Rules of war tips and secrets. Online game Rules of War: Nuclear Strategy. Overview of the game, video review, guides, advice on the game. Consciousness of a strong protective army

How to create a strong shock army.

One of the main tasks in " Rules of war"It is building the combat power of your army. After all, the fate of your development depends on the qualitative and quantitative composition of your troops. In this article, we will consider this question in more detail. To begin with, we make a detailed analysis of all troops existing in the game.

The game has four types of troops:

Each of them is good and everyone has its drawbacks. We will proceed to the study of each type of troops. Carefully consider all representatives from each kind of troops. I will identify the pros minus each.

Mark: Also in the game there is a function of building elite units. This is carried out by introducing crystalline technology into the structure of the unit. In essence, the elite army is no different from the usual army. The only plus due to the use of crystalline technology is reduced by the value of the military unit, but will have to get out for crystals. Since where you saw crystalline technology without using crystals.


Consciousness of a strong protective army.

In this article we will analyze the following questions:

1) What is a defense?

2) Is it worth building it? How profitable is it?

3) When do you need to build a def?

4) How?

5) Analysis of all protective troops in the game.

6) What is better to build?

7) What kind of defense can be called "decent"?

8) How to apply it better?

9) How to create not bad "cow" thanks to Defa?

I will initially understand S. gaming slang. Def - means defense, protective troops. The word DEF moved to us from the English language. (Defence - Protection.) And as you can see, it has been very successful in the rules of the war.

Frankly, novka I do not advise to deal with the construction of Defa. I explain why. DEF is the type of troops, the effectiveness of which is extremely small. So, for example, the DEF is capable only to defend themselves and nothing more. The shock army, in turn, can not only be engaged in the destruction of the living force of the enemy. She is able to feed itself at the expense of a huge number of robberies that can accomplish during the day. Hadick is the main provider of experience in this game. You choose when and to whom you should attack, unlike the Defa which is waiting for the weather. From my point of view, the construction of Defa can begin to engage in sectors whose level has passed for a mark at 50.

After my little lyrical digitation, it should be noted, how not to twist, but there are situations in the game when the defect is necessary as air. For example: retention of a mine or emitter. Protecting the sector, frankly, the case is secondary. After all, it is much easier to popartize. (What I explained this in one of the previous articles.) And you will stay in a plus on any side, since your losses will strive for zero. And the opponent will in turn will lose the precious time on the road there and back.

Well, now I will proceed directly to the question: "What is best to build?"

To begin with, we make a detailed analysis of all troops existing in the game.

I decided to sketch a small reptile for those who still do not know what emitters in the rules of war.

The essence is really easy to pain and much different from the principle of a miracle of light in Travian, except that is not the end of the game and the arrival of Natars.

The emitter (the people simply - the beam) is captured by a clan and only a clan at bots - Morgan, or selected from other clans (improvements are not lost).

The clan's glasses are awarded with the capture, the more emitters and they are above LVL, the clan is higher in the ranking.

The emitter can and even need to download at least 2 levels.

Only at the second level the ability to use an antigen, producing a mutation of troops.

As the emitter works - the bots - Morgana are attacked with enviable regularity. They beat very weak, at least my defense on the emitter does not lose a single soldier from these attacks (worth 100 combat machines + small things like cyberps and machine gunners, even small things usually fall). After each unfit attack, the enemies leave the antigen, which can be directed to the mutation of its own troops. In itself, this is a complete bullshit, the troops in the stats are added to Gulkin Khere, but the cost consumption is twice. For example, cyberpes when mutations receives 21 protective stats (to become 21-21-19-19), but only 0.5 credit eats. And since 1-3k antigen is mined a day, then it looks so-so, especially considering how much it costs to improve the radiator on 2 LVL - 100 APs to 20k each resource, the clan loses more than 6 million resources for this pamper. On the TNTNITIE LVL, each AP is standing for 30k each resource - Titanite, uranium and loans.

Also radiated give a slight bonus garrison.

But the radiation has one mega-beneficial property for noobs - this is an excellent fit for troops in case of attack or if you are leaving.

Just make troops and in the process fold them on the beam and do not give you to farm by overstaving the warehouses. And when the troops are already enough - just return the troops and give the fight to the offender, and do not merge a shame of 50 cars. Sure. This scheme has a number but. Firstly. You must be in a good clan that stands the emitter, since in the later stages of the game 10K machines and 1K interceptors make their way through the forces of several top attackers.

Secondly, it is often easier to ask for the neighbors.

Thirdly, noobs who are not capable of standing for themselves, usually do not take normal clans with emitters. Although this item is entirely in your hands - you can always agree, there would be a desire, it is, though a militarized game, but playing ordinary people mostly.

On this brief all, good game and more emitters :)

I will make a reservation "on the shore", in my article I will not tell you about different bugs and hacking of the game. If someone wanted to read about the like, then you do not care. I will only tell you the secrets that are based on the experience of other players. After all, everyone knows that starting any event, even if it is a new game, not knowing elementary rules and nuances you can make a bunch of errors. That's what kind of secrets I will tell you.

  • Invite friends to the game of the War Rules - Nuclear Strategy. The more you have friends and allies in the game, the more your army will be. And defense is stronger.
  • With a daily entrance to the game, as well as during the game, various bonuses will appear in your sector: uranium, titanium, loans. Also, bonuses you can collect in the sectors of your friends.
  • Crystals in the game it is better to spend on improving the army, in other cases it turns out not profitable.
  • Resources costly improving only tenth levels. In the future, their payback is reduced by mail at 2 or even in the 3rd.
  • Since the increase in the sector is expensive, it is not necessary to get involved in the development of factories. There is little income, and the expensive place is engaged.
  • It is not advisable to build a black market building, the place is engaged in any benefit.
  • When building towers, the walls of the gate, it is worth considering that they will cost cheaper if you perform the task on their construction. In other cases, they cost a minimum of 25 crystals.
  • Each time an increase in perimeter and building new walls You will have to demolish previously built fortifications (walls, towers), i.e. Pay twice!
  • All elevated perimeter strengthening: towers, walls, etc. meaningless for defense. If at the time of the attack in the perimeter there are no troops.
  • Warehouse and bank guard only half resources from capacity.
  • To protect yourself from robbery, do not store in a bank and in a warehouse more than 50%, in this case the enemy will only take 5%.
  • To protect yourself from robbery, it is worth improving the warehouse and bank.
  • You can rob another player only 80 resources.
  • When attacking, you should not take protective troops with you. And vice versa. Do not use the attacking troops during defense.
  • But the occupied sector is better to keep protective troops, and remove the occupation of the attackers.
  • For the occupation you will receive only the rating, the crystals receive only the first places.
  • The robbery of the occupied sector automatically removes the occupation from it.
  • If you are occupied, you should not immediately remove the occupation. The opponent occupied you will not be able to rob you and other opponents too.
  • Before the ninth sector, you can not attack you. So you have time to improve your troops. Also send your army to reinforcements in the sector, so you can enlarge it.
  • Friend to friend the allies get 20 times faster than to the usual sector, a maximum of 1 hour. The maximum movement time to the usual sector does not exceed 24 hours, even if it is ten thousand kilometers.

Of course, there is still a lot of nuances and secrets in the game, only everyone comes to them. So play and win.

"Rules of the Nuclear Strategy War" is an excellent browser online game in a strategy genre that will take you to the world of cyborgs and apocalyptic battles. Released by developers from Plarium Gaymes back in 2011, and since that time won millions of fans around the world. The game is free and run without installing or downloading, and if you want to have time to spend time for an exciting strategy, it is worth playing it. But it should be remembered that the "Rules of the Nuclear Strategy War" - there is no entertainment for several hours. Here, as in any strategy, the pumping character will take a considerable period.

Sector - House and player in one person

The goal of the strategy is to develop your sector as much as possible, build a huge army and keep all the nearby territory and resources under control. To achieve this, you have to work well. Initially, the sector itself will not have anything, but after a few hours there will be uranium and titanium mines on it, which bring resources, so necessary for the army.

Residential complexes give loans that are extremely important for the content of troops, and it is worth pumping them even without tasks from General Lapidus, so as not to face the disbandment of troops. But the most important building is the command center, because through it you can interact with your troops, write to the notes of friends or enemies and collect resources from the colonies. In the sector, there are still many other buildings with which you will get to know.

Interaction of players

The game "Rules of War: Nuclear Strategy" is a notionable party, and you will have to interact with other players. Some of them will become an enemy or a resource base, and someone and loyal allies.

A separate topic in the game "Rules of the Nuclear Strategy War" is the mining of resources. After all, the mines will not be able to provide you with due the amount of consumables. And for their production it will be necessary to make robberies or capture mines. But other players are unlikely to want to share with you, and then the battles will begin. At first, it is worth robbing abandoned sectors whose owners threw the game. But when you are confident in your abilities, you can safely join the fight with the enemy, because for it you can get invaluable experience and several useful artifacts.

To make friends in the game "Rules of the game of a nuclear strategy" - an important step, because thanks to them you can get such a kind of units as cyborg daily. A special advantage of this type of troops is that they do not consume loans, and this is quite convenient. When you pump a character, you will be offered to join the clan, which is worth it. "Rules of war of a nuclear strategy" - command gameAnd only a message can be captured by the emitter, as well as keep it in your hands. And the emitters, in turn, will give a valuable Mutagen, which increases the troops and reduces the number of loans necessary for their content.

Fast pumping

Increase sector indicators, buy troops or increase resource production will help all crystals. You can get them by passing tasks from the general or by purchasing real money. If you do not want to spend a lot of time for pumping sector or building troops, then you can resubmit the ATM and speed up the process itself. The crystals make many useful cases, from the restoration of troops after fighting before buying elite and strategic units, and the pursuit of them became the main thing in the game "Rule of War: Nuclear Strategy". Cheats for cheating this resource should not be used. Because the developers are vigorously watching thieves, and for the first time the sector is banned for a week, but an option with the removal of an account from the game is forever.

"War Rules: Nuclear Strategy" - Locations

The game prepared many interesting tasks, pass which is one pleasure. And, probably, the main role in them is played by locations with morganas, where you can get valuable and experience and prize in the form of resources and troops. It is worth remembering that locations can be protective or attackers, and send troops to them appropriate. Locations are, above all, an excellent opportunity to get heavy troops, exchanged their infantry on them. This option is quite simple for initial levels - Build infantry or cyberps and send them to the appropriate location, and from there you can eat a prize in the form of heavy machinery. In more complex levels, one infantry could not do, and here it is necessary to apply their tactics skills. Many playing in the "Rules of the Nuclear Strategy" have their own tasks passing system. Someone walks only for attacking or protective locations, and some take a prize from small and they also attack more advanced sections. Select the passage strategy will have to.

"If it is certainly not amorphous, or created for specific tasks. Always strive for one single goal, capture the emitter. And let's say straight, a young clan, little-known in the sands of the wasteland, it is almost impossible to do. As stated by the first task of such a clan, there will be survival, because dozens of stronger fighters will constantly check the strength of the sector, in the hope that someone from the participants fell asleep and abandoned the game.

Yes, and the experience of interaction in such fighters will completely be a bit to capture, and most importantly, from the monstrous attacks who want to fill more aviation for medals. That is why, at, the question always becomes how to take the first ray for yourself. And well, if they understand their own strength and their capabilities, and if not. This leads to the fact that when distributing rays into empty, they seek to capture the beam on the coast of one of the strong clans, which naturally causes the negative from the owner of these lands. And the removal of protection from the beam is a strong clan, in which case is practically guaranteed. What leads to sad consequences in most cases, the fighters are disappointed in the game and some of them leave.

But there is another option, diplomacy. Strong clans are not always easy to keep all his shore with a lot of rays. Therefore, they pretty willingly go to the proposal, to stand up on their rays, however, in response can determine their requirements. It seems to those like the lack of pumping ray. But you should not be upset about this, the rays in the game are distributed quite often, which requires from the coastal clan, constant moving after them. And if at the very beginning, pumping the beam was impossible, now, now it will absolutely won't interfere, even if it is to pump it to the maximum fifth level. Yes, and newbies, there will be enough time to rebuild protection for the beam and saturate it. Otherwise, if the protection will be less than 100,000 heavy aviation or artillery, it will very quickly, someone has been rendered.

So, who wants to own a beam, you can advise several rules necessary for this operation. Never climb on the shore rays, try to follow the distribution of the rays and take them in the center of the map, if not by force, then diplomacy. Promise loyalty and loyalty to allied words, convince your desire to help in a difficult moment. Do not be afraid to fight with the same beginners of clans on the wastelands "". Try to constantly increase your defense, do not burn it in small skirmishes and on mines. It will come in handy in battles and traps.