Skyrim new menu for creating a character in Russian. Download mods for skyrim. When upgrading from v2.7.x to v3.4.5

This mod is a major overhaul of the menu for creating and editing your character GG
The standard game menu for creating a GG is very meager and inconspicuous, the author decided to fix this by changing the visual design and adding new functions

Update: 3.4.0
- I'll tell you right away, everything that is written below in the list of changes in update 3.4.0 simply does not fit into my head, I have no idea what all this means, therefore I could not explain and translate in "human" language, everything is translated as it is, some The author uses scientific terms, so this all means only guessing, in the very fashion when translating there were no new functions and options, apparently this all concerns scripts and internal functionals such as NiSkinInstance, BodyMorph, CharGen, LoadCharacter, NetImmerse, but since all this the author made it means it is necessary for the mod to work.
- Fixed a bug with exporting the head
- Fixed crash when morphing NiSkinInstance armor uses BodyMorph
- Redesigned NetImmerse, should lead to reduced storage of data and files in saves to improve the operation of the mod and the game in general
- Added key-value for some BodyMorph functionality
- Added combinations of BodyMorph modes (Additive, Medium, Large)
- Added API conversion mode combinations (by size)
- Added skin changes (swapping textures, etc.) API to override NetImmerse
- Fixed all BodyMorph functions
- BodyMorph is now applied to NPCs in existing saves
- NetImmerse overrides BodyMorph and transforms the API and can remove keys on its own if named after related mods
- Applying BodyMorphs for armor is now parallelized (ini it is possible to disable existing ones)
- CharGen Preset updated to support changes in the BodyMorph API
- CharGen LoadCharacter functions now have flags to additionally load leftover data presets (transforms, BodyMorphs, Skin Overrides)

- Full list read all changes from previous versions in the readme in the archive

How to apply a tattoo in the character creation menu:
- After you enter the character customization menu via the showracemenu console on the right side of the settings window there will be 3 categories "Body painting", "Hand painting" and "Foot painting"
- Scroll down in the "Body Painting" or "Hand Painting" window and select with the mouse without clicking the "Default" item, at the bottom of the screen will appear new option"T-texture selection", activate this option and a new window will open with a selection of different tattoos
- Select the appropriate tattoo option and activate it, the tattoo will be installed on the selected part of the body
- Then you can adjust the color scheme for the selected tattoo

What's new:
- Beautiful, clear and convenient menu for creating a GG
- Additional sliders to change the muscles in the arms (biceps)
- Additional sliders to change the buttocks (Only works for skeletons that support TBBP)
- Additional sliders for changing breasts (Only works for skeletons that support, for example BBP, CBBP, UNPB)
- Advanced color functionality for hair and makeup (color of any shade)
- A bunch of new sliders to change the appearance (face) of the character
- Additional change in the type of GG (zoom in and out in full height)
- Works with support for any race and third party not game races
- Change your character's height (height)
- Camera move up / down / left / right, zoom - approach forward / backward
- On / Off lighting on your character
- Save / load any preset
- Adding different new sliders to customize your character
- Mod works well with CBBE, UNP, ADEC bodies and vanilla bodies

Which sliders will be added to the character creation categories:
- Face roundness
- Elven ear (you can make elven ears for any race, many will like it who loves elven ears)
- Ear height
- Ear shape
- Ear size
- Cheek width
- Roundness of the cheeks
- Jaw forward
- Eye shape
- Eye size
- Height of the century
- Upper eyelid height (you can squint your eyes)
- Lower eyelid height (you can squint your eyes)
- Angle of inclination of the eyes (the position of the extreme corners of the eyes, which makes it possible to raise or lower them)
- Pupil size
- Pupil position (you can move pupils left or right)
- Pupil height (centering the pupil in relation to the eyeball)
- The length of the eyelashes (you can increase or decrease the length of the eyelashes, it turns out very beautifully)
- Eye height
- Eye distance
- The depth of the eye sockets
- Tilt of the brow
- Curl of the brow
- Eyebrow height
- Eyebrow width
- Brows forward
- Forehead forward
- Lip shape
- Lip width
- Lip plump (you can increase the volume of the lips, the effect of filling with silicone)
- Upper lip size (you can reshape the upper lip separately from the lower lip)
- Lower lip size (you can reshape the upper lip separately from the upper lip)
- Position of the corners of the mouth (you can change the height of the corners of the mouth, which will give a kind of facial expressions)
- Depth of dimples (you can adjust the dimples in the corners of the mouth, which will give a peculiar twist)
- Lip height
- Chin width
- Chin length
- Chin forward
- Chin protrusion
- Chin depth
- Nose type
- Baffle width
- Tilting the tip of the nose
- The depth of the bridge of the nose
- The height of the bridge of the nose
- Nord face shape (general change of the entire face shape, category "Additional")
- Breton face shape (general change of the whole face shape)
- Imperial face shape (general change of the whole face shape)
- Redguard face shape (general change of the whole face shape)
- Wood elf face shape (general change of the whole face shape)
- Dark elf face shape (general change of the whole face shape)
- High elf face shape (general change in the entire face shape)
- Orc face shape (general change of the whole face shape)
- Forehead down

Camera option
- In this category, you can change the position of the camera in different directions, left, right, up, down, zooming in or out
- There are also 2 options "Primary" and "Secondary", this is the location of the camera movement buttons, for whom it is convenient, with the "Secondary" option, you need to hold the button and then move the camera, in addition, when you hold down the "Left Alt" key, you can rotate the character with his back to you, you need to press LALT and hold down and simultaneously press and hold A or D, to increase the rotation speed, you can change the rotation speed with the TAB button, you can zoom in or out with the W and S buttons

Sculptor option(In this category, you can visually change and customize facial forms)
"Import Head" - This function will import the geometry of the NIF File that are generated for the NPC (you either export or copy any NPC to the directory / directory)
"Sculptor" - This function is complex, the tools at your disposal are "Inflate", "Deflate", "Smooth", "Motion" and "Mask"
"Inflate / Deflate" - With these options you can move the front points / vertices with the mouse, that is, in the window you can change the shape of the face without sliders, and by moving the mouse across the face
"Antialiasing" - With this option you can move the front points / vertices with the mouse to the middle positions of all adjacent vertices, that is, align the front shapes. ATTENTION!!! Do not use "anti-aliasing" near openings such as the mouth
"Move" - ​​With this option you can move the face points / vertices in the direction of the cursor movement, perpendicular to the viewing plane
"Mask" - This option excludes the facial points / vertices from changes, including imported geometry, if you are importing a head with a visible neck seam, you must first mask the neck area before importing, in general, this option "Mask" covers the neck seam
"History" - History will store all previous actions performed when changing the front points / vertices, including "Sculptor Cleanup", "Geometry Import" and all actions performed by the "Brush" - "Pump" and "Pump out"
"Head parts" - This is a window for previewing changes to the wireframe, including meshes that are not available for changes (so they cannot be edited), which makes meshes visible or changes the color of the wireframe
"Clear Sculptor" - This option will erase / delete all sculpting data that you produced while editing the face from all active parts
"File Based Presets" - Face Presets can now be saved with filenames in new format json (.jslot files), if you are replacing an existing slot file, refrain from replacing the.slot file, click on the selected file when saving, which will overwrite the selected file and the file extension will change to be binary (binary), but will end up try to load the .json and everything will fail. Binary slot files can still be loaded for legacy purposes, however this format is no longer stored in CharGen
- Controller support for new sculpting features will not be supported, sorry

BodyMorph: New in version 3.1.0 and higher
- BodyMorph is an API, you need to have supported bodies. Basically, this is the BodySlide in the game, works on the player as well as the NPCs, and each can potentially have a different body. The newest version of BodySlide can export these files. You will not see anything in RaceMenu and this feature, but it will most likely be used by other mods in the future.

- Game version and higher
- SkyUI 4.1 and higher
- SKSE 1.07.02 and higher

How to enter the character creation menu:
In the console, type showracemenu (do it in some small room) or using the "Alternative showracemenu" mod

When upgrading from v2.9.x to v3.4.0:
- Just install on top with file replacement, make sure NiOverride.dll and CharGen.dll have been replaced as well

When upgrading from v2.7.x to v3.4.0:
- If you installed the optional module "Fix scripts to fix", then delete the following: in the Data / Scripts folder delete RaceMenuBase.pex and RaceMenuLoad.pex, also delete RaceMenuBase.psc and RaceMenuLoad.psc at Data / Scripts / Source and install updated version (this is only for those who have any errors with the work of the mod)
- Just install new version over the previous one with replacement of all files

When upgrading from v2.5.x to v3.4.0:
- Save in the game in a new empty save slot and exit the game
- Attention!!! If you have installed the addon "Extension for the RaceMenu mod - CharGen Extension", then remove the following:
1. Delete the CharGen ECE Morphs.esp file from the Data folder in the game
2. Delete the files CharGen ECE Morphs_english.txt and CharGen ECE Morphs_russian.txt along the Data / Interface / translations path
3. Delete the entire "morphs" folder at Data / meshes / actors / character / FaceGenMorphs
4. Delete the CustomRaces.esp folder at Data / meshes / actors / character / FaceGenMorphs
5. Delete the CharGen ECE Morphs.esp folder at Data / meshes / actors / character / FaceGenMorphs
6. Delete the EEO ECE Morphs.esp file from the Data folder in the game (if there is one)
7. Delete the EEO ECE Morphs.esp folder at Data / meshes / actors / character / FaceGenMorphs (if there is one)
- Attention!!! If you had the "Showracemenu Anti-Crash - Precache Killer" mod installed, then remove the following:
1. Delete the showRaceMenu_preCacheKiller.dll file at Data / SKSE / Plugins / (it is no longer needed)
- Attention!!! If you used the optional "Anti crash for SKSE 1.06.13-14-15-16" module, which was in the archive of the "RaceMenu" main mod, then delete the following:
1. Delete the file disablefacegencache.dll at Data / SKSE / Plugins / (it is no longer needed)
- Go into the game and save again, but in another empty save slot and exit
- That's it, now just install the new version on top previous version with file replacement

Installation:(Installation via NMM manager is not supported, only manually !!!)
There are 2 folders in the archive, Main mod and "Scripts to fix", if your mod does not work properly or to fix the version mismatch notification "
Place the data folder from the Main Mod to the root of the game and activate 3 esp. (RaceMenu.esp, RaceMenuOverlays.esp, RaceMenuPlugin.esp) in the launcher
If you get a notification when you enter the game with a version mismatch or the mod does not work, then install the fix from the "Scripts to fix" folder on top of the main mod


RaceMenu is an overhaul of the menu for creating and editing your character for Skyrim games LE. The standard game menu for creating a GG is very meager and inconspicuous, the author decided to fix this by changing the visual design and adding new functions.

How to preset your character. How to install a ready-made preset into the game. How to make a preset for a character from a favorite companion from the mod.

Update: 3.4.5
- Fixed a bug with the game crash when loading if you had a save in the location where there are decapitated corpses
- Parallel morphing is now disabled by default (experimental)
- Fixed processing in the analysis of errors in the morphs.ini file, in which racial filters could be ignored
- Fixed crash when decapitating a player or with NPCs that have support for overlays (face overlays), as a result, face overlays were disabled by default
- When updating, make sure that the files niOverride.dll, nioverride.ini, charGen.dll, chargen.dll at Data / SKSE / Plugins have also been replaced
- In version 3.4.5, the author deliberately disabled the "Face Tattoo" category (read below what to do to enable it).

- Read the full list of all changes from previous versions in the readme in the archive

- After you enter the character customization menu through the shoracemenu console, on the right side of the settings window there will be 3 categories "Body Tattoo", "Hand Tattoo", "Leg Tattoo". The category "Tattoo for the face" in version 3.4.5 is disabled intentionally, read below what to do.
- Scroll down in the window "Tattoo for body", "Tattoo for arms", "Tattoo for legs" down and without clicking "Default", a new option "T-select texture" will appear at the bottom of the screen, activate this option and a new window will open with a selection of different tattoos.
- Select the appropriate tattoo option and activate it, the tattoo will be installed on the selected part of the body.
- Then you can adjust the color scheme for the selected tattoo.
- IN latest version 3.4.5 the author deliberately disabled the category "Tattoo for the face", because it causes the game to freeze when decapitating, if your hero or NPC has a tattoo on his face.
- To enable the category "Face Tattoo", follow the path Data / SKSE / plugins / nioverride.ini
- Open the nioverride.ini file and look for the line
bEnableFaceOverlays = 0; Default and change to
bEnableFaceOverlays = 1; Default
- And in order to increase the number of superimposed tattoos on top of everything, in the same file nioverride.ini we are looking for a line
iNumOverlays = 6; Default and change to
iNumOverlays = 20; Default
- the value of 20 is the maximum possible value of the superimposed tattoos on each other.
- Well, you also need a mod that makes the player immune to decapitation (or disables decapitation completely if you are using face tattoos for NPCs), for example, like the VioLens - A Killmove Mod.

What's new:
- Beautiful, clear and convenient menu for creating a GG
- Additional sliders to change the muscles in the arms (biceps)
- Additional sliders to change the buttocks (Only works for skeletons that support TBBP)
- Additional sliders for changing breasts (Only works for skeletons that support, for example BBP, CBBP, UNPB)
- Advanced color functionality for hair and makeup (color of any shade)
- A bunch of new sliders to change the appearance (face) of the character
- Additional change in the type of GG (zoom in and out in full growth)
- Works with support for any race and third-party non-playable races
- Change your character's height (height)
- Camera move up / down / left / right, zoom - approach forward / backward
- On / Off lighting on your character
- Save / load any preset
- Adding different new sliders to customize your character
- Mod works well with CBBE, UNP, ADEC bodies and vanilla bodies

Which sliders will be added to the character creation categories:
- Face roundness
- Elven ear (you can make elven ears for any race, many will like it who loves elven ears)
- Ear height
- Ear shape
- Ear size
- Cheek width
- Roundness of the cheeks
- Jaw forward
- Eye shape
- Eye size
- Height of the century
- Upper eyelid height (you can squint your eyes)
- Lower eyelid height (you can squint your eyes)
- Angle of inclination of the eyes (the position of the extreme corners of the eyes, which makes it possible to raise or lower them)
- Pupil size
- Pupil position (you can move pupils left or right)
- Pupil height (centering the pupil in relation to the eyeball)
- The length of the eyelashes (you can increase or decrease the length of the eyelashes, it turns out very beautifully)
- Eye height
- Eye distance
- The depth of the eye sockets
- Tilt of the brow
- Curl of the brow
- Eyebrow height
- Eyebrow width
- Brows forward
- Forehead forward
- Lip shape
- Lip width
- Lip plump (you can increase the volume of the lips, the effect of filling with silicone)
- Upper lip size (you can reshape the upper lip separately from the lower lip)
- Lower lip size (you can reshape the upper lip separately from the upper lip)
- Position of the corners of the mouth (you can change the height of the corners of the mouth, which will give a kind of facial expressions)
- Depth of dimples (you can adjust the dimples in the corners of the mouth, which will give a peculiar twist)
- Lip height
- Chin width
- Chin length
- Chin forward
- Chin protrusion
- Chin depth
- Nose type
- Width of the partition
- Tilting the tip of the nose
- The depth of the bridge of the nose
- The height of the bridge of the nose
- Nord face shape (general change of the entire face shape, category "Additional")
- Breton face shape (general change of the whole face shape)
- Imperial face shape (general change of the whole face shape)
- Redguard face shape (general change of the whole face shape)
- Wood elf face shape (general change of the whole face shape)
- Dark elf face shape (general change of the whole face shape)
- High elf face shape (general change of the whole face shape)
- Orc face shape (general change of the whole face shape)
- Forehead down

Camera option
- In this category, you can change the position of the camera in different directions, left, right, up, down, zooming in or out
- There are also 2 options "Primary" and "Secondary", this is the location of the camera movement buttons, for whom it is convenient, with the "Secondary" option, you need to hold the button and then move the camera, in addition, when you hold down the "Left Alt" key, you can rotate the character with his back to you, you need to press LALT and hold down and simultaneously press and hold A or D, to increase the rotation speed, you can change the rotation speed with the TAB button, you can zoom in or out with the W and S buttons

Sculptor option(In this category, you can visually change and customize facial forms)
"Import head" - This function will import the geometry of the NIF File that are generated for the NPC (you either export or copy any NPC to the directory / directory)
"Sculptor" - This function is complex, the tools you have at your disposal are "Pump", "Pump out", "Smooth", "Motion" and "Mask"
"Inflate / Deflate" - With these options you can move the front points / vertices with the mouse, that is, in the window you can change the shape of the face without sliders, and by moving the mouse across the face
"Antialiasing" - With this option you can move the front points / vertices with the mouse to the middle positions of all adjacent vertices, that is, align the front shapes. ATTENTION!!! Do not use "anti-aliasing" near openings such as the mouth
"Move" - ​​With this option you can move the face points / vertices in the direction of the cursor movement, perpendicular to the viewing plane
"Mask" - This option excludes the facial points / vertices from changes, including imported geometry, if you import a head with a visible neck seam, you must first mask the neck area before importing, in general, this option "Mask" covers the neck seam
"History" - History will store all previous actions performed when changing the front points / vertices, including "Sculptor Cleanup", "Geometry Import" and all actions performed by the "Brush" - "Pump" and "Pump out"
"Head parts" - This is a window for previewing changes to the wireframe, including meshes that cannot be changed (so they cannot be edited), which makes meshes visible or changes the color of the wireframe
"Clear Sculptor" - This option will erase / delete all sculpting data that you produced while editing the face from all active parts
"File based presets" - Face presets can now be saved with filenames in the new json format (.jslot files), if you replace the existing slot file, refrain from replacing the.slot file, click on the selected file when saving, which will overwrite of the selected file and the file extension will change and will be as binary (binary), but in the end it will try to load the .json and everything will fail. Binary slot files can still be loaded for legacy purposes, however this format is no longer stored in CharGen
- Controller support for new sculpting features will not be supported, sorry

- BodyMorph is an API, you need to have supported bodies. Basically, it is in the game, it works for the player as well as for the NPC and each can potentially have different bodies. The newest version of BodySlide can export these files. You will not see anything in RaceMenu and this feature, but most likely it will be used by other mods in the future.

Equippable Transforms:
- This is additional internal data (not options) that can be tied to the armor, which will be applied in NiTransform to the skeleton and to replace High Heels (high heels).

Skyrim LE
4.1 and up

How to enter the character creation menu:
In the console, type showracemenu (do it in some small room) or using the mod

When upgrading from v2.9.x to v3.4.5:
- Just install on top with file replacement, make sure the files NiOverride.dll, nioverride.ini, charGen.dll, chargen.dll at Data / SKSE / Plugins have also been replaced

When upgrading from v2.7.x to v3.4.5:
- If you installed the optional module "Fix scripts to fix", then delete the following: in the Data / Scripts folder delete RaceMenuBase.pex and RaceMenuLoad.pex, also delete RaceMenuBase.psc and RaceMenuLoad.psc at Data / Scripts / Source and install updated version (this is only for those who have any errors with the work of the mod)
- Just install the new version over the previous one, replacing all files

When upgrading from v2.5.x to v3.4.5:
- Save in the game to a new empty save slot and exit the game
- Attention!!! If you have installed the addon "Extension for the RaceMenu mod - CharGen Extension", then remove the following:
1. Delete the CharGen ECE Morphs.esp file from the Data folder in the game
2. Delete the files CharGen ECE Morphs_english.txt and CharGen ECE Morphs_russian.txt along the Data / Interface / translations path
3. Delete the entire "morphs" folder at Data / meshes / actors / character / FaceGenMorphs
4. Delete the CustomRaces.esp folder at Data / meshes / actors / character / FaceGenMorphs
5. Delete the CharGen ECE Morphs.esp folder at Data / meshes / actors / character / FaceGenMorphs
6. Delete the EEO ECE Morphs.esp file from the Data folder in the game (if there is one)
7. Delete the EEO ECE Morphs.esp folder at Data / meshes / actors / character / FaceGenMorphs (if there is one)
- Attention!!! If you had the mod installed, then remove the following:
1. Delete the showRaceMenu_preCacheKiller.dll file at Data / SKSE / Plugins / (it is no longer needed)
- Attention!!! If you used the optional module "Anti crash for SKSE 1.06.13-14-15-16", which was in the archive of the main "RaceMenu" mod, then delete the following:
1. Delete the file disablefacegencache.dll at Data / SKSE / Plugins / (it is no longer needed)
- Go into the game and save again, but in another empty save slot and exit
- That's it, now just install the new version over the previous version with the replacement of files

Installation: (Installation via NMM manager is not supported, only manually !!!)
There are 2 folders in the archive, Main mod and "Scripts to fix", if your mod does not work properly or to fix the version mismatch notification "
Place the data folder from the Main Mod to the root of the game and activate 3 esp. (RaceMenu.esp, RaceMenuOverlays.esp, RaceMenuPlugin.esp) in the launcher
If you get a notification when you enter the game with a version mismatch or the mod does not work, then install the fix from the "Scripts to fix" folder on top of the main mod

Expansion of the original character creation menu.

Skyrim version 1.9 or higher
SKSE version 1.7.2 or higher

Upgrade to 3.4.5

  • Fixed a crash when loading a cell with decapitated bodies;
  • Parallel morph setting is now disabled by default;
  • Fixed a bug in morphs.ini, due to which the race filter could be ignored;
  • Fixed a crash when decapitating a player and an NPC with an overlay on their face Face overlay is now disabled by default;
  • Fix a hidden bug in morphs.ini where there was no stripping of spaces as a result of a line load failure;
  • Added files (CharGen.pdb and NiOverride.pdb) for debugging.

How to upgrade:
For RaceMenu users, version 3.3.0, 3.4.x:
  • Install the new version over the previous one with overwriting files.
RaceMenu makes the following changes to the character creation menu:

New and more convenient SkyUI-style interface in comparison with the original. All sliders are grouped by tabs in a vertical list.

There are four general tabs in the character creation menu:

1. Sliders

The main tab, which includes the selection of race and gender, as well as editing parts of the face and head. Added texture mapping to body, arms and feet. Thanks to the overlay, you can use more than one war paint on your character and now you can safely apply additional tattoos and other specially adapted textures to the character's body without changing the main texture from the root directory. Added additional sliders, incl. character growth editing.

2. Presets

In this tab, you can save the already finished appearance of the character and then use it in new game or in another save. Everything is stored in the plugin's memory, no dependency on saves. When loading a ready-made appearance (preset), summary statistics on sliders, overlays, and more will be displayed in the left empty field.

3. Camera

In this contribution, it will be possible to adjust the location of the creation menu camera relative to the character, left / right or up / down, as well as zoom in / out and rotate around the character (left / right). All these manipulations with the camera may be required when creating a unique character, for example, applying texture to hands, feet or back. The camera control keys are presented on the bottom panel. Everything is very convenient and informative. 4. Face sculptor
In this tab, you can change (deform) the head of your character (its parts) almost as you like. In general, an imitation of clay modeling. All information on the sculptor's tools is presented at the bottom of the screen. Choosing and sculpting.

  • BodyGen Tool - For advanced users and modmakers.
  • Equippable Transforms Tool - for advanced users and modmakers.
  • NetImmerse Override is included in the plugin.
  • Support for an extended color palette for skin, hair and more.
  • Ability to customize the glow of textures, if possible.
  • The plugin has a built-in fix that eliminates the crash / permanent hang of the game when using a large number of hairstyles.

A visual demonstration of the possibilities in the video:

Additional extensions / fixes (archived):
  • Loose base scripts- for those who have the message "Invalid RaceMenuBase script version detected". The installation is standard.
  • Mimic Plugin v2-0- adds a spell that will start simulating the target character's facial animation (working with characters from mods is not guaranteed). The installation is standard. To get the spell use the console by typing "player.addspell xx000d63" without quotes.
  • Overlays Plugin- adds several textures to visually demonstrate the possibilities of applying RaceMenu to the body of your character. Installation is standard.
Recommended for use:

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Character Customization Menu

Game platform: TES V: Skyrim legendary Edition

Name: RaceMenu

Russian name: Character customization menu

Current version: 3.4.5​

Fashion language: English

The size: 20.6 MB


This mod is a major overhaul of the menu for creating and editing your GG character. The standard game menu for creating a GG is very meager and inconspicuous, the author decided to fix this by changing the visual design and adding new functions.

Mod changes:

Update: 3.4.5

  • Fixed a bug with the crash of the game when loading if you had a save in the location where there are decapitated corpses.
  • Parallel morphing is now disabled by default (experimental).
  • The processing of errors in the morphs.ini file in the analysis, in which racial filters could be ignored, has been fixed.
  • Fixed a crash when decapitating a player or with NPCs that have support for overlays (face overlays), as a result, face overlays were disabled by default.
  • When updating, make sure that the files niOverride.dll, nioverride.ini, charGen.dll, chargen.dll at Data / SKSE / Plugins have also been replaced.
  • Read the full list of all changes from previous versions in the readme in the archive.
How to apply a tattoo in the character creation menu:
  • After you enter the character customization menu through the showracemenu console, on the right side of the settings window there will be 3 categories "Body paint", "Hand paint" and "Foot paint".
  • Scroll down in the "Body painting" or "Hand painting" window and select with the mouse without clicking the "Default" item, a new option "T-texture selection" will appear at the bottom of the screen, activate this option and a new window will open with a selection of different tattoos.
  • Select the appropriate tattoo option and activate it, the tattoo will be installed on the selected part of the body.
  • Then you can adjust the color scheme for the selected tattoo.
What's new:
  • Nice, clear and convenient view of the menu for creating a GG.
  • Additional sliders to change the muscles in the arms (biceps).
  • Additional sliders for changing the buttocks (Only works for skeletons that support TBBP).
  • Additional sliders for changing breasts (Only works for skeletons that support, for example BBP, CBBP, UNPB).
  • Advanced color functionality for hair and makeup (color of any shade).
  • A bunch of new sliders to change the appearance (face) of the character.
  • Additional change in the type of GG (zoom in and out in full growth).
  • Works with support for any race and third-party non-playable races.
  • Change your character's height (height).
  • Camera moving up / down / left / right, zoom - approaching forward / backward.
  • Turn on / off lighting on your character.
  • Adding different new sliders to customize your character.
  • The mod works well with CBBE, UNP, ADEC bodies and vanilla bodies.
Sliders in the character creation category:

Major interface changes

  • Roundness of the face
  • Elven ear (you can make elven ears for any race, many will like it who loves elven ears)
  • Ear height
  • Ear shape
  • Ear size
  • Cheek width
  • Roundness of the cheeks
  • Jaw forward
  • Eye shape
  • Eye size
  • Century height
  • Upper eyelid height (you can squint your eyes)
  • Lower eyelid height (you can squint your eyes)
  • Angle of inclination of the eyes (the position of the extreme corners of the eyes, which makes it possible to raise or lower them)
  • Pupil size
  • Pupil position (you can move your pupils left or right)
  • Pupil height (centering the pupil in relation to the eyeball)
  • The length of the eyelashes (you can increase or decrease the length of the eyelashes, it turns out very beautifully)
  • Eye height
  • Eye distance
  • Eye socket depth
  • Tilt of the brow
  • Curl of the brow
  • Eyebrow height
  • Eyebrow width
  • Brows forward
  • Forehead forward
  • Lip shape
  • Lip width
  • Lip plump (you can increase the volume of the lips, the effect of filling with silicone)
  • Upper lip size (you can reshape the upper lip separately from the lower lip)
  • Lower lip size (you can reshape the upper lip separately from the upper lip)
  • The position of the corners of the mouth (you can change the height of the corners of the mouth, which will give a peculiar facial expression)
  • Dimple depth (you can customize the dimples at the corners of the mouth, which will give a peculiar twist)
  • Lip height
  • Chin width
  • Chin length
  • Chin forward
  • Chin protrusion
  • Chin depth
  • Nose type
  • Baffle width
  • Tilting the tip of the nose
  • The depth of the bridge of the nose
  • Nose bridge height
  • Nord face shape (general change of the entire face shape, category "Additional")
  • Breton face shape (general change of the whole face shape)
  • Imperial face shape (general change of the whole face shape)
  • Redguard face shape (general change in the entire face shape)
  • Wood elf face shape (general change of the whole face shape)
  • Dark elf face shape (general change of the whole face shape)
  • High elf face shape (general change of the whole face shape)
  • Orc face shape (general change of the whole face shape)
  • Forehead down
Camera option
  • In this category, you can change the position of the camera in different directions, left, right, up, down, zooming in or out.
  • There are also 2 options "Primary" and "Secondary", this is the location of the camera movement buttons, for whom it is convenient, with the "Secondary" option, you need to hold the button and then move the camera, in addition, when you hold down the "Left Alt" key, you can use your character rotate with your back to you, you need to press LALT and keep pressed and simultaneously press and hold A or D, to increase the rotation speed, you can change the rotation speed with the TAB button, you can zoom in or out with the W and S buttons.

Sculptor option(In this category, you can visually change and customize facial forms)

  • "Import Head" - This function will import the geometry of the NIF File that are generated for the NPC (you either export or copy any NPC to a directory / directory).
  • Sculptor - This function is complex, the tools you have at your disposal are Pump, Pump, Smooth, Move and Mask.
  • "Inflate / Deflate" - With these options you can move the front points / vertices with the mouse, that is, in the window you can change the shape of the face without sliders, but by moving the mouse over the face.
  • "Antialiasing" - With this option you can move the front points / vertices with the mouse to the middle positions of all adjacent vertices, that is, align the front shapes. ATTENTION!!! Do not use anti-aliasing near openings such as the mouth.
  • "Move" - ​​With this option you can move the face points / vertices in the direction of the cursor movement, perpendicular to the viewing plane.
  • "Mask" - This option excludes the facial points / vertices from changes, including imported geometry, if you import a head with a visible neck seam, you must first mask the neck area before importing, in general, this option "Mask" covers the neck seam.
  • "History" - The history will store all the previous actions performed when changing the front points / vertices, including "Sculptor cleaning", "Geometry import" and all actions performed by the "Brush" - "Pumping" and "Pumping out".
  • "Head Parts" - This is a window for previewing changes to the wireframe, including meshes that are not editable (so they cannot be edited), which makes meshes visible or changes the color of the wireframe.
  • Sculptor Cleanup - This option will erase / delete all sculpting data that you produced while editing the face from all active parts.
  • "File based presets" - Face presets can now be saved with filenames in the new json format (.jslot files), if you replace the existing slot file, refrain from replacing the.slot file, click on the selected file when saving, which will overwrite of the selected file and the file extension will change and will be as binary (binary), but in the end it will try to load the .json and everything will fail. Binary slot files can still be loaded for legacy purposes, however this format is no longer stored in CharGen.
  • Controller support for new sculpting features will not be supported, sorry.


  • BodyMorph is an API, you need to have supported bodies. Basically, this is the BodySlide in the game, works on the player as well as the NPCs, and each can potentially have a different body. The newest version of BodySlide can export these files. You won't see anything in RaceMenu and this feature, but it will most likely be used by other mods in the future.

Equippable Transforms:

  • This is additional internal data (not options) that can be tied to the armor, which will be applied in NiTransform to the skeleton and to replace High Heels.


  • Game version and higher

Entering the character creation menu:

  • In the console, type showracemenu (do it in some small room)
  • or using the mod "Alternative showracemenu"

When upgrading from v2.9.x to v3.4.5

  • Just install on top with file replacement, make sure the files NiOverride.dll, nioverride.ini, charGen.dll, chargen.dll at Data / SKSE / Plugins have also been replaced.

Update actions

When upgrading from v2.7.x to v3.4.5

  • If you installed the optional module "Fix scripts to fix", then delete the following: in the Data / Scripts folder delete RaceMenuBase.pex and RaceMenuLoad.pex, also delete RaceMenuBase.psc and RaceMenuLoad.psc at Data / Scripts / Source and install the updated option (this is only for those who have any errors with the work of the mod).
  • Just install the new version over the previous one and replace all files.
When upgrading from v2.5.x to v3.4.5
  • Save the game in a new empty save slot and exit the game.
  • Attention!!! If you have installed the addon "Extension for the RaceMenu mod - CharGen Extension", then remove the following:
  • 1. Delete the CharGen ECE Morphs.esp file from the Data folder in the game.
  • 2. Delete the files CharGen ECE Morphs_english.txt and CharGen ECE Morphs_russian.txt in the Data / Interface / translations path.
  • 3. Delete the entire "morphs" folder at Data / meshes / actors / character / FaceGenMorphs.
  • 4. Delete the CustomRaces.esp folder at Data / meshes / actors / character / FaceGenMorphs.
  • 5. Delete the CharGen ECE Morphs.esp folder at Data / meshes / actors / character / FaceGenMorphs.
  • 6. Delete the EEO ECE Morphs.esp file from the Data folder in the game (if there is one).
  • 7. Delete the EEO ECE Morphs.esp folder at Data / meshes / actors / character / FaceGenMorphs (if you have one).
  • Attention! If you had the "Showracemenu Anti-Crash - Precache Killer" mod installed, then remove the following:
  • 1. Delete the showRaceMenu_preCacheKiller.dll file at Data / SKSE / Plugins / (it is no longer needed).
  • Attention! If you used the optional module "Anti crash for SKSE 1.06.13-14-15-16", which was in the archive of the main "RaceMenu" mod, then delete the following:
  • 1. Delete the file disablefacegencache.dll at Data / SKSE / Plugins / (it is no longer needed).
  • Go into the game and save again, but in another empty save slot and exit.
  • That's it, now just install the new version over the previous version with the replacement of files.
Installation:(Installation via NMM manager is not supported, only manually!)
  • There are 2 folders in the archive, Main mod and "Scripts to fix", if your mod does not work properly or to fix the version mismatch notification ".
  • Place the data folder from the Main Mod to the root of the game and activate 3 esp. (RaceMenu.esp, RaceMenuOverlays.esp, RaceMenuPlugin.esp) in the launcher.
  • If you get a notification with a version mismatch when you enter the game or the mod does not work, then install the fix from the "Scripts to fix" folder on top of the main mod.

Screenshots instructions

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Character Customization Menu

Game platform: TES V: Skyrim Legendary Edition

Name: RaceMenu

Russian name: Character customization menu

Current version: 3.4.5​

Fashion language: English

The size: 20.6 MB


This mod is a major overhaul of the menu for creating and editing your GG character. The standard game menu for creating a GG is very meager and inconspicuous, the author decided to fix this by changing the visual design and adding new functions.

Mod changes:

Update: 3.4.5

  • Fixed a bug with the crash of the game when loading if you had a save in the location where there are decapitated corpses.
  • Parallel morphing is now disabled by default (experimental).
  • The processing of errors in the morphs.ini file in the analysis, in which racial filters could be ignored, has been fixed.
  • Fixed a crash when decapitating a player or with NPCs that have support for overlays (face overlays), as a result, face overlays were disabled by default.
  • When updating, make sure that the files niOverride.dll, nioverride.ini, charGen.dll, chargen.dll at Data / SKSE / Plugins have also been replaced.
  • Read the full list of all changes from previous versions in the readme in the archive.
How to apply a tattoo in the character creation menu:
  • After you enter the character customization menu through the showracemenu console, on the right side of the settings window there will be 3 categories "Body paint", "Hand paint" and "Foot paint".
  • Scroll down in the "Body painting" or "Hand painting" window and select with the mouse without clicking the "Default" item, a new option "T-texture selection" will appear at the bottom of the screen, activate this option and a new window will open with a selection of different tattoos.
  • Select the appropriate tattoo option and activate it, the tattoo will be installed on the selected part of the body.
  • Then you can adjust the color scheme for the selected tattoo.
What's new:
  • Nice, clear and convenient view of the menu for creating a GG.
  • Additional sliders to change the muscles in the arms (biceps).
  • Additional sliders for changing the buttocks (Only works for skeletons that support TBBP).
  • Additional sliders for changing breasts (Only works for skeletons that support, for example BBP, CBBP, UNPB).
  • Advanced color functionality for hair and makeup (color of any shade).
  • A bunch of new sliders to change the appearance (face) of the character.
  • Additional change in the type of GG (zoom in and out in full growth).
  • Works with support for any race and third-party non-playable races.
  • Change your character's height (height).
  • Camera moving up / down / left / right, zoom - approaching forward / backward.
  • Turn on / off lighting on your character.
  • Adding different new sliders to customize your character.
  • The mod works well with CBBE, UNP, ADEC bodies and vanilla bodies.
Sliders in the character creation category:

Major interface changes

  • Roundness of the face
  • Elven ear (you can make elven ears for any race, many will like it who loves elven ears)
  • Ear height
  • Ear shape
  • Ear size
  • Cheek width
  • Roundness of the cheeks
  • Jaw forward
  • Eye shape
  • Eye size
  • Century height
  • Upper eyelid height (you can squint your eyes)
  • Lower eyelid height (you can squint your eyes)
  • Angle of inclination of the eyes (the position of the extreme corners of the eyes, which makes it possible to raise or lower them)
  • Pupil size
  • Pupil position (you can move your pupils left or right)
  • Pupil height (centering the pupil in relation to the eyeball)
  • The length of the eyelashes (you can increase or decrease the length of the eyelashes, it turns out very beautifully)
  • Eye height
  • Eye distance
  • Eye socket depth
  • Tilt of the brow
  • Curl of the brow
  • Eyebrow height
  • Eyebrow width
  • Brows forward
  • Forehead forward
  • Lip shape
  • Lip width
  • Lip plump (you can increase the volume of the lips, the effect of filling with silicone)
  • Upper lip size (you can reshape the upper lip separately from the lower lip)
  • Lower lip size (you can reshape the upper lip separately from the upper lip)
  • The position of the corners of the mouth (you can change the height of the corners of the mouth, which will give a peculiar facial expression)
  • Dimple depth (you can customize the dimples at the corners of the mouth, which will give a peculiar twist)
  • Lip height
  • Chin width
  • Chin length
  • Chin forward
  • Chin protrusion
  • Chin depth
  • Nose type
  • Baffle width
  • Tilting the tip of the nose
  • The depth of the bridge of the nose
  • Nose bridge height
  • Nord face shape (general change of the entire face shape, category "Additional")
  • Breton face shape (general change of the whole face shape)
  • Imperial face shape (general change of the whole face shape)
  • Redguard face shape (general change in the entire face shape)
  • Wood elf face shape (general change of the whole face shape)
  • Dark elf face shape (general change of the whole face shape)
  • High elf face shape (general change of the whole face shape)
  • Orc face shape (general change of the whole face shape)
  • Forehead down
Camera option
  • In this category, you can change the position of the camera in different directions, left, right, up, down, zooming in or out.
  • There are also 2 options "Primary" and "Secondary", this is the location of the camera movement buttons, for whom it is convenient, with the "Secondary" option, you need to hold the button and then move the camera, in addition, when you hold down the "Left Alt" key, you can use your character rotate with your back to you, you need to press LALT and keep pressed and simultaneously press and hold A or D, to increase the rotation speed, you can change the rotation speed with the TAB button, you can zoom in or out with the W and S buttons.

Sculptor option(In this category, you can visually change and customize facial forms)

  • "Import Head" - This function will import the geometry of the NIF File that are generated for the NPC (you either export or copy any NPC to a directory / directory).
  • Sculptor - This function is complex, the tools you have at your disposal are Pump, Pump, Smooth, Move and Mask.
  • "Inflate / Deflate" - With these options you can move the front points / vertices with the mouse, that is, in the window you can change the shape of the face without sliders, but by moving the mouse over the face.
  • "Antialiasing" - With this option you can move the front points / vertices with the mouse to the middle positions of all adjacent vertices, that is, align the front shapes. ATTENTION!!! Do not use anti-aliasing near openings such as the mouth.
  • "Move" - ​​With this option you can move the face points / vertices in the direction of the cursor movement, perpendicular to the viewing plane.
  • "Mask" - This option excludes the facial points / vertices from changes, including imported geometry, if you import a head with a visible neck seam, you must first mask the neck area before importing, in general, this option "Mask" covers the neck seam.
  • "History" - The history will store all the previous actions performed when changing the front points / vertices, including "Sculptor cleaning", "Geometry import" and all actions performed by the "Brush" - "Pumping" and "Pumping out".
  • "Head Parts" - This is a window for previewing changes to the wireframe, including meshes that are not editable (so they cannot be edited), which makes meshes visible or changes the color of the wireframe.
  • Sculptor Cleanup - This option will erase / delete all sculpting data that you produced while editing the face from all active parts.
  • "File based presets" - Face presets can now be saved with filenames in the new json format (.jslot files), if you replace the existing slot file, refrain from replacing the.slot file, click on the selected file when saving, which will overwrite of the selected file and the file extension will change and will be as binary (binary), but in the end it will try to load the .json and everything will fail. Binary slot files can still be loaded for legacy purposes, however this format is no longer stored in CharGen.
  • Controller support for new sculpting features will not be supported, sorry.


  • BodyMorph is an API, you need to have supported bodies. Basically, this is the BodySlide in the game, works on the player as well as the NPCs, and each can potentially have a different body. The newest version of BodySlide can export these files. You won't see anything in RaceMenu and this feature, but it will most likely be used by other mods in the future.

Equippable Transforms:

  • This is additional internal data (not options) that can be tied to the armor, which will be applied in NiTransform to the skeleton and to replace High Heels.


  • Game version and higher

Entering the character creation menu:

  • In the console, type showracemenu (do it in some small room)
  • or using the mod "Alternative showracemenu"

When upgrading from v2.9.x to v3.4.5

  • Just install on top with file replacement, make sure the files NiOverride.dll, nioverride.ini, charGen.dll, chargen.dll at Data / SKSE / Plugins have also been replaced.

Update actions

When upgrading from v2.7.x to v3.4.5

  • If you installed the optional module "Fix scripts to fix", then delete the following: in the Data / Scripts folder delete RaceMenuBase.pex and RaceMenuLoad.pex, also delete RaceMenuBase.psc and RaceMenuLoad.psc at Data / Scripts / Source and install the updated option (this is only for those who have any errors with the work of the mod).
  • Just install the new version over the previous one and replace all files.
When upgrading from v2.5.x to v3.4.5
  • Save the game in a new empty save slot and exit the game.
  • Attention!!! If you have installed the addon "Extension for the RaceMenu mod - CharGen Extension", then remove the following:
  • 1. Delete the CharGen ECE Morphs.esp file from the Data folder in the game.
  • 2. Delete the files CharGen ECE Morphs_english.txt and CharGen ECE Morphs_russian.txt in the Data / Interface / translations path.
  • 3. Delete the entire "morphs" folder at Data / meshes / actors / character / FaceGenMorphs.
  • 4. Delete the CustomRaces.esp folder at Data / meshes / actors / character / FaceGenMorphs.
  • 5. Delete the CharGen ECE Morphs.esp folder at Data / meshes / actors / character / FaceGenMorphs.
  • 6. Delete the EEO ECE Morphs.esp file from the Data folder in the game (if there is one).
  • 7. Delete the EEO ECE Morphs.esp folder at Data / meshes / actors / character / FaceGenMorphs (if you have one).
  • Attention! If you had the "Showracemenu Anti-Crash - Precache Killer" mod installed, then remove the following:
  • 1. Delete the showRaceMenu_preCacheKiller.dll file at Data / SKSE / Plugins / (it is no longer needed).
  • Attention! If you used the optional module "Anti crash for SKSE 1.06.13-14-15-16", which was in the archive of the main "RaceMenu" mod, then delete the following:
  • 1. Delete the file disablefacegencache.dll at Data / SKSE / Plugins / (it is no longer needed).
  • Go into the game and save again, but in another empty save slot and exit.
  • That's it, now just install the new version over the previous version with the replacement of files.
Installation:(Installation via NMM manager is not supported, only manually!)
  • There are 2 folders in the archive, Main mod and "Scripts to fix", if your mod does not work properly or to fix the version mismatch notification ".
  • Place the data folder from the Main Mod to the root of the game and activate 3 esp. (RaceMenu.esp, RaceMenuOverlays.esp, RaceMenuPlugin.esp) in the launcher.
  • If you get a notification with a version mismatch when you enter the game or the mod does not work, then install the fix from the "Scripts to fix" folder on top of the main mod.

Screenshots instructions