Trick with memorizing the card. Very cool card trick "2 piles". Trick with guessing the secret card and learning. The same relationship as in the tarot cards

Quite common among magicians, the trick of guessing the card belongs to the category of average complexity of execution. It is difficult to complete it without certain skills. It is imperative to master the skills of pruning, skillful shuffling and ways to distract the public's attention. Let's look at two main options for doing this trick along with secrets.

Guessing one of 12 fan or ribbon

The bottom line is as follows. Of the 12 pre-selected by you, the participant thinks any, and you effectively guess which one. The secret lies in the drawings. You choose in advance from the deck 12 cards of odd order, that is, threes, fives, sevens, and so on. Lay them out in front of you, pictures up and look carefully. Most of the pictures on each are directed equally either up or down.

Now take any one and turn it over. In the figure, these are 9 crosses.

That is, before starting the trick, unnoticed by the public, you need to lay out the cards with a pattern in one direction. Then you invite the person to choose any, let him pull it out of your layout. He remembers, and in the meantime you discreetly collect all 11 pieces and, putting them in a small deck, turn the whole stack upside down. The viewer gives his own, and you insert it into the general deck, restoring 12 pieces. And now for the most spectacular moment. You go through the cards one at a time, slowly, as if thinking, and name the one you need. After all, there is a drawing on it in a different direction. For example, if the hidden one was 7 crosses, then it will look something like this.

As you can see, learning to focus on guess the card is not at all difficult, you need to be able to perform some manipulations unnoticed by others.

It is important! For the focus, take 12 images of all stripes, except for the tambourine, otherwise the trick will not work.

Guess the card in a simpler way

You count out 21 pieces from the deck in front of the audience and, spreading it out in a beautiful semicircle, propose to name any number from 6 to 21. Then you count all the cards in front of you and on the number named by the person, take out, name it correctly and demonstrate to everyone as proof. From the outside, it seems that it is impossible to guess, but the trick is quite simple. Learn this trick here:

I will guess any conceived

You shuffle the pack, and invite the viewer to choose any picture and keep it for now. Shuffle the deck yourself again and unnoticeably remember last card in a stack. Then lay out the entire pile into 5 piles, and ask the viewer to put his card on any of them. Next, cover the pile with your chosen main deck (one part out of 5, only with the card that you remembered at the beginning).

Thus, it turns out that the picture of the participant lies in front of the one that you remember. The whole deck is gathered together, unfolds like a fan, and the magician calls the picture conceived by the person. After all, it lies to the right of the one that you memorized. If your card had 7 hearts, then the viewer would have, say, 10 spades.

Incredible focus on just three of the deck

One of the brightest and most entertaining tricks that makes the brain just explode. Most often it is called “3 Monte Cards”. There are only three pieces in the hands of the magician, who demonstrates each of them to the viewer. The stuntman asks you to remember one of them and follow it throughout the entire performance. The person watches closely, but every time the magician asks where she is, the eyewitness fails. There is no way to guess the card!

In general, the trick with three cards is exactly what is remarkable because it seems to be easy to keep track of, there are only three cards. However, no matter how many attempts the participant has, he will not be able to guess the right one. But the magician determines its place unmistakably and accurately.

To master the skills for such a trick, we suggest going through thematic training: guess one of three cards. In addition to learning how to master this trick, you can preview it in action. To do this, follow the link:

To show such tricks with cards, you will need specials. cards with special coated. You can order these

It is important! Before embarking on this trick, make sure you are fully proficient in card manipulation such as double up and flip. This is the core of this trick.

There are several varieties of this focus. Either the performer moves the cards in his hands, or it is done on the table, but always in front of the public.

Card trick for kids guess the card, this is actually not even a trick, but rather a joke. However, first, before revealing the secrets, a demonstration of focus.

In the picture above, you can see the six playing cards that make up focus guess the card... You need to choose one of them.

Just choose a card. It is not necessary to click on it with the mouse or perform any actions. Just choose one of the cards and memorize it.

Now, as usual in tricks, it is necessary to perform some kind of magical action. If the cards were real, the magician would shuffle the deck or effectively hide the cards offered to the viewer, and then pull out again. Other magical actions are possible, this is a trick for children. As for you, since you are at the computer screen, we suggest looking at the magic picture below.

If you have admired a thunderstorm in the night sky in the picture above, then look: in the picture below, one card is missing. And just the one you thought of!

Secret of trick guess the card

As mentioned above, described card guessing trick- this is not a real trick, but rather a joke. The secret to this childish trick is simple enough. The viewer is shown sequentially two sets of cards. Six cards, from which he chooses one and the other five, among which, for obvious reasons, there is certainly not a single card from the first set. However, since the second five cards are similar in color and value to the first six, the viewer usually does not notice the catch. If he had memorized two cards, he would have easily figured out the deception. Nevertheless, out of habit and at the persistent requests of the magician, the viewer concentrates his attention on one card and tries to remember it. This is the secret of focus.

If show focus guess the card in company with real playing cards, then you need to prepare two sets of cards in advance. Put one on the table, and the second of five similar cards, for example, on top of the deck. After the viewer has thought of a card, the first set can be assembled and discreetly hidden down the deck, just at the time when the magical action will take place. After that, calmly put the five top cards on the table, among which, to the surprise of the viewer, there will not be a card he has conceived.

Hello everyone, dear subscribers!

Sergei Kulikov is in touch with you again, he is the Sailor!

Our today's article is called "Cool card trick"2 stacks". Trick with guessing the card secret and learning "and in it we will analyze one very cool and simple trick!

This trick is called "2 stacks", as you might have guessed :) It's madly simple, light, with an understandable effect. I love these tricks. There are absolutely no techniques in them, you can do with any deck. Even with "satin" ones. Even with a spectator deck. That is, in general, with any deck, and this is a huge plus in the eyes of the viewer. And to have such a focus in the arsenal will not be superfluous. And if you want more simple tricks, then I advise you to study these more: "" and "".

Well, and thus we will move on to the main course - to our trick! We will need two spectators. Before the magic show, we will of course stir the deck and divide it into two equal piles. Let's give each viewer a stack and ask them to choose one card. After they do this, they will have to shove their cards into the other spectator's pile! And after that, they themselves can interfere with the deck as much as they like! We can also interfere, with their permission, of course :)

After that, we say that we can easily find their map. They, of course, will begin to laugh and say that this is impossible, because they themselves have been interfering with the cards for a long time! In the meantime, we take one pile and take out one card from it, and do the same with the other pile. And voila! These are really spectator cards!

Stormy reactions and applause are definitely guaranteed for you! This trick is perfect if you have two viewers! It deserves a place in your arsenal.

Demonstration and training

Sergei Kulikov, aka Sailor, was in touch with you. That's all for me!

You will learn how to guess tarot cards! This is the greatest key to managing reality. Money, wealth, fame - all this is easy to get if ...

Observing the Tarot cards and how I could pull them out of the deck without looking, how I could guess them, or, more precisely, program the fall of a certain card due to the power of thought and emotion, I noticed another strange pattern.

How to guess the cards?

This method worked well when I was presenting desired card, strongly focused on the very sensation obtained when contemplating this card. I got two interesting moments... To program the drawing of a specific card from 78 Tarot cards, you need:

1. Visualize² the map itself in order to experience the sensation that comes from it.

2. You need to experience the sensation that the Tarot card conveys, enter a special state that this card personifies in fact.

As you probably already noticed, any event in your life evokes a certain state, feeling or emotion within you.

Any state, feeling or emotion, as a rule, is reflected in a certain sensation in a certain part of the body.

For example, when a person feels joy, he may feel a certain rush in the center of the chest or in the Anahata chakra³.

When a person is afraid, he may feel some kind of "wiggle" in the stomach. Agree, sitting in a chic restaurant or eating in a rustic canteen is far from the same feeling. Being at a wedding or funeral is a completely different experience. Driving a Mercedes or a Zaporozhets - different emotions.

Any event and any thing causes absolutely different sensations in us!

As the yogis say: "The body does not lie." Therefore, any emotion can go out through our body in the form of a certain sensation in a certain part of the body. This is important to understand.

A certain card from a deck of Tarot cards evoked a certain feeling. And it was the concentration on this sensation that helped to learn how to guess the cards.

What does it take to learn to control reality?

So, in order to learn how to manage reality and attract money, you must first understand only three very important things!

1. You need to visualize or imagine the situation that you want to cause.

2. You need to evoke a feeling in yourself that would have a place inside you if this situation had actually happened.

3. It is necessary to evoke a certain response at a certain point in your physical body, corresponding to a given sensation and situation. It works because everything in this world is interconnected!

Let's remember our main formula: “Any external event causes certain images, emotions and sensations inside; any inner sensation, image or emotion inevitably causes a certain event in the external world. " Hence the main principle: "What is inside is outside, what is outside is also inside."

The same relationship as in the tarot cards!

You need to learn how to manage and use this law, then money will flow to you in a wide river. Here the relationship is the same as in the tarot cards. However, there are many important little things that I will cover in the following lessons. You can find them in the article feed below.

As you understood - in these secrets the magic of money, as such, is not manifested, but it is vital important information based on the completely scientific laws of the universe. I am sure that after a while this course will bear fruit in the form of the first "magic" money, which may come to you in a very unexpected way.

Do you need to buy tarot cards?

Only if you feel the need for it. Tarot cards are indicated here as an example of how I mastered this valuable knowledge and in just a year and a half became a wealthy person.

In the next lessons, I will tell you how I managed to attract quite large sums of money into my life, I will teach you some principles of wealth and show you how to work with them.

P.S. If you still want to have tarot cards - choose the ones that you like the most. It is not at all necessary to purchase a deck of Ryder-Waite Tarot cards. I wish you success and prosperity!

Hello everybody!

In this article I want to tell you one very spectacular focus with maps. It is called "Guess the Card" and will not make much work. But at the same time, the trick is pretty damn good and makes the viewer bewildered and sincerely believe in your magic talent. So, card magic tricks, guess the card training from the Sailor!

Well, let's start ...

How the focus looks from the outside:

You select only 12 cards from the deck and lay them out in front of the spectator or on the table. He chooses a card, remembers it and returns it to the deck. You shuffle the cards, quickly glance at each one and name the spectator's card unmistakably!

Ta-da-dame ... everything is elementary and simple. Read, understand and I think you will definitely take this trick into your arsenal!

Focus secret:

1) It is necessary to select 12 cards from the deck. Moreover, these cards must be odd, namely-3, 5, 7, 9 of all suits except for the diamonds. It will not work with tambourine suits.

2) Now take a closer look at this picture! Do you notice any pattern? I don't think you can tell right away ... Here, on each card, there are images of suits. On the top-3 of the picture, on the top-5, etc. Now look at this picture, BIG of these pictures are looking up. On a Nine, 7 figures are looking up and 2 are down. On Troika, 2 pictures look up and one down ... THIS IS IMPORTANT! Further on the Five, 3 pictures look up and 2 down.

3) Now look at this picture! Do you see the differences? Everything is the same, but only the Crest Nine is turned upside down ... Do you understand why? Because LOT of the suit images are now looking down. This is the key to this trick!

4) Before the start of the focus, imperceptibly from the viewer, we lay out all the cards with most of the drawings up (or down, as you like) ... and when the viewer takes one card to remember, then we turn the cards over. This will be our key!

Knowing the secret, we show the trick

5) Lay out the cards in front of the viewer and ask to get and remember one card.

6) In the example, the viewer selects the 7 Crest. Now ATTENTION. If the viewer took the card, remembered it and also returns it to the deck, then you need to turn the remaining cards in the hand with the other side to the viewer (namely, 180 degrees, if expressed mathematically). If the viewer himself turned the card over in his hand (this happens less often), then nothing needs to be turned over.

6) Thus, it turns out that all the cards we have are mostly up (or down), and the viewer, as if nothing had happened, returns the card.

7) Now you can and start going through one at a time.

8) The first one I got was the Nine of Hearts. Most of the suit drawings are looking up, so it is not her.

13) After which we take them from the table and, having sorted out again, throw out the Seven of the Cross from them separately. This is the viewer card, which is what we are announcing.

Here is such cool trick... Card tricks Guess the card training is a classic example of a magic trick. Study. I think you will like it.

Well, in addition to you, another cool trick for children