Fashion 1.6 4 ENOUGH Items. Minecraft mod for craft recipes

A rather a lot of useful features will appear with the NEI mod in the game. Conditionally, they can be divided into two categories - control of the game and information part. The set is a powerful tool for editing the player's inventory or change the conditions of the game. Maud NOT ENOUGHt Items 1.7.2 / 1.7.10 will be very useful if you are a server administrator or build something truly beautiful. It will accelerate your work at times and will allow you to do everything more quickly. On this page, you can download the NOT ENOUGHT Items mod for Minecraft 1.6.4, 1.7.2 and 1.7.10.

The main thing is that it can - allow the player to receive any block, which is only possible to present. You can also view the crafting recipes and firing things, and in addition, to enchant any item to the selected spell. In the left side of the interface added by the modification of Not Enought Items, there are buttons for switching weather and time - you can set the day, night, sun or rain in one click. It is also possible to quickly go from the creative mode to survival mode - it will be very useful if, for example, you are pursuing a crowd of monsters, and there is no place to hide. In general, mod for Minecraft Not. ENOUGH Items. 1.6.4 / 1.7.2 / 1.7.10 Very useful, and most importantly, very easy to use.

Video Review Nei.

Installing Fashion

  • Download mod Not Enough Items for Minecraft 1.6.4, 1.7.2 or 1.7.10 and auxiliary mod Codechickencore.
  • Install Minecraft Forge.
  • Copy files with mods for the selected version of the game in the folder / MODS /
  • Run game

When reviewing recipes, there are 2 functions: recipes and application. By pressing the recipe button ("R" by mind) or application ("U" by mind.) By visoring an object, you open the corresponding display mode. In the recipe window itself, a click on the left button on the ingredient will open the window of its recipes, and the right applies. Return button ("BackSpace" by mind.) Display the previous recipe, and the ESC or the inventory key will close the window.

Review Recipes Displays All possible methods Scrap object, be it kraft on the workbench, in the oven, in a cooking rack or with any added crafting method (for example, a melting furnace in the RP2 mode).

Unlike Craft Guide, if the recipe can be used different types The same object (for example, wool different color or different types of wood), in the cell of the ingredient will be displayed in a circle of all subtypes. So, for example, wool will change colors.

In the application mode, all recipes are displayed in which the selected object is used.

The mode also displays recipes in which the exact location of the ingredients is not necessarily.

Button "?" It will appear if the type of recipe complies with the mechanism younger. For example, when an accurate crafting recipe is displayed when using the workbench.

By clicking on this button, you will return to the crafting mode, where you will see which each object should be placed.

Object search window:
The search window is a black rectangle at the bottom of the screen. Only those objects whose name contains the text entered in the search box will be displayed in the items panel. To enter the text, you need to click on the rectangle. Right-click on the right button instantly cleaned the search box. The keyboard register does not matter. Each search text is stored in memory and is downloaded again when the game starts.

The search window supports metacharacters * (any string of characters) and? (any single symbol), as well as complex Java.REgex matching patterns. As an example, BL? CK will display objects that contain "Black" and "Block". While "^ block" will display objects that begin with the word "block" such as "Block Breaker", and "Block $" will show objects ending with "Block", for example, "NoteBlock" or "Diamond Block" .

Categories of items:
The Item Subsets category button opens a drop-down menu that displays many different groups of items. If you click on the group, all objects contained in it are displayed, and right-clicking them will hide them. Double-click display only objects in the selected group.

Fashion can use API to create your own categories tags.

Clicking on the group when the SHIFT key is swap, will enter the "@ group name" in the search box, thereby displaying only objects from this group on the items panel.

Double-click on the Item Subsets button will display the storage buttons of categories. Here are available familiar to save, download, rename, delete, but they act with respect to displayed or hidden items.

You can also create your groups using a configuration file located in ".minecraftconfigneisubsset".

Enchanting window:
By pressing the enchanting key ("x" by mind.), You will open the enchantment window interface. Here you can add an item to and choose accessible enchantment for it and its level. Level can be raised to a maximum x (10). Click on the editing includes and turns off it. (To eliminate unpleasant bugs) there are rules for the conflict of different configurations, so you cannot add, for example, one item is good luck and silk touch. Unfortunately, due to limited space, some names can be reduced. For example, Protection will be reduced to Protect if you set the 8th level, since "VIII" takes a lot of space.

The basket button has 4 ways to use. All ways are available both in personal inventory and in any other (for example, when opening a chest).
  1. Click on the button while holding the item - the item will be deleted.

  2. Closing the SHIFT, you will delete all items of this type in your inventory.

  3. Click on the button without holding the subject, but clamping SHIFT and clean your inventory completely.

  4. A simple click on the button will start the basket mode.
Basket Mode:
When the mode is running, each item you click will be deleted. Having a shift at the same time, you delete all items of this type.

Creative mode:
Clicking the C button will launch creative mode. Everything is obvious here. Pressing the button simply changes the mode from creative for survival and back. Please note that only your game mode will change on the SMP server, and not the entire server.

Here, too, everything is obvious. If it rains, the button will be affordable. Click on it will stop the rain.

The last of the switches. If magnetism is enabled, all nearby items will fly into your direction. Although it does not work if the inventory is full.

Useful buttons:
4 buttons with the image of the Sun and the Moon are responsible for changing the time of day. Their pressing will change time at dawn, noon, sunset or midnight. Time is changing only in the direction of the future, so as not to disrupt the work dependent on the time of the mechanisms. So pressing the button is noon several times will lead to a pass of several days.

The image of the heart will increase the health and player's health and hunger, and will save from burning.

Conservation Slots:
There are 7 saving slots that allow you to save all your inventory and armor. Right-click on the right mouse button to rename the slot. Next to the recorded slot, the "X" button appears, pressing it to clean the slot. Conservation slots is global and can be used in different Mirah and servers.

Options menu:
This is a standard settings menu, made in the design of minecraft. Different settings are available in it, including the hot key settings.

First button Responsible for the inclusion and disable NEI. If the mod is disabled, only the options menu will be available. Switches in SMP and SSP mode are independent of each other.

Button Cheat Mode. Switches between Cheat Mode and Recipe Mode modes. Recipe Mode is designed for honest game and only displays recipes. Soothing slots and switches are not available in it, and the object panel does not allow you to add an item to your inventory.

Extra Cheats. Determines whether the CREATE, RAIN, MAGNET, TIME and HEAL buttons will be available.

Button Style. Switches the display of buttons between the standard minecraft style and the old style of the TOO MANI ITEMS style (shown below).

ITEM IDS. Includes and turns off the display ID of the subject. This setting will work on all objects of your inventory and in the items panel.

This button has three modes: Shown (Display), Auto and Hidden. Auto will display the items ID only if the NEI mode itself is enabled.

This setting has an additional feature of displaying accurate object damage. For example, Sapphire Kirk in the figure below received 6 units of damage.

Save States. Just defines whether the conservation slots will be displayed or not.

If Item Drops is disabled, all discarded items will be deleted. So the subject emitted or elapsed from the inventory automatically disappears. This setting is added to get rid of lags.

Hot keys work as usual. Click on them and press the key you want to install.

Saukers Mobov:
Nei makes all the types of spaurners available in your inventory and for accommodation in the game. All mobs added using mods also have an affordable spaner. Sauker in the inventory displays its contents as well as blocks. Hostile mobs are displayed in red name, and passive - blue. The bug in the multiplayer, in which all sauners were displayed with pigs inside, corrected. For any user with the NEI installed (even if it is not admin) on the server with NEI, spaners will be correctly displayed.

Useful features:
Clicking with clamping CTRL on the subject in the inventory or the object panel will increase the quantitative indicator of the subject. If you picked up the object and put it in the container, while holding the SHIFT, all items of this type will be in the container from your inventory. It is useful for moving the entire cobblestone in the chest.

All you can do in solitary mode is available in the multiplayer if NEI is installed on the server. If the mod is not installed on the server, you can still add objects to the inventory using the Give command, being admin. Most features are available only for admins.

Configuration file:
Many NEI settings are available in the confignei.cfg file. But most of them can be changed in the Fashion options menu.

Server configurations:
Together with the server, the configuration file "ConfigneiServer.cfg" will be created containing different settings Server. Comments in the file clarify the available functions. If briefly, you can use a specific player with certain functions using the file. So, for example, you can decide who to use enchantions available only for admins, etc. There is also a section of prohibited blocks - these blocks will not be displayed in the user items panel. The default adminact is prohibited, so it is not available to players (only if you do not add their name to exception).

Extended API:
The NEI has a built-in extended API, which allows you to correctly integrate other mods. This is demonstrated on the example of the RedPower module, which adds a smelting furnace recipes and special items.

Of course, there are many other types of crafting, for example, an Avovant BTW, a bunch of everything in IC2, etc. However, in the fashion used only a melting furnace from the RedPower Fashion. However, the author NEI offers modes to create small modules following the example of RedPower.

The source code should help the modes navigate. Nei uses the configuration utilization system like MODLOADER. Just contact your Nei **** config.class configuration class and implement iconfigurenei in a package with your mods. Any appeal to Nei should occur through this class or subclasses. Your modes should not directly access the functions or NEI classes, as this will make the function of the mode dependent on NEI. Just add the configuration file and classes to your mod and it will work with the NEI installed.

NOT ENOUGH ITEMS. It is not just a mod, but a whole collection of mods! Downloaded Nei. You will get a convenient search for items and their recipes, as well as be able to restore health, manage gaming regime and weather. Several modes of operation can be distinguished, the so-called cheat issued items, change the weather, etc. and the recipe view mode, you can only view recipes. IN assemblies Minecraft. This modification is used, as it shows the recipes of things added by third-party modes. Also for Not Enough Items are created addons expanding functionality.

Management and Functions Fashion Not Enough Items

  • R. - show the recipe for the subject you brought the cursor.
  • U. - show recipes in which the subject is used to which the cursor is hovering
  • Backspace. - Previous recipe
  • X. (in inventory) - enchanting window
  • P. (in Inventory) - Warding Window
  • F7. - Display places with insufficient lighting where monsters can be spawned
  • F9. - Display Channkov borders
  • O. - Click in inventory To disable the NEI interface

How to enable cheat mode

  1. Open inventory ("E")
  2. Go to Options (Left Bottom)
  3. And then in "Inventory" (first item)
  4. Press the "Global" button in the upper right corner (mode to "world / world")
  5. Switch "Recipe mode" to "cheat-mode"
  6. Next to "Nei Enable", click "W"
  7. Return back to the list of settings by clicking on the bottom button "Back"
  8. Go to Jei Integration and click on Jei Itempanel to change to Nei Itempanel
  9. Click "ESC" to return to your inventory
  10. If you are all done correctly, the interface will change and you will be able to give themselves items to click.


How to install Not Enough Items?

  1. Install Minecraft Forge
  2. Press Win + R ("Win" button to be between "Ctrl" and "Alt")
  3. In the window that appears, write% appdata%
  4. Go to V.Minecraft / MODS (if there is no "Mods" folder, create)
  5. Drag the mod (.zip / .jar) to the MODS folder

Not Enough Items is one of the most useful mods that exist now for the Minecrafta game. It will come in handy everything - from ordinary players to server executives. This mod has built into the recipes for the recipes of all blocks that are present in your game. If you often put fashion, it is useful to know which recipes are added. After all, remembering them for memory almost unreal. All recipes will be at hand, do not have to climb the Internet in search.

Moreover, not only recipes of various crafts are collected, but also the recipes of potions. All recipes can be viewed in a comfortable window without leaving the game. If a standard recipe set can still be remembered, then the recipes from mods are already difficult. Each mod carries its recipe set, and they are easily lost in them.

For example, you installed some cool mod. And he adds a few dozen recipes. Can you remember them all? That is why it is worth downloading Not Enough Items.

And you can enhance any items in a couple of clicks. Just imagine how your game process. NOT ENOUGH ITEMS is simply necessary for each gamer. You just need to download mod not enough items.

The main functionality can be divided into two types. The R key calls the recipes window, and the U key is the use of a specific subject in recipes. It is not difficult to figure out the mod. The interface is most convenient and friendly.

The main advantages of the Fashion:

Convenient craft of any blocks.
Fast enchantion of items.
All recipes are always at hand.
Support recipes from any mods.
Quick search by name.
Multiplayer support.

In contrast to all the favorite Too Many Items, which takes the basis for modifying Not Enough Items, to download which on this page, the development of a new fashion got into the right hands. The creators retained the features of the above-mentioned fashion and were able to bring a lot of useful additions that made NEI for Minecraft 1.7.10, 1.8 perfect mod.

From the innovation, features from Recipe Book, allowing to view the object craft recipes. Players got access to the recipes of potion. The main feature It remains the ability of the fashion not enough items to be combined with any of the modifications, which allows you to prescribe new items and blocks to the minikeft inventory. Changing the time of day, game mode, switching on and disablement, instant cleaning of the inventory remained intact and runs in one click. Minecraft added buttons for instant health restoration and inclusion of a magnet (pulling the nearest thing). The right panel acquired search for objects and sorting.

Modification Not Enough Items for Minecraft 1.8 / 1.7.10 is unimaginable useful. The player will be able to fully set it up under his own need. Options change the cheat mode on an ordinary study of the crafting of objects. Mod NEI can be used as an ordinary tip.

Interface management Fashion

Mouse over and click:

  • R. - Recipe Kraft object.
  • U. - show which crafes this object is used.
  • X. - The enchanting window of objects.
  • P. - Warding window.

Video Overview Not Enough Items