Prime World New Hero. The new hero is already on the way to Prya! PRIME WORLD Game Description

Welcome to the official website of Prime World, where you can always learn the latest news about innovations, familiarize yourself with detailed description Game features, discuss the game on the forum and view the gallery of screenshots and videos.

Game itself PRIME WORLD. It is a social strategy that has been successfully combining the ability to manage the lock and tactical battles. Participants are determined with the choice of the enemy fraction, on the side of which they would like to fight, manage their own castle, collecting heroes and take part in ruthless fights. In addition, an exciting game prime World. Founded in a completely new social interaction of players for such projects.

The PV game provides for men and female characterswhich interact with each other on tactical cardsthat not only makes the game more interesting, but also directly affects the outcome of tactical battles.

PRIME WORLD Game Description

The online game will be likely not only to fans of strategies, but also players who prefer other genres, while independent of whether you are an experienced player or newcomer, you will find a lot of interesting to myself in the world Prime World. IN pw. Everyone is given freedom to engage where he is fond of. You can build, carry out resource mining, collecting skills and talans, as well as create thanks to all this new heroes. While one players will take part in battles with enemies, you can provide them with support for bonuses, mined for winning minibars directly on the tactical map.

Essence online Games It is countering two factions: the empires of the Doctors and the Kingdom of Andornia, who are trying to win power over the prime during the endless battles. In turn, Prime is a magical alien substance capable of changing the worldWith which you can manage it. In other words, the faction that has a prime - rules the world.

In the process of online games, PV participants will be able to assemble a whole collection of heroes with all sorts of talents, manage the character of the character in a bit similar to DOTA mode, you can also become the owner of your own castle, execute orders and fight other commander.

Prime. WORLD-AG Onlinewhich allows everyone to be himself, men will be able to become real winning warriors, and girls reincarnate in excellent healers who inspire their knights on the feats.

Lords and Ladies!

Update 11.8 IS Live On The Servers, and Our Heroes Are Ready to Greet Their Lords and Ladies!

On Today "s agenda:

  • Talent Collection.
  • Heroes.
  • Talents.
  • Fixes.

YOU CAN Get a short GLIMPE OF WHAT IS NEW IN THE PATCH by Watching the video:\u003dzlmwoijjnxq

The Ruthless, Uncompromising Fanatic Has Arrived in Your Castles and IS Ready to Enter Into Service to You!

He Will Appear In Your Castles with Two Ultimates Right Off The Bat, Each of Which Compliments Fundamentally Different Builds and Suits a Specific Style of Play.

Like Previous Heroes, You Can Get Fanatic in One Of Three Ways:

  • By Completing a Seven-Day Quest Chain, After Which You'll Be Able to Recruit Him for 750,000 Silver. The First Quest of The Chain Will Become Available Today At 12:00 PM Moscow Time, and the Last One Will Be Unlocked on February 22. Once You Complete The Last Quest, a New Quest Will Appear That Will Allow You to Pay Silver to Recruit the Hero.
  • The Normal Way to Recruit Fanatic (Buying for Silver Without Having to Complete Any Quests) Will Be Available for All Players Will Be Assaile Level Of 25 And Up from March 1 Onward.
  • You can Also Recruit Fanatic Immediately for 299 Gold.

Starting Today, You Will See A New Interface in the Castle: Talent Collection. Use it to see Which Talents you already Have In Your Castle As Well As Which Talents You do Not Have Yet to Complete Sets or Subsets.

Another Important Aspect of the Collection Is That It Enables You to Get Any Talents In The Game, from Blue To the Most Desired Legendary Talents.

And of Course, To Preserve The Balance of Talent Collecting, The Talents Will Not Be Easy to Receive.

You may Aloady Have Noticed The Appearance of a New Resource In Your Castles: Crystal Shards. You Can Use Them to Unlock Special Quests in the Talent Collection That Will Help You Get Your Chosen Talent.

  • You can GET Crystal Shards in the Tavern. MOST OF THE REWARDS GIVEN out there Have Already Become Obsolete and No Longer Carry The Immense Value The Did When They First Appeared. That Is Why It Was Decided Than SHOLD BE REPLACED WITH A NEW RESOURCE: Crystal Shards.
  • As Before, The Reward in the Tavern Can Only Be Obtained OnCe A Day, And In All Other Cases, Heroes Are Receive Only Experience.
The Number of Shards You Will Receive Depends On The Tavern's Level:

From Level 1 to 10, You Will Get 7 Shards
From Level 11 to 20, You Will Get 8 Shards
From Level 21 To 30, You Will Get 9 Shards
From Level 31 to 40, You Will Get 10 Shards

The Number of Shards Required to Unlock A Quest Depends on the Talent You Want to Unlock:

The DiffiCulty of the Quests Depends on Which Talent You Want To Receive:

7 Days Are Allotted for the Completion of Each Quest.

In Order to make Her a Bit More Mobile, Her Speed \u200b\u200bHas Been Increased from 50 to 51 in Update 11.8.

And to make Bombing Strike Easier to Use, The Falling Speed \u200b\u200bof The Bombs Has Been Increased.

The Bombs' Falling Time Has Been Reduced From 0.6 to 0.4 Seconds.
The Aviator's Bonuses to Cunning (0.5 to 0.52) and Agility (0.4 to 0.42) Have Been Increased.


  • NOW THE ADDITIONAL DAMAGE HITS ITS MAXIMUM FROM 4 GATES. Passing The Ball Through The Last Gate Doesn't Increase ITS Damage.
  • Furthermore, WHEN LAUNCHING THE BALL FROM the Resurrection. Zone, from the "Fountain," ITS Damage is Halved.

And to make it more Effective, His Damage Bonus for Autoattacks That Allow The Use of His Ultimate Has Been Increased in Update 11.8.

The Autoattack's Base Damage Now Increases by 20 - 120 instead of 12 - 100.

To all iT to Have More of A Impact On The Outcome of A Battle, Its Damage Has Been Increased.

The Damage Dealt By This Ultimate Is Now 88 - 776 Instead of 84 - 739.


Damage Dealt To Heroes under the Effect of the Shield IS Reduced by 15%.

However, Some of Her Advantages in Battle Are Too Strong. So in order to make her more Cautious, The Cooldown Time Of Fiery Ghost Has Been Increased.

The Ability's Cooldown Time Has Been Increased From 18 Seconds to 19.

The Rework of this Set, While Making It More Attractive, Also Gave It Time Long Of A Cooldown Time in Massive Battles.

SO in Update 11.8, The Time Has Been Reduced From 0.5 Seconds to 0.4 Seconds.

  • Displaying The Best Result of the Season
    An Error Was Fixed That Caused The Hero Who Had The Best Result Not to Appear When Season Awards Were Being Received.
  • Alternative Ultimates.
    An error Was Fixed That Caused Alternative Ultimates to Disappear from Some Users' Libraries.
  • Requests to Join a clan
    An Error Was Fixed That Caused The Hero Who Has The Highest Rating Not to Appear in Requests to Join Clans.
See You on The Battlefield!

3 Rate Up.


Prime World is a role-playing strategy with moba elements in which the player acts as Lord, hiring heroes. In his castle, Lord builds the structure, hires and improves heroes, produces the most effective set of "talents" for them. In battle, he controls one of the heroes, fighting with other players the team for a team or friends against monsters (Cui) and as the prime gains activates the "talents" chosen in the castle.

PRIME WORLD has one major and six additional game combat modes. "Borderier" is a classic Moba mode. Battle on a special map 5 to 5. "Dragonwald" - battle on a special map 4 on 4. Mode that combines PVE and PVP. "FORPOST" - the battle on a special card 3 by 3. In this mode, the card is less, there is only one line. "Native Earth" - modification of the "Borderier" regime. Difference gameplay It is the acute need for the capture and retention of flags and, accordingly, the "native" land, as the heroes receive a fair bonus to some characteristics. "Czechhard" is a modification of the "Borderier" regime. The difference lies in the fact that at the entrance to the battle, the player gives a random hero from his team. This allows you to play a hero, which is not the player or collected otherwise. Due to the specifics of the regime, the rating of heroes is not changing at the end of the battle. "End of Light" -Modification of the "Borderier" mode. The difference is that the whole map is decorated in dark colors. Added design elements like skeletons, candles, etc. Neutral cryptions after finishing their heroes, with some probability they can be reborn into the zombies that will be on the side of the killer, and will help attack the line. "Tests" - five players must protect the old outpost from kud, monsters, managed by AI on a specially created map. Monsters come by waves. Monsters appear from four points located on the map, after each wave one of the points should be destroyed by clicking on a special switch. When all points, except for one, will be destroyed, the snakes of Gorynych, who must be destroyed earlier than he get to the base. In the intervals, players get additional tasks for a while. The passage is available in four difficulty modes - blue, purple, orange and red. The complexity also affects the quality of the award in victory. "Menuvras" - modification of the "Borderier" regime. The only difference is that when victory / defeat in the match, the rating of heroes does not change.

In total, there are about 50 unique heroes in the game. Each of them has its own mechanics, tied to the role of the hero and its class talents. There are 5 species of heroes: defenders, fighters, attack aircraft, the heroes of support and killer. At the beginning of the player, five heroes are available, the rest are bought for silver. Raising Lord, the player gets access to new heroes. The higher the level of the castle is required, the more expensive hero.

The selection of allies and opponents in Prime World is carried out taking into account the current rating of the hero, determined by the complex formula, based on the number of victories and defeats.

In Prime World, unlike League of Legends or Dota, there are no clothes for characters in the in-game store. Instead of items, each hero has a set of talents: they give both passive bonuses and active skills - from specialized for each character to general (for example, teleportation or treatment). A set of talents with whom the hero will go to battle the player defines in the lock, and during the battle they only activate them as it pumps. Every hero comes with a standard set of talents in the kit, the newcomer cannot be mistaken and spend money in the store is not on what is needed - it opens talents from basic set, with a rather balanced. On the other hand, experienced players, in battles mined talents, can be very strong with their help their characters, and differences in their parameters compared to non-violent beginners can be multiple.

Welcome to the official website of Prime World, where you can always find out the latest news about innovations, familiarize yourself with the detailed description of the features of the game, discuss the game on the forum and view the gallery of screenshots and videos.

The Prime World game itself is a social strategy that has been successfully combining the ability to control the lock and tactical battles. Participants are determined with the choice of the enemy fraction, on the side of which they would like to fight, manage their own castle, collecting heroes and take part in ruthless fights. In addition, an exciting game prime World. Founded in a completely new social interaction of players for such projects.

The PV game provides for both men's and female characters who interact with each other on tactical maps, which not only makes the game more interesting, but also directly affects the outcome of tactical battles.

PRIME WORLD Game Description

The online game will be likely not only to fans of strategies, but also players who prefer other genres, while independent of whether you are an experienced player or newcomer, you will find a lot of interesting to myself in the world Prime World. IN pw. Everyone is given freedom to engage where he is fond of. You can build, carry out resource mining, collecting skills and talans, as well as create thanks to all this new heroes. While one players will take part in battles with enemies, you can provide them with support for bonuses, mined for winning minibars directly on the tactical map.

Essence online Games It is countering two factions: the empires of the Doctors and the Kingdom of Andornia, who are trying to win power over the prime during the endless battles. In turn, Prime is a magical alien substance capable of changing the surrounding world with which you can manage it. In other words, the faction that has a prime - rules the world.

In the process of online games, PV participants will be able to assemble a whole collection of heroes with all sorts of talents, manage the character of the character in a bit similar to DOTA mode, you can also become the owner of your own castle, execute orders and fight other commander.

Prime World-Agra onlinewhich allows everyone to be himself, men will be able to become real winning warriors, and girls reincarnate in excellent healers who inspire their knights on the feats.

When came out Dota., amateur mod for Warcraft 3.Nobody even assumed that she would conquer the hearts of many players, even on cyber awarding competitions introduced such separate discipline. Essentially Dota is the twin-bar of the new Moba game genre (Massive Online Battle Arena). Very many developers liked the concept of the Dota card and they decided to make their games based on this card. There were good projects such as Demigod. and League of Legends., were not very, for example, Heroes of Newerth. and Rage of Titans etc.

By downloading the client from the official game site and installing the game, you must download, as a rule, last update. By downloading it, you must register and here begin surprises, for someone nice for someone. You can not register on the usual here, but you can use your account that you have on social networks, and there is no VKontakte, it is upset, you can log in only through Facebook and classmates. I had to register on Facebook. It was the first surprise.

Surprise number two. Running the game you will ask you to choose the side for which you will play, and this side can not be changed more, unlike others moba games. Surprise number three is that which sex you specified when registering on a social network, the character of such a floor you will have in the game. That is, when choosing a hero for the game, all female characters for me were closed. This is sorry, some kind of discrimination by sexual sign. Because as it turned out the female healers, the best in the game and it turns out a man who suppose I would like to be a first-class healer, just forgets about it forever.

Gameplay games are habitant to the inability. Two opposing parties, the bases are located opposite each other, three neat tracks are laid. Flow: destroy the main enemy building. He who will make it faster, the winner. Each database at certain intervals appear creatures that were called cripows still in Dota. These crimes are running and found in one place, along with them your hero runs and can be another hero of your ally. But the problem is that enemy heroes are running with enemy crips. Here are the battles between your and enemy heroes begin. Killing other heroes, you remove the way to the enemy citadel.

But this path is not easy. For the murder, you are charged experience (here it is called Prime), for the prime you pump your hero from a novice fighter to the tempered. The abilities here are called cards. So what kind of cards you are pumped during the day, you will get trophies after the battle. These are the most trophies you can forever "attach" to the hero, and save them for new heroes. By the way, these cards will remain forever picked up from your hero, and it is difficult to get new enough, so you need to choose them very carefully. In words, it may seem complicated, but in reality it is very easy to get used, especially if I played in Moba earlier.

The abilities of your hero make you an excellent warrior, but to defeat a great team and a well-coordinated game of all players. Everyone should know their role, otherwise you will just turn, you will not even have time to look around. Each hero has its own role in the team: someone Damager, who constantly knocks the critical damage, someone Hiller, he is a doctor, someone's tank, with a big head of health, and someone controllers. With the last internet situation, it may not even attack, its abilities with straight hands can reduce the strip of life of the enemy literally in a very short period of time. There are mixed types of roles, but such a hero is difficult to pump. For example, at the same time healer and tank. Upset in the mechanics of the game only ballas. Just to play, you must first wait for your turn, and other players are selected randomly and you can get into the team in which 5 tanks and not a single Damager and Hilera.

From the game in the rank positive emotions. Pleasant graphics, interesting battles, individual equipment of each of your character, a selection of the abilities. Spoils the impression only the little things that are connected with the fact that the game is still on open testing And to the final version of Oh, how far.