How to identify anomalous zones. “Spatial anomaly” - walkthrough Game stalker you need to find a spatial anomaly

(nuclear power plants, underground communications - mines; landfills, underground communications, cemeteries);
- in the places of his residence (due to conflicts, as well as due to various objects that make changes to the energy structure of the room - paintings, figurines, etc.);
- in places where UFOs and other unknown objects impact the surface.
These anomalous zones harmful to a person’s mental and physical health. It’s not for nothing that people consider them “lost” places. But they also have another, downside: in anomalous zones, poltergeist phenomena and interactions with UFOs occur several times more often than in ordinary places; also, these places, according to parapsychologists, are a portal to Parallel Worlds.

Although the anomalous zones are still unknown to science, it has been noted that the zones are located near groundwater (they create a circular movement of energy) or river bends. The presence of powerful geopathogenic bands in such a place was also noted. In addition, anomalous zones are located in places of stone outcrops and faults.

When studying anomalous zones, the accumulated information and intuition of the researcher are of no small importance. Conclusions about the nature of the zone can be made during measurements of energy fields, according to appearance terrain, animal behavior, vegetation. Once the overall picture is obtained from these signs, it will be possible to draw conclusions. Having sufficient experience in studying anomalous zones, you can get an idea of ​​the zone already when approaching it. And also to identify the nature of the zone, or at least its influence on humans and the danger when visiting this place.

Therefore, a separate warning for those who are accustomed to acting immediately: visiting anomalous zones is unsafe for the physical health, mental health, and even for the life of the researcher. Abnormal zones have a strong, usually negative impact on human energy structures. When taking measurements of a person’s energy fields before and after visiting a zone and after, they showed the following: after visiting such a zone, a person’s energy has a “ragged structure.” In addition, if the usual human biofield has an egg-shaped shape, only slightly flattened on the sides, then after visiting the anomalous zone, the integrity of the cocoon is destroyed, and in some cases it may not be visible at all. All this is fraught with health problems. As a result, it is necessary for the researcher to keep his energy structures in a balanced and harmonious state, for which he needs to perform special exercises (for example, techniques for the chakras).

There are many signs of the presence of an anomalous zone. Here are some of them:
- when carrying out biomeasurements, the pendulum or dowsing frame behaves strangely;
- the gaze involuntarily clings to specific area, is attracted to her;
- absence of all kinds of living creatures in local places;
- strange-looking vegetation that differs in some way from that located nearby;
- inappropriate behavior of animals;
- various kinds of sounds, the appearance of which defies logical explanation;
- emerging pictures and visions;
- presence of strange objects;
- unusual sensations in the body and psyche while in the zone.

Comment from AngryClown

Video posted: shows the location of the anomaly. My UI wouldn't show that yellow orb that you see in the video, but didn"t stop me from being able to run to that exact location and bang out the quest in two seconds.

Simply follow the ramp up out of the horde area, and hug the right wall, past the stairs that lead up to the alliance area (don"t go up it). Maybe 20 yards past the stairs along the wall is where you"ll find it.

Comment from zazz999

For those who are having trouble finding the Anomaly for various reasons.
Go to 63, 26 in the mine and you should complete the quest.

Comment from jtbalogh

I found the orb at a different spot than my friend on the same quest and same day.
For example, see,

55, 26 (end of tracks in middle of the room)
or 63, 26 (against the wall)
or 58, 27.4 (another wall)
or 62.7, 21.6 (between tracks and stairs)

Follow the meter in case the coordinates change next time.
- The orb only appeared when the meter was 97% (mouse over the meter to see%)
- The orb takes a second to appear, so do not run too fast past it.
- The orb is on the same level as the spiritbound mobs in the Ruins of Ogudei area.

Comment from bratmonkey

for those of you who are wondering what the "tracking device" is that you are supposed to use: it is automatic. there isn't an item in your bag that you have to "use". simply walk to the area where the indicator says you are at 100% and it will automatically give you credit for completing the quest.

Comment from Chiengmai

I just wanted to add that I did this quest today in the anomaly was on the opposite side. It was in the same location in the tunnel but on the other side.

Comment from tacgnol

Quest name is likely a reference to an old Something Awful meme.

Comment from Thair

You don"t need any special addons or coords for this quest, just run in the part of the cave where the daily quest mobs are located and look at your meter (the orb-looking thinguie in the middle of the screen). If it"s getting bigger, you"re going in the right direction. Just keep running until it's full and it will complete the quest.

Introductory Video

Chapter 1: No Exit

Important! All helpful information, associated with quests, is located after the text description of the passage on it.
1. After the introductory video we see an unknown person in a cloak, we wake up.
2. We talk with Lyuty, find out what happened to us, receive a signal for help, go together with Mosquito to Rezak to destroy the zombies.
3. We clear the territory of zombies, we find a piece of paper from one of the zombies and read it.
4. We go with Mosquito to the base.
5. We tell Lyuty about the zombies, the controller appears, we kill him, we talk about the controller with Lyuty.
6. From the dialogue we learn that we have already met with the controller before, so he managed to almost take everyone except us under control, on Lyuty’s advice we go to bed.
7. Having woken up, we hear the sound of blades, we go to the clearing, we see a helicopter that falls after a while, we go to the crash site.
8. We approach the crash site, find Sergeant Oleynik, give him a first aid kit, and take him to the camp. After talking with the soldier, we go to Fierce.
9. After the conversation, we go to Dubolom, we find out that we have already met him before, we go to kill wild boars in order to prepare food for ourselves from their meat. We kill the boar, cut off the meat, cook it over the fire, and take the piece to Oakhead.
10. We approach the Snake, after talking with him, we agree to help him, accompany him while searching for an anomalous plant for purifying water. We return to the base, if the water runs out, we turn to him.
11. We go up to Rezak to thank him for saving us, ask about the place where he found us, and go there to check everything again. After the search, we go talk to Lyuty, as agreed.
12. After talking with Lyuty, we receive a task to search for the Carrion.
13. We talk with the guys from the camp, we receive tasks (images with the locations of objects below): Mosquito asks to find cartridges for the SVD, Sledgehammer needs to find fuel for the generator, Marcus asks to find the artifact Vyvert. Coming out of the camp, we hear the thoughts of the main character, talking about teleports with which you can find the Carrion.

Carrion Swag

14. We find the teleport we need at the edge of the location, next to the tank

15. We find the corpse of the Carrion, read the entries in his PDA, find his hiding place, and exit using the teleport.

16. We tell him about the information read from the PDA, we receive tasks to search for the Carrion swag and the decoder. We go to Dubolom and the military man.
17. The military man asks to find two coils of wire and a battery for the transmitter, and Woodbreaker asks for help in killing the chimera, we wait until 2 am.
18. We hand over items at extra cost. quests.
19. We go to the bunker at 2 o’clock in the morning together with Dubolom, kill the chimera, return to the base, talk to him, go to Marcus.
Attention! If an artifact for Marcus has not been found up to this point, the quest will fail.
20. We talk with Marcus, we receive a task to search for the missing person - Gilza.
21. We find the Carrion's hiding place, return to Fierce, wait for Screw to be able to break into the container box.
22. In the basement in the center of the location we find the ghost Sleeper, take and read the note, drink vodka from the table.
23. We find ourselves in the basement, reach the end, a zombified Gilza appears, kill him, take the token, talk with the Hermit, return to Marcus.
24. After talking with Marcus, we receive an SOS message, we go to the place.
25. We talk with Murad, bring him to the camp.
26. Let's go find out what's in the Carrion container box, select what you need, go to Fierce.
27. We talk with Lyuty, go to Murad for details, get a battery from him, go to Markus.

Copper wire for Oleinik

28. Before this, we collect two skeins copper wire and hand over everything, wait for a message from the military, and in the meantime we talk with Marcus.

29. We go with the Serpent and the Sledgehammer to kill the flesh, then we return to Marcus, he is not there, we go to ask Lyuty for information. At the same time, we question the military man about the radio transmitter.
30. After talking with Lyuty, we run to the last place of Marcus’s PDA signal. We lose consciousness.
31. We find ourselves in some cave next to Marcus, we meet Stronglove.


32. There are two options: either we sit quietly until Stronglove disappears, and then we calmly leave the hole, or we shoot at him, after which two bloodsuckers appear, kill them and also leave the hole, there is no difference in the future. To get out of the hole, you need to find a decoder device in the cache.

33. Coming out of the hole, we meet the Obscurantist, this is where the first chapter ends, the memories begin.

Everything you need to know about mining and crafting in Andromeda, plus where to find certain materials.

IN Mass Effect Andromeda There are a lot of shootouts, but there is still time for exploration. This will allow you to create new armor, weapons, modifications, upgrades for " Nomad" and much more.

Three types of research

IN Mass Effect Andromeda The research data is divided into three categories:

  • Milky Way Research– data related to colonists and their equipment
  • Hylius Research– data relating to races found in Andromeda
  • Relic Research– data related to ancient abandoned technology

How to scan in Mass Effect Andromeda?

It's very simple. Activate your scanner by clicking on . An object or life form turns orange if it can be scanned.

When you scan a new life form or technology, you will receive research data for one of the categories, which can then be used to purchase blueprints.

Blueprinting and Crafting in Mass Effect Andromeda

Approach the research center, which you can find on a ship or a friendly location and select " Study" Here you can see which blueprints you have access to and which you can buy. Most items have levels, so you will only gain access to the next level once you have already crafted a lower level item.

After the drawing appears, go to " Development» to create weapons, armor and upgrade your vehicle, if you have the necessary materials for this. Sometimes rare ingredients may be required.

If you have modification blueprints, you can apply them to crafted items to add an upgrade.

Mining materials

IN Mass Effect Andromeda There is various ways production Mineral rocks are the easiest to mine and can be collected using Ryder's omni-tool.

The production zones are much richer, but require the presence of " Nomad" When you install a forward station, all mining zones appear on general map. Go there by car, turn on the search and follow the schedule. The longer the schedule before the mining drone appears, the more resources you will receive.

Orbital and system scanning

Using Galactic map In System/Orbit mode, you will often receive anomaly alerts from Suvi. After this, you must press / to turn on the scanner, then follow the arrow on the screen to find the anomaly. Once you have found an anomaly, press / to launch the probe. Usually there may be minerals or research data.

). Like an outlier, a “new object” is an object that differs in its properties from the objects of the (training) sample. But unlike an outlier, it is not yet in the sample itself (it will appear after some time, and the task is precisely to detect it when it appears). For example, if you analyze temperature measurements and discard abnormally large or small ones, then you are fighting outliers. And if you create an algorithm that, for each new measurement, evaluates how similar it is to the previous ones and throws out the anomalous ones, you are “fighting novelty.”

Emissions result from:

  • errors in data (measurement inaccuracies, rounding, incorrect recording, etc.)
  • presence of noise objects (incorrectly classified objects)
  • presence of objects from “other” samples (for example, readings from a broken sensor).
Rice. 1. Model problem with two features

In Fig. 1 shows that noise is an outlier “in the weak sense” (it can slightly blur the class/cluster boundaries). We are primarily interested in outliers “in the strong sense” that distort these boundaries.

Novelty, as a rule, appears as a result of a fundamentally new behavior of an object. Let’s say, if our objects are descriptions of the operation of the system, then after a virus penetrates into it, the objects become “novelty”. Another example is descriptions of engine operation after a breakdown. It is important to understand here that “newness” is called novelty for the reason that such descriptions are completely new to us, and they are new because we cannot have information about all kinds of virus infections or all kinds of breakdowns in the training set. Forming such a training sample is labor-intensive and often makes no sense. But you can collect a fairly large sample of examples of normal (standard) operation of a system or mechanism.

There are a lot of applications here:

  • Detection of suspicious banking operations(Credit card fraud)
  • Intrusion Detection
  • Detection of non-standard players on the exchange (insiders)
  • Detection of malfunctions in mechanisms based on sensor readings
  • Medical Diagnostics
  • Seismology

It is worth noting that there are also many possible formulations of problems here. For example, the Positive-Unlabeled Classificatio n (PU learning) task is when some of the outliers are designated (class 1), but the rest of the learning objects (class 0) may also contain outliers. For example, an expert told us that the equipment malfunctioned at certain points in time, but he could not notice all the failures.

Even when anomaly detection problems are similar to ordinary classification problems, there are features, say, class imbalance (e.g., hardware failures are relatively rare).

Anomalies occur not only in tabular data, they can be in graphs, time series, etc.

Rice. 2. Example of outliers in a time series.
Rice. 3. Example of outliers in graphs and sequences.

The quality functionalities used in anomaly detection tasks are approximately the same as in classification tasks: PR AUC, AUROC, here everything is determined by the context of the task (customer).

Outlier detection methods

1. Statistical tests

As a rule, they are used for individual characteristics and catch extreme values ​​(Extreme-Value Analysis). To do this, use, for example, Z-value or Kurtosis measure.

Rice. 4. Example of emissions.

Every practitioner has his own proven method of finding extreme values ​​for certain types of data. Many visualization methods, such as the whisker box, have built-in facilities for detecting and displaying such extreme values.

It is important to understand that extreme value and anomaly are different concepts. For example, in a small sample

Rice. 5. Example of outliers in a problem with two features.

2. Model tests

The idea is very simple - we build a model that describes the data. Points that strongly deviate from the model (at which the model is greatly mistaken) are anomalies (see Fig. 2). When choosing a model, we can take into account the nature of the problem, quality functionality, etc.

Such methods are good for determining novelty, but work less well when looking for outliers. Indeed, when setting up the model, we use data that contains outliers (and the model is “tailored” to them).

Rice. 6. Using SVD to find outliers in a matrix

In Fig. Figure 6 shows the application of the model approach. We have a matrix and need to find outliers in it. We use incomplete singular value decomposition (SVD) to find a low-rank matrix as similar to ours as possible (all numbers are rounded for clarity). Elements that are very different from the corresponding elements of the matrix of small rank will be considered outliers.

3. Iterative methods

Methods that consist of iterations, at each of which a group of “particularly suspicious objects” is removed. For example, in an n-dimensional feature space, we can remove the convex hull of our object points, considering its representatives to be outliers. As a rule, the methods of this group are quite labor-intensive.

Rice. 7. Convex hulls of a set of points.

4. Metric methods

Judging by the number of publications, these are the most popular methods among researchers. They postulate the existence of some metric in the space of objects, which helps to find anomalies. It is intuitively clear that an outlier has few neighbors, while a typical point has many. Therefore, a good measure of anomaly can be, for example, “distance to the kth neighbor” (see the Local Outlier Factor method). Specific metrics are used here, such as the Mahalonobis distance.

Rice. 8. Neighbors of several sample elements, connection with 5m shown in red

5. Methods of task substitution

When a new problem arises, there is a great temptation to solve it using old methods (focused on already known problems). For example, you can do clustering, then small clusters are most likely composed of anomalies. If we have partial information about anomalies (as in the PUC problem), then we can solve it as a classification problem with classes 1 (labeled anomalies) and 0 (all other objects). If class 0 consisted only of normal objects, then such a solution would be completely legal, otherwise we can only hope that there are few undetected anomalies in it.

Rice. 9. Example of clustering into a small (red) and large (blue) cluster.

6. Machine learning methods

What if we think of the problem of finding anomalies as a new machine learning problem (different from classification and clustering)?!

The most popular algorithms (there is even an implementation in scikit-learn) are here:

  • One Class Support Vector Machine (OneClassSVM)
  • Isolation Forest
  • Ellipsoidal data approximation (EllipticEnvelope)

Rice. 10. Visualization of the work of different anomaly search algorithms.
  • kernel– kernel (linear: linear, polynomial: poly, radial basis functions: rbf, sigmoid: sigmoid, custom)
  • nu– upper bound on % errors and lower bound on % support vectors (0.5 by default)
  • degree– degree for the polynomial kernel
  • gamma– coefficient for kernel function (1/n_features by default)
  • coef0– parameter in the polynomial or sigmoid kernel function
  • n_estimators– number of trees
  • max_samples– sample size for constructing one tree (if a real number, then the percentage of the entire sample)
  • contamination– proportion of outliers in the sample (for choosing a threshold)
  • max_features– the number (or %) of features that are used when constructing one tree (currently only works with the value 1.0)
  • bootstrap– enable bootstrap mode when forming a subsample

7. Ensembles of algorithms

The idea of ​​“one algorithm is good, but a hundred is better” has also penetrated into methods for solving anomaly detection problems; therefore, many different algorithms are often built. Each of them gives an assessment of the anomaly and these assessments are then “averaged”.

Since the key point in real anomaly detection problems is the selection of features that characterize certain deviations from the norm, ensemble algorithms are built trying to guess good spaces. Popular here:

  • Feature Bagging(not a very good name) – for each algorithm a random feature subspace is taken,
  • Rotated Bagging– a random rotation is performed in the selected random feature subspace.

By the way, here “averaging” does not necessarily mean the arithmetic mean of all estimates; it is intuitively clear that the maximum can often work (if some algorithm is confident that an object is anomalous, then most likely it is).

Case study

In anomaly search tasks, it is important to understand how search algorithms work and explain this to the customer. For example, the last time the author was involved in solving a similar problem, the customer wanted a tool for detecting breakdowns, but due to the nature of the model, the result was an algorithm for detecting “improper functioning of equipment,” i.e. it gave a signal not only in case of breakdowns, but also in case of incorrect operation of the device, as well as when operating in very rare modes. He still missed some breakdowns (very frequent), because... “They have already become the norm for the device.” It is clear that if there was a large marked sample, such problems would not arise, but in practice the equipment does not work for so long, breakdowns are also few (and not all possible ones happen), and some breakdowns may not have been noticed or noticed late. In addition, some breakdowns do not affect the sensor readings in any way. Initially, the customer was very upset by the quality, but when they explained to him how the algorithm works, the customer checked the test data and became convinced that the algorithm is very useful, even if it does not find any faults: it can be used as a verifier of “whether the device is working normally” , and this is the most important thing.

P.S. The code for obtaining Fig. 10 can be taken.