Mad King Gift Code. Daily adventures in the zbt Mad King. Cheats for Mad King

Mad king browser Madrith will complete the player in the crazy vortex events and adventure. Official online to the rules of the Rules of the Monkey King, unrestrained in his anger and rage. The king was hit by the rustic temple for the long age, the task of the main characters is to discover the dungeon of the Lord. Chief trump card inhabitants gaming Mira - a tendency to the magic elements. It is thanks to her, brave players will be able to make friends, or even subordinate to themselves of light and darkness.

Registration in the game

To get in amazing world Mad King can be using a profile in VC, Facebook or OK. Inno Path - registration on the official website of the game, by entering the email address and a freshly invented password.


Mad King - Colorful World

The game has already drawn a dozen servers, so that we boldly poke into any of them and go ahead to adventure! The first thing that rushes into the eyes - the character never sits in place, he constantly communicates with the inhabitants, fights with hordes of monsters and gives pinks under the ass bosses. Some of them, such as the same monkey king, being defeated, gives the player the right to use its strength in critical situations. That's cool!

Mad King game Mechanics Enables combat system in real time.

It means that the main character It will fight often, a lot and hot. And it's all without loading individual pictures with a battlefield, everything happens here and now. The character is endowed with 6 combat techniques, which in a lightning combination it uses. In case of big trouble, the user tales the letter button and causes the totem one of the defeated super-heroes.

It is also worth mentioning that the players are available to constantly improve the weapon, to flex a star to the equipment, pumping the characteristics of the character, taming pets and much more.

Advantages / Disadvantages

Dignity - 100% player employment character and game process, decent chart and animation in the browser.

disadvantages - Sometimes the player does not quite understand what the leap is happening around him, however, even more fun.

System requirements

Mad King system requirements are very democratic, the game is a browser, so, in addition to him, only the Internet and free time will be required!


Mad King project with a very pleasant drawing and energetic gameplay, mixed on the alloys of the eastern legends and fantasy world. As they say, and the eye is nice and the hands have something to feel!

Mad King is a browser role-playing MMO, which is radically different from his fellow. You will find modern graphics, extraordinary characters, memorable data and epic battles. Are you ready to immerse yourself in bloody battles and prove your superiority to other gamers? Then register and in battle. Thanks to interesting learning, even a newcomer will not be difficult to master the gameplay.


In the game you will find three unique classes. You can reincarnate in:

1) punisher - a merciless warrior fighting on the front line;
2) Siren - a pretty blonde specializing in spells;
3) Guardian - a bulletproof tank capable of restraining the onslaught of enemies.

Screenshots for the game Mad King

The main character plays a key role in the victory. Depending on the selected strategy, you can put everything on the attack and enlist the support of DD or balance the team by versatile characters. Traveling around the world, look into the taverns, there you can easily find new combat comrades. Well, while you collect the perfect team, enjoy elegant graphics, mountains, fiery rivers, underwater palaces and other memorable locations. In addition, you will meet monsters, go to search for treasures, head your friends, you will play a wedding, buy a house, etc.


Moved by A. scene line And raising the level, you will be in new lands. In total, you will be waiting for 18 zones, gloomy dungeons, meetings with bosses, siege, etc. ready to fight in the arena, improve the equipment, strengthen the skills, unite with other gamers and capture new territories? To attract new gamers to the game, the developers added steep champs. They not only increase the speed of movement, but also strengthen the command. And also change appearance The character will help you wings, trendy suites and accessories.

Official Mad King Games

Mad King you have to do tasks, collect things, train pets, buy wings and get legendary armor. To increase chances of winning, you will also have to find various artifacts, amulets and precious shields. In addition, you must enlist the support of 12 signs of the zodiac and find invincible generals. Their experience is invaluable if you plan to get out in the top. As for pumping things, you will need special materials produced in the dance. After customization, the armor will become stronger, and the sword will begin to apply much more damage.

In order for you to become the strongest warrior, which is able to easily deal with either or what opponent, you will need the strength quite a lot. Here everyone can get in their own hands and wealth of the new world and glory. But for this you will need knowledge of play secrets and nuances. Our knowledge base Help you do passage Mad. King. as successful as possible.

Travel notes


Endurance consumption occurs during a call in travel notes. The scale provides 150 units of endurance, which accumulate 10 units per 1 hour. It is also possible to replenish endurance with capsules that are small, medium and large (20/40/80). Also, endurance can be acquired for gold: 10 gold can be purchased for 10 gold.

Where to take the spirit to increase the starry of the generals

This material can be obtained for killing generals in the hidden level of "travel notes". Just do this in the early stages of passage, it is not advocated, because for one battle you will need 20 endurance units. For example, to increase one star, General Nathan requires 30 units of its spirits, that is, it will be necessary in the hidden level to kill it 30 times, and for it it is necessary to spend 600 units. endurance, which will be restored after 60 hours. The same amount of endurance makes it possible to pump the skills of another general for three.

Chin and Exercise Glasses

For almost every event you get training glasses, but why are they needed? You can't spend them. You can only use to enhance the rank of your character. Their quantity you can view in the appropriate tab, as well as in the Arena window.

Event "Wild Horses"

The passage of this event does not cause special difficulties. To do this, you will need no more than five minutes. Remuneration in this IVENT is not significantly, but nice.

To start the event, you need at a certain period of time, which is indicated. Open the "Hall of Events" tab, located in the upper right corner of the screen, and click the "Participate" button. After that, you find yourself on the territory of the event. Three tasks are provided, the execution of which brings different rewards.

  1. Tame white horses. To tame a horse, you need to click on it and wait until your character awakes it. Then a specific scale appears in front of you, as in the picture above. To ensure that the taching has passed successfully, you need to click on time three times while the band is completed above the "victory / defeat" feature.
  2. Stringing horses. Performing this task is identical to the previous one.
  3. Kill a groom. NPC "Klow" is almost constantly when entering the location (entering the location, turn to the right and go up a few steps). Of difficulties and problems with his murder often does not occur.

Guide on the Ivent "Walking Fraction"

The beginning of this event falls at 15:00 hours on Moscow time. The duration of the event is 15 minutes. Essence of the event: three carts are provided (for each fraction one). The task of each fraction is to protect your wagon, but it is also necessary to destroy the carts of opponents. Also, additional individual tasks are also provided, the execution of which brings additional remuneration.

You get a reward in the form of silver even for damage to the rival wagon. Everything is simple here. Often, fractions are sent to the destruction of enemy carriage and leave their own without protection.

If, when reaching the 210th level, your HP is not particularly durable, then it is best to attack and destroy the carts of opponents from afar, after all, approaching the enemy closely, you risk that the participants of other fractions are soles. And this you do not need at all, because time is the damage, and, accordingly, obtaining silver.

Event "Siege"

The beginning of this event at 23:00 Moscow time. Duration: 30 minutes. Not every day is held. To participate, as usual, click the "Participate" button and move to the IVENT location. Purpose: seizure of opponents flags and their own protection. In total, six flags are provided on the map (2 for each fraction), they are marked with red dots.

The place of the respe is located in the center of the map. Each second ownership flag brings a 400 silver team (1 - 400, 2 - 800 and so on). To prevent lags during an event, it is better to hide other participants in the faction and generals with effects. Then your task is to attack the opponent's flag, for its subsequent grip, that is, it must be destroyed.

What a weapon will be used: onion or saber depends on your hp. There can be a variety of situations here, but often tactics in this IVENT is given by the leader of the faction or officers, so you also need to closely monitor the fraction's chat.


The start time of this event falls at 20:00 Moscow time. Its duration is 15 minutes. Held daily. This event is of great importance both for you and for your faction as a whole. Here you get a very useful remuneration (shown in the picture above).

The essence of the event: 13 bosses appear in turn, to the appearance of each next leads the killing of the previous one. Award that is shown above is issued with each boss murder. Passage Simple: Target on the boss, selection of weapons (sabers), applying joint strikes. If your character begins to lose your health, you can simply go beyond the back of the boss and continue to strike.

In no case should not run away from the boss if he agrees on your character. After all, at a time when you run, and the boss is yours, then other team members will get to apply it much less damage. The consequence of this will be the loss of precious time and your team will be able to destroy the smaller bosses. In this IVEnt, each second is of great importance.

Passage "Fight for Printing"

The beginning of this event at 20:30 per Moscow time. Duration - 30 minutes. Not every day is held. Click on the "Participate" button and transfer to the Iven Location. Here you are opening a card consisting of three platforms, each of them contains a point for the resion of one fraction. Objective: Facial faction must be captured in the center of print and hold it 15 minutes to win. If this failed to make any of the opposing parties, then the victory is awarded that fraction, which turned out to be totaling the seal longer in time.

Tactic here is quite simple: immediately run into the center of the map to the print. If you are not the owner of a special survival, then it is worth choosing onions on bow. Otherwise, you will not even touch you before printing, you will quickly solve you. Therefore, such heroism should be left to the tops or simply live characters. It is better for you to find a convenient position for stocks and slowly merge opponents who are trying to capture the seal.

If the enemy managed to capture the seal, then you need to quit all the strength to merge the one who did it. The killing of the enemy leads to a return of printing to the center of the map and appears new opportunity Her capture. If your character belongs to durable tanks, then do not hesitate and go immediately into the thick of what is happening, trying to capture the seal by all the ways that you are only available. Capturing the seal, it is usually carried to the point of the resion of its faction, that is, where it is most convenient to protect it.

During the movement, you do not forget to protect the associate that carries it to the point of the respe. It should be attacked primarily of those opponents who are trying to destroy the print media. It is worth saying that the storage medium to learn is very simple, just he himself becomes this seal.

Video Passing Mad King

Video passing with zbt games

Elegant development will allow each player to plunge into fantastic and magic worldwhere everyone is waiting for actual new life. Since the beginning of the game, you need to choose as of what three characters you will have to perform in your little journey to the top of the glory.

It is enough just to use the available positive features of the character of each presented character in order to win very soon and demonstrate the highest result in the outcome of each opposition. Engage all their own strengthsTo beat the records of already existing people in the tournament table.


Cheats for Mad King:

Here are the most important cheats for the game:


Advantages of using cheats:

  • you do not need to enter data from the account, no one will see your login password
  • no need to download anything, then you are most protected from viruses
  • use of cheats without restrictions - enter code as much as you like
  • a unique tracking protection system, you can not be afraid to get a ban in the game
  • codes are entered into the console, which means not depend on the version of your operating system.

The most frequent question where to enter cheats for mAD Games King. You need to enter them into the console, call which you can by pressing the key with the Russian letter E (usually to the left of a single keyboard). To appear the console, the game should be launched in the browser. Please note that it does not work in all browsers!