Roller coaster games for free. Water slide game Water roller coaster games 7

Children from a young age love water; splashing in pools is perhaps the most harmless activity. And even more exciting are the rides in the water, the same as on land, only the landing is soft, and the means of transportation are slightly different. Surely, everyone has been to a water park, but nowhere else have they ever seen such entertainment as the game “Water Slides” has prepared.

Are you ready to try your luck, because at this speed there is no point in braking? If yes, then “Welcome”, the world of extreme sports is waiting for you. You need to play using the arrows on the keyboard, by pressing them your character begins to move and gain speed. Instead of a car or trolley, you have a mattress, and the main task is not to fly out of it, because falling will not be very pleasant.

“Water slides” have prepared incredible turns for their visitors, and along the way there will be many bonuses, for example, money or gold coins. While skating, you can make jumps and somersaults that you wouldn’t dare repeat in real life. The only limit is the time it takes to get to the finish line. If it’s not enough, you start over.

The Water Slide game includes many levels, each next one will be even more difficult and extreme than the previous one. Steep descents, free falls and the feeling of flying - this is what awaits you if you decide to play such a cool flash game. Replenish your lack of adrenaline in your blood with us, and you will never forget this adventure. Good luck!

Attractions, fairs, amusement parks are favorite places for children and young people who love fun. Here they are greeted by carousels, a room of laughter and a room of fear, sweets, clowns, Balloons, shooting gallery, attractions and, of course, roller coasters - a highlight that attracts and calls on all thrill-seekers.

Roller coaster games - fun for the brave

A train rushing along the rails at breakneck speed just in the sky makes you scream, but at the same time, delight. Even just looking at how fast the passengers are traveling and their facial expressions makes it scary.

Many cannot stand such a spectacle and leave the queue, not daring to experience such a rich range of emotions on their own. This attraction is classified as dangerous and therefore has an age limit. If you are not yet old enough to be afraid, it is better to turn your attention to roller coaster games, where you will be satisfied and the law will be respected. Moreover, in addition to riding, it also provides for the independent construction of a road along which the locomotive will rush.

We build a roller coaster ourselves

By opening this section, you can choose a direction gameplay. Intrigued by the possibility of designing your own slide? Then take a short course in this difficult matter and start implementing the project.

You have a kind of constructor - straight fabric blanks, dead loops, bends. You can follow the instructions you looked at earlier, or you can use your imagination and come up with your own design. But don't overdo it with steep descents and turns, otherwise the train will either not be able to climb your structure or will simply fall into the abyss.

A smooth slide will look like a boring ride and this will also not be liked by vacationers who came here for thrills. But if the trip was successful, people will be delighted, and you will see any of their reactions at the end of the little trip.

Chatting with cartoon characters

Among fans of roller coasters you will find Disney characters, and in particular Mickey Mouse and his friends, as well as Phineas and Ferb - those restless inventors and fidgets. They decided to create an original entertainment attraction device and imagined themselves to be great engineers and designers. Knowing how often these two get into trouble with their inventions, it becomes scary for the lives of vacationers. If you don't want them to scare people, help them complete the task.

We take control

You can play roller coaster games and control the transport from the driver's perspective. The unevenness of the track makes you nervous and more likely to guess what turn will be next than to actually see it. One wrong step and you'll go off the track. It's good that it's just a game and the worst that will happen is the end of the game. But you can always start over and so on until the entire path has been safely completed.

External gameplay design

Each game is a real test not only of the passenger’s endurance, but also of the abilities of the designer of such a complex attraction. Sometimes the graphics are not particularly sophisticated and are presented in a flat form. On the one hand, the picture does not look very attractive, but it is much easier to work with.

But in a volumetric space, on the contrary, beautiful views bring pleasure, but in order to correctly connect all the details, you need to examine the structure from different sides, identifying inconsistencies in a timely manner. Explore all the available offers and find the ones that suit you best so that you can truly enjoy the game.

How to play:

The online game takes place in a large water park, where you can ride high slides and perform cool tricks. Control is done only with arrows and spacebar. The last key allows you to perform tricks in flight, when you need to hold the key for a certain time. Try not to break if you fall.

Water park racing 7

The seventh part of the online game, where you have to quickly race on water slides and set speed records. The passage is made quite simple due to the controls; only five keys allow you to perform tricks of any complexity. Most of the movements happen automatically, leaving the player to watch and admire the first-class graphics. Looks amazing on the computer, each level is filled with effects. There are two mission modes, day and night. We strongly recommend taking the second option, the system is so well thought out that you won’t want to leave the track until the very end. Overtake your opponents, jump high and perform somersaults of incredible difficulty.

Play Waterpark Racing 7 for free in full screen. Similar online game will be highly appreciated by boys and girls. With the funds received you can upgrade vehicle and change the character's appearance. The difficulty of the tasks increases gradually, so the ending is expected to be difficult. The main thing is to be able to reach control point, they significantly save energy and time when going through it again. In deep pools you can dive, and strong jets of water push the trampoline into the sky, here you should hold the gap to the very limit. Based on the results of the race, funds will be credited. Now everyone can play without registration and enjoy the colorful virtual world.