How to make my little pony. Games create ponies. Play and create your little pony from Friendship is Magic online for free

We are glad to welcome you on the pages Pony Creator games or Create Your Own Pony... I would like to say right away that this section was not originally planned to be independent. but free games for girls have collected so much of the relevant material that it would simply be wrong if we added it to the existing games My Little Pony or Friendship is Magic. Moreover, one should take into account the fact that many entertainment applications such as "Create Your Own Pony" have whole series of Pony Creator's artistic adventures, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 pieces each. All this prompted us to think that with new hairstyles, little horses will look much better in the corresponding section of the site. Please note that almost all Pony Creator games are in Russian.

And this, as you dear girls understand, is worth a lot. After all, now you do not need to constantly test what this or that button is responsible for. You can just press the keys pre-signed in Russian and concentrate entirely on the process of creating a pony. To be fair, I must say that some programs here have very similar functionality. However, this may seem so only to an inexperienced user. Beginners of the game about New Pony Creator v3, such an oversight is always forgivable, so we will not judge them harshly. But what if Making Your Pony with Hairstyles is a new adventure and you haven't done it yet? Yes, this, in principle, does not matter. We should turn our full attention to the wonderful opportunities that the authors provide us with. Online Games for girls. After all, My Little Pony, in fact, are not such simple horses.

It is no coincidence that they belong to one of the most popular characters, not only, but also other tasks. And if we are talking about Creator 3, then this is where you will find all the best. We tried to make every effort to ensure that any girl received her favorite game about creating her own pony in Russian. Of course, with the new free hairstyle we will look like no other. However, let's take a look at the dashboard with tools. This is necessary in order to understand the possibilities of the game about the new Pony Creator 3.

Firstly, here all the characters are decorated in 3D style. That is, a three-dimensional image of space will allow us to fully immerse ourselves in a realistic and fabulous atmosphere. Secondly, free games "Create Your Own Pony" in Russian, as well as Pony Creator v3. Of course, we will no longer talk about the new hairstyle, which has already been talked about a lot. Therefore, dear girls, let's not neglect the huge selection of stories and online missions offered by this section. At the end, I would like to remind you so that you do not forget to share our website on social networks. After all, it was created specifically so that all lovers Pony Creator games could spend their leisure time for a pleasant occupation. Good luck to everyone, dear crumbs!

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About the pony editors

The cartoon about cute ponies who fight dangerous enemies and, thanks to their friendship, defeat them, has become very popular not only in America, but almost all over the world. And of course, with the growing popularity, all sorts of pictures, videos and drawings with cartoon characters began to appear. But the fans of the cartoon did not limit themselves to drawings alone, and one of them released a game, which is the editor of the pony. The game create your own pony gives you the opportunity to create your own cartoon character and save it on your computer, or send a link to the character to a friend.

But we note that the editor was not released alone, but there are at least several of them, and each of the editors differs in some peculiarities and models of heroes, so first you will need to choose one of them, and then create your own characters. By the way, inventing ponies is not necessary at all, you can find pictures of your favorite cartoon ponies and make them in the editor. Now we will analyze one of the most popular and sophisticated editors.

Game features create your own pony

In the most popular editor that we will review, it is possible to create almost any pony that occurs in the first three seasons of the cartoon, since almost all forms of horns, manes, tails and other attributes are collected here.

In addition, you will have the opportunity to completely customize the colors of each of the details on the horse's body, as well as the color of the body itself and even the eyes. Let's take a closer look at all sections of the editor.

  • Body (body) - on the left, at the very beginning we see three switches. The first switch controls the height and age of the pony. By setting it to the minimum value, you can make a baby that has not even gone to school yet, and by setting it to the maximum, you can make a pony with huge legs. The second switch controls the thickness of your new character. The farther to the left the arrow is, the thicker your character will be and, accordingly, the farther to the right, the thinner. Below you can choose one of eight head shape options. And also one or five options for the shape of the horn and one of the many wings. But if you do not want your hero to have a horn and wings, then they will be easy to remove.
  • Eye - select the shape of the eyes, which greatly affects the expression on the pony's faces and the pupil of the eye. In addition, you can choose the color of the eye, picking it up from thousands of possible options. Will be available and different variants eyebrows.
  • Mane (hairstyle) - choose one of hundreds of hairstyles that will suit both filly and stallions. After choosing the shape of the hairstyle, you can change its color. The game has the ability to choose one color or two. If you choose two, the tips of the tail and mane will be colored in that color.
  • Background (background of the picture) - at this point in the game, create your pony, you can choose the background of the picture, on top of which your character will be depicted. There are 7 different images available here, in addition, you can make the background a solid color, but for this you need to adjust the palette.
  • Color (body color) - at the beginning we are asked to set the type of coloring, you can make your pony spotted, striped or set any of 10 patterns. Once you set the shape, you can paint this pattern any color you like. Below you can customize the pattern on the face and hooves.
  • Face - edit the face of the resulting hero. The first step is to figure out the shape of the mouth. There are a lot of options in this game and it is very important to choose the appropriate one, because the mouth is responsible for the expression that will be on the face. Thanks to the mouth, you can make your character evil, kind, funny, harmless or, on the contrary, aggressive. Then you can add freckles, change the shape of the ears, and you can even make them grow not up, but down. The final touch for the face will be the ability to make a mustache and beard.
  • Tail - The tail is very important for any pony, so be very careful when choosing its shape. After selecting the shape, the ponytail in this game can be painted in different colors. You yourself can choose one color to use or two.
  • Advanced (settings) - here you can save the resulting image in several options - in good quality, as well as with or without background. In addition, a special code is available here, with which you can always return to changing the resulting character.

In addition to changing the appearance of the character, in this game you can choose accessories for all body parts and poses of the pony. A pose can be selected as an existing one, or you can make it yourself in a special pose editor.

Description of flash games

Create your Little Pony

Sozdaj svoyu poni

Ever dreamed of creating your own Little Pony? Then this free builder is definitely for you. Its main advantage is a lot of customizable parameters. First, set the basic characteristics of the pony. This can be height, weight, skin color, ponytail shape, and so on. Then go to advanced settings and select the shape of the hooves, eye color, hair color. At this stage, the pony will already look good, but that's not all. Now you need to dress her in nice clothes. We go to the trendy pony boutique and choose only the most stylish items. Don't forget about accessories and buy a fashionable handbag for your little one. After an unforgettable image is created, share it with your friends using the buttons social networks... When they see your cute pony, they will also want to create something similar for themselves. After creation, it is better to save a screenshot so that you always have a pony at hand. Please note that a special option is available in the constructor that allows you to change the pose, that is, your pony can take absolutely any position! Run

The game Create Your Pony 3 invites you to apply all your creative skills to create your favorite character.

The toy is a kind of constructor with which you can create a variety of ponies. At the beginning of the game, you have a blank on which you can add new elements. First, change the main characteristics: height, weight, body shape. Then you can safely move on to choosing the color of the horse: make it monochromatic or with drawings. The game Create a Pony 3 offers a lot of options for patterns, and there is a whole palette of possible colors for the body!

Game Make Your Pony 3: Rules and Structure

In addition to creating a pony body, there are many other cute features in the game. So, you can decide on the shape of the mane and tail, as well as their colors. Here you can also choose different patterns that will make your ponies even more original and attractive. But the process of creation does not stop there either. You have yet to add accessories to your horse to make it even more attractive. Also choose the right pose for your pony and choose the background on which it will look most impressive. Using all the possibilities of the game, you can create a variety of ponies that will have a unique appearance. The game Create Your Own Pony 3 will certainly appeal to all fans of the cartoon and will give them a lot of vivid impressions! Feel free to launch this wonderful entertainment and start creating cute ponies that cause only pleasant emotions.

It is not for nothing that the pony games are highlighted in a special section: millions of fans want to play My Little Pony - create, dress up, care for and go through incredible adventures together. This is because the games "My little Pony"Made with love for the cartoon" Friendship is a Miracle "- recognized not only by the audience of little girls, but also by adult players all over the world!

The best games from Ponyville

Children love Pony games because they are dedicated to a beautiful and kind cartoon. Together it is interesting to continue the familiar stories of horse girls - to choose hairstyles and change outfits. Cool games Equestria Girls pony dress up girls are already waiting in the fashion simulators Sparkle and Applejack, Princess of the Moon and Rainbow Dash. Adventure lovers can storm enemies with the game "", prepare babies for a beauty contest or treat them in the clinic.

Adult gamers love that the game's ponies are polished, attractive and filled with detail. A wonderful series of games "" will help everyone to show the talents of the creator. This how to make a pony (creator) game will help you make your character unique by choosing from a stunning variety of manes, tails, hooves, accessories, poses and hairstyles.

Whoever you are, have fun playing. And we will help you choose the most suitable entertainment!