Place on Humane Labs passage. Robbery The Humane Labs RAID. Preparatory task: codes

The Humane Labs Raid - Flight on the laboratory, the third mission in the chain "". This mission is long and at the same time very interesting. Get ready to catch up "VTOL" or in Russian "- the aircraft of the vertical takeoff and landing."

After completing the previous robbery, "" Lester will come to the connection and reports that he wants with you and your team again wants to meet that person who gave the chapel on the challenge of Rashkovsky from prison. Collecting the team, Leicester will visit your headquarters and explain everything.

It will be necessary to steal the documents of the Security company Merryizer, which are located in Humane Labs containing important information On the location of the dangerous gas, and give them to the employer - the Boss of Leicester. Before the robbery itself, you will need to pass five preparatory tasks.

The Humane Labs Raid

Players need: 4
Expenses for the organization: $ 54,000
Award for execution: Easy: $ 270,000; Normal: $ 540,000; Hard: $ 675,000;

How to pass the robbery The Humane Labs RAID - Flaw on Humane Labs in GTA Online

This robbery includes 5 preparatory missions and final stealth tasks. In Humane Labs, you will need a team of 4 players, and otherwise you will not be able to start it. After passing "The Humane Labs RAID" you will receive a decent amount of money and open the transport:
  • Hydra - SVDP fighter - aircraft vertical takeoff and landing
  • Valkyrie is a military helicopter equipped with two minigans.

How to go through the preparatory mission "Key Codes" in the Humane Labs Raid robbery - Task 1

Key Codes is a light preparatory mission, where players will have to divide four roles among themselves: buyer, bodyguard, an observer on the south side and an observer in the north side. The purpose of the task is to steal the "access keys", which in the future will help you to get into the closed room located in the Humane laboratory.

Complete this mission will not be difficult. Go to the parking lot marked with a yellow marker on the map. Upon arrival, each player will say where to go. Observers will take the buildings from where the review will lead, and the buyer with the bodyguard will remain in place.

When all the players take their positions, the seller will come to the parking lot with whom will need to agree on the purchase of those most "security keys".

After the buyer hits the seller's hands and takes the keys, the FBI outfit will appear. You will need to shoot all who stands on your way. Players with the roles of observers will be connected here, they will need to fire on the fishers and cover the waste of players downstairs, so make sure the positions occupied.

I reached the headquarters of the apartment, and delivering the "Access Code Maps", you will receive payment.

How to go through the preparatory mission "Insurgents" in the Humane Labs Raid robbery - Task 2

In this task you will need to catch two armored cars "Insurgent", which are in a quarry in the east of the desert. One is ordinary, and the second with a stationary machine gun. Upon arrival at the place, the fighters of the Security Company "Merryizer" will meet you, which are certainly not ready just to give armorses.

Slide two players in every car. Those that will sit in "Insurgent" with a machine gun let go behind. You will be filled with two combat helicopters, which will need to be knocked down, and otherwise further ride will be hard. In addition to the machine gun installed on the armored personnel, try to use homemade rockets - it will facilitate the process of destroying helicopters. After you get rid of the tail, go further.

During the movement, try to keep closer to each other. Remember, "Insurgent" that the turret should go behind, because you will have to fight off huge number Persecutors who will mostly be on armored jeeps.

Upon reaching the place of disembarkation, the reuse of the remaining guards and go to the yellow marker, and get paid.

How to go through the preparatory mission "EMP" in the Humane Labs RAID robbery - Task 3

Another task where there will be no forced separation on the role. In this mission you have to kidnap the Hydra fighter right from the aircraft carrier. On the "Hydra" just the same installed "EMP - electromagnetic pulse", with the help of which in the final part you turn off the electricity in the laboratory.

We all go and climb into the boat, which is indicated in the instructions. After that, enjoy the aircraft carrier marked with a yellow pointer.

Swimming to the aircraft carrier and climbing him, you will have to eliminate the military, testing the red dots that are indicated on the map. Reaching the Hydra fighter, one player must sit behind his steering wheel. The rest, sit behind the storms of Lazer aircraft, thereby ensuring the cover of the player in the hydraulic.

Players who are guarding hydra, must focus precisely on its protection, as it will be the main goal of attackers. For their health, players in "lasers" may not worry, the main thing is to deliver the hydra to the destination. After delivering the aircraft and landing, the mission will be completed and you will get money.

How to go through the preparatory mission "Valkyrie" in the Humane Labs Raid robbery - Task 4

This preparatory mission where you have to steal the Valkyrie combat helicopter, which is located on the basis of "Merryizer" in the port Los Santos. In the southern part of the map.

On the way to the helicopter you will meet the guards armed to the teeth, as well as combat helicopters. So get ready for shooting. Protect all red dots along the way, and most importantly, destroy the BUZZARD combat helicopter with the help of self-watering missiles, as it will deliver you a lot of trouble. Also, when you wake up through hangar with submarines, be alert and remove snipers in the tower on the left side. When you kill everyone, go inside.

After you raise the turntable into the air, Buzzard will arrive at the interception again. The player of the helicopter will need to be guided by the enemy "Buzzards" - Walkiri's weapon will automatically capture the goals for defeat. Valkyrie has three connectors for weapons. Two of them are busy machine guns installed on two sides of the helicopter and one - a special gun against fighters, which is placed on the front panel for the second pilot.

As soon as we get from enemy helicopters, fly to the meeting place marked red on the map. Squeeze the helicopter to the ground and get your blood earned.

How to go through the preparatory mission "Deliver EMP" in the Humane Labs Raid robbery - Task 5

The purpose of this task is to take an Insurgent armored personnel, load an electromagnetic pulse on it and deliver it to Humane Labs.
List of recommendations Before you start performing the task:
  • Try to use only silent, sniper rifle. By using the weapon without a silencer, you will fail the mission ahead of schedule.
  • Do not come to the eyes of the guards. If you find the mission will be considered failed.
  • In the episode with the laboratory you have only 10 minutes. Keep track of time, otherwise Fail.
  • When the episode is started with shooting, use Stealth mode - secrecy that allows you to rush imperceptibly.
I caught on the armored car to the "Laba", kill the first guard at the gate with the help of a sniper, and the second then, as he only leaves a little. After entering the gate, turn right to the stairs.

You will be in the yard. Kill the nearest enemy using a sniper rifle, then split into two commands. In the first team, let it be called a "assault group", there should be a couple of players with the experience of passing previous parts Robbery. The remaining two team members should be defined in the second - we will call it "support group".

While the support group must stay in place, the assault team should run forward to the wall, where the number 8 will be drawn. On the other side of the wall there is a box, climbing which you can climb upstairs.

One player rises upstairs, kills the guard and calls the second member of the assault team to follow him. After, two players must aim and at the same time remove two red dots. It is very important.

While the assault group kills three of his enemies, the support team should keep the staircase in the courtyard between the walls, where the number 5 is drawn. You will see two scientists at the bottom of the stairs - you need to aim, distribute the goals, and put them at the same time.

A member of the assault team now has to start bullet in a security guard opposite those two scientists. The support team cannot see this guard, so until you kill two scientists and a security guard at two separate groups, each time the alarm will work and the mission will end. Once again, we repeat - at the same time kill two scientists and a security guard.

After that, the support group must go down the steps. On the right and on the opposite side of the passage, ahead, there are two scientists. Divide the goals and kill them. The assault group should now go from the top of the place where scientists were and eliminating two more red dots, which are invisible to the support group on the right side of the passage. You need to be very careful not to attract any attention to yourself, so use secrecy and move slowly. After that, all four players need to choose different goals and remove four bad guys. Let someone consider up to three, after which everything is shooting at the same time. All if they coped with all difficult tasks, you can rejoice - there should be no more red dots on the radar.

There is nothing more to fear. One of the players should get to the Insurgent and Amy SUV, while the other team member hacks the gate to the garage. Hacking passes in the form of a mini-game. It is quite simple. Paint the car into the garage and take into a truck that is parked nearby.

After that, go from the territory of "Laba", but do not join anyone with anyone. The Merryizer's security patrol will be used by, do not pay attention to it - just ignore it. Everything, after that you finish the mission and get a cash reward.

How to go through the final mission "File on Humane Labs" in the Humane Labs Raid robbery - Robbery itself

After performing the preparatory tasks, an unknown boss guy will visit you and say that you can start. During the change of clothing, it is recommended to wear "light" specimens, they will allow you to run during a robbery.

In this task, players will be divided into two groups: ground and air, which will be on the helicopter. The ground group will penetrate into the laboratory and the abduction of documents, while the air will arrive at the helicopter to take them.

First of all, you need to get to the helicopter "Valkyrie". It is located in Blain County near the sea "Alamo Sea". Getting to him will be on the car.

After you take the helicopter, fly to the point of emission of the AM, specified by the yellow marker. After resetting the device, all electricity will turn off in the laboratory building. Two players from the land team, will have to fly and go down on the parachutes down. After landing, they will automatically turn on the night vision mode.

Doors leading in "Laba" are easiest to blow up velcro bombs. Next, follow yellow markers, passing enemies. Go to the end until you reach the door with the code lock. Each member of the ground team should be done next to the code lock and click on the button at the same time. It is desirable that these players have a voice bond. Otherwise, we wish good luck.

Next, you will need to escape from there, killing enemies on your way. It is necessary to leave through the waterproof tunnel, so wear masks and jump. For oxygen, it can not worry it will not end. At the end you swim in the sea and there on the surface.

Now you need to swim to the beach, where the yellow marker is indicated. After reaching sand, shoot a signal rocket, thereby informing the air team where to land.

Climb into the air: the pilot controls the remaining three with the help of embedded cannons fade from enemy helicopters "Buzzard". After the destruction of all turntables, the enemy, fly to the meeting place. By landing, the final part and itself Robbery The Humane Labs RAID will be considered complete. It will be shown a scene, where one of the players, as if in the militant, will take a grenade and blow up Valkiria.

This robbery is considered completely passed. Everyone will receive their share and possibly subject to the following conditions.

We go to the passage of the third robbery in GTA Online. Each next robbery is better than the previous one. In this, for example, you will have to steal a special Hydra fighter, which has the ability to make a vertical rise into the air. This time, you will have to fulfill the entire five preparatory missions and the robbery itself. So get ready for fascinating and long entertainment.

Get access to "Humane Labs Hamane Labs" is possible only after passing "Fleeca robbery" and "Break from prison". You must pass all the robbery alternately to get access to new. Such a pattern will be maintained up to the last, fifth robbery.

In this robbery, it is necessary to have a team of four, so make sure that you collect the necessary number of people for yourself. As soon as they collect, you can move to the implementation of preparatory missions.

"Place on Humane Labs" - Mission number 1 - security keys

The first mission does not differ in particular difficulty in execution. All members of your team will get their own special role. So, you are divided into: bodyguard, buyer, as well as on the territory observing the northern and south side.

The task you set is performed quite quickly. To start your team, go to the specified location on the map, i.e. Parking for cars. Upon arrival there, each of you will be given our personal task. Players who will be supervised by the goal will have to rise to the nearest buildings and start watching already from the roofs. Players with the roles of the bodyguard and the buyer will be in the same place.

Having taken marked positions, the process of buying the security keys necessary for you will begin. You will exchange the necessary funds with the seller of keys, and then for your heads to declare the FBI. All you need to do is to eliminate all enemies in the district. In this problem, observers on the roofs, which will shoot opponents on Earth will be great.

Tell off the pursuers and head back to the planning board in your apartments. On this, the first preparatory mission will be completed.

"Flaw on Humane Labs" - Mission number 2 - Insurgent cars

The prompt security keys, you now need to get the necessary transportation for robbery. In our case, such transport will be considered a pair of Insurgent SUVs, on one of which installed an instrument.

These two cars are standing on the territory of the test landfill of the private security company Merryweather, located in Davis quartz bench charters. The experienced players who have passed the mission called "Quarry Quarry" will be clearly understood that they are waiting for them.

In contrast to the previous preparatory mission, in the second there is no need to separate the roles or groups. Going around the whole team and go straight to the specified place. As soon as you arrive at the place, you will be expected by the military. Liquid them all and capture the necessary vehicles.

Next, it is recommended to divide two people for every SUV. One SUV, on which the weapon is not enshrined, will go ahead, and behind him - an SUV with an instrument. Try to such a formation to the output from the test landfill. Also, do not forget to eliminate two helicopters that will be circling over you, since because of them, the mission can greatly complicate. For destruction, you can use an IMA SUV.

Trying in no case to be divided, as the whole horde of opponents will attack you. If you are divided, then consider that the SUV without a weapon mounted on it is already destroyed. Move through the enemies and destroy them systematically. As soon as you finish with the latest mercenaries, drive transport to the specified point. Having arrived at the place, the mission will be completed and you will receive your remuneration.

"Flaw on Humane Labs" - Mission number 3 - Amy

Just in the third preparatory mission, you will have to master a special Hydra fighter, which is on board the aircraft carrier. Again, there will be no advantage on the group.

Move to the specified point on the map with the entire group. On the shore you will find an already prepared boat. Sit everything into the boat and start moving around the sea to the specified point. Having reached the specified place, you will need to see the aircraft carrier, which is not so difficult, as this ... aircraft carrier. Place on the boat to the boost of the aircraft carrier, as there will be an entrance to it, and then rise on board the ship.

Next, you will need to move around the ship and destroy opponents on it, which are highlighted in red dots on your radar. Move straight to the main hangar, and then rise from there using the staircase on the top deck of the aircraft carrier. Now your team should take possession of four air vehicles: three Lazer aircraft and one Hydra.

Climb the air. Three Lazer aircraft will perform the role of support for the player in the Hydra cockpit. As soon as you find yourself in airspace, enemy fighters will immediately fly on you. More precisely, they will fly to destroy the Hydra fighter.

Fly the entire company to the reset point specified on the mini-card for the fighter, passing off from enemy attacks. The mission will be considered completed when you plant Hydra to a discharge point and head it in the right hangar. As soon as this is done, the preparatory mission will end and you will receive your payment for the work done.

"Rock at Humane Labs" - Mission number 4 - Valkyrie helicopter

In the next preparatory mission, you have to steal another air vehicle - Valkyrie combat helicopter. For this purpose, you need to go to the docks.

In this mission, your team will again act as one group. The task in this mission is quite simple - break through opponents and capture a combat helicopter in its location. However, everything is not as easy as it may seem. The helicopter is hard guarded enough.

It is recommended to start writing docks from opponents, and after going to the helicopter. During your stripping, you will still notice and send a helicopter for your heads. Destroy the enemy helicopter and continue to move towards your goal.

As soon as everyone is sitting in a helicopter cabin, lift it into the air. This mission does not end, as the enemy will send several helicopters for the interception. However, it is not necessary to fear, because on board Valkyrie installed two machine guns and one instrument against fighters, so everything will be fine with you. Get rid of helicopters and head to the specified point for planting a helicopter. This mission will be considered complete.

"Flaw on Humane Labs" - Mission number 5 - Delivery by Amy

This mission can already be considered truly difficult, as it will be present elements of secrecy and coordinated actions. Your task this time is to deliver the electromagnetic emitter inside the laboratory, which it was involved during the robbery itself.

Carefully read everything that will be indicated below. First, you will need a sniper rifle with a silencer. If you start to fill out of weapons without silencers, the laboratory staff will hear shots and your mission immediately will end.

Secondly, you need to do so that you are not seen by anyone from the staff or the protection of the laboratory. If you detect you, you will have to restart the mission, i.e. She will be failed.

Thirdly, you can't rush to undergo this preparatory mission, since you have only ten minutes for its execution. So you need to act very quickly and decisively.

Fourth, you can't make noise in the laboratory. Use the button to enter secure mode. For PC players to secure mode, you can enter the Ctrl button, and you will need to click on the left stick for the console owners.

So, let's start undergoing the mission itself. You again do not have to divide the roles. First you need to get into the insurgent interior. You do not need to look for anything or select, but just move around the marker on the map and you will find it. As soon as you sit behind the car's wheel, start moving to the point indicated on the map. Remind you that you will have only ten minutes to fulfill the mission, so you move.

As soon as you arrive at the place, then the park is at the specified point and leave the cabin. Players with a sniper rifle must at this moment get rid of two guards standing at the access point in the laboratory complex. By killing them, move the territory deep into the territory.

Further, your task becomes extremely problematic, as you need to move deep into the complex, passing away from the curious eyes of the guards and scientists of the laboratory. Moreover, in the already specified Insurgent as the same electromagnetic emitter is located. The car needs to be parked in one of the garages in the upper right corner of the complex.

Simply put, you need to hold an insurgent based on the garage itself, passing the observers around the complex, but so that no one notice. It is very difficult to fulfill and the task requires the maximum coherence of the team, since sometimes you have to even perform synchronous shots from sniper rifles, so that no one has time to raise the alarm.

All that can be advised to fulfill this mission, so find it good teamWith which you learn the location of opponents near the laboratory and work out the area for the passage of the car with Amy.

As soon as they cleanse the area for travel, let one player begin to break the garage gate, and the other to get behind the wheel of the car with Amy and erupt with her to the garage through the complex. Putting the car inside the garage, you are unnoticed from the territory of the complex to complete the mission with the installation of AM. Now it's time to approach the completion - the ramp yourself on Humane Labs.

The note: I would like to say that trying to fulfill the fifth preparatory mission with random players not something difficult, but, in fact, it is impossible. This mission requires the work of the perfectly folded team, which will also have a voice communication (preferably). Coordinate actions with random players - the task is simply impossible.

Robbery "Place on Humane Labs"

So, the last step is in the robbery "Flight on Humane Labs" - Actually, the flare itself on the laboratory. Your task will be in the stealing of special files that are directly in the laboratory complex itself. Before the start of the robbery, the planning board will be information on the percentage distribution of mining for robbery. You can redistribute it if you wish.

It is not recommended to wear heavy equipment to robbery, since because of it you lose the opportunity to move freely, and she will come in handy. In the last stage of "Flaw on Humane Labs", your team will be divided into two groups: the first group will operate on Earth and will attempt to penetrate the laboratory, and the second will control the helicopter and try to choose the first group as soon as it finishes with files.

To start your team, you need to take possession of the Valkyrie helicopter. This aerial It can be found near the sea Alamo in the district of Blaine. Unfortunately, except on the car it is impossible to get there, so find the car and go there.

Once your entire team goes on board the helicopter, then lift it into the air and fly at the point marked on the map. You do not have to plant a helicopter to the marked zone. Instead, activate the electromagnetic emitter, and then let two players from your team jumped with parachutes into the laboratory territory.

Going down on the parachutes down, this two must turn on the night vision mode. Since Amy cut off all the electricity in the complex, then this PNV is very much by the way.

Next, this pair you need to undermine the doors that are at the entrance in the laboratory of the complex. You can do it any explosive, but it is better not to experience fate and just put an ordinary velcro on the door. As soon as they enter the complex, they will have to go deep into it, following the instructions on the mini-card.

At some point, the ground group must gain on double doors that are open only by synchronous by pressing the code lock button. As for the last preparatory mission, a voice communication would be pleasant to synchronize their actions with a partner.

Opening the double doors, go inside the room and find the files you need in it. Take them and faster along the way to cooling tunnels, which will bring you to the sea and exit the complex. As soon as you get to the entrance to the cooling tunnels, do not forget to put on the breathing masks that were prepared for you along with the rest of the equipment.

Swim up to the very end of the tunnels, swim in the sea and pop up from under the water. Next, start sailing to the marker on the mini-card, which will lead you to the beach. As soon as you stand tightly stand on your legs in the sand, take the signal rocket and shoot it into the air so that the second group on the helicopter could find you on board.

The group on the helicopter should go to the place indicated by the signal rocket, and choose the ground group. Make it is difficult, as the landing site is not so extensive, but it will not be a problem. As soon as the helicopter sees the ground team, then go into the air.

All you need to do now is to get to the place of landing of the helicopter. However, as soon as you take off, you will send helicopters. They need to be destroyed, and then move to the landing point. When planting a helicopter, we can assume that the robbery "File on Humane Labs" you have successfully completed. At the end of the robbery, you will be shown a cheerful cissence, in which your helicopter explodes.

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And, as always, it is an order of magnitude harder than previous things. The meaning is to penetrate Humane Labs and stealing very secret and important files from there.

Here waiting for you 5 Preparatory tasks (including stealth mission), Hydra fighter, an amazing helicopter and much more.

This is a robbery for 4 people. Cost of preparation It is $ 54,000. Shared award is 270/540/675 thousand dollars Depending on the chosen level of complexity.

Fast passage: | | | | | |

1. Preparatory task: codes.
You need to meet in the city center with connected to get access to Humane Labs access codes.

The team is divided In four roles: Buyer, pedestrian (north), pedestrian (south) and bodyguard.

This preparatory mission is very simple. You are going to the right place, each gang member has its own role and tell him where to go. Personal climbs climb nearby, and the buyer and bodyguard act in a pair. When coherent appear, you buy codes from them, and after that you are attacked by the agents of the FRB.

You need to get rid of them and reset the tail. The task is considered completed when you bring the code to the apartment.

2. Preparatory task: Insurgent.
You need to catch two Insurgent Armorgent from the Merrieser base. In the future, they will be required to fly on Humane Labs.

Break through the gate and guards, go to the landfill, and kill everyone who will resist you inside. You will have a good position - on top of a career - so do not descend down, and shoot "targets". It is quite easy.

After the territory is cleared, sharing the pairs and treat the armored keys. One of you is the driver, the other arrows on the regular machine gun. But before you go away, you must get rid of two helicopters - If you do not do it now, it will be very difficult late.

The mission is considered completed when you deliver both armored cars on the yellow marker.

3. Preparatory task: AM.
You need an electromagnetic emitter (AM), which will help cut electricity in Humane Labs, and for this it is necessary to catch the HYDRA fighter (in which the emitter) from the deck of the aircraft carrier. Simple such task, yeah?

Your team is not divided into role and acts together, four of them.

To begin with, you go to the boat on the beach and get into it all four. After that, follow the GPS to the yellow point in the open sea. You need an aircraft carrier, and since he is huge and even in twilight looks like a sorinka in the eye, you definitely do not miss it.

The entry point is in the back of the vessel - you need to jump into the water, sailing a bit and climb instrust.

Now you need to clean the ship, moving towards the destination, on the take-off deck. The enemies are marked with red markers on the map, therefore, killing some - go to the next, etc.

After the most interesting thing begins - One person (the most experienced pilot) sits in Hydra, and the rest of three - in Lazer "s. As soon as the hydrah will be in the air, it will begin to attack enemy aircraft, so the task of your friends in lasers is to protect the hydra. It is best to do this with self-dispersion rockets.

The mission is considered completed when you deliver Hydra to the reset point and head it in the hangar.

Bonus: Unlocked Mammoth Hydra (3 million dollars) for purchase.

4. Preparatory task: Valkyrie.
You need to catch a new, steep Valkyrie helicopter, which is located in the docks, on the basis of ... "Merrieser". Damn, again these guys!

Your team is not divided into role and acts together, four of them.

Valkyrie is in the southern part of the map.

Drive to the point. Be careful: The protection of the helicopter is very strengthened, support from air and snipers is carried out, not counting ordinary fighters. It's not so easy to break into it. Therefore, stay near the gate and destroy all the enemies there so that the mini card is without red dots.

Then, the buzzard aggressive helicopter attacks you - be sure to run off his rocket.

Move to the hangar, constantly using shelters. Bear snipers!

As a result, you will fall to Valkyrie. Your team is divided into pilot; on two shooters who in minigu on both sides; And on the second pilot, which has a non-heated anti-aircraft complex.

Take up and go to the final point of this task. Fight on the way from the attackers of helicopters.

5. Preparatory task: Deliver AM.
You need to deliver Emy's emitter to Humane Labs on the Insurgent armored personnel, so that no one suspects anything.

It sounds just, however, there are things that you need to know before starting this task:

  • You will need sniper rifles with silencers. In general, any weapon without a muffler will lead to what they will be seen;
  • If you are noticeable a security guard or scientist, the task will be failed;
  • You will have only 10 minutes of in-game time to place Amy. Follow the timer;
  • Use secrecy mode during shooting, you can go to the rest of the time.
Your team is not divided into role and acts together, four of them. Just get in good black clothes.

Go to Humane Labs. As soon as you infiltrately penetrate, a decade-minute countdown will begin.

Leave the car on a yellow marker and kill the first guard at the gate from sniper. Wait for the second and kill it too. This is important, since the guards need to be removed in pairs. Then, come inside.

You will need to be quiet and without witnesses remove all the red dots inside Humane Labs. After that, bring Insurgent to the garage gate (yellow marker), where they need to pre-hack with a simple mini-game.

Park your armored vehicle, sit down to the SUV standing on the street, and leave. Patrol will pass by you, but you do not need to respond to it.

6. Robbery itself.
Well, all, we practically did it and now we have a raid on Humane Labs to steal from there files. As always, the board appears in your apartment, with which you can distribute the shares of the common thing.

Now you need to choose clothes, but be careful with the "heavy" outfits - this means that you are unlikely to be actively running.

Your team is divided into three parts: Ground group (2 people), pilot and arrows. The ground group steals the files, and the pilot and the arrows (the helicopter group) exercise support from air, deliver and pick them up.

The pilot is better to choose an experienced person, as in the future he will have to sit on a very narrow block of land and at the same time not to hurt his comrades.
First of all, you need to get to Valkyrie helicopter. Then you take off and go to the desired point. It turns on AM, light in the laboratories, and the ground group jumps down from a helicopter down and landing into the parking lot. They include night vision glasses.

You need to blow up the control panel. Lipness bombs act with a bang. The ground group comes internally and they need to get to the laboratory, destroying all enemies on their way. To do this, it is better to use the machine.

Finally, the group gets to the keypad with a code lock. To open it, you must first at the same time insert a key card, every one. Therefore, you will have to use a voice headset to communicate with a partner.

By downloading files, select outwards. You need to get to the elevator, removing opponents from your journey, and making your way to the cooling channel. Then we put the breathing apparatus and jump into the water. Let's swim through the tunnels and chose on the land.

Once on the beach, shoot in the air from the signal pistol to show the pilot in Valkyrie, where you need to land. So there is quite close, so if you do not want to be crushed, it is better to leave to the side.

After you again find yourself in the air, three of the four players will need to shoot from the persecution of buzzard helicopters, and the pilot lead the helicopter to the desired point.

Cleaning the sky, fly to the meeting place. You will find a spectacular ending in the style of Hollywood militants. Everything.

P.S. Although, in fact, not all - after this robbery, your entire team will be in the strip club. See, do not let all the blood earned money!

Bonus: Unlocked to buy Valkyrie helicopter, Insurgent and Insurgent Pickup, Nagasaki Dinghy boat. Also, in a weapon store now you can buy night vision glasses and a breathing apparatus for underwater swimming.

Ready to steal vertical take-off fighter? We are sure that they are ready. Welcome to the third gTA robbery ONLINE!

The Humane Labs RAID is the third robbery in the GTA Online Heists. It just delightfully and takes away from you quite a lot of time to pass.

In total, it will be necessary to complete 6 tasks, including a complex stealth mission. This robbery includes missions that will open the Hydra vertical takeoff fighter for you and the amazing Valkyrie helicopter, so, in any case, the passage of this robbery will pay for itself by a hundredfold. Make sure that you read carefully with this guide. Believe me, when passing it, it will save you just a break of time and nerves.

To create the Humane Labs RAID robbery, you will need to complete and the first two robbery in the chain. Detailed description You will also find each mission of these robbery in our guide by clicking on this link.

This robbery is designed to pass a group of four people, and you will not be able to start the game until you collect the full command.

It seems to be all. Now go to the description of the missions.

How to fulfill the preparatory task of the Humane Labs RAID - Mission 1 - security keys

This is a light preparatory mission with four different roles for participants. The goal is to get security keys that will allow you to get into the room in the laboratory building. The roles are as follows: bodyguard, buyer, observer over the north, observer for the south side.

You quickly cope with this mission. Go to the appointed place in the parking lot. Each member of the team will say where to go. Observers will have to climb the surrounding buildings, and the buyer together with the bodyguard will remain in place.

As soon as everyone gets to marked places, the seller will come and you will talk about buying security keys.

After you hit the hands and cards will change their owner, FIB will appear. You will need to kill everyone and escape. The enemies will climb from all the cracks, and here the observers should play their role - make sure they occupied good positions for shooting.

Payment will receive after the maps will be delivered to the apartments. Go ahead.

How to fulfill the preparatory task of the Humane Labs RAID - Mission 2 - Insurgent cars

Now you have cards with security keys, but no transport. You will have to get it. You will need two Insurgent SUVs that are stationed at the Merryweather military company test site in the Davis Quartz Quarry Quartzomolomen. If you are familiar with the standard QUARRY QUARRY mission from GTA Online, then must be well to imagine what you expect. There will be no breakdown to individual groups here.

Go to a career. Right across the guard on the gate and get to the location of the SUVs. Destroy all the military around. Perhaps you have to jump down to achieve the remaining enemies.

Once to deal with all opponents, divide into two commands. Only on one of the cars installed weapons. Go to the departure from the career so that the armored car without a weapon walks ahead, and with a gun installed a little behind.

Before leaving the territory, you need to get rid of two combat helicopters. If you do not do this, then successfully complete the mission will be very hard. Use the weapon installed on one of the Insurgent`s and self-equipping rockets. As soon as helicopters fall the death brave, continue the movement.

Try to move closer to each other. Remember, the closed transport should be an SUV with a turret. You will have to kill a lot, a lot of enemies, most of which will move on armored jeeps. After you reach the landing point, deal with the remnants of the MerryWeather soldier.

As soon as "Suffal the tails", just take the car to the yellow marker and get money.

How to fulfill the preparatory task of the Humane Labs RAID Robbery - Mission 3 - Electromagnetic Emitter

Here she is. One of the most famous missions in which you will have to steal the fighter of the vertical take-off Hydra from the aircraft carrier. In this task there is no separation into groups.

First, go to the boat, how to tell you instructions. It is close to the beach. All team members should climb the boat before you continue.

After you join everything, follow the yellow marker in the sea. Your goal is an aircraft carrier who can easily find, because it is just huge and shines, like a Christmas tree.

You need to get to the entrance point, which is located in the rear of the court. Make a circle on the boat and go from the rear, then jump into the water and climb the ship.

Move on the ship holding out the red dots. You have to go straight to the main hangar and climb the stairs to the deck.

Now it will start most interestingly. One of the players will sit in Hydra, and the remaining team members should climb Lazer airplanes. Hydra stands at the front end of the aircraft carrier deck.

As soon as Hydra rises into the air, Lazer aircraft must provide support. Enemy fighters will try to hit Hydra with all their might. As soon as the enemy turns out to be behind Hydra, to try to capture the goal, destroy it. Please note that the only goal for the enemy is Hydra. Therefore, you should not fear for your own lifests, your task is to protect the aircraft desired to robbery with the installation of AM.

That's all. Hydra's pilot must transfer the aircraft to the vertical flight mode and gently lower it to the ground. Installing Amy is in the nose of the fighter. You will notice this when you leave the plane, then get a reward.

How to fulfill the preparatory task of the Humane Labs RAID - Mission 4 - Valkyrie helicopter

In this task you have to go to the docks and steal the Valkyrie helicopter - probably the best of new transports added to Heists.

This is a fairly simple preparatory mission, but it is still not worth relaxing. You have to clean the territory from the enemies before proceeding to the next stage. There are no breakdowns of participants here.

Valkyrie is located in the southernmost map.

Be careful, approach the helicopter is dangerous! You will meet a rattling mixture of nicely armed opponents, snipers and air support. Do not follow the advice and thoughtlessly break into transport. Stay at the gate and clean all the red dots. After the enemies learn about your presence, you are attacked from the buzzard helicopter. You should try to quickly get rid of it with the help of a homing rocket.

Go through the hangar with submarines, continuously use shelters. Watch out for snipers on the tower on the left, as soon as you move on the other side. Load all and take into the inside.

Valkyrie has three connectors for weapons. Two of them are occupied by machine guns installed on two sides of the helicopter and one - a special gun against fighters, which is placed on the front panel for the second pilot.

When climbing into the air, we are sure you will not be surprised by a new attack. For interception, the enemy will send buzzard helicopters. The pilot must be enjoyed on the enemy helicopters - Walkira weapons can capture targets.

As soon as everything is over, fly to the meeting place. It is marked red. Place the helicopter, but see do not hook a tree.

Here, however, all. Consider - easy walk.

How to perform the preparatory task of the robbery The Humane Labs RAID - Mission 5 - Delivery by Amy

This nasty mission is based on stealth and synchronous destruction. The goal is to place the device of Amy inside the laboratory so that during the passage of the final mission it detonated. Carefully view everything that will be written below, and you save a bunch of nerves.

There are several things you should know from the very beginning:

  • You will need to use a silent sniper rifle. Any weapon without a silencer alarmed scientists and will lead to early termination of the mission.
  • If any of the guards or scientists notice you, the mission will be considered failed. Immediately.
  • To pass the episode with the laboratory, there will be only 10 minutes at your disposal. Watch on the clock.
  • Use stealth when you start episode with shooting. The L3 key turns on the stealth mode and makes your character rush.

In this mission there is no breakdown to individual groups. Simply select yourself black clothes and get ready to listen to those who have already passed this preparatory task.

First of all, you need to drive up to Insurgent SUVs. You do not have to kill anyone, so just go to the point of their location and take into the car. When you find yourself in transport, follow the yellow line that will lead you to Humane Labs. You will have only 10 minutes, after you begin to perform an episode with a laboratory, so you do not need to mess around.

Park the car on the yellow marker and get out. Let your sniper remove the first guard at the gate. Then wait a little while the second who is behind him will leave the ravis. Then kill it and run straight to the complex.

As soon as they go through the gate, there will be a staircase on the right - you go there.

You will be in the yard. Kill the nearest enemy using a sniper rifle, then split into two commands. In the first team, let it be called the "assault group", there should be a couple of players with the experience of passing the previous parts of the robbery. The remaining two team members should be defined in the second - we will call it "support group".

While the support group must stay in place, the assault team should run forward to the wall, where the number 8 will be drawn. On the other side of the wall there is a box, climbing which you can climb upstairs.

One player rises upstairs, kills the guard and calls the second member of the assault team to follow him. After, two players must aim and at the same time remove two red dots. It is very important.

While the assault group kills three of his enemies, the support team should keep the staircase in the courtyard between the walls, where the number 5 is drawn. You will see two scientists at the bottom of the stairs - you need to aim, distribute the goals, and put them at the same time.

A member of the assault team now has to start bullet in a security guard opposite those two scientists. The support team cannot see this guard, so until you kill two scientists and a security guard at two separate groups, each time the alarm will work and the mission will end. Once again, we repeat - at the same time kill two scientists and a security guard.

After that, the support group must go down the steps. On the right and on the opposite side of the passage, ahead, there are two scientists. Divide the goals and kill them. The assault group should now go from the top of the place where scientists were and eliminating two more red dots, which are invisible to the support group on the right side of the passage. You need to be very careful not to attract any attention to yourself, so use secrecy and move slowly. After that, all four players need to choose different goals and remove four bad guys. Let someone consider up to three, after which everything is shooting at the same time. All if they coped with all difficult tasks, you can rejoice - there should be no more red dots on the radar.

There is nothing more to fear. One of the players should get to the Insurgent and Amy SUV, while the other team member hacks the gate to the garage. Hacking passes in the form of a mini-game. It is quite simple.

Paint the car into the garage and take into a truck that is parked nearby.

Go away from the territory and do not join anyone to battle. Merryweather's military patrol will pass by - ignore it.

You did it. Now before your eyes you will see the icon about the passage of the preparatory mission and get the money. Go to the final.

How to go through the Humane Labs RAID - Robbery itself

So you got directly to the robbery. It's time to get into the laboratory and steal files. As usual, the planning board in the apartment will show all the information about the percentage distribution of the award to each member member and the total amount of monetary remuneration for the mission.

In this final there will be two groups - ground team and helicopter. The ground team will penetrate into the laboratory and decides the documents, helicopter - will pick them up at the moment when they leave the laboratory.

First of all, you need to get into the Valkyrie helicopter. It is about 5 miles from the city center, near the sea Alamo SEA in Blain County. Call the helicopter to get there quickly, it is impossible, so go on the car.

When you sit in the helicopter, fly to the landing zone. You just need to take care of the yellow point, you do not need to land. When you find yourself in place, detonates the device Amy, after which electricity will be cut throughout the laboratory complex. Two players from the ground team must be jumped out of the helicopter and go down on the parachutes down. When you land on the ground, the night vision mode will automatically turn on.

Blind the doors inside the laboratory. For this, the velcro bomb is perfect. Next, just move through the building, following the yellow marker and kill the enemies. Use storm rifle or shotgun. Go through the complex until you reach dual doors with a code lock. Each member of the ground team should be done next to the code lock and click on the button at the same time. To do this, use the microphone and communicate with each other, so that we can wish only good luck to those who will perform the task with random players without the possibility of voice communication.

Come into the room and take the data, then run away from there, killing everyone on your way and get to the passage leading to the sea. Put the oxygen masks by pressing the appropriate button on the joystick, and jump into the opening. Swim through the tunnel and when you get to open sea, pop up to the surface. You should not worry too much about the lack of oxygen, just click on the melting button to move faster, and you can easily have time to overcome the tunnel.

Swim to the marker on the beach. After you find yourself in the sand, you need to shoot a signal rocket into the air to show the velochet crewice where you need to land. Landing will have a heavy, places on this site of the beach is small, so try not to be on the helicopter path, if you do not want to be crushed.

After climbing the air, three players who do not participate in the helicopter management, will have to cope with the opponent - buzzards helicopters. The best tactic for this is such: the pilot holds enemies in front of the nasal part of the helicopter, thereby allowing all three tools to shoot for the purposes.

As soon as you read the sky, go to the meeting place. After landing, the final mission will be considered completed. You view the cat-scene in which one of you will take a grenade and blow up the helicopter. Beautiful moment.

We now turn to pay. The work is paid really good, especially if you get a bonus for its passage for the first time. The leader of the robbery should receive about $ 300,000.

Well, you can celebrate your victory and good earnings in the strip club! Our congratulations! Go to the fourth robbery review.

It's time get into Humane Labs And to paint the documents. As usual on the board in the apartment, your share and distribution of revenues between players will be shown, as well as their role.

You need to choose clothes. Be careful, dressing clothes with the asscription "heavy" - you will not be able to run.

In this robbery, two teams are ground and air. Ground temperance will take inside and steal documents, and the air will fly over the building in Valkyrie and will pick up the ground command when they are finished.

First you need to get Valkyrius. It is located five miles from Downstauland, near the sea Alamo, and getting to the helicopter will have ground transport.

When everyone gets into the helicopter, you can fly to the landing zone. It is not necessary to land here, you only need to take care of the area above the surface. At this time, EMP will begin to act, and the ground team jumps out of the helicopter on the parachutes. Automatically turns on the night vision.

Blow the door at the entrance, work perfectly lipucca bombs. Next will have to be witched through the heaps of enemies, and it is best to use an assault rifle or an assault shotgun. In the end you will get to double doors. Here it will take voice chatSince both players must activate locks at the same time.

We take the data and run out on the marker, killing everyone on your way. In the end, it will be necessary to jump into the water, but before this you need to activate the breathing apparatus (the left arrow on the D-PAD). It will be necessary to swim through the tunnels on the surface of the sea. You do not need to be particularly worried about oxygen, even if it is over, you will still have time to get to the surface and not suffocate to death.

Swim to the marker on the shore. As soon as you find yourself on the sand, you will need to light the flyer to show your team location in the helicopter. Landing will be difficult, so better to move aside in advance.

As soon as you find yourself in the air, three players will take on the task of destroying the attacking helicopters of enemies. It will be best to keep enemies on the sight, pointing to this pilot - so all three guns will be able to attack at the same time.