How to find the desired card in the deck. Very cool card focus "2 stacks". Focus with guessing a map of secret and training. Guessing a conceived card

Miracles love everything! Card tricks - spectacular way to entertain guests or steal children. To whom I do not want to become a wizard for a short time. Having learned a few simple focusYou can hit your audience with your telepathic abilities. Focuses with cards are not a difficult lesson to make sure that we offer some simple tricks. You will need a deck of 36 cards.

1. "Guessing cards" - at all non-flat focusWith which you can call cards. These cards two people will choose from the deck.

You will need a deck of cards with latin letters marking. To show this focus, divide the deck into two types of cards: one should consist of cards with numbers or letters with a flat or sharp top (ace (A), king (K), currency (j), 3, 4, 5, 7, And the second is from the cards with numbers or letters with a round riding (lady (q), 2, 6, 8, 9, 10. Restrained, you can sort cards quickly, right in front of the audience.

Call two volunteers and dividing a deck into two parts of different types, give each one by one of the parts. Ask each of the two focus participants to pull out one card from the deck of another. Now every assistant should look at that card he chose, show her viewers and remember. At this time you can turn or clog. Further, each participant must put the chosen card in its half of the deck and thoroughly mix cards.

Ask assistants to decompose face up the cards of their halves of the deck. You can easily guess the cards chosen by the helpers, because they will be another type.

2. The following focus is built on arithmetic. Remember the number 27 - you will need it. After that, ask the viewer to take cards and shuffle them, choose a map and put it on top of the deck. Then ask to remove any number of cards and recalculate them, let's say, 15 cards.

Next, let the viewer calculate the number of red cards among them, for example, 6. Next, let it take the second part of the deck and, turning the picture up, counts and remembers the sixth black card. Then the viewer must put this part of the deck on the charts that he removed at the beginning and all the cards must give you.

The deck is turned with a shirt up, and you post on one map from below, mentally counting black cards, 27-15 \u003d 12 - the twelfth card will be the card that the viewer chose.

3. Another simple, but very spectacular focus.

Drag a deck and remember the bottom or top card, for example, bubnovy Ace. Ask any viewer to give you a deck of a bubne ace. The viewer pulls out any card out of the deer and, without looking at her, gives it to you. For example, lady worms.

Ask the same viewer to pull out the lady of the worms out of the deck, the viewer will pull another card and give you back again. For example, he pulled 6 orders. Then you say: "And now 6 Tref, I will pull out of the deck yourself," after which it is imperceptible to take the card from the deck that you remember at the beginning of the focus.

Now you have all 3 announced cards on your hands: Bubnovy Ace, lady of worms and 6 treph. Show these cards to the audience.

Hello everyone, dear subscribers!

In touch with you again, Sergey Kulikov, he is a sailor!

Today's article is called "Cool Card Focus" 2 Stacks ". Focus with guessing a map of secret and training "and in it we will analyze one very cool and simple focus!

This focus is called "2 stacks", as you have already guessed :) to madness is simple, light, with a clear effect. I adore such tricks. They do not have absolutely no technician, you can do with any deck. Even with "satin". Even with a spodder. That is, in general with any deck, and this is a huge plus in the eyes of the viewer. Yes, and have such a focus in the arsenal will not be superfluous. And if you want more simple focus, I advise you to study more: "" and "".

Well, we thus move on to the main dish - to our trick! We will need two viewers. In front of the magical presentation, we, of course, will prevent a deck and divide it into two equal stacks. We give every viewer on a stack and ask you to choose one map. After they do it, they will have to shove their cards in the stack of another viewer! And after that, they can make a deck themselves as much as they do. We can also interfere with their permission, naturally :)

After that, we say that you can easily find their card. Of course, they will begin to laugh and say that it is impossible, because they themselves long and stubbornly interfered with the cards! And in the meantime, we take one stack and pull out one card out of it, do the same with another stack. And voila! These are really the viewers cards!

Stormy reactions and applause you are definitely provided! Such a trick is just perfect if you have two viewers! He deserves places in your arsenal.

Demonstration and training

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Focus with guessing card

Focus with guessing a spectator card There are countless. In this focus, the card chosen by the viewer is also determined, but not only the illusionist himself takes part in the search, but also the viewer itself. This fact adds confidence that what is happening depends on the actions of the audience, although in fact they cannot affect the process of performing the trick.

What is the focus

The illusionist provides an opportunity for anyone who wants to mix cards so that all observers make sure that there are no secrets in card dealer. Further, as usual, the magician addresses the volunteer to pull out some card, and not showing it, remember. The illusionist takes the audience card puts it on top of the stack, after which it feels the deck and its lower part puts on top of the top.

The illusionist follows the deck and turns it again. He demonstrates the volunteer top card, and it is interested, not him this map. The viewer denies. Then the magician puts this card on the table, hacking a deck once again and from above again pulls out the map. However, the next card is not the one that the viewer pulled out. And in the 3rd time the illusionist mixes a deck, getting another card from above, but, alas - and it is not true.

All incorrect maps are decomposed on the table in front of the viewer. Then the magician invites him to choose any two cards. He points to these cards, and they continue to lie down in the same places, and the extra card is removed to the side. The illusionist wants a volunteer to pointed out now one card from 2. The viewer shows and this card is also cleaned, and the only map remains on the table. Her magician turns over, and the card appears for surprisingly, it is the one that was pulled by a volunteer at the beginning of the trick.

Secret Trick

This card focus does not require any preliminary preparation of a deck, or a certain location in it in it. A deck can actually shifted the viewer, so the audience will be sure that there are no secret in the maps. When we ask you to choose a viewer with a card from a deck, it can also take any means a stack card. Now take her in hand and put on top of the deck that is at the moment in the left hand.

Cover a stack with a little finger with a little finger, with the right hand, we subfir the lower stack and shift it up. As a result, the visor was formed over the audience card, where the little finger was placed, and the second half of the deck is located on top. Now you need to withdraw the audience card back to the top of the deck. To do this, remove the right hand a small stack of cards from above, roughly divided into smooth two parts of the one half of the deck, which is above the little finger. The first stack is thrown on the table, then remove the remaining cards over the little finger and also throw them on the table. After that we put up the entire lower stack of entirely, which was under the little finger. As a result, the audience card was launched again.

Now you need to make a false tastovka with the control of the upper card. The easiest way to do is to perform a tack with turning cards of two stacks. We divide the deck is about two equal stacks, we have them opposite each other with narrow sides and bend these ends. Now you make the decks closer to each other, so that when lowering cards back, they shifted with the stacks on the contrary. The secret of false toss is that the latter needs to be released with the card with the stack in which you need to check the top card. There are two or three pieces of such tastovoy for truth.

Now we need to make another break, but this time two upper cards. Experienced magicians can immediately separate the maizin of the left hand, in which the deck is lying, the top two cards. If you still do not work, you can take the right thumb up the top two cards and lift a little closest to you. At this point in the resulting gap put the tip of the maiden and release the cards. As a result, you will have a slot between the deck and two top cards.

We tell the audience that now we will try to guess their card, and most likely it is on top of the deck. But you take not one top card, but at once two cards - a break will help you in this, you just need to take on the place of the resulting gap and raise two cards. Having lifted these cards, you turn their face face to the viewer, and put it again into the palm, and again on the little finger to keep the place of break. After we learn that the card is not at all the audience, we turn over these two cards with a shirt up and put them in the palm, this time, without making a little men. Now lifting the top card (this is a spectator card) and put it with a shirt up on the table.

Carefully pull the deck - we use the same tacks and shooting that they were applied and for the first time. But this time is tasuch for real, without false movements. It is necessary so that the viewer believes that Tastovka and for the first time it was the most real. Now again take the top card, turn it over it, put it on a deck in the palm of your face, and we know, not a spectator of this map. Those. We repeat all the same actions that we spent with the first card. The audience says it is not his card, and we put it on the table next to the first card. And finally, we need to make the same thing and for the third time - we turn the deck, show the map and put it on the table.

The next stage of the focus is the forcing card. We create an illusion that the viewer himself chooses a map, although in fact we bring it to the choice in advance famous card. You need to ask the viewer to choose any two cards of three lying on the table. Suppose the viewer chooses two cards, among which the audience is located (we know that it is the first). Then we remove the third card, not chosen. Repeat again choose one of two cards. If he chooses the audience, then it is left, if the other, then we remove it. It turns out that in any case the viewer will come to the fact that his map will be selected. And now, turning over the only remaining card, the viewer will surprise her.

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Card tricks are great for impressing their friends, as well as practice in hand agrees and test the performance skills of the illusionist. For such focus you will need only a standard deck of cards, some workouts and the ability to distract the attention of the public.


Guessing the audience card

Swim a deck and remember the bottom card in it. Make a whole representation from shocking the deck. An integral part of a successful focus is the ability to concentrate the attention of the viewer on something concrete, which will distract him from the trick's ray. Once your own deck yourself, then let the viewer shifted it or remove it to give everyone to understand that the cards in the deck are located completely randomly. After final shocking the decks, remember the bottom card.

Ask a volunteer from the public to choose a map of yourself. The viewer must remember this card and put it from the bottom of the deck. The spectator card falling at the bottom of the deck will be near the card already known to you.

  • Make a whole show from the fact that you in no way select what the viewer pulls out. The smaller the audiences seem to seem to find out the card at the moment, the better the focus finale will turn out.
  • Remove the deck. The deck can be removed independently or asked the viewer. In this case, the initial lower card along with the audience will be somewhere in the middle of the decks. When you turn the deck so that the cards are face up, and spread them fan, the audience card will lie on the map known to you to the right.

    • With due skill, a deck can be removed several times. If you know exactly the position of the cards in the already removed deck, the dexterity of the hands will allow you to re-remove the deck without delivering your and visual cards.
  • Announce the audience that you are going to find a visual card in the deck. Now the moment comes to demonstrate your "magical" abilities. The better you will prevent yourself in a playful presentation, the more funny will be the result of the focus to the public.

    • Entertain the viewers: place the cards of the fan and drive hand over the cards in search of the audience card you need.
  • Find the original bottom of the deck that you remember. Spread the card by fan on the table in such a way that they, and the viewer, the volunteer showed their face. Finding your source card, pay attention to that card that lies on it. This will be a spectator card.

    • Finding out the audience card, do not pull it out immediately from the deck. Contact the viewer and demonstrate the process of reading his thoughts, as if you are trying to find out the card in this way.
    • Play with the public, trying to pull wrong cards out of the deck, but every time changing the opinion. Finally, increase your confidence and pull out the audience card out of the deodes.
  • Specify the audience to the public. With undisguised pleasure, show the viewer with his card.

    • Ask a volunteer if you guessed him correctly. If it really is she, you can congratulate. You have successfully coped with the basic card focus!
    • If for any reason the card turned out to be incorrect, let the audience, let's know something as follows: "Hmm, apparently, in magic fields are some interference." And then try repeating the focus again.

    Focus "Four Robbers"

    1. Remove all four currencies from the deck. Then remove three more arbitrary cards from the deck. This focus requires a small lifting card before the start.

      • In the focus "Four Robbers" you have to make the audience think that you put the valet-thieves in the middle of the deck. But in reality, you put three other cards there, which pulled out the deck in advance.
      • In the process of performing focus three additional maps From the decks must lie on top of all currencies.
      • For focus, it is necessary to prepare the background, saying that four currencies decided to rob the bank.
    2. Show the valet to the public. Keep the currencies fan in hand. All of them should be visible to the audience. Three additional cards hide behind the top (nearest to you) Vault so that the audience could not notice them. This is critical to the focus.

      • If you have difficulty with the holding of additional cards in a hidden position, hold their index finger by setting it to the upper edge of the cards.
      • By providing viewers a sufficient amount of time so that they can see the currencies (but not remember their sequence), collect cards with a stack.
      • Continuing the story, report that the thieves landed on the roof of the bank on a helicopter or simply decided to get into the bank through it.
    3. Place the stack of seven cards on top of the main deck face down. Now the audience will think that four valves lie on top of the deck. However, viewers will not know about three additional cards over the currencies. Remove the top card and place it in the bottom of the deck.

      • This action should be accompanied by the story that the first robber decided to go down to the basement (in the lower part of the deck) to clean the repository and, possibly, control the arrival of the police.
      • Make sure that the audience could not see the front side of the card that you take instead of the currency. Removing the map, turn her face to himself, and shirt to the audience.
    4. Place the first two other top cards in different parts of the deck. Remove the next card from above and place it in a deck just above the first, continuing to tell the story.

      • It can be said that the second robber set off to obscure the bank's office, after which place the removed card in the middle of the deck.
      • And the third robber, for example, went to rob the safe cells, located even higher.
      • By placing the third card in a deck, do not place it too high to accidentally not divide the currencies.
    5. Show the viewers of the upper currency. Tell me about the fact that this curren will stay on the roof to wait for the helicopter. This currency can not show the audience, as it remains in its place over the deck.

      • Notice that in reality, this currency should differ from those valets that you allegedly have already time to join the deck. For this reason, for a larger effect, it is better to initially fold the currencies in such a way that the color of the top and bottom of them coincide.
    6. Expand all four currencies. To complete the focus, explain that the roof currency noticed the conclusion of the police and recalled the rest of the robbers or the currency of the repository remarked the policemen and rushed up onto the roof by collecting the rest of the accomplices. In the process of the story, alternately discover all the currencies, saying that they all got on the roof in time to escape.

      • Of course, you will know that the Vnets were on top of the deck all this time, but the audience will seem that they magically returned up after you have distributed them into different parts of the deck.
    7. Do not forget to tell the story of the robbery in the process of performing focus. This focus depends largely on the skill of the narrator. You can tell a story about how four thiefs decided to rob the bank or various floors of a residential building. In the process of a focus demonstration, remove the top additional cards on one and distribute them into different parts of the deck.

      • Try to dramatically present the story of the robbery. The more details you report that it is necessary to robbers and what they are going to spend a loot, the more your story will pass into the public. Immersion in history will allow to distract the audience from what you are doing.
      • This focus can be performed with any four cards of one rank, and not just with currencies.
    8. Bet on guessing card

      Carefully drag the deck, remembering the bottom card. You can even allow someone from the audience to shock a deck or remove it so that the public has less suspicion. Also, do not be afraid to remove the deck. At the right moment, aligning the cards in the deck of tapping about the table, click the bottom of them and remember.

    • If you allow the viewer to shuffle a deck, quickly and imperceptibly see the bottom card before switching to further actions.
    • This focus is similar to guessing the audience card in the deck, but has little differences.
  • Let the viewer choose any card from the deck. Spread the deck with a fan in front of the viewer, ask him to pull one of the cards and remember. Then divide the deck smoothly in the place where the map was pulled out and form two separate stacks. Next, ask the viewer to put your card on that stack, where there is no lower card you remember. Then put a stack with the bottom card known to you.

  • Remove the deck. This can be done independently or allow the viewer once to remove the deck. Now your visual cards lie in the deck nearby. At this stage, you can remove the deck several times, but if you do it, be sure to memorize the estimated position of the desired cards in the deck to accidentally not divide them.

    • The more you will attract spectators to execute the focus, the more deep impression of full control over the situation they will appear. This will make the final part of the focus more impressive.
  • Start uploading cards. Start opening and laying out the cards of the decks one in a row from one edge of the table to another. Do not stop when you see the map known to you and the viewer's map next to it, which should go after your card. Continue laying maps in the usual way. Put on the table almost all the deck except the few last cards.

    • Performing this focus, you must behave as if you already know the audience card. But if you stop when you get to her, then it will spoil the remaining components of the focus.
  • Try to squeeze the audience. Such tricks like this, very well decorate a certain story. Start saying that you are so convinced of the successful result of the focus, which is ready to conclude a cash pay with the viewer. You can additionally tell how when visiting the igor zone "Casino Sochi" you managed to frolic with your ability to manipulate cards.

    • Put one hundred rubles to the fact that the next card you will turn over, and will be the audience. Since the viewer has already seen his card laid out on the table, he can take a bet, believing that you are talking about the cards remaining in your hands.
    • If the viewer does not agree to make bets, offer to double the amount of the bet in case of your mistake.
  • Turn the visual card on the table. Instead of continuing to spread the map on the table, browse the cards that are already on the table, and find the audience card among them, which should be next to your famous card. For greater realistic, pretend that you are about to turn the wrong card before turning the viewer's card.

    • Do not take any money from the viewer. If the viewer agreed to bet with you, take your own bid and tell me that you forgive the viewer. You can clothe everything in a joke, saying that it would be dishonestly to take money from the viewer, since your magical abilities from the very beginning let you know exactly the audience card.
    • If the focus fails, you will probably have to give your one hundred rubles to the viewer.
  • Several ways to guess the card

    The first way. Take the deck of cards and decompose the 21 card in 3 stacks of 7 cards in each stack of a shirt down, put the remaining cards to the side, after which ask any viewer to remember the card and say in which stack it is located. Stack in which map of the audience, Put between two other stacks. Then folded all 3 stacks in the deck re-lay out the cards in 3 stacks of 7 cards in each. Associate the same question and again pile of the viewer in the middle and again collect stacks in a deck and distribute cards for the third time in 3 stacks of 7 cards each. Now ask the viewer in what stack of his card and calmly name it. This focus can be done with any number of cards, if it is odd and divided by 3.

    The second way. Put a deck in a shirt left hand. Remember the bottom card. Immediately put it forward and keep part of the card, which protrudes, with a thumb and the little finger of the right hand. At the same time, the right hand covers cards from above. Move the cards back with each other, starting with the top, the tip of the index or middle finger right hand. Spectators offer to stop you when they choose a map. After the selection of the card is carried out, configure everything back and remove them from the other cards, along with them you remove the lower card. This card, which is connected to a delayed deck, will be in the eyes of the audience the very card, on which the audience stopped you. Next, keep the maps of the shirt to yourself, and ask the viewer to remember this card. You can start the flap of a deck and tasite as much as you like, but since you know the map, you will not be a great deal of work to find it in the deck. This method is very popular and well known, so it is recommended to show it with a small number of viewers.

    Third way. For the third way, take a certain number of cards and hand over them with a shirt down on the table, while remembering the first of them. Ask the audience to remember the card and remember what kind of account she fell. Then take the hand-held cards without breaking their order, turn them over with a shirt up. In order to show that the focus does not depend on the number of cards, offer the audience so that they take any number of cards from the remaining and put them on top and bottom of that deck that are in your hands. Spectators can remove any number of cards, but make sure that the cards are not hung. After that, ask the viewer who remembered the card as his card was. Then hand over a shirt card up. When the first card, the first card you remember, start counting to the number on which the viewer map is located. If suddenly you will surrend the cards before you reach the right number, then turn the deck again and continue countting from the beginning of the deck until this number is achieved.