Games for children 11 12 years old. What the play set consists of. The usefulness of this game lies in

For children 9-11 years old, it is very important to create appropriate conditions that will contribute to their intellectual growth and the development of basic skills: ingenuity, logical thinking, concentration, etc. At this age, young researchers with might and main show a rich imagination, are able to analyze difficult situations in detail, and carefully draw up an action plan to overcome the most difficult trials. Atmospheric, effective educational online mindfulness quests will be a useful addition to the comprehensive education of the child in school disciplines.

Quicksave's kids learning games are a springboard to a brighter future

Many 10-year-old tomboy are already old enough, conscious people who comprehend the world at the speed of sound. Deep acquaintance with modern realities through virtual educational entertainment is a smart decision. Visually obtained information in a calm, home environment, sitting at the monitor, is much easier and more pleasant to assimilate. But so that progress does not stop, it is advisable to regularly pay a little attention to game training.

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Little gamers can achieve unprecedented success together with their parents, together scrambling out of extreme troubles. It is enough to devote half an hour a day to cognitive fun for the child to begin to show intellectual and Creative skills... Train your memory, attention, develop color perception, broaden your baby's horizons, watching his achievements along with exciting games from Quicksave.

Description of the game

Bright, addicting game, developing for 11 12 years old, clings from the first minute. It will help you understand physics, as well as develop logical thinking. This time you have to help the little bugs return the light to their magical forest.

Characters and their meaning in the game

  • The ladybug is a strong insect that will carry a variety of weights. Her task is to clear the way for other insects. It is necessary to hold down the left mouse button, attaching the bug to the obstacle. Then direct in which direction the ladybug will fly. The main goal is not only to remove obstacles, but also to preserve crystal ball... The number of ladybirds is displayed in the upper left corner.
  • Fireflies - will fly to the bright ball at the first call. They will raise this ray of light, carry it to the place. There is a timer in the upper right corner. It is activated only when the glowing insects begin their flight.

Tip: sometimes you have to use two ladybugs to drag heavy objects. Place one and hold down Ctrl. Then the first insect will not fly away immediately, but will wait for the second strong insect.

There are 25 levels in the game. There is interesting addition Is the presence of awards for achievements. You can see them in the main menu by clicking the Achievements button.

Unfortunately, modern adolescents are more likely to be addicted to computer games than desktop. But after all, they will not give live communication and such a heap positive emotions and charge energy like board games.

Board games for children 12 years old will not only help to have a great leisure time, but will teach attentiveness, expand knowledge, and contribute to the development of memory and reaction speed.

Our online store board games I am glad to offer you games for both large and small companies!

Any teenager will surely love the Jenga Boom board game. It will require the player to react quickly and dexterity.

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These games will teach children purposefulness, the desire to win, and these are very important qualities for future businessmen!

"We are funny guys"

Number of people: from 10 to 40 people. A place; hall, playground, preparation. Two parallel lines are drawn at a distance of 15-20 m. This is a "house", in the center of the site becomes the driver, and all the others are located behind the line of one of the "houses". Description of the game. At the signal of the head, the children speak in chorus: We, funny guys, We love to run and play, But try to catch us! After the word "catch up" the players run to the opposite "house". The driver tries, having caught up with them, to touch with his hand. The tarnished ones step aside, After that the game is repeated again, The rules; 1) you can run across only after the word "catch up"; 2) you can not run back over the line of "home"; 3) it is possible to catch runners only up to the line of the opposite "house".

METHODOLOGY, The poem must first be learned. Drivers should be changed after 3-4 dashes. Together with. new drivers enter the game and tarnished.

PEDAGOGICAL VALUE AND GAME. The game contributes to the improvement of running skills with a change of direction ”fosters courage, quick wit, quickness of reaction and orientation.

"The wolf in the moat"

Number of people: 20 - 40 people.

A place; hall, playground.

Training. In the center of the site, two parallel lines are drawn at a distance of 60-80 cm from one another. On opposite sides of the hall, two "houses" are marked with lines. 1.- 2 drivers are selected - "wolves", which take a place in the "moat". The rest of the players - "goats" - are located behind the line of one of the "houses".

DESCRIPTION. At the signal, the "goats" run across to another "house", jumping over the "moat" on the move. "Wolves" try to stain the jumpers. Those who are caught move aside. After that, the crossing is repeated. The winners are those who will never be caught.

Rule: 1) dashes are allowed only on signal; 2) it is impossible to step on the "moat"; 3) "wolves" have no disposition to run out of the "ditch"; 4) those who linger in front of the "moat" must necessarily jump over it at the command of the leader, otherwise they are considered caught.

Methodology. With a large number of players, the dashes are carried out in several groups. The distance between the lines and the number of "wolves" in the "moat" can be increased.

Options: 1) jump over the "ditch" from a place (pushing one and two legs); 2) after counting, the stained ones continue to play.

PEDAGOGICAL VALUE AND GAME. The game contributes to the improvement of running and long jump skills, develops orientation, ingenuity, courage,

"Two frosts"

Place: hall, playground.

Training. On opposite sides of the hall, two "houses" are marked with two parallel lines. Two drivers - "frosts" - stand in the middle of the site. The rest are located behind the "house" line.

DESCRIPTION. Two "frosts" at the command of the head address the players with the words: We are two young brothers, Two frosts are daring; I am frost red nose, I am frost simii nose. Which of you dares to embark on the path-path? Children answer them: We are not afraid of threats, And we are not afraid of frost. Drivers pronounce the third and fourth phrases in turn. With these words, the children begin to run to the opposite “house”. "Frosts" stain them - "freeze" them. Those caught remain in the place where the "frost" touched them. During the reverse dash, performed after the same command, the players try to rescue the stained by touching them, "Frosts" interfere with this. After several runs, the drivers change. Those who have not been caught win. Rules: 1) you can run across only after the words "and mothers are not afraid of frost"; 2) it is impossible to return to the "house"; 3) it is impossible to run out of the "house" in order to free the caught.

Methodology. The words must be learned before the start of the game. It is better to place the drivers one behind the other, outlining their area of ​​action. Assistants should be involved in judging.

Pedagogical value and games. The game requires quick orientation, dexterity, and courage from the players. It helps to foster a sense of comradely mutual assistance, contributes to the improvement of the ability to run quickly, easily changing the speed and direction of movement.

"Hare without a den"

Place: hall, playground.

Training. Players are settled in threes (fours or fives). Two players join hands, a "hare" stands between them. Two drivers are selected - "hunter" and "hare". All players are evenly distributed over the area.

DESCRIPTION. At the signal, the "hunter" begins to catch the "hare", which runs away from him. Fleeing from pursuit, the "hare" runs into someone's "house". The owner of the "house" is forced to run away from the "hunter" himself. If the "hunter" manages to touch the escaper, then they change roles.

Rule: 1) you can not run through the "house"; 2) the person standing in the “house” should immediately run out to make room for the “new hare”; a lingering "hare" can be stained; 3) it is impossible to prevent the "hare" from running into the "house",

Methodology. Standing in pairs well, but change with those who run away, having established a rule, it is imperative to replace the one who has come running by the players who form the “house”. One should not be allowed to catch one pair of players for a long time.

Options: 1) move "houses" around the site; 2) close "houses" on a signal.

PEDAGOGICAL VALUE AND GAME. The game helps to improve the speed of reaction, orientation, dexterity, fosters resourcefulness, decisiveness.

"Birds and Cage"

Place: hall, playground.

Training. The players are divided into two subgroups. Some, holding hands, form a circle - "cage". Others are located on the outside of the circle. The game is best played with musical accompaniment, for which two melodies are selected,

DESCRIPTION. At a signal from the leader, those standing in a circle to the music begin to move in one direction. The other part of the players - "birds" - spreading their arms to the sides, moves in the opposite direction. Then the melody changes, those standing in a circle stop and raise their hands up. "Birds" run in and out of the "cage". At the second signal, the music stops, those standing in a circle squat down and put their hands down. Those who find themselves inside the "cage" are considered caught and stand in a common circle. This is how the game continues until all the "birds" are caught.

Rule: 1) you must not lower your hands ("close the cage") until the signal; 2) those who have their head inside the cage at the moment of the signal are considered caught; 3) during the second melody, all "birds" must run through the cage.

Methodology. The direction of movement of the players must be changed. The length of the melodies should be different. It is necessary to ensure that children do not use force when detaining them.

V a r and an t s; 1) move with dance steps; 2) pick up several tunes that require different ways movement.

PEDAGOGICAL VALUE AND GAME. The game improves the speed of reaction, develops an ear for music, rhythm of movements, fosters determination, creative activity,

"Guess who"

Number of people: 10-20 people.

Place: hall, corridor, playground.

Training. The players form a circle, Inside the circle becomes the driver.

DESCRIPTION. At the direction of the leader, the driver closes his eyes. One of the players approaches the driver, touches him and, changing his voice, calls his name. After the player returns to his seat, the leader allows the driver to open his eyes and name the one who is suitable. If he guesses, the named player takes his place.

Rules; 1) you cannot open your eyes without the permission of the manager; 2) you only need to return to your place.

Methodology. The driver, who has not guessed correctly several times, needs to be replaced by another. You can allow the players not to pronounce the name, but to imitate animals and birds.

PEDAGOGICAL VALUE AND GAME. In this game, children learn to move silently. They develop hearing, observation. The game is typical for the final part of the lesson.

Relay of animals

Number of people: 20 - 30 people.

Place: hall, playground.

Training. The players are assigned to teams with an equal number of players. Each number gets the name of the animal; "Lion", "bear", "elephant", etc. All teams line up in a column behind the starting line. Another line is drawn at a distance of 5 - 8 m.

DESCRIPTION. On command, the first numbers of all teams begin to move to the opposite line. At the same time, they imitate the movement of the animals they represent. Having reached the line and touching it with their hand, they return back. The one who comes running first brings a point to his team. After that, on command, the second numbers begin to run, etc.

Rule: 1) you can start moving only by the command "March!"; 2) having reached the line, you need to touch it with your hand; 3) while running, it is imperative to imitate the movements of the animal.

Methodology. You should not choose too complex modes of movement. It is necessary to monitor the preservation of the order and discipline of the players. If necessary, you can build students not in columns, but in a row. After each dash, a total score must be announced,

Varyant: Sudden call of numbers.

PEDAGOGICAL VALUE AND GAME. The game promotes the development of speed, dexterity, strength, fosters responsibility for their actions in front of the team.

Relay with balls

Number of people: 20-30 people.

Place: hall; 4-6 balls, the same number of clubs.

Training. The players are divided into four to six teams, which are located in columns behind the start line. At a distance of 4-6 m from the start line, a club is placed in a circle opposite each team. A ball is put in front of each team.

DESCRIPTION. At the signal, the first players throw or roll the ball on the floor, trying to hit them with the mace. Then they quickly run after the ball and return it to the second player. The fallen mace is placed in a circle. The second player repeats the actions of the first. For a knocked down mace, the team receives a point. The winner is the team that finishes the relay earlier (for which it receives 10 points) and knocks down more clubs, that is, scores more points.

Rule: 1) the mace can be knocked down only in the specified way; 2) when throwing, do not step over the line; 3) players must not be prevented from picking up their ball or club; 4) it is not allowed to throw the ball to the next player before reaching the start line,

Pedagogical value games. The game improves throwing skills, develops dexterity and accuracy of movements. "Stop!"

Place; hall, playground; small ball.

Training. The driver receives the ball and stands inside the circle. The rest of the players stand in a circle and are calculated in numerical order.

Description. At the signal of the leader, the driver throws the ball to the floor and calls any number. The challenged player runs in a circle and tries to catch the ball. At this time, the rest of the players scatter around the site. After catching the ball, the player shouts: "Stop!" Everyone stops at the spot where the team found them. The driver throws the ball at someone from the players who can dodge the ball on the spot. If the ball hits a player, a penalty point is awarded to him and the game starts again. If the throw is unsuccessful, then the driver runs after the ball and, having caught it, again commands: "Stop!"

Rule: 1) it is not allowed to leave the place after the command “Stop!”; 2) you can't throw the ball hard.

Methodology. After an unsuccessful throw of the driver, all players must return to their places in the circle. You should not be allowed to hide behind each other and in any shelters. The game is played up to a certain number of penalty points.

Options: 1) give each player the number or name of the animal; the driver, throwing the ball, must correctly name this player; 2) include the rule about "receiving the ball" from the driver. The player receiving the ball becomes the driver. These options are suitable for older children.

PEDAGOGICAL VALUE AND GAME. The game helps to consolidate the skills of catching and throwing a small ball, contributes to the education of quick reaction, orientation, the ability to quickly switch from one action to another.

Games for children 9-10 years old

"Day and night"

Number of people: 20-30 people.

Place: hall, playground.

Training. In the middle of the site, two parallel lines are outlined. All players are divided into two teams, which are located along the line opposite each other. Behind them, two or three meters from the wall, they draw lines of "houses". One team gets the name "day", the other - "night".

DESCRIPTION. The leader names one of the teams. The named team catches the players of the other team, who, turning, run away to their "home". After counting the tarnished teams, they return to their places, and the game is repeated again. The team that catches the most players wins

Rule: 1) start running only on the team; 2) catch runaways only up to the “home” line; 3) it is impossible to run away from the pursuers, changing the direction of running.

Methodology. You need to call commands unexpectedly. Assistants should be involved in judging.

Options: 1) use different starting positions for the players; 2) invite the players to perform various tasks - exercises.

PEDAGOGICAL VALUE. The game improves the speed of reaction to auditory signals.


Place: hall, playground.

Training. Home lines are drawn on opposite sides of the site. The players are divided into two teams, which are located behind the lines in one line.

DESCRIPTION. According to the assignment of the captain of one of the teams, one of the players runs to the “home” of the “enemy”. Participants extend their arms forward, palms facing up. The running player touches the palms of one or three different playing... After the third touch, the player runs to his “home”, and the participant called by him tries to catch him. If he fails, he stands in the back of the head behind the player who called him, and in case of success, the escaper goes “captive” to the other team. After that, the captain of the opposing team assigns his player to take out the "enemy". The team with the most caught players wins.

Rule: 1) you must not start running until the third touch; 2) you can only catch up to the "home" line; 3) the caught one goes to the opposite side and becomes a "prisoner" of the player who called the hundred; 4) the "prisoner" can be rescued.

Methodology. Captains should not be allowed to send the same players in succession to challenge. The game must be played without long pauses, requiring the players to act quickly.

PEDAGOGICAL VALUE. The game contributes to the upbringing of reaction speed, running speed, courage and mutual assistance.

"Crucian carp and pike"

Number and number of them: 30-40 people.

Place: playground, hall.

Training. On opposite sides of the site, two lines of the "carp house" are drawn. The driver - "pike" - stands in the middle of the site, the rest of the players - "crucians" - are located in one of the houses.

DESCRIPTION. At the command of the head, the "crucians" begin to dash to the opposite "house". The Pike is trying to catch them. The stained ones move aside, and then, when there are 5-6 of them, they join hands and form a “net”. "Pike" stands behind the "net". Now, when crossing, the "carp" are obliged to run through the "net". Those caught later form a circle - "basket", and then - "top", standing in two lines facing each other. The one who is caught last wins.

Rule: 1) a dash is allowed only on command; 2) "crucians" are obliged to run through all "nets" of "fishermen"; 3) the players forming the "net" should not interfere with the running "crucians"; 4) "pike" cannot run into the "net" (players can catch it).

Methodology. With a large number of players, there may be two drivers. Participants should be encouraged to take active, decisive action.

PEDAGOGICAL VALUE. The game contributes to the education of speed, dexterity, orientation, courage, collectivity of action.

"Race of balls in a circle"

Place: hall, playground; two large balls.

Training. The players form a circle and are calculated for the 1st or 2nd. The first numbers make up one team, the second - another. The directors of both teams - the captains - are given a basketball or volleyball.

DESCRIPTION. At the signal, the captains pass the ball to the nearest players of their team. Moreover, it is stipulated in advance that one team passes the ball clockwise, and the other in the opposite direction. The ball is alternately passed to each player on the team and returned back to the captain. The team that managed to pass the ball a certain number of times in a circle wins.

Rule: 1) the ball can be passed only through one player; 2) you cannot leave your seat; 3) the dropped ball must be caught and, returning to its place, passed to the next player.

Methodology. If there are many players, then several circles are formed. Each round must have its own judge. The ball should only be passed in a specific way.

Options: 1) perform transfers in a sitting position; 2) before the start of the game, give the balls to the players on opposite sides of the circle; 3) transfer the ball to both teams in one direction. The game ends when one ball catches up with the second.

PEDAGOGICAL VALUE. In the game, the skills of catching and passing the ball are improved, the speed of reaction and orientation develops, and a sense of collectivism is brought up.


Number of people: 20-25 people.

Training. The players are divided into two teams. The site is divided into two halves by a line. On opposite sides of the site, two lines are outlined at a distance of 2-3 m from the wall of the hall. All players are located inside the field, each team on its side.

DESCRIPTION. One of the teams receives the ball by lot. At the signal, the players of this team begin to spot the players located on the opposite side of the court with the ball. The players of this team do not go out of bounds, try to avoid being hit by the ball. They catch the ball that bounced off the court or player, and, in turn, begin to spot the “opponent”. The tainted player is out of the game. The team that managed to knock out the players of the opposite team wins.

RULES: 1) a player is considered to be stained if the ball hits him from the air; 2) it is impossible to step over the line of the site; 3) it is allowed to catch the ball, but if the ball is not caught, then the player is considered spotted; 4) you cannot run with the ball in your hands (you can move freely without the ball).

Methodology. Each team should appoint a captain. The length of the field should not be too long, as this will complicate the actions of the players. It is better to define the methods of throwing in advance and to achieve their application. Do not throw the ball hard, do not aim at the head of the runners.

Options: 1) the stained go into captivity between the two lines on the side of the enemy. They can be rescued by tossing the ball to them; 2) allow throws at players only from two or three points on the center line. The ball can be passed to the players at these points.

PEDAGOGICAL VALUE Play is a typical example team games, in which a high degree of consistency in the actions of the participants is required. It contributes to the consolidation and improvement of skills in throwing the ball, the development of speed, orientation and reaction, the education of collectivism and mutual assistance.

"Defense of the fortification"

Number of people: 12-15 people.

Place: hall, playground; big ball, three gymnastic sticks.

Training. A circle is drawn in the center of the room. The players are evenly spaced behind its line. In the center of the circle there is a “reinforcement” - three tied sticks. The driver is chosen, who stands next to the "fortification".

DESCRIPTION. At the signal, the players try to hit the “fortification” with the ball. The driver interferes with this. The player who hits the target swaps with the driver.

Rules. 1) throw the ball without going over the line of the circle; 2) the driver has no right to hold the reinforcement with his hands; 3) change the driver only after the “reinforcement” is knocked down (or the defender himself drops it).

Methodology. The distance between the reinforcement and the thrower should be adjusted according to the students' abilities. It is necessary to stimulate collective action in every possible way, giving preference to passing the ball.

Options: 1) instead of "strengthening" to put in the circle several clubs, which the driver has the right to install again after the fall; 2) for the driver to protect the player entering the center of the circle.

PEDAGOGICAL VALUE. The game contributes to the improvement of the skills of throwing, catching and passing the ball, fosters courage, speed of orientation and decision.

"Don't give the ball to the driver"

Number of people: up to 10 people.

Place: hall, playground; big ball.

Training. The players form a circle with a diameter of 8-10 m. 2-3 drivers stand in the center of the circle. One of those standing in a circle is given a ball.

DESCRIPTION. At the signal, the players begin to pass the ball to each other. Drivers try to intercept or touch the ball. If they succeed, then the player who made the mistake takes the place of the driver, who goes into the circle.

Rule: 1) the driver has the right to touch the ball not only in the air, but also in the hands of the players; 2) you can not run with the ball in your hands; 3) it is not allowed to throw the ball over the driver's head.

Methodology. It is necessary to draw the attention of the players to the importance of using distracting movements with the ball and the coordination of the actions of the drivers. To train the players to maintain their place, you can arrange them in a drawn circle.

PEDAGOGICAL VALUE. The game is one of the preparatory ones for basketball, handball. In it, students master the skills of the technique and tactics of these games.

"Fight of roosters"

Number of people: 20-40 people.

Place: hall, playground.

Training. The players are assigned to pairs in accordance with their capabilities. In each pair, the players stand opposite each other on one leg, bending the other leg, hands behind their backs.

DESCRIPTION. At the signal, the players try to unbalance the “opponent” by pushing their shoulders, forcing him to stand on two legs. For each successful attempt, one point is counted. The one who scored more points wins.

Rule: 1) you must not push with your hands; 2) you cannot change your leg without a command.

Methodology. The playground must be level, without pits and potholes. Crowding of the players should not be allowed in the hall, which can lead to injury.

PEDAGOGICAL VALUE. The game is used mainly in the introductory part of the lesson. It contributes to the development of strength, agility, speed of reaction.

"Detachment, attention!"

Number of people: 30-40 people.

Place: hall, playground.

Training. The players are lined up in one line.

DESCRIPTION. The head gives various commands. It is necessary to carry out those of them, before which the word "detachment" will be said. The wrong ones take a step forward, but they keep playing. At the end of the game, the most inattentive are noted.

Rule: the player who did not execute the command with the preliminary word, as well as the one who will execute the command without the preliminary word, take a step forward.

Methodology. You need to pause between the following commands. The game does not have to be played standing still.

PEDAGOGICAL VALUE. The game helps to assimilate combat commands and rebuilding, fosters attention and quickness of reaction. Games for elementary school students

Games for children 11 - 12 years old

"Wrestling in squares"

Number of people: 20-30 people.

Place: hall, playground.

Training. In the middle of the hall, three squares are drawn, one 10X10 m and two 5X5 m. All players stand in a large square.

DESCRIPTION. At the signal, the fight begins. Everyone strives to stay in the big square. Those who find themselves behind the lines go to the next square. After a certain time, at the signal of the leader, the fight stops. Those who have passed into the next square are preparing there to continue the struggle. Those who manage to stay in the big square win.

Rule: 1) during the fight it is allowed to grab the "opponent" only by the arms and body; 2) you cannot attack the player from behind; 3) the one who crosses the boundary lines with two feet is considered to be eliminated.

Methodology. The game is recommended for boys only. The fight time must be strictly dosed (no more than 1 min.). This is followed by a break for explanations and transitions. Each square must have its own judge. It is necessary to demand from the players a fair fight, excluding an attack from behind and two of them on one.

Variation: alternately call one or two pairs into the square. For winning in a pair, the team receives a point.

PEDAGOGICAL VALUE. The game improves martial arts skills, develops strength, dexterity, quickness of reaction and orientation, fosters perseverance, determination, courage, collectivism,

Counter relay with overcoming obstacles

Number of people: 20-30 people.

Location: z and l, ploshchad to a.

Training. Two parallel lines are drawn 3-4 m from the steppe on opposite sides of the hall. An inverted gymnastic bench is installed in the middle, a gymnastic horse and a goat are placed 5-6 m from the lines. The players are divided into 2 teams, which, in turn, are divided into two halves. One part of the team is located on one half of the hall, the other is opposite it (Fig, 2).

DESCRIPTION. At the signal, the guides of the columns located on one of the sides begin to run towards the opposite column. On the way, they jump over the goat, run along the rail, gymnastic bench, crawl under the horse. Then the guides touch the next player on the start line, which repeats their entire path, and they themselves become behind the last in the column. The game may end when all players switch sides or return to their places.

Rule: 1) you can start running only after touching the next player; 2) for violation of the method of overcoming obstacles, the players are penalized with points.

Methodology. When assigning players to teams, it is necessary to take into account their strengths. The judging should involve assistants who would calculate the penalty points. It is possible to determine in advance the amount of points for the winner, from which penalty points can be deducted in the future.

P eeds The game improves the skills of overcoming various obstacles, develops dexterity, a sense of balance, coordination of movements, brings up responsibility for their actions in front of the team.


Number of people: 20 - 30 people.

Place: hall, playground.

Training. In the center of the hall, a line of 3-4 m is drawn. The players, divided into two teams, are located in two opposite ranks. Team captains decide by lot which team will start the game.

DESCRIPTION: The player designated by the captain jumps forward from the starting line. At the landing site, the referee draws a line on his heels. A player of the other team jumps from this line in the opposite direction. And so the game continues until all participants have jumped. The team whose last player jumps over the start line wins. After that, the teams change roles.

Rule: 1) when jumping, you must not step on the line; 2) the mark of the length of the jump is made at the closest touch to the start line; 3) everyone has the right to jump no more than once.

Methodology. The game is best played on soft ground. When playing in the hall, you can use mats. It is useful to repeat the standing jump technique before starting the game. To avoid disputes, it is advisable to make accurate measurements using a tape measure, meter, etc.

PEDAGOGICAL VALUE. In the game, the skill of a long jump is improved. At the same time, strength, jumping ability develops, concentration, perseverance, responsibility for their actions are brought up.

"City after city"

K. about l and h in about and g and h: 20-30 people.

Place; hall, playground; rounders and a small ball.

Training. A “city” line is drawn in the immediate vicinity of the hall wall. In the rest of the field, 3-4 circles with a diameter of 1-2 m are planned. The players are divided into two teams. By lot, one team gets the right to play in the “city” and stands behind the line, while the other is located under the “city”, in the rest of the court (but not in circles). A captain is selected in each team (Fig. 4).

Description. The captain of the team playing in the field takes the ball and, standing in the "city", throws the ball in front of him. A player from the other team hits the ball with a rounders. After that, the piercer runs out of the "city" to the first station and, if the opportunity is given, runs into the rest of the stations and comes back. For this, the team is awarded a point.

After hitting, the players in zero try to catch the flying ball. If they succeed, the teams change roles. If it is impossible to catch the ball, then the players try to stain the running player with the ball. The game continues until the allotted time expires or a certain number of points is scored. The team with the most points wins.

Rule: 1) you can only run over when the ball is in the field; 2) each player has the right to serve the ball once, the captain can serve three times; 3) a player who is hit by the ball during a dash can take the ball and immediately spot the players of the opposing team; 4) hitting the ball and catching the "candle" give the right to go to the "city". A change is also carried out if the team has no one to serve the ball in the “city”.

Methodology. In the game, it is imperative to use assistants - point counters. It is necessary to draw the attention of the team captains to the correct placement of participants, depending on their capabilities.

PEDAGOGICAL VALUE. This game is one of the variants of the widespread game of rounders. Its value lies in the active influence on the entire motor apparatus of those who are engaged, In the game, the bumps of running, throwing and catching the ball are fixed, speed, accuracy and dexterity of movements are improved, a sense of camaraderie and collectivism is brought up,


Number of people: "20-30 people.

Place: hall; gymnastic apparatus, stuffed balls.

Training. On opposite sides of the hall, the lines of the "city" are drawn. The players are divided into teams of 6-8 people. Captains are selected. Each team takes a place in the "city" and gets at its disposal the same means of crossing - benches, medicine balls, etc.

DESCRIPTION. On a signal, the team's weight begins to cross to the opposite "river bank". For this, the shells they have are used. When moving, you must not touch the floor. The team that solves this problem faster and with less losses wins.

Rules; 1) the one who touches the floor is eliminated from the game; 2) when crossing, everyone can help each other (except for those who have dropped out of the game).

Methodology. Before starting the game, you need to give the teams time to think about their plan of action. The equipment chosen for the game should not be too heavy and cumbersome. Each team is supervised by its own judge. In some cases, it is possible to appoint assistants to insure the players. Those eliminated from the game take the place assigned to them in advance. They should not interfere with the game with their prompts.

PEDAGOGICAL VALUE. This quest-type game is very useful. It promotes the development of creative initiative, ingenuity, mutual assistance, teamwork of the players, and also improves balance, accuracy of movements and strengthens strength.

Relay with basketball elements

Number of people: 30-40 people.

Place: hall, playground; several basketballs.

Training. The players are divided into several teams and are located in columns on opposite sides of the site. Each team receives the ball (fig. 5).

DESCRIPTION. On command, the guides quickly dribble the ball to the opposite backboard and throw it into the ring. Having picked up the bounced ball, they lead it back and pass it to the next participant, while they themselves stand behind the last player in the column. The team that finishes the relay race and scores the most points wins.

Rule: I) dribbling begins only from the court line; 2) a point is awarded for hitting the ball into the ring; 3) for violation of the rules of dribbling and movement with the ball, a penalty point is assigned.

Methodology. The relay can be used to study dribbling and throwing the ball into the ring. Multiple attempts may be allowed for those who throw the ball and ring. Each team must be supervised by a referee - a scorer. The method of passing and throwing the ball must be determined.

PEDAGOGICAL VALUE. The relay race helps to consolidate the skills of catching, passing, dribbling and throwing the ball into the ring.

"Fight for the ball"

Number of people: about 20 people.

Place: hall, playground; big ball,

Preparation, Basketball field markings are used for the game. The players are divided into two teams. Each team wears jerseys or headbands of the same color.

DESCRIPTION. At the signal of the head, the team captains play the ball. The team that possesses the ball tries to keep the ball and make as many passes as possible. The other team is trying to steal the ball and prevent many passes. Having mastered the ball, this team, in turn, tries to keep the ball in their hands. The game continues for a specified time or until the specified number of points. The team with the most points wins.

Rule: I) it is allowed to take more than 3 steps with the ball and step over the line of the court; 2) players should not be held by hands, pushed, etc .; 3) the intercepted ball is put into play from behind the lines; 4) the ball cannot be passed between the same players more than two times; 5) with each new transfer, the team captain is obliged to announce the score.

Methodology. With a large number of players, you need to create four teams that play on their own halves of zero. Assistants judge the game, and the leader monitors the score and time of the game. When organizing the actions of the players, it is important to draw their attention to the right game in defense based on keeping one specific player.

PEDAGOGICAL VALUE. The game is preparatory to basketball and handball. Students learn the technical and tactical elements of these sports games,

Games for children 13-15 years old

"Circular Relay"

Number of and grilling them: 15-20 people.

Place: hall, playground.

Training. In the middle of the site, a corridor 5-6 m wide is planned.At a distance of 8-10 m from the corridor, four stands for players are installed. The teams are placed in columns opposite each other (Fig. 6).

DESCRIPTION. At the signal of the leader, the guides of both teams take a place on the start line. At the command "March!" they start running to the counter, run around it and head in the opposite direction. Having rounded the second rack, they run into the corridor, where they pass the baton to the next participant. The team that finishes running earlier wins.

Rule: 1) pass the baton only in the corridor; 2) you must not hold on to the racks at the turn and interfere with the running participant.

METHODOLOGY: It is necessary to ensure that the relay is passed over correctly. The direction of running of the players should be changed.

Pedagogical value. In the game, special athletics skills are improved (passing the relay race and distance running), strength and speed are developed, orientation and accuracy of movements are brought up.


Number of people: 15-20 people.

Place: hall, playground.

Training. The players are divided into several teams, each of which is lined up in a column. The starting points of each team are marked on the site (Fig. 7).

DESCRIPTION. On command, the guides of each team start running clockwise. Moreover, everyone is trying to catch up and stain the runner ahead. Having run around the steep, the guides touch the next participants who continue the competition. The winner is the team whose player is the first to catch up with the "opponent" running ahead.

Rule: 1) do not start running before touching; 2) you must not interfere with the running players of other teams; 3) when running, strictly observe the marking of the distance.

Methodology. The path of movement of the players is best indicated with the help of some objects (stands, medicine balls). While waiting for the start, the next participant must be located behind the second line. If the forces of the teams are equal and it is not possible to catch up with anyone, then the game should be interrupted, having made a pause for rest.

PEDAGOGICAL VALUE. The game contributes to the improvement of running speed and endurance, fosters responsibility to the team for their actions.

Tug of war

Number and number of people: 20-30 people.

Place: hall, playground; rope.

Training. In the middle of the hall, a start line and two finish lines are drawn, 1 - 2 m from the start line. The players are divided into two teams in strict accordance with their strength and capabilities.

DESCRIPTION The players take the rope and stand on both sides of the starting line. Moreover, the mark on the rope is strictly on the starting line. On command, the players try to win over the "opponents" to their side. The winning team is that during the "game" it will be able to win the "opponent" more times.

Rule:]) pull only at the command of the head; 2) the game stops as soon as the mark on the rope crosses the finish line of one of the teams; 3) the rope must not be abruptly released at the moment of pulling.

Methodology. Great importance has the selection of the composition of the teams and the appointment of a good captain, who would correctly arrange the participants. Players must wear sports shoes. After each attempt, you need to take a short pause to perform several relaxation exercises.

PEDAGOGICAL VALUE. Play contributes to the development of strength, strengthens the sense of camaraderie and collectivism. It can not be carried out both in training sessions and during recess, sports holidays, etc.

"Lapta of volleyball players"

Number of people: 12-20 people.

Place: hall, playground; volleyball.

Training. The players are divided into two equal teams, one of which becomes the server, the other - the receiving service. Both teams are located on opposite sides of the volleyball courts (fig. 9). At the signal, the first player serves the ball in the agreed way to the opponent's side, and he quickly runs around the court and returns to his place.Players of the opposing team take the ball and play among themselves, trying to make as many accurate passes of the ball as possible during the running of the player who served the ball. As soon as he returns to his seat, the rally stops and the ball is passed to the next player to serve. This continues until all the players of the serving team complete a dash. After that, the amount of points awarded for each transfer is calculated, and the teams change roles. The team whose players manage to score more points wins.

Rule: 1) serve the ball only on signal; 2) a running player does not have the right to run into the site and to change direction to grab the players of the opposite team, touch the ball; 3) two attempts are given to complete the serve. If after the second attempt the ball is not served correctly, the opposing team will be awarded 5-10 points; 4) when passing the ball, it is impossible to pass the ball to the same players; the ball should be sent to another player each time; 5) the rally stops after the completion of the dash, after the ball falls to the floor and after technical error allowed when passing the ball.

Methodology. The game can be used after the trainees have mastered the technique of serving and passing the ball. You can play not only on a volleyball court, but also in an unequipped room. To play the game, be sure to highlight the score counter. The method of serving and passing the ball must be determined in advance.

Pedagogical value. The game contributes to the consolidation and improvement of technical techniques of playing volleyball, promotes the development of quickness of action and speed of running, fosters self-discipline and responsibility before the team for their actions.


Number of people: 20-40 people.

Place: hall, playground; racks and planks for jumping.

Training. From the players, two teams are created, the players of which have differences in form. The teams line up in front of the jumping area (Fig. 10).

DESCRIPTION. At the signal, the first participants from each team start jumping. They must overcome the set height in order to participate in the further competition. Each one makes two attempts in the general thread. If in one of the attempts the height is taken, the participant continues the competition.

When performing a jump, points are awarded for the correct repulsion and landing. For pushing off from line "3" - 3 points, from line "2" - 2 points, from line "1" - one (in accordance with the markings), The same for landing. In the best case, a participant can get 6 points for a jump. The game is played either until the agreed amount of points scored, or until the maximum number of remaining participants is determined.

Rule: 1) all jumps are performed in a certain way, on a signal; 2) those who have not taken the height drop out of the competition.

Methodology. It is necessary to clearly mark the places of take-off and landing. Perform the next jump only after complete preparation of the competition site. Several people are involved in judging: point counters, line judges, at the bar and in the jump pit.

Pedagogical value. The main purpose of this game is to consolidate the skills of athletics high jumps, foster the ability to compete and help the team and achieve victory.

"Gate protection"

Number of people: 26 people.

Place: hall, playground; jumping racks, handball ball.

Training. A circle with a radius of 6 m is drawn in the center of the site. A middle line is drawn across it, which divides the site in half. In the center of the circle, at a distance of 3 m from one another, jump stands are installed. The players are assigned to teams. Each team consists of 13 people - one goalkeeper, 6 forwards and 6 defenders. The teams draw by lot to choose half of the field at the start of the game. Each team leaves 6 attackers in its own half of the field, and sends a goalkeeper and 6 defenders to the opponent's side. The goalkeeper takes place in the goal, and the defenders are located along the radius of the circle.

DESCRIPTION. On signal, the team in possession of the ball starts the attack. Passing the ball and moving, the attackers try to throw the ball into the goal. The defenders interfere with them and, intercepting the ball, pass it to the opposite side to their attackers. Those, in turn, begin to attack the opponent's gate. The game continues until a certain time or point is scored.

Rule: I) do not go beyond the center line, outside the area and in the center circle; 2) it is not allowed to hold the ball for more than 3 seconds. and run with him for more than 3 steps; 3) it is forbidden to detain, push the players, snatch the ball from their hands. For all these violations, the ball is taken away from the team in possession of the ball and passed to the attacker of the opposing team, and the defending team is punished with a free throw from the place of violation (while the defenders cannot be closer than 3 m from the ball).

Methodology. The number of players may vary. At the first stages of training, it is advisable to play the game in small teams. Moreover, there should be more attackers than defenders. In the future, this ratio is gradually equalized.

PEDAGOGICAL PURPOSE. The game is used in handball exercises. It helps to consolidate and improve the elements of technology and tactics of this sports game... This version of the game can be played in small halls, and almost a lot of teams can participate in it at the same time.

Relay of skiers

Number and number of and g and s; 15-20 people.

Place: hall, playground; racks.

Training. Start and finish lines are marked. In the middle of the site, several special racks are installed (5 for each team) at a distance of 2-3 m from one another. The players are assigned to teams (of 3 people each) and stand behind the start line.

DESCRIPTION. At the signal, the guides run, running around each rack, to the finish line and return back. On the start line, they are taken by the second team numbers by the belt. Now they cover this distance together, then three of them. Returning to the starting line for the third time, they quickly change their formation: two take a prone position, and the third takes them by the ankle joints. In this position, they move in the corridor between the posts to the finish line. Here they again change the position: the two extreme ones transfer the middle participant hanging between them. The first team to complete the distance and receive fewer penalty points wins.

Rule: 1) it is impossible to knock down the stands and break the formation; 2) it is not allowed to start and end the run prematurely - before the arrival of the partner and before crossing the lines. All these violations will result in penalty points.

Methodology. It is better to play the game on the terrain, on a slope. Tree branches can be used as racks. The distance between the uprights can be changed in accordance with the preparedness of the participants. The distance between the start line and the finish line should not be more than 20 m. Assistants are involved in refereeing, counting the errors of each team.

PEDAGOGICAL VALUE. The game contributes to the acquisition of the motor qualities, endurance, speed and strength necessary for the skier, fosters perseverance in overcoming difficulties, collectivism and coordination of actions. The game can be used in the preparatory period of training young skiers.


Number of people: 15-20 people.

Location: hall, specially equipped area; soccer ball.

Training. On opposite sides of the site (at a distance of no more than 30 m), two parallel lines are outlined. The place of delivery is marked on the “city” line. All players are divided into two teams, one of which takes place in the "city", the other - in the field. The team in the "city" is given the ball.

DESCRIPTION. On a signal, one of the players from the serving place kicks the ball into the field, and he immediately rushes to the opposite “city”. The players of the team acting in the field receive this ball and try to stain the running participant by kicking the ball. If the latter manages to run clean, then his team scores a point. Otherwise, the teams are swapped. The team that manages to score more points in a certain time wins.

Rule: 1) when serving, the ball must fly with a low trajectory and must hit the field; 2) it is not allowed to stop the ball with his hands; 3) you can not interfere with the player running over); 4) the runner after the impact is obliged in all cases to run out into the field. He can return back only after crossing the line of the opposite “city”; 5) the ball that goes out of bounds or into the “city” goes to the other team; 6) the player who did not serve the ball loses the dash. After two unsuccessful serves, the teams switch roles "

Methodology. The game is played in a specially equipped room with protected windows or on a playground. Hits on the ball, stops must be carried out in a certain way.

PEDAGOGICAL VALUE. The game contributes to the improvement of the technique of playing football, develops speed, courage, and decisiveness of action.

Funny children's, mobile birthday contests!

The happiest day for a mother, a day that cannot be forgotten is the birthday of her child. However, the older the baby becomes, the more troublesome this holiday is for parents. However, these troubles are pleasant. A gift for the birthday boy and colorful invitations for his guests, a cake with candles and many, many balloons, to pick up games and entertainment for the little ones ... It seems they have not forgotten anything. To help you a little, we have collected the most interesting birthday contests for children here! And you don't need to look for anything!

Bird Market game

(children's contests are good both for school and for a child's birthday)

This is an Italian competition for teenagers. Six to eight people play. One player is the seller, the other is the buyer. The rest sit on their haunches and clasp their knees with their hands. They are chickens. The buyer approaches the seller and asks: "Are there chickens for sale?" - "How not to be, there is." - "Can I see?" - "Please". The buyer comes in from behind the chickens and touches them in turn: “I don’t like this one, it’s too old”, “This wiry one”, “This one is skinny”, etc. And finally, touching the selected chicken, he says: "This is what I will buy." The seller and the buyer lift the chicken by both elbows into the air, swing it and say: “You are a good chicken. Don't unhook your hands and don't laugh. " If the chosen chick starts smiling or laughing, or loses its arms, it is out of the game.

Shot put competition

(Funny children's competition not only for schoolchildren - teenagers)

On the edge of the table they put an inflated balloon... The driver is blindfolded and placed with his back to the table. Then he takes 5 steps forward and turns in place three times. Next, he must return to the table and blow the ball to the floor. Most likely, he will lose the right direction and will blow off the ball from where there is no trace of it. It will turn out to be very funny!

The kopeck the ruble protects

To play you will need small coins and several small cups. Participants are divided into teams with the same number of players. According to the number of teams on the finish line cups are placed. Each team lines up one after the other.

A coin is placed on the toe of the first team member. The player tries, without dropping it, to carry it from the start line to the finish line (three to four meters) and throw it into the "piggy bank". The participant who dropped the coin is eliminated from the game. For each coin that hits the cup, the team is awarded one point. The team with the most points wins.

Mirror game

The participants in the game are divided into two teams. One person from each team stands at a distance of three steps from the ball lying in the middle. The task of one of the players is to approach the ball, grab it and carry it to him, the task of the other is to protect the ball.
Rules of the game: Anyone who approaches the ball must make various movements around it: squat, turn his back to the ball, even move away from it. And the defender should, like a mirror, repeat everything that the enemy does, and at the same time be on the lookout. He can also shower an opponent before he takes one step away from the ball. All pairs play in turn, the players of the first team "take" the ball, the players of the second - defend it. In the second round, the teams change roles. The one with the most points wins.

"Find a boot"

Training. Two or more teams of 10-15 players take off their shoes and put them together 15 steps in front of them. Shoes must be well mixed so that no one can recognize theirs from afar. A game. Both teams line up and the first player in line runs to the pile and looks for his shoes. When he finds, dresses her and runs back to his team. The next player in line does the same, and so on until all team members are again shod. The game is most interesting when the players' shoes are not very diverse!

"Ribbon pair"

(contests for teens on February 14, paired)
The presenter invites 5 boys and 5 girls to go on stage. They stand around him. The presenter has 10 ribbons clamped in his fist, the ends of which hang freely in different directions, but the middle of them are confused. A bow is tied at one end of each ribbon. The presenter invites all participants to take on these ends, the girls need to choose those ends on which the bows are tied. On the count “One, two, three” the presenter unclenches his fist, and all the participants disperse around the hall. The couple who unravels first wins. Thus, each tape "tied" a pair with its ends.

Playing with adjectives - Birthday greetings to the child

… And… (child's name)! I congratulate you on your ... birthday! During this year, from ... and ... a kid you turned into ... and ... a boy / girl! And it's all thanks to your ... mom and ... dad. Let them continue to ... love you and ... educate you. I wish you to remain the most ... grandson / granddaughter for your ... grandmother and ... grandfather. And let your ... grandmother Anya still love you. ... let my mother's friend Aunt Lena love you like her own son, and her ... daughter Katenka will be crazy about you .... Aunt Masha and ... Uncle Vitya will always invite you to visit and their ... sons Tyoma and Styopa will become your ... comrades. In general, to grow, (child's name) ... and ... I kiss and embrace. Your ... aunt Tanya.

Instead of ... - adjectives invented in advance are substituted. Better by those people who have not seen the text of the congratulation. The funnier the adjectives, the more interesting the game will be.

"Theater director"

(great competition for school and birthday)

Tell the poem "Our Tanya is crying loudly" if
1) you have a toothache
2) you got wet in the rain and chilled
3) you got a speck in your eye
4) a brick fell on your leg
5) you have scabies
6) the wolf is chasing you
7) you were offended by your parents
8) a fly stuck to you
9) your pants are falling off
10) you are in a very good mood)
Depict with facial expressions:
1) an athlete coming up to a barbell
2) a fan of the team that scores a goal
3) football goalkeeper
4) swordsman
5) an athlete who has run 5 kilometers
6) the patient in the dentist's office.

"Who quickly"

The guests are divided into two teams, from each one a participant comes out. They receive a large box and a corresponding set of items. Objective: Place the items in the box and close it as soon as possible. With each new participant, the box gets smaller, and the items are larger or more difficult to pack. But keep in mind that you should try in advance if the items fit in the container. The winner is the team whose members cope faster and do their job better.

"Egg Basketball"

The game involves teams of three or more participants, who are given raw eggs and one basket each. Team members take turns to hit the egg in the basket. The team that manages to throw the most eggs into the basket wins the competition.

"Dance with the Cover"

To play, you need an ordinary pot lid. Participants are divided into pairs, squeeze the lid of the pan and start dancing to fast music. They must dance so that the lid does not fall, and if it does happen, the couple is out of the game. The remaining couples continue to compete until the winner.

"Roll up soon"

For this game, you need to prepare two spools and threads 3 - 5 m long. A mark is made in the middle of the thread - with paint or a knot. The players stand against each other, holding the reel in their hands in such a way that the thread is taut. On command, they begin to quickly wind the thread on the spool, all the time approaching each other. The one who is the first to reach the middle of the thread wins.

Sound engineer

This game requires a soundtrack, and you can't do without special devices. To do this, immediately find objects that can become sources of different characteristic sounds. A baking sheet and metal spoon, ski boots and a board, clean cans, a saucepan with a lid filled with dry peas, a whistle, and more will do.
Also, have a tape recorder and a blank cassette ready. You are now ready to do the radio show. Tell, for example, "The Tale of Good and Evil." It can start like this:
“Once we were wandering through the forest and suddenly heard someone's footsteps. (Put your hands in the shoes, and then slowly and slowly touch them on the board). At first the footsteps were quiet but gradually got louder and louder. (You know how to do it). I turned around and saw a huge bear. I froze with fear, and then thunder struck. (Hit the baking sheet several times with a spoon.) I looked at the sky, from which large raindrops fell (shake a can of dry peas), and the bear opened its umbrella and walked away ... ”.
Turn on your microphone and get down to business.


Everything and everything turns into something else, but not with the help of words, but with the help of determining the expediency of actions. The room turns into a forest. Then the participants - in trees, animals, birds, lumberjacks, etc. And if to the station - it means in a suitcase, a train, passengers. And if the studio - in the announcers, cameramen, "pop stars", etc. At the same time, someone can make noise decoration, depict props, etc.


First, the participants are invited to "discover" a new planet - to inflate as quickly as possible Balloons, and then "Populate" this planet with inhabitants - quickly draw figures of little men on the ball with felt-tip pens. Whoever has more “inhabitants” on the planet is the winner.

Fun competition

You will need: an empty (glass) bottle, threads and pens (pencils).
1) tie the thread to the waist.
2) attach a pen (pencil) to the remaining end (15-20cm).
3) you stand over the bottle (once you lightly push the pen (pencil) and try to insert the end of the pen (pencil) into the neck of the bottle.
Very fun competition! The winner is the one who does it first !!!