Where TT goes. World of Tanks - tactics on a new fjord map. Ruinberg in fire

Starting the next section of the "tanker textbook", I welcome you, brave tanker, who decided to become the driver of the middle tank. Comrade, you have to combine the dexterity of the Firefly, the seamless of the shredder of tanks and the assertiveness of the drivers of heavy tanks. But here is the time to move the cap a little forward and scratch the back of the head, can choose another tank? Well, what do you have in this middle a tank? Neither armor, no powerful tool, nor the stock of life, can not even turn around in place: always describe a small circle! Yes, you have not seen medium tanks in battle, they are so uroat! On the other hand, if the average tank is one-on-one occurs with the severity - the corpse, if it is found from PT - PT corpse, if with an arthnya - art corpse. Of course, for this you need to read our tutorial and practicing a lot! So, Comrade, if you are firmly (like the armor of our tanks) decided to become a Middle Tank driver, go to the theoretical, how to play on the middle tank in WOT. The practice you will then work out.

Motion control tank

Since our fastest tanks, according to tradition, first will take care of correctly twist the pedals and find out what an aerodynamic kit is the most fashionable this season for maximum speed.

  1. We are going straight. This rule for medium tanks is more important than for all others: less looting and turning, so as not to lose speed.
  2. First overclocking. If you first dial a lot of speed, and then call the slide, you will have time to take a longer position than if you first hurt a slide, and then you will accelerate.
  3. Golden Rule. Promise me, myself and personally Mr. sour that you will never stand still. Movement knocks down the enemy with a sense, does not allow accurate to aim, in general increases your chance to win the battle. The most beautiful thing I have seen is the average tank beating with heavy under the firing of three art. Guess how many frags were the middle tank in the end?
  4. Look where to prey. In battle, it is difficult to focus on maneuvers and keeping the battle, I suggest you focus primarily on maneuvers.
  5. Tuning is required. I try not to give advice about additional modulesYou can put on tanks, but here I will definitely advise. For Soviet average tanks, it is necessary to have tuning in the form of a shot limiter if on initial levels Tanks can not be used, then for the top art, this device must have. But even immediately advice, how to make not damage the engine tuning. Enable it when you need it and turn off when not. If you crawl into a hill - Turn on tuning if you are already on the hill - turn off if you type speed - turn on if you fly in full speed to turn off. Middle tanks often participate in taking height on different cardsThe filtered speed limiter will help be at a height before your opponents. Using the inclusion and shutdown, you can exclude the engine breakdown by 100%.

Maintaining fire fighting

Now, comrade, will pass around, but not head of the wall, but in battle.

  1. Play on husls. Get back to the enemy of Gusli, and all the time, often you remove the hussley from the opponent, and you also apply him damage. Even if after the shot of the husli do not fly, then the shot in board is very painful for any tank. The opponent with shot down guesls is your easy prey, lush the enemy of maneuverability and do what you want with him.
  2. Be undergoing. You always need to be behind the opponent's pool. Bypass the opponent's tank at the first opportunity. If you went to him in my forehead and already got an enemy projectile - do not lose, do not stop and do not hide until it recharges, you have time to get to it, knock him down a husley, and then he is already yours.
  3. Use autographs. When focusing on maneuvers is more important than an accurate fire, take the enemy on the route, maneuver and just click the button of the gun ready. It is better to start the game on medium tanks. That's how time will have enough attention and wherever you go, and where you shoot, but at the beginning, the route will help.
  4. Do not tank. You are not a heavy tank, look out due to shelter and shoot with the opponent is not your horse. In most cases, the average tanks fighting due to shelter, they are inappropriately dying, neither the fragment does not earn, nor the team of use does not bring. If you are comfortable tank, it's better to sit on a heavy tank.


It's time to go to the tactics of the battle. Now I will tell you how to play middle tanks.

  1. My brains. Tankists of medium tanks and their tanks are cannon meat. You are shooting easily and with pleasure. Everyone is superbly known that due to the small stock of life you can quickly kill, earning the fragment and reducing the number of guns at the opponent. And everyone knows that it is the average tanks that can easily turn the course of the battle. Not no heavy tanks Follow and take the base, there are no heavy tanks or PTs will dry out the art, no one except the average tanks will take height. The significance of medium tanks in battle is greater than it seems at first glance. But greed to the frags of the owners of the average tanks is also more than that of tankers of other classes. But I will reveal you a secret: all your frags are always at the end of the battle, and at the beginning of the battle you yourself are frag. Help the team win and at the end of the battle, thanks to your speed, you will collect a good harvest of frags. At the end of the battle, you will be closest to the database of the enemy and all the arts will be yours, you will have time to go to the enemy chick, busy fight with another your gravity, you can take the base, and give a medal! Just need to turn the course of the battle! Recipe below.
  2. Your field of activity. Lately It was a strange trend of middle tanks to go to the gorge or in the city and there to "merge". I understand that the anger of thousands of tankers in the phrase: "Middle tanks are not needed and useless in the" pants "on the map of Karelia," but it is. Look at the preparation for the battle and the fighting team "Centurion" against Iron Capacity. Anyway, the average tanks must take place for maneuver and engage in breakthrough, your place on the plateau, in the field and even on the alleys!
  3. First march. If you are clear to the place of your deployment in battle, then you need to have time to fly there before the enemy. Take the most distant position from your base, it will keep the opponent from further promotion; It becomes clear the distribution of the forces of the enemy by flanks, and will also exclude the possibility of a breakthrough according to your flank, perhaps even on the way there is an enemy fireless.
  4. From st in LT. Your average tank is not only speed and armament, but also a pair of eyes. You will make your advantage in battle. Your long and happy life will help you, so, having come to a long position, so much with the thought that "hurry - the enemy is embossed," and then stand and Sveti enemy, let the art and Pt work. Even if the enemy is not available to them, then you will keep it without a case while his conifers will kill. But I assure you that when he understands what stuck behind his cover and loses time, he will make a careless maneuver. And remember, the enemy, killed by your light, gives you a portion of experience.
  5. Watch the battle. Watch the battle and consider the enemy lit up to choose a good moment for a breakthrough. Suppose you, as the right average tank, are on the plateau, and in the gorge there is a fight. On the mini map you see litwords, you think that there are five tanks in the gorge, look at the list of teams of the enemy, and there are 9 live tanks of which are 5 litty, three articles and one PT. Once again, scratching under the pilot, you will understand that the arts are hardly in the gorge, then there are three articles on the basis and one Fri, here and your starry hour comes here!

Here is such a simple science being a commander of Soviet average tanks, comrade! Although actually medium tanks are a very complex and specific class of technology, they must be consolidated twice as fast as any other class of tanks. Everything described as closely as possible to single tankers, but in fact it's best to find a partner for playing in a platoon, medium tanks need combat comrades extremely strong!


Bright and lush terrain with plenty of forests and villages located in different parts cards. Large damaged aqueduct crosses the eastern part of the valley. Numerous mountain ranges are an excellent place for ambush, but wide fields make moving between positions dangerous.

Border of the Empire

The first Asian card in the game after updating 1.0. Her distinctive feature is a great chinese wall separating the location into two parts. Different areas of the map are suitable for different classes And game styles.


Swamps, rocks and stony cliffs divide the map into three main operating destinations. The lack of buildings and a small number of rock shelters favor artillery actions. For success, it is necessary to concentrate the forces of attacking on one of the directions in distracting actions or rigid restraint of the enemy in other sectors.


Isolated mountain valley on one flank and urban quarters on the other allow you to get to the enemy at the distance of the final throw. The open lake in the center of the field allows to provide fire support to its allies at a sufficiently large distance.

Siegfried line

A successful combination of open spaces and urban quarters is a feature of this card. Winding streets allow you to penetrate the enemy rear, and numerous dots can be used as shelters.


The initial positions of the teams are separated by a smooth, well-skilled field. This card in the WORLD OF TANK is convenient for defense and destruction of the enemy by artillery. Deep traverses using shelters - armor, folds of terrain and village houses can solve the outcome of the battle. A well-coordinated attack through a field at high speed, with support for artillery can also bring success, but rather risky.


Is a mixed type card. Two zones with a dense urban building, separated by the open section of the Swisle River embankment. The main collision occurs on opposite sides of the prospectus. Attempts to quickly break through the defense in this place are extremely risky. Just achieving success in the flank, you can count on victory.


In the center of the map there are a large monastery and the city. Three roads allow you to drive from north to south. The courtyard of the monastery is a profitable firing position. The long hill in the west and winding ravine in the east is perfectly protected from artillery fire.


Picturesque terrain with a mixed landscape, divided into 3 main zones: an old castle in the center of the map, a small city and height with guard towers in the northern part, hilly plains in the southern part.


The map transmitting an atmosphere of the landing of the Allied troops in the seaside part of Normandy on June 6, 1944. Interesting not only by the historical component, but also by its design. This is a whole exhibition hall of samples of German fortification from the entire Atlantic Shaft.

Orlovsky ledge

Atmospheric map from Belgorod 1943. The map is intended for General Battle. There are several zones: factory in the center of the map, dense forests in both teams, the church over the plain, a small bridge and a destroyed aircraft.


It can be safely argued that Paris is not only a city of fashion and beauty, love and romance, but also excellent game location for virtual tank battles. Features of the card opens up opportunities for a variety of dynamic fighting. Three gaming zones provide freedom of action to all classes of technology. The place is for everyone, the main thing is to determine our own desires.


This map is different mountain areafor which the crossed relief is characteristic. Numerous rocks and stones protect against the enemy's fire, various hills are excellent places for ambushes, and winding roads allow the opponent's database.


The hills located along the edges of this card are built up with numerous houses. Winding streets will allow to apply unexpected strikes. The latter lied between the hills is the shortest path to the enemy base.


Open hilly terrain separated by rail in bulk. Groups of trees give excellent shelter for anti-tank sau. Attacking, follow the flanks. Defending, attack the flanks of the opponent. Artillery has freedom of action, but is extremely vulnerable to raids of high-speed light forces.


Game location is a countryside in Britain. In the center of the map there is a small town. Fields smoothly passing into the hills are an excellent place for decisive attacks. The river in the middle of the card does not interfere with the movement of the technique and serves as a good guideline.


High hill in the center of the map is key point cards. Despite the difficulties in her lesson, dramatically improves the position of the team. The village is northeast-east than a hill and island of it, despite a number of advantages, remain vulnerable to fire from the center.


The concentric system of the city, dense trees and bushes in the park allow you to produce hidden maneuvers and promptly transfer reserves. Artillery's actions in the urban part are greatly difficult, but the high degree of destruction in the city allows its allies to be effective support.

Fisherman bay

This card is a successful combination of open space and crossed terrain. The narrow winding streets of the port city, located on the flank, will help suddenly gain an advantage. Playing hills with numerous bushes will allow to use the ambush tactics widely.


Open plain terrain. From shelters only large stones, markets and railway on mound in the north. Both bases connect the road, covered in lowland from what is happening on the flanks.


Studyanka Village for a whole week was the venue of the fierce battles of the units of the Red Army (including the 1st Tank Brigade of Polish Troops) with German invaders. In memory of these events, ended with great success for the allies forces, in 1969, the village was renamed Studzianki Pancerne (Tank Studsyanka).

Silent shore

The land area is limited at the edges of the mountain ranges and the water space occupying a third of the card. Through the entire territory from the north to the south, the railway passes. Hilly terrain with thick vegetation on the Western flank will be the perfect place to quickly attack. The straight road between the databases passes through a small town where you can conduct protracted battles. Bases are protected by hills from direct invasion, but we are vulnerable from flanks.


Mountain in the East gives a serious combat advantage, while control over the central part of the card is a tactful advantage. Swamp in the West can be used for exploration and attack from the rear.


The map is a Western European city. It was not by chance that the working title of the map was "Munich". Factory Quarters, Destroyed Houses, Commodity Formations are features of this location. Mound with the railway, separating the map in half, allows you to concentrate forces for impact.


The databases are divided by rocks and cliffs. The presence of a set of shelters allows to concentrate forces in the desired direction. The map center has some advantage, but flanks are disregarded by defeat.


Huge mountains and narrow valleys allow you to take a variety of tactical solutions. You can guide fire duel through the bay or battle on the pistol distance in the coastal city, and you can choose a deep bypass with the capture of the enemy base.


A diverse landscape of this card gives it a kind of charm and makes it possible to use various tactics. Open spaces are good for wide flank strikes, and urban quarters suggest intensive neighboring battle. Dorselism map name - "Kansas"


Labyrinth of streets and squares, extremely inconvenient for artillery and anti-tank SAU, but ideal for fast breakthroughs and bulk and medium tanks. Cooperating paths - through the dominant area of \u200b\u200bthe hill with the castle and along the routes of the train station - will help you get out of the resulting implication.


Labyrinth of urban quarters and an even field of suburbs are separated by narrow passages between the station paths. Concentrating force, take into account the strong and weak sides Martial vehicles on each of their directions: artillery can disrupt the jerk along the open field, but almost helpless against the hiding behind the walls of the enemy buildings.

Winter maps


Situation - North America. Spots in the north of the card is a variety of corridors, buildings and narrow travel. The island in the south is an extensive open area, covered with lonely buildings and dilapidated wooden shacks of diggers and mines. In the central part of the card or the river coast connects the bridge. The map is translated into improved quality and returned to the game in Update 1.0.2

Mannerheim Line

Snow-covered and rocky terrain with many different obstacles and shelters. Winding roads leading around mountain ranges and along the banks of the river, allow you to unexpectedly be in the rear at the upcoming opponent, and also create plenty of comfortable places for ambushes. Former name - "Polar".


City buildings in the center of the map is the most important strategic area. On the map, two more directions are highlighted: the city square, which can be used in distant distances, and a plot of an urban feature, which can best have a male technician.


The map in the middle of the snowy mountains of Scandinavia in the atmosphere of the endless winter. Pierced by fierce winds The central part of the card gives space for bold reconnaissance maneuvers. The cemetery of ships in the frozen bay is suitable for the positional struggle. Roads along the mountains will serve for breakthroughs to the opponent's base, and fishing villages will become a place of mortal ambushes to reflect attacks.


The split river in half, the map has three probable attack lines. The central bridge is located among the ruins of a small town. The locality near the North and South Bridges has a small number of shelters. As a fighter position, you can use the castle and the hills line on the opposite part of the map.

Desert maps


The map is a British military airfield with surrounding surroundings. Situation - North Africa. The databases of the commands are located in two small port villages. In the center between them there is a rocky elevation, which allows you to control the surrounding spaces and access to the bases. Location is replete with convenient places for ambushes and numerous ways for breakthroughs and maneuvers. At the top of the map, it is located directly by the airfield with two large aircraft hangars and a runway. The developers paid great attention to Ancturing: on this game location you can find various techniques (aircraft, fuel trucks, sanitary cars), a radar station, a dining room and a shower for personnel, a mosque with a minaret, ancient ruins, fishing boats and more.

Sand river

At first sight, this map It seems very open, but it is not. Despite the fact that clay houses in the villages are easily destroyed, and success can be used as protection. The flanks are nicely covered with scaling arrays and high dunes, which allows you to step from unexpected directions.

Lost city

Mixed mixed card with carefully verified balance, created with the participation of leading players. Restrained color palette and soft day lighting are designed to provide maximum comfort when playing. One of the cards on which battles occurred within game mode "Superiority".

El Halluluth

In the center of the map there is a spacious valley filled with stones and shallow vegetation. High mountains on both sides of the valley provide plenty of firing positions. Regardless of the route, the attackers will face difficult approach to the enemy camp.

Special cards


So Kharkov looks like in the world of destroyed technology in the power of Leviafan. The map is created for gaming Event on Halloween (October-November 2017).

Removed from the game card


The map highlights two main directions on the flanks and the support direction through the center. Hot fighting for dominance in the city will take place on two bridges connecting a small plant with a central square. The team, who managed to break through the crossing, will receive more opportunities to bypass the enemy and tactical maneuvers. Go to the rear of the enemy and to support the allies, destroying enemy artillery, you can through the north-west direction at the foot of the mountain. Many shelters and small height differences throughout the route will fully realize the potential of fast, maneuverable technology. Central Diagonal - the shortest route To the database of the enemy, it provides an opportunity to quickly transfer strength and support allies on the flanks.


The map is completely identical to the well-known Rinberg, differing from him only the time of the year. The circular area in the western part of the city serves as a place of protracted positional battle. Concentric urban streets are suitable for gradually hacking by enemy defense by the forces of severe technique, and a long radial street will allow you to lead the digger fire on the enemy. The eastern area of \u200b\u200bthe map is quite open and quite suitable for middle tank maneuvers, but only if they control a small settlement in the middle of this zone.

Pearl river

The rugway landscape opens up huge opportunities to use various battle tactics - ambushes, sudden traverses, collisions in small areas. Movement along the river bed allows you to quickly reach the opponent's base and enter into battle. Remember that on this map you can not forget about your rear.

Winter Himmelsdorf.

The card is a complete copy of the original Hymmelsdorf, only the exception that this is a winter type map. Labyrinth of streets and squares, extremely inconvenient for artillery and anti-tank SAU, but ideal for fast breakthroughs and bulk and medium tanks. Cooperating paths - through the dominant area of \u200b\u200bthe hill with the castle and along the routes of the train station - will help you get out of the resulting implication.


Game location is two areas of low-lying wetlands. They are divided by the river, which you can cross in three bridges. In the center of the map there is a small elevation with abundant vegetation and several buildings. Players call her "island", although it is formally a peninsula adjacent to the northern shore. Bases are located in the West and East, but the teams begin the fight in the north and south.


Starting positions on rocky slopes do not provide any cover, so best tactic There will be a successful occupation of urban streets. On both sides of the city cathedral is artillery - a breakthrough to this area will become a significant contribution to the victory.

Fire arc

The "Fire Arque" map is a copy of the "Prokhorovka" card, but the lighting, landscape, sound and visual accompaniment changed on this location during the battle to transmit greater atmospheric at the battle. "Fiery arc" is a reference to the events of the Great Patriotic War on a Kursk ledge, when the tank battle between Germany and the USSR was held in July 1943. Open hilly terrain separated by rail in bulk. Groups of trees give excellent shelter for anti-tank sau. Attacking, follow the flanks. Defending, attack the flanks of the opponent. Artillery has freedom of action, but is extremely vulnerable to raids of high-speed light forces.

Ruinberg in fire

The map is a complete copy of the Ruinberg card with a changed lighting and design. The concentric system of the city, dense trees and bushes in the park allow you to produce hidden maneuvers and promptly transfer reserves. Artillery's actions in the urban part are greatly difficult, but the high degree of destruction in the city allows its allies to be effective support.

Sacred Valley

Most of the terrain occupies a hollow lost in the mountains. The presence of numerous villages, high rocks, trees and bushes allows you to choose optimal battle tactics.


Visually, the landscape and nature of the card resemble the North American region with characteristic vegetation and mountain arrays in an early autumn atmosphere. The map is replete with buildings, slides, stony shelters. The buildings are mostly non-destructive, there are quite good positions for heavy machinery and space for lighting. At the same time there are good positions for the work of SAU, as well as paths and loopholes for medium and light tanks. The card is rather balanced for all types of equipment and does not have a pronounced imbalance, because has a diagonal symmetry.


The map is added to the update 0.8.7, the working name was "Belogorsk 19". Snow-covered Soviet factory town, separated by a stubborn robust in ice, can be captured from a wide variety of areas, but it is excellent with the surrounding hills offering numerous shelters, firing positions and routes. Released from the game in updating 0.9.5.

Hidden village

The most covered is the direction at the foot of the mountain, which is perfect for heavy equipment. Fast and maneuverable machines can be used during the village storm, but it is necessary to fear the opponent's hill. Height control gives a tangible tactical advantage.


Dense urban building in the center of the map allows you to use different tactics. The open embankment is well suitable for quick battles and maneuverable technology.

In today's guide, we will tell you about the main routes of tanks on the Fjorda map in the game.

This card is quite original and since it will be quite new to many players to find out where they are mostly rout and where the main battles on this location occur.

Red circles indicate the main hot points on this location, it is here that the largest battles occur.

Light tanks on a fjord map can go through 4 different routes. Basically, light tanks move through the Polyana and through the mountains, the route through the shore is not popular with LT, because there is little space for maneuvers and if at high speed to jump onto the enemy, then most likely you are instantly faded.

PT-SAU on this location is mainly moving behind heavy tanks. Green circles indicate the main places where PT-SAU can be. There is a very uneven relief on this map, so it's impossible to take a good position with PT-SAU cars here, they have to go for the allies tanks and help destroy enemies.

Medium tanks on the map of fjords in the game World of Tanks. Mostly satisfy battles in the meadow and near the shore, sometimes you can see a group of stubborn in the mountain area.

Artillery on this map occupies positions marked with purple circles. At 95%, artillery is in these places, because there is no particular sense to move from place to place on this map, because the relief of the shelling for an ART from another position will be almost the same.

Heavy tanks on the map of Fjords move along the routes with the specified red arrows. The main battles of heavy tanks occur in the Polyana and Coast area, sometimes heavier tanks go through the mountain, but the priority routes remain - Polyana and the shore.

As for Rush tactics, it was still not particularly practiced here, but nevertheless one of the best routes for Rasha is listed on the map with white arrows.

If you think about different tactics on each map can be a lot, the main thing is to correctly distribute strength and act on time, then even the most good tactics of the enemy may be destroyed in a moment.

So, the fighter, you have already mastered the overall mechanics of management of tanks and you know why you need various types of equipment in the game.

However, what and how to do on different cards, koi in the game more than thirty? Why is Svetlyk, all the fights stood in an invisible bush on an elevation, got experience more than you, who bravely fought with the opponent? How can one of your PT-SAU choose a position on the map, what was able to destroy ten tanks? Why a heavy tank was able to stop six opponents in the city "corridor" in the city "corridor", and not only survived, but also earned a medal "Steel wall"? We'll figure out.

"Banana" in Khimmelsdorf - a favorite place for heavy tanks. But PT with a strong frontal armor there will be comfortable.

World of Tanks Cartography

At the first levels, only cards are available to the player. Khimmelsdorf, "Rudniks" and "Robin" - This is one of the very first cards created by the developers. From the second to the third level to the first locations add more "Ensk", "Karelia", "Prokhorovka" and "Provinces". Starting from the fourth level, the player can get on any card in the game.

In "Malinovka" beginners teach not to stick out on the open space.

Each map has places of appearance that are called for brevity "Repains", as well as base (Depending on the battle mode, the base may be one or two). Usually reps and bases are in one place, however such maps as "Komarin", "Top", "Provinces", "Erlenberg" in standard mode Have deleted places of the appearance and capture point.

At Erlenberg, players appear in the corners of the card, and the campus bases (marked with flags) are closer to the center.

Each card has the following limitations: the size is no more than 1,200 meters by 1200 meters (minimum size of 800 meters x 600 meters), reps are not located in direct visibility from each other (so that the players do not receive advantages).

Maps are divided into the following types:

City maps (on them basic Part of the location occupies a "labyrinth" from buildings, buildings, railway branches, etc.). These are the cards: "Himelsdorf", "Ensk", "Port", "Wydpark", "Lassville", "Ruinberg". "Siegfried Line.

"Mouse" is practically useless to open cards, but for right game Very dangerous on urban.

Open cards (they constitute an open area, which is difficult to hide enough and the tactical capabilities of the teams play a big role). On this list: "Malinovka", "Prokhorovka", "Steppe", "Highway", "Sand River".

On the open "steppes", the role of medium tanks, which does not greatly interfere with the absence of normal shelters are critical.

Mixed maps (such most at the moment they have both open spaces, urban development and natural natural shelters and obstacles). These are the cards: "Westfield", "Rybatskaya Bay", "El Haluf", "Silent Beach", "South Beach", "Airfield", "Erlenberg", "Phalia", "Dragon Ridge", "Fjords", " Rock "," Top "," Komarin "," Rudniks "," Redshire "," Province "," Pass "," Muddy "," Monastery "," Live Oks "," Karelia ".

Consider the general principles of building a map.

  1. There are at least two or three passages to an enemy base formed by natural / city shelters from flanking fire and fire enemy artillery.
  2. There is an open space that allows "Svetlik" to play their main trump card - speed.
  3. There are natural lines of defense on which it is convenient to restrain the enemy attack, and in the area of \u200b\u200bthe respe / base there are shelters for artillery.

See artillery that hid in this position, you can only if you come to this hollow yourself. Front Artu hides the hill, right - many bushes.

How to understand where you need to go on your class of technology?

Where to go to TT, ST or PT?

First, try to look at the mini-card at the beginning of the battle and determine the possible directions of attack on the enemy base, as well as shelter options that can help your team (urban quarters, hills, stony empty).

Secondly, see where the main enemy forces will come from.

Only two stages went to the north, which without our help definitely not to cope.

Thirdly, after graduating from the reference, see where your allies are moving on medium, heavy tanks and PT-SAU. If it seems to you that in some direction there are few forces - you go there. The general principle of building your route is approximately the same on any map. For most of your path, you must look after:

Shelters from artillery fire;

Shelters from flanking fire;

The ability to return to the database in the event of a breakthrough from another flank;

The best way to the enemy database (the shortest, most protected)

Availability good review In places Zasad.

Where to hide on artillery?

If you play a saau, then at the beginning of the battle you should choose the shelter so as to have:

The shelter from the fire of enemy sau in the case of a breakthrough of "light" to your base (if you broke through, you should be able to immediately hide behind the impenetrable shelter, so as not to be destroyed by the first shot).

Maximum secrecy (even if you broke through, you will have precious seconds before you notice)

The possibility of a sharp change of position so as not to be caught fire by enemy artillery by tracers

If Svetlyk arrives, I can quickly roll for the house, and the enemy artillery will not get me.

Which route to choose for intelligence?

If you play on light tank, At the beginning of the battle, you must choose one of three action options:

Passive light on a dangerous direction (you need to find a position with which you can "shine" all the direction of the enemy attack, it should have a wonderful review and be the most imperceptible);

The active light is on the main direction of your attack, with the subsequent breakthrough to the enemy SAU (you need to know all the places where your heavy tanks can go, which means all the city alleys, hills and shelters you need to know how your five fingers; the same applies to the places "Works" of enemy artillery);

Active light on the secondary direction to promote our forces, if some direction on the map was thrown and has a minimal cover - move and shine it. You should not only know the locality where you will have to fight, but also remember the possibility of returning to your base to be captured).

A classic point for passive light on "Prokhorovka". The bushes are securely hidden from the enemy, and can be seen almost all of the alley.


Lightweight tanks on the maps are looking for open spaces (fields, roads, dugs on the principle "saw - ran away") and the maximum "shutter" directions (bushes, trees that do not allow you to see ahead of time - all this in the direction of the likely attack of the enemy).

Middle tanks storm certain directions, but should always be able to conduct the flank shelling of the enemy, as well as the possibility of safe / secretive movement ("Zelenka" in urban quarters, slides, bypass passages);

Heavy tanks must have maximum protected from artillery fire and step in the directions of attacks covered from the possibility of flanking bypass (urban quarters, rocks, stones, hills);

PT-SAU or support the attack, or occupy a secretive position for the "cover" of a dangerous direction (urban quarters, "Zelenka");

SAU occupy positions that provide maximum security, secrecy and the possibility of emergency departure from the opponent's breakdown.

And here is the result of a right occupied position. In my opinion, more than 3,000 units of damage are applied, well, and almost 2000 shot himself.

Below we picked up a few examples of parsing cards and tactics for them for different species Tanks.

Guides Ot Kirill Oreshkina and WG TV:

  1. Fjords. General concepts On directions, shelters, options for attack and protection base.
  1. Prokhorovka. General story about the map, the main directions of attack / protection, principles of action of various classes of tanks on this map.

Guides Ot Sasha Bang.. Excellent guides with beautiful and understandable schemes for all types of equipment, an excellent understanding of the combat situations and the principles of the game. Perhaps the best thing to find on YouTube.

So, the fighter, you have already mastered the overall mechanics of management of tanks and you know why you need various types of equipment in the game.

However, what and how to do on different cards, koi in the game more than thirty? Why is Svetlyk, all the fights stood in an invisible bush on an elevation, got experience more than you, who bravely fought with the opponent? How can one of your PT-SAU choose a position on the map, what was able to destroy ten tanks? Why a heavy tank was able to stop six opponents in the city "corridor" in the city "corridor", and not only survived, but also earned a medal "Steel wall"? We'll figure out.

"Banana" in Khimmelsdorf - a favorite place for heavy tanks. But PT with a strong frontal armor there will be comfortable.

World of Tanks Cartography

At the first levels, only cards are available to the player. Khimmelsdorf, "Rudniks" and "Robin" - This is one of the very first cards created by the developers. From the second to the third level to the first locations add more "Ensk", "Karelia", "Prokhorovka" and "Provinces". Starting from the fourth level, the player can get on any card in the game.

In "Malinovka" beginners teach not to stick out on the open space.

Each map has places of appearance that are called for brevity "Repains", as well as base (Depending on the battle mode, the base may be one or two). Usually reps and bases are in one place, however such maps as "Komarin", "Top", "Provinces", "Erlenberg" In the standard mode, the location and capture points are removed from each other.

At Erlenberg, players appear in the corners of the card, and the campus bases (marked with flags) are closer to the center.

Each card has the following limitations: the size is no more than 1,200 meters by 1200 meters (minimum size of 800 meters x 600 meters), reps are not located in direct visibility from each other (so that the players do not receive advantages).

Maps are divided into the following types:

City maps (on them basic Part of the location occupies a "labyrinth" from buildings, buildings, railway branches, etc.). These are the cards: "Himelsdorf", "Ensk", "Port", "Wydpark", "Lassville", "Ruinberg". "Siegfried Line.

Mouse is practically useless on open cards, but with the right game very dangerous on urban.

Open cards (they constitute an open area, which is difficult to hide enough and the tactical capabilities of the teams play a big role). On this list: "Malinovka", "Prokhorovka", "Steppe", "Highway", "Sand River".

On the open "steppes", the role of medium tanks, which does not greatly interfere with the absence of normal shelters are critical.

Mixed maps (such most at the moment they have both open spaces, urban development and natural natural shelters and obstacles). These are the cards: "Westfield", "Rybatskaya Bay", "El Haluf", "Silent Beach", "South Beach", "Airfield", "Erlenberg", "Phalia", "Dragon Ridge", "Fjords", " Rock "," Top "," Komarin "," Rudniks "," Redshire "," Province "," Pass "," Muddy "," Monastery "," Live Oks "," Karelia ".

Consider the general principles of building a map.

  1. There are at least two or three passages to an enemy base formed by natural / city shelters from flanking fire and fire enemy artillery.
  2. There is an open space that allows "Svetlik" to play their main trump card - speed.
  3. There are natural lines of defense on which it is convenient to restrain the enemy attack, and in the area of \u200b\u200bthe respe / base there are shelters for artillery.

See artillery that hid in this position, you can only if you come to this hollow yourself. Front Artu hides the hill, right - many bushes.

How to understand where you need to go on your class of technology?

Where to go to TT, ST or PT?

First, try to look at the mini-card at the beginning of the battle and determine the possible directions of attack on the enemy base, as well as shelter options that can help your team (urban quarters, hills, stony empty).

Secondly, see where the main enemy forces will come from.

Only two stages went to the north, which without our help definitely not to cope.

Thirdly, after graduating from the reference, see where your allies are moving on medium, heavy tanks and PT-SAU. If it seems to you that in some direction there are few forces - you go there. The general principle of building your route is approximately the same on any map. For most of your path, you must look after:

Shelters from artillery fire;

Shelters from flanking fire;

The ability to return to the database in the event of a breakthrough from another flank;

The best way to the enemy database (the shortest, most protected)

Availability of a good review in places ambushes

Where to hide on artillery?

If you play a saau, then at the beginning of the battle you should choose the shelter so as to have:

The shelter from the fire of enemy sau in the case of a breakthrough of "light" to your base (if you broke through, you should be able to immediately hide behind the impenetrable shelter, so as not to be destroyed by the first shot).

Maximum secrecy (even if you broke through, you will have precious seconds before you notice)

The possibility of a sharp change of position so as not to be caught fire by enemy artillery by tracers

If Svetlyk arrives, I can quickly roll for the house, and the enemy artillery will not get me.

Which route to choose for intelligence?

If you play on a light tank, then at the beginning of the battle you must choose one of three options:

Passive light on a dangerous direction (you need to find a position with which you can "shine" all the direction of the enemy attack, it should have a wonderful review and be the most imperceptible);

The active light is on the main direction of your attack, with the subsequent breakthrough to the enemy SAU (you need to know all the places where your heavy tanks can go, which means all the city alleys, hills and shelters you need to know how your five fingers; the same applies to the places "Works" of enemy artillery);

Active light on the secondary direction to promote our forces, if some direction on the map was thrown and has a minimal cover - move and shine it. You should not only know the locality where you will have to fight, but also remember the possibility of returning to your base to be captured).

A classic point for passive light on "Prokhorovka". The bushes are securely hidden from the enemy, and can be seen almost all of the alley.


Lightweight tanks on the maps are looking for open spaces (fields, roads, dugs on the principle "saw - ran away") and the maximum "shutter" directions (bushes, trees that do not allow you to see ahead of time - all this in the direction of the likely attack of the enemy).

Middle tanks storm certain directions, but should always be able to conduct the flank shelling of the enemy, as well as the possibility of safe / secretive movement ("Zelenka" in urban quarters, slides, bypass passages);

Heavy tanks must have maximum protected from artillery fire and step in the directions of attacks covered from the possibility of flanking bypass (urban quarters, rocks, stones, hills);

PT-SAU or support the attack, or occupy a secretive position for the "cover" of a dangerous direction (urban quarters, "Zelenka");

SAU occupy positions that provide maximum security, secrecy and the possibility of emergency departure from the opponent's breakdown.

And here is the result of a right occupied position. In my opinion, more than 3,000 units of damage are applied, well, and almost 2000 shot himself.

Below we picked up a few examples of parsing cards and tactics on them for various types of tanks.

Guides Ot Kirill Oreshkina and WG TV:

  1. Fjords. General concepts about directions, shelters, attack and base protection options.
  1. Prokhorovka. General story about the map, the main directions of attack / protection, principles of action of various classes of tanks on this map.

Guides Ot Sasha Bang.. Excellent guides with beautiful and understandable schemes for all types of equipment, an excellent understanding of the combat situations and the principles of the game. Perhaps the best thing to find on YouTube.