Unbreakable Union 513. A great country - a great past, the game "Unbreakable Union". Let's ask for help

Union indestructible
= answers: levels 91-120 =

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The union is indestructible (in Odnoklassniki). Answers for levels 101-110

Union indestructible

The game Unbreakable Union has already managed to win a very large number of fans. This game is probably the most popular social network Classmates. In the game Unbreakable Union, completely different levels are very simple, but there are quite complex ones and there is nowhere to go, you have to go through them. For those who find it hard, we offer answers to the game Unbreakable Union. If you could not find the necessary answers to the game in this material, then look at the site. They are sure to be found. Here full list already available answers. If you don't have them, they will definitely appear soon. We just divided all the levels into blocks. Below are the answers to the levels in pictures.

Unbreakable Union 101, 102, 103, 104, 105:

Level 101:

Level 102:

Level 103:

Level 104:

Level 105:

Answers to the game Unbreakable Union 106, 107, 108, 109, 110:


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Answers to the game Unbreakable Union from the social network Odnoklassniki. Pictures with solutions for levels 511-540. We have answers for absolutely all levels of the application, see the full list of questions and answers to them on the forum. Leave feedback and comments.

Game from Odnoklassniki "Unbreakable Union" - answers: levels 511-540

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Welcome to the Soyuz indestructible answers to all levels in Odnoklassniki.

Here are the answers to the game Union indestructible for 110 levels of this puzzle. The indestructible union is somewhat reminiscent of Remember the USSR, but only here you are presented with one question and four answers, of which only one is correct. You will find not only text questions, but also audio questions. To help you are given several types of tips, but they sometimes end. Therefore, here we have collected for you the answers of the Unbreakable Union in Odnoklassniki.

Game Unbreakable Union simple logic game on guessing the correct answer with a question and pictures-tips. We have collected all the tips for this game for you.

Right now, add this site the game Unbreakable Union answers in Odnoklassniki to your browser bookmarks and it will come in handy more than once and will come to the rescue instantly!

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Everyone has tried sparkling water, but what does the machine that produced this water look like? Or who uttered such a phrase: “have you already been released from the lunatic asylum?” And many other interesting and nostalgic questions that need to be answered in order to earn gold coins.

The game "Unbreakable Union" is built in such a way that you will not need to answer the same questions. There are audio, video, and photos. There is where to unfold your nostalgia.

The passage of the game "Unbreakable Union" in Odnoklassniki is a creative process and may require the involvement of all family members, up to the oldest ones, in it. But be careful, there is a chance to lose your place near the computer if a more authoritative family member expresses a desire to play it.

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To prevent this from happening, skillfully use the tips, of which there are a great many. It is only necessary to correctly calculate your budget so as not to spend all the money on easy issues and not go bankrupt on a really difficult test. On this page you can easily find all the answers to the game "Unbreakable Union" in Odnoklassniki.

Vlad Savin

Union indestructible (MV-10)

“It’s interesting that it’s like another great conqueror is starting up in Europe, Karl, Friedrich, Napoleon, Wilhelm or Hitler, so he is definitely looking for living space in the east? As if our Russian land is ownerless, who will get it? We are finally tired of it - and so that war never again comes to us from German territory, we will remain here forever! So why should we rob and burn our future vassal?

From an interview with I.V. Stalin to a Washington Post correspondent.

“That evening, my father told me that the Russians intend to do with Europe the same way we did with the Philippines liberated from Spanish slavery half a century ago. It seems that the Russians are seriously going to build a new Empire, the World Soviet Union. But in this world there should be only one the owner is like on a ship, only one captain."

Memoirs of Eliot Roosevelt.

Lazarev Mikhail Petrovich Submarine K-25 "Voronezh". Mediterranean Sea - Italy, La Spezia. May 1944.

Ready one - to fight!

Atomarina glides like an almost silent ghost at a depth of two hundred. On the tactical tablet, there are two "swarms" of target points - ours to the north of us, strangers to the southwest. They converge on intersecting courses - and radars already see each other well. Well, we, the acoustics of the twenty-first century, heard this crowd two hours ago.

Two battleships, two heavy and six light cruisers, more than twenty destroyers. Thirty miles behind is an airstrike formation, two large aircraft carriers, also surrounded by cruisers and destroyers. And even further away there should be an amphibious fleet - fifty transports, guarded by a dozen escort aircraft carriers, four old slow-moving battleships, and a bunch of anti-submarine stuff. And those who are now landing on the western tip of Sicily, and on the "toe" of the Italian boot, have not yet been counted.

Admiral Da Zara, in the wheelhouse of the flagship Cesare, probably feels like the embodiment of Rozhdestvensky in front of Tsushima. The enemy has an overwhelming advantage in carrier-based aviation, and a very significant one in light forces, as artillery, in combat training. "New Jersey", "Wisconsin", "Hornet", "Wasp" - all the latest, with commanders and crews that passed the Pacific Ocean, under the flag of Admiral Lee, who defeated the Japanese at Guadacanal (when the Kirishima was sunk) - and four old "Cesare", veterans of the last war, four cruisers, including our "Voroshilov", thirteen destroyers (including four Soviet ones). "With a two-fold superiority in ships and a twenty-fold superiority in carrier-based aviation - talk about naval art indecent", who said this, or something similar, in another story, after the Battle of Okinawa in 1945?

But here we are - a trump card up our sleeve. Or even a whole joker - a nuclear submarine of the Northern Fleet, which inexplicably fell through time, from 2012 to 1942. Due to which the war in this reality (by the consensus of scientific luminaries recognized as "parallel", as another branch branched off from our river of time), went completely differently. Unlike other heroes of "alternative fiction" (not a fan, but I managed to read Konyushevsky), it was easy for us to convince our ancestors of our otherness (which may be better evidence than a ship of twenty thousand tons, which has no analogues in this time) - but what could we do it alone, if the outcome of this great war was decided not at sea, but on land? And it’s not our merit, but our ancestors’, that history turned the arrow and turned completely new way- if "alternative" novels are being written in this time, I would like to say to the authors, never consider your ancestors more stupid than yourself! The information that we passed on fell on fertile ground - well, we only modestly helped, to the best of our ability. We worked as the "flying Dutchman" of the Soviet Union - thanks to which, for example, uranium from the Congo did not reach the American "Manhattan", but ended up with Kurchatov, who started the Soviet atomic program two years earlier. ( approx. - see "White Submarine" - V.S.). The north was cleared of the German Arctic fleet, now we are condemning ourselves in the Mediterranean - and the humor is that we were going exactly here in 2012, having fallen into a "temporal hole" along the way.

Until the summer of 1942, everything went on here as in our history, then changes began, from the liberation of the Arctic and the breakthrough of the Siege of Leningrad already in October forty-second, to the "Big Saturn", which was carried out here, and completely successful. The death of two German army groups (instead of one army of Paulus) led to the fact that in the spring of forty-third ours reached the Dnieper - and crossed it in the summer, with minimal losses. Wasn't here Kursk Bulge, because there was no our defeat near Kharkov in February 1943 - and therefore the forcing of the Dnieper immediately turned into the liberation of the whole of Ukraine, but the Germans could not replace their dead veterans; the accumulation of combat experience among ours went faster, due to fewer losses, while among the Fritz it was the other way around.

And now, ours took Berlin a year earlier! New technology, new tactics- the one who learns faster wins, and Suvorov-Rezun was a fool when he wrote about the "rush to Europe" of the Red Army of the forty-first model! Here we are, now corresponding to the forty-fifth of that history, for almost three years we walked to the Rhine and the Alps! In the north of the Italian "boot" is the People's Republic, headed by comrade Togliatti, in the south, Mussolini has not yet been hanged. And now we went to Taranto, where since February, since the people's revolution, part of the Italian fleet has been stuck. The Americans are preparing a landing in Sicily - it seems that in this story there will be two Italy instead of two Koreas. So we will not give the ships to American puppets!

On April 28, the fleet of People's Italy (the battleships Cesare and Cavour, the cruisers Gorizia, Garibaldi, Abruzzo, nine destroyers) together with the USSR Mediterranean squadron (Voroshilov, Smart, Capable, " Cheerful", "Cheerful") left Spezia on a campaign. German aviation in last days practically did not fly, so we went straight through the Strait of Messina, without a single shot from coastal batteries. April 30, we approached Taranto, on the heel of the "boot". Much resistance was not expected when the outcome of the war was already obvious, even convinced Nazis and blackshirts preferred to flee rather than fight - and there was fermentation among the crews of the southern squadron from the very beginning, they openly said that they would sink the ships when they tried to capture them by the Germans and recognized "People's" Admiral Da Zara as his commander (standing in a fascist base!). But, not relying on proletarian internationalism, ours landed marines, from destroyers and cruisers, directly on the piers, as in Feodosia in forty-two, and Soviet aviation from airfields on Corfu was ready to strike. It was only supposed to provide refueling for ships moored at the piers with empty bunkers - but appetite comes with eating, and on the morning of May 2, the caravan barely crawled out of Taranto into Return trip. The Italian comrades grabbed everything that was on the water, loading everything of value there, and everyone who wanted to go to the communist north, and in the port everything that could not be taken out was drowning, burning, exploding. Part of the convoy, most of the slow moving ones, was sent east to Venice. And the squadron, leading a dozen transports, lay down on a course to Messina, and across the strait, home. And at 15.00 the American fleet was discovered.