Kraft rack for armor out. How to make a rack for armor in minecraft, and what will you need for her? Creating a stone slab in Minecraft

Minecraft It does not cease to amaze and with each new update are added interesting items. For example, if you plan to create a full-fledged weapon or just diversify the interior of your home, you can easily make a rack for armor. Thus, you can create something similar to the mocks of the knights of Ningiv on the rack armor from any materials.

This article will tell in detail how to scratch armor rack in minecraft.

Collection of materials

The first thing to do is to collect the necessary materials for the rack. To do this, you will need 6 sticks that can be made from boards, as well as a stone slab. Just with the stove you may have difficulty, the fact is that the required material needs to be made from a full-fledged stone, and it is impossible to get it as such, since when breaking it turns into a cobblestone. But there is a simple way out of this situation, for this, put a cobblestone in the stove and burn it, throwing firewood. Put three such stones into the bottom of the workbench, and the stone slab will be ready.

Craft armor racks

To make a rack for armor, open the workbench panel, and spread the materials in the desired order:
  1. In the top row three sticks;
  2. One stick in the center;
  3. In the lower row, two sticks on the sides and a stone slab between them.
Everything, a reservation for armor is ready!


Now you know how to scream a rack for armor to minecraft. Created rack can be used in different ways, ranging from showcases in the store and up distracting frightened for battles online. Some gamers use a rack as a fire, thanks to the Baga of the endless burning after contact with Loo.

Today we will talk about how to make a rack for armor in Micraft. This feature appeared in the game, starting with version 1.8. First of all, it is useful as a scenery, but there are other use options.


Rack for armor (Minecraft Wiki confirms) can be used to accommodate the Armor themselves, in particular, bibs, pants, boots and helmet are hanging here. You can also attach to such an element of pumpkin or monster: skeleton, zombies, cryper.


To resolve the issue of how to make a reservation for armor in Micraft, we need 6 sticks, as well as 1 stone semi-block. The latter acts as a base for the design. The rack will not be able to hang in space. Like gravel, sand or anvil, it will fall on any solid surface.

In addition to the usual rack, there is also an option with hands. It can be obtained using special commands in the console. There are smaller versions of the rack. We get them similarly. Armor can be removed from the rack by clicking on the right mouse button. Thus, this item is a kind of alternative to the chest. However, the latter is still more spacious and compact. So we figured out how to make a rack for armor in minecraft. Then we will discuss what to fill it.


Let's now discuss in more detail how to make armor in Minecraft. This item is displayed in the interface in the form of a separate scale located opposite the health. Armor can be measured in glasses, the maximum number of ten is ten. A total of 4 available different componentsThese include boots, pants, bibs and helmet.

We can choose what exactly wearing, as items are not interconnected. To create an armor, we will need 4 different material: leather, iron, gold and diamonds. During the craft, they can not be mixed. However, ready-made items can be combined. For example, we can wear an iron helmet. Each of the materials can put the armor with various protective properties. Leather products are worst, and diamonds are considered the most durable. From gold, armor create only for beauty, because they are too fragile.

Now we will create leather armor. To create a helmet, you will need 5 skins. We place them accordingly on the workbench. To create a breastplate, we will need 8 skins. Such clothes can be painted. To do this, use various dyes, which in Minecraft set.

To make reliable leather pants, you need to put 7 skins on the workbench. The main component can be replaced with gold, iron or diamonds. The least elements are spent on creating a boot. In this case, you need 4 skins. Thus, we have created the last element from the armor kit available in the game.

All components of the armor can be entered by endowing them with additional properties. To put on ready-made items, press the "E" button on the keyboard, put things on the corresponding cells. From now on, we know how to make a rack for armor and protective clothing itself in Minecraft.

Stand for armor

Id Racks for armor to minecraft: 416 .

Nid: Armor_stand.

Armor Stand is the English name for armor armor in minecraft. It can also be called a hanger, armored room or rack for armor.

Team : / Give Nikigka Armor_stand.

Stop keeping armor in the chests. For this purpose, armor racks appeared in minecraft in version 1.8 (namely in August 2014) are provided for this purpose. But the possibilities of racks are not limited only to armor - instead of a helmet you can hang and pumpkins, and heads. And if you make a stand for armor with your hands, you can put a sword into the right hand or an ax. And what is not a rack for weapons? You can install the hanger in one of the eight positions, or even put into the trolley, while it will save all your functionality.

Two armor racks - the first with armor, the second - without.

Rack for armor: teams

In this section, we do not offer to download minecraft, where there is a reservation desk. And only consider three teams that allow you to get these devices (from the version of minecraft 1.8). But first we will demonstrate on the screen, where from left to right:

  1. Normal hanger.
  2. Rack for armor with two hands.
  3. Little stand.
  4. Little stand with hands.

Three "non-standard" armor racks can be obtained by teams.

It remains to hang the armor on the racks from the top picture so that it is convenient, beautiful and "humane":

The same racks, but already with armor and heads.

As for the commands, they may seem somewhat bulky:

  • standard rack is easy to do or use the command in the creative:
    / Give Nikigka Armor_stand;
  • rack with two hands:
    / Summon Armor_stand ~ ~ ~ (Showarms: 1);
  • little stand:
    / Summon Armor_stand ~ ~ ~ (Small: 1);
  • little stand with hands:
    / Summon Armor_stand ~ ~ ~ (Small: 1, Showarms: 1).

How to make a rack for armor

Make in minecraft armor rack just - you need one stone plate and six sticks. You can read the crafting recipe here:

On the racks for armor, you can hang not only armor and head, but also pumpkin and in general any item that is put on the player.

Racks C. miscellaneous armor, pumpkin, head, sword and ax.

How to make a rack for weapons in minecraft? In the image, it is clear that in the right hand of the rack, which is obtained using the command, you can embed a sword or ax. Turning it in this way rack for weapons. Moreover, the racks (in the screenshot) can change the positions of the hands, including those that hold the weapon. This is demonstrated on another picture.

A reservation for armor is another thing that, judging by the name, is intended primarily to ensure the safety of armor. Next, you will learn how to make a rack for armor to minecraft and use it. It is worth noting that it can be hung not only to armor - it is supported by placing such blocks like a pumpkin or a mob head. Except is unless Jack lamp, representing a torch immersed in the pumpkin.

Frankly here is not listed here full list Permitted to storage of objects. Special console teams allow you to significantly expand the range of things available for the room at the rack.

According to its dimensions, these items are divided into two types (large and small), each of which can be equipped with "hands." So called special holders, allowing you to install the player's sword. Since we are talking about the essence, it can be transported by trolleys, bounce on mucus and finally be shifted by pistons. And when the player passing by the rack, the last one for some time weakly shake, reminding the behavior of the real object.

Rack for armor You can not just detect on any location, of course, if you did not choose cooperative regimeat which it has already been created by any player participating in the battle. Therefore, there is only one way of obtaining an essence - create it on the workbench. This will require six units of stick and one copy. stone plate.

The first in sufficient quantities are formed after the destruction of the witch, long fishing, the destruction of several dry bushes or examination of the pair of bonus chests. Completes the list of production methods of the right number of sticks, naturally, kraft, for which it is necessary to have only four boards.

In the same method, you can also get a stone slab - only three units of stone will be required. The latter is widespread underground, and individual deposits even have exits to the surface and at times form the mountains. Returning to the ingredients of the rack, we note that sometimes the stone slab is found as part of the buildings generated when the map is loaded.

How to use armor rack?

Essence is applied not only for storing armor or other things, but also as an element of decor. This is how it is explained the possibility of installing the heads of various mobs and the presence of a sword holders ("hands").

Nevertheless, in its main function, the rack resembles a chest, which, however, allows you to store a much larger range of objects. There are several more factors as unifying the essence with the block and, on the contrary, indicating their serious difference. The first thing is that when the product is destroyed, all things available in it turn out to be thrown (in other words, they do not disappear). A feature that distinguishes the rack from the so-called container is the absence of its own interface, so any interaction with it is carried out exclusively directly.


As for the direct location, then by analogy with the flags, the armor stand in minecraft can be installed in eight different directions. It is allowed to even place it in water or lava, and in the latter case, items will not be completely absorbed.


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The novice players in Minecraft will have a lot of learn about Kraft - the way to create things. To create each new thing, new components are required. To facilitate this procedure, the game has recipes that demonstrate the location of the elements. In the article you will find out how to make a rack for your armor in the game Minecraft.

What is a reservation for armor and what is it needed for?

IN minecraft game exists great amount Objects that player can use, use as decoration, decor. It applies approximately for the same purposes in which we apply the usual hanger in the house. That is, you can put on a rack any armor in the game. She reminds garden stuffed with sticks instead of hands. You can wear almost any item to the rack that can be on the player.

Rack for armor in minecraft

You can use armor hanger as stands and collect heads on them as trophies. In his right hand you can set the subject, for example, the sword. And to automatically install objects and heads of mobs, you need to use a distributor. On maps S. command blocks You can use to call the armor racks a specific command. In Minecraft, we can also change the rack pose. To do this, sit down, approach it and click on the "Pose" button.

Racks for armor trophy

Total teams 13. To place its own items on the rack, you need to click on the "Wear" button. It can be installed in the trolley. All functions will be saved. This construction can be broken down by releasing the arrow from Luke. If I was hoping armor or other items, they will remain integer.

Composite parts of the rack in minecraft

In Minecraft, almost any thing consists of other things. For example, to create wooden boards, the player needs wooden blocks. Which in turn can be chopped into the forest from trees. Also, the rack consists of two elements: stone Smooth Plate and Sticks. First, let's learn how to scream these items.

Wooden block in minecraft

To create a stick in minecraft, we also need wooden blocks:

Kraft boards, as well as for a rack, will also need any. Now click the key on a stick on the window on the right to create the first batch. Take them and transfer to your inventory.

Creating a stone slab in Minecraft

Next, go to the crafting of the plate. For this we need a stone. It can be mined in the dungeon. Just start digging down to find an underground cliff. Get a stone from her to create plates.

Any stove for the rack as follows:

To create a rack in Minecraft, only one stove will need if you want to make only one rack. Stone plates can also come in handy for other tasks. For example, to build your own home. Or strong asylum, which will protect you from enemies.

How to make armor rack

When we have in the inventory all the necessary ingredients to create a rack can be processed. For the crafting, the armor racks in Minecraft will also need a workbench, as the creation assumes more material than to create simple things, like a stick.


When adding the last element, a rack will appear, which can be placed in inventory. And immediately apply as a way to store your trophies or armor in minecraft.

The game has a natural medium where the rack is generated. This place is in the village, when visiting the Bronnik House ( if you play Java Edition).

Instructions for the crafting of God's armor

The game Minecraft has many unusual things, such as God's armor. In the standard client, there is no game of this feature, so you need to download a modified game. For example, here at this link. Only after installing the Fashion will be available incredible things that you could earlier and do not hear. So, to create your reservation you will need a regular workbench. As well as obsidian, which can be extracted in the "Adventure" and "Survival" modes.


As a result, we get a special workbench, on which we will create armor of God in Minecraft. Hold it next to the usual workbench.

New super workbench in minecraft

In the inventory you can see how unusual it is. In the supervop, not nine cells, but as many as 81! And we need them to create a special type of protection.

Your character should also have diamond armor and redstone in inventory. Of these, we will make armor of God.

Now open the inventory and begin to create on the same principle as the rack:

  1. At the edges in each cell of the new workbench, lay out the redstone;

    Place around the edges of the Redstone

  2. Next we need diamonds. They must be placed two. Also, as shown in the screenshot;

    Place diamonds on the workbench

  3. Now you need to place the pearls of the ender in the corners in the amount of 12 pieces;

    Place the pearls of the idle at the corners of the workbench

  4. As in the screenshot, we place gold bars. All of them need 4 pieces;

    Place gold bars as a screenshot

  5. Then you need to place 4 stars from the Nezer on the workbench;

    Place the stars Ezer on the workbench

  6. And the last in the middle you need to place a diamond helmet.

    Place in the middle of the workbench diamond helmet

A special helmet appears to the right of the workbench, which is called "Super Armor Helmet". He is one of the things a set of God's armor. This is not just a powerful armor that can be placed on the rack, and also an excellent boost for our abilities.

Method to scream diamond armor in minecraft

Diamond armor in the classic Minecraft ( without mods) It is considered one of the strongest. And how many have already guessed, for its creation we need diamonds. This material is obtained from diamond ore, which in turn is mined by picking. This is one of the rarest natural breeds (or blocks), which are found in the game. Their veins can be found from 1 to 16 blocks under the surface. And in order to get a clean diamond, you need to overpay the diamond ore to the furnace.

To make diamond armor and put it on a rack:

  1. To create a diamond helmet, put on the diamond workbench in the first row in each cell. As well as in the second row through one cell;

    Kraft diamond helmet in minecraft

  2. To create a diamond armor in minecraft, place diamonds in all cells, except for one average in the top row;

    Kraft diamond armor in minecraft

  3. To get diamonds, place diamonds in all cells, except the average on average and lower row;

    Kraft diamond pants in minecraft

  4. Diamond boots are created when placed 2 diamonds vertically in two extreme rows, as in the screenshot.

    Kraft diamond boots in minecraft

Diamond ore can be found under Looy. But so that you can work with it, you need fire resistance. Lava can be overflowed into a separate pit, until you check the entire site of the excavation. When the diamond armor is ready, it can be placed at home. But before, make a rack for your armor in the Minecraft game for your home.