Send a character to sleep firmly sims freeplay. The Sims FreePlay passage: hacking, money, secrets and questions. Perform jobs in pictures

For Android and iOS devices created by the same principle that The Sims.But, unlike other games of this series, The Sims Freeplay goes in real time.

The meaning of the game The Sims Freeplay is to create your own town, fill it with absolutely different characters and develop relations between them, all this is right from your device! The game can reach 52 levels and create 31 Sims.

How to play Sims FreePlay?

  • Perform the proposed job game
  • In order to manage the simamas you need to select a character through the menu, click on the required place and select the action from the proposed menu

How to download and install the game Sims Free Play?

You can download the game is free!

  1. Go to B. androidmarket(in the program list it Play Market) or App SRORE..
  2. In the Lock search I enter Sims Free Play
  3. In the list that appears, choose the game and click set.

Developers are regularly added to the update market for this game, in which new tasks appear for passing.

Refresh the game Sims Free Play you need in Tomsel Market, where instead of the icon set You will appear refresh.

Graphics in the game are excellent, realistic, life is fascinating.

General Information SIMS Freeplay Games

Tips How to go through tasks in the game Sims Free Play?

To pass the game Sims FreePlay you need to perform game tasks that will bring additional profits, and also prompt what to do next.

Tasks are three types:

  1. Single tasks performed in your city. To complete them, you must perform one action. For the implementation of such tasks as a reward, you will get simoleons, experience or lifestyle glasses ( Szh.). From version 5.0.0 for performing a certain number of such tasks per week give keys from boxes with prizes.
  2. Task groups performed in their city, for example: "Path to Glory", "Mysterious Island", "Adeline", "Higher Education", "Great Escape of Great". Such tasks consist of several single tasks. After completing the task group, you will get the opportunity to build a new building (bridge on the Mysterious Island, Higher School), grow a teenager or another from a schoolboy special award.
  3. Single tasks performed in the city of your neighborsfor which they give points of communication.

There are tasks in which it seems there is no logic and whatever we tried anything. What to do in such cases? Where to look for tips? Of course, other players sims free players can tell me, and you can also find the answer on this page!

Task Tip in Sims FreePlaymock on another character:

In each task of the game sims fries there is some tip how to pass. By the way, the mock task is to mock.

  • prompt For the passage of the task, mock another character: Pay attention to the category adulthood.

Answer: A teenager should be funny in front of a teenager.

Task Tips SIMS FREE PLAY. take a child:

Bought the cradle, pressed on it, spent 3 szh, waited, and The child appeared on the floor! What to do?

  • prompt how to raise a child from the floor: perhaps something wrong with the cradle?

Answer:The child is on the floor, because the cradle is incorrectly (for example, the wall). It is necessary to put the cradle correctly and drag (in the same way as the furniture) to the cradle. You can also drag the child and it will be in it.

Tips how to go job SIMS FREE PLAY. relax on an inflatable chair:

  • prompt On the passage of the task, relax on the inflatable chair: Pay attention to water color in the pool.

Answer:Neither you nor your sim you can relax in the dirty pool! Clean the pool!

Secrets SIMS FreePlay:

  • some players do not understand why brown circles appear on the grass and rooms))) Do you think this is a way to get bonuses, removing it? Not! Smaller shake your phone or tablet! Sims nauseous from this!)))
  • many players complain that you can not scroll through the game time. It is sometimes for a long time and tedious to wait for the completion of a certain stage. Not! Sometimes it is not necessary to wait! Translate time in your device and boldly go to work, to school, etc. And the subject can translate the time back)

Wanted hints How to go through other tasks of the game Sims Free Play? Ask! Reply!

This article describes all daily tasks in The Sims FreePlay (63-93 task).

Perform jobs in pictures:

63.The following: Give the baby to play with a puppet house.

Answer: If you have no puppet Domika, I buy it in the section for kids. The baby click on it and choose "Play with a puppet house."

64.The following: Let 2 characters practice in jumping into the water.

Answer: We send 2 characters to the swimming center (in the photo). If you do not have it, then we build. First, one click on the springboard and choose a "quick jump" (you can choose any other action on the springboard). The second character do the same. We should jump at the same time! 🙂

65.Alling: grow a pumpkin.

Answer: Click on the garden (garden plot) and choose a pumpkin. We are waiting for when it grows. We collect a crop.

66.New: Let two characters play in snowballs.

Answer: To fulfill this task, it is necessary to build a ski resort, the place for the construction is located on the mountainside behind the fire depot. Visit the ski resort you need two characters. Find two snow wall-barricades in front of the house, click on the first character on this snow barricade and choose "play in snowballs". Next, we click on the same barricade and choose "join". We are waiting for 2 hours - the task is completed!

67.New: Let the schoolboy enjoy hot chocolate with a fondant.

Answer: Attention! To avoid confusion - this task is performed by a schoolboy, not a teenager !! We find a coffee maker, acting a schoolboy to press the coffee maker, choose to "go hot chocolate with a fondant to fall."

68.Name: perform ballet exercises at the machine.

Answer: This task is necessary for you to build a public center. The task is performed by a schoolboy. We go to the public center, on the first floor of this center on the right we find bars along the walls - this is the machine. Managing a schoolboy click on this machine and choose an action.

69.New: to be romantic with a character.

Answer: One character click on the other and choose "to be romantic."

70.Alling: Play hockey all day at a ski resort.

Answer: For this task, you must build a ski resort in your city. Built! Now we go there and find the left of the skating rink. In the right side of this rink there are hockey gates. Click the character on the gate, choose "game for a whole day."

71.The following: Bake cake with caramel.

Answer: Click on the stove (if you don't have it yet, we buy in the "Kitchen" section) and choose "Cake with caramel".

72.The following: take a hot bath.

Answer: We buy a bath (if not yet bought). Click and choose a hot tub.

73.The following: sleep in the house of another character.

Answer: We go to the house to another character in my city. Click on the bed and choose any action of sleep, for example, "short sleep".

74.The following: grow tomatoes.

Answer: We buy a garden plot (if not yet bought). Press and choose tomatoes. We wait until you grow up. We collect a crop.

p.S. Although tomatoes are marked by a pest icon, it does not matter to us that it will work with them. The main thing is just growing.

75.The following: Make Croissants.

Answer: We buy a stove (if not yet bought). Click and choose "Croissants". We are waiting until you prepare. We collect baking.

Answer: We buy a bookcase from the section "Living room" (if you do not have it). Adult sims click and choose the "sublime literature".

77.The following: use the stereo system.

Answer: If you don't have it yet, you get in the section "Electronics" any stereo system. We have it in the house, click and choose any action.

78.New: Let the character fall asleep in the bathroom.

Answer: We buy a bath (if you do not have it). Click and choose to sleep in the bathroom.

79.Alling: grow a plant and harvest.

Answer: We buy (if not yet bought) garden plot (bed) in the section "Trees, Plants and Flowers". Place it on the site. Press and choose any plant. We wait until it grows. We collect a crop.

80.Alling: Look for ghosts from 6 am and up to 12 nights.

Answer: (ATTENTION !!! Error in translation: Search need from 6 am to 12 days!). In the store of goods for home we buy eerie furniture (any item marked with a red ghost (in the photo)). Place it at home. Click and choose "Search of Ghosts". When we find, a red ghost icon appears above the head of the character. Press. The ghost flies and starts to run away. You need to have time to press it 3 times. Pressed? Voila! Ghost caught 🙂

81.The following: Switch to another character.

Answer: Press the "Tracking Device" button (in the photo) and choose any Sima on which we want to switch.

82.Name: Let the schoolboy complain.

Answer: This task needs to be performed by a schoolboy. We highlight a schoolboy any other Sima and choose the social action to "complain."

83.New: Let the schoolboy rupts the appetite before lunch.

Answer: This task is performed by a schoolboy! Click on the refrigerator and choose "spoil appetite before lunch."

Answer: We go to the house of goods for the house. Section "Living room". And we buy any armchair with 3rd asterisks.

85.Alling: make a schoolboy eating popcorn for microwave.

Answer: This task is performed by a schoolboy! If you have no microwave you buy it in the "Kitchen" section. Schoolboy is pressed on the microwave and choose "popcorn for microwave".

86.New: cook food on the stove.

Answer: If you still do not have a stove, then we buy it in the "Kitchen" section. Push an adult character on the stove and choose any dish. We are waiting for now. We collect.

87.The following: grow a salad-latch.

Answer: We buy a garden plot (if not yet bought). Press and choose a lettuce salad. We wait until grown. We collect a crop.

p.S. Although the lettuce is marked with a pest icon, it does not matter that it will work out. The main thing is just growing.

88.New: Let the school age character thoughtlessly spends hot water in the shower.

Answer: The task is performed by a schoolboy! We press the schoolboy on the shower and choose "thoughtlessly spend hot water."

89.Nide: bake ginger characters.

Answer: If you still do not have a stove, then we buy it in the "Kitchen" section. Push an adult character on the stove and choose gingerchairs. We are waiting until you prepare. We collect.

90.Alling: Let the teenager will heal the whole day on the sofa.

Answer: Be careful - the task is performed by a teenager, not a schoolboy! We find a sofa in the house, click on the sofa (acting as a teenager), choose "Madly spend the day."

91.The following: Plan the seizure of world domination, taking advantage of the globe.

Answer: Globus needs to fulfill this task. It can be bought in the "Furniture" section in the "Decoration" tab or take advantage of the globe at the ski resort in the house (if the ski resort is built). We click on the globe (acting by an adult character), choose "Plan the seizure of world domination" for 10 hours.

92.New: Play the Sims game on a computer.

Answer: If you still do not have a computer, buy! (Electronics section). Click and choose "Playing the Sims".

93.The following: perform large pyruets.

Answer: The task is performed by a schoolboy! We go to the public center (in the photo). On the 1st floor on the right we find the player, press and select "numerous pyruetes".

See the following tasks in part 4.

I think everyone understands what the game The. Sims freeplay. Just lazy did not hear about the series Sims, so wonder the presence of a version for mobile platforms Not falls. The Sims FreePlay, despite a simple gameplay, a game with a lot of opportunities that generate a large number of questions. In this article I would like to talk about how to getTheirSimsFreePlay: Hacking, secrets and questions.

The sims freeplay hacking (how to hack, hack), money

So, how to hackSimsFreePlay:

  • swing the archive.
  • you throw files in the archive using iFunBox. (We connect your unit through the cable to the computer) here: var / mobile / applications (applications from the App Store) / FreePlay /
  • ready.

What will happen from this:

  • much money;
  • many crystals.

Hacked version for android

SimsFreePlay Secrets

V. there is Lie SimsFreePlay in Russian?

O. Yes, the game is translated into Russian.

Q: In order to play permanent access to the Internet?

A: Only to make the entrance. After the Internet is not needed.

Q: What for SimsFreePlay 5002 Error?

A: Error 5002 indicates that the resolution of your device is not supported by the game. To solve this problem, try to start updating the game and the firmware of your device to latest version. If this does not help try to contact technical support or place the info about your problem here: https: // FiremonKeys Zendesk Com Communities Public Questions / 200458210- What the Error -5002-

Q: What to do to in SimsFreePlay friendsappeared?

A: Click on any other character and click on the "Funny" tab. And so repeat until he becomes our friend.

Q: How to make children?

A: We buy cradle and click on it.

Q: How to get a pet?

A: We build a pet store and buy whom we want for the crystals.

Q: how in SimsFreePlayride by car?

A: We buy the car in the car dealership. She will immediately appear near the Siema House, who acquired it.

In: Do children grow?

A: No, only from the baby to the schoolboy, you need to buy a festive cake.

Q: How to cross the family in new house?

A: Build a new home, scroll through the selection of actions and select "Move the family."

Q: How to build a swimming pool?

A: We click on the "garden" and build a swimming pool as a room. You can only build it from 20 levels.

Q: Where in SimsFreePlay Chaise loungeto find?

A: In the game there is a task "reflect on a chaise lounge". It introduces many to a stupor, since there is no deck chair. And he is not needed. We buy any chair, sit on it and click to reflect. Ready!

IN: How to make ice cream?

A: Ice cream is done on the stove. To make chocolate ice cream, press "uneven road"

B. Like B. SimsFreePlay to sleep deeply?

O. Feline - 20 minutes. Sleep in bed tightly - a dream in your home for a short time. Sleeping in the house of another Sima - a long dream for 6-8 hours. Slesh out - a dream that lasts 1 day, then your character will accurately surround.

Q. How to catch ghosts?

O. We buy a skeleton and click on it. There will be a menu.

Q. How to change the character?

O. We buy a wardrobe in the section "Bedroom" and click "Browsing clothes"

IN. SimsFreePlay How to inspire a character?

O. Fill in all scales needs.

B. Where can I buy coffee table B.SimsFreePlay?

O. in the section "Living Room", rectangular tables.

Q. How to make a false handshake?

O. For this you need an enemy. Pressing him and will be a "fake handshake".

Q. How to get married?

A. Fight, play engagement and get married. But for this you need to give the character ring of eternity.

Q. How to make a triple drunk flip?

A. We go to the pool and do there jumps on the springboard until the corresponding medal appears.

Q. How to achieve Nirvana?

O. Reach Nirvana in the park

Q. How to create your own company?

O. Build a building in which something is sold

Q. Where to find a fashion atelier?

A. In the store of hobbies. In the studio you can create clothes, for example, red socopagi.

V. Where is the public center?

O. on the second floor of the ballet school.

Q. Where to find a fire pole?

A. This is such a pole that stands near the stairs between the floors. If you can not afford such a staircase, look for neighbors.

IN. SimsFreeplay teenagers.How to do?

O. The schoolboy turns into a teenager at level 23 by completing the task of "majority".

Q. How to get a free player?

O. First, it is not free, but costs 750 dollars. He himself is in the section for teenagers.

IN. Money Tree In sims freeplay. How to grow?

A. We bring the character to the garden and click on the "plant a money tree".

If there are some questions, ask in the comments. But remember that almost all objects can be contacted. Click everywhere, if you are completely desperate and do not know how to go some task.