Armor in Dragon Age 2. Bands for different classes. Armor Sebastian Velie

In DA II, you will not have the opportunity to choose armor for satellites yourself, but you can improve them. Each of your compatience has its own unique armor, which provides 4 slots for their improvement. In this subsection, we have placed information on where and when you can find these improvements and what bonuses they give.

Armor Alelin Valentine

Throughout the game, Avelin's armor is changing three times. In the prologue, her armor is called: "Changed officer model", in I-M act The armor will change and will be called: "Latvies and chain mail", and starting from the II Act of her armor finally change the name to: "Latvia Captain Guardi.

Changed officer model Latvia Captain Guardi
Administant - the shape of the guard (increases the attack). You can buy in the I-M Act in the lower city Day at the merchant in the shop "Rack with armor".
Durable armor is a form of guaranium (enhances armor). Can be purchased in II-M act In the lower city, the merchant in the shopping center in the "Lavke of Armor".
Flexible chain - the shape of the guard (adds a cell for the rune). Falls from the head of Pirates Fella Order on the torn shore during the fulfillment of the quest "Pirates on the Rods" in the II-M Act.
The protection of the joints is the shape of the guard (increases protection). Falls from Jivena during the fulfillment of the quest "Service and Error" in the III-M Act.

Armor Anders

Anders Armor is called the "Apostate Cape", for the entire game, the Armor will change its appearance Only once after the completion of the personal quest Anders "Justice", the icon of the inventory itself will change.

Cape apostate Improvements for armor, place and time of their stay Cape apostate (after change)
Runs for armor (enhances armor). You can purchase in the II-M Act in the day in the lower city at the merchant in the shop "Lenden Products".
Larium weaving (increases the attack). You can purchase in the II-M act in the chambers of the shopping center in the shopping shop "Mages".
Essence of the Spirit (increases resistance to magic). You can find in the II-M Act in the dungeons of the caasemates in one of the boxes at the time of the quest Anders "disagreement".
The sign of the magicians-underground shooters (adds a cell for a rune). It can be found in the III-M act in one of the boxes when examining the location of the "Secret Meeting Place" during the fulfillment of the quest "Serve Cold".

Armor of Warric Tetras

Initially, the armor is called: "Patchwork leather Jacket Warrper (stitched to order). "But during the fulfillment of the personal quest of Warric's" House with Ghosts ", his armor can change its name to the" Patchwork Leather Armor of Warrica "provided that Hawk will allow him to take a fragment of Larium for himself. Although neither externally nor In inventory, these changes will not be reflected.

Warric Patchwork Leather Jacket Improvements for armor, place and time of their stay Warric Patchwork Leather Armor
Painted leather (adds a cell for runes). You can purchase in the I-M Act in the lower city in the day from the merchant in the "decent shop".
Lining S. secret pockets (Increases the attack). You can purchase in the II-M Act at the port of the day at the merchant in the shop "Doubtable Goods".
Silverite buckles (adds a cell for a rune). It can be found in the II-M Act in the estate of Bartrand in one of the chests during the fulfillment of the quest Warrica "Family Business".
Skin leather belts (adds a cell for a rune). It can be found in the III-M act on the deep paths in one of the chests during the fulfillment of the quest "in search of Nathaniel".

Armor Merril

In the game Da II, the Merril is called "Riza first". With the prevailing novel from Hawk (OM), her armor will change not only its name on the "clothing of the Doli Exchange", but also an appearance. The inventory icon will also change.

Rhymes first Improvements for armor, place and time of their stay Clothing of the Doli Exchange
A brocade lining (adds a cell for a rune). You can purchase in the II-M Act in the Upper City Day at the merchant in the shop "Jean Luke Robes".
Carved buttons made of iron wood (increase health). You can buy in the II-M Act in the Share of the Doli in the "Master of Master Islena".
Silver Dolished Embroidery (accelerates health restoration). It can be found in the II-M Act on the top of the split mountain in a pile of bones.
Galley horns buckles (adds a cell for runes). You can choose in the III-M act from the body of the keeper of Maretari during the fulfillment of the quest Merril "New Way".

Beetani Hooker armor

Initially, the Bethany armor will be called "Housing Wings." Only one update is available in the game. In the future, its deposits will depend on the decision of Hawk (a) during the fulfillment of the "Expedition to the depth trails" quest. Bethany armor may change either on the "robe of the Mages circle", or on the "robes of guard". When the next time the game will give you the opportunity to again take the betany to the group, its armor will have a complete set of improvements.

Wings Howkov Improvements for armor, place and time of their stay Magic circle robe Robes of Guardies
Family protective signs of Ampellov (increases resistance to magic). It can be found in the I-M act in the chest on the location "cellar of Ampellov's estates" during the fulfillment of the "birth right" quest.

Armor Karver Hawk

Initially, the carver armor is called the "Standard Model for the Felf Druzhinnik". Only one update is available in the game. In the future, the change in carver armor will depend on the decision of Hawk (a) during the fulfillment of the "Expedition to the depth trails" quest. Carver armor may change either on the Knight-Capral Latvies, or on Lata Latvia Lieutenant. When the next time the game will give you the opportunity to again take the carver into the group, its armor will have a complete set of improvements.

Standard model for Ferldensky Wizard Improvements for armor, place and time of their stay Knight Capral Lats Latvia Lieutenant
Feldenian lats with a belt (enhances armor). It can be found in the I-M act in the chest on the location "cellar of Ampellov's estates" during the fulfillment of the "birth right" quest.

Armor Isabeli

Arpex Isabel is called "Nights of the Eastern Seas". Its ordinary appearance can only be changed at the novel with Hawk (OM), although the name and icon in the inventory will remain the same.

Nights of Eastern Seas Improvements for armor, place and time of their stay
Hard corset (increases protection). You can purchase in the II-M Act in the day in the lower city at the merchant in the "Deare shop".
Supporting belt (adds a cell for runes). You can purchase in the II-M Act in the Upper City Day at the merchant in the shop "Jean Luke Robes".
Felt insoles (increases the likelihood of a critical strike). You can find in the II-M Act in the box in the "Foundry on the backyards" during the fulfillment of the quest "Catch Thick."
Remounted leather plates (adds a cell for runes). It can be found in the III-M act on the location of the "Cave in Mount" in a pile of bones during the passage of the quest "Killing Voronov".

Armor Fenris.

Fenris armor is called "Refuge of the Reset Spirit". And although the novel with Hawk (OM), Fenris will give a red scarf around the right wrist, and on the belt on the left side there will be a small coat of arms of Amells, a cardinal change in the appearance of the armor will not produce and the icon in the inventory will remain the same.

Refuge of the relocated spirit Improvements for armor, place and time of their stay
The tevinter is a spiritual symbol (adds a cell for the rune). You can purchase in the II-M Act in the Upper City Day at the merchant in the shop "Jean Luke Robes".
Lyrium scales (adds a cell for a rune). You can purchase in the II-M Act at the port of the day at the merchant in the shop "Doubtable Goods".
Strengthened belts (increases the attack). It can be found in the II-M Act in the chest on the Locations "Abandoned Laggerakovkov" during the fulfillment of Fenris's quest "Bitter Pill".
Enchanted resin (adds a cell for a rune). S. falls higher Dragon In the III-M Act on the location "Bone pit" during the fulfillment of the quest "Molds in the mine".

Armor Sebastian Velie

Sebastian Armor is called "Family Armor of Valela". Its appearance and inventory icon do not change throughout the game.

Family armor Valley Improvements for armor, place and time of their stay
Improved articulation (adds a cell for a rune). You can purchase in the II-M Act in the eve of the shops at the merchant in the "Lava Armpelov".
Strengthened braces (survive the attack). You can purchase at the II-M Act in the Upper City Day at the merchant in the shop "Olaf Equipment".
Pododship (increases the likelihood of a critical strike). It can be found in the II-M Act in the chest on the location "Harimanov" during the execution of the quest Sebastian "repentance".
Protection of faith (adds a cell for a rune). You can choose in the III-M act from the body of the temple-lieutenant during the fulfillment of the quest "Serve Cold".

IN game Dragon. AGE 2 There is a large number of diverse armor, armor and robes. However, the best of its kind is the unique sets (sets) for all three presented classes - warrior, robber and magician. For each period of life of the main character in Kirkolly, there are only three of them, there are a unique set, which has elevated characteristics. Its owners, depending on the class, new things provide additional bonuses to health, protection, attack, armor and other indicators. Each set consists of four things - helmet (hood), mittens (gloves), shell (armor, robes) and boots.

Unique things, as well as ordinary, can be sold to merchants in the city markets. Although without special needs it is better not to part with them; They will not be returned back, and the new one is not found. Almost all unique sets are earned in heavy battles against strong opponents. The first unique set of armor is completely assembled in the first chapter, the second and third, excluding the robbers, - in the latter. In some locations where kits are located, after the first visit you cannot return, explore the unfamiliar territory immediately, inspecting all the boxes, barrels and chests, in order not to be offended for the missed opportunity to deal with unique things.

The places of appearance of things from the first set (set) for all classes remain unchanged. The headdress is selected from the body killed Magesse Taron (the task "enemies among us"). The gloves lie among the cobblets in the location of the path on the split grief, in the right first impasse from the entrance, to the descent on the stairs. The robe is selected from the remains of the dragon in the large hall before entering the primordial teig (the task "Expedition to the depth trails"). Boots are in the chest in the last room before entering the Vinmarkal pass, the location of the slums in the catacombs (the task "wolves in sheep skins").

Original armor set - Armor of the fallen (Kit Bonus: +1 Forces, +20 Health; Requirements: 21 Used. Forces, 14 units. Team):

  • Helmet fallen - 50 armor, +11 to health, +27 to the attack.
  • Gloves of the fallen - 30 armor, +7 to health, +1% of the probability of a critical strike.
  • The shell of the fallen - 126 armor, +28 to health, +67 to the attack.
  • Boots of the fallen - 45 armor, +10 to health, +24 to the attack.

Rogue reservation kit - Last descent (Bonus for the kit: +1 dexterity, +20 endurance; Requirements: 21 units. Dexterity, 14 units. Tricks):

  • Helmet of the last descent - 46 armor, +2% of the probability of critical strike, +5% critical damage.
  • Mittens of the last descent - 28 armor, +1% of the probability of a critical strike.
  • Armor of the last descent - 116 armor, +5% of the probability of critical impact, +13% critical damage.
  • Boots of the last descent - 42 armor, +2% of the probability of critical strike, +5% critical damage.

Magic Armor Set - Spiral eye (Bonus for the kit: +1 to magic, +20 mana; Requirements: 21 units. Magic, 14 units. Will):

  • Hood spiral eye - 43 armor, +11 mana, +27 to the attack.
  • Spiral Eyes Gloves - 26 armor, +7 mana.
  • Robe of spiral eyes - 107 armor, +28 mana, +67 to the attack.
  • Boots of spiral eyes - 38 armor, +10 mana, +24 to the attack.
The places of the appearance of some things from the second unique set (set) are slightly different. The headdress for all classes is selected from the body of the killed leader of thugs in the winding alley along the way to Arishoku (the task "Following Kun"). Gloves for all classes lie in the chest before going to the hall to Quentin, (the task "everything that remains"). Robes for all classes are located in different places: for the warrior - in the weapon Olaf in the market of the Upper City, the Third Chapter; For the robber - during the shock in the tavern "Hangton" (the task "to find and lose to lose") or at the Magnus trader on the torn shore in the former camp Tal-Veta; For the magician - in one of the graves of the mountain cemetery on the split grief, the third chapter. Boots for all classes are in the chest on the second floor of the estate Bartartrance in the Upper City (the task of the "Family business").

Original armor set - Gift of stone hammer (Bonus for the kit: +2 to strength, +3% to armor; Requirements: 25 units. Forces, 15 units. Team):

  • Helmet of stone hammer - 85 armor, +16 to health, +41 to attack, +2% of the probability of a critical strike.
  • Mittens of stone hammer - 51 armor, +1 cell for runes, +10 to health, +24 to the attack.
  • Lats of stone hammer - 213 armor, +1 cell for runes, +40 to health, +102 to the attack.
  • Stone hammer boots - 77 armor, +1 cell for runes, +14 to health, +37 to the attack.

Rogue reservation kit - Enasalin (Bonus for the kit: +2 to agility, +3% probability of evasion; Requirements: 25 units. Dexterity, 15 units. Tricks.):

  • Helm Enasalina - 79 armor, +2% of the probability of a critical strike, +6% critical damage, bonus for opening locks.
  • Gloves Enasalina - 47 armor, +1% of the probability of a critical strike, +4% of critical damage.
  • Defender of Enasalina - 197 armor, +1 cell for runes, 6% of the probability of critical strike, 15% critical damage.
  • Enasalina boots - 71 armor, +2% of the probability of critical strike, +5% critical damage, bonus for neutralizing traps.

Magic Armor Set - Warden (Bonus for the kit: +2 to magic, +3% to protection; Requirements: 25 units. Magic, 15 units. Will forces):

  • Hood warder - 72 armor, +16 mana, +41 to the attack, +2 to the speed of restoration of mana.
  • Gloves of the overseer - 43 armor, +10 mana, +24 to the attack.
  • Robe of the overseer - 181 armor, +1 cell for runes, +40 mana, +102 to the attack.
  • Wardrite boots - 65 armor, +14 mana, +2 to the speed of restoring mana.
The appearance of things from the third set (set) for all classes remain unchanged. The headdress is selected from the body of the killed Grace apostate (the task "serve cold"). Gloves are automatically issued (QUESTICS QUESTIONS). The robe is selected from the body in the bone pit (the task "Mine Mold"). Boots are removed from the body of the killed mage of blood of Chion (task "on freedom").

Original armor set - Mantle defender (Bonus for the kit: +3 to strength, +5% to armor; Requirements: 31 units. Forces, 18 units. Team):

  • Helmet defender - 132 armor, +20 to health, +1 cell for runes, +58 to the attack, +3% of the probability of a critical impact.
  • Gauntlets defender - 79 armor, +12 to health, +1 cell for runes, +35 to attack, +1% to attack speed.
  • Protector shell - 331 armor, +2 cell for runes, +50 to health, +145 to the attack.
  • Boots defender - 119 armor, +1 cell for runes, +18 to health, +52 to the attack, +4% of physical damage.

Rogue reservation kit - Mantle defender (kit Bonus: +3 to agility, +5% of the probability of evasion; requirements: 31 units. Dexterity, 18 units. Tricks):

  • Helmet defender - 122 armor, +1 cell for runes, +3% of the probability of a critical strike, +6% critical damage, bonus for opening locks.
  • Protector gloves - 73 armor, +1 cell for runes, +2% of the probability of a critical strike, +8% critical damage.
  • Armor of Defender - 306 armor, +2 cells for runes, +6% of the probability of critical strike, +16% critical damage.
  • Boots defender - 110 armor, +1 cell for runes, +2% of the probability of critical strike, +6% critical damage, bonus for neutralization of traps.

Magic Armor Set - Mantle defender (Bonus for the kit: +3 to magic, +5% to protection; Requirements: 31 units. Magic, 18 units. Will forces.):

  • Hood defender - 112 armor, +20 mana, +58 to the attack, +2 to the speed of restoring mana.
  • Protector gloves - 67 armor, +1 cell for runes, +1 to magic, +12 mana, +35 to the attack.
  • Defender's robe - 208 armor, +2 cells for runes, +50 mana, +145 to the attack.
  • Boots defender - 101 armor, +18 mana, +52 to attack, +2 to the speed of restoration of mana.

Bruption sets

Hello everyone. IN Dragon Age. 2, many separate gloves, boots, helmets, etc. But there are not so many kits. In just every class "warp" in 3 sets of armor - for each class. So read.


Band sets for different classes

Band sets for different classes

Armor of fallen (Performed in 1 act, except for the bib):

1. Gloves - in the float in the cave, on which we go to the cemetery on the split grief.

2. Boots - Quest - "Wolves in Sheep Skira" (Quest Sairabaz)

3. Helmet - Quest - "Enemies among us" (from the Tarohne corpse)

4. Bib - Quest - "Expression on the deep trails" Dragon on the deep path

Band sets for different classes

Band sets for different classes

Armor of stone hammer (Acts 2-3):

1. Gloves - Quest - "Everything that Left" (Killer Laughte) (Act 2)

2. Boots - Quest - Family Business (Chest in the estate Bartartrance) (Act 2)

3. Bib - at the merchant Olaf in the Upper City (Act 3)

4. Helmet - Quest - "Following Coon" (along the path to location, the port will automatically transfer to an additional location, where the helmet is taken from one of the corpses) (Act 3)

Band sets for different classes

Band sets for different classes


Band sets for different classes

Band sets for different classes

Armor Last descent (Act 1-2)

1. Helmet - agate, armor 46, 2% The likelihood of a critical strike, 5% of critical damage - a white-bodied leader of blood magicians, the quest about the missing temples. Removed from her corpse.

2. Gloves - armor 28, 1% chance of a critical impact - a cave on a split grief, the quest "Long Way home" with Merril and Amulet. From the corpse of the rod.

3. Bib - armor 116, 5% probability of critical strike, 13% critical damage - in the dragon on the deep path in the second location.

4. Boots - armor 42, 2% chance of a critical strike, 5% critical damage - catacombs under the lower city, task with a kunary magician. Chest at the place of fight with gangsters.

Bonus for the kit: +1 to agility and +10 endurance / mana

Band sets for different classes

Band sets for different classes

Enasalina armor (Perfect in 2 act)

1. Helm of Enasalina - Quest - "Following Kun" (Act 2).

2. Enasalin Gloves - Quest - "Everything that Left" (Chest in the Murderer Log) (Act 2).

3. Enasalin Armor - Quest - "Find and Lose" (a guard in the Hangbalist in Quest to find and lose again, if there is no Avelin in the group) (Act 2)

4. Enasalin Boots - Quest - "Family Business" Chest in Quest Family (Act 2).

Band sets for different classes

Band sets for different classes


Band sets for different classes

Band sets for different classes

Armor spiral eye (Act 1):

1. Gloves - Cave on the split grief, the quest "Long Way home" with Merril and Amulet. From the corpse of the rod.

2. Boots - catacombs under the lower city, the task with the Kunariy magician. Chest at the place of fight with gangsters.

3. Hood - Beloguby Lider Magic Blood, Quest about the missing temples. Removed from her corpse.

4. Mantle - in the dragon on the deep paths in the second lobe.

Bonus for the kit: +1 Magic, +20 mana / endurance.

Band sets for different classes

Band sets for different classes

Armor of the warden (Act 2-3):

1. Gloves - 2 acts, chest, murderer lair (everything that remains)

2. Boots - 2 Act, Barrantnd Mansion, Chest (Family Business)

3. Torso - 3 Act, Moginal Mountain (New Way)

4. Hood - 2 act, winding alley, on the corpse of the leader of the robbers (following kun)

Bonus set 2 magic, 3% protection

Band sets for different classes

Band sets for different classes