Games for girls Barbie fashion designer. Barbie designer: dream house. Barbie changes the interior

Agree that the life of movie spies and action movies is a continuous series of exciting and breathtaking adventures. But think about it, they always need to rely on their own brains and skills. Live in their shoes. Challenge yourself, find a way out of a difficult situation. This is real with our game from the category, which will give you the opportunity to break away from problematic reality.

As you know, new products in the field of mini games always attract attention, especially if this new product is a mini game from a famous developer. , which can be downloaded and installed for free in the section, - this is exactly the case! Now you simply will never be bored, because this casual game will fill all the pauses that arise between tasks.

Russian version.
Together with Barbie, you will take a journey into the world of high fashion and take part in the most prestigious event among fashion designers - Paris Fashion Week! By collaborating with three design studios and successfully completing all assignments, you can make a brilliant career in the fashion world. Create new series stylish clothes, work with top models, design the appearance of the stage to display new collections, use your rich imagination and organize the most stylish and fashionable show in the world!

Game Features:
- Create the most stylish and fashionable collection of clothes!
- Choose fabric for new dresses and make them unique by adding various accessories.
- Prepare Barbie, Teresa, Christy, Lee and Kayla to participate in the collection show.
- Complete all 10 challenges and gain access to new fabrics, colors, music and more!

System requirements:
- OS: Windows 98/Me/2000/XP
- Processor with a frequency of 400 MHz
- Video card with 16 MB RAM
- 128 MB RAM
- DirectX 9.0

File size: 110 MB
Game language: Russian
Game version: install and play without restrictions

An exciting online game for girls, “Home Design for Barbie,” will help you master a new profession as an interior designer.

Barbie changes the interior

Our barbie doll She’s used to being the center of attention, everything in her life is perfect, her figure, makeup, hairstyle, clothes, but in addition to this external ideality, she manages to keep her house in order. In this free flash game, Barbie decided to change the interior of her house and try to master the profession of an interior designer. Let's help this fragile beauty?! We have to design a doll's house.

Do not forget about the harmony of the color of the furniture with the wallpaper, floor, ceiling, curtains. IN online game"House Design for Barbie" features four floors, which will include an empty living room, bathroom, kitchen, bedroom, wardrobe and living attic. For each room you should choose beautiful furniture, curtains and accessories that complement the interior design.

The game starts with a simple play button. We control using the mouse. So, in front of you is an empty house with four floors, and in the upper left corner of the screen there is a circle with two arrows on the sides. The circle shows interior items; by clicking on the arrows, select the interior item that suits you. And by clicking on the left mouse button, drag things to the floor you need.

Description of flash game

Barbie designer: dream house

Barbie Dreamhouse Designer

Barbie has been looking for herself for a long time new house, but all searches were marred by failure. And finally, the girl decided to purchase a small plot of land and build a dream house for herself in the online game “Barbie Designer: Dream House.” But the process of building a house is not a quick and difficult task, so let's help her in this matter. In the game you have to go through three stages, which will begin from construction to decorating the house. The first stage will be preparing the site for construction. Clear the ground of weeds, sort the garbage into the correct bins, and remove all bushes and other objects from the site.

For all actions you only need a mouse. After this, we move on to the construction stage, where we will build a house. Lay the foundation and then start building the house brick by brick, prepare the cement mixture and finally cut out openings for windows and doors. And when all the basics are done, all that remains is to give the appearance of the facade. This is perhaps the most enjoyable part of the Barbie Designer: Dream House game. You will see different styles of decorating areas of the house, starting from the facade, ending with plants and pets. Choose the style you like and enjoy the result!