Board game “Monopoly with bank cards. "Monopoly" with bank cards: difference from other games in the series, customer reviews Monopoly with bank cards description

Remain the only one not bankrupt

Progress of the game

Roll both dice; whoever gets the most points on the dice starts. The turn is passed clockwise. On your turn, roll the dice and advance your piece clockwise the number of steps rolled around the perimeter of the game board. Two or more pieces can be on the same field at the same time. Depending on which field you are on, either:
  • Buy real estate (if it does not belong to another player).
  • Allow the banker to auction the property (if you don't want to buy it).
  • Pay rent (if the property is owned by another player).
  • Pay taxes
  • Take the “Chance” or “Public Treasury” card.
  • You're going to jail.
  • If you own an entire color group, build houses or hotels on those lots. If you've run out of money, mortgage or sell the property to pay off creditors. If you fail to get enough money to pay rent, taxes, or a bill, you are declared bankrupt and out of the game. No player is allowed to borrow or lend money. However, another player can accept any of your properties in lieu of the money you owe him. If you roll a double, proceed as usual and roll again. If you roll three doubles in a row, you go to jail! The game continues until there is only one player left in the game. This player is the winner!

    Beginning of the game

    Press any key or insert a card. The initial balance of each player is 15m. rub. When a card is inserted into the bank, the card number is displayed on the screen along with the current balance of that player.

    Opportunities to get money:

  • Passing the field "Forward"
  • Rent
  • Sale of houses and hotels
  • Pledge
  • Bankrupt Player
  • You receive money from the banker if:

  • If so indicated on the “Chance” and “Public Treasury” cards
  • Passage of the field "Forward"
  • Sales of houses and hotels
  • Secured loan
  • The description and rules of the game are written for the classic version of Monopoly. If you don’t know the rules of the game, or don’t remember well, we recommend starting with the classic version for convenience and ease of understanding. Other versions of the game follow the same rules, but the names of the playing fields and cards may be different from those described in the rules.

    Brief description of the game

    Monopoly is a classic game where you can buy, rent and sell your property! At the beginning of the game, participants place their chips on the “Forward” field, then move them along playing field depending on the number of points rolled on the dice.

    If you find yourself on a Real Estate Plot that does not yet belong to anyone, then you can buy this Real Estate from the Bank. If you decide not to buy it, it can be sold at the Auction House to the highest bidder. Players who have Real Estate can charge rent from players who enter their Lot. When building Houses and Hotels, the rent increases significantly, so you should build on as many Lots as possible.

    If you need money, you can mortgage your Property.

    During the game, you should always follow the instructions written on the Community Chest and Chance cards. But don't relax - in some cases you may be sent to prison.


    Remain the only non-bankrupt player.

    Beginning of the game

    The chips of all players are lined up on the “Forward” field, after which each player takes his turn in turn.

    Progress of the game

    When it's your turn, roll the dice. Your piece will move forward along the board in a clockwise direction. The field you land on determines what you need to do. Several chips can be on one field at the same time. Depending on what field you find yourself on, you will have to:

      buy plots for construction or other real estate

      pay rent if you find yourself on property owned by other players

      pay taxes

      draw a “Chances” or “Public Treasury” card

      end up in jail

      relax in the “Free parking”

      receive a salary of $200,000

    Same number on both dice

    If you roll the dice and they both come up with the same number of points (a double), your piece will move as usual and you will act according to the requirements of the square you find yourself on. You then have the right to roll the dice again. If you get the same number of points on both dice three times in a row, you immediately go to prison.

    Passing the “Forward” field

    Whenever you stop or pass the "Forward" space while moving clockwise, the Bank pays you a salary of 200,000. This amount can be received twice in the same turn if, for example, you end up on the "Chance" or " Public Treasury" immediately after the field "Forward" and pulled out a card with the inscription "Move to the field forward."

    Buying a property

    If you land on a space that represents unoccupied Real Estate (that is, on a building site not occupied by any players), you will have the first buyer's right to purchase it. If you decide to buy real estate, pay the Bank the money in the amount indicated on the playing field. In exchange, you will receive ownership of this property (the playing field will be colored in the color of your chip).

    If you decide not to purchase the Property, it will be put up for auction immediately. In this case, it is purchased by the player who offers the highest price for it. A player who refuses to purchase Real Estate does not take part in the auction.

    If, as a result of the auction, none of the players bought (or were unable to buy) the Real Estate, then it remains free.

    Real estate ownership

    Owning a property gives you the right to collect rent from any tenants who stay in the space that marks it. It is very profitable to own the real estate of the entire color group - in other words, own a monopoly. If you own an entire color group, you can build houses on any piece of Property in that color.

    Stopping at someone else's property

    If you stop at someone else's Property that was previously purchased by another player, you may be required to pay rent for that stop. The amount of real estate rent may vary depending on the houses and hotels built on the property. If all the Properties of one color group are owned by one player, the rent charged to you for stopping on any lot of that group is doubled, provided that there are no buildings on the lots of the group. However, if the owner of an entire color group has at least one portion of the Property in that group mortgaged, he cannot charge you double rent. If Houses and Hotels have been built on the Real Estate plots, the rent from these plots increases. No rent will be charged for staying on the mortgaged Property.

    Stop at a utility field

    If you land on one of these fields, you can buy that Utility if no one has already bought it. As with the purchase of other real estate, in this case you will have to pay the Bank the amount indicated in this field.

    If you decide not to purchase the Property, the Utility is put up for auction and sold to the highest bidder. You cannot take part in the auction.

    If, as a result of the auction, none of the players bought (or was unable to buy) the Utility Enterprise, then it remains free.

    If this Utility has already been purchased by another player, he may demand rent from you. The rent for such a business will be four times the number of points rolled on the dice (you roll the dice again to determine the amount of the rent). If a player owns both Utilities, you will have to pay him an amount equal to ten times the number of points rolled.

    Stop at the station

    If you are the first to land on such a field, you will have the opportunity to buy this station. If you do not want to purchase the Station, it goes to auction and is sold to the player who offered the highest amount for it. You cannot take part in the auction.

    If, as a result of the auction, none of the players bought (or were unable to buy) the Station, then it remains free.

    If the Station already has an owner, the person who ends up there must pay rent. This fee depends on the number of stations the player who owns the station you are staying at has. The more stations the owner has, the higher the fee.

    Stop at the "Chance" and "Public Treasury" field

    Stopping on such a field means that you get one of the cards from the corresponding group. These cards may require you to:

      moved your chip

      paid money, for example, taxes

      got money

      went to prison

      released from prison free of charge

    You must immediately follow the instructions on the card. If you pick up a card that says “get out of jail free,” you can keep it until you need it, or you can sell it to another player for a negotiated price.

    Note: The card may say that you must move the piece to another space. If you cross the Forward field clockwise while driving, you will receive $200,000. If you are sent to Prison, then you do not cross the “Forward” field.

    Stop at the tax field

    If you have settled on such a field, you just need to pay the appropriate amount to the bank.

    Free parking

    If you stop on such a field, then simply rest until your next move. You are here for free and are not subject to any penalties.


    You are sent to Prison if:

      You landed on the "Go to Jail" box, or

      You picked up a "Chance" or "Public Chest" card that said "Go to Jail" or

      You get the same number of points on both dice three times in a row in one turn.

    Your turn ends when you are sent to Jail. If you go to Prison on a card, the $200,000 salary will not be paid to you, no matter where you were previously.

    To get out of Prison you need:

      pay a fine of $50,000 and continue playing, or

      buy a “Get Out of Jail Free” card from another player and use it to free yourself, or

      use the card if you already have one, or

      stay here, skipping three of your turns, but every time it comes to your turn, roll the dice, and if you get a double on both dice in one of these moves, you can get out of prison and go through the number of fields that fell on cubes.

    After you have missed three turns while in Jail, you must leave the Jail and pay $50,000 before you can move your pawn to the number of spaces rolled on the dice.

    While in Prison you have the right to collect rent for your Property if it is not mortgaged. If you were not sent to the Prison, but simply stopped at the Prison space during the game, you do not pay a penalty, since you "just visited" it. On your next turn, you can move on as usual.

    At home

    Once you have collected all the Property lots of the same color group, you can buy Houses to place on any of the lots you have. This increases the rent you can charge tenants staying at your Property. You can buy houses during your turn before rolling the die. The cost of a home varies depending on the line to which the Real Estate color groups belong. In one turn, you can build no more than one house on fields belonging to the same color group.

    The maximum number of houses on one site is four.

    You can also sell houses back to the bank if necessary. The cost of the house in this case will be the same for what you purchased it for.

    You cannot build houses if at least one plot of this color group is laid out.


    Before you can buy hotels, you need to have four houses on the site where you want to build a hotel. Hotels are bought in the same way as houses, at the same price. When a hotel is erected, four houses from this site are returned to the bank. Only one hotel can be built on each site.

    Property For Sale

    You can sell undeveloped plots, train stations and utility companies to any player by entering into a private deal with him, for an amount agreed upon between you. If there are houses or hotels on the plots you are selling, then you cannot sell such real estate. First, you need to sell the houses and hotels located in all areas of this color group to the bank, and only after that offer the deal to another player.

    In a transaction, both sides may be offered for exchange both plots of Real Estate, money and prison release cards. Exchange combinations can be very diverse at the discretion of the players. If the player is not interested in the proposed deal, he can refuse it.

    Neither houses nor hotels can be sold to other players. They can only be sold to a bank. Making deals with other players is only possible during the first stage of your turn, i.e. before you roll the dice.

    If necessary, in order for you to receive money, hotels can be replaced with houses again. To do this, you need to sell the hotel to the bank and receive four houses in return, plus the cost of the hotel itself.


    If you have no money left, but may have debts, you can get money by mortgaging some Real Estate or selling houses or hotels. In order to mortgage real estate, you must first sell all the houses and hotels built on the plots of the color group being mortgaged. When pledging, you receive from the bank an amount equal to half the cost of the plot being pledged. If you later want to buy out the mortgaged Property, you will have to pay the bank its full value, plus 10% on top.

    If you mortgage any Property, it still belongs to you. No player has the right to buy it back from the bank instead of you.

    Mortgaged Properties cannot be charged rent, although rent may still flow to you for other Properties in the same color group.

    You cannot sell pledged Property to other players.

    The opportunity to build houses on plots appears only after purchasing all plots of one color group without exception.


    If you owe the bank or other players more money than you can get from your gaming assets, you are declared bankrupt and are out of the game.

    If you owe the bank, the bank gets all your money and all your Real Estate. The property returned to the bank goes on free sale. Also, get-out-of-jail cards are returned to the bank.

    If you go bankrupt due to debts to another player, all your assets are sent to the bank. The property returned to the bank goes on free sale. And the Bank pays your debtor the amount of the debt.

    You can also become bankrupt if you do not have time to complete any game action in the allotted time.

    Game Notes

    Money can be given as a loan to the player only by the Bank and only on the security of Real Estate.

    No player can borrow money from another player or lend money to another player.


    The last participant remaining in the game is the winner.

    I've been wanting to buy something like this for my home for a long time. I dreamed of how on rainy or cold evenings, sitting comfortably with friends on a pull-out sofa, placing Monopoly in the center, while leisurely sipping mulled wine with my favorite candies, I would play.
    When Monopoly was purchased, everything turned out to be not so romantic... My husband and I played only together. Three times at most. And since then, the box with the game has been lying on the closet gathering dust.
    However, I can safely assure you that the game is cool and interesting to play, the only thing is that it takes a very long time, which is why we probably won’t get around to playing it.
    Plus, we only played together, and perhaps when more people are playing, it will be almost impossible to collect cards of the same color (to win), but more on that later...


    We bought the game in a small store, which was located along the corridor in the Monsoon Shopping Center in the city of Sevastopol. Cost - 2000 rubles. I don’t rule out that the game is a fake of the original, but maybe I’m wrong.
    Manufacturer, of course China; importer LLC "Nevada", St. Petersburg.
    Shelf-life Unlimited.
    It is not recommended to give the game to children under three years of age.

    To play the game, we had to buy 2 batteries for the bank terminal.


    This is a fast-paced real estate trading game.
    The goal of the game is to win while remaining the only player who has not gone bankrupt.
    We must use our capital rationally, while trying to lead our opponents to absolute bankruptcy. Bankrupt leaves the game.
    The game is quite long, but you can speed it up.

    For example, play Fast Monopoly. Here the Banker (roughly speaking, the presenter) distributes 2 Owner cards at once, then the game continues as usual with some concessions when purchasing Houses and Hotels.

    There is also Speed ​​Monopoly. Here everything is as simple as shelling pears, you agree on the time when the game should end. The richest player at the end of the game wins.


    The game is designed for 2-6 people. This is a huge plus because other Monopoly games mostly offer play for up to four people.
    Age 8+.


    • 1 playing field
    • electronic banking device (I’ll write more about it)
    • 6 bank cards (for 6 players respectively, very similar to real plastic bank cards)
    • Owner cards (this includes 2 Utility cards; 4 Airports; and of course, Lot cards)
    • Chance cards
    • Public Treasury cards
    • 2 game dice
    • 6 chips
    • 32 Houses (plastic green rectangles)
    • 12 Hotels (plastic red long rectangles)
    • instructions (quite sparse, not everything is clear from it)

    Size - 50 by 50 cm. The field is made of fairly thick cardboard, hard. It is colorful, bright, with beautiful designs. In the center of the field there is a logo of the game, as well as architectural monuments of Russia.

    Along the edges of the field is divided into cells containing Cities, Treasury, Chance, Prison, Taxes and the like.

    It is compactly assembled and reduced by 4 times.


    Simply put - Terminal. This is exactly my problem.

    When I bought the game, I very much doubted it, expecting that the terminal might be glitchy and it would be easier to play the game with paper banknotes. But my husband still insisted on buying a game with a terminal. Of course, it’s more interesting, it’s original, it’s cool, that’s what we thought...

    We played the first game normally, although we didn’t finish it completely. But in the second game, adventures happened... The terminal just froze , and after the reboot (they took out the batteries), all the money from the bank cards disappeared and the number 15,000 appeared, just like at the beginning of the game. The mood was ruined!
    Then we tried to play, remembering the score on the cards. And then history repeated itself. Then again and again. It was stressful to remember the numbers after each operation, and I was also sipping mulled wine at the same time, so I forced my husband to find banknotes for the game on the Internet and print them out, while in the evenings I sat cutting out banknotes and drawing zeros on them.

    Another minus of the terminal is speed. The game packaging cleverly states that playing with cards is a time saver. In fact, no. It's much faster to issue money or repay a debt by handing over a paper banknote, rather than turning on the terminal, inserting cards, pressing how much to transfer funds, etc... it all takes much longer.


    1. B Owner cards includes three types of property:

    • Utility cards are one Internet card and one Mobile card;
    • Airport cards - 4 pcs.;
    • cards Areas, also known as Cities. There are the most of these cards - 22 pcs.
      They come in 8 colors. 6 colors have 3 cities each (that is, one color has 3 cities of this color) and 2 colors have 2 cities each. What does it mean? You ideally need to collect City Lots of the same color; if you do this, you become a monopolist and can build Houses, Hotels on these lots and collect increased rent.

    2. Cards Chance- 16 pieces. You can get them if a Chance appears on the field. Chance can bring you profit in the form of money, or vice versa, you will be asked to pay for something, or Chance can move you to another city or Prison. It depends on your luck here.

    3. Public Treasury Cards also 16 pcs. Very similar to Chance, you can also, for example, receive an inheritance, or you can pay some kind of tax to the Treasury, or end up in Prison.


    Silver metal chips - 6 pieces, as well as the maximum number of players. Made in the form racing car, hamburger, roller skates, airplane, mobile phone, skateboard

    Each participant chooses a chip they like, which will indicate where the participant is on the field.


    First, let's get comfortable, because the game is long. Then you need to choose a Banker, who in turn can simultaneously be a player. The banker gives the players a bank card containing 15M (millions, in numbers this equals 15 thousand) or gives this money in playing notes if the game is played without a terminal.
    Then players select Chips and place them on the Forward (Start) field. Then the participants take turns throwing the dice; whoever has the most goes first. The game begins. The first player rolls the dice and moves the Chip around the field based on the number that appears. If a City is written on a cell, the player can buy it. When a player enters a City that was not purchased by him, he pays Rent. The point is for the player to collect cards with Lots of the same color, then he will be able to build Houses and Hotels on them, and after construction, collect increased Rent from competitors and then, perhaps, they will go bankrupt.
    After a player completes a round of the Game, he receives a cash bonus of 2M on the Forward square.
    So the game continues, first Plots are purchased, then real estate is built on them.
    In this case, players may suffer losses. For example, after purchasing Plots, the player is broke, and then he ends up on someone else’s property - he needs to pay Rent. Then the player begins to mortgage his Plots, after which he will no longer be able to receive Rent from them, and accordingly loses his profit.
    If the expenses of one of the players do not cover the total value of the purchased property, the player is declared bankrupt.
    The game ends when only 1 participant remains on the field. He becomes the winner.


    • A fun game for a group
    • It will be interesting for both adults and children
    • You can try different strategies
    • Beautiful design, cards, field
    • Quality product (not counting the terminal)


    • Terminal
    • There were not enough chips for Houses and Hotels
    • Very long game

    On a note.It's always more interesting to play for something... Let it be your favorite chocolate bar, and if you are allergic to sweets, let the loser wash the dishes all day.

    Who doesn't know the board game Monopoly? Probably everyone in childhood had the opportunity to take part in this economic competition at least once. There is no need to talk about the popularity of this series.

    People loved this game; its various variations become frequent guests at meetings with friends. "Monopoly" with bank cards is something new, different from the usual version with the introduction of cashless payments. The meaning of the game has not changed: it’s still the same old good economic strategy, which has raised more than one generation of genre lovers.

    History of Monopoly

    This board game first appeared about a hundred years ago and immediately conquered the market. Until now, it is the most popular and recognizable in the world. Everyone wants to take part in the economic competition of real estate trading. And Monopoly with bank cards provides this opportunity.

    Players need to build houses and hotels, and also receive money from their rivals if they are on someone else's territory. This is where people can show off their negotiation and sales skills. To make the most profitable deal and become a monopolist is the goal of this game. It is necessary to find ways to bankrupt competitors, as well as avoid prison cells and taxes.

    Economic strategy attracts with its ease and at the same time the chance to show your best qualities.

    About the game features

    "Monopoly" with bank cards has its own feature that distinguishes it from other versions. A cashless payment system was used here for the first time. Instead of money, the game includes a special ATM, through which the purchase and construction of a site, as well as other currency transactions, are carried out.

    The Monopoly game with bank cards looks more modern than other variations. Besides, game process has become much faster: there is no need to count out banknotes to purchase a plot. Simply enter the amount into the ATM, and the system will automatically calculate the remaining balance.

    Rules of the game

    In principle, this version of Monopoly is no different from others in terms of conditions. The playing field is a square divided into sectors of different colors. The following trade objects are offered: streets, utilities and railways. When a player lands on a free sector, he has the right to buy it. When entering a purchased plot, the player must pay rent.

    As already noted, the Monopoly board game of this type has bank cards available. With their help, all financial transactions are carried out. Payment of rent occurs as follows: two bank cards are inserted into a special device, then money from one is transferred to the other. If a player owns all the plots of the same color, he can build houses and then hotels. This version characterized by the fact that houses are stacked on top of each other, forming a skyscraper. This is quite interesting and looks unusual.