Games for 2 police and gangsters. Free Games Police. Fight the criminal world, playing the game Police

Do you dream about the service in government bodies? Carefully keep the laws and intently follow the minor hooligans not violated public law and order? So, the police are invented specifically for you! Stand on the defense of the legality and security of citizens, give a decisive story to malleant criminals, and prove your courage and courage in the harsh confrontation with the most departs of the villains of our time!

Humanity exists on Earth for more than a hundred thousand years, and all this time he is accompanied by crime and crime. Fraudsters, thieves and especially dangerous recidivists actively sow troubles and anxiety, and the main task of any game is to pacify and neutralize the enlightened criminality.

But there is also the reverse side of the medal: in our games about the police you will be able to try on the role of a desperate criminal, and throw a decisive challenge of law enforcement careers. Thick the coolest cars, industrial with a racket and banditry, run away from the laws of the law and release their accomplices from the places of imprisonment. We guarantee that you will have a great time, and feel all the difficulties of the police profession!

Well, people can not live honestly towards each other. And that is why the concept of crime is an integral part in the life of anyone settlement. Criminals, regardless of who they are small thieves or serial killers, violate the peaceful and quiet life of honest and decent people. In order to protect the population from these violators, the authorities invent new laws daily. But what is the law, if there is no one who will follow his observance? And the state of law enforcement come to the aid to the state.

Games Police DPS.

If you want to become a defender of a quiet and peaceful life of a hometown, then the police games are what you need. But if your secret dream is the desire to become an unfailed offender and at the same time not to bear any punishment for his illegal actions, the police are also for you. In these games you yourself choose who you can be: a malicious criminal or noble guard of law enforcement. And in the first and in the second cases you can break away in the full program, having received a lot of pleasure from the game. Chase, pursuit, police sirens and flashers, danger and tide of adrenaline - this is what you can get absolutely free by visiting our site!

On different sides of the barricad

Some are constantly looking for peace and pacification, while others simply cannot live in this harmony and order. They always want chaos, world unrest and troubles. But despite all this, and the first and second dream of a good life. The difference between them is only in what way they achieve it. After all, some are confident that it is necessary to earn money honestly, the road to go into strictly allocated places, and the place for garbage is exclusively urns. Others believe that it is more fun to live when the main type of earnings is robbery, when the flower beds serve as a sidewalk, and the garbage is lying right under their feet.

Stole, drank - in prison! Romance!

There are times when the desire to become a free bandit simply covers you with your head. And here you need to be very careful! After all, such experiments in real life are very dangerous. And all because the criminal world can tighten into yourself and never let go anymore. And the police come to the rescue. In them, everyone can try himself as a criminal. The game process itself is very similar to reality: Police persecution, bikes for guarding order to be able to escape. The only difference is that in the game you can fix your reputation with one press of the exit key, and in reality, bad glory can stay for your whole life ... and this is at best.

Games Police Salvation Team

Therefore, if you want to try on a gangster mask, better do it in virtual reality. And do not be upset. After all, the game is much safer to conflict with the police than to do it in reality. Agree, because it is not very interesting to be in the position - the face on the hood, hands behind his back, if this is a real life. And in the game, this trouble will not be very saddened with you.

Our service is dangerous, and difficult

Want to make a noble thing - become on the defense of the law and order. After all, this profession is always in width. All books, all TV shows describe police officers, like honest and noble people. This is the "uncle steppe", which are always ready to help you if you need it.
It only grieves the fact that in reality the work of law enforcement defenders is very risky. After all, leaving the house to work, the policeman does not know whether he will return back. It turns out that the police service is more dangerous in the service in the army. And all because we have a war, fortunately, a rare phenomenon. And the gangsters armed with the legs to the head are occurring every day more and more often. And besides the police neutralize them any more.
Games Police - this is your opportunity to try yourself as guard of order. You can choose any virtual city And deal with crime there. Yes, the benefit of this is practically no, if we compare with the real work of the operative. But this is all completely safe! In addition, you will get a lot of real emotions, pursuing in the game especially dangerous criminals.
Not depending on who you want to feel: a gangster or honest citizen, do not hurry this image to embody in reality. Games Police will be able to teach you a lot, they will be able to stay in the role of a positive and negative character, as well as show the good and bad sides of each of them. By visiting our site, you will get the opportunity to play the game about the police absolutely free. In addition, it is not necessary to install anything. If you have access to the Internet, you always and everywhere you can entertain your favorite police games!

These games have become a classic. It is always interesting to know whether, for example, the robber of the bank will run away, or will the police catch? Neutralizing hazardous attackers, chase behind them is exciting and interesting.

Police transport: cars, motorcycles, helicopters

To maintain order, law enforcement agencies need transport: helicopters, vans, cars, motorcycles. Each type of transport is its work.

The risk of escape dangerous prisoners from large prisons is quite large. To prevent running or stop the prisoner, air surveillance is needed. With this task perfectly copes the police helicopter. If, for example, the criminal nevertheless left the prison, it can easily be able to observe the air police. If there is a fire for defeat - after all, police helicopters are often armed with a machine gun.

Also this type of police transport has other work. For example, it is necessary to land the landing of special forces on the roof of a high building. In addition, the helicopter is perfect for monitoring order on the streets. As soon as the offense starts somewhere, the pilot on the radio reports news to the police department.

If the situation in the city unexpectedly became intense, it may be necessary to help special forces (also called the capture group). To deliver special forces use a police van. When dangerous criminals are neutralized, they will be placed in a van and will be taken to prison.

To maintain order on the streets, such types of police transport as motorcycles and cars are especially important. Police motorcycles are equipped with special headlights, flasher, lilac, a walkie-talkie. Patrol motorcyclists travel around their sites - urban intersections with surrounding streets. The usual work of such patrol is very similar to the work of the traffic police. Updated, for example, someone to drive on the red light - patrol immediately stops the intruder.

But there are other cases when the offense is serious. For example, a bank is robbed, and criminals are trying to hide by car. In such cases, the patrol motorcyclist "sits onto the tail" of the car and informs the details of the machine itself and its route. The main rule - in any case, do not try to detain a car with criminals, otherwise the motorcycle will seriously suffer in a collision.

Patrol cars have ordinary work - follow the order on the roads leading to the city. Patrols periodically stop the likhal, rush to the traffic accident. When such a task appears as the capture of criminals trying to escape by car, a police car is best suited for chase. He is stronger than the ordinary car, thanks to this it can face a car of criminals.

For example, criminals hoping with the help of zigzags to deceive the persecutors. However, the police will shorten the side street and will try to strike the car of criminals in the side. Another way of detention of criminals is to make such overtaking to press the car to the sidewalk, and then "to dwell" it.

Racing in motor racing and race for criminals - what's the difference

Among the few meanings, the words will be driven and such: "try to catch up and overtake the opponent." Horse running, cross - forerunner of races, for here you need to catch up and bypass the one who is ahead of you. At the very beginning of the 20th century, cars became fast enough, and it's time for automotive sports. So there were races - competition, where the pledge of victory was speed.

However, gradually the race became more complicated, such racing routes appeared, where it was very difficult to overtake the opponent. It was important to think over the tactics to skillfully use the slightest opportunity to get around the front car, and at the same time avoid excessive risk.

It is well known that the road is closed on car racing, and therefore the racer knows that no one will go to meet. A completely different conversation is the usual highwaywhere there is a counter movement. Often, the situation when a Lihach driver who does not know how to tamper the fiery nature of the rider, is trying to overtake the car or truck.

Such races are extremely dangerous, especially on turns, intersections or with a situation of "scissors" when someone goes on the oncoming lane. On the second and third cases, overtaking is fraught with a collision with counter transport, and an unpleasant conversation with the police (militia). In the first case, dashing overtaking is fraught with the exceedment of the maximum permissible speed on the turn, which will be wrapped in a drift and a drop in a ditch.

However, when pursuing criminals, if they try to hide the car, justified hard tactics associated with a possible ram or cutting when overtaking.

Police are even in Lego City

Police are different. There are good guys, and there are typical bushings in the pursuit. By the way about the shorts. A lot of examples are known when, for example, the police commissioner takes bribes from major mafiosi, and the staff of the fight against cybercrime turns from police officers in criminals. And then the police investigator appears a serious task: to defend the honor of the Unifed and to achieve the resignation of a bad commissioner, as well as worthy punishment for the wrestling law with cybercrime. Playing for an honest investigator, you will learn how responsible the task of clearing the police from the iswolves.

There are both games where the main playl character is a criminal. For example, you manage the robber. His task is to obscure the banks rich at home, and do it very deftly, so as not to get on the eyes of the police. It happens that you need to fight with police, carefully cut them out and hide from the city.

In the west and in last years And in our country, the game sets with the Lego designer are very popular. Details of toys are plastic snatching cubes. Such cubes can be reliably connected not only from above, but also on the side. With the help of Lego Designer, you can build anything.

Besides gaming sets With a designer, Lego has been developing computer games since 1997 (among them there are games about Batman, Harry Potter), as well as games for mobile devices. Lego also worked on full-length cartoons and animated series.

In the game with Lego your task is to use Lego Designer to collect a police car from the details. This is a game of logic - you need to understand what details are needed to build a car.

Want to try yourself in the role of a policeman? Then you will manage patrol, and deal with crime in the big city - Lego City. And there are many enemies here, from ordinary pockets to Mattela bandits and thugs. The situation is often changing, the enemies are able to adjust Caverwe - so do not yawning. To prevent the rampant crime in Lego City, you need constant vigilance.

The task of the police is to catch up with a runaway criminal. Starts start on the highway. On the one hand, you have to look at the persecution band: it changes its color with blue on yellow, then on red. This means that there is not a lot of time for the capture of the criminal. But, on the other hand, it is not necessary to hurry - you can inadvertently touch the car with peaceful citizens, and for that you are hardly poured.

In order not to miss the criminal and at the same time do not hook other cars, you need to choose the right moment for the maneuver with overtaking and pushing the opponent for the edge of the road. If you see on the road bonuses in the form of yellow cubes, take them. So you can get unnecessary half a minute, they will be useful.

Such different criminals

Some violators of the law set themselves the standard goal - to rob the bank, others prefer to terrorize civilians. With some criminals, it is not very difficult to cope, and others have to catch a few days.

The classic example of criminals is robbers. These bad guys rob banks, civilians. Freshing robbers - money, precious ornaments, rare and expensive things. Such enemies are often armed with a pistol, a mask and a set of launders for locks. The fight against robbers send patrol police.

But raketira and owners of the black market, as well as mafiosi are very strong opponents. To plant so serious villains in the curtain, they still need to track down. Police investigators carefully study all the links of the leaders of the black market, and also collect compromising with the help of informants. The capture of mafia or underground arms trader often takes several days. Such villains are often gaining armed thugs, so a special forces help to delay the gang.

There are also intellectual criminals, such as cybercriminals, also known as hackers. Feature of these attackers - hacking computer systems of banks, police and other important objects. Employees from the police department to combat cybercrime are engaged in disposal of hackers.

Fraudsters are attackers seeking to be engaged in someone else's account. They do this in different ways:

  • Hacking payment systems, in order to pick up money from someone else's account.
  • Take money in debt not to return them.
  • Call people on behalf of their alleged affected relatives and demand to transfer money.
  • Represents bank employees, housing and communal services, police, demanding to inform the PIN-Code of the payment card.

Police investigators are engaged in fighting fraudsters. They track the activity of criminals, their latest contacts. Delay fraudsters operatives.

Criminal-psychopaths are a serious threat to civilian citizens. These attackers have several options for criminal handwriting:

  • processing of people with hallucinogenic substances;
  • serial murders;
  • arson;
  • the desire to sow chaos;
  • planning and implementation of terrorist acts;

Such attackers are called particularly dangerous criminals, their capture is engaged in a special police department - a group of capture, or special forces. If you need to fight terrorists, the help of sapins may be required - most terrorist attacks are associated with mining particularly important objects.

In conclusion I would like to once again say that there are a lot of games on the theme of the police, especially if it concerns the vessels and races by cars. Choose anyone you like and send in our site. virtual Mir Crime and law enforcement, where you can try on the role of one or the other side.

Any pursuit always keeps in voltage and keeps intrigue which result will be. Police game, the result in which completely depends on you and your skill, go through the track and successfully complete all the persecution. To do this, you will help simply control from the keyboard, use additional keys, for example, turn on acceleration. Complete all versions of police races on our website.

Police Machines games are different, you can choose a race with SUVs and peaks or ordinary police cars. You can participate in the chase worldwide. Or choose a free chase - just speed, track, and caring cars ahead.

Ugonki - games for every taste

Online games remain as popular as some time ago, one of the most popular - racing. We have collected for you an interesting and fascinating collection of racing games on the portal Ugonki. We know a lot about racing! You can play all games for free and immediately do not need to install anything or send SMS! It is enough to choose the game, if necessary, get acquainted with control and forward in the chase! So, we have for you:
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IN computer Games Reflect all the spheres of our life. Any profession and even lifestyle is the basis for a certain direction. online games. And right now there is an opportunity to implement the role of a real policeman and feel difficult and exciting everyday life of this profession.

You can always play the police on our entertainment site without registration and without any payment. Being guarded about the order in entertainment called the police game is what allows you to experience unique emotions and new sensations. The plots are dynamic here and very exciting. Of course, you will have to fight evil and do noble affairs. Games Police are free of charge for you and combine:

  • ferry
  • shooting
  • arcade,
  • shooters
  • fighting
  • race,
  • and even the flying.

Fight the criminal world, playing the game Police

All this is very good and harmoniously intertwined in the police games and makes them multifaceted and versatile. If you wanted to participate in exciting events, suffer from criminals and show your strength and superiority, then the Games online police are what is suitable for you. Moreover, if you can't decide how to choose what genre, the games for boys police will certainly please you, because here you have to do everything that you like Real guys. First you will receive Super Special Forces Equipment in the form of a helmet and a bulletproof vest, for your own safety. Then they will be given to the weapon, without which in this profession at all. Arsenal has the most firearmsthat you can only submit - and all this will be available to you, as a real fighter for justice.

Then the most interesting is the adventure and operations to track villains and their neutralization. To do this, you will have to sweat and often risk your virtual life, because the criminals are unceremonious and fearless people. On any fees from the opponent, you need to be able to react correctly and in time. You will drive on police sports cars in pursuit of offenders, run through the streets of the city, looking at all the corners and even fly by helicopters so that from the height of the flight to consider the foci of evil in the city, entrusted to you. Your task in such games to track down all the criminals and put them on the bars. Agree, the task is very responsible and very interesting. All of your most top Qualities, exposure, strength, courage, cutter and ability to handle weapons. Play and try yourself as a good guy who will certainly defeat all the villains.