Highlight the structural components of different types of games. Structural components of the game. The main structural elements of the game. The originality of play as an activity

Target. To form moral and patriotic feelings in preschoolers, love for their native land, Motherland.


  1. Introduce preschoolers to the traditions of the Russian people.
  2. Promote the development of emotional sensitivity, responsiveness to public holidays.
  3. To enhance the feeling of joy from unity with your people through solemn marches, songs, artistic words.

Preliminary work:

  1. Video presentation "State symbols of Russia - flag, coat of arms, anthem".
  2. Conversation about the holiday.
  3. Reading and learning poems about the Motherland, the flag
  4. Hearing solemn marches and songs.
  5. Creation of a mini-museum "From flag to flag".

scenario of the holiday for senior preschool children, dedicated to the birthday of the Russian flag
Day of the state flag of Russia

Under the solemn march, children with flags and tricolor balloons enter the festively decorated music hall. Rebuilds, Attribute Exercise. They stop in two lines opposite each other.


What do we call the Motherland?
The house where you and I live
And birches along which
We are walking next to my mother.

What do we call the Motherland?
A field with a thin spikelet
Our holidays and songs
Warm evening outside the window.

What do we call the Motherland?
All that we cherish in our hearts
And under the blue-blue sky
Russian flag over the Kremlin!

Leading. Today our country celebrates the birthday of the Russian flag! Our kindergarten also has a flag, it flies over the building as a symbol of the Russian state. And today this flag will take its place of honor in our music hall, and we entrusted our graduates - excellent athletes with bringing it in!

To the music, boys - former graduates - athletes bring in a large Russian flag

Leading. Such a beautiful flag can only belong to the best country in the world - Russia, where the most honest, kindest and humane, the best people - Russians - live!

Slides with photographs appear on the screen, which depict Russian people - happy, smiling, with flags or flags, balloons walking with children. These can be photographs from May 9 or another public holiday. Music sounds, the presenter reads a poem.

Salute, Russia! On weekdays or on holidays,
Above us, a canvas flutters proudly.
There are three colors in total: white, blue, red,
And how many are in those colors.

On the wings of a white-blue-red bird
Freedom, faith, purity are flying.
And to her we turn our faces,
And with her the dream comes true!

L. Maksimchuk

Poems by adults and children about the Motherland, Russia, the Russian flag

Leading. The flag is friendly both with the coat of arms of our country and with the anthem. When the anthem is played, all people respectfully listen to it, standing, not moving, and only the flag proudly flutters in the wind.

The national anthem of the Russian Federation sounds

Children listen to him standing near the chairs, putting their right hand on the heart, adults sing.

Leading. Today, in honor of the holiday - the Day of the State Flag of Russia, we decided to hold a sports and intellectual relay. The relay is attended by two teams, which will now represent themselves.

Greetings from teams. Motto.

Leading. We present each team with a route flag. In the course of the relay, at its different stages, you will find the same flags with tasks. If you are diligent, attentive, and most importantly friendly, you will surely cope with difficulties, and at the end of the relay you will be in for a surprise! And so let's go!

Children, together with adults, move along the halls, corridors, staircases in search of flags on which tasks for the teams are written. Teams move in different directions along a specially marked route.

Sports and intellectual relay


  1. Attention game "White, blue, red".
  2. Proverbs and sayings about the Motherland, the flag ("A man without a Motherland is like a nightingale without a song", "To live - to serve the Motherland", "Motherland is a mother, be able to stand up for her!", "A flag in the wind, like a sentry on duty", " Guard the flag, save it from the enemy! ").
  3. Obstacle course "Bring the flag" (monoblock with soft sports modules).
  4. Game "Guess and Collect the Symbol" (cut pictures).

After the relay, the children return to the music hall. Music sounds. The presenter praises the children for correctly completed tasks of the relay and suggests continuing the holiday and holding sports competitions between the teams.

Counter relay "Change the flag"

Game - competition "Whose team will paint the flag faster"(collective work using various techniques: drawing, applique, etc.)

Demonstration performance of athletes - former kindergarten graduates

The holiday ends with the distribution of souvenirs - small Russian flags and a song about the Motherland.

Song about the Motherland at the choice of the musical director

Under the solemn march, the children leave the hall, taking with them souvenirs.

Didactic play should be distinguished from play in general and from play form occupations, although this division is conditional.

The game form of classes is created in the classroom with the help of game techniques and situations that act as a means of motivation, stimulation of students' mathematical activity.

The implementation of game techniques and situations in the lesson form of classes occurs in the following areas: didactic goal be posed to students in the form of a game problem; the educational activities of students are subject to the rules of the game; educational material used as a means of play; an element of competition is introduced into educational activity, which translates a didactic task into a game one; the success of the didactic task is associated with the game result.

During the didactic game, discipline is important. According to many teachers, a math lesson is ideal from a disciplinary point of view if students are focused, attentive, moderately active, and are engaged in individual work. They can only express their opinions or make suggestions with a show of hands and with the permission of the teacher.

What is the specificity of didactic play, its essential feature? First, didactic play has its own stable structure, which distinguishes it from any other activity. The main structural components of a didactic game are: game design, rules, game actions, cognitive content, equipment, and the result of the game.

In contrast to the game, the didactic game has an essential feature - the presence of a clearly defined learning goal and the corresponding pedagogical result, which can be justified, identified in an explicit form and are characterized by an educational and cognitive orientation.

1. Game design and game action

The playful concept and playful action makes didactic play an attractive, desirable and emotional activity. The game intention is expressed in the very name of the game in the game problem, by solving which children begin to understand the practical application of the lessons they have received. Playful intent determines the nature of the first action, and playful action enables children to learn at the moment when they play. Rules help guide game process... They regulate the behavior of children and their relationship with each other. The results of the game are always obvious, specific and demonstrative. Compliance with the rules obliges children to independently perform play actions, and at the same time they develop a criterion for assessing the behavior of their classmates and their own.

Work on a didactic task requires the activation of all the child's mental activity. Cognitive processes develop: thinking, memory, imagination. Mental activity is improved, which includes carrying out various operations in their unity.

Attention becomes more focused, stable, and the student has the ability to correctly distribute it. Development is stimulated cognitive abilities, observation, ingenuity, curiosity.

2. The rules of the didactic game and its result

Each didactic game has rules that determine the order of actions and behavior of students during the game, contribute to the creation of a working environment in the lesson. Therefore the rules didactic games should be designed taking into account the purpose of the lesson and the individual capabilities of the students. This creates conditions for the manifestation of independence, perseverance, mental activity, for the possibility of each student's feeling of satisfaction and success. In addition, the rules of the game educate the ability to manage their behavior, obey the requirements of the team.

An essential aspect of didactic play is game actions, which are regulated by the rules of the game, contributing to the cognitive activity of students, giving them the opportunity to show their abilities, apply existing knowledge, skills and abilities to achieve the goal of the game. Very often, game actions are preceded by a verbal solution of the problem.

The teacher, as the head of the game, directs it in the necessary didactic channel, if necessary, activates its course with a variety of techniques, maintains interest in the game, and encourages those who are lagging behind.

The basis of didactic play, which permeates its structural element, is the cognitive content. Cognitive content consists in the assimilation of those knowledge and skills that are used in solving the educational problem posed by the game.

The equipment of the didactic game largely includes the equipment of the lesson. This is the availability of technical teaching aids, positives, transparencies and filmstrips. This also includes various means of visualization: tables, models, as well as didactic handouts: flags, awards to teams.

The didactic game has a definite result, which is the final of the game, gives the game its completeness. It acts, first of all, in the form of a posed educational task and gives students moral and mental satisfaction. For the teacher, the result of the game is always an indicator of the level of student achievement either in the assimilation of knowledge or in its application.

All structural elements of didactic play are interconnected and the absence of the main ones destroys the game. Without a game concept and game action, without rules organizing the game, didactic game is impossible, it loses its specific form, turns into the fulfillment of instructions and exercises. Therefore, in preparation for a lesson containing a didactic game, it is necessary to draw up a brief description of the course of the game (scenario), indicate the time frame of the game, take into account the level of knowledge and age characteristics of students, and implement intersubject connections.

The combination of all elements of the game and their interconnection increase the organization of the game, its activity, and leads to the desired result.

The value of didactic games lies in the fact that in the process of playing, children to a large extent independently acquire new knowledge, actively help each other in this.

The main structural elements of the game are: game design, plot or its content; game actions; roles; rules that are dictated by the game itself and created by children or suggested by adults. These elements are closely related.

Game intent Is a general definition of what and how children will play. It is formulated in speech, reflected in the game actions themselves, formed in the game content and is the core of the game. According to the game concept of the game, groups can be divided: reflecting everyday phenomena (games in the "family", in " Kindergarten", To the" clinic ", etc.); reflecting creative work (construction of the subway, construction of houses ...); reflecting social events, traditions (holidays, meeting guests, travel, etc.). Such a division of them, of course, is conditional, since the game can include a reflection of various life phenomena.

The structural feature and center of the game is role performed by the child. According to the meaning that belongs to the role in the game, many of the games are called role-playing or plot-based role-playing. The role is always associated with a person or an animal; his imaginary actions, actions, relationships. The child, entering their image, plays a certain role. But the preschooler does not just play this role, he lives in the image and believes in his truthfulness. Depicting, for example, a captain on a ship, he does not reflect all of his activities, but only those features that are necessary during the game: the captain gives commands, looks through binoculars, takes care of passengers and sailors. In the process of playing, the children themselves (and in some games, adults) establish rules that determine and regulate the behavior and relationships of the players. They give the games organization, stability, consolidate their content and determine the further development, complication of relationships and relationships.

The role is implemented in game actions, which initially reproduce real actions, but as the child develops, they acquire an increasingly generalized and abbreviated character while maintaining the logic and sequence of their implementation. In the future, they can move to the internal plane through the stage of their speech performance (the child no longer acts as a game object, but talks about the action).

Game use objects can be realized both in the form of using figurative toys (objects that are a reduced copy of real things, specially created by society to organize a child's play), and in the form of replacing some objects with others (with a corresponding renaming). Substitution is a critical characteristic role-playing game.

And finally, another component of the structure of the role-playing game - this is a real relationship between playing children as partners in joint play activities... Real relationship functions include planning the plot of games, assigning roles, game items, control over the development of the plot and the performance of roles by peers-partners, their correction. If play relationships are determined by the content of the roles played by children, then their real relationships depend on the characteristics of personal development.

All these structural elements of the game are more or less typical, but they have different meaning and correlate differently in different types of games.

How does play develop throughout preschool childhood?

The famous psychologist D.B. Elkonin (1978) linked the development of play with the dynamics of the child's development. The development of play in children goes through four stages.

First step... The main content of the game is actions with objects. They are carried out in a specific sequence, although this sequence is often violated. The chain of actions is story-driven. The main plots are everyday. Actions are monotonous and often repeated. Roles are not yet specified. At the first stage of the role-playing game, preschoolers willingly play with adults. Independent play is short-lived. As a rule, the stimulus for the emergence of a game is a toy or a substitute item previously used in the game.

Second phase. As in the first level, the main content of the game is actions with an object. However, now these actions unfold sequentially, in accordance with the role that is already indicated by the word. The sequence of actions becomes the rule. The first interaction occurs between the participants based on the use of a shared toy. The associations of the players are short-lived. The main plots are everyday. The game is repeated many times. Children use the same toys - favorite. The game unites 2-3 people.

Stage three. The main content of the game is still actions with objects. However, they are complemented by actions aimed at establishing contacts with game partners. Roles are clearly defined and assigned prior to the start of the game. Toys and objects are selected (most often during the game) in accordance with the role. The logic, nature of actions and their direction are determined by the role and become the main rule. The game often proceeds as a joint one, although the interaction is interspersed with parallel actions of partners who are not connected with each other and are not assigned to the role. The duration of the game increases. The plots are becoming more diverse: children reflect in the game not only everyday life, but also the work of adults, bright social phenomena.

Stage four. The main content of the game is a reflection of the relationships and interactions of adults with each other. The theme of the games is diverse: it is determined not only by the direct, but also by the indirect experience of children (playing out scenes of literary works, films, television programs, etc.). Games are collaborative, collective. The associations of the participants are stable. They are based on children's interest in the same games or on the basis of personal sympathies and affections. Games of the same content are not only repeated for a long time, but also develop, enrich, exist for a long time. In the game, a preparatory stage is distinguished: the distribution of roles, the selection of play material, and sometimes its production (homemade toys). The number of people involved in the game is up to 5-6 people.

At the fourth stage, that is, to the elder preschool age, the individual characteristics of the play activity and play creativity of each child are clearly manifested.

Play is a leading activity for preschoolers

1. The value of play activities in the life of a child. The originality of play as an activity

Play as a means of raising and developing children

Types of games.

In the development of the child and the group of children, a huge role belongs to the main type of children's activity in the preschool period - play.
Philosophers, historians, ethnographers, psychologists, and teachers study the origin of play, its place in a child's life, and the possibility of effectively using games to solve educational problems.
Marxist-Leninist pedagogy, developing the theory of play, proceeds from the position on its socio-historical foundations: play is primarily due to the circumstances of the child's social life, his assimilation of the experience of older generations.
N.K.Krupskaya made a significant contribution to the theory of the game. Emphasizing the social nature of children's games, the reflection of the phenomena of life in them, she first of all saw in the game a means of expanding impressions and ideas about the surrounding reality, connection with it. “For preschool children,” she wrote she, - games are of exceptional importance: play for them is study, play for them is work, play for them is a serious form of education. Play for preschoolers is a way of learning about the environment. "
The social nature of the content of games and play activities is due to the fact that the child lives in society. From the first months of his life, he strives to communicate with others, gradually masters the language - a powerful means of communication and assimilation of social experience. The child wants to be an active participant in the life of adults, but this need does not yet correspond to his capabilities. In the game, imitating the actions of his elders, empathizing with their joys and griefs available to him, in such a peculiar way he joins the surrounding life.
Highly appreciating the educational role of children’s play, A. S. Makarenko wrote: “Play is important in a child’s life, it has the same meaning as an adult’s activity, work, and service. What a child is like in play, so in many ways he will be in work when he grows up. Therefore, the upbringing of the future doer takes place primarily in the game. "
Long-term observation of games, study of their content in children different nations and at various historical stages of social development, they allow us to conclude that the main source is the social life of people, the conditions in which the child lives, his family. In pre-revolutionary Russia, the children of the propertied classes played as masters and subordinates, and the sons and daughters of the poor reflected in the games the hard work of adults, fear of the owner, master, policeman. In the games of workers' children, we find a reflection of strikes, strikes, demonstrations. The games of peasant children reflected rural labor, the hardship and destitution of the horseless and landless poor.
The Great October Socialist Revolution changed the social system of Russia, attitudes and ideology of people. The content of children's games began to reflect the events of the revolution and civil war, new life... The heroes of the games were Budennovtsy, the legendary Chapaev. In their games, children rescued the Chelyuskinites, fought with enemies, and flew into space. Children's games reflect the attitude of Soviet people to work - labor valor, the desire to work for the common good, their new relationship - friendship, comradeship, mutual assistance, respect for each other, caring for children. The content of the games reflects both the fraternal friendship of the peoples of the USSR and friendly relations with the peoples of the world.

The originality of play as an activity of children

The main feature of the game is that it is a reflection of the surrounding life by children - actions, activities of people, their relationships in an environment created by the child's imagination. In the game, a room can be a sea, a forest, a metro station, or a carriage railroad... Children attach the meaning to the setting, which is due to the intention and content of the game.
This nature of play distinguishes it from all other types of children's activities and, to some extent, makes it akin to art, with a figurative reflection of reality. Reproduction of real actions in the game is not an exact copy, a mirror image. Children are not bound by all the specific conditions of a real environment, time, or a strict sequence of actions.

Another feature of play activity is its amateur character. Children are the creators of the game, its creators. They, as already mentioned, reflect in it their knowledge about life phenomena and events known to them, express their attitude towards them.
A feature of children's play is also the combination and interconnection of the image, play action and word. These are not its external signs, but the very essence. In the game, the child lives with the actions and feelings of the hero being portrayed. Sometimes the image captures the child so much that he does not even respond to the habitual address to him: "I am not Seryozha, I am the captain." At the same time, he willingly acts in accordance with the image reflected in the game.

Children don't play silently. Even when the child is alone, he talks with a toy, conducts a dialogue with an imaginary participant in the game, speaks for himself and for his mother, for the patient and the doctor, etc. to him the child himself.
Verbal communication during the game plays a huge role. While communicating, children exchange thoughts, experiences, clarify the concept and content of the game. Verbal collusion in the game performs an organizing function, contributes to the emergence and strengthening of mutual understanding and friendship between children, the same attitude to certain facts and phenomena of the surrounding life.
The interrelation of an image, a game action and a word constitutes the core of game activity, serves as a means of displaying reality.
The main structural elements of the game are: game design, plot or its content; game actions; roles; rules that are dictated by the game itself and created by children or suggested by adults. These elements are closely interconnected and define the game as a kind
activities of children.
Game intent is a general definition of what will be played and how. children: to the “store”, to the “clinic”, to the “pilots”, to the “daughters-mothers” (to the “family”), to the “kindergarten”, etc., It is formulated in speech, reflected in the game actions themselves , is formalized in the game content and is the core of the game. According to the game concept, games can be divided into more or less typical groups: a) reflecting everyday phenomena (games in the "family", in the "kindergarten", in the "clinic", etc.); b) reflecting creative labor (construction of the subway, labor of collective farmers, construction of houses, factories, stadiums, etc.); c) reflecting social events, traditions (holidays, demonstrations, meeting guests, travel, etc.). Such a division of them, of course, is conditional, since the game can include a reflection of various life phenomena.
The plot, the content of the game is what makes up its living tissue, determines the development, diversity and interconnection game action, the relationship of children. The content of the game makes it attractive, arouses interest and the desire to play.
The structural feature and center of play is the role played by the child. According to the meaning that belongs to the role in the game, many of the games are called role-playing or plot-based role-playing. The role is always correlated with a person or an animal, his imaginary actions, actions, relationships. The child, entering their image, becomes the one he imitates, that is, plays a certain role. But the preschooler does not just play this role, he lives in the image and believes in his truthfulness. Depicting, for example, a captain on a ship, he does not reflect all of his activities, but only those features that are necessary during the game: the captain gives commands, looks through binoculars, takes care of passengers and sailors.
In the process of playing by the children themselves (and in some games by adults) rules are established that govern and govern behavior and the relationship of the players. They give the games organization, stability, consolidate their content and determine the further development, complication of relationships and relationships. At the same time, the rules of the game help timid, shy children to be active participants in the game.
All these structural elements of the game are more or less typical, but they have different meanings and are related in different ways in different types of games.