Game slang imba. What is imba and imbin. Other types of imbi

The term that is used in computer Games To determine the unbalanced gameplay, gaming class, character, equipment or abilities. The word Impo itself - comes from an English reduction " Imba. "Which in full looks like" IMBALANCE ", And literally translated -" unbalanced" Most often, the term "imba" can be heard in game chats and forums dedicated to network gamesType: Wow, Dota, Wot and others.

What does needle and imbin mean - simple words - definition.

Simple words, Imp or IMB - it game Character, class of characters, a bunch of characters, elements of the equipment or something like that, which gives an explicit advantage over the rest of the players, as a result of incorrectly configured game Balance. Before considering what kind of experiences are, and why it does, it should generally get acquainted with the fact that the "Gaming Balance" is in general.

What is a gaming balance - definition.

Gaming balance is Video Game Design Concept, where strengths A character or a specific strategy is compensated by a proportional disadvantage in another area to prevent the dominance of one character or a gaming approach.

Simple words, this means that if the character gives some strong abilities in one field, then it is necessary to create weak spots. Thanks to this, other players will be able to overlook the top. So the balance is achieved between classes, and all players have equal chances of winning, subject to the use of the right mechanic in the confrontation. For example, if one character is very strong in the near battle, then it can be made more slow to other less severe, but fast characters could.

Unfortunately, there are no perfectly balanced games in nature. Despite all the efforts of designers, some characters or strategies are stronger than others, both in certain areas and in all gameplay.

Balancing is an exceptionally complex process for game developers due to many variables and various game circumstances. The problem of balancing becomes more pronounced in sophisticated games, such as role-playing games, where the character has several characteristics that should increase as levels achieve. This introduces a huge variety of variables to calibration, which constantly need to be considered when compiling formulas.

And yet, despite the complexity of the compilation of the right gaming balance, many modern games They can boast a very good balance of power between characters. It becomes possible thanks to the constant work of the developers team who track game process And timely make edits into problem areas.

Hi Tankers! I would like to know your opinions about some tanks of their game. Here is my personally, I will be glad to comments!

I. The most disgusting tanks. I simply hate them. (Tanks that I passed with tears in my eyes. Tanks, because of which I almost broke the keyboard and did not break the voice. Tanks, because of which I wanted to remove the game. It is not even tanks - these are nerve testes and willpower). I wish the developers at least introduced reduced levels of battles for them.

1) M3 Lee.: Until now, a bad sediment in the soul. Absolutely useless tank that has no advantages and advantages at all. He passed him with premium, and then played every day before the first victory to get the cherished and long-awaited X2 experience. Not so much good statistics Spoiled completely (28% of victories on this "wonder-tank"). When it passes it, I recommend drinking something soothing. Here is his minuses:

Bad in all parameters gun
-6 Man Crew
-Besphese at battles with 6% levels (and it often happens there)
-Look armor (good about unless pz.1c)
- Activity towers
-Look speed and maneuverability
-Realous dimensions

2) AMX 40 and AMX 38 (Very similar): Team burden and frag for enemies. I recommend shooting only gold. It is easy to spin it, easy to break through and easily get into it. They are good in the top of the city maps, but it is almost impossible to earn a medal. Minuses:

Armor is good only against machine guns and instruments 1-2 levels
- weak guns (both tanks)
- Mental as snails
-Mal vulnerable places in armor
- very often criticized (especially AMX38)

3) T1 Heavy: Huge, but weak. This tank is generally not so bad, but only if you are in the top. Otherwise - helpless and vulnerable. You feel flawed when you ride, for example, from the KV-85. Personally, I sold it and reached the T29 through the M4 and Jumbo branch (and I also advise everyone, because on M4ae2 Jumbo get used to the game of the tower). Here is its pros and cons:

Not bad front armor (3-4 levels rarely break, 5 - sometimes)
+ A good gun (typical hole punch, but good only when you, again, in the top. 6th levels need to shoot only aboard or use gold. Parameters are as follows: Average accuracy, small damage (+ - 135 damage), but rapid (16.7 shots per minute) and a little punching (128mm - BB)
+ screens on caterpillars (very often saved from the fugasov, which saves on battles with fugasny PT and some sau
-Look armor in general
- He burns
- Miscellaneous damage (90% loss, if you are 1 per 1 sq-1)
-big size
-Fuspitude in the bottom of the list

II. Imb. You can even say that in some extent, cheat tanks. Tanks that cause fear and surprise, even when you are older on level 2. I would like to see them overbalanced. (changed after patch 9.4)

1) Rhm.b-t. Unfair triumphs! Excellent, and even a little cheat-scale PT. Why? Too many advantages, even in comparison with classmates. It clearly needs to be overbalance. Comparing it and, for example, ISU-152, you understand that Rhm.b-t. Better in many indicators. Pros and cons:

2 excellent tool to choose from - one identically, BL-10, the second - Ferdinand can
+ Availability of the tower (rotation of 360 degrees!)
+ low silhouette and good disguise
+ Overview in 400m (you are just invisible with optics \\ stereo tube)
+ very good mobility
+ Good racing
- Activity of armor

2)IS-7. Soviet TT 10 level, the most popular level 10 level tank in the game with the most popular branch. Already many times changed it, and now they came to the "standard" of this tank. I listed him in the list of imb, because I consider it not fully modified and balanced. Here is its pros and cons:

Low silhouette
+ Excellent booking of forehead without vulnerable places
+ good booking of sides
+ Powerful tool with alpha 550
+ Availability of speakers
+ good racing and overview in 400m
+ Normal armor (I do not know why many are complaining about armored armored. 250mm BB and 303mm podkalibel - it's not bad! Moreover, almost every tank has weak places in the frontal armor, and straight hands are solved and do not break into the battle)
- Present is very oblique and for a long time (0.4 scatter, minimize 3.4 seconds (100% crew, valve, combat fraternity and vendor drives - will be +2.8 seconds)

III. Tanks to raise player statistics.
There is a lot depends on the player's skills and from his favorite classes of technology, as well as from the manner and the style of fighting. We are all individuals, for each approach is needed. Here are my favorites and raising statistics:

1) Hetzer. Many will not understand, but this is my favorite PT. It can be well played with 6% levels. Let us turn to the pros and cons:
+ Excellent frontal armor: 60mm under a good slope give 120mm of the reduced armor! And if you are on the hillock - 100% incures or ricochet.
+ Excellent Fugasnitsa 105mm. Half of ammunition - Gold, half - Fugasi. Odnoklassniki - almost all the venaste, and better, no matter how the Fugasami is located right in the forehead (I mean T-28, M5 Stewart and Su-85b (and she is better to beat the log cabings, the right of the gun). Golda - for 5 and 6th To whom Fugas does not cause no more than 150 damage. The main thing is to know the weak points! And it is better to beat in the board - 400 damage guaranteed!
+ Good racing
+ Good maneuverity and dynamics: on the spot is spinning like a yula! It is simply impossible to spin it, and the speed is gaining quick and confident!
+ Small sizes
- Weave onboard armor
- Survey only 280m

2) T-127.. Just recommend. Yes, it is premium, but in this case you should not be greedy and sweep 100 rubles on this miracle. It's simple small miracleThat forgives errors, gives medals and raises statistics up in a matter of days. It is very best Tank for me. Sea of \u200b\u200bpleasure and the sea of \u200b\u200bhappiness!
+ Strong armor for your level! Does not make it easy to many guns! Danger - only PZ.1G, but from him there is also salvation - put a rombing tank! It greatly improves the efficiency of the armor. And with distances (raspberry, for example), it does not break through at all (except for the fugasov, which cause a tiny damage, and PT-SAU pairs 3 with top guns)
+ rapid instrument with excellent one-time damage. Odnoklassniki cry flawed tears. Only 5-6 shots - and you have benefited a team! And this is when recharging at 2.15 seconds! And one-time damage 40-50 on average! Accuracy average, mixing good - 2 seconds total! Get into the flying past the opponent - a cute deal!
+ The speaker is good, confidently keeps speed and accelerates.
+ Preferential level of battles, only 3-4 levels. You can always fill 2-4 frag, even if you are in battle with 4th levels! I never had a feeling of helplessness in front of the enemy, fear only calls Hetzer.
+ Good review
+ Cheap service - repair just a kopeck! And shells, even gold - very cheap! I have never gone in minus.
-Look turning speed
-Look changing
- Male armored paper BB shells. I recommend to carry with me 15-25 gold shells - even 4th levels punch! It helps it very much! I also recommend using Gold against LTP, T-127, AMX 38, T18. This armored nuts, BB are difficult to break through!

3) Jagdpanther. Beautiful PT-SAU 7 level! Raised statistics and reached Ferdinand for 2 days! Well, just gold, not a tank. Accurate, rapid, penetrative, smart - perfect combination!
+ 2 excellent guns to choose from - 8.8cm and 10.5 cm
+ Punching 150-250 allows you to shoot most enemies in the forehead, even 9 levels.
+ High accuracy, reduction and rapidity
+ Excellent speaker
+ Overview of 370 meters
+ Armor gives frequent rickests
- Still, weak armor (80mm, shown OK. 120mm)
- Transmission in front

When you play a massive multiplayer role-playing game Or another online project, sometimes you may have a strong sense of injustice. You may seem that one of the characters is much stronger than everyone else. So what is this feeling or reality? In fact, it is quite possible, and the matter here is that multiplayer games most often have a huge variety of characters, and to balance them between themselves is not always possible. As a result, it turns out that under certain circumstances, a particular hero can become much stronger than all the others. Naturally, the developers seek to correct such drawbacks with patches and updates, but not always it succeeds. Then imba appears in the game. What it is? Why did this concept receive such a name? This will be discussed further.

What is imba?

In almost every multiplayer game, you can meet the term "imba". What it is? This question is asked by many newbies, and not everyone can immediately decipher this reduction. In fact, everything is quite simple - this is an abbreviated version of the word immibalanced, that is, "with a broken balance". That's the whole secret - IMEBY refer to those characters in the game, which for some reason turn out to be much stronger than others. And here the reasons can be the most different - up to the fact that a certain player has a much higher skill game than the rest. But most often the problem lies in the game itself. The characters have pumping levels, and the more characters, the more these levels, the more difficult to monitor the most detailed compliance with the balance on each of them. That is why such a term appears as "imba". What it is, you have already understood, but it is worth paying attention to the fact that the immobility can be not only a character.

Other types of imbi

Naturally, Most often, IMEB is called a character for which it is easier to play and which is almost impossible to kill with proper squirrel. But it should not be noted that any other subject can be remembered. What objects can get the nickname "imba"? What should it be for the thing? By analogy with the heroes, items are also numerous, although they are simply simply. But in many games you can sharpen weapons, improve the armor and so on, therefore the probability of the appearance of imbi among items is also high. After all, no one is immune from the fact that the game will appear, for example, a sword, which, with proper sharpening and competent entertainment, will become a real machine for the destruction of both mobs and other characters. So, you already have an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat imba means, therefore it is time to move to specific examples from now popular games.

Is there a "Dota 2" imbi?

The question that many newcomers "Dota 2" are asked: "Is there imbi?" And disputes on this bill are still. Someone says, there is simply no in the game, since there will be opposition on any hero, others have noted that in "Dota" there are quite a large number of unbalanced characters. But who is right?

Imp in "Dota 2" is a rather slippery topic, since in this game, it is increasingly depends on the skill of the player. And here there is no such character who could win without problems. However, if we consider players with the same skills, then here you can already highlight some heroes, which are objectively stronger and more dangerous. A simple example - Huscar. This character has a full immunity to magical attacks, so it will be not so easy to defeat Magu, but an experienced player can find ways. That is why it can be said that there is no imbi in "Dota" - there are simply characters that will be more convenient for certain players. So, the Imp in "Dota 2" is something half, therefore it is worth looking at another popular project.

Imp in the "world of tanks"

As for the "Peace of Tanks", here to highlight unbalanced tanks a little easier. What is imba in WOT? These are those machines that are practically immortal with competent rolls, while having a good speed and causing a rather impressive damage. On these tanks, you will almost always be able to live to the end of the battle, and with due effort will become the best in the duel. Two immishes that are very highlighted among others, it is RHM.B-T and IS-7. It is these models that are very popular among beginners, because everyone is heard that the first of the flaws is only not the fatal armor, and the second is a big spread of guns. Otherwise, they are not just perfect - they are not excessively balanced, therefore they relate to the needle. Both of these tank developers were trying to reinitive, and more than once, but it is not possible to make them more balanced, without rejecting from the historical indicators too much. Tank-Imp - this is one of the most unpleasant things that can meet you on the "world of tanks" in the world, but with good skills and organized teamwork Single-imbey can also be defeated.

Imb in other computer games

Naturally, the presence of imb is not limited exclusively by these two projects. In almost every multiplayer game there is a character, a subject or something else that can be attributed to this class. Therefore, you should always study forums related to a specific project before starting to play it. So you will know what you should fear in the game, thus making your gameplay more enjoyable. Moreover, newcomers can also take advantage of the possibilities of imbi to develop their skills, just do not flirt with this class. It is worth remembering that imbi is what gamers simply do not tolerate, and you can get enough, if you use all your abilities not to get gaming experience, and to gain domination over other players. In any case, if you are going to play for the imbey, you need to be careful - everything is known about IMB, they do not like them, and it is unlikely that someone will ask you, for what purpose you have chosen exactly this character. All the best!

Imp - comes from the English term IMBA, in full version - imbalance, which is translated as unbalanced. What is imba? This is a bug or the ability that violate the balance or give a huge advantage Those who find them and uses.

This advantage can be expressed in the strength of a character whom no one can win or in skills that allow you to make a profit in a short time.

Many players want to find such a bug or pick up such a set of abilities that will bring them a lot of money and make a character not killed. But such a "grail" is practically unrealistic to find, and if it still succeeds, the developers are destroying this imbey.

Imp in the game can be the result of pumping the character, ideas of developers or personal good luck.

Various skills

In the case of the selection of imbiing skills for the game, you must make a lot of effort and spend some of your life to become the best of the best: get top equipment, as well as a hero with a maximum level and fully picked skills. The lighter and fast path is to invest your money and to twist all left and right fiery sword. maximum level, bought, for example, for $ 5000.

In games with a non-target system, such a definition can give the most sensitive and masterly controlling his character to a person.

For example, in Counter Strike. IMBA is to make a head of a shotgun when the enemy is very far away.

In online-rpg there are many skills, some of which can also be imbalanced. Such skills are also called "Utit" (from English Ultimate) - they can receive each character when achieving a certain level. Such skill can apply a huge damage, give temporary invulnerability, and so on, depending on the chosen class. Imba is difficult to call it, because all classes have such "ulta".

However, this is not always the case - sometimes there are instigated classes that have a skill that breaks the balance. This happens from new games or under updates, but after all, after a while, the imbalance is eliminated through various restrictions that are superimposed on immobal characters by developers.


Imbial equipment is a unique equipment whose parameters are not reduced and the ability is not limited. It can be an artifact, legendary thing or subject from the network set. It is almost impossible to get such things alone, but after they are received, you will get a very big advantage over other heroes.

You can read more about gradation and quality in our article.


There are still many methods to get an imbey. But you must remember that the advantage in something will entail a weakness in something else.

Let us give an example - an archer who developed only an attack and has excellent performance in the damage will lose in defense, the number of life and other parameters. Therefore, we advise you to relate to such skews with caution.

And if you found the bug and joyfully use it, it is sooner or later they will find it, you will impose penalties, and the bug is eliminated. Be careful.


"Yes, you're just an imba, destroyed from one strike"

"Where did you get such an imbi weapon?"

"This imbin class is already tired when it deletes it"