GTA Online Humane Labs Passage. The Humane Labs RAID in the GTA Online - plaque to the laboratory. Robbery itself "Flight on Humane Labs"

4763 2015-07-25 at 01:01

Robbery The Humane Labs RAID

The Humane Labs RAID, or raid on Humane Labs, is the third robbery from the GTA Online Heists add-on. It is designed for four participants and includes five preparatory missions. Preparation will cost $ 54,000, and you can get up to $ 675,000, not counting bonuses for elite tests.

This robbery will require Thorough preparation, careful planning, efficient work in a team and healthy neglect to your chance for survival.

Humane Labs is secret Research Center, where, according to Agent 14, neuro-paralytic poisoning substances are stored, and Militarist Don Persival is kept with all this disgrace. Your task - stew Laboratory-related files. Do not ask why. Ask - like.

Preparation: Access keys (Key Codes)

Agent 14 organized a meeting with those who are ready to give you the keys to the laboratory, Karen. You must "just" pick them up with her. Go to the parking on Elgin Avenue. Here each of the players will receive a role - buyer, bodyguard or one of the observers. The first two are waiting in the parking center, observers must take care of the three main "entry points."

As soon as the key with the keys will go to your property, will appear fib agents. Observers are on weekend positions, and now it's time to help comrades on Earth, using good review And something is quite powerful, long-range and rapid-fire at the same time, for example, combat machine guns or automatic carbines. Buyer and bodyguard It should be focused on the main entrance, not giving enemies to host the parking lot. They can fit the moment and blow up a couple of FIB machines with a grenade launcher so that agents have nowhere to hide.

After the first wave, the buyer and bodyguard is better to pick up codes and go to the apartment. Observers will make a second group and can continue to fight back, however, to complete the mission, all players must return to the planning room.

Preparation: Insurgent Armaders (Insurgents)

As for transport, for starters need armored SUVs. Yes. Go to the MerryWeather test polygon and treat two armored cars - Insurgent and Insurgent Pickup. Formal division on the role here will not be, you give relative freedom. What to do with it is another question.

Approaches here are several. At least two nude and cautious. You can choose as a transport armored Kuruma and literally break into place, shooting everyone almost focus. Or settle down, on the hills, and use the full potential of your four rifles.

Anyway, when you capture armored cars, you have to split Two teams, and here recommendations are tougher. Firstly, behind the wheel Must sit down the most experienced drivers from the group. Secondly, since one - and only one - from armored cars is equipped stationary machine gunThe fire must lead the best shooter, and to carry it should be the best driver, as when the machine is coup, the arrows can die.

Need to get on the armorses to marked area. Two helicopters will be sent for you, which are better to destroy as early as possible. Here will help home rockets will help - try to use them before sitting in the armorship. Otherwise, you can shoot them along the way from the turret.

Best send Insurgent ahead and cover Its from the machine gun goes back by Insurgent Pickup. Such a "formation" is also good and because going ahead of the armored vehicle can focus on overcoming, that is, the taran, terrestrial obstacles.

Preparation: AM (EMP)

Now - do not ask why! - You need to steal Amy, an electromagnetic emitter that turns out to be very conveniently fixed on the Hydra plane. Amy in "Hydra", "Hydra" on aircraft carrier, aircraft carrier at sea.

Play "On the Roly" will not force you. To start dove Before the aircraft carrier on the boat, there should be no problems here. Once at the enemy ship, wear masks and deliver weapons. It will be reasonable here split Two groups and in parallel to clean the right and left side. It will not hurt to use shelters - but watch them not explosive.

As soon as any resistance is suppressed, salves The best pilot in the "Hydra", and the rest - in P-996 Lazer. Hold on to the message, sending the "Hydra" a little further and knocking down everyone who will get to her tail. Remember: your enemies worries only Amy, to the rest of the aircraft they have no particular case.

Get rid of pursuers sit down at the collection point about (do not forget to switch to vertical flight mode). Here the emitter will be removed from the aircraft. Do not think yet, why do you need it.

Preparation: Valkyrie.

It's time to take possession of a wonderful Valkyrie helicopter. Go to the port in the south of the card. Here you have a few again options: break through the gate of one pile and run into a squall fire soldiers, snipers and helicopters - or divided into pairs and go to the second group from the sea on the Dinghy boat, which you can find on the pier in.

In the second case, the ground team will not prevent again to use armored Kurma.And the guys on the boat are best swimming as close as possible to the location of the helicopter, from the West, and use sniper rifles.

Once you are gathered on the helicopter platform and raise into the air, you will understand that you have already flown - Several Frogger and Buzzard. Here we will come to the rescue "Valkyrie" - two machine guns and an anti-air gun. Enemies will attack several approaches. After the first wave If you wish, you can get out of the helicopter and deal with the second with the help of rockets and sniper fire. Now it remains only get to to the destination.

Preparation: Delivery AM (Deliver EMP)

It's time to deliver Amy in Humane Labs. You must leave your armored Trojan horse in the garage in the back of the laboratory, putting in 10 minutes and not allowing yourself to detect. Accordingly, use secrecy and silencers. And get dressed in black. And buy, finally, the headset, if you don't have it, because here it will surely need it.

Get to the armored car and go to the laboratory. Removing (best - at times) the first two guards at the gate of the rifles, divide on couple.Since many scientists and guards are on the territory of two. You need to kill them at the same time, for example, at the expense of "three".

And considering that your opponents - surprise - can see and look around, often you will have to kill immediately four times. Follow the indicators fields of view Your opponents on a mini card and routes of their movement. What are you never playing in Hitman?

When all opponents are eliminated, sit down to the armored person.


As before, distribute Future award I. sit down - in something else. Then go for Valkyrie and fly to the laboratory. You will work with groups: two people will go steal Files, and two more wait and defend They are from the influx of enemies, hanging in a helicopter over the laboratory.
Pilot and arrows
You will have to attack ground targets and fight back from the enemy helicopters, which will require the coordination of Action Arrow and Pilot. Arrows At the same time, it is best to take the place of the second pilot, behind the anti-air cannon.

As soon as the ground group gets to the beach, pilot Must go there and pick them up. Be careful When landing - do not bother your comrades. We think there is no need to remind that it is necessary to appoint one of the roles best can cope with it.

Ground group
As soon as you get to the place of disembarkation, Emy will turn off electricity, and the ground group will go down to the territory on

It's time get into Humane Labs And to paint the documents. As usual on the board in the apartment, your share and distribution of revenues between players will be shown, as well as their role.

You need to choose clothes. Be careful, dressing clothes with the asscription "heavy" - you will not be able to run.

In this robbery, two teams are ground and air. Ground temperance will take inside and steal documents, and the air will fly over the building in Valkyrie and will pick up the ground command when they are finished.

First you need to get Valkyrius. It is located five miles from Downstauland, near the sea Alamo, and getting to the helicopter will have ground transport.

When everyone gets into the helicopter, you can fly to the landing zone. It is not necessary to land here, you only need to take care of the area above the surface. At this time, EMP will begin to act, and the ground team jumps out of the helicopter on the parachutes. Automatically turns on the night vision.

Blow the door at the entrance, work perfectly lipucca bombs. Next will have to be made through the heaps of enemies, and best use storm rifle or assault shotgun. In the end you will get to double doors. Here it will take voice chatSince both players must activate locks at the same time.

We take the data and run out on the marker, killing everyone on your way. In the end, it will be necessary to jump into the water, but before this you need to activate the breathing apparatus (the left arrow on the D-PAD). It will be necessary to swim through the tunnels on the surface of the sea. You do not need to be particularly worried about oxygen, even if it is over, you will still have time to get to the surface and not suffocate to death.

Swim to the marker on the shore. As soon as you find yourself on the sand, you will need to light the flyer to show your team location in the helicopter. Landing will be difficult, so better to move aside in advance.

As soon as you find yourself in the air, three players will take on the task of destroying the attacking helicopters of enemies. It will be best to keep enemies on the sight, pointing to this pilot - so all three guns will be able to attack at the same time.

"Flaw on Humane Labs" is the third robbery in GTA Online And an order of magnitude harder than previous things. The meaning of the robbery is to penetrate Humane Labs and steal from there very secret and important files.

Expenses for the organization: $54000
Final catch:
Light Level (Easy): $270000
Middle level (Normal): $540000
Gravity Level (Hard): $675000

Waiting for you 5 Preparatory tasks.

1. Preparatory task: codes

You need to meet in the city center with connected to get access to Humane Labs access codes.

The team is divided into four roles: buyer, pedestrian (north), pedestrian (south) and bodyguard.

This preparatory mission as it may seem very simple, however, the players still have difficulties with its passage. You are going to place, each player has its own role. Personal climbs climb nearby so that in the event of an ambush to organize a cover, the buyer and bodyguard act in a pair. When connected, we look at a short cat-scene, in which access codes are transferred to you, after that the FRB agents are attacked.

It is necessary to get rid of them as quickly and efficiently. The buyer or bodyguard must have grenade launchers, they will help you quickly cope with those who came by car. If you do not have this weapon, that is, one moment. On this parking lot, on the right, there is a discovering door if it will come up to it, and you will find yourself in a kind of pocket. In it, the fallen players are reborn, so take note. There is an option also to quickly jump into the right alley, there you will not meet special resistance and the chances of being killed will significantly reduce.

As soon as you hold off the offensive, a mention will appear to pick up documents. To this you need to prepare initially, the enemies will not be just let you go. Act quickly, get along the cars, gas in the floor and rush to your house. As soon as deliver documents, the mission will be considered passed.

2. Preparatory task: Insurgent

The task will be sick of two armored cars Insurgent. From the database "Merrieser". In the future, one of them will be required to fly on Humane Labs.

Your team is not divided into some specific roles, you act together.

Break through the checkpoint, there will be 2 security on the guard, we kill them, or ignorly, your business. Drive on the landfill, and kill everyone who will resist you. Your team will have a good position - on top of a career - so you can shoot all without fear of some fierce resistance. Or simply, you can simply fly there on armored transport, and quickly shoot.

After cleanse the zone from the enemies, share on the pair and sit down in the armorship. One of them is equipped with a machine gun, so the main goal will not just deliver transport, but also to protect it from the enemies that pursses you. First, get rid of the two helicopters haunting you, and do it immediately, otherwise there is no problem.

Next, go to the destination point. On the way, the Merrieser fighters will be attacked, so be prepared to give them a fight, as well as cover another detachment, which without your fire support will be done to come to the point.

When you deliver both armored cars to the destination, the mission will be considered executed.

3. Preparatory task: Amy

You need to get an electromagnetic emitter (AM), which will help cut the electricity in Humane Labs, and for this you need to rip the fighter Hydra. (in which the emitter is installed) from the aircraft carrier. The task is quite dynamic, so we dress up the body armor, reserve the cartridges and fight.

First you go to the boat on the beach and get into it all four. After that, follow the GPS into the open sea. You need an aircraft carrier, the path to it is not very close, but you can not lose sight of it, it will be difficult to not notice.

The entrance is in the back of the aircraft carrier, swim, jump, and go to the marker.

Now you need to kill everyone on the ship, moving towards the destination, on the take-off deck. The enemies are aggressive, so look in both, better once again take sure how to climb under bullets.

After you killed everyone who only you can, the most interesting thing begins - one person (the most experienced pilot) sits in Hydra., and the rest - in Lazer "s. As soon as the hydrah will be in the air, it will begin to attack enemy aircraft, so the main task of the remaining players is to protect the hydra. Effectively do it with the help of self-guided missiles.

Once all the aircraft are shot down, contact the hydra on the airfield. It is not necessary to sit down all players, to avoid clashes and, accordingly, failure of the mission. When you deliver Hydra to a discharge point and head it in the hangar mission will be performed.

Bonus: Unlocked Mammoth Hydra. (3 million dollars) for purchase.

4. Preparatory task: Valkyrie

You need to catch a helicopter Valkyrie.which is located in the docks based on the "Merrieser".

"Valkyrie" Located in the southernmost map.

Drive in docks. Be careful: the protection of the helicopter is very harsh, support from air in the form of a helicopter, and snipers, including ordinary fighters. Break through the helicopter does not work out. From the onslaught of enemies, and there will be a lot of them, saving armored transport. It is especially important to confuse the enemy helicopter, and otherwise he will knock you, and without a car will leave you.

You can simply come to break through the enemies on the armored transport to the helicopter, it's all over and calmly take off.

Your team is divided into pilot, two shooters who are in minigu on both sides, and on the second pilot, which has a non-heating anti-aircraft complex.

Take off, and fight off enemy helicopters, all of them will be 5, So sticking in plenty. After they fought, heading towards the destination. How to plant a helicopter mission will be performed.

5. Preparatory task: Deliver Amy

You need to deliver Emy's emitter in Humane Labs on the armored car Insurgent.

The task will not be particular difficulties in passing if the team is organized and acts together.

To do this, you need sniper rifles with silencers. Do not come to anyone to your eyes, if you notice a security guard or scientist, the task will be automatically failed.

You will have 10 minutes in-game time, so act synchronously and quickly if possible. Use secrecy mode during shooting, do not attach, and do not make unnecessary shots.

Go to Humane Labs. As soon as you infiltrately penetrate, a decade-minute countdown will begin. Before that, you will open the view from the surveillance cameras for a short time, with which you can explore the terrain, as well as all fighters within the action radius. Watch out everything quickly and carefully if you miss someone, then the likelihood is that some fighter will be not shown on the map, and will raise anxiety, which will lead to the failure of the mission.

Leave the car on the marker, it will not need you until you calculate the way for him.

After that, how did you remove all Insurgent. To the goal, where to start you need to hack them with a simple mini-game.

Park Armor, sit down in a van parked next to the garage, no one will notice you in this transport, and you will not call any suspicion. Patrol will pass by you, but you don't need to respond to it, just calmly met with the output from the sector.

6. The robbery itself "Rapid on Humane Labs"

All preparatory tasks are passed, now we will fly on Humane Labs to steal from there files.

Your team is divided into three groups: ground group (2 players), pilot and arrows. The ground group is searching for files, and the pilot and arrows support air support: destroy helicopters and terrestrial enemy troops. Enemies will even debulate, so it is recommended to shoot aptive, react to enemies quickly, and to adjust the helicopter to the pilot so that the shooter falls into the target, and not shot into the emptiness.

You need to get to Valkyrie helicopter. Then you take off and head to the laboratory. It turns on EMI, light will be cut down in the laboratory, after which the ground group jumps down from the helicopter and lands on the parking lot. They include night vision glasses.

Before entering, you need to blow up the control panel. Lipness bombs are what you need. The ground group goes inside and screaming to the laboratory, destroying all the enemies who will meet them on the way.

After that, the group gets to the keypad with a code lock. To open it, you need to insert key at the same time - the map. Therefore, it is desirable to use a voice communication with a partner so as not to spend over time at this moment.

By downloading files, select outwards. Get to the elevator, removing opponents on its path, and incorporate to the cooling channel. Then you put on the breathing apparatus and jump into the water. Let's swim through the tunnels and chose on the land.

Once on the beach, shoot from the signal gun to show the pilot where you need to land. The place is quite close to plant a helicopter, so be extremely neat so as not to get under the screws, no less accurate you need to be in this case and the pilot.

After the ground group sat in the helicopter, the players will need to shoot from enemy helicopters. After the air is clean, the pilot must land at the specified point.

You will find a spectacular ending and to all this successfully completed task.

Bonus: unlocked to buy a helicopter Valkyrie., Cars Insurgent. and Insurgent Pickup., a boat Nagasaki Dinghy. Also, in a weapon store now you can buy night vision glasses and a breathing apparatus for underwater swimming.

A very difficult mission requiring secrecy and simultaneous actions. The purpose of the task is to place EMP in the laboratories so that the device worked during the robbery itself. Carefully read the following lines - they will save you a lot of time and nerve cells.

But first, familiarize yourself with the following:

Everyone must have sniper rifles with silencers. Any weapon without a muffler will cause anxiety and the mission will end in failure.
- It will happen if you disturb any scientist or guard.
- You have only 10 minutes, follow the time.
- Use secrecy mode (R3). So you make less noise.

In this task no teams. Just drink black suits twist and listen carefully to those who have passed the task before. For example, us.

First jump in Insurgent SUV. There will be no enemies on the way to them, so there are problems too. As soon as the car is with you, go to Humane Labs. But remember the time limit in 10 minutes!

Quickly park with a yellow marker on the map, come out of the car. One guard will be at the gate - remove it with sniper shots. Now you need to wait for the second and also remove it. And only now you can go through the gate.

Follow the right to right on the stairs.

You came to the backyard. Near you there will be one enemy, marked on the map - Kill him with a firm shot. It's time to divide into two teams - newcomers should go to the team of scientists, as in the second team it will be harder.

They will have to immediately go to the nearest wall, on which a huge eight is drawn. On the other hand, you will find the box that can be climbed up.

One team kills the guard and gives a signal to the rest so that they rose too. Together you need to kill two more nearest guards and only at the same time, otherwise, there will be anxiety.

The second team in the meantime is sent to the staircase at the wall with the top five. The stairs will have two scientists - we remove them with two simultaneous shots.

But here will be something interesting. The fact is that the team of newcomers does not see another guard, which is located next to these two scientists. But he sees another team. It is necessary to act like this - both teams "at the expense of three" kill scientists and a security guard, and only no one will raise anxiety.

Next you need to act in a similar way. The team of newcomers goes down the stairs. On the right side and a little further will be two scientists - we kill them with two simultaneous shots. The second team in the meantime is pierced at the top of the level through these scientists and takes two more simultaneous murders on the guards, which the team does not see the newcomer. You need to be careful, move in stealth mode. Next will be another interesting moment - All four players will have to make four murders at the same time. We do at someone else. If everything is done correctly, then the map no longer should remain on the map.

You can stay. One player runs to the SUV for EMP, while the rest silence the garage. Here there will be a simple mini-game where you need to stop the locks that give speed.

Create a browse inside the garage, and sire yourself to the nearest truck. Gently leave the outside, do not cut anywhere, do not touch anyone. On the way out you will meet a patrol - just ignore it.

Now everything is ready. It remains to pass the final part.

Like the previous event, this bloom is performed by a team of 4 people. The main goal is to penetrate the secret laboratory and establish the fact of the development of chemical weapons. The task on Humane Labs is taken from a familiar agent 14.

The following activities are present in the task list: mining of admission codes to the laboratory itself, hijacking of several trucks, combat helicopter, receiving access to Emy bomb and its delivery to the end point. The cost of training before execution is $ 54,000.

Awards at the successful completion of all tasks:

  • At the simplest difficulty level - $ 270,000;
  • At the average level - 540,000 dollars;
  • At the highest level of complexity - 675,000 dollars.

After the end of the plaque, you can open access to the respiratory mask, night vision points and several types of transport (Nagasaki Dinghy, Mammonth Hydra, Isurgent and its armored version, Buckingham Valkyrie). Also opens the achievement of Parole Day.

If you plan to get a maximum of awards, then follow these elite conditions:

  • The final task is completed in 10 minutes or earlier;
  • The degree of damage to transport does not reach 2%;
  • All participants of the plaque remained alive.

As in other cases, for the fulfillment of elite conditions, you have a reward in the amount of $ 100,000. If you go through all the 5 tests of the addition of Heist on the maximum conditions, then get an exclusive T-shirt.
The main goal of the event is a well-protected object called Humane Labs and Research, which is located deep in the mountains in the southwestern part of the island (on the coast). This test can become impossible for a poorly trained team, so it is strongly recommended to get acquainted in advance with all its features in our material.

Mission "Mining Access Code"

At the first point of our route, we meet with Karen Daniels - a management agent, which will give us the necessary materials. Here, players are divided into two teams: the first is found with the agent, and the second group takes the position around the meeting place if something goes not according to plan. By the way, it's not exactly the plan will accurately go, since the FBI agents are aware of the intentions of Karen and promptly arrive to prevent her and you. As a result, the lady runs down, and you will need to fight back from the crowd of well-armed operatives.

When you cross the FBI, come to where Karen was, pick up the case with codes and return back to the city. The following task is to be performed.

Mission "Insurgent"

Further, you will need to get the whole two armored vehicles that will help to penetrate the object and leave it without loss. For such purposes, the Insurgent models will be perfectly suitable, which is owned by the Merrieser.
Armoroviki are located in the west of Sandy Shores Airport, in a quarry. It is not necessary to separate here, it is enough to clean the whole area with sniper rifles, working at a distance. Of course, you can and join the near battle, but then there are certain risks.

Once you get access to armored vehicles, the company will cast all available resources in search of hijackers. This is the most difficult time in this mission, as it will be necessary to fight back and shoot from the whole army of fighters.

Mission "Bomb Amy"

The next step is the extraction of a special bomb of Amy, which you can not buy in the nearest store tool. To get it, you will need to hide the Hydra helicopter, which is located on the aircraft carrier.

So, you and your partners are going together and follow the boat in the open sea. When you get to the vessel, you will have to penetrate it and eliminate all the protection. Further go to the take-off strip, where the helicopter itself is and several fighters. Three players sit in airplanes, and the other occupies a Hydra pilot. Here it is necessary to simply accompany the helicopter to the place of landing, protecting it from the attackers.

Mission "Valkyrie"

Did you miss the Merrieser? You will have to turn this company again, this time I mined a real combat helicopter. It should be borne in mind that resistance will be supplied even more than last time, so get ready to produce thoroughly.

The players team goes to the place in the marker and cleales it from security. As soon as you raise the "bird" in the air, the main air forces of the merryser will be put forward on the interception. Remember that the apparatus is able to withstand only three missile falls, so you need to destroy the enemy in the air as soon as possible. And do not forget about snipers that will be spawned until the last minute until you finish the mission.

Mission "Delivery to Amy"

Now we need to transport the removed from the helicopter the Emi bomb to the right place. This mission you will need to be hidden, without revealing yourself and your intentions to the very end. It is necessary to do so that every member of your weapon team has been equipped with a silencer, since the only suspicion of someone on the database can cost you just. Simplify the task can with access to the video surveillance cameras based on the database on time.

Sitting in the insurgent armoredirship, go to the laboratory. On the way, you do not have to kill anyone, since no one else suspects substitution. By the way, it is better not to slow, as this mission is going on for a while - the countdown begins from the moment you are serving.

As soon as you arrive at the place, get out of the car. At this time, one of the players should eliminate the guard at the gate, acting silently. Wait until the second guard goes on business, kill him in removing from other people's eyes. As soon as you penetrate the complex, move the stairs to the right that you immediately notice. Kill the enemy standing in the yard and divide into two teams. The first group must be proceeded to the wall with the number "8", and two other players remain in place.

The first team rises to the wall on the drawer on the back side. There also kill the guard, after which both players simultaneously eliminate two goals labeled with a red marker.

While the first group fulfills its tasks, the two other players are watching the staircase near the wall with the "5" digit. At the bottom will seem two scientists who also need to kill at the same time. One member of the first group eliminates the guard, which is not far from scientists. If this is not done, the alarm will work and the mission will be failed.
After eliminating scientists and the guard, the second group goes down. On the opposite side of the passage you will see two more scientists who also kill at the same time. At this time, the first group passes at the top above the place where previous goals were killed, and eliminates two marked with a red marker (again, at the same time). After that, each player chooses for himself one of the four goals and paints with them along with the partners.

Consider that this stage is the most difficult in this tax. So, if you act slowly and carefully, there should be no problems in the future.

After eliminating all obstacles, one player returns to a bomb truck, and the other hacks the garage gate. After hacking, drive the car inside and leave the territory on another truck standing nearby. When you see an armed patrol of Merrieser, it is better not to join them into battle, but simply ignore.

Mission "Rock on Human Labs"

So, all preparatory activities are fulfilled. Now the final and most complex stage of the plaque, which consists in penetrating the well-protected object.

At the first stage, it is necessary to act as secretively and immediately divided into two teams. Sitty in the helicopter, we fly to the laboratory and hang in the air high above the object. Activate the emi-bomb, and after turning off the electricity, the first command (assault) landing. The support group at this time should be shot from the guards of the guards in the parking lot, where the partners landed.

For penetration inside the laboratory, attachments need to blow up a special panel. The first group is departed deep into the building, killing those who occur on the way of opponents. They need to get to the terminal with a code lock, which is activated while using two key cards in special holes.
When downloading files is completed, attack aircraft are put forward to the elevator, fighting with newly emerging guards. Next, the group goes down to the Channel of the Building Cooling System and puts on masks. Going down, sailing until the exit. After that, one of the players with the help of the rocket will give a helicopter signal that conducts evacuation.

By the way, the platform, with which the cover group should pick up their partners, is quite narrow. So behind the helicopter's helip out is better to plant a skilled pilot, able to carefully land, without killing anyone from his team.

Once you are all climbing into the air, a group of enemy helicopters will be put forward on the interception. Get to the meeting place, using two stationary machine guns and rockettries to protect.

Step-by-step actions for two different groups


  1. Sit down to the helicopter and get to the place of disembarking.
  2. We land in parking near the laboratory.
  3. We blame the control panel and go deep into the desired sector.
  4. Activate the key-card terminal and download files.
  5. We go to the elevator that takes you to the tunnel.
  6. Let's floate to the exit.
  7. Let's supply the helicopter signal and wait for the evacuation.
  8. Shot from the buzzard helicopters that the enemies will be sent to the interception.
  9. Together with a group of cover, we get to the meeting place marked with a marker.

Helicopter pilot and machine gunner:

  1. Sit down to the helicopter.
  2. We go to the laboratory and wait until the partners are directed to the parking lot.
  3. We are guarding the perimeter, along the way, straightening with emerging guards.
  4. We select partners at the place of exit from the complex.
  5. We avoid damage when battle with the helicopters of the enemy.
  6. Together with the assault group, we get to the meeting place.

Remember that the task will be failed if someone from your group died