How to enter a promotion in the style for games. How to activate the purchased key in Steam. What retail digital keys can be registered in Steam


People who first work with the Steam program and buy for it the activation keys of games, often ask questions: "How to activate the key" and the like, in this article you can see how to activate the key in Steam with the screen pictures.


After you went to Steam, you must find the "Games" tab that is on top of the program, see where you can in the screen shot.

As you probably have already noticed, I highlighted the screen with a white rectangle where you need to click.
Now after you click on the "Games" you will open a small window, where you will need to choose your next actions, in our case it is the activation of the key, we click on "activate through Steam ...", on the screen shot Below you can see exactly where to click.

After you click on "Activate Steam ..." You will have a window where you are aware that you will need to activate the key that is specified on the product box that you purchased. In order to go to the key input, you will need to click on the "Next" button. In the screenshot, you will see where you need to click to go further, to which you want to click on a white rectangle.

After clicking on the "Next" button, you will open the window where you will need to agree with the rules of using Steam (Steam's subscriber agreement), after you have read it, you click on the "Agree" button if you did not notice it or So I will highlight it with a white rectangle on the screen shot under this text.

After consent using Steam, you will replace the window where you will need to find the "product key" where you will need to enter the key that you purchased, as well as you can see the key formats, that is, what they happen. After you entered the product key, you click on the "Next" button after which the key is activated. You can see in detail in the screenshot: where the keys are written to enter the key where you need to click for the final activation.

Some novice users do not know how to activate the key in the style. This feature is designed for.

There are also users who simply have certain problems with this procedure.

We will try to answer all questions related to it. Go!


Why do I need code?

If you just say, it is needed in order to simplify the procedure for obtaining after its acquisition. The purchase procedure is as follows:

Given the principles of the application, the procedure described above is optimal. If it were not for it, then the acquisition of the purchased application would be very difficult.

True, it is relevant only for those cases when it is bought not in Steam itself, but on some third-party resources.

With a standard purchase procedure (without a key), everything is simple - we find it by name or in the list available, go to the page and click "Add to Cart."

Where to get?

Resources where they are sold, a lot. These are all sorts of sites, such as, and the like. Most of them are very famous and "promoted."

They work very simply - someone buys the game and gives the code on it, again for money through your site.

And we, simple users, make the purchase of these keys (or keys - this is the same).

What to do after shopping

And now we turn, actually, to the activation procedure. It is as simple as possible and is as follows:

  1. Run Steam. After that, of course, it is necessary to log in in this program.
  2. In the top menu, select the "Games" menu. In the drop-down list, click "Activate in Steam ...".

The item in the program window is required.

  1. The first window opens further. There will be short instructions for the procedure you are currently executed. Nothing special is written there, so you can just click "Next."

  1. After that, you can read license agreement. There are information on the terms of use of the account, behavior standards, and so on. Here, click the "Agree" button. Preferably, of course, read the license. It is convenient that it can be printed. To do this, click on the inscription "Click here for print".

  1. In the next window, you will need to enter a purchased code. There is a single input field, so it's impossible to confuse anything. When this step is completed, click "Next" and wait until it occurs.

After that, if the key passed the check, the game will appear in the library. The activation window closes automatically and the library needs us.

Select it in the list on the left. If you have just installed, there will be only one line.

When the page is open (again, if you are a new user, it will open automatically), click on the Install button.

It will be left to wait until the installation end and start playing.

Is it possible to do the same anything else?

Activate the key is impossible nowhere except steam programs on the computer.

On the Internet there is information that it can be done in, but it is not. The only way is to use the stima on a PC or laptop.

If you have other questions, write about them in the comments. We will answer.

Already autumn, and very soon October, in which the next one will take place. But after the acquisition game Coda On the portal, many are wondering where to enter the key in the style.

In Steam you can get promotion, as well as purchase an activation code of your favorite game. To activate the wrench in the style it is worth performing several simple steps. The only thing - you must have the official software of this store. Although the latter steam time Allows activation directly through the browser.

How to activate the key in the style of pc

  • First step need to download and then install on a computer software Online store. Download software is necessary exclusively from the official website.

Attention! Do not use file sharing, torrents and other file sharing services. In this way, the installer may contain viruses. Swing the program only from the official website of the online store.

  • After you downloaded the program, it should be installed on your computer. And then make authorization using its account Steam.
  • Next, we find the "Games" menu, in which we are interested in the "Activate Steam ..." item.
  • The next step you need to accept the subscriber message. Who is interested - read what they write about. If not interesting - scroll down, and after clicking "I agree."
  • The "Activation of Product" form will open, in which you want to enter the key in the style to activate the purchased game.
  • After that, the system will think a little and report that the operation is successful.

Is it possible to activate the key to steam through the browser

Many people do not want to install additionally software on your PC. Then there is a reasonable question, and is it possible to activate the key to steam through the browser? Not so long ago, the STEAM online store entered the key activation option through the browser.

For this you need:

  • be a registered user of the online store;
  • go through this link;
  • enter the key, accept the user agreement and click the "Continue" button.

After that, the system will report successful activation of the product.

How to activate the key steam on the phone

Another popular question from users is activation on the phone, through the android or iOS system. Here the situation is similar to activation through the browser. At the moment, you can use the phone or tablet browser for this purpose. There are no applications for activation through the phone.


Thus, at the moment, single way Enter the wrench in the style is to use the official software of the online store. This software must be downloaded and installed on a personal computer. From a recently, a browser can be used to activate.

This is a fairly common topic on many forums and communities. steam Games. Let's see what it is and how to enjoy the obtained clavies.

What is it?

Before you think how to enter the keys in the "style", let's see what it is at all. So, you decided to buy one or another game. How can developers and creators protect their product from illegal copying? Of course, many invent different systems Protection, while "Steam" offered an interesting thing - the key.

This is not that you can simply generate a burglar program. In order to answer how to activate the key in the "style", you need to first get it. And the way to get is simple - buying a game. After that, you will send it email. For each game your game. With all this, these keys are created individually, which guarantees reliable protection from copying and attempts to "transfer" games from one account to another. Now let's see how to enter the keys in the "stimple".

If the game asks the keys ...

So, users may encounter such a problem that when you start the game, they may ask the activation key. Very often this problem appears on Need For Speed.. Players are often asked what to do when they have already activated all the keys, and the system still does not allow them to the game. How to enter keys in "Steeme" in this situation?

Here, of course, the situation is somewhat different than we will consider further. The thing is that in many games it takes an additional key. It is received by registering in a particular project. Thus, you will need to "dig" in your letters you received, and find something that sent you the support of the game. It should be written an active email and the required combination of numbers and letters. Just enter everything you need in the right fields, and problems will be held by themselves. If this did not happen, contact the support service - in Steam all games purchased, which leaves you the right to use the so-called support, which should help you solve the problem. But there is another situation that is more suitable for our today's topic.

First start

So, how to enter the keys in the "style" when they require them? You need to register an account, after which you buy some desired toy. With all this, you must have active email and access to it. After you make a purchase, you will receive an email in which there will be a key.

But where to enter the key in "Steam"? Sometimes the game on your own when you first start requires you administration. You will just just copy it from the received letter and insert into the necessary fields during the first launch. So this process will not take you a lot of time.

There is a small advice: you should not at the same time buy a lot of games and immediately run them. This is necessary so that you do not have a confusion with keys. It is best to do everything in consistently and gradually. True, you can open a lot of windows in the browser, each of which will open a specific key with the key. But this is not the best undertaking. There is another key "activation" key. Let's see what kind of.

Key activation

So, if you need to activate the "number" sent to you, and where to enter the keys in the "stimple", you do not know, then the following words will help you.

In order to successfully activate the key issued by the Steam system, you, of course, need to have an account and access to it. If you cannot log in to the AKKE, from which you were sent to the key, you can also forget about activation.

However, if everything is fine with access, then you will need to install a Steam agent, after which it is logged in to log in. Next, go to the "My Games" section. Here you have to read the user's agreement, after which confirm your consent. Next you will need to be in the window that appears to enter the resulting key from the game, which entered you immediately after paying the purchase. Click "OK" and wait a bit. The toy will appear in the list of your games. Now you can safely enjoy it with an activated key. Remember that when changing the account you will not be able to "cross" on it old version Games - you will have to buy a new one. So take care of the reliable protection of the existing Accc from the ill-wishers and hackers.

Good afternoon, dear users Playntrade. With you editor Chelik. In this article I will tell how to activate key steam .

The key has a specific code that is " chekch ". They are sold on many sites selling games.

There is foundations why people buy keys on sites, and not in steam. The site is much cheaper than the cost of the game.

How to activate the key code?

To activate the code, you must be reached by Steam. Next, you need to click on the option at the top: Games\u003e activate in steam . Get out the window, how to use the key. Read the information, and then click on "Next". Take Steam Agreement. Then enter key data. If everything is properly correct, the key code is activated. Well, then make everything you want from what you are offered.

Is it possible to activate the activated key?

It is impossible, but there is a way out of this situation. The first thing can be done is to write a message to the seller to solve the problem. It is necessary to contact the seller who has acquired the key. It must be proved in it that the key is already active. If you have purchased the key on any site, then you need to write to the support service. The seller must replace the key or return the money.

This article approached the end. Now you have learned how to activate the steam key. With you were the editor of Chelik. Good luck and good!