Stalker spatial anomaly update 4 find the cartridge case. Spatial anomaly - quest Sequence of events. Where can I find Gilza? Download video and cut mp3 - we make it easy

Introductory Video

Chapter 1: No Exit

Important! All helpful information, associated with quests, is located after the text description of the passage on it.
1. After the introductory video we see an unknown person in a cloak, we wake up.
2. We talk with Lyuty, find out what happened to us, receive a signal for help, go together with Mosquito to Rezak to destroy the zombies.
3. We clear the territory of zombies, we find a piece of paper from one of the zombies and read it.
4. We go with Mosquito to the base.
5. We tell Lyuty about the zombies, the controller appears, we kill him, we talk about the controller with Lyuty.
6. From the dialogue we learn that we have already met with the controller before, so he managed to almost take everyone except us under control, on Lyuty’s advice we go to bed.
7. Having woken up, we hear the sound of blades, we go to the clearing, we see a helicopter that falls after a while, we go to the crash site.
8. We approach the crash site, find Sergeant Oleynik, give him a first aid kit, and take him to the camp. After talking with the soldier, we go to Fierce.
9. After the conversation, we go to Dubolom, we find out that we have already met him before, we go to kill wild boars in order to prepare food for ourselves from their meat. We kill the boar, cut off the meat, cook it over the fire, and take the piece to Oakhead.
10. We approach the Snake, after talking with him, we agree to help him, accompany him while searching for an anomalous plant for purifying water. We return to the base, if the water runs out, we turn to him.
11. We go up to Rezak to thank him for saving us, ask about the place where he found us, and go there to check everything again. After the search, we go talk to Lyuty, as agreed.
12. After talking with Lyuty, we receive a task to search for the Carrion.
13. We talk with the guys from the camp, we receive tasks (images with the locations of objects below): Mosquito asks to find cartridges for the SVD, Sledgehammer needs to find fuel for the generator, Marcus asks to find the artifact Vyvert. Coming out of the camp, we hear the thoughts of the main character, talking about teleports with which you can find the Carrion.

Carrion Swag

14. We find the teleport we need at the edge of the location, next to the tank

15. We find the corpse of the Carrion, read the entries in his PDA, find his hiding place, and exit using the teleport.

16. We tell him about the information read from the PDA, we receive tasks to search for the Carrion swag and the decoder. We go to Dubolom and the military man.
17. The military man asks to find two coils of wire and a battery for the transmitter, and Woodbreaker asks for help in killing the chimera, we wait until 2 am.
18. We hand over items at extra cost. quests.
19. We go to the bunker at 2 o’clock in the morning together with Dubolom, kill the chimera, return to the base, talk to him, go to Marcus.
Attention! If an artifact for Marcus has not been found up to this point, the quest will fail.
20. We talk with Marcus, we receive a task to search for the missing person - Gilza.
21. We find the Carrion's hiding place, return to Fierce, wait for Screw to be able to break into the container box.
22. In the basement in the center of the location we find the ghost Sleeper, take and read the note, drink vodka from the table.
23. We find ourselves in the basement, reach the end, a zombified Gilza appears, kill him, take the token, talk with the Hermit, return to Marcus.
24. After talking with Marcus, we receive an SOS message, we go to the place.
25. We talk with Murad, bring him to the camp.
26. Let's go find out what's in the Carrion container box, select what you need, go to Fierce.
27. We talk with Lyuty, go to Murad for details, get a battery from him, go to Markus.

Copper wire for Oleinik

28. Before this, we collect two skeins copper wire and hand over everything, wait for a message from the military, and in the meantime we talk with Marcus.

29. We go with the Serpent and the Sledgehammer to kill the flesh, then we return to Marcus, he is not there, we go to ask Lyuty for information. At the same time, we question the military man about the radio transmitter.
30. After talking with Lyuty, we run to the last place of Marcus’s PDA signal. We lose consciousness.
31. We find ourselves in some cave next to Marcus, we meet Stronglove.


32. There are two options: either we sit quietly until Stronglove disappears, and then we calmly leave the hole, or we shoot at him, after which two bloodsuckers appear, kill them and also leave the hole, there is no difference in the future. To get out of the hole, you need to find a decoder device in the cache.

33. Coming out of the hole, we meet the Obscurantist, this is where the first chapter ends, the memories begin.

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Old-timers of "Stalker" have long known about the wonderful mod " Spatial anomaly"(update 4), which you can download on this page. When completing the modification for the first time, the player may have difficulty finding some quest items and characters, because new, hitherto unknown quests and locations have been added to the mod. Let's try to highlight the most difficult moments when completing this wonderful mod.

Question. Where to look for the artefact?
Answer. The twist lies in the anomaly near the tank, near the fence.

Question. I can't find Rezak's radio station!
Answer. Don’t worry and move forward in the story, you will receive a radio station as you progress.

Question. Cartridges for sniper rifle Where to look for SVD?
Answer. UAZ cars are scattered along the road. Look for rifle cartridges on the floor in one of the UAZs.

Question. I can’t find the stalker named Carrion Man?
Answer. Carefully look for the teleport anomaly near the tank, you need to jump into it. The anomaly is located just between the large and small trees.

Question. I've searched everything, but I can't find the Carrion's swag!
Answer. See screenshot. You need to go in the direction of the feet of the Carrion corpse, there is a bag in the grass.

Question. How to get out of Stronglove's lair?
Answer. Look for the bag behind the tap, there is a decoder there.

Question. Where does the stalker named Gilza live?
Answer. He sits in the basement at night, come there late at night.

Question. How to feed Blockhead, how to prepare food for him?
Answer. We shoot wild boars. We approach the corpses, the inscription “Cut off the meat” appears (but not always!). Then we go to the fire and cook the meat.

Question. Where can I find a notebook for the Zohan quest?
Answer. Look for the notebook under the tree near the fire.

Question. Where are the tools for rough work?
Answer. We are looking for tools at Cordon, in the house where we rescued Fox in original game"The shadow of Chernobyl".

Question. How to find tools for fine work?
Answer. Near the tunnel in dark valley, on top of one of the drawers are tools.

Question. Where can I find calibration tools?
Answer. They can be found on the roof of a diesel locomotive that has derailed.

Question. Where to look for evidence at the factory?
Answer. We look at the workbench-table, which is rotated 90 degrees. Screenshot to help.

Question. Where does the stalker Lefty live?
Answer. We are looking for him at the metallurgical plant in the furthest workshop.

Question. I want to find both Whirlwind machine guns!
Answer. We talk with all the stalkers at the base who have a dialogue about machine guns. Then we approach the cage with the imprisoned bandit and communicate with him.

Question. How to find the entrance to the X-7 laboratory?
Answer. There is a sealed hatch near a large pile of garbage.

Question. Where is the exit from laboratory X-7?
Answer. We communicate with Lyuty, and then jump into the large hole in the concrete floor.

Video from complete passage fashion “Spatial anomaly” see here: