True or action questions 18 plus vulgar. What can I ask for boys

In relations between a guy and a girl sometimes there is no misunderstanding, even if young people occur for a long time. One of the most complex faces that has a lot of nuances, feature and subtleties, is an intima theme.

Girls sometimes shy something to ask, young people are afraid to offend the chosen, as a result, both break their heads, not knowing anything about the partner.

To avoid this, it is important to talk to each other, asking questions, provocative and uncomfortable, thanks to the answers you can get to know each other better, understand your half preferences.

The representatives of the fine floor are solved for such conversations for a long time, thoroughly thinking of their questions. What questions you can ask a guy how to delicately clarify its preferences in bed, whether it is worth discussing sexual activity with it - and this is not all that worries the girl, but only a small part.

It is best to start from the main one - clarify about the previous relationship, their duration and cause of separation. Perhaps if you are not so long together, the young man can refuse to answer such questions.

In this case, do not press, he needs time to prepare for such a reasoning, or experiences remaining from previous experience, still worry.

Many girlfriends advise "to live" a guy, search on his page in the former girl and communicate with her independently or threaten the beloved to write to squeeze the truth out of it.

What do girls usually ask their choices? A precise formula that will help learn the necessary information will allow the guy to respond to honestly and sincerely, does not exist. You will have to make it yourself.

There are topics most secure and generalized, allowing you to get common information about a person, and there are sharper and intimate, giving ideas about personal life. With the first type of questions, it usually does not arise problems, and similar information It turns out during the first stage of the relationship. Some difficulties arise from the second.

If you definitely decided to ask the guy's tricky questions, then think over them in advance. They should not sound offensively or with a grin. For example, if you ask why your beloved previously had no sexual bonds, you should not mock it inexperienced. And, on the contrary, if he had many girls, you should not put it with a womanizer and extremely iligible in terms of sexual contacts.

The most secure option to start the conversation is to ask about preferences. The guy will share his tastes, will tell about favorite fantasies or shares the innermost desires that were not previously embodied in life. This will help you to learn your man better, and in the future to realize his erotic dreams into reality.

To help indecisive girls start a difficult conversation, we recommend viewing Top 15 permissible provocative issues that can be set in the chosen one.

  1. How old did you have first sexual contact?
  2. How do you like to make love?
  3. You prefer traditional sex or using auxiliary items (toys, costumes)
  4. What do you think about role-playing games?
  5. What part of the female body is the most erotic?
  6. How do you feel about a variety of bed?
  7. Do you have a difference between classes with love and sex?
  8. Do you think yourself vulgar? And if so, why?
  9. What intimate themes are you embarrassed?
  10. What do you categorically do not like in sex?
  11. What things do you think are permissible in an intimate plan, and what strictly do not accept?
  12. What things do you seem sexy?
  13. What girls do you have excitement?
  14. Can you describe your last erotic fantasy?
  15. Tell me about the first girl, which caused your desire to have sex?

You can make up 100 questions that interest you and offer the beloved to choose 20-30 most liked and answer them. When drawing up, remember that the main goal is to know each other better, and not cringe in the discussion process.

Great way to talk and have fun at the same time will be the game "True or Action?", Most likely, you have already heard about her or even played with friends.

If she is unfamiliar to you, find the rules on the Internet, good, they are pretty simple even for beginners. During the game you can safely ask interesting questions On the topic of relationships, sex and personal preferences, while not forcing the guy is very nervous because of the seriousness of the conversation.

In the midst of the game, completely at ease, you will learn about the most intimate thoughts and get an honest answer for the most inconvenient and vulgar issues. After all, this is just a game.

Vulgar questions guy by correspondence

If you are at a distance from each other or a conspicitivity relationship, you can ask your questions in various social networks: VKontakte, Twitter or Skype when communicating. It will save you from an excess embarrassment and will make it possible to raise those interested in the themes without the share of awkwardness during the discussion.

Questions to you

What if the young man decided to start a conversation first and most of the delicate nuances of relationships? First, answer honestly. It will help you learn each other better, and will also save from misunderstanding in the future.

Secondly, do not be afraid. What sophisticated questions (maybe even with a trick) he asked, remember that it is not interrogated with the addiction, but a confidence conversation between two close people. Your answers will affect further relationship, but should not be caused for avoiding and ridicule.

Thirdly, tell us positive moments without focusing on past failures. If in the previous relationship, the young man left you, without leaving a letter with apologies, expressing some complaints, do not hurry to accuse all the men's population in infidelity and severity.

It is better to specify that the past experience was not the most successful, but now you have a chance to build a full relationship.

And finally, remember that vulgar questions guy or questions addressed to you personally are aimed at studying each other. They are needed to smooth all roughness in a relationship, find common points of contact and build further actions, pushing out preferences, avoiding unpleasant aspects. Good luck!

Mother two children. We have been holding a household for more than 7 years - this is my main job. I love to experiment, constantly try various means, methods, techniques that can make our life easier, modern, saturated. I love my family.

The game, familiar to everyone, is perfect for the studnik. "True or action" - or "truth or desire" is a pretty fun way to spend time and get to know each other closer. Make a list of interesting phantom actions in order not to invent them on the go. Recall the rules: Participants of the game are sitting in a circle and ask the question in turn: True or action? The one who chooses the truth undertakes to answer any question, and the one who preferred the action performs any, even the most amazing, wish from the list of actions. You can repeat only twice: that is, after two answers, "True" will have to inevitably perform "action".

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If questions on the "truth" are very individual, then unusual actions can be invented in advance in view of where the game will be held. Dangerous for the health of Phanti to the bachelorette party is better to exclude. We offer action options for every taste!

  1. Read the poem without preparation.
  2. Stand up in a tree pose (Persohasana) for three minutes.
  3. Brew tea for all present.
  4. Build a card house.
  5. Stay tango with a plush toy.
  6. Make selfie with each of those present separately.
  7. Make a foot massage to man on the left.
  8. Order pizza and eat alone.
  9. Cook your nails to the right.
  10. Sight song 90s.
  11. Will pay on the maps to someone from those present. Be able to guess not necessarily!
  12. Invent and sing the hymn of the magic state.
  13. Show the scene with the help of fingers (finger theater)
  14. Prepare a refined dish of existing products.
  15. Mix cocktails to the entire company.
  16. Show how the pigeon goes.
  17. Cut from paper snowflakes and decorate the room regardless of the time of year.
  18. Come up with quatrains about some of those present.
  19. Draw a portrait of a man who asked the question.
  20. Cress up in the style of the 80s and make a photo for memory.
  21. Pictulate a March cat.
  22. Pronounce very long and instructive Caucasian toast.
  23. Play in "Stone, scissors, paper" with a man on the left. The winner gets the right to pass.
  24. Contact those present with the New Year's speech.
  25. Twist a balloon figurine.
  26. Tell a bearded but funny joke. Beardability is the main condition.
  27. Make roses from napkins and give a bouquet to a man on the right.
  28. Fulfill the dance of small ducklings, singing independently.
  29. News. Tell those present about the latest events occurring in the world.
  30. Submit that the corridor is a podium. To show the mod. Flash cameras are welcome!
  31. Spray from the wall, clapping in the palm, 15 times.
  32. Fight on the big fingers with those who sits on the contrary!
  33. Come up with and tell an alternative version of the ending of the film "Titanic"
  34. Make yourself hairstyle "Palm" until the end of the evening.
  35. Stand up on the "bridge" or at least try.
  36. Open the dictionary on a random page, choose a word and show it gestures without using words.
  37. Tell a very terrible story.
  38. Talk with an emphasis all evening. Focus on the discretion of the public!
  39. To sit in the lotus position and embrace Buddha for five minutes.
  40. Fold origami by memory.

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We hope that such phanti-actions are perfect for a fun and friendly bachelorette party and will even help reveal talents. Suddenly someone sings perfectly, draws or improvises? Surely after such a game will be, what to remember. Feel free to do not worry about who and what will look like during the tasks, and then the game will only bring positive emotions!

Anna Curkin, Editor Miss Bride

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To favorites 17

The game "True or Action" is a great way to spend time with a girl and seduce it. In the process of the game, all participants have strong emotions, and communication becomes much more frank. You can play anywhere: at a party, visiting, in a cafe, on a date ... You can do it both together with a girl and big company. "Truth or action" can be unexpectedly offered as an option to have fun. However, so that the game is indeed interesting, you should consider a few moments. In particular, ask the girl the right questions.

How to play

Rules are simple! One player asks a question to another player: - True or action? If the opponent chooses the "truth", he is asked by the question to which should be maximally honest. If it chooses "Action", a task is given to perform any action that needs to be performed.

Regardless of choice, it funny game For everyone, and in the room will probably start to break the loud laughter 😆. For the game to go fun, make sure that your questions may affect a delicate topic. They must be provocative, embarrassing another player. However, be careful and intend that the action proposed by you will not hurt your opponent: everything should be within the law and do not harm health.

In this article you will find excellent questions to the girl for the game "True or Action". They will make the girl blush and confused.

List of questions to the girl in the game "True or Action"

  1. Tell me about the worst dating that you have ever walked?
  2. Did you feel feelings for your girlfriend's guy?
  3. If I had to kiss with a guy from school / uni, who would choose?
  4. You have to choose: not wash your hair for a month or passing a whole day without a bra.
  5. Have you ever invited a guy's date? If yes, how was it?
  6. Met me with a guy who is older than you at least 10 years?
  7. Worst kiss with a guy? How it was?
  8. What size is your chest?
  9. Do you usually wear thongs or ordinary pants?
  10. Enjoy yourself in the mirror?
  11. Did you have unrequited love?
  12. What animals can you be compared in bed?
  13. Tell me about the act for which you still have a shame?
  14. What makes you most exciting?
  15. Someday came to date, and the young man did not come?
  16. Do you like the movie "Twilight"?
  17. If you had the opportunity to marry a celebrity, who would it be?
  18. Tell me who are you feeling at the moment? Who do you like?
  19. What hairstyle you always wanted to do, but did not solve it?
  20. The worst thing you did in front of a person who do you like?
  21. What part of your body do you like, and what you hate?
  22. If it could change one thing in my body or appearance, so that it was?
  23. Who was your first kiss with? Did you like it?
  24. Would you kiss the guy on the first date? Could you go on?
  25. Name the 5 most attractive guys from the class / group?
  26. How many children do you want to have in the future?
  27. Who do you hate most?
  28. Have you ever flirted with your girlfriend's brother?
  29. Ward, nerd or bad guy?
  30. The sexiest thing in a man?
  31. The sexiest thing in the girl?
  32. What would you do if for one day I became a guy?
  33. Tell me about the work of dreams?
  34. You would have to go to a uninhabited island. Name five things that take with you?
  35. If a young man is lower than you, it will create obstacles to your relationship?
  36. The best friend says that you fell in love with your boyfriend. What will you do?
  37. Name one thing that would like to change in me?
  38. You won a trip and allowed to take two people with you. Who are they?
  39. What is more annoying you in the best friend?
  40. Have you ever sent an SMS to that man? What was written there?

These questions can be asked the girl in the game "True or Action".

Whatever the situation, do not miss the opportunity to create a pleasant and fun atmosphere. Then it will be that remember. In addition, you can invent your own questions. The more comfortable atmosphere in the company or on a date, the more original and cool ideas will come to your mind. Successes!

The truth or action game is ideal for friends, ready for provocative issues and ridiculous funny actions. Frank conversations and awkward situations - no one will have to miss anyone. In the rules it is difficult to get confused: each participant takes turn card from one of the four decks and performs the mandated. Someone will have to read rap or sing songs, and someone is the most frank - tell about the last date.

So what to choose?

All maps are divided into four types: actions, hidden actions, general issues And hot questions. Participants themselves choose the degree of frankness and liberty, because the tasks are separated by different decks. If the company is familiar enough and is not afraid of risk, cards can be collected in one stack - so the game will become even more interesting.

Honest answer

Someone wanted to know about the first love of my boyfriend? It is reasonable about carefully hidden shortcomings of a cute girl? All this and larger issues are larger. Action cards will require participants in fantasy and artistism: which of the guys are able to go through the imaginary podium with the grace of a predatory cat, who makes the best massage? But hidden actions should seem natural, so someone will have to portray love in a neighbor, and someone will turn into a pre-fergrika. From the frank and hot questions, some can be confused, because the recognition of erotic fantasies or the story of the worst failure in love requires courage.

In the winners of everything

The most artistic and sincere participants can get a prize - the right to forward or replace any question or action. He is awarded the entire company. This is the only I. best awardBut the most important thing is an unforgettable evening in a close circle filled with fun and playful jokes.

In the box:

  • 232 cards with questions and tasks,
  • Rules of the game.

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