sure that you will not get bored with it for a long time.

Russian version.
Princess Isabella was preparing to marry her lover, Prince Adam.
Before the wedding, she decided to go on a little trip. But, returning home, she discovers that a terrible curse was imposed on her castle. It turns out that these are the tricks of a mysterious witch who settled evil in every corner of the castle and imprisoned all its inhabitants in mirrors. You must uncover the secret of the curse and free the captives from the mirrors.
In the game, you, together with your magical friend - a cheerful fairy - have to solve puzzles and look for clues to free all the captives. An unforgettable adventure awaits you in the genres

The young princess Bella will have to confront evil. Darkness hung over the fairy kingdom when the black sorceress turned Queen Isabella into a stone statue. Join Bella on an exciting journey through magical worlds to fight back the evil witch and restore justice!

More details

Adventures in the fairy kingdom

The fairy kingdom plunged into darkness. The wicked witch could not come to terms with the fact that her appearance was overshadowed by the beauty of Queen Isabella, and turned her rival into a stone statue. Not better times came for the inhabitants of the kingdom ... However, fortunately, the young princess Bella was safe. Fairy godparents hid her from the wrath of the terrible witch. Now the brave princess must fight back evil and darkness!

An exciting journey through magical worlds and many amazing mysteries awaiting you awaiting a daredevil who would solve them. Are you smart enough to overcome all the obstacles and bring Queen Isabella back to life?

Learn to play the magic flute and make friends with the dragon, manage to make a magic wand and reveal the secrets of things around you, find a lot of cleverly hidden objects everywhere and meet amazing creatures that inhabit the magic universe of the game. Help Princess Bella restore justice and drive away wicked witch!

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Patio, 1st floor.

Examine the lion statue on the left, go through the # I'm looking for # level and get gears, a green pearl, a bear claw, a doorknob and a piano key. On the same statue I find a shard of a mirror. It is necessary to collect the fragments in order to restore the mirrors in which the inhabitants of the castle are closed. I look around the courtyard and collect all the pieces. I draw the door closer, insert the doorknob into place. I come in.

Main hall, 1st floor.

I look around the room and collect all the shards of mirrors. On the steps I found a note from my diary. These notes will appear throughout the game, telling the story of Isabella and the castle's inhabitants. Carefully examining the stained-glass windows on the right, I collect the objects of evil. Light is pouring from the windows # the witch's spell in this room has been destroyed. I examine the painting on the left (up the stairs to the left on the wall), correctly position the image, and gears appear in the lions' mouths. I take them for myself. Approaching the door on the first floor # insert the gears correctly. Door opened.

Hall of Mirrors, 1st floor.

I click on the first mirror frame and restore the image from the shards. I freed the servant, he opened the door for me to the next room.

Hall, 1st floor.

She picked up a bottle on the floor and got the ability to break (a stone icon appeared next to the fairy), whatever. I break a vase on the floor with a stone, and among the fragments I find the planet Mercury. The green door is still closed, we will return to it at the very end of the game.

Living room with piano, 1st floor.

On writing, I go through the level # I'm looking for # and prepare the first potion. I collect mirror fragments around the room. I break the jar on the table with a stone and find Venus among the fragments. I look into the fireplace and add the prepared potion to it # the enchantment in the room is destroyed.

Hall, 1st floor.

I break a vase on the floor with a stone and a plate on the table # received fragments. I go to the trophy room.

Trophy room, 1st floor.

Found two shards. There is a dark frame on the column # these are notes. In the fireplace I passed the # I'm looking # level and got a claw, two gun barrels, a key and Pluto. I go out into the hall.

Observatory, 1st floor.

I collect the fragments, find the last two of 8. On the right, on the platform, I break a blue sphere with a stone and get a planet. I'm getting closer to the telescope. I take a book on the table and put it on the stand. I pass the mini-game # repeat correctly from the book in the starry sky.

Completed the task, the enchantment in the room is destroyed. I carefully examine the chest at the foot of the stairs. I pass the level # I'm looking # and got another planet, two more rifle parts. Approaching the model of the universe # insert the missing planets in place: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Pluto, Mercury. After placing the planets in the correct order, the globe shatters on the table and I find a bear claw.

Living room with piano, 1st floor.

I put the keys in place. You need to play the melody from the notes. The correct keystroke sequence is: F # E # F # E # F # D # E # F # G # F # G # get bear claw.

Trophy room, 1st floor.

I bring the stuffed bear closer, insert all the claws into place # the enchantment in the room is destroyed. There are not enough weapons at the weapons stand, they still need to be found.

Hall of Mirrors, 1st floor.

I insert the fragments into the second frame from the mirror, the maid saved the girl. She gave me the missing piece of the rifle.

Main hall, 1st floor.

There is a bottle on the blue sofa on the left, I break it and get another piece of the rifle. I return to the trophy room.

Trophy room, 1st floor.

I approached the stand with weapons, arrange the parts of the rifles correctly, the entrance opens in the fireplace. I come in.

Tea room, 1st floor.

I am looking at the big picture, you need to destroy all the evil on it. I repeat this with all the paintings # it broke the enchantment in the room. On the table to the left, I go through # I'm looking for # and get a rotating gramophone disk and a gear from the calendar. I smash a plate on the table with a stone and find a shard of mirror. I find two more fragments around the room.

Hall, 1st floor.

I break the vase on the floor with a stone and get the fourth shard of the mirror.

Library, 1st floor.

On the stairs I go through the level # I'm looking for # and prepare a potion. I break the vase with a stone and get the ability to set fire. I gathered three fragments around the room. I notice that there is smoke at the top of the stairs, the floor is on fire - I apply a potion to the fire and the fire goes out. The enchantment in the room is broken.

Royal Treasures, 1st Floor.

I use fire on the skulls flying around the room, they disappear and the spell falls in the room. I take a bottle on the pillow and get the ability to wind. Approaching the crown on the pedestal. With the help of the wind I shake off the dust from it. Symbols are carved on the crown, I remember them. I zoom in on the window on the left and press the symbols that I memorized on the crown. The doors opened. Go through # I'm looking for # and get a gramophone needle and horn, a piano string. I find the last two shards of the mirror. I go to the tea room. Hall of Mirrors, 1st floor. Rebuilding the third mirror, freeing the nanny. She said that the witch attacked at lunchtime, that is, at 01.00, I remember that. I go to the library.

Library, 1st floor.

I go to the statue of Apollo. He asks me questions, and I answer.

1. What bird is hanging in the trophy above the fireplace? #PAVLIN.
2. How many lions guard the entrance to the castle? # 5.
3. Which planet is the 5th from the sun? #JUPITER
4. Indicate the time when the curse seized the castle? # 01.00

Apollo retreated. The entrance is open.

Kitchen, 1st floor.

We need to feed the ghosts. There is an old cookbook on the table, I am examining it. I hit the iron chandelier under the ceiling with a stone # I get splinters from the mirror. I break the bottle on the table with a stone and get another shard. I go out to the greenhouse.

Greenhouse, 1st floor.

I find two shards of a mirror. On the table with rotten seedlings I catch flies, 10 pcs. will be sufficient. You need to kill the biting plant. The mechanism is # to feed the plant with flies, and at the moment when the plant is chewing, I apply fire to it. The plant died, the spell fell from the room. I take a bottle on a chair and get the ability of water. And I immediately apply a new ability # watering flowers in pots, in each flower, I find something # two fragments, a bone and a dial. I go back to the kitchen.

Kitchen, 1st floor.

Once again, I carefully examine the book and tear out the leaflet with the recipe. I zoom in on the ingredient cabinet, apply the recipe to the cabinet, the # I'm looking for # level appears and prepares a potion. I put the pot on the table where the book is. Ghosts eat and disappear # spells slept from the room. I go through the window # I'm looking for # and get a record, a barrel plug and a dial wheel. I go to the cellar.

Cellar, 1st floor.

Collected three more shards from the mirror, that's all. On the wine shelf, you need to choose a bottle with evil, it should be the heaviest # this is the lowest bottle. I click on the bottle twice, the spell is broken. I bring the barrel closer, insert the plug on the tap and get a piece of rag.

Tea room, 1st floor.

I put all the parts of the gramophone in place # get the notes.

Hall of Mirrors, 1st floor.

Rebuilding the fourth mirror. I saved the cook, he got the third wheel to the dial.

Library, 1st floor.

You need to play notes on the globe. The correct sequence of pressing letters on the globe: F # E # E # F # A # G # A

The globe opened, I found an ax inside.

Cellar, 1st floor.

I approach the door, insert all the wheels into place, play the mini-game. The door is open, I come in.

Stable, 1st floor.

Found 4 mirror shards. In the horse stall, I play the mini-game # the spell slept. On the carriage I go # I'm looking for # and get a sword and two strings. I go to the garden.

Garden, 1st floor.

Collected three shards, restored the path on the bridge through the mini-game. I walk along the path to the fountain.

Fountain in the garden, 1st floor.

Collected all the fragments, now you can restore the mirror. I approach a part of the cooled lava, hit the lava with a stone, where pieces fall off from the lava, I find various objects. I look under the bridge and go through the level # I'm looking for #, making a potion. I apply the potion to the volcano # the spell has slept. Approaching the fountain, repairing it. The fountain works fine # found a disk from the calendar. I go to the hall of mirrors.

Hall of Mirrors, 1st floor.

Main hall, 1st floor.

I go up the steps to the door on the second floor, insert the discs into place and set the date November 18 # on the left wheel I set the month (11), on the right day (18). The door is open, I come in.

East Art Gallery, 2nd floor.